Page 1: My Occupational Identity - By Sarah Reed

My Occupational Identity

By Sarah Reed

Page 2: My Occupational Identity - By Sarah Reed

Training racehorses: something I do, have done for a long time and will continue to do for as long as is possible.

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Travel – exploring other countries and cultures has become part of being who I am and therefore part of my identity.

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Educating my horses: enables me to just ‘be’. Am existing in the moment and nothing else concerns me.

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Chiefs supporter - being with close friends at the rugby and other events evokes a feeling of belonging, it also forms a doing component to my occupational identity.

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Godmother – spending time with my goddaughter, a role that I will be involved in for life, is ever-changing as she develops and a role which enables me to ‘become’.

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Student- an occupation I have been involved in in the past, and again at present. Part of ‘becoming’ a qualified occupational therapist.

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Team mate: being part of the round-the-lake relay team enables me to feel a sense of belonging through occupation.

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Squash: playing squash provides me with an opportunity to both ‘do’ and ‘belong’. I play the game both as an individual and as a team, and it plays a large part in my occupational identity.

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Attending Concerts: I try and attend at least two per year, usually with a group of friends, it is certainly an occupation that I ‘do’ to enable me to ‘be’. Music is good for my spirit.

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Family member - being a daughter, and sister provides me with many occupational roles and experiences. Being part of my family has enabled me to become what I am today, and will assist be to ‘become’ in the future. It has also provided me with a sense of belonging.
