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PLOT SUMMARYMy Mom’s Motorcycle embodies a delightful and personal storytelling at the highest level. Made for the “My Rode Reel” competition, the filmmaker and narrator Douglas Gautraud relates the story of how his mum came to own the titular motorcycle, and along the way he honors the remarkable legacies of his two grandfathers, his own growth as a man, and even throws a little social theorising in about why we all like, facial hair, workwear and craft beer.

The short film won a fairly high profile online competition a couple months ago. My Mom’s Motorcycle is a quirky, with editing that is as sharp as the wittiness in the dialogue.

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MISE-EN-SCENE: SETTING/LOCATIONThe way My Mother’s Motorcycle is filmed is almost like a visual presentation, it is similar to a montage because there is a series of short clips that relate to the narrative. Each clip are motivated cuts and remain parallel with the words being spoke.

Therefore, there is a variety of different locations and settings used; although presumably it is set somewhere in the United States, such as, Washington because of all the authentic and patriotic locations that are featured.

The most featured and prolonged location would probably be when the narrator is energetically riding his motorcycle through a long and smooth road in his denim jacket with a pair of aviators on, whilst the wind is blowing through his hair.

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MISE-EN-SCENE: ICONOGRAPHY & PROPSThe main prop that defines the movie is the motorcycle; the motorcycle is there as almost an excuse to make a movie because most of the short film is filled with motivational dialogue and praise which discussing the the past outstanding legacies of the narrators two grandfathers as well as his growth as a man.

The props are what make the short film what it is, they play a substantial role for when the narrator is explaining the past lives of his grandfathers. We initially see photographs, pinballs, bowling balls and patents; this is to show us the faces of the men he is telling us about and what they have achieved.

Furthermore, one of his grandfathers had a hobby in sailing and we are shown what he takes on his journeys: there are binoculars, pocket knife, bible, notebook, hand drawn illustrations and graphs. Then we get an glimpse into what they held within their garage; a garage in considered a man’s second home and is where they keep all their toys and we see: nuts, bolts, strews, drill bits, thread, old watch parts, tools, pencils, razor blades and bullets.

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MISE-EN-SCENE: COLOUR & LIGHTINGThe lighting and colour isn’t a huge factor in My Mother’s Motorcycle. Although, they do use spotlight whilst filming the montage in order to focus more on the specific objects hidden quality and detail.

There’s a nice authentic and natural glow within the filming, especially when filming the motorcycle scene when he is riding on his bike. Before this, there is a stunning shot of sun’s horizon that gives a slight lens flare.

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Similar to colour & lighting, the makeup & costume part of the short film again isn’t a huge factor and doesn’t make a difference to it. We briefly see sailor and army outfits in the photographs of the grandparents when they were in their younger years.

Once the narrator is eventually introduced into the short film, we is dressed ordinarily, being represented in a red and black checkered shirt with curly, black hair. Later, when he is riding the motorbike, he is wearing the same outfit along with a denim jacket, chinos, a pair of boots and aviators. The sunglasses is more of a tradition and mainstream item to wear when driving a motorbike.

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EDITING: SOUND & VISIONThe sound and visual aspect of My Mother’s Motorcycle is extremely valuable and effective, it is what makes the short film what it is. The sound is a prolonged narration from the male protagonist telling us a non-fictional story about his heritage and experience of growing up and maturing. Each sentence is often supported with a visual representation of what the narrator is describing or telling us.

The narrator speaks with a thick American accent that is more nasal than the traditional British accent we are use to, it is light and more fluent and spoken with real composure and delegacy. Whereas, visually he is represented as your stereotypical American young-adult; he is presented smartly but there is no edginess or independence within in look, it is considered a mainstream attire.

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CINEMATOGRAPHYThe way the My Mother’s Motorcycle is filmed is an efficient and effective way of emphasising the official plot of the movie; it is all very motivated and the imagery is influenced by what is being spoken by the narrator.

There are no extraordinary shots, it is short, sweet and simple, at the beginning it is almost like a visual slideshow. Included are a handful of panoramic and tracking shots for when the camera scans across some of the grandfathers notes and when following the protagonist on his motorbike along the smooth road. Furthermore, there is also a couple of motivated cuts and extreme close-ups for when showing of more detail within the framed shot and following the dialogue.