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Page 1: My last vacation miyo


Hello, My name is Myriam Consuelo González Díaz. I work in a school. On vacation I travel. Today I’m going to show you about my last trip.

Page 2: My last vacation miyo

TRAVELING BY BOYACAI traveled with some friends. We knew differents towns: Nobsa, Iza, Tibasosa, Firavitova, Tota and its lagoon, Villa de Leyva, etc. They are very beautiful and quiet towns.Some are colonial. Their people are wonderful, nice and friendly.They usually wear “ruana”.

Page 3: My last vacation miyo


Here I am in Villa de Leyva. This in the biggest colonial town that my friends and me knew.While I was walking by the park, they bought some souvenirs.Villa de Leyva is cold and very windy.

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This is the Tota lagoon. My best experience was when we arrived there. It is a small sea. It’s ubicated between Tota and Aquitania. I took a bath there. Its water is very cold.When I was taking the bath it began to rain. I ran to seek refuge. While it was rainning, we had lunch. After I was driving to Aquitania.

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TRAVELING BY BOYACAI was driving to Aquitania when a tire broke. We were repairing it when It’s began to rain. Already in Aquitania we lost time looking for a parking and it was not possible. This was my worst experience.

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In general the trip was a beautiful experience.We knew many people and many places. I met old friends. And we went to their farm. They are a nice and wonderful family. Their farm is big. It has many animals and crops.

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Good, here es Iza. This town is smaller than Tibasosa but It is bigger tha Tota.For today that is all. I say bye bye from Iza. In other oortunity I show you others fascinating places.Thanks . God bless you.