Download pdf - My Friend Meg!

  • d\u triend &qn,

    Meg is my best Jriend. She's ten. Evergone ln our closs likes Megbecouse she's olwags hoppu ond she's very Junng. She con do longsums and spetl [ong words ond she hnows the nomes oJ ott thecountries in the world! She con rlde o bihe verg Jost too.

    But Meg is olwogs losing things.

    I con't do long sums. I can't speilnomes oJ atl. the countries [n theJost. But I con olwags Jind Meg'sMeg phones me or I phoneher everg dog.

    She loses lots oJ things every dag!

    long words. I don't hnow theworld ond I con't ride nig bihe vergthings Jor her!

    It wos Sundag gesterdog. M.gphoned me in the morning.She was ongry!

  • She soid, 'l con't Jind my pencils. I need them Jor moths tomorrow.I loohed in mg bog.

    I loohed i,n our ha[[.I looked on the tab[e.

    I loohed on our wo[[.I loohed bg the door,

    then I loohed on the Jloor.But ... I can't Jtnd my pencits.''Oh, Meg!' I satd. 'Go ond looh under your bed!'Meg loves reading comics ond writing Junny storles obout o[[ kindsoJ people. She's good ot drawing too. She lihes drawing Junny ctothes.



    Meg likes weoring Junng clothes ond hotsweorlng shoes. She's otwogs tohing ojj heror her troiners everu dog because she putsplaces!

    ill l

    too. But she doesn'r liheshoes! She toses her shoesthem in lots oJ dfJerent


    fr\iS\- ,*s-\i\ r'._



  • Meg phoned me in the oJternoon Uesterdog.'l con't Jind my troiners. I need them Jor our

    I loohed i.n the cupboard,then under the stoirs.

    I looked on the soJoond under the chalrs.

    I loohed in the boxond I loohed bU

    ^y sochs.

    She soid,sports lesson tomorrow.

    But ... I con't Jind mg'Oh, Meg!' I soid. 'Go


    ond looh in gour garden!'


    Meg Loves worhing on the computer because she lihes Jindlng outobout things. She lihes reading obout d{ferent hinds oJ animatsand about Jitm stors ond pop stors and music. She's great at music.She's leornlng to ploy the piono and she's guitar and singinglessons ot schooI too.

    Meg otways does her music homeworh, but.then she loses it. Sheloses i't becquse she puts boohs, o mogozine or o gome on top oJ it!

  • Meg phoned me in the evening Uesterdou. She soid,'I con't Jind mg homeworh. I need it Jor music tomorrow.

    I looked on Dod's desh,then by his guitar.

    I looked in Mum's bogond in the bach oJ our cor.

    I loohed in our hitchenond under the hitten.

    But ... I can't Jind my homework.''Oh Meg!' I soid. 'Go ond tooh bgIt's Mondog now. I'm puttlng mgrun ond cotch the bus to school.

    Uour computer.

    things in mg school bog. I hove to





  • tAU friend Meg!

    @ New wards for gou!Look of the pictures ond words.Write the words in the sentences.

    PoP stqr trqinersI olwogs weor mg ........ in sports lessons.Mg fovourite ........ plogs the guitor.

    This ....... is verg eosg.The qnswer is ...........This is mg fovourite ........ . Her new film is greot!

    @ Right or \n/rong?Tick the right or wrong box.Exomples: Meg is o gir[.

    Meg is 1 1.I Meg toses lots of things.2 Meg likes drowing funng ctothes.3 Meg likes weoring shoes.4 Meg is leorning to plog the guitor.5 Meg goes to school bg troin.

    ffil'r ". r .'fitm stqr





    @ When does Meg sog these things?\/ffi@(! ) \ ro' music. J !?a3orts' I,", t'

    -=i/ffi { lcqn'tfind. )I ro,^ moths. I \tg t't""-tt/-_rr ---\

    Drow lines.

    in the morning in the qfternoon in the evening

  • Kgggus* ,**Drow lines.I Meg's friends tike her '^

    2 Meg's got lots of pencils3 Meg wonts her troiners4 Meg needs her homework5 Meg loses her homework

    her teqcherwqnts it.

    she's funng.

    she puts things on top of it.she's got o sports lesson.she enjogs drowing.


    ^*k.ffi Meg ph*ned *ylffi Ers t$x* rffi#rffi$mff.w/{JftReod this port of the storg.

    M.g me or I herIt wos Sunday gesterdag. M.gwas angrg!

    everg dag.

    me in the morning. She

    Now look of the pictures ond write I word in eoch sentence.Exomple: I ....WSJhg.d.... to the pork gesterdog


    M"g ....... the pionogesterdog morning.I .................. o picture

    gesterdog qfternoon.

    M"g ....... her bikegesterdog qfternoon.

    Meg ond her mumto some music Aesterdog evening.Theg ....TV in theevening too.

  • @ @o o, ffio ssrme e*rlsuninE.Look ot the pictures on poge 5.Listen ond colour the big picture.

    @ Whcxt d* M*S's friends sag?Choose the best onswer.I Meg: I cont find mg school

    bog!Rose: A lt's under the tree!

    B No, I cqn't.C I tike school.

    3 Meg: When is our mqths[esson?

    Luca: A On Mondog.B Mr Green.C Under the sofo.

    Meg: Do gou wqntto reqd mg comic?

    Pqu[: A No, lhovent.B Not now, thonks.C Becquse I wont to.

    Meg: Come for o bike ride,Jock!

    Jqck A ls he cqtled JqcklB I come bg bus.C Where qre gou going?


    @ Meg [**l

  • @@Listen

    I 04 Mmffi's fr$mrrud ffims*3ond write.Then write obout gour friend!

    This person is mg friend becquse:Colour of hqir:Colour of eges:

    Mg friend likes:Mg friend doesn't [ike:Mg friend's fqvourite sport:Mg friend [il