
Data Visualization GEri - SpagoBI
Davide Zerbetto, Nunzia Marotta
Data Visualization GE Manager, Data Visualization GE Course Creator - FIWARE
[email protected] ,[email protected]

Birt Report Designer

TOPIC OF THE COURSE: the course aims at offering assistance to create a simple Report with Birt. We focused the attention on crucial steps from installation to the development of the document and finally show how the report can be transfered on server.

Birt Report Designer

Birt, acronim for Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (check the website is a well known reporting tool: SpagoBIStudio contains its designer while SpagoBI Server contains the runtime engine.

About Birt

SpagoBI Server is the main module of the SpagoBI suite, offering the core and analytical functionalities. It provides two conceptual models (Analytical Model, Behavioural Model), administration tools and cross-platform services.

SpagoBI Studio allows the developer to design and modify analytical documents such as reports, charts, GEO and cockpits. The module also supports the deployment phase, where the analytical documents have to be tested and released on SpagoBI Server, with which it interacts through SpagoBI SDK.


Let's start with SpagoBI Studio.Double click then on the icon SpagoBI.exe in the folder you just unzipped if your using Windows or double click on if your using Linux.Select the location where you want to create your SpagoBI Studio workspace and click OKExecution And Presentation of the Environment

Now you can create a new SpagoBI Project (Menu File > New > SpagoBI Project) or use an existing one

Insert the name of your brandnew SpagoBI project and then click on the Finish button

First of all specify the target SpagoBI Server Instance (right click on server node into resources folder, then select New Server from contextual menu)

Start up your server, then enter the connection parameters and test the connection. If the test ends successfully click on Finish button to save it.

Now use the right mouse botton to create your first BIRT report. Simply follow the path Business Analysis > Report > Report with Birt

Give it a name and click on Finish button: the document will be automatically saved under Business Analysis folder.

The last step is to change perspective in order to start with your report.

Open the Change Perspective botton and choose the Report Design perspective in order to rearrange the interface and have all the tools required to edit the report

Now you are ready to implement your first report with BIRT!

Birt report designer

Set the Data Source connection through the Data Explorer tab and by right mouse clicking on the Data Source item.

Select the JDBC Data Source type and give a name to the DataSource

Click on Manage Drivers

Add the mysql Driver by selecting its location on your PC

Click OK

Fill in the required fields in order to access your DB

Test the connection to the DB

Click OK

Click now on New Data Set

Give a name to your Data Set

Select the Data Set Type

Select the Data Source you created earlier

Create a simple Query that selects from the table customer the first 10 customers

Preview your results and then click OK

Report filling and preview

Drag and Drop in your Layout the fields of your DataSet

Click on Preview and see the result of your Report

If you want to view your Report output in another format just click on Run > View Report > As.

Well Done!Your first Report is ready!

From SpagoBI Studio to SpagoBI Server:
deploy your Report

Define a new parameter with name connectionName and then edit the datasource

You can easily deploy your report on the server thanks to the connection you set earlier.

Remember to select a folder of the Functionalities tree in which to store your report

To display the report just click on the icon

Here's the outcome!

Note that once the report has been deployed its state is set on Development by default. This means that the report is still not available to end-users.

You can change it by exploring the Detail button and switch it to the Release state.

We conclude this lesson by inviting the viewer to discover how to set parameters on report, in order to have a more dynamic statistic to exhibit and navigate, by watching our dedicated lesson on FIWARE platform.



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