
Page 1 of 23 | My E-mail appears as spam | The 7 major reasons | Part 5#17

Written by Eyal Doron |



In the following article and the next article (My E-mail appears as

spam | The 7 major reasons | Part 6#17), we will review six major

reasons that could lead to a scenario in which E-mail that is sent

from our organization, identified as spam E-mail.

In the current article we will review the following causes:

E-mail content

Violation of the SMTP standards

Bulk\Mass mail

In our journey to become internal \ outbound spam professionals

(unfortunately, at the current time, there is currently no such

university degree), we will need to:

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Written by Eyal Doron |

1. Know about the major causes for internal \ outbound spam scenario.

2. Know what troubleshooting tools to use for detects the specific cause.

3. Know what steps need to be implemented for avoiding such causes.

Note – the last major reason for: “My E-mail appears as spam”

is related to the SPF record infrastructure. We will review the

subject of the SPF record in two dedicated articles:

What is SPF record good for? | Part 7#17

Implementing SPF record | Part 8#17

1. E-mail content

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Written by Eyal Doron |

A commercial E-mail (Marketing E-mail, mailing list, newsletters, etc.)

that is written improperly, could easily lead to a scenario in which

mail that is sent from your organization, will be recognized and

classified as spam\junk mail. The mail specific content, is one of the

major causes of the internal \ outbound spam problem.

The three major factors, which are responsible for a “problematic

mail content” are:

Specific words, phrases and writing style

HTML coding

Commercial E-mail “rules”

1. Mail content | specific words, phrases

and writing style

Avoid from writing a content that could be recognized as spam.

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Written by Eyal Doron |

It’s highly recommended, to learn through about the subject of: how

to write commercial E-mail in the “right way”.

The article: How to Avoid Spam Filters include good examples of E-

mail content, which could be classified as spam or a “spammy


For example E-mail that include one or more of the following


Using phrases like “Click here!” or “Once in a lifetime opportunity!”

Excessive use of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!


LUNGS VIA EMAIL (especially in the subject line).

Using bright red or green colored fonts.”

2. Bad HTML coding

Using a “Bad HTML coding” in your commercial E-mail, could lead to a

scenario, which attract attention of spam filters.

An examples for “Bad HTML coding” appear in the excellent article:

Most Common Spam Filter Triggers

1. BODY: HTML has a low ratio of text to image area (1,217 matches)

2. BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts (971)

3. BODY: HTML has a low ratio of text to image area (729)

4. BODY: HTML and text parts are different (625)

5. Subject is all capitals (324)

6. BODY: HTML and text parts are different (279)

7. BODY: HTML: images with 2400-2800 bytes of words (211)

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Written by Eyal Doron |

3. Violation of “Marketing mail rules”|

Use the concept of: “permission-based


When an organization uses the option of: “marketing mail”, we can

define two major groups:

1. Spam mail or an unsolicited E-mail

2. Legitimate marketing mail described as – permission-based email

marketing (also known as opt-in email). The meaning of: permission-

based email marketing “ is – sending commercial E-mail to people who

have asked to receive them.

When sending a commercial E-mail to a distribution list, the basic

assumption is that this “customer” asks or wants this E-mail


In case that they want to stop getting our E-mails, they will need to

have a way of asking us to stop sending then our E-mail.

One of the most elements that can cause to external organization to

classify your commercial E-mail is -the lack of the “un-subscribe

option” that enable your customers to inform you that they are not

interested in your marketing E-mails.

Additional reading

Permission-based Email Marketing

Permission Based Marketing Policy

Permission Marketing

Opt-in email

opt-in e-mail

What is an Opt-In List?

Email Opt-In: Single Opt-In Versus Double Opt-In

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Written by Eyal Doron |

Your E-mail spam score

When your E-mail is reaching to the destination mail infrastructure,

most of the “destination mail systems” will scan and verify the

“integrity” of the E-mail item. For example: a spam filter that will scan

your E-mail items and “stamp” your E-mail with a “spam score”.

The “spam score” is created after the specific mail infrastructure

checks your E-mail message by using different parameters.

Each of the different parameters gets a specific score. In case that

your E-mail item exceeds a certain threshold, your email will be

classified as spam\junk mail and the outcome could be a scenario in

which your E-mail will be deleted by the destination mail server or,

your E-mail will be stamped as “spam mail”, which will lead to the

scenario of: E-mail message goes to the junk folder.

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Written by Eyal Doron |

Additional reading

How to Avoid Spam Filters

Most Common Spam Filter Triggers

How to Write E-mail Content to Avoid the Dreaded Spam Filter

Is Your Email Marketing CAN-SPAM Compliant? 7 Common

Mistakes People Make

A Marketer’s Guide to Getting Past Email Spam Filters

What To Do to Avoid Being Flagged as Spam?

Email Tips to Avoid Spam Filters and 9 Top Email Marketing Tools

Avoiding the Spam Folder: Email Marketing Best Practices

10 Tips to Keep Email Out of the Spam Folder

Best practice and recommendation for commercial E-mail

Test your “Marketing E-mail” spam score

In case that you have prepared a commercial E-mail, and you are

going to send this mail to your customer, wait!

Before you hit the “send mail” key, which will send your E-mail to

tens, hundreds or even thousands of recipients, it is highly

recommended that you implement some kind of “spam testing

procedure” that will enable you to get information about the “spam

score” of your specific E-mail message.

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Written by Eyal Doron |

There are several “free online services” that will enable you to

examine the marketing E-mail that you are going to send to your


In the following section, we will demonstrate a nice and interesting

tool: Test the Spammyness of your Emails (https://www.mail-

This web based tool, can help us to get the value of the spam score

and additionally, in case that the “spam test” discovers possible

issues, the information is displayed in easy to understand way.

In the following screenshot, we can see that “spam test” result that

we got by testing a specific E-mail item.

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Written by Eyal Doron |

In our scenario, we can see that the score that we got (8 from 10) is

because there are some issues. The “main issue” in our scenario, is

that the organization domain name appears in one blacklist.

When clicking on the “red scare”, we can get a detailed view that

shows us, the list of the blacklist providers was checked + the backlist

provider that registered our domain as blacklisted.

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Written by Eyal Doron |

Additional reading

Test the Spammyness of your Emails

Email Spam Checker

Email Spam Test


Lyris ContentChecker for Email


2. Violation of the SMTP standards

One if the prominent signs for spam E-mail, is an E-mail message

that “violate” SMTP standards.

Spammers use this “violation of the SMTP standards” for covering

their tracks or deceive the destination recipient. For example: by

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Written by Eyal Doron |

“declaring” that the E-mail was sent from X while, in reality, the E-mail

message was sent from Y.

The problem is that sometime, even a legitimate organization that

sends a “legitimate commercial E-mail”, could be sent out E-mails

that could look to the destination side, as a “suspicious E-mail” or E-

mail that violates SMTP standards.

A possible example of signs, which can lead to a scenario in which an

E-mail message will be identified a spam\Junk mail could be:

1. From: and Reply To: address is different:

In a “standard” E-mail message, the “From” filed and the: “Reply To”

filed include the same recipient name (E-mail address).

The scenario in which the From: and “Reply To”: address is different,

could be a sign of spam\Junk mail, but at the same time, this is also

very common with the newsletter’s E-mails.

The Message subject contains an E-mail address.

Spammers use this method to mislead the destination recipient and

make him think that the E-mail message is legitimate.

2. Empty To: field:

Spammers use this method because they send bulk E-mail to

hundreds or even thousands of recipients and, they want to hide this

information from the destination recipient.

For this reason, they add the list of the destination recipient to the

BCC field.

Additional reading

How to effectively stop spam and junk mail

Top 10 spam characteristics (#1-5)

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Written by Eyal Doron |

The top 10 spam characteristics (#6-10)

FC822: Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages

3. Bulk\Mass mail

One of the most common risks when sending a commercial E-mail to

a large number of recipients is – that external mail system will

recognize your mail server as a “bulk mailer’s server” and, for this

reason, E-mails that will be sent from your mail server are we

classified as spam\Junk mail.

Q: Does Exchange Online “identify” outbound bulk mail scenarios?

A: The answer is: “Yes”, an Exchange use spam filter that uses a

rating system named: Bulk Complaint Level (BCL) rating.

As far as I know, the method of Bulk Complaint Level (BCL) rating is

used only by “Exchange based mail servers”.

Regarding outbound spam mail, in case that the Exchange Online

recognizes a scenario which can be considered as “bulk mail”, the E-

mail message will be routed to the Exchange Online- High Risk

Delivery Pool and in more critical cases, the Office 365 recipients will

be blocked and will not be able to continue to send Outlook E-mail


Attached a quote from the Microsoft MSDN blog:

Disabling of offending accounts when they send too much email

marked as spam

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Written by Eyal Doron |

Even though we segregate our spam and non-spam into two

separate outbound IP pools, the email accounts cannot send spam

indefinitely. We monitor which accounts are sending spam and if it

exceeds a limit, the account is blocked from sending spam.

[Source of information: Understanding outbound spam controls in Office

365 ]

Additional reading

Bulk Complaint Level values

Take Advantage of EOPs new Bulk Mail Detection

Different Levels of Bulk Mail filtering in Office 365

What’s the difference between junk email and bulk email?

Use transport rules to configure bulk email filtering

Block spam this holiday season with the new enhanced bulk mail

experience in EOP

Q: Can I use Exchange Online as a solution for bulk E-mail?

A: The simple answer is: No!

Let’s start from the end: Office 365 and Exchange Online is not the

“right” infrastructure for implementing a business need of bulk mail.

Technically speaking, the Exchange Online infrastructure “allow” a

maximum of 10,000 mail items per users but, there is an additional

limitation such as the maximum number of mail items per hour and


The “declaration” that Exchange Online is not considered as suitable

solution for bulk E-mail, appear in the public Microsoft article:

Exchange Online Limits

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Written by Eyal Doron |

Exchange Online customers who need to send legitimate bulk

commercial email (for example, customer newsletters) should use

third-party providers who specialize in these services.

Another source of information that relates to subjects of bulk E-mail,

appear in the article: Understanding outbound spam controls in

Office 365

b) Use a 3rd party bulk emailer to send the mass communication

There are several 3rd party bulk emailers whose sole business it is to

send bulk email. They can work with customers to ensure that they

have been well emailing practices, and they have resources

dedicated to enforcing it.

The Messaging, Mobile, Malware Anti-Abuse Working Group

(MAAWG) publishes its membership roster here:

Several bulk email providers are on the list and are known to be

responsible Internet citizens.

Note – you can read additional information about this subject in

the article:

Commercial E-mail – Using the right tools | Office 365 | Part 4#17

Q: What could be considered as a suitable solution for bulk E-mail?

A: The simple answer is: using a third party provider, that specialized

in providing a solution of bulk E-mail.

Q: Can you recommend or provide me a name of such bulk mail


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Written by Eyal Doron |

A: You will have to look for yourself for this kind of services. If it

helps, there are websites such as: “Anti-Abuse Working Group

(MAAWG) (,

which provide a list or “recommended” or well know bulk mail

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Additional reading

Exchange Online Limits

Bulk email software

Internal \ outbound spam in Office 365

environment | Article series index

A quick reference for the article series

My E-mail appears as a spam | Article

series index | Part 0#17

The article index of the complete

article series

Introduction to the concept of internal \ outbound spam in general

and in Office 365 and Exchange Online environment

My E-mail appears as a spam –

Introduction | Office 365 | Part 1#17

The psychological profile of the

phenomenon: “My E-mail appears as

a spam!”, possible factors for causing

our E-mail to appear a “spam mail”,

the definition of internal \ outbound


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Written by Eyal Doron |

Internal spam in Office 365 –

Introduction | Part 2#17

Review in general the term: “internal \

outbound spam”, miss conceptions

that relate to this term, the risks that

are involved in this scenario,

outbound spam E-mail policy and


Internal spam in Office 365 –

Introduction | Part 3#17

What are the possible reasons that

could cause to our mail to appear as

spam\junk mail, who or what are this

“elements”, that can decide that our

mail is a spam mail?, what are the

possible “reactions” of the destination

mail infrastructure that identify our E-

mail as spam\junk mail?.

Commercial E-mail – Using the right

tools | Office 365 | Part 4#17

What is commercial E-mail?

Commercial E-mail as part of the

business process. Why do I think that

Office 365\ Exchange Online is

unsuitable for the purpose of

commercial E-mail?

Introduction if the major causes for a scenario in which your

organization E-mail appears as spam

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My E-mail appears as spam | The 7

major reasons | Part 5#17

Review three major reasons, that

could lead to a scenario, in which E-

mail that is sent from our

organization identified as spam mail:

1. E-mail content, 2. Violation of the

SMTP standards, 3. Bulk\Mass mail

My E-mail appears as spam | The 7

major reasons | Part 6#17

Review three major reasons, that

could lead to a scenario, in which E-

mail that is sent from our

organization identified as spam mail:

4. False positive, 5. User Desktop

malware, 6. “Problematic” Website

Introduction if the subject of SPF record in general and in Office

365 environment

What is SPF record good for? | Part


The purpose of the SPF record and the

relation to for our mail infrastructure.

How does the SPF record enable us to

prevent a scenario in which hostile

elements could send E-mail on our


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Written by Eyal Doron |

Implementing SPF record | Part 8#17

The “technical side” of the SPF record:

the structure of SPF record, the way

that we create SPF record, what is the

required syntax for the SPF record in

an Office 365 environment + mix mail

environment, how to verify the

existence of SPF record and so on.

Introduction if the subject of Exchange Online - High Risk Delivery


High Risk Delivery Pool and Exchange

Online | Part 9#17

How Office 365 (Exchange Online) is

handling a scenario of internal \

outbound spam by using the help of

the Exchange Online- High Risk

Delivery Pool.

High Risk Delivery Pool and Exchange

Online | Part 10#17

The second article about the subject

of Exchange Online- High Risk

Delivery Pool.

The troubleshooting path of internal \ outbound spam scenario

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Written by Eyal Doron |

My E-mail appears as spam –

Troubleshooting path | Part 11#17

Troubleshooting scenario of internal \

outbound spam in Office 365 and

Exchange Online environment.

Verifying if our domain name is

blacklisted, verifying if the problem is

related to E-mail content, verifying if

the problem is related to specific

organization user E-mail address,

moving the troubleshooting process

to the “other side.

My E-mail appears as spam |

Troubleshooting – Domain name and

E-mail content | Part 12#17 Verify if

our domain name appears as

blacklisted, verify if the problem

relates to a specific E-mail message

content, registering blacklist

monitoring services, activating the

option of Exchange Online outbound


My E-mail appears as spam |

Troubleshooting – Mail server | Part


What is the meaning of: “our mail

server”?, Mail server IP, host name

and Exchange Online. One of our

users got an NDR which informs him,

that his mail server is blacklisted!,

How do we know that my mail server

is blacklisted?

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Written by Eyal Doron |

My E-mail appears as spam |

Troubleshooting – Mail server | Part


The troubleshooting path logic. Get

the information from the E-mail

message that was identified as

spam\NDR. Forwarding a copy of the

NDR message or the message that

saved to the junk mail

My E-mail appears as spam |

Troubleshooting – Mail server | Part


Step B – Get information about your

Exchange Online infrastructure, Step

C – fetch the information about the

Exchange Online IP address, Step D –

verify if the “formal “Exchange Online

IP address a

De-list your organization from a

blacklist | My E-mail appears as spam

| Part 16#17

Review the charters of a scenario in

which your organization appears as

blacklisted. The steps and the

operations that need to be

implemented for de-list your

organization from a blacklist.

Summery and recap of the troubleshooting and best practices in a

scenario of internal \ outbound spam

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Written by Eyal Doron |

Dealing and avoiding internal spam |

Best practices | Part 17#17

Provide a short checklist for all the

steps and the operation that relates

to a scenario of – internal \ outbound

