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July of 2012

Sports—London 2012











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Table of contents


“Risk premium governs Spain”

By Pablo Lozano………………………………………………………..…………………… 4


“The 33% rise on the university taxes completes the economical adjust in Education”

By Manuel Exposito…………………………………………………..…………………… 5


“London 2012: Facts about the Olympic Village and athletes’ apartments”

By Tania Gonzalez…………………………………………………..…………………...… 6


“Sony announces its retirement from the video game industry”

By Manuel Exposito…………………………………………………..…………………… 7


“Bulleproof mobile phones”

By Juan Carlos Egido………………………………………………..…………………… 8


“Milli Vanili returns”

By Juan Carlos Egido………………………………………………..…………………… 9


By Tania Gonzalez……………………………………………………..…………………… 3

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Have you found anything better to do than reading My Documents? Perhaps you've thought about watching the next Olympic Games in London, certainly they will give a lot to talk about the Spanish national team and its new sports equipment, about the size of their beds in the Olympic Village or the gos-sip among athletes.

Maybe you are not a sports fan and do you prefer to know that Sony will stop producing soon? do you want to know the reasons? Just browse a few pages of our magazine and find out what’s about that. But calm, do not despair yet, we have to Bulletproof mobiles do not get depressed in the summer heat.

What you do not agree that the risk pre-

mium goes up or down? Do not worry, you can always think of your cousin's cousin that is sure to be great. If you are a student and still have to retake cours-es, be careful! Valencian Government will make haste to carry out some cut-backs in education. Just do not cut you to enjoy your summer and listen to clas-sics like Milli Vanilli...Did you know they are back to the music scene?

Also, if you come to read this far and

none of this motivates you to read My

Documents, at least have fun and laugh

with the picture! (This is the real life!!).

Welcome to My Documents Magazine...

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By Tania Gonzalez, editor in chief of My Documents Magazine

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Risk premium governs Spain

In the last nine months the Spanish economy has been governed by the risk premi-


On the left side of the picture appears the premium risk evolution / P.G

In the last nine months, the risk premium

for Spain has been increasing until

reaching its highest value. This point is a

great problem for the country because the

government needs more money for its

credits. The level for the stock market in

Spain has dropped to the lowest value in

the last 20 years and Spanish politicians

are very confused.

The government of Spain is increasing the

measures to reduce the risk premium but

this measure is not obtaining the expected


It seems the risk premium governs all the

country. In fact, all of the voters never ex-

pected the situation could become so

complicated when they choosed to chan-

ge the political party which was governing.

Maybe there is a new political party in

Spain called “Risk Premium” that governs

the country silently.

As said by some expert economists, the

only measure for leaving the crisis should

be introducing investment in new busines-

ses like biotechnologies or emerging.

In general, the situation for the Spanish

economic is very critical and it’s very diffi-

cult to evaluate the future of the Spanish

economy in this moment.

The European politicians are very concer-

ned about this situation and suggested

Spanish government to ask for economic

help, but, for now, the Spanish govern-

ment doesn’t want to take this way.

Spanish people hope the situations for the

risk premium in Spain changes in the futu-

re because the country needs another

kind of measure for leaving the crisis. If

the Spanish government continues with

the same measure, it’s probably the crisis

continues for a long time.

Welcome “Risk Premium”, you have been

introduced in our life and you will continue

with us for a long time.

● My Documents ●

Pablo Lozano Valencia 17th of July of 2012

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The 33% rise on the university taxes completes the economical

adjust in Education

Students will assume the 20% of the cost of their places on first -registration and a

35% of the costs if they do the year again

Manuel Exposito Valencia 16th of July of 2012

The vice president and spokesman of the Valencian Govenrment,

Jose Maria Ciscar / M.E

The university students from Comunidad

Valenciana will pay a 33% more than the

last year in the first registration of each

subject they choose to study. The govern-

ment from Valencia has determined to rise

the percentage of the cost of the places

for studying in university from a 15% to a

20%. Moreover, following the Financial

Balance Plan of the Generaitat Valencia-

na, Valencian government will raise the

maximum number of students per class in

a 20% for all the academic levels, from

Primary School to High School.

As explained in a press conference, the

government from Valencia expects to

save 40 million of euros by applying this

hard rise on the university registration

costs. For example, last year Medicine

students paid, in average, 1018€ per reg-

istration and they will pay 1.478€ the next


In case of second registration in any sub-

ject - if the student didn’t pass the subject

on the last year - the university students

will assume the 35% of the total cost; in

case of the third registration, they will as-

sume the 75% of the total cost and, in the

fourth registration, they will assume the

100% of the cost of the subject. By apply-

ing these hard and strict measures, the

government wants to promote the “effort

culture” and to penalize the students who

are using too many public resources. As

said in press conference, this rise on the

university taxes will have a related rise on

the offer of grants. Even more, university

professors will get increased their aca-

demic hours from 24 to 32 annual credits.

In the other hand, the 20% rise on the

maximum number of students per class

means that in Primary School each class

is going to increase the number of stu-

dents from 25 to 30 and in High School

the number of students per class is going

to be be increased from 34 to 42.

Although the professors and teachers are

going to have their academic hours in-

creased, their workday per week will not

be increased: for Primary School teachers

the workday per week is 25 hours and for

High School teachers is 20 hours per


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Appearance of one of the romos in the Olympic Village / T.G.

Stratford Olympic Park in London is where

around 16,000 Olympic athletes, 6,000

Paralympians and 1,000 referees will live

during the celebration of the Olympic Ga-

mes. Some furnished apartments, located

a few meters from the athletics stadium,

where athletes will spend most of their ti-

me and the Organizing Committee for the

London 2012 Olympic Games has called

"holiday gold medal" for athletes.

According to the Organizing Committee,

some small details that matter to athletes

were taken into account in the design of

the Olympic Village. Some of these details

are the design of the beds so they can put

their suitcases under beds or installing

high tensile for athletes, and black cur-

tains to improve sleep , which is what

most athletes have stress...

After the Olympic events, the 675 apart-

ments of the Olympic Village will be avai-

lable to Londoners' housing at prices be-

low market.

In the Olympic Village, each room has two

single beds with bedside tables and

lamps. But the beds are 1.73 meters long,

which means that many athletes will need

extensions to accommodate their bodies.

Just as example, Usain Bolt and Michael

Phelps are 1.95 meters tall and 1.93 me-

ters tall respectively so the accommoda-

tions for them are likely to be gold me-


Another curiosity is that in the Olympic Vi-

llage the athletes will receive thousands of

free condoms in their rooms. According to

Durex, the condom manufacturer in the

Olympic village, about 150,000 condoms

will be distributed during the two weeks of

competition. The company said the move

will help provide a safe sex message for

athletes to remember to be responsible.

Since the Barcelona’92 Olympics in

Spain, condoms have been distributed

free to athletes. More than 400,000 were

distributed in the Beijing Olympics in 2008

in China, which was distributed to the

Olympic Village and the hotels in the city.

London 2012: Facts about the Olympic Village and athletes’


● My Documents ●

Tania Gonzalez London 19th of July of 2012

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Sony announces its retirement from the video game industry

The retirement is caused by the bad results on the market during last years

Manuel Exposito Los Angeles 19th of July of 2012

Kazuo Hirai, CEO of Sony, in the E3 Press Conference / M.E

Today at Sony’s E3 2012 press confer-

ence the company made a big, shocking

and unexpected announcement: Sony

gets retired from the video game industry.

As said in the press conference, some

months ago Sony studied their financial

results related to its computer and video

game division and they realized their ex-

penses were exponentially higher than

their incomes.

With the intention of solving this situation,

the company took measures and tried to

increase its appeal by launching the new

PS Vita and by dropping the price of PS.

No one of these measures were success-

ful because the more of the gamers have

moved to XBOX360, the Microsoft games

console. Another vain attempt for chang-

ing its difficult economic situation was

launching more ‘platinum series’ games

to the market, games with a really lower

price, for motivating their gamers.

In the press conference and regarding to

the retirement from the video game indus-

try, Kazuo Hirai, President and CEO of

Sony Corporation, said: “We made sever-

al attempts for solving the bad economic

situation on the company but we had no

success. We made some cutbacks on our

development and programming division

and we tried to maintain a normal produc-

tion level on the engineering division, but

the bad results on the market have made

us taking this sad choice”. Kazuo Hirai

continued explaining about the retirement

process, “We’re not going to stop sud-

-denly the production. PS3 will have 2 mo-

re years of support and we will try to finish

the games we were programming. About

PS Vita, it’s a pity but it will not have long

time support and the number of games

which will appear will be really short”.

Microsoft is benefit the most with the an-

nouncement of Sony’s retirement because

it leaves XBOX360 leading the video ga-

me market with no rivals.

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The designers of new mobile phones are starting to use better ma-

terials for their designs / T.G.

Nowadays there are thousands of objects

around us and in most cases we don’t

know almost anything about what are they

made of. Sometimes, these objects are so

useful that have additional great uses that

we had never could imagine, because

aren’t related with its original purpose.

There is an unfairly unknown material

used in the manufacturing of a lot of elec-

tronic devices, its name is undracina. This

is a much appreciated material in the in-

dustry because of its extreme hardness

and lightness that makes it very suitable

to guarantee the resistance of many sort

of devices taking care over its design and

elegance at the same time.

Its hardness is so extremely high that is

has been used in the last two decades by

some military police in some states of

USA and European countries to manufac-

turing bulletproof vests. William Bullock

was its discoverer, an American architect

that began to use these “dark and rough

stones” – as he said in his book “Wait me

downstairs”- to build a more resistant hou-

ses that were able to bear the frequent

earthquakes that lashed the Oregon west

coast in the middle of the past century. .

But he never could think that his discovery

was going to save by chance the life of

some people in a way never imagined.

For example, at the end of the last year, a

guy that was crossing the road in a small

town of Kansas, was shot from a car dri-

ven by a common criminal that had esca-

ped from prison, it was a direct shot to his

heart but the guy survived thanks to carry

his mobile in the inside jacket pocket,

which received the impact of the bullet.

The reason is that undracina is also being

used to manufacturing some devices like

mobile phones, televisions and cameras,

to build their cases. So, never forget it:

take care of your phone because it could

save your life.

Bulletproof mobile phones The undracina is been used in the manufacturing of new mobile phones

● My Documents ●

Juan Carlos Egido Valencia 16th of July of 2012

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Milli Vanilli returns

The band will return to the stages in the second half of 2012

Juan Carlos Egido Madrid 20th of July of 2012

The band Milli Vanilli after receiving a prize / M.E

In the latest of 80 decade, two young

dancers called Frabice Morvan y Robin

Pilatus earned a great reputation because

of their musical pop duo Milli Vanilli. Now-

adays we can continue listening some of

their most popular songs in a lot of radios

around of the world.

One of their singles "Girl, you know it's

true", even became in platinum disc and

got the second position in the most popu-

lar songs ranking in USA in 1989. But on-

ly one year later the duo disappeared...

what happened? Maybe you know the an-

swer: they were a fake as singers. Alt-

hough they danced very well, they were

singing in playback in all their concerts

neither recorded their own albums. When

this fact was discovered they lost almost

all their fans and they had to dissolve the


But on May of 2012 an amazing new

called the attention of the main music

magazines: Morvan and Rob are back. As

they told to the Rolling Stone magazine in

an exclusive interview, they are now pre-

pared to come back to the stage singing

all their songs as they always desired.

They have been for more than five years

learning to sing with some of the best

singing teachers like Mug Nogali (Marie

Carey and Celine Dione's teacher) and

Bibiane Madir, the woman who taught Mi-

chael Jackson how to make soft his fa-

mous step, called "Moonwalker".

They are planning their first tour for the

beginning of the next year, and you'll

have the chance of seeing them in some

of the most important cities of America

and Europe like New York, Rome, Paris

and London. If you like funky music don't

lose the opportunity to see the resurrec-

tion of these great dancers… now also

singing as they must have done since the
