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My Challenge - Day 16

Be A Change Maker In Your MLM Opportunity

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A lot of people have a hard time struggling with change. I think no matter what the case, we as humans don’t like change. We’re used to a particular routine, and things just being the way they are.

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My mom would sometimes make me lunch and I would always look forward to a typical sandwich. One time she actually changed my meal to leftovers from the night before. I thought it was the end of the world.

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I got so angry and frustrated over something so simple that didn’t mean anything. It could be so inconceivable that I got upset just because I had to deal with something different.

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However you deal with it is ultimately going to dictate how you come across to other people. I want you to understand that the way people perceive you is going to determine how successful you are in life. Maybe you’re not quite grasping that because you think, “Do I care what other people think?”

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Maybe you don’t. However, if you become influential, you tend to care. It really dictates who you are as a person and shows your character. It transcends superficial aspects and helps your business.

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So if you deal with change as a leader, think about how you can affect other people. How can you make changes that are long lasting? Change is constant. Things can’t always stay the same. Think about how you can be involved in positive changes, whether in your business or family.

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I want to tell you a story when I had to come up with a decision and accept change. It was rather difficult for me. I got a call and was offered to do some consulting at Google. At that point I was just going through life and things were just working out.

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They had an opportunity for me to work in their marketing team to develop something and make a lasting impact. It sounded like a great idea that I could pursue and change the way that I perceive marketing and do business. I ended up deciding to take it and went through with the interviews.

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At that moment, I had a choice to make. Do I really want to change? I was comfortable with what I was currently doing. It was the typical Monday to Friday set schedule.

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Do I really want to give that up? Am I willing to get out of my comfort zone and take on more responsibility? The payoff might be great, but it would probably be more work.

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I had to decide if I was willing to do all of this in order to become more influential and a better leader. I would learn from one of the best companies out there. I can honestly tell you, for a few days I thought about not doing it.

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When I think back on that, I realise that it was one of the best choices I’ve ever made. It was one of the biggest changes I ever had to face. By working with Google, I saw how they do things, how they treat their employees and impact large groups of people.

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I figured out that it was something that helped me grow and develop, even if it was hard. I was willing to adapt and grow in order to change myself to take on that role. If it wasn’t for that decision, so many doors wouldn’t have been opened to me.

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What I want to say to you is, if you’re resisting change or going through some obstacles, remember that change is constant. It’s always going to happen out there and sometimes it’s good.

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Of course you’re going to experience some negative changes as well, but that’s part of life. I want you to embrace it rather than resist it. If you can be aware that it’s going to happen anyway, you’ll be able to tackle any problems that occur.

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I hope this has been helpful.

I’ll see you again tomorrow!
