Page 1: Music magazine questionnaire

Music magazine Questionnaire

Indie Music Genre:

1). Are you?

□ Male

□ Female

2). How old are you?□ 16-20

□ 20-25

□ 25-30

□ 30-35

□ 35+

□ Other (please specify).........................................

3). Which of the following bands/artists are you familiar with? (Tick the boxes)

□ Arctic Monkeys

□ The Enemy

□ The Kooks

□ The Killers

□ Jamie T

□ Oasis

4). What age where you when you started listening to INDIE music?

Page 2: Music magazine questionnaire

□ 16-20

□ 20-25

□ 25-30

□ 30-35

□ 35+

□ Other (please specify) …………………………………

5). What genre of music do you dislike the most?

□ Rock

□ Heavy Rock/Metal

□ Rap

□ Hip Hop

□ Classical

□ Jazz

□ Pop/Chart Music

□ Alternative Rock

□ Punk

□ Ska

□ Reggae

6). What would you like to feature most in the magazine?

□ Reviews

□ Tour/gig dates

□ Interviews

□ Artists Articles

7). How would you like the magazine to look?

□ Clear and easy to read?

Page 3: Music magazine questionnaire

□ Stereotypically INDIE

□ Bright and Colourful

□ Lots of pictures and less text

□ In depth with a lot of text?

8). How much do you spend on music magazines per month?□ £5-£10

□ £10-£15

□ £15-£20

□ £20+

9). Do you illegally download music of the internet or by the genuine CD’s?□ Illegally download

□ Buy the CD’s

10). Do you/have you ever attended music festivals/gigs related to indie music?

□ Yes

□ No

11). Have you ever subscribes to a music magazine related to INDIE music before?

□ Yes

□ No

12). Would you prefer the magazine to come out monthly or weekly?

□ Monthly

□ Weekly

13). Would you like to have segments dedicated to the latest fashion?

□ Yes

□ No

14). Which of these music magazines do you read, if any?


Page 4: Music magazine questionnaire

□ Vibe

□ Kerrang

□ Mojo

□ Q

□ Top Of The Pops

Thank you for taking part in the survey!