Page 1: Music Magazine - Front Cover

On the front cover of our magazine, entitled “Dimension” we tried to use as many generic conventions of music magazines that we could think of. We used features that would appeal to our target audience of teenagers of both sexes aged 13-20 and based the layout of our magazine around established magazines that are around at the moment. By creating a similar layout, customers will recognise the similar layout, and it might interest and encourage them to pick up the magazine and possibly buy it.

The main photo that we choose to use for my cover of my magazine is of a band of 5 boys that are the same age as my target audience for my magazine. I think it is a good selling point including acts that are the same age as the target audience as it will interest them and they will be able to relate to the band more whilst reading the article on them. The look of the band in the photo suggests that the genre of the magazine is rock/indie as the clothes the band are wearing are quite typical to that genre.

Page 2: Music Magazine - Front Cover

The photo itself has had to editing to it, and the crop focuses the image to the band. The camera angle of the shot is a low angle show, and portrait. This was chosen as low angle shots allow views of the foreground, the band members, and the background. This will enable the target audience to gather an understanding of the setting.

The title name we settled on was “Dimension”. We thought this was a good name as it was quite bold and had catchiness to it. Also the word is quite sharp and snappy, and easy to say. This is important for a name as it will need to be talked about and sharp and snappy names are easy to remember so the title works on an advertising level as well.

The font of our magazine front cover shares the same theme throughout the cover. The title and the headline section font is one that is similar to a military style, with serif text. The look of the font creates imagery of bold rock music, which reflects on the genre of the magazine. The colour of the title is black and is very bold so the first thing you see when looking at the front cover is the title. The purpose of having a title like this is so when customers are looking for the magazine in the shop, they could easily spot it from the bold title. Other text on the cover is a more bubbly looking text. This makes the magazine seem quite bubbly and fun inside that will appeal to a gentler target audience. The two main fonts, ( the military and the bubbly fonts) contrast a great deal. This could also reflect on the contents in the magazine, as the purpose of our magazine is to cover quite a range of music so we can appeal to a wider target audience.

On the front cover we also decided to include teasers and the most interesting headlines and cover stories. This will make the magazine seem very interesting and might encourage customers to buy it. We have included a section that lists all of the other bands included in the magazine. The purpose of doing this is so that customers can spot a band that they like, (hence including a range of genre and a fair few band names) and hopefully become persuaded enough to buy the magazine.

The colour scheme of our magazine is quite mutual. This will enable the important, bold text stand out and grab the readers attention. We tried to use colours that would appeal to our target audience, so that it might encourage them to pick up the magazine and like the look of it enough to buy it.

At the top of the magazine we included a caption stating “Muse! Exclusive Interview!”. The word exclusive means that it the interview is exclusive to our magazine and the audience wouldn’t find the information in any other magazine. This will be a big selling point to the target audience and will appeal to them a lot. This is a feature that would help make our magazine stand out from the rest in the shops.