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Music Magazine EvaluationNew Technology

By Augustine Adeosun 12p

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Thorough out this whole project I have learnt a great deal about different technology's as I have had the chance to use them through out this project. I had the chance to use various programs to aid me during the creation of my magazine. I had blogged regularly about the different things that I had to do and whether I had enjoyed it or not.

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Hardware, Software and Websites I had used during this project.

Blogger (Website)

SlideShare (Website)

Scanner (Hardware)

Sound Cloud/Mobile ( Website)

Adobe Photoshop (Software)

Camera (Hardware)

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Blogger (Website)

I have had no previous experiences with blogs or blogger, at first I was not sure of what to do but or how to use a blog but eventually had gotten used to using and it had turned out to be very straight forward to use. I was able to design my blog to the way I wanted it look, there were various different ways of personalizing your blog so it took time to get it the way I wanted to look. I had also learnt about the way I should be displaying my work as sometimes the layout didn’t allow much space for my work to be seen. Blogger was an valuable tool during this project

as it acted as a way for me to publish my work.

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SlideShare (Website)

SlideShare allows me to post PowerPoint presentations on the internet, the presentation can then be embedded into blogger so people can view PowerPoint presentation through blogger. This was a new website to me as I hadn't used it before, this website was very easy to use the site is very user friendly, I was easily able to navigate around the site and get done what was needed to be done. Overall this site was very helpful as Blogger sometimes didn’t allow you to copy and paste of text of Microsoft word which made posting work off Microsoft word very difficult. So I had been using PowerPoint as an alternative, this site was very helpful as some of the work I had to post had to be presented as a

PowerPoint presentation, using SlideShare I was able to easily link my PowerPoint presentation to my blog which made working a lot more easier.

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Scanner (Hardware)

The Scanner was very useful to me during the project as I had need to draw sketches of what my magazine would look like, this then needed to be scanned and then put on my blog. Unfortunately the Scanner at school didn’t work at the time, luckily my teacher was able to scan my rough sketches at home, however this did result in me posting them on my blog at a later date

than I though. Overall the scanner was a very valuable tool during the process of my project, this had allowed me to have a rough idea of how I wanted my magazine to look prior to the creation of it.

Example of one of my sketches that had got scanned.

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Sound Cloud/Mobile ( Website)

Sound Cloud have allowed had help me during the development stages of me project. I had used it to record my Vox Pops (an audio interview). I was very lucky to find the app on in the Android market on my mobile phone, this made the task very easy as I had the ability to record an interview anywhere I when as well as being able to upload it straight to sound cloud which was the embed into my blog. Overall the Sound Cloud app had allowed me to finish the Vox Pops app as quick as possible as well as making this task easier for me.

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Adobe Photoshop (Software)This was the program that I had used to create the finished design of my Music

Magazine, I have used Photoshop before but had not really know how to really use it. During the preliminary task I was able grasp some aspects of Photoshop which had helped me during the creation of my magazine but I learnt a great deal more when I actual started creating my music magazine. Photoshop has allowed me to learn valuable skills and techniques which will help in future projects. I was very pleased with how

my preliminary magazine turned out; creating the school magazine gave me a chance to develop my skills in using Photoshop which will help me when I go on to create my music magazine. I also gained a large amount of knowledge about the use of different tools within Photoshop which I will be able to capitalise later during the course. This was a very enjoyable task as I was able to be very creative in the creation of the school magazine as Photoshop enabled me to add a vast amount of effects to the images I have used within the magazine. At time I had found it hard to use certain tools, for example the text tool proved very difficult to use at times as it created new text boxes when I actually wanted to highlight the existing text. But eventually I was able to overcome this problem.

Entry from Ongoing production log 1, relating to how I felt about using Photoshop

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Camera (Hardware)

I hadn't previously used a camera to take picture before, this was a great experience for me as I had the chance to learn something new which would help me during the project. The camera was easy to use, I was easily able to find out where everything was and whether I wound need that feature or not. The more I had used it, the more I felt confident in my ability to take pictures, this is something I had no previous experience with so I think

for my first project I had done a good job.