Page 1: Music Magazine Analysis Mixmag


Lead article

All the codes in this magazine seem to suit each other. For example, the masthead ‘Mixmag’ is in a sans serif font, which connotes that this magazine is aimed at younger adults and more female than male because the font is more feminine.

This goes with the quite simple yet feminine and stylish main image of Annie Mac, and this fits with the Lead Article ‘Annie Mac – Is she ready for the biggest job in dance music?’ which is in a serif font, which connotes importance and draws the readers attention as the rest of the magazine is in a sans serif. The lead article encourages the reader to read on and find out whether she is ready or not and what her thoughts are on it.

The way they have styled Annie Mac for the main image is quite simple, although her facial expression and the way she is holding the pole connotes calmness, her black top, long chain and big ring connote boldness. Altogether the main image connotes that Annie is self-assured, confident, yet calm, not needing to show it.

There is also a flash in the shape of an arrow pointing downwards, which connotes ‘read on’.

The font colour of the cover-lines, masthead and lead article (orange and white), these bright colours connote that the magazine is for younger people as it is fresh and modern which goes with the modern, feminine font.

All the codes in this music magazine meet the basic conventions.


Main Image

Cover Lines

Page 2: Music Magazine Analysis Mixmag

This Contents Page does not fit in with the Front page of the magazine as the font style is different from the front-page, the colours used in this content’s page are different to than the front page and the images have been styled differently and the overall house-style is different. Although both the contents page and the front-page codes are designed for a younger target audience. For example the caption above the top image says ‘Don’t Stay In! Go Out! Have Fun!’ This would apply to younger readers, as they would be more expected to go out than older readers. This suits the young, hip house-style of the contents page and this suits the image of a couple dressed up rather radically and appear to be having fun in a nightclub, they have gone out and are having fun. The text is very modern looking as well because even though it is a serif font, it is very modern looking. Also the Regulars section down the bottom tell the reader what is normally included in Mixmag Magazine, this Regulars section is in a sans serif font, which looks very effective as it stands out, and grabs the readers attention.

The funky fresh house-style suits the target readers, the reader can tell which pages to go to if they want to read about fashion or music because of the captions which are easy to read and make the contents page is easy to follow and therefore all the codes meet the basic conventions of a contents page, the page numbers are clearly laid out, the articles are underlined and the large images, this makes Mixmag’s contents page very easy to follow

Page 3: Music Magazine Analysis Mixmag


By line


Lead ImageDrop Cap Columns

Page 4: Music Magazine Analysis Mixmag

The graphics used in this Double Page Spread are excellent and are similar to the graphics in the front cover. The colours used, white, black and orange are really effective together and make the DPS look very stylish and modern, they are also the colours used in the front-cover and help to the house-style of the magazine consistent. The layout ofLayout is picture-led as there are only 2 columns of text and the lead image takes up more space then the text. The image of Annie Mac is really effective as she is standing at the back of the studio with a spotlight on her and there are lots of other little lights give the DPS a galaxy, starry effect. Annie Mac is being portrayed as very bold and confident as she is standing with her hand on her hip, she looks like she’s dressed up to go clubbing which fits because she is a DJ. The image and amazing graphics go really well with the headline ‘Boom at the Top’. The headline fits with the article as it is about Annie Mac taking over a Dance music radio station. The colours white, black and orange go really well together and are the colours used in the front-page, these colours also suit the serif font. The layout of the headline works well being placed diagonally across the top corner with the standfirst underneath. The colours and font make the headline look very modern, and this helps the entire DPS look stylish and modern, and is consistent with the house-style of the rest of the magazine. The headline is not a direct quote from the article.

The journalist does not use a pull-quote; a pull-quote may not have worked well in this DPS as it would not suit the layout, which is effective as it is. However a pull-quote can be very effective in a DPS as it gives the reader an insight into the article; in this DPS the standfirst does the job of giving the audience an insight into the article and so a pull-quote is not needed.

The standfirst is quite effective in this DPS as it uses a rhetorical question at the end to entice the reader to read on. It uses words like ‘legendary’ and ‘empress of whoop whoop’ to make Annie Mac seem really important and how massive this opportunity is for her to get the reader interested.

The codes in this Double Page Spread meet the basic conventions of a Magazine Double Page Spread; it attracts the reader, keeps the house-style consistent with the rest of the magazine and makes Annie Mac look good. It also has a headline, standfirst, drop cap, columns and an excellent lead image.