Page 1: Music Magazine Advert - Questionnaire

Below are my results I obtained from people filling in my online questionnaire about my music magazine advert. I asked predominantly people from my target audience (13-24 year old males and females), as these would have the most important feedback as my music magazine advert is targeted at them. However I also felt that it would be a good idea to ask people outside my target audience to fill in my questionnaire. 18 people altogether completed the online questionnaire.

As you can see from the pie chart above the majority of the people who filled out my questionnaire associated the music magazine advert with the genre of Acoustic music. 15 people choose “Acoustic”, 5 people choose “Rock”, and 1 person chose “pop”. This tells me that the music magazine advert is effective in representing the acoustic genre, which is good as this is what the genre of my chosen artist is. I think it is important that a music magazine advert represents the genre of the music through the use of visuals and text, so the audience can get a rough idea of what kind of music it is. As the majority of the people who answered my questionnaire connected the music magazine advert with the correct genre it has made me confident that this would be a good music magazine advert to use in promoting my chosen artists new single release.

Page 2: Music Magazine Advert - Questionnaire

12 people who filled in my questionnaire selected 13-24 as the age range of the audience they would associate my music magazine advert with. 4 people selected 24-30 and 2 people selected 30-40. As the most popular choice is 13-24, which is the same age range of my target audience, I feel that the music magazine advert is successful in appealing to my target audience.

11 people who filled in my questionnaire said that they would most associate the music magazine advert with both males and females. 6 people said Females, and 1 person said males. Looking at the results I think that people who selected Females were most influenced by the photo of Lewis, as often, magazine adverts that are targeted for women have the use of a male in the photo. The fact that the majority of people selected both females and males make me confidence that my music magazine advert would appeal to my target audience, as my target audience is made up of both males and females.

Page 3: Music Magazine Advert - Questionnaire

3 people said they would expect to see my music magazine advert in Kerrang! Magazine, 11 people said they would expect to see it in Mojo, 15 people said they would expect to see it in NME, 7 people said they would expect to see it in Q magazine, 1 person said they would expect to see it in Rocksound magazine, and 1 person said they would expect to see it Clash magazine. From studying all of these magazines in detail, I personally felt that the most appropriate music magazine to include my advert in would be Mojo and NME, hence my decision to include quotes my these in my advert. It is encouraging to see that my research is backed up from the results of the people who filled in my target audience, including members of my target audience, would expect to see my magazine advert in both NME and Mojo.

As you can see in the pie chart above, the majority of people who answered my questionnaire said they liked the music magazine advert. 3 people said they did not like it, and even thought his is quite a negative response, 3 out of 18 people is not that bad. I personally think that no matter how good the music magazine advert is, it may not appeal to everybody. In contrast, 13 people said they did like it, which is a very positive response. This shows that my magazine advert is appealing to both members in my target audience, and members outside my target audience, which is a important factor as it may contribute towards the audience purchasing the new single.