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Page 1: Music

MUSICBy: Paul Zhang

Page 2: Music


Page 1: A Basic Overview of Music

Page 2: History

Page 3: The Nattiez Theory

Page 4: Music Quotes

Page 5: Where Is Music Found?

Page 6: Music and Technology

Page 7: My Opinion

Page 3: Music


Music is an art. It is made up of sound and silence. Pitch, tempo, dynamics, rhythm, and volume are all part of music, but there is no exact definition for it. By performing music, composers express their feelings, their ideas, or just their musical talent. They can also mix their culture into it, for every culture has their own kind of music. Music is a fine art, for the creations of music is very personal and beautiful. It is organized sound that is able to collaborate and create a pleasant sound, or even musician’s sixth sense. A language only for musicians, it is universal. Sometimes, it is just plain sound.

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Music had already existed during the prehistoric ages, so it may have started about 50,000 years ago. During that time, most music was just the human voice, along with some possible clapping. The instruments were usually made of smooth bones with holes in them. That was the most basic flute.

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“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”-Bob Marley

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”-Friedrich Nietzsche

“Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.”-Jimi Hendrix

“Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.”-Ludwig van Beethoven

“It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and everlasting beauty of monotony.”-Benjamin Britten

“Where words fail, music speaks.”-Hans Christian Andersen

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Nattiez, a famous musician, invented this chart:

This chart shows the three levels of music: Poietic, Neutral, and Esthesic. Poietic means the choice of the composer. That is the level in which the composer is in. That is what the composer thinks, and how he or she wants the song. Sometimes, the music is unable to reach the audience. However, only sound the audience likes gets ‘accepted’, and if they do not like the noise, they will not like it.

Music Non-Music

Poietic Level Musical Sound Sound (Non-Musical)

Neutral Level Sound of the Harmonic Spectrum Noise (Complex Sound)

Esthesic Level Agreeable Sound Disagreeable Noise

Page 7: Music


When you are watching a movie, there may be a soundtrack playing in the background. Also, songs are also considered music, and almost everyone listens to song. Humming a small tune, or even just sound is music. Maybe your family is on a road trip, and you decide to turn the radio on. The sounds coming out of your radio is music. Most schools have a fine arts class, so there is music in schools as well.

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Music and technology may be two different things, but they compliment each other. For example, if a new computer game came out, there almost has to be some sort of soundtrack playing behind it. Maybe, during the death of an important character, a sad piano piece is playing in the background. On the other hand, dubstep and other music that requires electronic voices/sounds will require a computer.

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Music is an art. It is made up of sound and silence. Pitch, tempo, dynamics, rhythm, and volume are all part of music, but there is no exact definition for it. It is a language. When you learn music, you enter a new world. A musician that has practiced for years cannot just listen and enjoy music, but can understand it. What the composer is trying to express is usually lost to the audience. If you understand music, you don't just listen to the words, you listen to the actual experienced musicians could listen to the first four measures of the song, and then explain the tempo, the chords, and the key. A true master of music does not play music, but he or she is able to pull the music out of the instrument.

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Works Cited: History of Music. Wikipedia, 24 Jan. 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>. I got most of my information on musical history from here. Music. Wikipedia, 22 Jan. 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>. This website gave me accurate and trustworthy information.
