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1. Whole Foods Market makes extensive use of what type of teams?a. self-directedb. cross-functionalc. quality d. work group

2. Work groups place a strong emphasis on:a. shared leadershipb. mutual accountabilityc. products that require collective workd. individual accountability

3. A group is a collection of two or more persons with common interests or objectives, whereas a team:a. consists of two or more persons who are loosely tied together, yet each member works

independentlyb. may be dozens of people who are quickly assembled to perform a task that may only take

a few minutesc. has several persons but the performance or contribution of any particular member is

inconsequential for the team's outputd. is usually a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a

common goal for which they are mutually accountable

4. The behavioral norms expected within work groups and considered to be among the most important from the organization's perspective are known as:a. visionsb. organizational culture and credosc. group cohesiond. groupthink

5. Which of the following statements regarding group cohesion is NOT accurate?a. Group cohesion can enhance job satisfaction for members.b. Group cohesion can enhance organizational productivity.c. Highly cohesive groups tend to have higher interpersonal exchanges away from the

workplace.d. Highly cohesive groups are better able to control and manager their membership better

than work groups low in cohesion.

6. A method for countering social loafing includes:a. motivational trainingb. formal evaluation of member contributionsc. emphasizing task functionsd. setting clear group goals

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7. People may engage in immoral acts or even violent behavior as committed members of their group when:a. group cohesion declinesb. social loafing is emphasizedc. there is a loss of individualityd. there is not a norm for moral behavior

8. According to the group development model, which of the following set of issues need to be addressed as part of a groups authority issues?a. who is in charge, management of power and influence, and securityb. expected group outcomes, who is in charge, and management of power and influencec. expected group outcomes, who is in charge, and who has the right to tell whom to do whatd. who is in charge, management of power and influence, and who has the right to tell whom

to do what

9. When the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) formed a group to design the Goolsby Leadership Academy, they formed a(n):a. informal groupb. emerging groupc. unofficial groupd. assigned group

10. A group's interpersonal compatibility may be assessed by examining which set of interpersonal needs?a. need for achievement, inclusion, and controlb. need for affection, achievement, and powerc. need for inclusion, affection, and achievementd. need for inclusion, control, and affection

11. Dependence on guidance and direction is the defining characteristic in what stage of group development?a. normingb. formingc. performingd. adjourning

12. The notion that groups alternate between periods of inertia and bursts of energy as they develop is most consistent with:a. storming–norming stageb. forming–storming stagec. punctuated equilibriumd. evolution–revolution in group development

13. The contributor role in a team is usually occupied by someone who:a. is a good devil's advocateb. is a collaboratorc. is a good facilitator, listener, and communicatord. provides data and necessary information for problem solutions

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14. An important role in the performance of cross-functional teams is:a. contributorb. data generatorc. challengerd. integrator

15. As a member of a quality circle, you frequently check with other members to make sure all are focused on the same problem and that everyone has opportunities to contribute. You are performing the group maintenance function of:a. seeking consensusb. testing ideasc. gatekeeping communicationd. giving information

16. Teams are appropriate where:a. the knowledge and talent of workers are dispersed across members and require integrationb. tasks are independent and complexc. tasks are simple and routined. knowledge and talent is placed in highly skilled individuals

17. Cooperative rewards in work teams will have the most effective impact on:a. speed of performanceb. accuracy of performance c. individual satisfactiond. none of the above

18. Work team effectiveness in the new team environment requires attention by management to both:a. training and work team processb. team structure and work team trainingc. team structure and team processd. roles and leadership

19. Quality teams are different from quality circles in that:a. they are more informalb. members usually volunteer to work on quality issues on company timec. they are more formal and assigned by upper-level managementd. they are developed at lower levels of the organization so assignments typically are made

by first line supervisors

20. A small group of employees who work voluntarily on company time, typically one hour per week, to address work-related problems defines:a. a quality teamb. a quality circlec. an empowered teamd. a self-managed team

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21. Integrated involvement as a social benefit of group or team membership includes:a. emotional supportb. affection and warmthc. opportunity for influenced. interpersonal openness

22. Which of the following is most accurate regarding the impact of dissimilarity on teams and team members?a. value dissimilarity is negatively related to task conflictb. functional dissimilarity is negatively related to team involvementc. value dissimilarity is negatively related to team involvementd. demographic dissimilarity has no impact on OCB

23. A self-managed work team in a manufacturing facility would most likely make the following decisions?a. to schedule a second work shiftb. to layoff several hundred workersc. to install an automated packaging lined. to partially rearrange the work flow and assembly areas in their department

24. The research on self-managed teams reported in the Science feature of Chapter 9 suggested that hard and soft influences along with variation on self-monitoring influenced the effectiveness of teams. Which of the following statements regarding that research is most accurate?a. Hard influence tactics increased over time.b. Low self-monitor managers tended to increase the use of hard influence tactics.c. High self-monitors tended to increase their use of soft influence tactics.d. Influence tactics did not appear to change over time in a self-directed work team


25. Hambrick and Fukutomi's research on CEO tenure found that the second stage of tenure involved:a. selecting an enduring corporate themeb. responding to a Board of Directors mandatec. convergence or pulling together for performanced. experimentation

26. A "wild turkey" in the top management team is:a. someone who is uncontrollableb. a devil's advocate who challenges the thinking of the CEO and other top executivesc. a member of the executive team that retards the executive teams performanced. one who increases the homogeneity within the executive group

27. The skills a team leader requires includes:a. flexibility, delegation, and collaborationb. communication, decisive decision making, and sensitivityc. communication, delegation, and decisive decision makingd. sensitivity, flexibility, and communication

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28. Intuition would be a major part of the input for a manager making what kind of decision?a. programmedb. rationalc. breakeven pointd. nonprogrammed

29. An effective decision is timely, acceptable to the individuals affected by it, and:a. efficientb. achievablec. specificd. meets the desired objective

30. The rational model of decision making assumes:a. preferences of the decision maker are inconsistentb. that all possible alternatives can't be known to decision makersc. that outcomes can't be optimizedd. that the decision maker can calculate the probability of success for alternatives

31. You are starting your senior year of college and look forward to graduation in May. An important task at hand is selecting courses for your final year of study. All but two of your courses are electives. Your course selections will most likely be made based on the:a. garbage can modelb. irrational modelc. random modeld. bounded rationality model

32. In the garbage can model of the decision-making process, decisions are:a. randomb. systematicc. sequentiald. optimal

33. A decision situation where some information is known and probabilities can be assigned to alternative solutions reflects a decision made under:a. uncertaintyb. randomnessc. certaintyd. risk

34. The cognitive style that exhibits a preference for data and a detailed, objective approach to decision making is:a. sensing/feelingb. thinking/feelingc. intuiting/thinkingd. sensing/thinking

35. The fourth step in the Z model of problem solving is:a. data collectionb. problem diagnosisc. impact analysisd. objective analysis of alternatives

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36. In the consideration of whether the right or the left part of the brain should be utilized in decision making, the ideal situation is to be:a. right brain dominantb. left brain dominantc. brain-neutralizedd. brain-lateralized

37. Agor, a researcher on intuition, suggests all of the following can be techniques used by managers to tap into their intuition except:a. practicing relaxation techniquesb. using images to guide the mindc. taking creative pauses before making a decisiond. using decision heuristics and satisficing

38. The stage of creativity where one engages in other activities while the mind considers the problem is:a. preparationb. illuminationc. incubationd. testing

39. A key organizational requirement for participation and empowerment includes:a. an instrumental reward systemb. clear group goalsc. supportive cultured. people with individual motivation

40. If employees can’t be provided with full participation in all stages of the decision making process, the highest payoff will result from which of the following combinations?a. identifying problems, planning implementations, evaluation resultsb. identifying problems, generating alternatives, selecting solutionsc. generating alternatives, planning implementations, evaluating resultsd. generating alternatives, selecting solutions, evaluating results

41. A group approach to decision making tends to be appropriate when:a. the problem is highly structuredb. technical accuracy is not importantc. employees may be indifferent to the outcomed. employees may be in conflict over preferred solution

42. Recent research on group versus individual decisions suggests that:a. individuals will outperform groups on complex tasksb. individuals outperform groups under most conditionsc. groups outperform individuals under conditions where their is relatively high task

certaintyd. groups outperform individuals when the group members have worked together for longer

periods of time

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43. A recent review of the decision situation in the Challenger incident identified which two variables as being important to the groupthink phenomena?a. decision consequence and leadership styleb. leadership style and time constraintsc. group insulation and time constraintsd. decision consequence and time constraints

44. The social comparison approach and persuasive arguments view have both been used to explain:a. groupthinkb. group polarizationc. cognitive dissonanced. bounded rationality

45. A good group decision approach when an objective is to maximize the number of alternatives is:a. brainstormingb. dialectical inquiryc. the Delphi techniqued. nominal grouping

46. A structured approach to decision making that focuses on generating alternatives silently, prevents criticism of alternatives, and uses a voting process to identify group choices is:a. the Delphi techniqueb. dialectical inquiryc. the nominal groupd. devil's advocacy

47. A technique that is valuable in its ability to generate a number of independent judgments without the requirement of a face-to-face meeting is:a. the nominal group techniqueb. dialectical inquiryc. brainstormingd. the Delphi technique

48. As a project group leader, you have recognized the benefits of conflict and some disagreement among project members in solving difficult problems. Accordingly, you are likely to use:a. nominal group techniquesb. brainstormingc. devil's advocacyd. dialectical inquiry

49. Which of the following is a characteristic of quality teams?a. They provide advice to managers who still retain decision-making authority.b. They operate in parallel fashion to the organization's structure.c. They emphasize the generation of ideas.d. They make data-based decisions about improving product and service quality.

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50. An antidote for groupthink in self-managed teams is:a. brainstormingb. the use of nominal groupsc. welcoming dissentd. the Delphi technique

51. Campbell Soup Company enlisted the help of Texas Instruments to develop a system that would clone the thinking of a key diagnostician before he retired. They developed:a. an MIS system based on datab. a decision support systemc. an expert systemd. a network to include all key individuals in diagnostic activities important to decision


52. Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) have been shown to affect conflict within a group by:a. minimizing the amount of face-to-face contactb. providing group members an effective medium for avoiding conflictc. quickly gathering, synthesizing, and reporting the opinions of a large group of peopled. depersonalizing the issue and forcing the group to discuss its conflict management process

53. John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems, had to make some difficult decisions and use his power to bring Cisco back from some very difficult times. When Chambers tied top executives’ bonuses to teamwork, with 30% of their bonuses based on how well they collaborated with others in the firm, he was using what type of power?a. rewardb. expertc. personal powerd. social power

54. The legitimacy inherent in one's job is __________, whereas the ability to influence someone else is __________ .a. power; authorityb. influence; authorityc. authority; powerd. power; control

55.Enlarging an employee's zone of indifference is accomplished by:a. the use of authorityb. the use of powerc. the use of effective communication techniquesd. eliminating cognitive dissonance

56. Donald Carty, the prior CEO of American Airlines, wrestled approximately $1 billion in concessions from the labor union to keep American Airlines from going bankrupt. Unfortunately, Carty had to resign due to his inappropriate use of power reflected by:a. taking more than $240 million, which he spent on art, houses, and yachtsb. expanding into a variety of other businesses that were not profitablec. using company funds for a $2 million party for his wifed. providing special pension trust funding and huge retention bonuses for executives

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57. As a management trainee, you are assigned to a mentor and gain considerable insight into the nature of management and how to behave in different managerial situations. The relationship you have with the mentor is based on ___________ power.a. rewardb. legitimatec. referentd. expert

58. Which base of power has the strongest relationship with performance and satisfaction?a. legitimateb. referentc. expertd. reward

59. To use power ethically an manager should examine the behavior by asking three questions regarding criterion outcomes of:a. procedural justice, utilitarian, and individual rightsb. individual rights, utilitarian, and distributive justicec. distributive justice, utilitarian, and individual rightsd. procedural justice, distributive justice, and individual rights

60. McClelland's two faces of power include:a. coercive and socialb. legitimate and personalc. personal and sociald. legitimate and social

61. McClelland has found that the best managers are those who have:a. a high need for affiliationb. a high need for social power and a high need for affiliationc. a low need for social power and a high need for affiliationd. a high need for social power and a low need for affiliation

62. The key element behind the factors used to explain power differences between groups based on the strategic contingency model is:a. interdependencyb. synergyc. independenced. dependence

63. As a supervisor, you will most likely exercise __________ power in an employee disciplinary situation.a. referentb. normativec. coercived. personal

64. The three types of organizational power included in Etzioni's power analysis include:a. coercive, normative, and distributiveb. normative, distributive, and utilitarianc. expert, normative, and utilitariand. utilitarian, coercive, and normative

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65. According the Kanter's perspective on power, the key to overcoming powerlessness in organizations is to:a. delegate tasks and share powerb. recruit strong willed individualsc. identify strategic contingencies and reduce uncertaintyd. develop relationships with individuals within the organization that have influence

66. According to Michael Korda's view on power which emphasizes symbols of power, which of the following are the three unusual symbols used to explain power differences between individuals?a. level of organization, time power, and standing byb. size of office, time power, and level of organizationc. office furnishings, time power, and standing byd. office furnishings, size of office, and time power

67. Selfless political behavior is most like:a. social powerb. personal powerc. expert powerd. legitimate power

68. If your boss exhibits a participatory style of managing, an appropriate influence tactic for you is:

a. inspirational appealsb. ingratiationc. rational persuasiond. coalition building

69. Evidence indicates that the influence tactic which has the most positive effect on supervisors' assessments of promotability is:a. upward appealb. ingratiationc. rational persuasiond. consultation

70. Which of the following influence tactics would likely have the most negative effect in your attempt to influence a decision with respect to promotability?a. pressureb. consultationc. inspirational appeald. ingratiation

71. Which of the following is LEAST likely to minimize the negative aspects of organizational politics?a. encourage participative managementb. disregard the informal organizationc. clarify goals and performance objectivesd. maintain open communication channels

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72. You have a new boss, someone hired from outside the firm. He has several years of managerial experience in the industry of your firm, but, of course he doesn't have specific knowledge of operational matters for your firm. If you want to develop an effective work relationship with him, you should:a. provide information on performance deficiencies in the organizationb. share information and keep him informedc. limit his time with other employeesd. try to encourage a better match between his management style and those being supervised

73. Which of the following set of dimensions comprise the essence of empowerment?

a. teamwork, delegation, trust, and autonomyb. meaning, teamwork, competence, and trustc. delegation, trust, competence, and autonomyd. meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact

74. The organizational rewards sought from using all four of the empowerment dimensions discussed in your text include:a. increased effectiveness, efficiency, and higher job satisfactionb. lower turnover, less absenteeism, and higher job satisfactionc. higher organizational commitment, increased effectiveness, and efficiencyd. increased effectiveness, less stress, and higher job satisfaction

75. All of the following are reasons why executives fail due to the misuse of power except:a. they see themselves and their companies as dominating their environmentsb. they stubbornly rely on what worked for them in the pastc. they seek jobs that allow them to develop their power skillsd. they think they have all the answers

76. Which one of the following guidelines for leadership is highlighted by Richard Branson of Virgin Group Ltd.?a. Leaders should appreciate the unique attributes, predispositions, and talents of each

employee.b. Leaders should be chosen who challenge the organizational culture, when necessary,

without destroying it.c. Considerate leader behaviors that demonstrate a concern for people appear to enhance the

health and well-being of followers.d. Leaders should get the best people to help them.

77. Kotter suggests that leadership and management:a. consist of very similar activitiesb. involve the alignment of people to the overall direction of the organization through

communicationc. involve the management of major change efforts within the organizationd. are two distinct, yet complementary systems of action in organizations

78. According to Zaleznik's thinking on leaders as distinct personalities, leaders and managers differ along four different dimensions of personality. Which of the following is NOT one of those dimensions?a. attitudes toward goalsb. relationships with othersc. sense of selfd. internal versus external orientation

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79. Which of the following statements best reflects the support for trait theories to identify universal distinguishing attributes of leaders?a. Trait studies have identified physical attributes as being more important to leadership than

personality or leader abilities such as intelligence.b. When looking at physical attributes, height has been the indicator a leader attribute with

universal generalizability.c. Findings on traits as a basis for explaining leader effectiveness are neither strong nor

uniform.d. Trait theory studies have tended to conclude that there are strong implications for training

and development rather then selection.

80. A major difference between trait and behavioral theories of leadership is:a. trait theories, unlike behavioral theories emphasize the leader as opposed to the situationb. trait theories help organizations train and develop leaders rather than select themc. trait theories emphasize personality & ability attributes versus actions and abilitiesd. trait theories emphasize personality & ability attributes versus the characteristics of the

followers themselves

81. When considering the type of leadership style exhibited according to the behavioral theories, which of the following is most accurate?a. The specific situation is important because the leader's style varies with each situation.b. The emotional atmosphere of the work environment has not been associated with a

particular leadership style.c. Situational characteristics are not important because the leader's style does not vary over

different situations.d. Laissez-faire leadership is similar to the employee-centered or subordinate-centered

approach to leadership.

82. A major difference between the Michigan approach to leadership and the Ohio State approach was:a. the Michigan studies used the LBDQ and the Ohio State studies did notb. the Michigan studies sampled real managers whereas the Ohio State studies were

conducted on studentsc. the Michigan studies utilized thinking generated in the trait approach and the Ohio State

studies did notd. the Ohio studies see the dimensions as coexisting where the Michigan studies see them as

mutually exclusive

83. According to the Michigan studies on leadership, a work environment characterized by constant influence attempts on the part of the leader through closer supervision or written rules and regulations is likely the result of:a. autocratic styleb. subordinate-centered stylec. employee-centered styled. production-oriented style

84. Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid identifies the country club manager as someone who:a. exerts minimal effort to get the work doneb. builds a highly productive work teamc. conforms to requirements and applies considerable pressure on employees to performd. creates a pleasing, happy work environment and applies minimal supervision

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85 Contingency theories of leadership, in determining appropriate leader behavior and style, focus strongly on:a. follower characteristicsb. the importance and characteristics of the situation as well as particular traitsc. traits of the leaderd. task characteristics and work schedules

86. Situational favorableness using Fiedler's model consists of which three dimensions?a. initiating structure, position power, and leader-member relationsb. initiating structure, task structure, and position powerc. task structure, leader-member relations, and production orientationd. position power, leader-member relations, and task structure

87. The variables used to determine the most appropriate leader behavior in House's path-goal theory are:a. position power and leader-member relationsb. leader behavior style and follower stylec. authority and task characteristicsd. follower characteristics and task characteristics

88. A recent study applied the Vroom-Yetton-Jago normative decision model to the battlefield behavior of ten commanding generals in six major battles of the American Civil War. When the commanders acted consistently with the prescriptions of the model, they were more successful in accomplishing their military goals. The findings also suggested that:a. leaders were most effective when they adapted their behavior and style to fit the

characteristics of the followers b. leaders who used visionary, transactional, and empowering behaviors while avoiding

autocratic behaviors were most successfulc. leaders that lacked information and sharing and consensus building resulted in serious

disadvantagesd. similar to the conclusions of the leadership grid model of leadership, the one best

approach to leadership is to balance the necessity to get work out while maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level

89. In the Hershey-Blanchard situational leadership model, maturity is determined by:a. a follower's level of moral developmentb. a follower's age and years of experiencec. a follower's emotional quotient or IQd. a follower's ability and willingness to accept responsibility for completing work

90. The basic idea behind leader-member exchange theory is:a. followership is based on member perceptions of equityb. leaders form two groups of followers (in-groups and out-groups)c. leaders develop relationships with followers based on the principle of who does what and

how much for whomd. that followership depends on the degree that a task is satisfying

91. All of the following have been identified as possible substitutes for leadership except:a. a satisfying taskb. employee skillc. formal controlsd. lassez-faire

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92. Transformational leaders have been found to:a. inspire followers to perform beyond expectationsb. be someone who possesses superhuman, or even mystical qualitiesc. think the same as transactional leadersd. be more or less successful depending on the situation

93. Charismatic leadership:a. is very different than transformational leadershipb. is based on actions and behaviorsc. becomes a very effective leadership approach when combined with personalized power

motivationd. has great potential for high levels of achievement but also risks of destructive courses of


94. Which of the following statements best characterizes emotional intelligence and leadership?a. While most people gain emotional intelligence as they age, everyone starts with the same

amount.b. Leadership can be learned; unfortunately, emotional intelligence is given.c. Emotional intelligence can be learned through honest feedback.d. Leaders with low emotional intelligence don’t necessarily make poor decisions or lose

their effectiveness.

95. Felt trustworthiness refers to:a. a form of emotional intelligenceb. the degree to which an individual translates perceptions of behavior into positive feelings

regarding co-workersc. the extent to which employees trust their leadersd. the degree to which employees believe their boss trusts them

96. According to research on male and female leaders:a. men are more likely to use transformational leadershipb. women have to rely on position power to be effective leadersc. women tend to be personally power-driven rather than socially power-driven in the

context of McClelland's two faces of powerd. women tend to use a more people-oriented style that is more inclusive and empowering

97. Art Mellor, the successful entrepreneur who cofounded three companies, is an exception to the selfless leader due to his admitted selfishness to:a. make as much profit for his owners/shareholders as he possibly canb. find a cure for MS which would actually mean he was a servant leaderc. take on the role of an effective followerd. attempt to duplicate that feat by founding another three companies in the next five years

98. Followers who tend to be passive but capable of independent and critical thinking are:a. alienatedb. effectivec. sheepd. survivors

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99. With additional training and the development of a good supervisor-subordinate relationship, which of the following could most easily become a dynamic follower?a. the alienatedb. the survivorc. a sheepd. a yes person

100. The situational approach to leadership would lead to the conclusion that a global leader must factor in which of the following organizational attributes?a. cultureb. differences between men and womenc. strategyd. climate
