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ED480-Educational TechnologyLori M. Torres

Fall 2009

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The connection between technology and multicultural education is that society is becoming more diverse and technology dependent.

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Banks and Banks (1995) define multicultural education: equal educational opportunities for students from diverse

racial, ethnic, social-class, and cultural groups.

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Content IntegrationKnowledge ConstructionEquity PedagogyPrejudice ReductionEmpowering school culture and social


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Web based instructionOnline educationComputer mediated communicationWeb questEducational games and simulationsVideo streamingAudio streaming

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Students can immerse themselves in a different cultural experience

Student are surrounded by various forms of media and telecommunications

Engages students around cultural artifacts that help bridge access to language, literacy, math, science, and art

Interactive and provides access to diverse learners by teaching to a wide range of learning styles (audio, video, text)

Enables students from across the world to interact through text, speech and video

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Provides meaningful ways for educators and students to process information and collaborate to promote critical thinking and social justice through multicultural education

Assists students in research and inquiry Global exchange of ideas, objects, and people

within local and global communities Integrated into teaching such as calculators,

white boards, compass, overhead projectors, films and videos, dvds, music and artwork.

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Technology provides us with various tools that assist in a multicultural education classroom and present many educational opportunities to the young. It provides multiple ways for children to learn. It offers new challenges and possibilities.

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