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Cassie Williams

For cow tipping on other peoples property.Last seen at Walmart two days ago wearing a black shirt and light blue jeans. If seen report to the cops immediately. This is a very important case.


Never Felt More Alive Than Today

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Ten Things I Believe To Be True

1.Every person is equal. Doesn’t matter about their size, color, or grades, they all get treated the same.

2.Abortion is wrong and is cruelty to the children.

3.Friends are there for you no matter what happens.

4.Racism does not exist and no body should be racist towards any other person.

5.No child should be afraid of things and be able to have fun without being worried.

6.Social classes do not exist and people do not get looked down upon because they do not have as much money as someone else.

7.No body lies and everyone tells the truth.

8.Child abuse does not exist and any person who abuses a child in any way is frowned upon.

9.People are forgiving and understand where people are coming from.

10.There was no war and all people were respectful to each other and remained peaceful no matter what.

The Person Who Influenced Me Most In My Life

! My father is a good man. He always has been and always will be. He has made some bad choices in life, but everybody does.

! My dad was my hero. He was the perfect dad. He always played with my brother and sister and me and we would always do something together just so we wouldn’t be bored. He is a hard working man and always put his family first. My dad was like this most of my life up until the last few years.

! My dad got mean. I love him, but it was like he didn’t even want to be around us anymore. He had his days when he was the same old dad I knew and loved and then some days he would be like a total stranger. He had always been there for me and stood by me no matter what and I looked up to him for that until he made the worst mistake of his life.

! My dad got addicted to drugs. After that he was like a changed man. Like the father I knew never even existed. It was like this new dad had come in and taken over and I didn’t like this new dad at all. I missed my dad. He put our family through a lot and he changed us forever.

! There was a time when things got better and he seemed to be happier, but it wasn’t the same dad I knew so long ago, it was like a different dad, but I had to say, I liked this dad a lot better then the other one. He actually started staying with his family more and doing things with us. He was actually going back to his old ways.

! Then just like that it was gone again. One day my dad got picked up by the cops while we were at school. My mother explained to us then that the reason my dad had ever done all those mean things was because he was addicted to drugs. She explained to us that he never meant any harm and after the drugs wore off he would see the pain he caused and be really sorry, because no matter what he was still the same dad he has always been, it was just the drugs talking.

! I have been trying to see my dad every week now. At first I wasn’t too forgiving towards him because to me it seemed like he tore our family apart. After dad went to prison my mom and him got a divorce and now every time I want to go to the prison and see him I can’t help remembering what he did to us. I miss him a lot and every time I think of going I see my dad behind the glass and in that orange jumpsuit, I know that is not what I want for myself, so I made myself a promise that I would never touch or even go near any drugs at all because I did not want to be where my father is today.

Directions From Benton to My House

Step 1:Go right down Alabama Street and follow that street until you reach Carnagie Street.

Step 2: Follow Carnagie Street until you reach Michigan which is caddy corner from the Library.

Step 3: Turn left on Michigan and stop at the first blue house on your left.

Step 4: You have officially reached my house!!


! Abortion is a horrible thing. Yes it has it’s advantages but it also has a lot of disadvantages. Abortion is a ver cruel thing and should not be allowed in the state of Missouri. There is a reason abortion is illegal in most states and I think it should be illegal in Missouri too.

! Yes, abortion helps young people who get pregnant and don’t want a child, but what many people do not seem to realize is that it’s cruel and there are many other options. Things like adoption or learning classes. Just because you are convinced that you are not fit to take care of a baby does not mean that you are not fit to learn. If you don’t want to learn then put the baby up for adoption, it is a lot better then basically murdering an unborn child who has not even gotten a chance to live a full life yet.

! Like I said yes there are some advantages, like for instance it helps you go back to an average life and it helps many girls who are too young to have a baby, but that does not make it right. Just think of all those moms you see beating their children and the children crying and everything, abortion is much worse then that. You are killing an unborn child. Just because it has not been born yet does not mean that it does not have feelings like that child who is getting abused.

! Abortion is wrong and cruel and should be against the law in all of the United States. Abortion is horrible so you should not put any other unborn child through that because they feel everything. Don’t put a human being through something that horrible. Humanity is better than that.