
ABP Sessional hourly pay rates Semester 1 2020

Initial Lecture $208.21Repeat Lecture $138.81Initial Tutorial $148.51Repeat Tutorial $99.00Initial Tutorial (PhD) $177.61Repeat Tutorial (PhD) $118.41Marking $49.50Marking (PhD) $59.20Master Studio Leader $162.62ABP Studio Teaching (undergrad) $72.25Level A.2 is used for other required academic activity* $49.51Level A.6 is used for other required academic activity* – PhD rate $59.21

All lectures and tutorials include payment for 1 hour of delivery and; Initial lectures and tutorials include 2 hours of associated working time Repeat lectures and tutorials are re-occurring sessions within the same week and include 1 hour of associated

working time

*Other Required Academic Activity includes:

the conduct of practical classes, demonstrations, workshops, student field excursions; development of teaching and subject materials such as the preparation of subject guides and reading

lists and basic activities associated with subject coordination; consultation with students; supervision; attendance at lectures as directed; attendance at departmental and or faculty meetings as required;

Sessional Tutor Induction If required (new staff member or refresher) - Including attendance at Tutor Induction (2 hours) and completion of casual compliance training (0.5 hours)

Paid at Level A.2 or Level A.6 (if PhD qualified) rate

Field Trip

Paid at Level A.2 or Level A.6 (if PhD qualified) rate

Faculty of Architecture, Building and PlanningThe University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia E: [email protected] | W:
