  • 1. Rocks & Minerals What are minerals? How are rocks classified? Properties of Minerals How do rocks change? Science 4 Chapter 6 Take a earth shattering journey to find out more about rocks & minerals. Use your mouse to enter in different areas. ROCK ON! Click on the red to discover more information about rocks & minerals.

2. What are Minerals? Mineral Crystals Mineral Use Minerals are natural, nonliving solid crystals that make up rocks. 3. Mineral Crystals All over the world, each mineral has the same chemical makeup. 4. Mineral Use We use this mineral daily. How is it used? C. saltA. pencil D. Milk of MagnesiaB. chalk 5. Sorry, Try Again Back 6. You are right! Halite is used to make table salt, a seasoning used in the foods we eat. 7. Mineral Use This mineral is used in our homes and school. How is it used? D. water pipesA. chalk B. make up C. plastered gauze 8. Sorry, Try Again Back 9. You are right! Copper is used to make pipes used to carry water in our homes and school. 10. How are Rocks Classified? 3 Classifications of Rocks Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary The Rock Family Song Click screen to view the video Next Section 11. igneous Basalt 12. Sedimentary Shale Limestone 13. metamorphic Marble 14. Listen & Learn about the Rock Family 15. Properties of Minerals Color Luster Hardness Streak Crystal Shape Cleavage Other Scientist test minerals to help identify. Here are some categories: Click screen to view the video Next Sections 16. color 17. luster 18. Hardness Materials to check for mineral hardness: Vinegar, nail, penny, glass, magnet, 19. streak Ceramic tile can determine hardness of minerals. 20. Crystal shape 21. cleavage gypsum Mica 22. Other properties Chrysoprase: Waxy feeling. Variscite 23. How Do Rocks Change? Heat, pressure, chemical reactions, water, and other forces cause changes. Interactive Rock Cycles The Rock Cycle Rocks are continually formed & destroyed. They can stay the same for long periods of time or change based on environment. 24. Interactive Rock Cycle Click labels to link to different animated views of rock changing. Although we cannot physically see rocks change, here is an opportunity to see the changes rocks go through to become igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. 25. The Rock cycle 26. Welcome to the rock Nursery The Birth of a Metamorphic Rock 27. Rock Cycle Song (Sing to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat as a "Round"; after all, it is the Rock "Cycle"! ) SEDIMENTARY rock Has been formed in layers Often found near water sources With fossils from decayers Pink Granite Schist Limestone Then there's IGNEOUS rock Here since Earth was born Molten Lava, cooled and hardened That's how it is formed These two types of rocks Can also be transformed With pressure, heat and chemicals METAMORPHIC they'll become. 28. Another view of the rock cycle 29. sites for further investigation The Planet Really Rocks Interactive view of rocks & minerals BBC KS2 Bitesize: Rocks & Soil Check out how rocks test with other properties BBC KS3 Bitesize: Rocks Activity Observe how different rocks are formed How StuffWorks Video Classifying Minerals Click to visit other sites to experience more information about rocks & minerals.
