Page 1: MPI - New Zealand eScience InfrastructureMPI_Status • MPI_Test: 1 if done, 0 if not • MPI_Wait: Fills in an MPI_Status after ... gives MPI the opportunity to allocate buffer space


Charles Bacon

Page 2: MPI - New Zealand eScience InfrastructureMPI_Status • MPI_Test: 1 if done, 0 if not • MPI_Wait: Fills in an MPI_Status after ... gives MPI the opportunity to allocate buffer space

Framework of an MPI Program

• Initialize the MPI environment–MPI_Init(…)

• Run computation / message passing• Finalize the MPI environment–MPI_Finalize()

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Hello World fragment

#include <mpi.h> rc = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); rc = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); rc = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size); printf(“Hello from %d of %d”, rank, size); rc = MPI_Finalize();

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Things to note about hello world

• When you run many tasks of this program, they are all running the same code– Can differentiate behavior by, for

instance, conditionals on my rank: if (rank == 0) {…}

• This example does not include message passing

• It’s perfectly fair to have many ranks running on the same compute node

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Point to point communication

• Send / receive• Basic information:–Who should I send to / receive from?–What am I getting? (ints, floats, structs,

… ?)– How many of those am I getting?–What buffer should I save them into?– Did it succeed?–What was the purpose of the message?

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Send / recv example

MPI_Send(data, 10, MPI_INT, target, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

Send 10 integers starting from my “data” pointer

Send them to rank “target” in MPI_COMM_WORLD

With message tag “0”

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Send / recv example

MPI_Recv(&buff, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, sendr, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);

Receive from rank “sendr” in MPI_COMM_WORLD

Can optionally receive from any source

Receive a single double into my “buff” variable

Message should have the “0” tag

Can optionally receive from any tag

Store status into the “stat” variable.

Contains source/tag info, plus error code

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You can now do cool things!

• Point-to-point send and receive are very powerful tools. You can now write most parallel programs you would want to.

• Everything else I’m going to talk about now are to give you finer-grained control over behavior, avoid deadlocks, and get better performance.

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Heat diffusion

• To approximate the solution of the Poisson Problem ∇2u = f on the unit square, with u defined on the boundaries of the domain (Dirichlet boundary conditions), this simple 2nd order difference scheme is often used: – (U(x+h,y) - 2U(x,y) + U(x-h,y)) / h2 + (U(x,y+h) -

2U(x,y) + U(x,y-h)) / h2 = f(x,y) –Where the solution U is approximated on a

discrete grid of points x=0, h, 2h, 3h, ... , 1, y=0, h, 2h, 3h, ... 1.

– To simplify the notation, U(ih,jh) is denoted Uij

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The five-point stencil

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Five point stencil, 9 nodes

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Ghost cells

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Local data structure

• Each node has a local patch of the global array. A “halo” is allocated around the local patch to store the information required from our neighbors

• Each node computes a timestep, then both:– Shares its data with its neighbors– Receives updated data from its neighbors

• This goes by the name Bulk Synchronous Processing

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Heat diffusion outline

for(i=0; curr_time < end_time; i++){ if (i % update_steps == 0) {print_status();} local_diffusion(my_data, dx, dt, a); ghost_update(my_data, myrank, size); curr_time += dt;}

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Othing things you can do

• Calculate PI in a parallel manner– Take care for distributed random number


• Find prime numbers, find pyramidal numbers– Take care for load balancing

• Distribute tasks from rank 0 to worker ranks– Take care that rank 0 does not become

the bottleneck

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• Collectives implement communicator-wide communication in a way that allows the implementation to optimize behavior

• Some examples:–MPI_Barrier to synchronize–MPI_Reduce to get

sum/min/max/product of data–MPI_Scatter to spread data from one

node to many others

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• Enough dancing around – what are the communicators about?

• Imagine running a coupled simulation in a single code. You might want to run collectives on a subset of the nodes

• Imagine using a matrix-multiply library. How does it know what subset of nodes are participating?

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MPI_Bcast and MPI_Scatter

• It’s common in a serial code to read in some startup data, then run

• Please don’t make every rank of your parallel program open and read from a file!

• Instead, let rank 0 read in the file, then either broadcast or scatter the data, as appropriate– Your interconnect is way faster than a


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Parallel I/O and visualization

• I/O gets complicated at scale. Fortunately there are libraries to help

• Look into HDF5, NetCDF, pNetCDF, ADIOS as possible APIs that will save you the headache of architecting scalable parallel I/O

• Also pay attention to visualization via Paraview or VisIt

• MPI-2 does include some parallel file primitives if you want to roll your own

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Oh dear: Deadlock

• Before introducing deadlock, I’d like to introduce deadlock.

• Rank 0:MPI_Recv(&buff, 1, MPI_INT, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);MPI_Send(data, 1, MPI_INT, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

• Rank 1:MPI_Recv(&buff, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stat);MPI_Send(data, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

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Causes of deadlock

• Messages interleaving differently than you expected, causing a message not to be received how you expected

• Not making progress in a send/receive because of blocking semantics

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Message ordering guarantees

• If a sender sends two messages to the same destination and both match the same receive, the receive operation will receive the first before the second

• If a receiver posts two receives that match the same message, the earlier receive will match first

• No fairness applies to messages from different senders

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Unexpected ordering deadlock

• This can happen, for instance, with MPI_ANY_SOURCE receives.MPI_Recv(…, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, …)MPI_Recv(…, rank 2, …)

• If rank 0 sends first, then rank 2 sends, no guarantee that you won’t match the “any source” with the rank 2 message, then be stuck forever waiting to hear from rank 2

• This situation can also be resolved with tags

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Blocking and Memory semantics

• After MPI_Send completes, what is true?– You are free to change the contents of

your send buffer– The remote side may not have received

the data

• After MPI_Recv completes, what is true?– The data has landed in your application


• Note that MPI has its own buffers it uses during both the send and receive operations

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You have a lot of control

• You have control over:–When your code should be allowed to

proceed–What the MPI implementation is allowed

to assume the receiver of your code has done

–What buffers are used by the operations

• You have the obligation not to violate the contract associated with the options you choose

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First: non-blocking receive

• What if we could have both sides say “I am willing to receive a message, but let me keep going” and then they both performed their sends -> no deadlock

• MPI_Irecv(…) gives you an MPI_Request handle to track the progress of the receive

• MPI_Test() will peek at the status• MPI_Wait() will block for completion• You must do one or both of these things to

ensure that MPI can make progress!

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• MPI_Irecv (&buf, count, datatype, source, tag, comm, &request);– The same as MPI_Recv, but with an

MPI_Request at the end instead of an MPI_Status

• MPI_Test: 1 if done, 0 if not• MPI_Wait: Fills in an MPI_Status after

waiting for the MPI_Request to finish– Often used: MPI_Waitall() on an array of


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Optimization related to irecv

• One nice thing about irecv() is it gives MPI the opportunity to allocate buffer space for the receive before the send posts

• This enables some implementations to do remote direct memory access (RDMA) to place the message into memory from the network device without interrupting the program

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• Same kind of thing as MPI_Irecv(), but with a little more onerous contract

• You promise not to modify the buffer being used for the send until the send has completed, because you don’t know when MPI will copy it out

• Again, must either test or wait to ensure progress on the send

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Other send/recv variants

• MPI_Sendrecv: combines send and receive into a single call for a pair who are exchanging data

• MPI_Bsend: Tell MPI to use a buffer that you supply, so you have control over memory

• MPI_Ssend: Don’t return until the receive has begun processing

• MPI_Rsend: I promise that the recv posted

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MPI Libraries

• One of the real strengths of MPI was that it was well-designed to let third parties write libraries that you can re-use– This is a strong motivator for

communicators, even if you yourself only use COMM_WORLD

• Now that we have discussed how you can write your own MPI code, let’s talk about how you can avoid writing it

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Some MPI-friendly software

• PETSc, SUNDIALS: numerical frameworks• Dense linear algebra: BLAS, ScaLAPACK• Sparse linear algebra: SuperLU• Meshing: MOAB, ParMETIS• Load-balancing: Included in PETSc, ADLB• Molecular Dynamics: AMBER, CHARMM,

NAMD• Spectral methods: FFTW• Computational chemsitry: NWChem, GPAW

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Other MPI programming models

• At smaller scales, you see a lot of mixing between threaded on-node with OpenMP or CUDA combined with MPI between nodes.

• Another featured introduced later in MPI is one-sided communications; too advanced to cover here– Sometimes this will be provided to you

by a library interface like Global Arrays (GA)

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Debugging and Optimizing

• There are MPI debugging tools available, like DDT, Totalview, and gdb

• For profiling, things like MPI_Wtime() to get timers, gprof, TAU, and HPCToolkit() can collect performance data

• Also, don’t forget to optimize your serial program first

• Pay attention to load balancing

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Scalability is not the same as performance

• Performing work in parallel involves book-keeping costs that serial codes don’t have

• Highly performant codes often fail to achieve perfect scaling

• Highly inefficient codes are easier to scale!

• Make sure you measure what matters: time to solution

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Things we didn’t cover

• MPI Datatypes:– Allows optimizations related to packing/unpacking data for

sends and receives

• MPI Topologies:– Let MPI assign a logical cartesian structure to your ranks,

instead of you coding it

• MPI Communicator routines:– Creating new ones, splitting on conditions

• MPI RMA/one-sided• MPI-IO• MPI-3 features– Non-blocking collectives, neighborhood collectives, new RMA
