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Movement and professional work

Bucharest, Romania

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Bucharest cyclists have problems with...

Foto: Bast

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Street dogs

Bucharest cyclists have problems with...

Foto: Bast

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Bucharest cyclists have problems with...

Foto: Bast

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Bucharest cyclists have problems with...

Foto: Bast

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The Mayor

Bucharest cyclists have problems with...

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The cycle paths completed in 2008

and 2011 were established only on

sidewalks and turned out to

be very expensive and unsuccessful


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Until October 2012,

the Police Traffic

Division had already

declared illegal so

many paths that their

length exceeded 100

km out of the 117 km

manged by the

Bucharest Streets


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On March 11, 2013, the Mayor

announced that he refused to lay down the cycle lanes on roads and that he supported cycle lanes exclusively on the sidewalks.

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The Community of Bucharest’s Cyclists:

We don’t WANT cycle lanes on the sidewalk !

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March 23rd 2013 – Protest march:

We don’t WANT cycle lanes on the sidewalk !

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There were only 4,200 people.

But it wasthe largest bike

protest in Romania

Foto: Loading Studio

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But the Mayor decided to ignore cyclists

and experts. He wants more traffic.

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April 12, 2013: The Mayor announced value of the the investments for the

road infrastructure of his dreams: 13 billion Euros !

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With the current city income, the infrastructure planed by the Mayor

would be ready in 40 years.

Bucharest will be buried in debts in order to get buried in concrete.

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In 1900, the Mayor’s

plans would have

been visionary!

But we live in 2013…

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“If you plan cities for cars and traffic, you get cars and traffic.

If you plan for people and places, you get people and places.”

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Citizens’ Campaign requestingpublic information about illegal cycle lanes.

The Mayor

refuses to

provide this



Foto: Bike Lover

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Translation: “Mr. Mayor told me that if I collected 10,000

likes on facebook, he would give cycle lanes"

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Translation: ”We don’t like cycle lanes on the sidewalk !”

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Translation: “I can’t wait to see their facesafter I make cycle lanes over here!”

Foto: Virusbike

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Currently Bucharest has no viable route with cycling lanes for the

city's thousands

of bikers.