  • 1. Motivational Theories and TheirApplication on Students Motivation

2. Abstract Motivation is the concept related with the need and drive to achievethat need. Every step we take in our lives because of the Motivationonly. Ex-We want to pray, go to temple. We want to get education,knowledge, degree, we go to college etc. We do work according to our requirements or to fulfill ourrequirements. Motivation is purely personal phenomenon. A person who does noteat non-veg, you cant attract the person for many non-vegdelicious dishes. 3. Motivation is that attraction towards things or activities.Till the need is not satisfied, its motivation for you. Onceit is satisfied, no more motivation from that need. You arehungry, food is motivation for you, once you had food, nomore attraction for you. Once you get MBA degree, no more interest in doing thesame course again. Now you want Ph. D. or somethingelse and that is your motivation now. We do everything to satisfy any need. But as a managerone need to understand the use of motivation, to knowothers need and to use motivation as device to take workfrom them 4. Motivational theories help us to understand the use of the theories inpractical lives or in our professional or personal lives. When we talkabout motivational theories, we relate them with the work life. In thatcase how we can make a students feel that these theories are asimportant for them as for an employee. Ex- I train a group of managersregarding motivation, I can tell them example of Maslows model andhierarchy of need, they can relate as they know that they started workingfor money and then for security and .. but a student who is freshgraduate, does not know the actual requirement of a job only for moneyas first step, how can he relate with the theory. For this purpose I used here the theories for the motivation ofmanagement students. If a management student is coming to the class, first he shouldunderstand the value of that particular subject in his personal life andlater in his future professional life. Then only he can me motivatedtowards learning that topic or subject. Here I will try to help students as well their faculties to understand thevalue of motivation in education and learning and its importance in ourreal life scenario. 5. Motivation According to the Wikipedia: Motivation is a Psychological feature that arouses an organism toact towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certaingoal directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological drive thatcompels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal. For example,hunger is a motivation that elicits a desire to eat. Motivation hasbeen shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive,and social areas. Motivation may be rooted in a basic impulse to optimize well-being, minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure. It can alsooriginate from specific physical needs such as eating, sleeping orresting, and sex. Motivation is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner.These inner conditions such as wishes, desires, goals, activate tomove in a particular direction in behavior. 6. Theories of MotivationAn Overview of Some of the Popular Motivational Theories 7. Abraham MaslowsNeed Hierarchy ModelMaslow defined human needs as: Physiological: the need for food, drink, shelter, and relieffrom pain(Satisfy by money). Safety and security: the need for freedom from threat; thesecurity from threatening events or surroundings. Belongingness, social, and love: the need for friendship,affiliation, interaction, and love. Esteem: the need for self-esteem and for respect fromothers. Self-actualization: the need to fulfill oneself bymaximizing the use of abilities, skills, and potential. 8. Need Hierarchy 9. Douglas McGregors ParticipationModel Theory X: With respect to people, this is a process of directing theirefforts, motivating them, controlling their actions, modifying theirbehavior to fit the needs of the organization. Without this active intervention by management, people would bepassive even resistant to organizational needs. They must, therefore,be persuaded, rewarded, punished, controlled their activities must bedirected. This is managements task -- in managing subordinatemanagers or workers. We often sum it up by saying that managementconsists of getting things done through other people. Behind this conventional theory there are several additionalbeliefs less explicit, but widespread: The average man is by nature indolent he works as little aspossible. He lacks ambition, dislikes responsibility, prefers to be led. He is inherently self-centered, indifferent to organizational needs. He is by nature resistant to change. He is gullible, not very bright the ready dupe of the charlatan andthe demagogue. 10. Theory Y: People are not by nature passive or resistant toorganizational needs. They have become so as a result ofexperience in organizations. The motivation, the potential for development, thecapacity for assuming responsibility, the readiness todirect behavior toward organizational goals are allpresent in people. Management does not put them there.It is a responsibility of management to make it possiblefor people to recognize and develop these humancharacteristics for themselves. The essential task of management is to arrangeorganizational conditions and methods of operation sothat people can achieve their own goals best by directingtheir own efforts toward organizational objectives. 11. Frederick Herzbergs Hygiene andMotivational Factors His research emphasized job enrichment (depth) rather than jobenlargement Job context (hygiene factors) needed to be optimal to prevent jobdissatisfaction. These factors (according to Herzberg) did notmotivate. Job content (motivators) factors that did lead to motivation Money (according to Herzberg) could motivate if it was seen as areward for accomplishment; but if money was given without regard formerit, then it was a hygiene factor.HYGIENE FACTORS: Policies and Administration Supervision Working Conditions Interpersonal Relations (with supervisors, peers and subordinates) Money, Status, Security 12. MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS Achievement Recognition for Accomplishment Challenging Work Increased Responsibility Growth and Development 13. Motivation and Hygiene FactorsTHE JOB SURROUNDINGS AND THEHYGIENE FACTORSSUPERVISIONWORKING CONDITIONS RESPONSIBILITYACHIEVEMENTBENEFITS THE JOB ITSELFCOMPANY INTER- AND THE POLICY AND PERSONAL WORK ITSELF MOTIVATOR RECOGNITION ADMINIS- RELATION- FACTORSTRATIONSHIPSGROWTH ADVANCEMENT SECURITYSTATUSSALARY 14. Valence Expectancy Theory of Vroom The expectancy theory of Victor Vroom helps toexplain the choosing process among individualsin terms of the value (valence) of the reward andthe expectancy of receiving the reward.Management practices: Managers need to focus on employeeexpectations for success. Managers must actively determine which second-level outcomes are important to employees. Managers should link desired second-leveloutcomes to the organizations performancegoals. 15. Expectancy Theory 16. Equity TheoryEquity theory is not a new one but focuses on howindividuals perceive their reward or pay comparedto what others are receiving.Issues of social justice and distributive justice areinvolved in the theory of Stacy Adams. 17. Employees compare their efforts and rewards withthose of others in similar work situations. Individuals, who work in exchange for rewards fromthe organization, are motivated by a desire to beequitably treated at work. Equity exists when employees perceive that the ratiosof their inputs (efforts) to their outcomes (rewards) areequivalent to the ratios of other similar employees. Inequity exists when these ratios are not equivalent. 18. How to motivate students:Application of Theories There is and there can be no teaching where attention of the scholar is not secured. The teacher who fails to get the attention of his scholars, fails totally. Hughes-1880 19. Application of motivational theorieson students: MecGregors Participation theory- Theory X and Y X type students- want to learn, but need support from faculties. Y type students are self learners, want more and more interactivelecture sessions. Application of Valence- expectancy theory: They put their efforts What value they give to the result, means degree or learning etc What efforts they should put to get that result. What result they will actually get after putting that much of efforts. Faculty role is- need to believe that they can do well. Need to make them believe what is worthwhile for them- only marks orlearning. 20. Equity theory: Students are really affected by the biased behavior offaculty. Teacher needs to be impartial in appreciation ormotivating students. Real feedback for their performance. Transparency in assessment system. Goal setting theory: As a true leader for their students faculties should set therealistic targets for them and help them to achieve thosetargets. Time to time Assignments, deadlines for the completionshould be there to prepare them for future and motivatethem towards continuous learning. 21. Apart from the use of these theories there are different roles andresponsibilities of faculty to create a motivational environmentfor the students to make them understand the value of Motivationand learning. Supportive Environment- Students should not havehesitation to speak or give answer either wrong or right.There should be open discussion and participationbetween faculty and students. Real challenges and completion on time- they should begiven real and attainable goals and challenges but withmeaningful learning objectives. There should not be overuse of any motivationaltechniques or theories. 22. Continuous programs and activities for them. Teach them self goal setting, self reinforcement andperformance appraisal. Help them to recognize the link between their need fulfillmentthrough their efforts. Tell them the importance of Law Of Attraction to getthe targets. (Motivate them to work hard for their goals) Use of Outside Motivation sources: Extrensic Rewards: Good Marks, Recognition, Value ofacademic activities etc. Intrensic Rewards: (Motivation from within) Find out theirreal interest, include variety of elements, participation ofstudents in lesson plan, activities and opportunities. Allow them to create end product. Team works and games.Funfilled activities as example of films in teaching. 23. Simulation in teaching- be a role model for the students,communicate your expectation with your students, be friend foryour students. Not only for study but counsel them for personal issues andlife. Work as the guide for them. Show your enthusiasm in their success. Appreciation for their work. Be representative for them whenever required. Make abstract content more concrete (Use the examples whichhelp them to relate the topic with their personal life and issues).Tell the relevance before starting topic, which will motivatethem to connect with the topic and more learning will happen. 24. Three major goals to motivate:1. Attention: get the attention of the students through fun, use of stories, problem and situational analysis.2. Create mental set: more participation, their own experiences, importance of the topic for them.3. Create need to learn: make them feel the need to learn more and more by asking specific questions. They should not feel as they know everything now about topic. There should be always scope for more learning and secret to be opened. They should feel still there are lot to know which they do not know. Give them chance to explore themselves.Ex- ask them about need analysis of T&D, then next how you can create that need in your employees?From general to specific questions. 25. IN BRIEF: Be friendly- Active listener Participation of students Students attention and creation of need to learn Arouse curiosity with real and achievable task Comfort Zone for students to speak out. Command on topic of faculty Importance of topic for students real life scenario. Knowledge of current technology and topics. 26. Question ? Can we actually motivate some one?Thank You Poonam Jindal
