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Five Search Engine Marketing And Social Media Trends in 2016

2015 was an excitatory year in the field of search engine marketing and social media optimization and now every business owner looking for new 2016 trends of SEO and SEM. At present days, there are billions social media users worldwide and nine out of ten companies used social networks to spread their business. There are some search engine marketing and social media optimization trends in 2016 and SEO Kitchener offers these trends for you.

1. Mobile Optimization Is Must: In the last year, you see mobile phone helps to generate more traffic and visitor than desktop and laptop search. At present time, everyone use smartphone. Remember, if you don't optimized your website for mobile, in this case may be you loss traffic from your website.

2. Video Advertising: YouTube is crucial and is also second largest in the field of search engine marketing and social media. These two fields are can't imagine without YouTube. Video advertising is a very important factor to stay a user for long time on website. Another benefit of video advertising, you can connect with your customers or clients. This is one of the best way to information to customer which they want. You can start your own YouTube channel or you can hosting your own video on your website.

3. Voice Searches: Generally people always like to do different things. Voice search is one of them. Users like to search items through typing or speaking methods. For the past of years, smartphone users as well as voice searches are become popular instead of typing search.

4. Local SEO Is Important: Local SEO is most important for any local online business. It allows to every local business owners to increase their business in local location. You can list your business in online business directories for more traffic and profit and it is free.

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5. Social Posts: Like local SEO, social posts are also vital. It is one of the best factor to get results on your blog or posts. Use images, videos and news in your social posts. There are many business owner who already use social media to gain more results on their websites.

Except these given above tips, there are more search engine marketing trends. To know about search engine marketing and social media trends, contact our web developers and designers in Kitchener at 226-666-8966.

Six Top Most Common Search Engine Optimization Myths Smoke Out

Search Engine Optimization is always top priority of your website. There are many entrepreneurs who believe that SEO is complicated and it is constantly changing. They are wrong, SEO is not complicated, scary topic and also not changed. It offers wide range of benefits to entrepreneurs. In this article you read some search engine optimization myths and may be you hear many times these myths. Here are most common SEO myths.

1. SEO Is Dead: Mostly people thinks that SEO is dead and it does not work any more. But they all are wrong who thinks like this. Google changed its algorithm time to time and due to this may be search engine optimization also change. SEO will never dead, it is clearly alive as long as search engines and Google algorithms. SEO is as important for your website as few years ago. So, if anyone told you that SEO is dead, don't worry about it.

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2. Social Media Does Not Affect SEO: It is totally wrong that social media is not important for search engine ranking. Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and other social media site play a crucial role in SEO. When you post any content on social site and people like it, it's definitely sure that they share and like your content which will help rank your site. Social sites are also vital for local business.

3. You Can Use One Keyword Again And Again: If you think you do keyword stuffing during SEO, you are wrong. If you do this, there are more chances of penalized by Google. You need to focus on that relevant terms or items which help to attract users or visitors. Due to keyword stuffing, your content sounds laughable and ridiculous.

4. SEO Is An Expensive: When you hire a SEO team, you pay some amount to them for every that task which they done during SEO. Search engine optimization is not expensive because you just pay once for their work but after done SEO, you get long time results.

5. SEO Changes Hastily: It is precise. But it does not affect your website ranking. Some time these changes are occur when Google changed its algorithm. It is search engine optimization expert's responsibility that how to prevent your website from Google penalized.

6. Black Hat SEO Is Good: If you think a black hat SEO is good for your website, you are totally wrong. It's true that black hat search engine optimization offers you fast results but these results are not last to longer.

These are some search engine optimization myths which are listed above. If you have any query or question regarding any SEO service, you can make a call to Digital Labz in Kitchener.
