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Most effective link building in 2014- Guest Blogging or Infographic?


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Recently Google’s Head of web spam team Matt Cutts posted a blog post on his blog, in this post he discussed about the future of Guest blogging.

I personally saw that many times in webmaster videos people ask about the guest blogging and how people are making it spammy just for links. Similar like guest blogging, infographics are also getting used to link building technique. Many companies or agencies are using it just the way of link building, not for branding or not users.

So I was thinking which technique is good for all SEO’s in 2014? Because it is clear now that Google will do something in 2014 for guest blogging and I am sure that after guest blogging “Google’s next target will be infographics”.


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1. Brian Dean from Backlinko

Definitely infographics.The best you can get with a guest post is traffic from the site that you published on. You can get A LOT of traffic…but you’re inherently limited by the medium.

On the other hand, an infographic has the potential to get shared HUNDREDS of different places. Which means more opportunities for people to hear about your site.

I actually know of a few businesses that have stopped doing anything BUT infographics. When done right, they’re unbeatable.

Follow Brian:@backlinko Brian’s Website:

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2. Patrick Coombe from Elite-Strategies

I definitely think content marketing is the winner of that question. For a few reasons:

1. Lots of people are getting scared away from guest posting with the recent attention given from Matt Cutts of the Google web spam team.

2. Infographics were a huge hit last year, but aren’t nearly as effective as they used to be. You used to be able to post any kind of infographic and get tons of traffic. This is just no longer the case.

The world is in a content race. Companies everywhere are spending millions on their content budget and doing whatever they can to publish as much quality content as they can.

Follow Patrick:@patrickcoombe Patricks’ Blog:

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3. Takeshi Young from Entirely Pets

Despite Matt Cutts’ recent tirade, guest blogging should continue to be a solid marketing technique in 2014. However, Google may begin cracking down on low quality guest posting, so your focus should be on quality and relevancy.

Focus on getting a few guest posts published on authoritative blogs in your niche, and use it as a tool to introduce yourself to key influencers. As with any SEO technique, don’t go overboard with it. If you’re getting 50 guest post links every month, that’s obviously going to throw some red flags. Continue..

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Infographics are overdone in most niches, so you really need an exceptional concept & design to see any kind of traction. However, infographics can be a great way to market your content on social networks such as Pinterest and Google+.

Follow Takeshi:@takeshiyoung Takeshi’s website:Entirely Pets

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4. Dan Shure from Evolving Seo

I would honestly answer this question by saying “it depends”. The most effective technique is ALWAYS going to be clearly finding and defining your audience, digging deep into what their needs and interests are and building content around that. To do long term, sustainable SEO, you have to truly know your audience, what content will resonate with them and then create that content better than anyone else out there.

Follow Dan: @dan_shure Dan’s website:

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5. Steve Morgan from SEOno

A good question, with no simple, straightforward answer! Personally I’ve always been a bigger fan of content marketing, but in either circumstance, if the content/visual is good enough, it’ll perform well. You could always do a mix though: an infographic (with supporting text) given to someone as a guest blog post…

Follow Steve: @steviephil Steve’s Website: SEOno

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6. Kumail Hemani from kumailhemani

“As far as we maintain the quality, both activities are fine and should be working.

While Guest blogging for authority websites is still a challenge for many because they don’t accept every contributor – you have to build interesting content and sometimes relation with editors to get appearance. They usually don’t accept targeted anchor text links and provide 1 branded and social profile links – and because those links work, you will have to do it.

On the other hand, an Infographic can be used on multiple websites and a way to spam the Internet with the same thing again and again to acquire lot more links. It has already lost the value and will do more, but it works if you use it as an authentic blog post on your own website, don’t put “targeted anchor text” in embed and try to put that on authority websites only to attract bloggers to share it more.”

Follow Kumail: @KRHemani Kumail’s Website: kumailhemani

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7. Matthew Barby from Findmyblogway

When it comes to guest blogging vs infographics, it’s not usually something that I would choose between. Instead, I’d look at it from the other angle – what content format is going to be the best to present the information that I have and also, what format is going to deliver the greatest return on investment. This will often mean that multiple content pieces are created in order to get the best results in terms of links earned.

On the other hand, it isn’t always feasible to create an infographic every time that you want to gain some backlinks, so scalability needs to be considered. This is where more visual content assets can be used as a core piece and then expanded on in multiple text-based articles to gain more exposure. For example, if you had some fresh data that had been gathered giving insights into your industry, you could then create a visual representation of the data. Continue……

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To then build on this, you could write some articles that talk about the key findings, record a video that talks through the data and gives an extra avenue for exposure. This doesn’t need to stop there and could have a Slide Share presentation that talks about some of the findings/outcomes, you could run a webinar, create an interactive guide, etc.

The key point that I’m trying to make here is that when you’re thinking about building a truly organic content strategy; try to develop a content ecosystem for topic that you’re covering. You’ll often be able to reuse and redevelop your existing data to give you more linkable assets and more opportunities to get some results. Not only this, but it’s a lot more scalable than running multiple linear campaigns that have no synergy with one another.

Follow Matthew :@matthewbarby Matthew’s Website: Findmyblogway

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8. Vinny La Barbera from imFORZA

In that case, the term “effective” needs to be clarified.

Effective for one company might mean brand awareness via social media mentions and shares – something that really good infographics typically attract better than articles.

Effective for another company might mean authority / reputation building via engaging discussions and circulation throughout industry circles. In this case, articles have typically been better from my experience.

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Ultimately the answer to the question comes down to knowing what your objectives are and who your target is. Without this information there is no way to truly determine how “effective” your content is – no matter what type of content it is.

To me, they both work extremely well – when done with quality and resourcefulness in mind first and foremost.

Follow Vinny: @VinnyLaBarbera Vinny’s website: imFORZA

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9. Pratik Dholakiya from E2M Solutions

I think both content marketing and visual would be very much effective during 2014. Most of the SEOs are now thinking that guest blogging would no longer be considered as a powerful technique but I still believe that it was here to stay and it will last forever considering how you use it. My take about the guest blogging is that we should use it for branding and visibility rather than trying to build links for SEO purpose.

As far as Visual (Infographic) is concerned, there might be an update from Google in 2014 to target the sites that are trying to build links using the embed code and manipulate search results, but all those who are doing something serious for their users through infographics or any visual asset would be very much safe just the way people are, who does guest blogging keeping their target audience in mind (and not the search engine(s)).

Follow Pratik: @DholakiyaPratik Pratik’s Website:E2M Solutions

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10.Cyrus Shepard from MOZ

The question isn’t so much about tactics, but how you implement those tactics. If you are choosing your anchor text, this is always a recipe for disaster. This means that either guest blogging or infographics has huge potential for abuse.

On the other hand, both can be hugely valuable strategies when perused for visibility and natural link attraction. So my answer is both, or neither, as long as you don’t abuse them.

Follow Cyrus: @CyrusShepard Cyrus Website:MoZ

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I hope that all these comments from the experts will help you in 2014 for your business, in my point it doesn’t matter what you are doing such as blog commenting, forum commenting, guest blogging etc… you have to do it in a right way, because if you do just to get back links then sorry Dude you are doing wrong and it will hurt you.

Guys please share your thoughts about Guest blogging and infographic in 2014 by commenting on this post.

The Original Article Is Here

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