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I realize that there are many professionals of fire protection who would greatly prefer that I stop writing about those who have cooperated in the marketing and the certification of the ionization type so-called smoke detectors. But as I see it about 25 children (below teen age) are either killed or injured by house fires every day and this wanton destruction of children will continue until the public is fully aware of the endangerment. Until the parents of the endangered children are provided with the full story of the fraud, these preventable deaths will continue. So, my view is that someone has to provide the full story; otherwise thousands more will suffer horrible consequences every year.

Timothy McVeigh drove a Ryder Truck with a 5000-pound bomb up to the Murrah Building on April19, 1995 and detonated it with the result that 168 people died. This event resulted in many millions of words of discussion for many months thereafter; and rightfully so.

During 1965 dishonest manufacturers of a phony type of “smoke” detector began to lie about its ability to warn of smoke and flames and protect lives. These performance lies were included within ads place in the Fire Journal of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) that ran from 1965, until 1980. These ads in a publication of a trusted organization (NFPA) plus certifications by Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL) convinced the fire chiefs nationally that the phony smoke detector was reliable and fast at warning of house fires. So they began to help sell the device. However, thousands of “failures to warn” alerted these officials that something was wrong. During 1978 the Los Angeles Fire Department with help from the International Association of Fire Chiefs ran live fire tests in a real building. The tests proved the device was a fraud and that the manufacturers blatantly lied about its ability to protect lives. However, for reasons discussed within the following reports the fire officials buried the report and their findings and continued to promote the device. Knowing full well that the device was flawed and a killer, these officials continued to help sell it and to deceive the public.

Timothy McVeigh killed 168 people including 19 children and was executed for his dirty deed. At the current rate of fire deaths within the United States it requires about 20 days to produce 164 deaths. The great majority of these fire deaths (not counting injuries) result because of the smoke detector fraud. So far, no one connected with this fraud has been tried and found guilty of any crime.

A friend of Timothy McVeigh, Michael Fortier, was aware of the plans of McVeigh, but took no part in the bombing. He simply knew that the bombing would occur and failed to notify the authorities. He received an 11 year prison sentence for this omission (see the attached report, Hide a Crime – Commit a Crime). Which raises the question, should those fire officials and fire protection engineers who have been aware of the phony nature of the so-called smoke detector they have continued to promote also be put in prison for 11 years?

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Actually, I believe that those who have helped sell the phony device and have helped cover-up the deadly results should receive a stiffer sentence than Michael Fortier for the following reasons:

1. Whereas the toll at the Murrah building was 168 dead the smoke detector fraud has cost probably more than 70,000 lives.

2. Fortier only failed to notify the authorities. Many officials helped sell the deadly device and then, after it was proven to be a killer, they continued to help sell it.

3. When fire deaths resulted from “failures to warn” they covered-up the reasons for the deaths.

4. The officials actually use a fraudulent “smoke detector tester” to con the home occupants into believing the device is an excellent warning device for fire. That fraudulent “tester” will give a false guarantee that the device will warn of real smoke.

The truth is that many fire department officials, many fire protection engineers and many federal government bureaucrats have cooperated 100 percent in the execution of a multi-billion dollar fraud that has killed and horribly injured more than 100,000 children. And the killing and the maiming of young children will continue for many more years unless those who become aware of the fraud have the courage to do something about it.

The following reports confirm the truth as I describe it here. Note that I include a letter to the mayor of Los Angeles requesting that he do what the Los Angeles fire officials have so far failed to do, which is to tell the people the truth about that phony and ever so deadly device.

Richard M. Patton
