Page 1: Monthly Bullsheet Pot Hole Theory 2012

Bull Sheet Special September 21.09.2012

Hi Gang,

Just thought I would send you a bit of inspiration for the weekend. I have had a

few conversations with some of you guys regarding feeling a bit down with the

results you may not be having. I found a piece I wrote about myself which may

give you a bit clarity.

I will be in Sydney this weekend and if you need any three ways calls text me

and I will arrange a time to give you a call. I will also be taking a few notes on

each event and will have another Bull-sheet next week.

In that Bull-sheet you will see a new platform I am trying and you can use it for

your own businesses.

As a rule the Saturday Morning call after the event, next Saturday, is usually

when you get to hear what when on and maybe a few great marketing ideas, so

make some time in your diary for that event.

Last month we have been trialing a few new platforms for lead generation, can’t

say they have been overly successful but I when back to the supplier and they

have change their ad content to be our survey. With a bit of luck the next group

of leads which starts in October will be more highly qualified.

The app lead generation system is experiencing a few challenges and we have

to revise the idea, because the mobile platform does seem to work with the

way I want the leads coming to us. Concept works, but it is interactive webinar

which is having issues.

Have a read of this below- I think you will see that I have a pretty good

understanding of what you guys are thinking .

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Bull Sheet Special September 21.09.2012

What is stopping me from my success?

Fear of calling people

Unqualified leads

Prospecting at night

Disqualifying people

Being hopeful rather than confident

Hoping for the right audience rather than pitching your ads to the

audience you want to work with .

Not creditable with my results

Being desperate for the sale

Being emotional with your calling

Having a small doubt of being able to achieve a result

Doubting your ability

Being embarrassed to talk about the business

Aching for a quick result to prove you made the right decision

Finding the reasons it is hard.

All these doubts have gone through my mind in every business I have started or

managed. Every time you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone you are

creating big changes.

Forget Ever Achieving Results- Fear usually is the greatest stopper of us

succeeding. In every marketers life the points of doubt above and many more

will come into your thinking.

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Bull Sheet Special September 21.09.2012

Your job is not to ignore them, but to understand what the underlying challenge

is. Many of us who start this business want to result yesterday and in some

cases their financial situation is hurting them now, more because they dare to

try something different. They hope that this is the thing which will change their

life forever.

Remove the word hope from your thinking. You always should expect your

business to work.

Expecting comes from a place definite decision, knowledge and no attachment.

This is the first art of prospecting.

Know when you call your prospects, you are definite in your focus and clear

with the type of person you want to work with.

If you have rung a few people and had no result, find a song, a poem or

something that changes your state of mind so you can refocus. Your prospect

will here, the doubt and the desperate selling in your voice.

Lastly when you have called back your prospect to test their interest don't be

afraid to comment back in surprise when they say I am a 5 or 6. Some times

these people just don't want to commit, it is easy to say no.

One question I have been asking is

What is the exact reasons worrying you?

Once they tell you, ask them this,

If I can get those answered for you, where do you sit now.

If they are 7 and above call and set up the 3 way call.

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Bull Sheet Special September 21.09.2012

We are in the business of selling confidence.

Your prospects want to hear it in your voice and know they are working with a

leader who can assist them in moving forward.

You are that leader and the only way you get to that point is to plug yourself

into the program and become that leader.

The trick to this business is give yourselves time to learn about the business and

yourselves . Once you understand these two aspects your results will sky


Pete’s Pole Hole Theory!

Get out of the bloody road and let the business grow!

I wrote this about 14 months ago and we create our own potholes. Don’t put

the pressure on your thinking, put the pressure on your actions.

More actions means more results!

Learn to enjoy learning and running your Business and let your imagination go


Have a great weekend,

