
Monster Hunter Freedom (for PSP)

Reviewed by Jorden Lowe

Basic Information of MHF

Created by Capcom Type of game: Action RPG

Like Phantasy Star Online (DC) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

(N64) Price : $39.99 Minimum hardware requirements:

PSP game system

Basic Information of MHF (cont.)

Actual Hardware required Saving games requires 550 KB on a

Memory Stick Duo/Pro Duo Ad Hoc connection for Multiplayer

Game Summary

You are a Hunter in a hunter/gather society. Your job is to take missions and complete them for your village.

Not much story You just jump into the action.

Player’s role varies from saving the village, to gathering food, to creating things for NPC’s.

Game Summary (cont.)

User interface Player uses a combination of all the

buttons and the PSP nub. Menu’s for:

Armor Items Missions

Game Play 3rd person action

Closely resembles PSO Use your weapon along with the PSP

nub to move around and attack “monsters” with combinations of square and circle.

Not really monsters, mostly dinosaurs and dragons, or as Capcom likes to call them “Wyvern”

Game Play (cont.)

In battle you have to sheath your weapon to use items, such as potions.

Carve the Monsters to gain items for making better weapons and armor.

Mission based. If you can find people with a PSP AND

this game, you can play multiplayer.

Game Play (cont.)

Mining, fishing, bug catching, and gathering plants to get much needed materials.

Scoring After you make purchases, you gain

points for upgrading village resources: i.e., planting, mining, fishing, bug catching, and gathering plants.

After completing enough missions you can take on harder missions.

You also collect money to purchase upgrades and items.


Nice detail with the environments: Swamps, Jungle, Deserts, Volcanoes

Armor resembles samurai and medieval armors

Monsters do vary from the different areas (i.e. monsters from the jungle don’t look like monsters from desert)


Sound and Music

Each environment has its own sound. Epic Wyvern trying to kill you music

gets your adrenalin going. Got to love the goofy sounds that

they put in there for some characters. Cat people Old wise men Cooking up some steaks

Game Review

Good points of the game: Non-stop action Your character is very customizable The music and environmental sounds

make you get a feel for the game. Each wyvern you kill gives you a sense of

accomplishment…..stupid Kut Ku! VERY non-linear

Game Review (cont.)

Bad bad things about the game The view point Slowness of some of the moves (i.e.

combos, using items) The worse thing in the game is the lack

of tutorial or getting to know the game. Multiplayer game

The game is built off being a multiplayer game.

Similar games?

Phantasy Star Online Online and offline modes are the same Do missions….and that’s it Very customizable as far as weapons and

armor. Very addicting multiplayer. I would say MHF is about the same as

PSO except PSO is futuristic and MHF is more based in olden days

Summary Audience of the game is Teen, too

complicated for the kiddies. Strength is the action and

customizable aspects. Weaknesses is the learning curve and

multiplayer. This is where it could be improved.

I would recommend to people if they like PSO or equivalent.

