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YEAR 2010 PROJECT CODE 75300701

1. Hankkeen perustiedot

1. Basic information on the Project 1.1 Name of Organisation registered in Finland Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto SYL ry 1.2 Name of Organisation in English The National Union of University Students in Finland 1.3 Name of Project in Finnish Kiertävät kirjastot ja koulutuskeskukset 1.4 Name of Project in English Travelling libraries – Training Centres (TL-TC) 1.5 Name of Project in other relevant language 1.6 Location of Project (country, province, village/community) Mongolia: Tov, Arkhangai and Dornod provinces 1.7 Name of co-operation Partner Information, Education & Communication Centre IEC 1.8 Planned initiation and termination dates of the Project January 2010-December 2011 1.9 Summary of the core idea of the Project and the key results and impacts achieved

(see Project plan, 1.11.)

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The rural population in Mongolia has very limited access to information and trainings that could improve their livelihoods. The objective of this project is to improve the access of the rural people in Tov, Arkhangai and Dornod provinces to information services and civic education, vocational training and small business courses through improving Travelling Libraries-Training Centres (TL-TCs).

The project implementation consisted of three parts: Expanded and improved Travelling Libraries’ services; Expanded and improved Training Centres, and IEC´s capacity and self-financing possibilities have increased. With SYL support all three parts expanded:

1. in meaning of the purchasing of the new books, manuals, magazines; 2. in meaning of the increased number of readers; 3. in meaning of the increased number of trainings on small business, vocational skills and civic

education; 4. through purchasing manuals, handouts, trainings presentations on small business, vocational

skills and civic education; 5. by the continuation of pretty new services, programs established 1-2 years ago (local networks

against violence, NGOs networks, etc); 6. in meaning of increased number of different events, actions to attract people to TL-TCs, to

encourage people to take stands to activities, to run businesses; 7. increased skills of staffs as librarians, trainers, networker; 8. through the closer co-operation with local administrations; 9. through the closer co-operation with other CSOs; 10. through receiving orders for books, trainings from the side citizens, local administrations,

NGOs; 11. through the better marketing among population, donor and partner organizations.

The key results in 2010 are:

Books bought: 4291

Readers: 19065 (33% male, 67.0% female; 30.9% children, 61.0% people of middle age, 8.1% old people).

Soums visited: 29

Books, materials borrowed: 15905.

Trainings: 158 trainings on vocational training, business, civic education.

Number of participants: 4469 (1147 males/3322 females).

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1.10 Financing summary

Year ___2010_______ Euro s

Project support not used in the previous year (incl. not withdrawn + withdrawn unused funds)

34,46 (from year 2009, not used and budgeted in 2010, that’s why it doesn’t exist in budget appendix)

Support approved for the reporting year 54225

Total Project support available for the reporting year 54259,46

Total Project support used during the reporting year 54225

Funds not used, transferred to be used and reported in the following year

(incl. not withdrawn + withdrawn unused funds)


1.11 Other financing of the Project during the reporting year, if any.

Please state here the amount and source of this financing.

1. World Vision co-organized trainings on vocational skills in Ulaanbaatar, Songinokhairkhan district and supported with the copying of the learning materials, teaching materials (300 Euros).

2. Donation (books, toys, stationary, children’s bags) from Switzerland (c 4000 Euros). 3. MercyCorps (900 Euros) as food, stationary for training participants and for participation

manager of TL-TC (Arkhangai) in trainings. 4. Some trainees of the business trainings paid tuitions (totally 50 Euros). 5. A German volunteer Anja Collazo worked at the IEC, TL-TCs (Dornod, Tuv aimags) till

September about a year. She helped to develop the learning materials on handicraft and organized trainings at the IEC. The living costs in Mongolia, insurance, Internet connection at the office (only for Anja Collazo’s laptop), international travel costs paid by the German Government.

6. School of Agronomies and Rural Development, Renmin University of China, Tricontinental Centre (CETRI), Belgium; Professor Francois Houtart (Holland/ Belgium) supported costs for participation Odonchimeg Puntsag in an Asian workshop on small farming (an international flight, accommodation, local transportation in Beijing, and issuing of the book on small farming in Asia (about 1500 Euros)).

7. The Tuv aimag's governor donated 500 000 tugrics for copying information materials and organizing trainings.

8. The Lions Club “Brandenburger Tor” donated the microbus “Delica Mizubishi” (5000 Euros) to the IEC.

2. Co-operation Partner and co-operation procedure 2.1 How did the co-operation Partner participate in the implementation of the Project?

(e.g. Did they provide labour, economic resources, other assets?)

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IEC´s employees implemented all project activities. Their main activities were to carry out summer travel with gers, to advertise and organize events and trainings. They also took care of the book exchange. They kept records of the users of library services and collected feedback from participants of the trainings. 2.2 Were there other parties involved in the co-operation (e.g. Finnish, local or international

organisations or officials)? Please describe their role and involvement in the Project.

Local governments and citizens´ representatives help spreading information on TL-TCs and some events, seminars and workshops have been organized together with the local government.

Consultants have put information about the IEC and TL-TCs on their web-site

Citizen´s representatives assembly of Arkhangai aimag is the best partner on information dissemination and getting feedback from the citizens.

TL-TCs organized trainings, discussions, forums, competitions, delivering books to soums, book exchanges and informing TL-TCs activities in summer time with the following organisations:

Book exchange cooperation with library of the Cultural centre, library of the Culture and Education office and school and public libraries.

Member of the Mongolian parliament Mr. N. Enkhbold has been supporting the Annual competitions on checker in Tuv aimag for three years

Citizen´s representatives assemblies of Arkhangai, Tuv aimags, Erdenebulgan soum (Arkhangai aimag´s center), Zuunmood soum (Tuv aimag´s centre), Choibalsan city (Dornod aimag´s center) and other soums.

Press offices of Arkhangai and Tuv aimags administrations.

Kindergartens and NGOs have been co-organisators on book exchange and beneficiaries.

Labour and social care departments in Arkhangai, Tuv and Dornod aimags have supported with materials for trainings.

Health departments and medical centres of aimags have been co-organisators of activities and information exchange.

Arkhangai´s Gurvantamir college and Tuv aimags 5th school have given a room for IEC free of charge.

Citizens have sponsored books, old magazines and newspapers.

Local TV station in Zuunmod and Kherlen soum´s private TV have been partners.

Centres for vocational training and production in aimags have received books and other materials and TL-TCs organised quizzes, discussions among students in Dornod and Tuv aimags.

Business incubator in Arkhangai and Dornod have been co-organisers of business trainings.

Men´s association of Tuv aimag was partner.

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MercyCorp has been supporter.

Save the Children has been supporter in book exchange.

Sports committee of Tuv aimag has offered a room free of charge and rooms for events.

National Centre against violence has been partner and supporter.

World Vision has been a co-organizator and supporter of the vocational trainings in Ulaanbataar.

National Foundation against AIDS has been supporter.

Some shops, hairdressers and market sellers have taken books and newspapers exposing IEC´s materials to the people.

Social workers have been partners and co-organisators

Local officials are permanent clients and partners reading newspapers, magazines and books and co-operating in organising activities, which they also include into their reports.

3. Sustainability of the Project 3.1 How did predictable or unprecedented external factors affect the implementation of the Project?

(economic, social, environmental or cultural factors) The implementation of the project was realized mostly as planned in original project plan. Still, there were some unexpected factors during the year:

• Due to the order of the new governor of Arkhangai aimag no non-governmental organization is allowed to work in a building, which is owned by the state. Because of this turn of events TL-TC had to move its office to the Humanity school’s kindergarten. So far the move has’t affected on the work of IEC.

• In Tuv aimag there has been a change of staff, when the second librarian started another job and a qualified local teacher took after her.

• Sending books and materials did not work fluently and the only way to get it done was with the help of close colleagues and friends.

• In some centers the number of population had decreased because of work elsewhere, mainly in the mines, and therefore the work of TL-TC didn’t have as many visitors as hoped.

3.2 How has the local government, local organisation or the beneficiaries themselves taken

responsibility for the economic sustainability and continuation of the Project?

TL-TC has had a rare chance to influence on the local governments budget in Dornod and Arkhangai Aimags by meeting Citizens representatives, but they cannot take TL-TC -project under their funding. The received financial aid is given in the shape of services such as book circulation to soums and

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within soums and marketing of TL-TCs activities. Local administrations were also involved with transportation to herder’s communities, providing electricity access to training facilities, especially in Arkhangai and Tuv.

In addition, in 2009 the government stopped any support for expanding the funds of the state public libraries. Therefore it seems that no local actor is able to take TL-TC entirely on their responsibility. Nevertheless IEC keeps making effort to improve the situation by negotiating, influencing to local administrations, beneficiaries along with Mongolian and foreign companies. Unfortunately, so far they are more interested in things like shows and concerts than giving financial support to TL-TC.

IEC is planning to be a first social entrepreneur in Mongolia and with the help of social entrepreneurship finance its own activities. Yet this hasn’t been realized yet but organization is all the time collecting information needed to establish social entrepreneurship.

The potential donors, but unlikely, in future reference could be the members of Parliament which has received more than 588000 euros (each) for working in their election districts. At the moment they organize programs, which to purchase a ger (jurtta) for 10-20 people, new administration building, repair of schools roof, repair of roads, etc. It means they spend their “own” money for things people can see, and some people in Mongolia see that as corruption.

Beneficiaries have been helping with the project, for example repairing the books. But for the nature of the project, it’s difficult for beneficiaries to take responsibility for whole project.

4. Beneficiaries 4.1 Who were the direct beneficiaries of the Project, and how many were there?

Library users in Aimag Centres (the amount of users in 2009 in parentheses)

o Zuunmod (Tuv): 4032 (2942) o Choibalsan (Dornod): 2407 (2805) o Tsetserleg (Arkhangai): 2528 (3998)

In total there were 8 846 (9 745) library users in aimag centres. Compared to the year 2009, the decrease is approximately 9 %, but compared to the year 2008, when the total number was 7 999, the increase is 10%.

Users of Travelling Library (the amount of users in 2009 in parentheses)

o Tuv: 4178 (3188) o Dornod: 3011 (2903) o Arkhangai: 2909 (3175)

In total there were 10 098 (9266) travelling library users. Compared to the year 2009 the increase is approximately 9 %, and compared to the year 2008 the increase is approximately 96 %. The rapid change is because of the fact, that three years ago IEC lacked funding in order to buy new books and magazines. With the support of SYL, IEC was able to renew and update its collection.

Participants in trainings (gender division, male/female, and the amount of users in 2009 in parentheses)

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o Tuv: 1109 (365/744) (985) o Dornod: 1271 (392/879) (1632) o Arkhangai: 2089 (390/1699) (1536)

In total there were 4 469 (4 153) participants in trainings, which makes the increase from year 2009 about 8 %. Compared to year 2008 the decrease is approximately 63 %, which can be explained by one mass training organised in Arkhangai in year 2008, when there were altogether 7 130 persons taking part in one hygiene training. This causes a bias considering the number of participants, although in reality the amount of training activities was increased.

In 2010 there were in total 23 413 (23 164) direct beneficiries (18 944 from libraries, 4 469 from trainings).

4.2 Who were the indirect beneficiaries of the Project?

• Local governments • Community groups • IEC • People employed by the project and their families • The families of the library users and trainees

If the project support granted was less than 20.000 €, please answer the following question: 4.3 How did the beneficiaries participate in the Project? If the project support granted was 20.000 € or more , please answer the following question: 4.4 Please specify the way in which each group of beneficiaries participated in the Project.

Library users and participants in training

Library users, both in aimag centers and in the travelling libraries, are mainly just readers. Some of them help with marketing, which has resulted in increasing number of bookings made in advance for certain books. Trainings have become very popular and the participants have started to use their newly learned skills for their own benefit, some even with great success. Participants give generously feedback, which helps TL-TC to improve the concept and methods of the training activities. For example, due to the request of people trainings on patchwork and milk products were organized again in Tuv aimag with help of World Vision.

Local governments

Local administrations were not able to help financially, but IEC and TL-TC aims to maintain good relationship with them. The cooperation with the governors of aimags and chairpersons of the Citizens Repreentatives Assembly is based on contracts. TL-TC has regular meetings with them to let them know about TL-TC’s schedules, activities, events and book exchange.

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At times in-kind support, such as petroleum, electricity access, wood for heating and cooking and space for training and marketing, were received from the local governments

Local administrations marketed about TL-TCs summer trip plans in their soums and helped to attract participants to our trainings.

The main success of 2009 year (during earlier project) was a initiative by local officials to organize an event where the Arkhangai aimag’s government and Aimag’s Citizens Representatives could inform about the information channels and where ordinary citizens could pass opinions, suggestions and demands forward. The interests and will of the governmental organizations to cooperate with NGOs increased notable after that. Officials are interested to organize events, actions, trainings, workshops together with TL-TCs. Reasons for this development are creativeness, flexibility, experience, ability to cooperate of our staff.

The community groups

TL-TCs organized special training on establishing group (goals, vision, structure, responsibility of members, accounting etc). For some groups they could find the financial support from different organizations. For example women’s group established by the TL-TC attended to training on establishing community group on milk products, and won a grand prize at the MongolExpo and the World vision granted them with support for buying the packing machine. On all labels women put the IEC logo.

Information, Education and Communication Center, IE C

Managed and coordinated all project activities, for example monitored and organized feedback activities of the project

Communicated regularly with TL-TCs and connecting them with each other

Communicated with local governments and departments

Did fund raising

Developed training materials, manuals and information newsletter

Marketed IEC and TL-TCs by using TV, newspaper, radio and different events

People employed by the project and their families

Staff worked according job description, for example organized trainings

Staff’s family members helped with organizing and marketing activities

The families of the library users and trainees

There were no wide activities from their side. Mostly they give feedback: to organize again trainings, to give prescriptions for more products. There were people who could not attend.

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5. Project objective, implementation and monitoring OBJECTIVE 5.1 Has the objective(s) of the Project remained the same as in the original Project plan? If they have

changed, please describe how. The objectives remained the same as in the original Project plan. IMPLEMENTATION 5.2 Have the objectives of the Project been implemented by the activities as mentioned in the Action

Plan? If the activities are different from the original plan, please state the reason for the change and the nature of the current plan of action. Has the Project proceeded according to the original timetable?

The all project activities were implemented almost as planned.

TL-TCs worked at the aimags centres from autumn till summer serving library, organizing trainings, discussions, different kinds of activities such as competitions, quizzes (to attract clients).

During the summer TL-TCs visited soums moving from one nomadic community to another serving with library and organizing trainings as planned.

More books were bought, issued the learning materials mostly on small business and vocational training, and continued issuing IEC’s monthly newsletter.

The staff of TL-TCs (Arkhangai, Tuv) visited TL-TC (Dornod) for sharing experiences and results and attended to the 7 days-workshop organized at the IEC central office. The first training for all staff together was organized at the beginning of the TL-TC project in 2000 and the second training in 2009. Staff received the learning materials, learnt the trainings methodology, shared experiences, information, developed curricula of some training (on small business, knitting, crocheting, and patchwork) and learnt from each other how to conduct trainings on small business.

See training schedule and descripition of library action in aimags attached .

If the project support granted was less than 20.000 €, please answer the following question: 5.3 Please estimate how and how successfully the objectives of the Project have been achieved from

the beginning of the Project and during the reporting year.

The yearly number of trainings, trainees and readers is doubled. Young people are changed and looked for information. Many of them are interested to attend to trainings in goal to develop themselves, to have knowledge, skills needed.

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There the following changes occured during the implementation of the project.

1.Changes in knowledge

Attitude people to information, to books is changing permanently.The number of the real interested in our service people is increased. More and more people ask for purchasing books on certain subjects, for registration names to the list of participants to the next training, to orhanize training on another subjects.

2.Changes in behavior

Participating in different training, credit insurance programs, ohter advocacy event/actions people began to listen to other peoples opinions, to motivate other people, to be more patient and see advantages, more positive possibilities.

3.Changes in participatory level

People are becoming less egoistic, more interested on community development, improvement; to be interested both in the own interests and problems of area where they live.

4.Changes in policy

Local NGOs respect the IEC because of the long time of the sustainable (for all the important and amazing issue is financial support), enormous different activities, dedication, communication skills, creativeness.

If the project support granted was 20.000 € or more , please answer the following question: 5.4 Please describe the results that have been achieved since the beginning of the Project and during

the reporting year.

According to the project plan the project aims to achieve the following results (followed by current status of achieving the result, information also in 5.2 and 5.9):

Expanded and improved Travelling Libraries’ service s provide knowledge and information

RESULT 1 Better resourced libraries:

The libraries have more books (figures in 5.9.)

RESULT 2 TL-TCs will be reached by more beneficiaries

The overall number increased only slightly from the previous year (19 011 to 19 065). Looking at the aimag level, in some aimags the number increased, in some decreased. The travelling libraries visited 29 soums (30 in 2009). The activity of the visitors has however increased (more visitors who are really interested) and more people have asked for purchasing books on certain subjects.

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RESULT 3 Women, children and senior citizens participate in special reading and discussion hours

There were organized some special reading and discussion hours for women and children. The discussion hours for senior citizens were not organized as planned. Women’s discussion hours were for example about in Tuv aimag women met with two writers and talked about their books. The discussion hours for children were organized mainly in the cooperation with schools. For example they read books and after that made pictures about heroes and discussed about behavior of heroes.

Expanded and improved Training Centres provide skil ls, small business and civic education training

RESULT 1 Learning material is produced

No training material was produced, as IEC had enough materials. Learning materials were issued mostly on small business and vocational training. Some of the materials were not used at all, as TL-TC staff had had feedback from participants that those materials were boring. IEC was thinking whether to have some more illustration on the materials.

One TL-TC has training facilities (materials, trainers, experiences, some equipment) for organizing trainings on business, vocational skills and civic education. Another two borrow equipment from them.

RESULT 2 The trainings are organized more systematically

This result has been achieved. Before IEC organize trainings only when people requested. Now the TL-TC organize trainings according to plan made beforehand.

RESULT 3 Trained people are satisfied with the trainings

IEC has received very positive feedback on the trainings and appreciated the information provided. (some detailed feedback in the attachment Feedback from participants”) In general, it seems people learned knew skills and about new issues in the trainings. People are more eager than previously to register to the trainings and also to ask for other trainings. There have also been changes in people's attitudes. IEC has reported that young people are looking more for information than previously. Many of them are interested to attend to trainings with a goal to develop themselves and in order to to have knowledge and skills needed. IEC also noticed changes in behavior, as people learn to be more positive and people-centred in their businesses and other activities.

RESULT 4 Children´s capacity for community action is improved by establishing new children groups and activating existing ones

IEC organized activities to improve children’s capacity for community action. They organized for example Tuv aimag’s competition on Chekers (children for all 27 soums) and IEC’s traditional Tun aimag,s Olympiad on Physics (10 soums, totally 274 pupils). Also IEC organized volleyball competition in Arkhangai of mixed team from parents and 30 childen age of 12-18 years, where the goal was to improve relationship between parents and children and give skills to work in groups.In dornod there was established two new children group.

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RESULT 5 50 trainings are organized in each aimag

Totally 158 trainings were held in 3 aimags.

RESULT 6 At least 60 % of the people participating are women

This result was achieved, as 74 % of the participants in the trainings were women.

RESULT 7 TCs´ trainings will become more known, especially among women

IEC has been marketing its activities actively. This has done for example via local administration, TV, employees and people participated in IEC’s educations.

IEC´s capacity and self-financing possibilities hav e increased

RESULT 1 The staff is more qualified for working as trainers

The staff of TL-TCs (Arkhangai, Tuv) visited TL-TC (Dornod) for sharing experiences and results and attended the 7 days-workshop organized at the IEC central office. Previously there have been two all-together trainings for staff (2000, 2009). IEC felt the training was very effective and useful. Staff received learning materials, learnt trainings methodology, shared experiences and information, developed curricula for some trainings (on small business, knitting, crocheting, and patchwork) and learnt from each other how to conduct trainings on small business.

The capacity of TL-TC units has also increased: The TL-TCs started to develop small projects by their own, with consultation and information from the IEC. TL-TCs staff started to raise (very) small funds. They have also taken initiative otherwise: in Arkhangai, a group of trainers was established (not part of the project), and the local TL-TC is a member. They also started to collect small fee for some of the trainings. TL-TCs started to co-operate in developing the learning materials and presentations. IEC staff also were establishing networks of NGOs in aimags. Local NGOs respect the IEC because as it has been running a lot of activities for a long time, and also for its dedication, creativeness and communication skills. IEC works both as a model and as a sort of protector of the local NGOs.

RESULT 2 The board works more efficiently

There was not any education for board members during the year. But during 2010 they attended more to the board meetings and expressed their opinions.

RESULT 3 The project has been evaluated and based on the evaluation a plan for increasing IEC´s self-sufficiency is made

Evaluation will be done in 2011.

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Apart from the pre-set results, it is also worth noting the closer co-operation with governmental institutions and local administration. For example, Arkhangai aimag’s administration allowed the TL-TC to monitor the workload and structure of officials to survey the state program “Lunch for pupils” at state schools. TL-TC in Dornod made decisions of local administrations accessible to public. Some of the documents have not previously been reached by the public.

If the project support granted was less than 20.000 €, please answer the following question:

5.5 How did the separation of responsibilities in the implementation of the Project work?

If the project support granted was 20.000 € or more , please answer the question: 5.6 Describe the implementation and monitoring procedure of the Project and the responsibility of each

party therein.

Board Monitoring committee

Manager IEC


Manager, Tov Manager, Arkhangai Manager, Dornod

Librarian/trainer Librarian/trainer Librarian/trainer


IEC’s Board was responsible for implementation of the Project by making decisions on plans, familiarizing with TL-TCs reports and feedbacks. Monitoring committee was responsible for monitoring the implementation of the project. Monitoring committee monitored activities and finances two times during the reporting year and attended two Board meetings.

Three of the staff members at the central office ( IEC manager, accountant and assistance) are responsible for making plans, correction, connection, marketing, receiving report, feedbacks, developing agenda, training materials, manuals, financial transactions, preparing narrative and financial reports, calling the Board meetings and raising funds. Actually, it was planned to have two people working in the central office. But the central office also needs a person who can work with computer programs to prepare manuals, presentations and handouts. It was difficult to find a person who can work on accounting and the above mentioned programs. And because the accountant

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Ms.Ehkhjin Togoochuluun is currently pregnant, the IEC managed to pay half of thesalary to an accountant, and another the other half to an assistant, Ms. Enkhjargal Purevee.

SYL monitored the project with communication to IEC and a monitoring trip realized in August 2010.

MONITORING 5.7 How did the responsible persons in the Finnish organisation follow the implementation of the

Project and the use of financial resources? How did they participate in the implementation themselves?

IEC provides SYL´s development cooperaration coordinator Anni Vihriälä (coordinator has changed and is currently Johanna Ursin-Escobar) and KENKKU (Kehitysyhteistyöasiain neuvottelukunta, advisory board for development cooperacion in SYL composed by 15 voluntary development cooperation experts from students´ unions) with annual and quarterly narrative and financial reports. The financial report form is made by SYL and it follows the Ministry of Foreign Affairs´ form for financial reporting.

Development cooperation coordinator also keeps in touch with the IEC manager Odonchimeg by email, text messages and Skype conferences. Coordinator has reported both to SYL´s board and to KENKKU. The project has been discussed in detail in KENKKU´s monthly meetings, by emails and also in KENKKU`s Mongolia group meetings.

In August Laura Mäkelä and Johanna Harjunpää, members of KENKKU, visited Mongolia in order to monitor the project. During the monitoring trip a field trip to Dornod aimag was carried out. Also all the coordinators and librarians, the board members as well as monitoring committee representatives were met.

5.8 How did the local co-operation partners follow the implementation of the Project? IEC monitored the implementation of the project through keeping records of readers and training participants, collecting feedback, communicating with partner organizations and conducting some interviews with the beneficiaries. Arkhangai's manager has developed in 2009 a questionnaire for training, with which a possible progress in participant's skills can be estimated. This has delivered for other managers. All the aimag coordinators provide the project manager with quarterly reports from the field. The project manager also visits the aimags regularly. The project manager reports the implemented activities and finances to the board and the monitoring committee. During the reporting year the monitoring committee monitored activities and financing two times and visited three meetings of the board. 5.9 What kind of qualitative or quantitative data was collected on the advancement of the Project?

Travelling Libraries:

Basic information of the library travel and visitors:

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-Readers: 19 065 (33% male, 67.0% female; 30.9% children, 61.0% people of middle age, 8.1% old people), about the same number as in the previous year (2009: 19 011).

-Soums visited: 29.

-Kilometres TLs travelled: 16 011 km

-Books, materials borrowed: 15 905.

Library users by aimag (the amount of users in 2009 and in 2008 in parentheses):

In Aimag Centres

• Zuunmod (Tuv): 4032 (2942, 5017) • Choibalsan (Dornod): 2407 (2805, 1254) • Tsetserleg (Arkhangai): 2528 (3998, 1728)

In Travelling Libraries

• Tuv: 4178 (3188, 1781) • Dornod: 3011 (2903, 1422) • Arkhangai: 2909 (3175, 1961)

Books borrowed by aimag:

Arkhangai Dornod Tuv from aimag library

2127 4410 3146

from travelling library 1145 2616 1422

books sent in boxes 0 449 590

Topics of borrowed books: the most popular materials were newspapers, literature (children’s books especially), the second were books on business and health. List of the new books can be seen in attachment “Topics of the new books”.

Training Centres:

Basic information on trainings:

-Trainings: 158 trainings on vocational training, business, civic education.

-Number of participants: 4469 (1147 males/3322 females), 7,6 % increase from year 2009.

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-Age of participants: in average 25-45 years old (not all answered the question)

Participants by aimags (males/females) (year 2009, year 2008):

• Tuv: 1109 (365/744) (2009: 985, 2008: 2117) • Dornod: 1271 (392/879) (2009: 1632, 2008: 985) • Arkhangai: 2089 (390/1699) (2009: 1536, 2008: 8776)

Number of participants for each training are in the attachment “IEC’s trainings organized in 2010”.

Other related initiatives (e.g. student competitions): numbers of participants for each event.

5.10 How has the Project budget been realised? If the realised costs in one or more of the budget

sections differ by 15 % from the planned costs, please explain here.

There are the following differences:

1. Trainers allowance (118.65%): The trainers demanded higher honorars. 2. Marketing (56.76%): Money was saved because of organizing exhibitions “1000 Peacewomen

across the Globe”. 3. More money was spent on potato (143.91%), turnip (132.42%), beet (119.18%) and carrot

(132.42%) because of increased prices. 4. Internet (38.14%): Money was saved because of organizing exhibitions “1000 Peacewomen

across the Globe – the bill was paid by exhibition”. 5. Telephone (24.55%): Money was saved because of organizing exhibitions “1000 Peacewomen

across the Globe”. 6. Postage (64.51%): Money was saved because of organizing exhibitions “1000 Peacewomen

across the Globe”. 7. Land tax (85.81Euros, paid annually to government by the IEC): The IEC rented 100 hectares

of land for 40 years in 2003, with the purpose of using the land for earning money for the activities. It was agreed last year during the SYL monitoring visit in August that the land tax can be included in the project costs.

8. Bank charges (133.36euros): The bank charges for withdrawals and transactions was agreed to be included during the SYL monitoring visit in August.

There was unused money from 2009 (34,46e) and this money wasn’t budgeted for year 2010. That’s why it doesn’t exist in 2010 budget and will be transferred to the year 2011.

During 2010 IEC used more money than budgeted and this can be seen in budget appendices. This also cause that the costs are higher than money allocated for project. But in reality IEC has paid the difference.

5.11 Where and how were the accounting and audit of the Project arranged?

Audit was arranged locally. Audit firm was the same as previous year:

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Panthere Midland Audit LLC

Phone: +976 11 319 836, +976 8865 1619

5.12 Has the organisation carried out an evaluation of the Project during the reporting year?

If so, please state here the findings in brief. Please also attach the evaluation report. No evaluation was carried out during the year, only regular monitoring. 5.13. How has the organization informed of the Project? Give details on the target groups, information

material and distribution channels.

SYL has informed the student unions and university students about the project. The former have their representation in SYL, and SYL has also organized meetings (four meeting / year) to discuss development cooperation and information issues with representatives of the student unions. In addition, the members of KENKKU are generally active members of the development cooperation affairs in their respective student unions, which has provided for effective knowledge sharing between SYL and the unions. For the latter, apart from the students accessed by the aforementioned activities, KENKKU has also a blog where it posts news of SYL's development cooperation projects and other relevant issues.

6. Lessons learned and the continuation of the Proj ect 6.1 Describe the nature of problems encountered during the Project and the attempts to sove them.

(e.g. in reaching the beneficiaries, working to keep to the timetable and other risks not included in 3.7)

• The governor of Arkhangai aimag made decision that no nongovernmental organization should be work in building belonging to the state. It was a reason of moving TL-TC (Arkhangai) to the kindergarten by Humanity school. At the moment it not resulted on our work.

• The IEC should somehow to contribute to have the local experts, trainers on social issues, business, technology, and marketing.

• There is big need in aimags for good equipment (computers, copiers), information centers, which would run the library service, consultation on social issues, business, technology and Internet service.

• The prices to any services, to buy books, to subscribe newspapers are increasing. After the SYL first trip the price of petrolium has increased by 65%.

6.2 Describe the next stages of the implementation of the Project. The project will continue as fixed in the Project plan

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7. Free-form description of the Project and its ope ration (optional: if the other questions in this form are not suitable or sufficient to describe the Project, please use this space to give additional information.)

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8. Project costs and financing Project costs Approved Project

budget Cost performance

1. Personnel costs (Appendix 1)

Salaries and related costs of the Finnish personnel 0 0

Travel and accommodation of the Finnish personnel 0 0

Salaries and related of the local personnel 19680 16845,63

Other personnel costs 2165 5347,76

Value of Finnish voluntary work 0 0

Personnel costs, subtotal 21845 22193,39

2. Activity costs (e.g. training) (Appendix 2)

Fees of hired experts 5640 5915,66

Other costs 9587,2 9769,45

Activity costs, subtotal 15227,2 15685,11

3. Materials, procurements and investments (Appendi x 3)

Procurement of materials and appliances 1556 1872,26

Construction 0 0

Other procurements 1077 1105,08

Value of donated goods 0 0

Materials, procurements and investments, subtotal 2 633 2977,34

4. Operation and maintenance (Appendix 4)

Operation costs 6906 5897,41

Maintenance costs 0 715,58

Operation and maintenance, subtotal 6906 6612,99

5. Monitoring, evaluation, and information (Appendi x 5)

External services (incl. experts) 4785 4785

Travel and accommodation 5170 4408,46

Other costs 1500 1499,99

Information costs (max. 5 % of total project costs) 0 0

Monitoring, evaluation, and information, subtotal 1 1455 10693,45


6. Administrative costs (Appendix 6)

Salaries and related costs of administrative personnel 5453,135 5453,135

Office costs 276 (including audit costs in Finland)


Statutory audit costs of the Finnish organisation 0 242,5

Fund-raising 0 0

Value of Finnish voluntary work in administration 0 0

Total administrative costs 5729,135 5737,885

TOTAL PROJECT COSTS 63795,335 63900,17

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Administrative costs as a % of total costs (max. 10 %) 8,98

Project financing Approved Project

Budget Cost performance

1. Self-financing (Appendix 7)

Cash contributions 4785 4785

Voluntary work and material donations 4784 4784

Total self-financing 9570 9570

Self-financing as a % of the total costs 14,98 14,98

2. Project support from the Ministry for Foreign Af fairs

Support transferred from prior years

Support available for and used during the reporting year 54225 54225


9. Signatures Place and date Place and date Signature Signature Name in Capitals Name in Capitals Position Position

❏ Copy of the co-operation agreement between organisations (if it was not attached to the Project


❏ Report of the Board of Directors

❏ Financial Statement of the organisation

(= income statement, balance sheet, notes to the financial statement)

❏ Audit report on the organisation's annual financial statements

❏ Auditor's assurance on the legal use of the Project funds
