


' rented: (ml bargain for cash or installment*:would exchange fur SaU irancUco. L.i.i ,1 4 ,rA!ame<la property. Apply CIIAS. HENDERSON,304 Montgomery »t. 1101 2t«


pbUNTKY BUYERS WISHING SECOND-\J turuilure or carpets at reduced trices: -.-n i-: :i •tlon or money refuuded; shipped Iree. 110

©"I X BED-ROOM SET OF 7 PIECES AT NEWtj>lc>. MAM BROS., 117 Sixth st. ___ jy29 12u»

A GOOD CHANCE-YOUIt HOUSE FURMSUIO\u25a0n complete with furuiiure. carpet*, stores, our-tains, blanket*, pictures ana mlrrurs at dull prtoaa,on easy Installments: small deposit. M. FRLBD-MAN * CO.'S. largest installment bouse on th«tout, 228-230 Stockton. 237 Post St.; open even-ings; prompt attention pud to country orders, lilt!A M'l-.CIAI. NOTICE-I HAVE REMOVED TOJ» large, new si ores. 126 Fourth st.: prices reducedto bed men all round: par or suits. $25 to $70ranges. »6 up: 600 second-Hand carpels; enamoursets. $15 to $76: cash or InstaHtm-nts; goodslice. T. 11. NELSON. 126 fourth at. apl itVKWohamhkb SETS UK 7 PIECES. $15 CAsTe\u25a0I' or Instatlinwit. wii.T.ET BRns. »3i Mission, tr

';:--' .' \u25a0\u25a0 CAKPVTB. -.CARPETS— SMITH'S BRUSSELS, 850 A YARD;

Installment price elsewhere $1 a yd. M. FKlKr>MAM A CO.. 228-230 Stockton, and 237 Fust, lttf

BRUSSELS CARPETS. 60c. LAID: windowriot s 2.c S. W. SHIKKK. :-"\u25a0; Stockton, matt

' \u25a0. ' .'\u25a0' «'Ai:iM-.T CT.K.AMNG. •.\u25a0

T^akTets CLKANKD; 5 CENTS I'iCltX > yard. 4"i3Stevenson: Te1e.3328; S. STRAITAN.l^-TAK CARPET-BEATING AND RENOVATING0 company: refitting and laying: first-class workguaranteed at lowest prices. 128 O'Farrell. oe2 lm/^HEAVIEST ANDBEST PLACE TO HAVEYOUR\J carpets cleaned and rclald. JONES' Perfectrarpet-cleaninc and Renovating Worts, 25 and 27Eighth st. ; telephone 3421. . set) 1/pAF.FET CLEANING 3 CENTS A YARD. MlT-\j ELL'S. 236 Fourteenth st- - my 18

CAHI'KTSCLEANED: LAID. ALEX.W. WHEL-\J DEN. 2400 Unary at.: Telephone 4U93. jy3 tff.iITV STEAM CARPET-BEATINU. AND KKfO-'/ vailiifr works: dying and cleaning; 2-4 and iiKlgbthst. O. 11. STEVENS, proprietor mrl 10m

SPA ILUIS PIONEER OAKI-ET-BEATINUWorks do the best work. 358 to 367 Teh innst \u25a0

telephone 3040. \u25a0 mrl9 tf •

CIARPETB THOROUUHLT CLEANED WITHOUT/beating; refittingc»rp«t» a specialty. CONE LIN

tlio.-.. iiiGolden liate are. ; telephone 212*. IS.:( 'ABrEtS CXSAHBD: 3 AND 5 CENTS PKS

' yard. 4;%:) SleTeimiiii: TH«. :«28! S.STK ATTAN


HEMIIK*L<)N"G PIANO CO.. wXrEROOM TsVTIPolk st, corner Clay: sold un installments;. send for Illustrated catalogue and terms. -..nol If

"tTNBSTEIN WAY I PKIuilT; GOOD AS NEW;X cheap. 5»5 Haisht st. . It*


\u25a0 Bros.. *-**i.> ami Evans. : 308 }'">! St. oe3l if "

A LOT OF SECOND-HAND SQUARE PIANOS:line condition; ac a sacrifice, koiii.kk *CHASE. 28 O'Farrea st. .... ... .' . jr-;»tf

KI'III.Ki:A CHASE. 28. 28 AAD3O O'KARRKLLSt.: ii-ailh'i; pianos and organ): oldest ma»le-

bouse; largest stock; easy terms: low prices. apJ.Uf

HAI.LIiT*DAVIS ANllKIHHAI.I.PIANO ANDOrgan. Agency. W. O. BALHilit. 725 Market, H

GOT THAT PIANO YET? BBTTKB TAKKAMock at those -new 'upriirhtv*"260: $10 down;

easy Installments. K. F. TILXUN. *Joi) Ellis, oil lm

RARE BARGAIN—A CONOVER BROS.' DP-lt right piano, a» pood as new. V. W. SFKXCE*CO., 723 Market St., History Building, secondfloor. \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0• *-. \u25a0..;\u25a0• ,;.' :.. ...v ... . se29 tt

SIEINWAY. GABLER AND PEASE ~PIAMO organs and all musical Instruments: call and <osour new rooms and stock. ; .MATTHIAS UKAY aCO.. 206 and 708 Post st..Stelnway Hall.. ja7 0

THE FINEST LOT Of SECOND-HAND PIANOSever offered, ranging from $75 up; \u25a0 organs from

$50 up; everything guaranteed. F. W. SPK^CKR.v Co., 723 Market si.. History liulldlug. second

\u25a0 Boor. : .. V./--:-...;. •.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084., \u25a0.\u25a0 . . v au2» tfHAIMIMAS.VOSE AND \u25a0. STERLING

i-' pianos solrt on $10 monthly Instalments. BENJ.CURTAZ a SON. sole agents. 2» O'Karrell st au7 t'

}. ./\u25a0 - ' iOK &AI.I'.- iaa* •. v>. Ilia. .\u25a0"

I^OR SALE—A GOOD CAKP.IACE VERYCUKAP.ApplyU DALYa SON, 409 Sixth St. nul at* \u25a0

L-KESIf~SIILCU COWS «0B SALE. : FOLSOM.J near Twenty-third. . -•\u25a0 .•;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 .. . ..\u25a0. no! 3t»•1/KAITIKUL FLUSH paklok SET.. 452. t»

'> llama at. .-.' .\u25a0'\u25a0-.. \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0:\u25a0': ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0..:.\u25a0. .. \u25a0\u25a0 ; uol 7t*

LUiHTLY USED ROVER BICYCLE; A BAR-gain. Apply Pacific . Storage. Company, 301

.Stockton'-at.1 . \u25a0\u25a0;-.• ':\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 :.y~'": ;\u25a0 y.-j .. \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 oc'-'9 7t


cost »120.329U01den (iale ava.2« 7"\u25a0 .STAR SAFETY BICYCLE; PERFECTOON

•.ii::i..-u : cost $120.HU9Golden (jale are.2« 7'


CHEAP: SUITABLEfor lauy to drive.. Inquire 50.1 Slitter St. 03 1 m

SAFE. SCALE, LETTEH-FRESS, STORE-TRUCKand uiuney-tlll; cheap. . 102 Clay st. : au7 tf

:CECOM>-HAND BOILERS. KNUINKS, PUHPi,'- 0 shafting/pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc. : \u0084-

de 4II \u25a0 •; MclN-TUSH 4 WOLPMAN. 137 Bi-ale at.

1 : tllllAlllf'S> OUT;: AND -I'OWEK- LATUKik? Planers, ilrlll-prt-^^* 667 :Miiwlon st: ae27^

t:': :/r^r--:- s-U>T. •-\u25a0:•'-\u25a0.\u25a0.: •.".•."; ''... :'"\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'..\u25a0 1 IVER-COLORED COCKER SPANIEL D>O:.iJ Please rjtnrn to 1104 Tri-M•tie, : . . It*

\u25a0'f» REYHOL'ND, WIIITK'ANIJ BLACK, .WITHVJT wuzz.e: lost ou Point Lobos road. Rettrn monce, liberal reward. 1120 Howard st. oc3l if

OS I'—A PASS-BOOK WITH THE HIBERNIAA-i. Savings ami Loan Society of Sau Francisco. I-

\u25a0the: name of P. O'DONNELL: ..No. 46.223. Tll<flniler will please return to the hank. bc:sOst*1 OST— A FASS-bOOK.WITH THE HIISKRNIA1j Savings and Loan Society of San Frauclaoo. nthe name of \u25a0 CHRISTIAN SAUEU, No. 177.H7S

1 The fiuder willple:ise return to bant.". \u25a0.. <.<"J3 at*| /CERTIFICATE OK IJEVOSiT 55 SATIIEI

V.'Banking Co.. In favor of JosKHP WALHEIMNo: 317(1. dated May 29:1891: ll<-li.rntlltt "tU".-..-.O

.'\u25a0'..:'\u25a0'i'-."\u25a0. \u25a0-.. "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0/.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0fr'-ousii.^ v-./l/.;. '.:.;;' .'

ADVICKFRKE. READ AD..PERSONALS. liWi\ HOWK-y CO.. attOTriewat-lsw. *:•'.> Marmot, I

|»! ... \u25a0. •' :-':\ ': EDBrAT'ONAI. ;'\u25a0.'.'.;.'\u25a0\u25a0'•' '•;VEMNtTsCin>tPUl6i7 HOWARD; '25 YEAR?

J-i eiperlence: Iwok-keeping. .1. DALTON, tfs»>i

. PBOkUe FILIPFE'S SIMI'LIKIfcDPKACTICAJ1 method of French.Spanh-h,sl 30. ThellancroftCi

i OINIiINU-TEACHERFOKCONCERT.ORATOKII\u25a00 and opera. C. BERUSTEIN. 732 Suiter.otiS 3mpRuFCSSOR 1. F. L.MEYER.7IO HYDE st!X scholar ofLiszt.; experienced aud sue Lnstrucxoon piano and o.rjfiu; terms reasanaoie. . oc2t 4in

SPiiECil-UNTERRICHT NACH UILDERN—TiIIO practical use or Herman taught in 4 months: :

*or 3 lessons. per week, according to Professor lien?man's natural and easy methods: plctr.res used UI Illustrate the meaning of words: classes in co^rei| salton and reading formed tor advanced, students

the public is cordially Invited to luspect the metnoilI'ftice hours: dally 1 to 6r. m. at FRiif. KUFUK. LOVE'S Dancing Academy, SOT Suiter st, be!l'owell and Mason. . \u25a0 . .. ..•-•. '.;:\u25a0 :•\u25a0 o«8 tf

I :"\7"ISn.'INU TEACIIEK; IS YEARS CITY: SI;?.fl«et school: experience. ' JAMES DALTOS

1827 Howard , .', . .\u25a0.'.. . oc6 ttVIRS. MELVILLE SNYDER. .138 McALT.ISTEI.'I st.: vocal classes Monday, -8- p.* v. : dramaticlasses Wednesday, Up. v. ; also private lessons an:piano. ;.:-. ....;;-,. ..''..'\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0•- ; . :\u25a0 : ..... 1. \u25a0-..'.. oc4 3in

P; W. KIMBALL. TEACHER OF PIANO. 391] X. Howard st.:,terms moderate. - -.-., oc4 la

INTTrNITLESIiONS, VOICE CULTURE. APPLk5^ dally505 Powell. Pror. J.!6 Si

* pACIFC ENiiINEtKINO SCHOOL— KNiiINKKII X ing, architecture, surveying. 121 Post. re:!O ljI SCHOOL, 1 CIVIL. MININU. MECHANICAL 81

O ElneerlK*. surveying, architecture, drawing/a!saying ;e«ub.lb6t.A.VanderXaiHeo. 72.< Mkt. illTVealds BUSINESS <i«i.le«k. 24 POST SI

I XIDonbic-entry book-keeping, ptniuau-hip, shortI ' band, type-writing, telegraphy, etc., all included Li! \u25a0 business course under oue fee of $74. : \u25a0\u25a0'. . )rjo i:

ACiriO BUSINESS COLLKUK. 3»9 POST Itj X l.lf»M-ho 575: day anu evening.\u25a0" <*ii4it

.:;\u25a0.-••\u25a0\u25a0.. :;-iiK>Tisis. : ;••-..\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;....>•

"rTSTo'. young' de.ntiSt;as4i polk^stI XJ near Jacit.coii.-'- • -:.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . -;; -^ . ..- 6cl3Uin

T-VR. DVfKETT. 997 MARKET ST.. COR. SI XI Lt extracts or nils teeth without piln. ael 3m

»7 A SET: MIR TEETH; WARRANTED A'\u25a0 O I good as can be made; nlllnf $1. UK. SIMM.'deutisU 930 Market St.. next Baldwin Theater.ocliT»R. KEA,: 823 MARKET, EX I. TEETH sO<

j 'XJ with gas $1: fillings low;- open evenings. Un 21


\J .it. (Puelan Buildl:ig>. positively extract teatI without pain with "Chiton Gas: a!»o terfocm a

operations in dentUtry. l>K.l HAS. vv DKHvKK.7i

A"» LLMtWSPAFEBS HAD I.ONU ARTlll.ESl'- V them stating that tne Insane turns are full a* people who took gas only once for painless tooth ci

traction and went craay. My secret painless uetaois wonderful. By Us use any dental operation aibe done painless y. Will forfeit$100 for any toottnat 1 cannot extract without sleep or gas. ere

I * :L< npti a dozen dentists have failed to extract 1!'Alloperations done better than elsewhere, since

i.' have seven nrst prizes lor lieautlfol nMuurs. piacand crown work. There are i Leek deuiuts. oneopen till y .30 r. m.; Sundays till 3 r. v. Dl

| WH>RUIC W. LEEK. 6 O'Farrell st. oc9 ttTTR.A.LUDLUMHILL.'1443 MARKET ST.. NBA

1 \u25a0 XJ Eleventh: no charge for extracting when plauj are made: old plates made over me now: toot

Irum $&per set: extracting 50c; gas given. 4tt

A FULL SET OK 1EE"I U FOR $7; FU.l.lNli AJ\ lowest prices: work warranted. DX J. VIKEY. 841 Market st. opp. Baldwin. xiul'

T\k c 11. WILSON. dentist.i 92j mark*: JV»t-. BeL Fifth and Si Itil, oi'Q. Mas.mi. ilela

\u25a0\u25a0'..:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' . ....-.: financial.

«ToneV~to~loaS ON KEAL~ESTATE Ii'l quantities to suit at low rate of interest. A

I ply to the California Mortgage Loan Co., 328 Mooj gomeryst.. San Frauclsco. DoS So tfI VV-ANTED TO BORROW, '2 YEARS. $3500 0

'' fIO.oUO worth land;- Interest *>'\u25a0-; p<yabI monthly. A. A.HIIiBAKD.803 Market." ocOT 4:

A T LOWEST RATE-M.DNEY LOANED CIT2\ and conntry real estate; mortgage tax pa*11. P. MUKKAI..402 Montgomery st. Bell tl

I 4fe.Ann Cli\(\ To AN ON CITY AND COU; «J)UVJU."I"UV try property; sums to suit: low*

rates. J. . 11. I'.OSSETER, '26 Montgomery i. Room 17. ocll tt

I ITfvllAnn LOWEST MARKEl rates, CI iff 1 JU.UUI/. country and city real estate: mi

sum. A. SCUULLER. 42« Calltornla St. oclO 3n\u25a0A SMALL SUMS LOANED; PAYABLE lIA<.

I -*1 .lvinstallmoms. 20 Ellis. Room 19. se2 3ui

OLD GOLD -AND SILYBK BOL'OIIT - SEN\J your old gold and silver by mall to the old at

! reliable bouse of a. Coleman, 41 Third st. Si' Francisco; 1 will send \u25a0by return mall the cash:; imuuut is not satisfactory willreturn the gold, itI CAN FRANCISCO COLLATERAL"LOAN BA"ltl

O 6*BKearny St., the only corporation mat leni

! money on diamonds, watches: low (merest oo4i


1"f~YOU~~WIS~H~TO ADVERTISE ANYTHIr.I 1 anywhere at any time write to <i..< >. P. R(>WKI

ACO.. 10 spruce St.. New York. auljMjI VERY ONE IN NEED OF INFORMATION t

lli the subject or advertising willdo well to obtaa copy of "Book for Advertisers," 363 pages, pii

1 SI: mailed, postage paid, on receipt of price: cotalus a careful compilation from tlto Amerlc.

1 Newspaper Directory of all the best papers at

' timtr jouruais: gives the circulation rating of eveone, aud a good deal of Information a>ou°. rites aiother matters pertaining to the business of adrcttalng. Address ROW ELL'S ADVERTISING B

| RKAIT. 10 Spruce St.. New York. anl9 1)

Classified Advertisements", Continue* an t.Sixth Page.

CITY REAL KSTATK. ' 'OVEE. TOY * col" """ —~—



Rents collected and full charge takes or \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-.Members of San Francisco Real Estate Exchange.

SSC\ftn WITHIN HALF BLOCK OK MAR.<J>OJUI/. kot mid Hth SIS.; 4 flats of 4 roomseach: rent*) $72 per month: lot 32x123 leet.BuVEE. TOY A. CO. ""''"'ffij.CO/»A NATOMA ST.. XX. 10TH;"2 FLATS<]T«'—UV'.ot 4 and 5 rooms each; . separate en-trances, etc.: lot *<!Bx7S; rents »38 per month.

' 11OVEE. TOY A CO. '\u25a0 '(Si- A Anil page -ST.; • WITHIN half»lp-U.UUU. block or Market St.: lot size 27:6 x120 to Hose an. ; Improvements consist of 3 framehouse* or 5 rooms eacli; rdnt3 $70 per month: ex-cellent location: property should be further im-proved. lI)VEE. TOY & CO. .(jv;: - (\(\ TWO EXCELLENT BAY-WINDOWig)Oo\J\J. flats In splendid renting location; con-tain 5 anil 6 rooms anil oath each; lot *J5x115: rents#iO |>er month; Henry St.. near Market and IMb.itOVKE. TOY & CO. . .<D«C7X|I PACIFIC HEIGHTS RESIDENCE:fJTO i «.)".,lai-kson St., mar Devlsadero: almostnew house of 8 rooms and bath, etc:; unfinishedbasement: null nightly elevation: excellent vlow:lot >'U:iixl-j;:H>4:easy terms If desired; must lie»old; an utfer wanted. BuYEB. T"V A- Co.

fljj'jl,\f\ .BAY-WINDOW HOUSE OF ROOMS-M •!''. and bath, basement, etc.; large cor-

niT lot, size 75x110 let; on line of Electric Kali-road, and :to minute*' ride from city Hall; easyterms If desired. ISOVKK. TOY 4 CO. '

ffif"JAA~THE ONLY ONK LEFT; sew COT-\u25a0•)'"'. taitrt house coutalnlnx 5 rooms, bath,

etc.: having Just been completed: sightly, highelevation; location short distance from Castro and-'':\u25a0 BBS.; easy t-rms. : For particulars apply to13OVEK. TOY Jt CO. .: .' .' \u25a0 : ;&ia Ann MINNAST.: BUSINESS CORNER.«351U.Ul'U. near Bth, and within hair bloc* ofaccepted I'ostom c site; Improvements; alwaysrented at $84 per month. ISOVKK. TOY <!\u25a0 CO.fflJO/j. ~f\l\l\ BUTTEB ST.v': W. OF MASON;. «J)ot± .I'V/U. double 2-story and basement house,

.-rented to 000 tenant: lot site 47x87 feet; . newbrick foundation; Improvements Al: this prop-erty shou^l command attention at once, being a'choice Investment location. BOVKE. TOY A CO.(Jjbo- / 1 KAYS *(0 PER MONTH; JONES ST.,\pO~O\J. near Pacific: 2-story house of 9 rooms;always rented. BQVEK. TOY x CO.'

a|j77,-n price ' redl'c*;i>l PROPERTYO I i • '. must be sold [ills wee*: 1! flats or 6mid 6 rooms and bath each; Ridley St., within halfblock of Valencia-street cable; rents *50 permonth. HOVEK. toy *CO. .: \u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0

<t I'\u25a0( >' I PAYS in I'KK ANNUM; A SI'I.KN-jJJl"l*'V'l'. did Investment: .13' stores or 4 roomseach and upper flat of 5 rooms.* For; location apnlytuBOVEE. TOY & CO. .',' . '.llcl.'.'tSnWt<£'> llki"l LARtiE CORNER, lt>4xl.b'O, MAKINGiiT>_,"lUl/, 8 lots, on San Jose road and electricrailway.- \u25a0 : .--•: \u25a0\u25a0'." '-. \u25a0 , ..:-..-.•' . \u25a0 .

*1100-corner 245x80: 9 lots, between Missionand San Jose road-. :\u25a0\u25a0 . •\u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0'. \u25a0'\u25a0. \u25a0 '.' \u25a0' .-: \u25a0'.\u25a0 ..

\u25a0 *I'JUO—Huts, 10UH2U; San Bruno road and Silveravenne^.- . •.\u25a0"\u25a0'.'-.. :' . •"\u25a0-\u25a0•: . ' :>\u25a0-.-. \u25a0.' \u25a0

\u25a0 ..:. *5125—Fine level lot 'Jsxloo. at Lakevlow.' '.'\u25a0\u25a0'.

*sSOU—Modern c \u25a0'\u25a0 i:.-. 'i roomi and bath! lot25x»4: Oak and bevisa'tero sis. ".•'..'' .-. \u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0''-

16,1*00— Business property on Market St.; doub:«house and lot 32 :]ill120. ' ....... ..\u25a0.-.'\u25a0 ;

not 3t ;-. KOTHKKMEL-*CO.. 18 Montgomery., \u25a0

L'OK SAIiE—CHEAP; MAKE AN OKFEK: FINF.r 6-robm cottage oh :!i)tliSt., just. W. of Chnrch r mit*Tin* to stilt; hardwood mantel, cement sidewau,brk-k bulkhead, iron fence; '1 blocks fro:u Mission;hair a block from Hew \u25a0 electric road. Apply. odpremises owner, lia yiekibarj st, : uol 4 8 'Sim

F~OjriSALK-2 LOTBi .\u25a0Oxr.'O. TERMINI'S HOW--1 ar<l-^t. cars, west side Sail lsruno road. * Apply ft.

COTTER, 463 Hryaut St. . ' : ' '-. \u25a0 . i;• \u25a0'.L "i; r.-\\ i.i.i,-bljiltOOTTAIJES ON vertF easy, term-s on Nob Hill of -'Mission; onNoest..

bet. 'J'Jil arid -3d: 5 roouis and bath and. everymodern .Improvement. ' Apply. on' jiremise-i.or to

: DAN lIVMII\.:i;SK.arny. Kin. 8.QC15 WrMi tf

SECCIiEAiIOiIE-ONLY 2 LEFT. ... . .:.'. '... \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0 \u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0" ' '.. \u25a0'\u25a0-: :\u25a0!':\u25a0'•. :.;. ;\u25a0:!

.\u25a0.•;"I")KI>.UCED TO NEW-BtTltt COTTAGES11 of five rooms, wltn all modern conveniences,.

: and lot 25xiv~(>: all street Wurkdolle; on W. sideDouglass st., bet.24tta and Jersey; it is only . a- blocks lrom Caslro-st. cable: you' can ' have one . onthe lußtallment pl:m equal to rent.' \u25a0 For sale by' LKVY. ;.(: Calirorni.i St., near Montioniery.

v - - < iA stkivhi:ST., SKAR GEARY; RESI-O1-*'"•'''• denee H rooms and bath, -Cor -cash ' ornuiithljInstall(uents. For sale by M. li. i<EVT.<

. i '•- California sL-.": . \u25a0\u25a0 ;.•... '.-.:- ".-.' ".'.- •.--:"•-\u25a0.' -,-' I' ..-•"-.'• :..;;.'\u25a0'. \u25a0 ":.'. ': V \u25a0'' '\u25a0

<S!GO^n WORTH "*10.UOO:' GOI.pEN GATE«I?O.i>)U.ave:, bet. Lasuna arid : Buchanan.\u25a0 sts.:

:5r7:8xJ5!0: Improved. Forsalb by M. U. LE\Ti432. California st. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. . ..-.-•\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 '.'.\u25a0'•• \u25a0'-\u25a0 : \u25a0;\u25a0:..\u25a0 ''. \u25a0'\u25a0'.:'- '••/'.C's.."\u25a0.'.-" .'. • \u25a0\u25a0"'"\u25a0;;:..' a :'...?\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0' 'o-\u25a0 !' '. '.'\u25a0"\u25a0 '

©47. -A FILLMORK . ST.. BET. POST AND-. O"*- J t)\J-, CJeary; business property: a .very Roodbargain. For sale by M. B. Lt". Y. 4»2 Californiastreet. '.. ,;: ••.-• ....;\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0 :::.-.:"-...\u25a0': ;'-;-"«c3l 2t

YOU KNOW \u25a0':'. . •\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.•.'.' \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0;.:\u25a0'-.\u25a0\u25a0 --i-.- \u25a0

Lf \u25a0.' \u25a0 \VHEKE TO.IiUT: :' :- \u25a0' '' \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0'. '.'•\u25a0 i '

".;\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 BEST ASP CHEAPEST. .'•:'.-:'\u25a0\u25a0 ;,..-.: \u25a0\u25a0.•\u25a0;.'• :>\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0,;' y-: \u25a0 ..: .'. vTASK LOTS?

If .you wish, to buy a few lots for the very lowestprices—spot cash.—a block or part of a block, do notfall to call at 644 Market St.; u9ice of the -.mi:v.-i i-Land Company, for It I^' conceded by all that parklots will make, inure money^ by 50 percent than in-vestments in any other part or the city. There youKill nnd just 4 lut* for sale at *175 cash, 25. percent less than actual vali.e. at t>44 Market St.- Wehave Just a few very choice corners for sale; a fewvery choice li.ts .Irontins on the electric road, a fewlots fruuliug on the beach; which can be .bad by.inakliiK a small cash payment, balance on easy m-

j.iniL-nta. A few. extra: choice b^r^aios ; ran beImil. - - •%\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0...-.:. ;.-'".:\u25a0'-....;. .ff-O- Alt TERMS TO SUIT BUYER: NEARLYi^O*.)\J\J. Coniplet-d: elegant, artistic Jackson-street residences, near \u25a0 Baker, of Sand \u25a010 rooms;Mi;*!iiaiitiai!y built and . mushed, which will be'j;;iaranted.contain r^ceptlou-haU. saloon-parlors,

' lar^u din:uz-roo.ns. handsoMie ni-inteis In SpanishI-.i.(l*r,etierry and antique oak', t-orreialu bath tubs,\u25a0 rntirh plate In front, aud frbiit doors im<l entrance'Insolid 1 oak: waLls lined and h<v^ter< throughout;ri-t:r.c b^lls m>d j;js xiuilihiiriii: m faking tubes

' and every luowii possible requited ina tlrst-clajts rcsideuce. Apply on premises, ocllOlClin - 4-KOOM COTTAG Its '•:IN. BERK!0 1 UUU. eley; 1 block fiom station: »2SI» ca»n,

a 11101..11 ..--.-. . \u25a0•:... . -... .' . . \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0...'

; *17oo— New 5-room: ?15() cash. $1"» monthly. . •if180U-New D-room: *'.'«« cash. *20 monthly.' \u25a0 ..Jl2lO—Broom; %zbi) cash, *16 monthly. •. 'V

»4fto— Lot s 1.1.1 xum. near station: *10 monthly.CALUWKLLBKOS.. I.' MonWe Men « : »e'JB tt..:iWKn MUST UK S'>l.l>; ;REnucEr> from«Jpi^-Ut'. t'iuOU: two-story i.en-o of 7 roomsand batii on line of Joost F.lectrlr ttoad: KlcuteenthSt., near C3i>lro; street paved with stone blurks andaccepted: rents *2- i0. uiurti>u» (14U0. can re-main. . MIAI^WALU.UUCKBKE * 11)., 407 and

.': 409 Montgomery st. . •'.\u25a0..'.\u25a0-' . \u25a0\u25a0;.\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 -.; . oc'.'BSt

: Lvine si nny nf:. COR.^SACRAMENTO^AND.' I Baker sts.. with neat.oue-slory bay.window cot-

tage of 6 rooms.and bath: all modern Improvermeats: very easy terms. Apply to C. S. i'\|-|'.i

CO., Real Estate Agents, 415 Montgomery. ocHl 'M

<iC'-iirW> CUEAi'-LOT '/Si 100: COTTAUK: 6%?Oi W. room»;'bath.. 11-27 Mamptblre. 29 71*JfcJin/1 F;l-EliANI NEW 'J,STI)KY HOUSE: 7

l"l».rooms: bath: floored kasemeut; stonewalk; cat fixtures; Iron fer^ce: fine mantels: makeoffer: »SUQ c»sh, bal. like reel. .835 Castro. : SI 7t»(197 SL"ITER-2-STOKY FRAME BUILDING.. • — I 11 rooms, bath and basement; iiiustbere^moved borore Nov. 2ath. 935 Market. Km. 9. oc3ltf

A BAR .AIN—NEAR THE ELECTRIC ROAD:-A IOUxIUU cor., * ph.l. level lots, no sand, 25r. 100, 8250 each. Apuly at -9 norland St., nr. 1stli;no agents wanted. ; \u25a0

\u25a0 "..- - ••: ,-\ - oc3l .It*

4 -RARE: CHANCE; MARKET ST. BUSINESS- \ lot: 76 or 25x116; cheap:must be sold at once.CHAS. KH'KurF, 3-ja Montgomery. Room 3. \u25a0 29-7t

* MERICAN : EXCHANGE HOTEL, SANSOMBIIstreet, opposite. Wells, Fargo at Co., S. V. : tAblefrst-i'lass; board, with rooms. $1, *1 •_'.">. »l 50 parflay; soeclal rate} by week or month: free coach tianilfrom hdlei. M()>'T(ill>lKUV BROS :.Propr. 1:

: "...'; .. . c O.IJNTIJ V KEAL KSTATK. \u25a0'' ..\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0»>)n Ann first-class ORCHARD OF 26O*-w»"'^ -"• acres; 3 miles from San Jose;.. ]4mile from'railroad station ; electric railroad pissingthe ranch: 21 acres In fn!l-bei<rln: orchard: bouse

\u25a0 10rooms; b:acksiHlth-shop with all tools;'- besidesstable. 2. artesUtn-wells, fluuieii.for Irrigating;' liu-proveincnts alone worth half the money asked:selling on account of closing up estate; $12,000cash, balance to suit the purchaser: 1- or particularsapply to CARLSON A FRANK. 097 Market St. It*(Styj: i\i\ 15».ACREi5 Level AND ROLLING

O«.-. V> . uil,- near Santa Kosa: Hying water;\u25a0 wood to more than pay. for it;, fruit of every kind infull bearing; tiew-hbnse and b.irn: 3 horses;': 6cows: nil fanning utensils: 2 hew wagons; mow-lnß-machtne, and everything needed to run a ranch

.of this kind; penriy level road either way from theranch: will.take part trade, easy terms on balance.J. E. WELLS. 310 Kearny st. \u25a0\u25a0 ; ,noltf .C; I - IKK ACRE—SW: 1/i. SEC. 35. TP 29 3.. K.

'O''*28 X.: 2 miles from Bakersfleld: level, tin- soil:'-' under 73 canal: will doublo in value tnsld: lie year; title perfect. - Address N. G. S.. Box 127Call Branch office. >.; . . . ;... Pol St'


'' front lan*!. Manufactory, this office, nol St \u25a0

OilO F.nA HOY A I'IECEOFOUNTRY1 —.<H'U property yielding some 96000 per an-

num, and willpay for itself in 2"*, years Inproduct*.of superior wines and fruits; 40acres fine laud In thtown of Parheco, only 5 miles from iUartiuez. Inone of the finest .valleys In the State: just aboutbeing opened for general > tramc by railroads,which will raise the price of land 200 and :«>0 per

"cent. By JOHN PFOKR. 329 Montgomery sttfWS. 1.-OREl(]>' REAL VALUABLE REAL

JP. estate: By.: order of ' the Supreme Court ofHawaii there will be sold nt auction in Honoluluon Wednesday. November 25, 1891, six lots situ-ated on Merchant aud Richard sts. and facing-lo-laul l'n!ice. Honolulu,. belonging to the Bolsterestate. For particulars.: apply to S. E. PIKKl'rHonolulu. ;. . •\u25a0'.- \u25a0 .. ;\u25a0-.'.-;\u25a0\u25a0. ocso lOt


c»i. \u25a0-. \u25a0 \u25a0 - .-• -:. •\u25a0' •\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0 .-\u25a0•\u25a0 - or.>» tf

BUY A HOME NEAR LOS OATOS. ' .' ; $1500—10 acres; 4 acres In table graves, 2 aero*In prunes: house,. burn and out-buildings. -'-*HoO— acres good tree and vine land; runningwater: railroad station on the land. . \u25a0

\u25a0 •; -. \u25a0 .. -\u25a0 *25 per acre— lo, 80 and. 40-acre tracts; small cashpayment, long tune and low Interest on balance. .

pel's tf P. H. JORDAN CO.. Los (iatos. Cal.

5 ACRES, FOR #75. OF FINE FRUIT LAND: A«* lew nice oak trees upon It: near town and. rall-rojMl; payable. 910 cash : balance $5 per montn; noInterest: a soil snap. WESTERN LA.VI) COMPA-NY. .Market st. .'\u25a0-'.-.. . ocU 30t1 A ACRES. OF THE FINEST FRUIT LAND INIV the Mate: only *150; payable *10 cash; bal-ance In monthly payments aud no interest; notutuIke It ever offered. WESTERN LAND COMPANY!

b'3U Market »t. .. ' . . sell tl


O very easy terms; sold by the state la tracts tonit; 110 residence or Improvement* required: all

kluils of lands,. in many different counties; sendtamp for, list: open day and eveulnzs. F. W.


-ft. land: send for It. I>.J.WEsT.Martlnei.Cal.9 lin*

'.\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'-\u25a0-'• \u25a0\u25a0 MOSEI TO LOAS. '\u25a0'•'kJON BY LOANED FROM »1 UPWARD AT±Yl aecnrlty Loan Hank. llOtt Market st.,nr. Mason:private entrance 7 Turk. N. J. l"i;ANK:.l\.tc>i.ti.n


week, delivered by carrier to aiiyto 16 cents per week, delivered by carrier to auypart or tue city; me Bulletin is too best, oldestand largest evening paper published on the coast:orders by postal-curd or otherwise will receiveprompt attention. OlBce 0-2 Montgomery st.


T?~A^ j'r3?<NINHS~4 CO^(IeN~ERaL' CON^-T > tractors, palutlug, paper-hanging. whitening.

1 plastering, cai ueuter wora, etc., 9*2 Mission si.. 4Sours or Fifth.B. F. »c27 3m \u25a0

CIUNB, FAIJITINU, • WHITENING, PAPKIt-O hanging, tinting and decorating; wboleaale andretail dealers In paints, oils, class. < bruabss. »ar-uliihes. McRAK LAN E. MS, 207 Four! 2* •\u25a0


MCAFEE, BALDWIN * HAMMOND. REALi'l Estate Azeiits ana Auctioneers, members of theReal Estate Exchange, 10 Montgomery st.' 92600—Very cheap: large corn or on San Joseroad. N. or Ocean View: 8 lots. ' <

if^HM) each— More bargains: ti fine lots on BoyceSt.. near Point l.ubus: each 25x120; all graded andready fur building: street wort done.

9401)0— Dolores St., near "J '..'(I; 30x117:6. '\u25a0•\u25a0"' $-050 each—Waller St., near Ashbury: 2 finelota: each 25xll»: Fage-st. cable line only one-ball block away. \u25a0 . .' > . . •

I—Good1—Good corner on ' Van ' Ness are.; 37:6 x123; arenue graded anil macadamized. - \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0.-. \u25a0-\u25a0

91100 to $1300—SplendM lots on Hill St.. bet. No«ana Sanchez; all graded and ready for building;fine healthy location; grand vlow; -':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! work alldone; only 1 block from Castro-street cars. ;•

is2osO— A bargain; splendid km lot on' WallerSt.. near Scott; SOU 10; street work complete.

\u25a0• 91925 each— 5 good-sired lots on I'nion St., new-I'roilerlck: 27:6x137:6: cable road will noun be ex-tended past property; street sewered and graced.

if 100 ouly—Cheap lot on Fulton St., near Lyon;'137:li: offer wanted: street work all done. ...

\u25a0 $3700—Waller at. and De Long aye.: 30x100. •"'.'9;:soo— Fine St., near central aye.; 31 xH7 :«, ..92325 only—Splendid buildinglot; 17th St., near

Soe: 25x114: street work complete.- $5000—.Choice building corner: 17tb and Dia-iii•\u25a0! \u25a0'Is. : 37:6x75; street work all .\u25a0•--_. 97100—Washington St.. uaar; SUiIOO. .

We have many chfap lots north of Hie park, allgraded and ready lor building. Call aud get list.

McAFEE. BALDWIN A HAMMOND.Real EstateAgents and Auctioneers. 10 Montgomery st.

£. I \l\(\ NATOMA. near 21) : 3-story«JT ±O\J\-i, house; 11 moms. etc. ; street acceptedby city. JIuAFEE. BALDWIN 4: HAMMOND.

fflfOv/fIA MCE COTTAGE ON LOTT ST., NEAH*P«J —\r\J, Turk; 5 . rooms and batb: coucrete

foundation: stone sidewalk, etc.; lot 25x100.McAKIiE,IIALI)WDitHAMMOND. \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0

fit'jrukA COTTAGE ON natosia ST., .rJlOOuy, near IKb; 3 large rooms and highbasement: lot \u25a0-•-•:»x7i. McAFEE, BALDWIN *HAMMO.NI>. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: :\u25a0 :\u25a0 \u25a0••-.\u25a0<£I'AAA KENT 98HO PER YEAR—2 PRETTY«JpU\J\Jv. flats on Pleasant St.. near Taylor: tiaud 7 rooms, bath, etc.; brick foundation; lineview: only half block from cable->roaa. MCAFEE,BALDWIN Jt HAMMOND.. ' .. . .. : '

© 1 '-J .%/iA GOOD BUSINESS CORNER'ON\u25a0tJS 1 O.O\)\J. Bryant, near 3d; 2 2-story houses,store ami flats: rent ».'.•. lot 25xSO. .>!\u25a0 \1 i.X,BALDWIN ,V HAMMOND. . \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 :. '\u25a0 . "- ..

FFER WANTED ON AUOUD PIECE OF MIS-VJ smii street business property, bet 20th and 21st;2-mory house of 9 rooms and liatb: lot 30x90;bouso should lie raised, nod store built under It.MCAFEE. BALDWIN 1c HAMMOND. \u25a0: \u25a0

flfcOAiTifV HOWARD ST., NX. 17 111; 2-STORY«J»OUUU. bay-window residence; 8 rooms, bath,etc, ; also stable In rear: lot. 28x122:6. MrAFfcE,BALDWIN & mjimnD. .:\u25a0..- : ' \u25a0 :

<£ li* <»OOI> INVESTMENT ON.6THO.OUU. St., near Bryaut; : substantial \u25a0' 3-

Uory building: stores and Hats: rent 9124 51); lotoPxtis. Mf:AKEE.;IiALI)\TI.N & HAMMOND.

<& lJ»j''KtU I •* BARGAIN; SUBSTANTIAL 3-. O O—.<)\.'\i* story and basement brick buildingou prominent- llfirrntifir comer, htu Kearny;.rent. $2700 per: year, under lout; lease; teuaut.makes all repairs. MiAKKE,BALDWIN * . HAM-SioND, 10 Molit^oinery st. /. ;\u25a0 . .. \u25a0.

jyAUGAJNS. ; BAKItAINS. \u25a0 .. • .; ,

In the Potrero. the great uiauufacturing center of... \u25a0\u25a0 • ,\u25a0\u25a0' .'. \u25a0 the city. . : -.\u25a0;\u25a0•\u25a0- . : 0N.1.Y SHOD AND IPWAKI). \u25a0 "..\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0

41 of those BO dtsiraoia I'oircro lots sold;.lastcbance to secure cheap lots In this locality. . . .'.30 minutes'walk Iroin tlieCity Hail. '\u25a0. •:••: '-'\u25a0 :

15 minutes' walk from the I>cttlc Rolling-mills.-. \u25a0

5 minute^' walk from ropt-walk. \u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0.\u25a0'..' •*;.- 15 minutes? walk from iimc refinery. -' - :...;

. 15 nimutcs' walk Irom the Union Iron Works. :

. Encliantlnffriew; flue soil: /Dp.driftingsmd; be-yond a doubt the cheapest lots in San Francisco to-

; day: a certain profit of at least 50 par cent withinthe next. years; call or solid for map». McAKEE,BALDWIN * HAMMOND. 10 . Montgomerylitrtet..V \u25a0: : V : \u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0: nolMuTuTh

..AT AUCTION. AT AUCTION.. '' ? \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0fii -'

•:'.;. ,' McAFEE, BALDWIN i HAMMOND/\:: \u25a0..

:.•'•'."\u25a0'.\u25a0'•\u25a0"' MOMMY, NDVUIBER 2, 1891, ]:t^

,\u25a0'.;\u25a0; .': At 12 QXLfJGJC.NOON.'

\u25a0 ;..'.:. ,',

; I . . ' ATREAL ESI ATE EXCHANGE.; \u25a0./.'\u25a0:.\u25a0':):

'\u25a0:\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0. y ."\u25a0,. CHOICE LIST! .' \u25a0\u25a0' •' ':\u25a0'....'\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0


.'\u25a0;- r FROM MARKET hf. . :[ No». 101 to 109 Hayes corner of r*oik. Theattention of capitalists is :olrected to this choice.

'l>roiierty; as a future business corner it can hardly-be suipasse<l; this locality 19 recognized by all as'the - Owning -mercantile center of the city; cable-cars pass the property both on Polk and . Hayes st» ;.theOity Hull Is only one block distant: Mechanics'. Pavtilon diagonally opposite: \u25a0 the liamtHome DoeISuUdlne anil the Ke l.nveaga Block each only one

\u25a0\u25a0 block off: must positively be sold : streets acceptedand paved withstbuu blocks; a mort^art* of $.fO.OUOIn tui). llibernia Bank can remain at 7 per cent perannum: size of lot 60x100 feeL . , . ,A GOOD INVESTMENT— ST. COR--. .:: NEIL RENTS SliP PER MONTH.- : \u25a0

; 2901 California st., SW. cor. of Broderick: -<ul>-Stantt&l bulldlu; or IB ronnis.: rente.l at $120 per'mouth, tenant pays for water and all pair*;, thisIs a fine corner, and ? lei Us a bli* rate i>f. interest on

.'What we are prepared to sell it for; ttier Is a mort-gage of 911.500 liiHie .Seomltr Sirjnrs Bank,- wliichran remain or not. at the purchaser's option:silt? of lot 8H:9x137:6 ft it. . . . .. :•WEBSTER-ST. KKSIDENCE... BKT. CLAY AND

\u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0; WASHINGTON ST.S. , . ..\u25a0

\u25a0 2"10 Webster st.; good 2-story and basement'.ri'Rlilence of '.' i:irce rooms; sunny exposure; bath,lauudry, etc.: brick foundalion: will tent fur »60:. choice., neighborhood:' caiiie-car facilities -.uuex-<ci i-il:tiring easy : only J-* c ish. balance In -1 and

' 2 y-Mrs; Interest 7/ per cent ' per anouiu; lot\u25a0-\u25a0;. -i tTlo«. \u25a0.'. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0/.\u25a0 '. •\u25a0..-•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; .. .... ... ;LARGE ii.dim: l()t.cent!:.»!.ly LOCATED,

'\u0084.. ON HAVES ST.NEAIi III.LMUKK.':.'\u25a0 Sec this very .l<--.ira',le lot on the south side of

Hayes st., distant '.HI lert 1-: of Fillmur«.ou the mix;of the Hajmir cnble-rua't: a line location for ll»ti

\u25a0 or. a hQiue; btrett paved \^stone blocks and ac-\u25a0 cepteclby the city: sidi-wil*In front of this lot: we

are i>rct-aretl to let this lot go very . che-ip; size47:«x137:«J. ••: \u25a0' . '-. -.•\u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 •.' ' \u0084

X itICUMOND HOME-^COMrORTATIIJ-: RESI-,-. DENCE ON EK.HTII AVi:.. NEAR \u25a0 :'.\u25a0 . . . POINT 1.0808 AVb". •. '.??!••\u25a0.: No. 1529 EIRUUi aye., bet. Point Lulms are. andA st.; 1>» story bay-wn'low cottage of 9 rooms and

' bath: L'o<d for help: cable-ciri*. willsoon be rutiiiini* on point Lobos are. : I In- lotwill soon lie tvorth the present .value of the landand the linproVcm<M,ti*. .We mi obtain a loan ofabout ¥2500 on this property frt'in any bank; sizeof lot. 50xI0W tea. • \u25a0 :- •• .. \u25a0-


• •.: : FROM MARKET ST. ': This Is a rhanccto sfctiretwo choice lots In an ex-

ci-.]i'nt location at a figure much below the marketprice of the property; take Castro-st. cam and getoff at the junction of Seventeenth, Market and

'. Castro f ti*.'. sewer In ("astro st. aud tttreet fnacaU-.-aiulzed. 'these lots re lust elevate*! enough abovethe street to make them desirable fura home: sizeor each lot 25x100 feet: terms cash: bank will lend00 per cent of selling price.. Applyto--- \u25a0


MCAFEE, \u25a0'•\u25a0•\u25a0 ;\u25a0.-•\u25a0 ,\u25a0.\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0•.•;:.': ' 7,-.- -' \u25a0\u25a0 . •'.\u25a0:..: :BALDWIN * . '".. •\u25a0••.\u25a0 -: '\u25a0\u25a0. :\u25a0'..\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0:.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:.*:. •-•\u25a0.: ... ; \u25a0 HAMMOND,

I \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 ;: 10 Montgomery street. . 0f125.6l

T W. COLEMANJKEAL ESTATE AUENT, 228^%<J •' Meiitgoinery st. :-\u25a0 .-\u25a0 \u25a0 ..." ' .-. --.-..• \u25a0 .-\u25a0 - -'•\u25a0... »IS5O— Lot on N. line or Jersey St., near Sanchez:1 ftirect work done; ready for build Ing: 25x1.1 1, - *-

*1500—20 th bet. Cnurcn and. Sanchez: nicelot: lovely view; flue place fora home; 14. "/

1250—College tliiiiK-ste.ul: fine large lot: fewsteps Iroin Mission road and cable: 50x110. . \u25a0:. \u25a0

'.- $3750—Clara si.. uear.Kltcb: new w-storv house. 8rooms: 2 :touement»t "\u25a0 brick foundation,.'patent.

1 closets, etc. : room foranother house. ;\u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0-.-.-'*JOo—>lce Jot near Cortiand aye.: will sell on.. iUfttuUtnents.' -: .->-\u25a0 .:: \u25a0--. \u25a0

..\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 'V.\u25a0 ».<Uoo— Florida St.. near 25th: nearly new ,-.\u25a0\u25a0:»•••

: h..:j-. . 4 rooms : luith-rooiji;make an offer; - garden,| etc.; .part-cash. •' .".'. .*". -.- .*\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0'..\u25a0\u25a0'.'\u25a0. ..\u25a0\u25a0.'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

MOO—Rents $25; Baldwin canrt; 2-story houseof t> rooms; must lie.sold. ."\u25a0 .'•\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0:".-\u25a0 :V':-" '\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0; $251K)— Waller St.. near Masonic aye.: nlreresi-dence Iot:-V5xl26: sewer«-<J and ready for buiMliig.

«il>oo— _' lovely lots On W. side of Lyon St.. bet;n>yi<s and Fell; street work done: fine place for

• flats.'...- .'. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0'.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0- ":\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 ••.\u25a0:•:."..'• »UlO—Sice bulldlnjr.lot; Fell St.. near Devija-dero:strel-t worn done: 25x137:& „\u25a0 . "'\u25a0'..-.\u25a0.\u25a0. »15UO-Shipl»v »t., ur. (jlo: 2 nice flats and rot-tax?: rents $-11: streiit accepted by the city : -every-

. thing in first-class order. 1 -' •\u25a0;\u25a0' • ... -;: : «i:25 if Suwe '

fit QAAA "<l:D-llTn ST., NEAU FoL-•jrCv/UV/. .soiu; a l»rs« lot. 40xK5: 3-story framebulidlng front; also rear house: rents 982: flue in-vestment: will improve. KOBEUTJ. Ml.:.' ! I:.4101'lne St..

\u0084 . *'.:-I*''.-'.. .:- ~:". - -.'\u25a0;" ' \u25a0'\u25a0"

<<->'>\l\ .JACKSON ST.. NEAR SPRUCE;•IT——Ov. elegant lot. '211127 :8; a tine view andTery choice; street work done. ROBERT .1. MEK-Cr.R. 410 Pino »t. ' \u25a0' i./ .;\u25a0.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 .j;..-. ,!.\u25a0\u25a0

<sjl /T7r,7~I)KHONK ST.i NORTH OF SEVEN-3>IV)<MF. teentn: a flue, cheap lot, 16x89; street

work done. Kt'KKhT.I. 410 Plue St.

Mllo-n II»T'AVK./AND CLAY ST., FINEijZOdl/.' corner lot. 28x101 :\1: will make a line

' lmslue::s corner. ROBERT J. MERCER. 410 Pino;street; .'.•\u25a0'.'...\u25a0"\u25a0.' ,;-"- .:' :. "• • '\u25a0'•':'.'\u25a0. \u25a0

' fitQ'.A '--v ST NEAR DOUCLASS. NORTH«s)i7<)U. side-Large lot. 25x85; worth $1100;street work all done: easy terms: only 2 left. ROB-ERT J.MtKCER, 410 st. ..' 0c25 3t SuWeSu .

T:::. LAN IILKR, 111 ILDEi;ANDOWN OFFICE1.. IS Montgomery .In monthly \u25a0 payments of

930 :o $40 you can procure an elegant home of 5 or' b* rcHims with ajl modern Improvements, located obcat>ie lines; if you desire, 1 willbuild you houseon yonr own plan In any part of the city, on a lot ofyour own selection, on the ruo-t easy montnly pay-ments: 1. have. just finished 6 cosy cottages aud -I 2-story residences, which must be seen to be appre-ciated. ; For further particulars apply to L. LAND-LKR, 18 Montitoiuery st. . ocxB WeFrSuMo tf

<fc7f\(lfi FOR SALE-THAT ELEGANT ROW<IP IO\l\J, or houses just- completed on the E.side of Masonic aye., 1 block S. ot Hali^bt st.: eachhouse contains union parlors, largo sunny dining-. room,' 4 chambers, tints&pd basement, plate and artglass windows, electric bells and gas lighting;extxa large y..rd: the cheapest bouses in the city:make your own terms, for particulars InQUlre onlireinlaos. ....-.- \u25a0*...\u25a0 .::- .\u25a0; \u25a0 . ocl BuTuTh tt

1 OR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTSI r equal to'rent; *2 iM-nutlful E^stlake cottages, 8

and '\u25a0 rooms, bath anil laundry ; allmodem Improveiueuts:ou N. side Elizabeth St.. 1(10 It. W. of Cas-tro. ' Ai>n!y to A. F. BENJAMIN, owner. 11Montgomery H..'- \u25a0' \u25a0: ..; oc£6 SuTuTn tl\u25a0(I!!''-.1Al»-"IJSVEL LOT,BOxl2O. W ITU CREEK,«jT"~.IA'v. In Berkeley; 10 monthly. " \u25a0

'. 91100— Kino corner: lUOxlOO: sldewalked. '-' ' '\u25a0 «2Uo—t-'orner: 24xlO'J: $20 cnsh. $5 iiioiuhly.•

\u25a0\u25a0,' »:«KI-Lot 40x100; ?S5 cash. »5 monthly. '•-.lfiOO—Corner; 40x100; Sldewatked; $5 mouth It.

Ask fi,r maps, 1000 lots, 1 offer only wbat 1 own.\u25a0 CHAS. A. BAILEY,owner, 20 Montgomery. tl

Qi 1 "\ AAl"l»'i STOKES, 2 ROOMS EACH ANDj '(ipliJtVuU, basement; 1 house with 0 roomsj and basement; 54>x86; account of aieknesg. 7271 \u25a0 lathsL- \u25a0 ; '..-'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 - : oci4tt .TTOK SALE-PRICE 93250: 9500 CASH. HAL

I X anc«small monthly luatallmeuM; 2 large 5-rooinI cottages on sunny Hide >th si., one block, east of

Castro, with stone sidewalk, brick bulkhead,plankedI basement, nnmitsheit attle, large lot, well hunt up

.neighborhood and all street work complete. Y.I NELSON, builder. 1620 *stb »'-, near Ca.itro.se29 tl

"Deal ksi ate, ' kknTini* \u25a0' an sellingI Xi houses and auctioneer, a sueoialty. K. P.I SIMMONS. 107:i'. 2 Market »L . 0e22 tf

DO YOU WANT PROPK.RTY, OITY OR COUW--1 ' try. in the prettiest Taller of the SUM? Appli

: l» Kaps Laud to.. >aua. C'aL, lor list of proper-ties. - - . . aeislt

\u25a0ffif\9fifl 2-STORY HOUSE, 8 ROOMS - AND<>\u25a0•-'>"- bath: 22:6x92:8. Inquire 1431 Btel-

-1 aerst., Dear O'Farrell; no ajeuts. . oc'ii loi\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : .:-\u25a0.,- *^s

\u25a0__ CITY.MAI,''KHTATK.^ .'\u25a0 .' '

rVFARRELL * LANG, . '. . \u25a0 .'\u25a0: , * \u25a0:\u25a0 '. : 'REAL ESTATE AGENTS, I r" ".^iti?\nctl"inv r-i aim House Brokers, 11 Montgomeryit. Members or the . San Francisco Heal EstateExchange. - '\u25a0.\u25a0...\u25a0-.\u25a0 .. . * \u25a0" . .- \u25a0; -CtTOCIfI SPLENDID INVESTMENT KICiHT INiR) IWU.tcmii; store and flat on Tenth St., close.oFolsom; reuilug now for.s&s per month; remeiu->er the !loward-st. cars pass this propert ; must betola within a tow days; lot 25x)00. OKARUELLv LAMi.II Montgomery »t. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0' '\u25a0

<Bt7<inn MISSION FLATS; 3 NEW FLATS ONtJP I \J\J\J. ,SbotwellsL, bet. i:4tn and iiStii;' close;o 2 cable lines: renting now for *l>2 per monthlouse built with every modern Improvement; base-ment, could be made Into another flat Ifdesired;this is a bargain ; ZSxIW.G. Or AltllELL*LAN'U11 Montgomery, at. . :. -'.; :" . \u25a0 '-: --' -.<ftftO(in MISSION ST.: THIS IS A BUY;*'(jpuuuu. 'j-srory bay-wmdoir residences on theW. line of Mission, near 20th. containing 8 liatli: all uio>lfrn improvements: offered for:iale for .first time at this remarkably low figure: re-nrmber «M \u25a0: property Is scarce: don't fall toieeltifuli -particulars at" oince. O'FAKKELL JfcLANU. 11 Montgomery St. . -. -."."• -ONLY 1 OK a LEFT. •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0',: .;.". We have 1 or 2 of those elegant residence 10nil rell si., nr. Ashbury, facing directly on granipproach to the piri. which we must close out thweak. The oilier lots have been sold to people whointend to Improve a; once. There is no doubt ofthis, as plans can be seen at our oltlce. and the tin-t>ruvemeuts contemplated are . magnificent.:-" Takethe c irs to-day, before It Is too Into, and see ttilltun best rtsliliince property ever offered for sale.U'FAKKEI.L ALANG, 11 Montgomery. \u25a0\u25a0

ONLY 1 LEFT.. ONLY 1 .LEFT :..or those handsome new residences on .Laurel St.,liet. Sacramento and Clay. Look at It to-day. for Itli the most perfect home offered at the price.Easy terms.. .•--\u25a0\u25a0 .. . - . . .-.

only 1left. Only 1 left. O'FARRELL *LANO,Agents, 11 Montgomery st. .-. \u25a0 ; ... \u25a0 t.

PACIFIC HEIGHTS MARINE VIEW . RESi.dence; 2711 Buchanan: 9 rooms and. bath; 2years old: all modern linproveiaentS; electrictolls.' speaking tulies. wooJen ' mantels, \u25a0' lalonparlors, nil in fine order: price (800U; lot 'Jfl-I'J-.UTAIIREU \u25a0> LA.SU, 11 MoDtijniugryat. . .:

Ckl U (\(\(\ ELEGANT KESIUENCE ON SUT-«i? l-"-VvlF, ter st. near Leavenworth; housecontains 17 rooms and bath, with all modern im-lirovementsr will rent for per . month:

J.\f\l\J. ter St.. uear l^aveiiwortb: hoaIns 17rooms u:.j bath, with all modern iiments: willeasily rent mr $126 per mon!

lot 27:b'xl37:ti; don't fail to look at this, as propertyIn! that location la seldom offered oil the uiarlteO'FAKKELL A- LANG. 11 Moutgoinery SI. \u25a0 :fltlit (\t\f\- SI^LF.NDIIV INVESTMENT ON

««VWU. Hjde nt., near Wawamento: 2liotises:or H rooms and bath each; rented steadily atSIOO per month; tenant par* water: lot 50:llii:H: only one-half cash required. O'fAKKELLit LANG. 11 Montgomery St. .'\u25a0;•\u25a0 \u25a0••.':':•"• •\u25a0

ifl;ii9nU COR. BUSH AND PIEKIE STB.—«a U— <>\J. Cottage of ri rooms and bath: lot SoxIU'J: cheapest lot 111 tli»Av«»t«rn Addition. O'FAK-K1.1.'. A I.AM). 11 Mbntgonitry »:. \u25a0\u25a0\u0084:-:

MUST BE SOLDI MUST 11K SOLD!. LOT 80l:it 114 on -.'Tth 61.. near Saucbez: price asked*3.->OU; this property has pomtiTt-ly got to be solawithina few. days; see It and itia'ke us an offer.O'KAKUKLL* LANU. 11 Montgomery st":.>S7f»An MAYBE LESS-FLATS: WE HAVE1,7 I VV''. 3 new uiodern flats on Diamond St.,close to 17tn. which must be sold at once and whichwe are offering lor Its* than they are worth; the lotla "Jr«xl.-5: flitsare now rented lor $60 per month,and would bring more; lull particulars at ottice.O'FABHEi.I. ,v 1,AM.,. II Montgomery st. : . :: \u25a0

< ! QfinONLY-tHINKOFTHiS; HOUSE AND£» i Q\J\J lot for $1800; located on Clipper St.. nr.Dolores;- buuse contains 4 rooms; lot 25x114.. \u25a0 i.KKLI.a I.AM.. 11 Montgomery St..

V;i.K ANl> 21KT «VM.—<;<JkNEH LOT. 57*105:i> will lie sold for a few days for the remarkablyprice of 112700; note the size: only 1 block from cable, . O'FABKELL & LANG, 11 Muut-gomtTy St. .. . \u25a0: -';. \u25a0 . ' .' ...->.-\u25a0

Q7r.AA IiOLDEN. GATE AVK. CLOSE. TO•_ • •/• M/. Market st.; 2-story anfl baseniient house01 7 rooms; renting for $35. >\u25a0 1 a 1.Ki.1.i. A LANG,11 Montgomery st. \u25a0 '\u25a0-. —.: - -.-..

< illli'l lAYIN<i$45 I'EK MONTH: 3-STOKY(J.IVUu. bulldlnes, store and flats: Natomast.,near Nllith: 10t'.'5x75.: O'fAKKELL 4 LANG, 11.Montgomery St.- :.'.--\u25a0. ' ' .-\u25a0. .. '. \u25a0*' \u25a0' \u25a0 •..ijto.".jk ukai: riFt'L lot ON CLARENDONiJOuV, Heights; located on Krlgrave aye., hearStauyan st.: commands 'magultlcejit view of..theIHtrW- and surrounding country; ; and =is sheltered•r m th« winds; size '.'Si 100. O'FARRELL *LANG. 11 Muutgollifry rt, \u25a0 ..'\u25a0\u25a0:'

C:"I (\ "1111 ki.ikant NEW RESIHENCE ONt~IU,ilUv. lire north Sid* or Fine St.. uear.liuchunaii: house contains 10rooms. b:i!U. laundryand all niodfrn Improvements: would easily rentfor &75. per month; terms,- $150D~*cash. balance-IDmonthly Installments; ioc'-'iil37:6. v iai;i;ki.i.

\u25a0 A LANG, 11 Montgomery st. :: . - : \u25a0;\u25a0• '\u25a0 -.<l 1 11111 l DOWN - TOWN PROPERTY;01 I.UUV. Stevenson st, between 4th:lot .40x72: coveted wlth'.tmjiroveiueut!i; rememberthe property In this location Is seldom.offered onthe tnui'K'-t; lot alone worth mure than tl« price»»k<-d. Ft particnlaH apply to O'IAUKELL *I..V.NG. 11 Moutgomery >t. .'- .-:. \u25a0' \u25a0 ' .-\u25a0-

' '.ffljfcOan: REDUCE!) l'UnH *6000:' COUNEU(^Om^OX/ • Grove and sis.; cheapest cornernow ottered in the Western Aditltlon: sire SoiluO:matt be sold: see tills at once;.' O'FAHKELL ALAND-, 11 Montgo)u?ry. si. ..: \u25a0 ; . -. .4K^PkfwT~Jl I•>IN COKNKK;. ELLIS ANDCJdUV. l'lerce sts.;slie SUz!)-.'; all graded anarrady lor txiMrting; can I*- made v< pay splen-lid in-<*.oin«.' O'KAKBELLa LANG. 1] Montgomery St.

. \u25a0 iIODEKN MISSION KtSllll:Mt-.\U«.' '\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 . . SS&OU. lIS EASY TERMS. ... ..SKE THESE ELEGANT NEW DWELLINGS ON0 Fair Oaks iL, near' SSd; only, half block Iromnew electric road; bouses are: substantially builtwith every Improvement: nee tliem; owner on thepremises. O'KAEUELL A LA.Mi, Agent;, 11 Mont-

•gowery su ' • -;; \u25a0"\u25a0 ;'.-;\u25a0' \u25a0-.:'\u25a0 V; .'.' \u25a0\u25a0 • ,~~- '\u25a0 -\u25a0 - - i-ai:km.ii:. . '../f850...........;:,... *000 :...:.......,. *050

; ONLY A rr." MURE LEFT. . :\\ E HAVE A FEW LETT OF THOSE REAUTI-.'" tnl lots facing rtlrertly on the Uo.ucii Gale

Park, which we are offering at positively ttic lowest'price yet and only ViOU.casb;«t«. O'FAKKKI.I, .V. LANG. II M int-;oliii;ryIt.C: 'An CASH: *iud i'imi; »4i. io cash.«Ji*lUW .New cottage or 5 rooms, bat'i; basement;. l.'iuinlry: wooden \u25a0 mantel: tiled' Hre-plare andevery modern Improvement- nml convenience: lotUxlDO; home Just cniurl'ted and will be guar-aut^ed byowner for 5 years: balance i>r payments-wllJ-be in^de very easy;\u25a0• only- one block fromCastro-street caUle-car*. rAKKELL * LANU.11 Montgomery st. .-- ...: • ' ',-. :: \u25a0 . . '

(jj'JV/Wl EACH; \u25a0•£ 1'.1.Al TlrlL MUDKKN' t^O4-VMF cottages. Just rniilpleteu, on 2Mb St.,sunny and only one block from' Castro St.: 5. large rooms and bath, brie-c-brae maute's.onyx tll-'..c. li'jrh hasumeut with dressed floor, brick bulW-

.hrad. iron fence,stone fddewAltc; lot'isxli4i termseasy..: O'l-ARKELL A LANG. 11 \u25a0 Montgomerystreet. v\u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 " •\u25a0 . . ':. i.ol Bu»'e

coutuside BARGAINS./ '.;;.'\u25a0..

choice residence lots on installments'\u25a0.~ . \u25a0 -

.-..•: !:=•.;' '\u25a0'"\u25a0!"''\u25a0 \u25a0 V:' block 748. ;': :j'-.\-r.

- :. —— - ;.\u25a0.;.\u25a0.-. '.}

Bounded by .) and X »;•., bet 'JOtb and 'Jlstavruuea. \u25a0_\u25a0 \u25a0.•- \u25a0•\u25a0/.' '._'_ ._• '\u25a0.' •-.-:'.- -.- -; '..v ; -.; ; :


\ And the proposed 161h-st. extension.:;~. \u25a0 :•;;..•; :. :

Nearly opposite Strawperry-1111l Panorama and\u25a0 the now Lake. X:".\u25a0.\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0'>. - -\-;•\u25a0 •\u25a0" \u25a0;:.'

L BUT.' 2\ IIUX'KD- FROM.. THEV PARK \u25a0 AND..; '; y;: \u25a0. OCEAN RAILROADDEPOT.^::.. .-.

within one black or the Metropolitan ElectricRoad..-.\u25a0.';.-;:.-\u25a0. .v .. .-' \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0..:...\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0-..\u25a0. .\u25a0-.:-. •.\u25a0-..

'•', Conven i.i to the Omnibus Cable Road. .;'•."\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0. ;

Beautiful and unobstructed view or the Ocean.Sutro lleignts and »• Par*. \u25a0; . \u25a0

\u25a0:..•..\u25a0\u25a0..• f:


eently sloping to the west and north, thus - . .>


A MOST' BEAUTIFUL AND ELIGIBLE SITE; /.. .\u25a0. '. ;- \u25a0'\u25a0 tOB. HOMES, : .;.\u25a0:;.'..•:,•_.•>•

- "\u25a0; These choice lots will be (Old low to Immedlat*purchasers, on easy terms, prices and terms willundoubtedly suit all purchasers.'..\u25a0; ' .": .\u25a0\u25a0•/.:.

"..-.:.'\u25a0 ;\u25a0 \u25a0. : SOL. QETZ 4 BRO., BH4 MARKET ST. .

Headquarters for Park Lets North and . South. '.

•'\u25a0\u25a0'"s ' MAKEYOUR SELECTION . NOW. ! -.': \u25a0>.-;

\u25a0'..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•: •"'\u25a0':'.' . \u25a0 \u25a0'.\u25a0'.' ~3l' ' •'\u25a0•'•\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0.'...•;.,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;;•\u25a0.: '\u25a0:, \u25a0'\u25a0 .:—: .- .;. -• : • . -.-•\u25a0T '\u25a0-\u25a0 .'.'..'. ' \u25a0 ocastrsuWe -i .' \u25a0\u25a0

" :

\u25a0pOR BAI.K-HOUHIC AND LOT, 105t105W1071 I 107V4 KUthst.; 50x74. • • : •\u25a0.\u25a0••\u25a0- oc-J7 tf.

-. CITY REAL -*2[J!fil_^.^__^,OF. YON KHEIX ft 00., IIKALRSTATE

\u25a0 era and Auctioneers. 613 California St. -.4i'.)!V/WIA SUTTKR. Nli.. LKAVKNWORTH :<Jp_«J.i>U". 41 :Bxi:<7:t>: sood Improvements;rents $150. yon KHKIXx CO. . : \u25a0

<n> >>r. nnfl 2D ST.. \u25a0'.ML: MISSION: OLD IM-JJ)O«),UIIU. rents for »152. O.l'.YON RHEIN CO.; 513 -California at. . .':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•/'"ifon nnn \u25a0 15 ACRESWITH supkbb RESIJJpOU.UuU. denoe near Mills Seminary. 0. K.VUNIIUEIN.'-..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0 "'\u25a0•\u25a0. \u25a0--\u0084\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. .\u25a0\u25a0 .: \u25a0\u25a0.•\u25a0•'. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'•

£.• 1 Q .^AA CIIK. 24TH AND SHOTWIiLL;•JplO.-'U". 49:«ii»5: rents $125; stores and,

HatSL_ 6, F. YON RHEI.Y * CO. .\u25a0; .\u25a0\u25a0, .- : :

*<ffii'-1 1 flllfl COR 20TH AND DOLORES: 105.J) 1 .l.:Ki\J\Ji till'20th by 76:6 on Dolores; stiullbrio inline. YON HIIBIN* CO. ...\u25a0,\u25a0.• 'OfcQyOX ATINE CORNEIi IN' EBTKU.N AIV-tS!O—~D. <Jltlon; 27:6x87:8; rent* (74. O. F.YON rhein *I '>. -.. ..:\u25a0•:\u25a0\u25a0;;.\u25a0:\u25a0 :\u25a0-:.;.-."\u25a0-.\u25a0-;.•;\u25a0-..\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:

CjOnAII DEVISADKKO. NEAR WALLKR: 8.vSOUUI/. rooinsand bath; 25x103. YON IiIIEINaw .\u25a0 ;.-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 .; \u25a0\u25a0:.'\u25a0..'..•••\u25a0.*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.' \u25a0?:.'\u25a0 ••; .';-

*7-7S-A- 3 NEW FLATS; NKAR~T:uK~^9TH«jft I I OV. ana Valencia; 25x100. . O. F. A- CO. .. '.;' ' .•:••• \u25a0:-.



..\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0. -.',\u25a0\u25a0• ' \u25a0 •-.---*'7»>Cfi MASON ST., Nil. I.OMUAKI"; 39r\u25a0<J> 4 — O\J. 12_':ti with I. on Newell St.; rents $73.-' |O.F. VO.VKHKIJS & CO.. 524 California St. \u25a0 - \u25a0 I©Tlftn KHOI\VJ£LL.KKAK*2SrH:26xI22:«: I«S> < I"U.rents HU2SU. (7100— near Shot-well; rents »e4. (l. K. V«>N UIIEI.N *CO.

Glt'i'iu'i nillST.; NX. ouehkekP;; rents«JIOUUU. »45; 25x104,. YON KHEIN £\u25a0 CO.

\u25a0UL'^AAA CHURCH. NEAK B4TiT;~3OilOO: 8.JT»>VUU. rooms. 0..F. VOX.KIIKiy-Jc 00. ...\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0'. I56 1i) ii/Yft '-I*l'.and BARTI.KTT: 33xf10; !.

, }&\u25a0 1^.UUU.' i.i,,. residence. YON KHKIX& CO.

<IfcO'> A •'IMEYISAiIEBO, MB. CALIFORNIA:•"\u25a0•'— U. rents So.: 50. VPS IMIKIN.V UP. \u25a0;;

aQr.AA WASHINGTON; NIL IiAKF.K; '-'JOr:•'' ')\'\J, 10J;8l..: 2 flats; r.el>t*»s'; new. \u25a0 O.K.NON KHEIN &«0.. California St. .. ,\u25a0 ::., \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0

©Q^nn IJTU ST., NKAIiUUEHItKNO;:60X ItJpOOUU. US; 8 rooms and bath. , <>. F. VO.NKHUN A I"! i . inliforn'a .'«t._ :: .- \u0084- - •'..'

\u25a0 <"•'"(» STKIN"KK..VJi.UI:SUtTI!:K:'2 PLATS:- 1«J \~O\J. 2.">illO: :il\vav« rented; 0. Y. YONKill.lN A- _«.-(>., 524 Caiiliriilaii^. \u25a0, ; \u25a0\u25a0 .;'\u25a0-

flCf'in/l- TKKAT AVE..NK. S»TH; 2 FLATS;3POQUU. -24:811 l-':(i. YON l-.IIKIN i CO.: . -Qft^nhl *Tfl, NEAK BUANNANi' STuRE |igUOUU; and flit. <>. V. Vi'N KHKt.N till. _C;" — "/j AVAI-l-Elt. NEAR VISA I>KRO : 7tipiJl yUi rooiiia: batll: bay-window; rents $36. \u25a0

0. F. YON liHKIN & Co.. 5'J4 California's!. \u25a0\u25a0

th')';(V CAl*l*. NX. 25TUr 25x113 TO AN .ifO^dOy. alle>; .8 \u25a0 rooms »nd Ijatn. YON"KIILINiC0... .; . '... .. \u25a0 , . \u25a0 '-'. ;., \u25a0. . \u25a0-\u25a0..:\u25a0'.Q> J 6/(in ARMY ST., NKAK I>I.Otl)Nl)-not,

lt)\'U...112; h0U»B and stable. . VON'UUEIN.A i 70...-.70. ..-. •\u25a0 . •:- •\u25a0.\u25a0... . .'. -. \u25a0\u25a0-:, .••.•\u25a0.:'\u25a0. :;'Cj lftAA -'KItSEV;:NK. UIAMOXD: 2 FLAfa;<tpiUU\;. \u25a0\u25a0r«nM»3l. YON KHEIN it.CO. ;C-qr./iii HAKRISON ' AYE.. KEAK FOLSOMQtiityXJ. St.: rents JH',4.- YON BHEIN 4t«V. \u25a0

/•T.'.A LAlH'N^ATl^k.EI.MS; » KHOMn ANI>\u25a0 t±l KJ i tiatli: psrt can remaUi on mortgage, O. *

1. YOJ-* 1;1IKIN*CO., 52« California at.\u25a0'.:. \u25a0'\u25a0:Jj C.7tj J SACUAMrN 1O ST.: BET. LKAVKS-•~«Tc)U. worth and llvcle; a bousuf, si/e34;4x!.7:0. ; VQN Hlil-.1.N A 00: v ...:' . . \u25a0 :. -\u0084\u25a0\u25a0. ..;•..•V'>'>">n I»AWSON I'I.Al IC, NISAU CLAY;. 23x»|PO.~IJU. .HBV YON KIIKINA CO. _<i 1 SfVfi tuTT. NX. I.uI.UKN GATE AYE.;.•_ IVUU. -.!5xlo0: (i rooms and :bain. : VoS

.UIIi-:lN A CO. \u25a0:. . :; : •\u25a0\u25a0; . .\u25a0..,\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0•-fX**>7'll. IJAKUIfiON .ST., NK-SSIT-; 2«llO0; \l?~ i «»W. 4xo(im». YON IIUKIN* CO. : . J

QEOj^/in CHURCH, NI.-.LIiTeHTV: 8 ROOMSC —UV-fW. auu.bath: 25xSO. "YON KHKIN A: Co, \u25a0

'.'•\u25a0• . '. ; "\u25a0';. tsiMriuivKn, ? \u25a0' ''. \u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 CCKfin'-KBIB,' Nl:. MISSION: 8l;3iI54;

tTIOOUU. fhg»p. Yon KHEIN a CO. . \u25a0\u25a0 ..'.

'c-.-.r'nA MOT4.M; II l-lllMiTn\:|l'l'lU•JiJiJUU. site tu'e |iark; iisi!lo. YON KHKIN '-itci!.*' \u25a0••\u25a0-. \u25a0-. ,-'\u25a0; - ... .. :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•-\u25a0•. '. \u25a0 '•':\u25a0\u25a0-.(J-U«>AA MIT.Ni \n li'TIl":33x122:6. O.*.tg)«>OUU. vox KBblN <VCO. ';-•'\u25a0\u25a0•' \u25a0'\u25a0:V' ;ii i EACH—4 LOTS, .iiiximi KAi:il,IN l'f.N-:. fldyvtni I'art llouiesteid. YON Kili.i^ .*\u25a0

CO. V:'; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0*':.:.\u25a0\u25a0 . ' y' \u25a0 "... \u25a0 •\u25a0; \u25a0; '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0•;\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0

CiIAA 'ht'i.TON, M-.\i: ..>\u25a0. .ill. 2716x120.. CIIUU. i., i.. vox iail.lN a cv. .. _atJOAn 17TH AND Dill.i.l.ASS; FINE VIEW;• _•—""• 74x110. YON KHI.IN A CO. . ; : .<i'"lill C(iK. 1-'ll ANr> ItEKNICE si.-.:qpyyUV. 50x80. c i. yon biikin a- cq.

O; O7f\ ABACH—SI (ITS. Ml ;6x 104: VAIROAK.B..VA< W st:, ;near 'Jlst, to an alley, o. F. VO.Nft 11Kl>f'Ji C0..524 Callfulmaat,. ;:.'\u25a0 ;C;T)- ll'lll 1 . C'AI'.IFUKNIA. Oil.C ily.yuU. Clmi. Croc .it's mansiou: allreiJ>to build on. YON RliBIN a CO. ... -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-;. :. =:'.:--'C; I •' MHO ****'• COKNEU LOMBARD AND

»^ I<C.V/UU. Werrr: r>O-vara VO.N I:Hi in a i<jvL. I'M. Ill" KUONTLNU roTUERO _AVK-.1 l-it:i. 30tll an I Haul | »Uir«: In lots tusuit. O. I.YON KHKIN A CO.. 624 California St. \u25a0 /:. •\u25a0\u25a0•'.,.

•QKlinrt 1.'.J1l AHU. NKAU WK»STi:II; 65.-»XIgUUuU. I'M. YON lUth.tN A OCX .\u25a0

Ct *>'-> CASTRO,K K. 15TH; lio<) D I.OT. O.C-'W K. YON khkin * to.. 6-4 Csltfornla.V'~,(Ml IIOWAKI), NBAK U4ril;"S:.i- -<J.«>«JUU. O. K. YON XII IN A CO. .•. :,

. ei>JAAA . \u25a0FEJ.I, NEAR ~l»KVISAl)EK(T; 251•^•Vi\l\l. I:lT:B. O. F. YON RllEl> *CO. \u25a0'\u25a0

<•'!'( l\ AKr.IS'.IN.-. NEAR 25T11;. 44x1110..:*i9~V""»O. F. Vo.N KHEIN A (10. .': • i

,_• \u25a0>\u25a0• ' l\ IdTI|,NI:.NOK: 115x115; UOOITLoT.ijl .»U. <).F. YON KUKIN j. ..;;'\u25a0:-.J-]C||/l HARTKoKD:2Sx7S; i'INEQlOyU. lot, i.i. yon Kin.iN a co.Ci i t'.'.n dame, nkau Randall- 50x123:.7 . I 1.H1.J1. F. YON Hill IN A CO. . ;..' . .:

C: 1 %>£>H '" S. BLOCK !«: >.\i XI.M \u25a0?:•_!—*-'"• ;»oinestcaii.. Yon KUEIN * CO.. \u25a0;

'A-|OSi|- SILI avk, NEAR(.'RAt'T: ioTtsxC' — '>''* .103. o. F. BHjtlti,v CO. lt_

/\~Ai:I.I.NIiIoNbtTTnkar MllilVX;JJax.«?.' ''V- lt'O. YON KMF.I.N A d>;'\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0

m-l'ir.A BUT LINE "I- 2iV AYE.. NEAR«J!-1 -»A). Kolnt LobO» YON KHUN A C0.:.: itI ('UN l'KOHl;, 329 JlwSllillMElif .ST.. i>Pl>.l) l>»fp Deposit. . .'\u25a0;• \u25a0'. :. ' :\u25a0\u25a0'-'\u25a0 - . -. f 10.500—A splendid 2-story la*Kiii»iit; <loq-

| *vi« tl4ii; ba.>-wiHdo*v ti<*iise; on Sacramento, -L.Tir. *

i».lk: 7 nxii.ns auri bath 01. the -ii'pj>*r''tint and 6"rooms on th* war (tat; lot 30x118; rent $75...-?")l:500—Valencia St.. or. 18th: pniemltil tiut«l

rui.eity: 4-story basement;.bay-whitlow h >us*-:mm below;. 100 moms ii]>ila'ir.<: lot 751.00;

.rcnlMso. .:\u25a0-.'-\u25a0. -... . ;.-,.•. \u25a0\u25a0 -> \u25a0: \u25a0..;. \u25a0;. ,:\u25a0; - mill Mission *t., -Dr. 11:11: *£ bouses; stores

bern a^fl room-i uiistalrs: Iol&OxSO. .(4760—Warn «t.. war .-d; 2-story and lutHineut,

IIrooms; 22x80. \u25a0\u25a0 :., \u25a0:'"\u25a0\u25a0 :...;.\u25a0.'.. fl I,ooo—Rent $85; on »10 years' lea»s; tenant..p-ays. all cxpeu»<rs; * th« splendid'business rornfir1

Clay ml l'«>well \u25a0.\u25a0'.\u25a0:«. It story house and lot. *-'

• *10,000—Splendid corner on Mission it.: li>t 63x. 100. with X-slory bouse*. 3 stores \u25a0 and 'A \u25a0 Hats or 6.\u25a0: rootus aad bath above, and 2 flue, cottages: rent.('i 15.-- :'_' t»Ju -Flue residence on Uelden oat6ave. ,bpp..

. J«lfi-rsoil I'ark; Itury bay-window; 11 rooms; allmotlero liDproro4ooitts:lot 25x1'3T:6.. . :-: - - :' \u25a0

\u25a0 fTinna wmtiinst..bßt.i2thaim 13th: 1 iiiiiiwijitoreand flue bar-window ilwellltija;lot -43x110:uresent rent- *110; can be I:.' i «>•\u25a0 i a -very quodftny...-:. :;.\u25a0-..\u25a0.-\u25a0'. :\u25a0. "\u25a0-•\u25a0 • •-\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0.'.;\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: » 10,500—Halgbt St., near l'lerce;- very line double( luvni.nlim- hou««. 7 rooms and bilh «D tbstipper flat and $ room* aDd bath on the lower flat;lot 23j137:5; rent »65. \u25a0•-. -. •

. : >S5O(i-Uear» »1.. tli« only street running straight.out to the Cliff Mouse: bound to i>e a businessstreet: a . 2-nUjry iiay-wiudow liolise. a rooms, and'lot 22x82:8..-. .-•\u25a0 ::? \u25a0:•\u25a0\u25a0•• - .\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•..\u25a0\u25a0 •'..\u25a0

: W0;>0-l.ot 60x«5; Clay st; beU Jonei and Xeay-|'!!»itl[i; flue vli»w: very uuu'l buy. \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..:' ¥250—1u11, near Mission ;\u25a0\u25a0.:.\u25a0: silver are., laExcrltior Tract .•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•. \u25a0 '....:.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0' . .

\u25a0 *l«;000— yiue roruer mi Kilif:;'.2-story bay-win. (low. store and 'Javparate flats; lot :GxB7:s: relit1-jn.»15.50i)-Tlowa'nl *'..,'. net. ' ad and 4th: lUtorr

ouuse; 2 stored, and la ar;t Hum Uliitilrs; lot0x«0: rent *-."• \u25a0. :.••.\u25a0\u25a0:..:.\u25a0.\u25a0..•...'\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

, 5 1.'..'.00-Lot'o3x4oo. cor. liolores and l>orUu 1J.'.sts.: verycbjjp. -.r. --. .•;.-:. •..\u25a0*\u25a0-, -.;-••,;.\u25a0 ;\u25a0 \u25a0:'•.• \u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 .f40.0U0—Ma»nlB(*nt property on Mission «t.,n»»rGib; 2Uiiy*«rliidowlioui>e»; y rooms uuU balh each;lolstixBtf: alwayH.reateii.; H '.\u25a0.-\u25a0 ::•\u25a0'.\u25a0 - .-\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0'.\u25a0*

; - (£4,ooo—Car. Ueary and Williams sts.,bpt. TaylorJim! Jones; tine 4-<turr t>ajr-win<low hi>uie; roataurrant below aiid 27 roonjs on tliu upper floor: reit '

\u25a0\u25a0 \u2666140. ..'-,-.\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :/\':'\ \u25a0:'.-_ \u25a0\u25a0;..\u25a0'. nol tthuWo ;

» !\ MU'DLKTON ft:';'''^.':.v '\u25a0>^"-'!"- ij'Vi;.'. " ; :.'-V '\u25a0.; • R*ai Kst*te Agents and AnctloneErs,

\u25a0' ...'.';. I!»nt3 t'oi:i'ctctl and lliiusea Rented. :... : . :

.•'.'\u25a0>..":\u25a0•• "\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0 • -v 22 Montgomery street. .\u25a0'"';).',\u25a0 '-•';• -'''.

\u25a0'*\u25a0 \u25a0/.••\u25a0.'::'•':•'-•\u25a0 .::V: <;OOI) investment:;'; /.:'.\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;..•:\u25a0.\u25a0V: Thlrt)-four Inn In Use University jlomrstitail. all'level and tiandsotaely.iocated.' -."':" \u25a0'. -; -.- \u25a0'•-•

•sire or lots 'JSxl'.'O teet each: corners RZ:6xVOO'feet:.unusually low prices and on the '.following'-

\u25a0 very <-as.v terms, »'.'s cash, lulance 10 per luuntli..and lniete*.? oil deterred payments at 7 per cent perannum;-discount roi cash.- \u25a0 -.-\u25a0'\u25a0 '.-'' •- ;-. . •\u25a0- \u25a0:

Title guaranteed by Itis California Title In»ur.. nfle Company*. - / \u25a0 \ '?.'. '.- .- :\u25a0 .- •\u25a0.?;•\u25a0:•\u25a0:!.':. \u25a0\u25a0

.'*!'\u25a0\u25a0"' ": i\u25a0 ' : \u25a0 '\u25a0' \u25a0 '-' :\u25a0\u25a0.. ' "~ ' "-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0 . :.\u25a0'-;:..

We li.ire also a long list of improved and unim-proved property on our books in all parts or thecity and at all prices, for speculating and lnvi-lt-

.-inent. .-.\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0;-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.- \u25a0. \u25a0 .\u25a0 . - -.. . ' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0;-;\u25a0 For full particulars Inquire at office of S. T.

IIDDLXTOn A- 1.0., lteal Estate Agents, m Mont-gomery su .v..-' .'; :\u25a0\u25a0 ;-. . . uol3tSuTul'n-

IKTRAS.SBOMOER * CO., 3J6IA MON'TOOM--1 . an st., member Han l-'rauelitco lleal Estat* Ex-

change. =' •_ -:. . \u25a0 :-.-\u25a0.- ... .;.;-. -.\u25a0

lit< U\Hll BURH-BT. RKSIIIENCE. lIET.«rt'""-"". Franklin and Wonph: lot -Jixl2J torear street, and very cosy S-roora-ana-bath honse;overj-Milngaliout the haute Is nrst-class; large gar-

-'.•teii--and..-yard: location l» good and handy. I.TKASSHirKHKK*- UP , 32tti/a Montgomery st.ftl9P»(ill °" L- B»^"'K 815: FRONTING

»55 I£i.iJ\.i*i. imiue'llutely on the Potidor-iioaseroml: this locality Is the b«st-valued ofthe whole district, fur you oan Ret to It easy. ISTRAS-.rlUltaKK *CO.. 32tf i,^ Montgomery »t. '

I)• ,".(W VEACH ULOCKS S. OF PARK; WAI«jpU-J"V' out near tlie beach; tills is sever*Mmsawl dollars less than re.-e-it reported sales. 1.:

I I:\SSBUKUEK .tCO.. 328M, Moutgonurr St.

<S 1 r XAJY O'FAKKItLL ST.; RESiDENCBijP 1 U.OUU. lot; mi lnvMtiiieut property: onN. side of street, bet. Franklin and iionau; onxl3o:'this lot can be Improved at once and be very re-munerative. . I. STKASSIiL lliiKK *«;)., 82B'/4\u25a0\u25a0Montgomery »c . ... .-: . \u25a0; .. . . "...-. .'\u25a0--.

$•>A O.A CHEAP BUIIDINO LOT, HJLTON-&-Z~i\J\J. at., bet. Baker' and Lyon, 25x100:

:*traet Is sewered and macadamized: only one-thirdcash. . 1. Sir.ASSia iii.i.i;A CO., 8281/» MoutKora-\u25a0eryst;:y-: : - \u25a0\u25a0•..;- \u25a0:. \u25a0-. .-. .\u25a0,,.;:;\u25a0,, 7? .. : ,.. It\u25a0\u25a0..

:: '•"'"•'\u25a0\u25a0•."; j'v- ..':-'.-' '"'•\u25a0'\u25a0":".: :.'\u25a0 '\u25a0:\u25a0 ;'.-'•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••••' .\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0':

SojfiiiY~kti>vj:-'<; ?'::\u25a0..'.,,;'\u25a0'< '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'v '\u25a0 '.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'< \u25a0;. :;-.:.' .•".\u25a0;;\u25a0

J S .;V.'; I.v;-;si|s(Kt6'»Bo» per lot. \u25a0 _"..' :'-f. -)f*,p.'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0: 28 PER CENT CASH, BALANCE ' EAST. .-;.:.;

'\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0 >v.v;-'.\-:'-';.-;:' 100 LOTS. '\u25a0'\u25a0;-:'•.'."•\u25a0• \u25a0; /^ Vv'Sv;."'\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0.'••' •'\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 V Inlo different blocks. '. .'. '\u25a0 '\u25a0'.•'\u25a0_ \u25a0' .'\u25a0•'\u25a0', ;.'

'\u25a0'\u25a0:'\u25a0':,':> ::"\u25a0";•\u25a0 :';'• THE FASTEST . "';; '\u25a0 \u25a0:'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 r Selling property, In th» city.- -'-" \u25a0 J

\u25a0\u25a0; !;V HILL LACRIN. 3VI. Markat st. •'\u25a0'•"\u25a0\u25a0 .-;\u25a0••;.-. :.\'..'\u25a0;'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0':':\u25a0 p«25 8u WeHn ".;;'....- ;'..:"-;\u25a0•'.'' |

<3i9^nA \u25a0 V°K- BALE. easy terms, a orijp^')\j\ 5-rooin cottacen in the city: lei ii Improvements. hardwood mantels, gas, etc.;lot SsxlOU; oitnated on Vermont it., bet. surraand iJumboldt: no wind or tots; take Potrcro-ara.cart (llnward-st. system) and get oB at Sierra St.,bet. 21ttand 224; cottages Just 9 blocks fronrcarsand only 25 minuter to forry. ApplyJ. V.LOO AN,2719 Bryant aye.. bet. 86th and 2titli. \u25a0 n017t».;

\u25a0 \u25a0 . . -T •'"---"\u25a0"_ -\u25a0'\u25a0 •"' \u25a0-\u25a0" '

CTTT HEAL':ESTATE. .-..\u25a0•

JOOST. NKKTKN.S « CO., . ."\u25a0''• '.: ""^JJiTAI. ESTATE AGENTS ANDAUCTION ;. \u25a0 . 2;irt Montgomery m., near Fine; • -'\u25a0 '

'. V (Members S. F. Krai Estate Exchange). .'MISCELLANEOUS' NEW J-KOI'EKTY. \u25a0 : .

\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0'::::- .::: ..".* '\u25a0- HJli' \u25a0 . \u25a0;: \u25a0\u25a0•....•\u25a0\u25a0* .-\u25a0- $1.750—0n1y a few left: 'choice residence sites on .-.Lyou St., trout ou r*residlo I'ark: withlu fewteet of Uuloii-st. cable. Immediately to be extended:sjf<* 27:6x107 . and over:, only 40 per cent cash;, |street work aUilpne; -inaKiilficent view. .:\u25a0 ..."\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0

*1600—Baiter st; building lots near PresidioI'i.rk; size 25x100; Union-Bt. cable will pass tliedoor: street-work complete; \u25a0 easy terms; verycheap; panoramic view,-\-.;. -.'\u25a0«... \u25a0 \u25a0 ' :\u25a0.'..' -\u25a0 .

$1300 only—For those fine W. A. lots on Green-wich st., nr. Hater st. within few feet or I'residloParl(;-,';Uuloh-»»t.- .cable, will" pass in . Irout or '\u25a0 thisproperty : street *ewer«d. graded and macadamized:. '\u25a0

easy terms: cheapest, and best lots oil tbe market;go unit see them.-': ...""•' ..""\u25a0.'-.;" ' : --= .:•\u25a0"\u25a0 *' :

*3U,sOU—Grand Sutter-st. downtown corner, with»\u25a0!•- '. new Improvements: further particular*':• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•.\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0•.• .-.. - '•\u25a0•'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0\u0084. :.': ":."j

\u25a0 *17.000 —Fine. st.b-st. business corner, near Mla-slon; size 115x75. .•\u25a0.'.:••.\u25a0 ':.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0•-"

$13.000—l'.ush-st. residence,- east of Taylor. St.::front and rear bouses: elf-Rant improvements.

- - $:Ml'.lO-. riiolee residence, lot' Cheap,; on went lineOf I....\u25a0•;\u25a0 St., 100 ft. south of Green; size 25x100. \u25a0 •'. VO.uuO-rlne corner on O'J-arreil St., not farfrom .Market: an exceptionally/Choice investment..-

-$47,500 -Sntter st: : downtown Investment: largelot. with fine improvements; choice buy. \u25a0\u25a0 ' : -

\u25a0 -llarnfio.i sf.j.N'W. Corner, near..Beyentb .-and rpstofllce site:' \u25a0»\u25a0,:\u25a0\u25a0 50x40; improvements rent:$40: electric railroad on Hamsun st.: a pick-up.' -. 93900— that lovely SE. cor. ot Lane st. and21stave.; . size 82-.<ixlol; grand view . Lake .-.1. Isgraded, sewered and macadam . -;"' '.J/:1 .'. '.'.--.s-'!.ouo—l'ust St.: downtown luvesttneut; large .jlot: further particulars at onica.". \u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..*'' »IS.ooj— >or that grand corner ofClay and Jonesetn. : sic 60160. ... \u25a0 .-\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0': '.-:... \u25a0 \u25a0..-\u25a0:\u25a0:

»W«,so()— l'lne coTn«r..on 11th St.. not far from ,Market st.: size SitxlUu": ith Rood improvements, i

flS^oi'O—Milti-r-st. downtown. residence of 10 :ro< ins, etc.: cheap.' •-' \u25a0 ' ' ::.'\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0 : .' '\u25a0 '."\u25a0 -.- ;':; $H-iiO—Bnsh-st. bay-window bouse, near Leaven-.,worm : further particulars nt office. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..:.-\u25a0 '. .- . -. -*

J27.soo—.Netting steady income of »18S permonth: nearly Hv^elKUths of a 40-vara (82x137:«):in tlim !.carl of thd..£Uy:: Slid liupr.iTen:flits: ruitui \u25a0'

for additional bufuUuxs which n illfurther udiraiicii ..income:'sls.M<io Citn remain, a; 7 \u25a0 per e«ut; a very,

.].< io;;a! offering. *'\u25a0 \u25a0;'\u25a0 • \u25a0•-.- . \u25a0'.' . . -':•'-\u25a0*S-iso—Choice buil'ilmi;lot "On E. side of Fiilmore

si. N. or Oak St.; Terr desirable location, with,grand view:'size'JsxlCO:-. very cheap.- '\u25a0.-.\u25a0: .-- •\u25a0 \u25a0.;

«90.1>u0-MaKe oiler for one ol the choicest In- '

vestment probities on the market today; grand ;iluM-ntuwii corner (TpitiOi,within bO Tret of Mar-.ket st.: present income $455 per month, which can .ba. increased without additional outlay ;' eoo;i lm-. lirovt'iKents: linther part irulars ouapiihcatioii.

\u25a0 fSt.OOO— Masuincaut jtli-»t.«oriier.. not far Iroin .Market st.: rents steady, 1f240:; size SltxCJ :o:. withmoil, m nii|irovei»enu willpay very lame Income,

*17,00U— X e'{»nt:l"iist-5t1 downtuwn residence,'B. -vl'-Taylor;' especially s'llttAOle for" doctor \u25a0or \u25a0

dentist: further particular* at our olnce;: \u25a0- :;\u25a0 ...U • 13.7.MI—Make Alter: cranU lot, si;, cor.-racindaye an''; siz« 55xi^7:«; line view. -."';r. - $3750—C'rioit-.e..coruer lot .: ; N:in-:u-:. isi . MV \u25a0\u25a0:c r Mi tULOlid; .size S'ox7s. :'\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0.-. '.\u25a0'\u25a0•.. -.-:' \u25a0•\u25a0.- -s. ¥1500 p.nij—Vot over two acres at roiina., closeto electric road; laud lays, nice level; vtry

:t-he*p..: :;'.*\u25a0 ; \u25a0 \u25a0'.\u25a0 '-: ;..\u25a0 '.-\u25a0 \u25a0 -'•.'•- ':•\u25a0'• •'. \u25a0

"''•"' .;. i'uireuaon UeUlits uulidiiie lots: tititurnns^.t oa \u25a0.

the im-iiliii'iiLi;call at our cilice. lor Crttalußii" . wanVjirlces: we willtakeybii to• «•« Hie : properly: *pt-:ciakipduccuieuU oSel«d !to tho»e crecliug homes' /host, %- .v ca. ;i3S Stootgomerj st.,'near-Fine. \u25a0':.'.•:.". • -I. '... . \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0' .-hb'..Sutf' '•\u25a0.

. i "i: SAi.i:iiv« n. CKJSI «r(r. i:kai.kstatkraiKt insurance brokers, .rents coflected. 118 *

\u25a0 M iitt;omer) st., Occidental Hotel IHqcX -.->?' \u25a0'

jlS.iiOij—Suiter a'L, uear liaker; ;•! new . flats, 27:0 :

x137.:(j and rear house «'ii \u25a0 L 4.a:Uits-:6t Rood reuta;•J'-'d near llairison: 4 Oats: !:tici..|il: 'J3xWO. :

\u25a0 . c:iiiiii>ru!'.i >.!., i.ear Mt-iuer; '2 liousesaud ciiltajo;.S4:4V"X 137:8. .": .\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 -. - \u25a0 '. ' \u25a0\u25a0'-':.:\u25a0 -llaii;nt,iiear.l'ler<re: V'r'unins,;bath: 25x100.:. \u25a0 .' '

i--Hai^ht. tnarßaefianan; cottage, 5 room;'.25xH5. .'\u25a0.-.' .-\u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .:\u25a0."\u25a0:. \u25a0;, •:. r '•: '\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0-

\u25a0 if4OUO-s»v.-ss.l.'aii'd Torn : >t<ire and flat: 25x104.' \u25a0 '13th.'near Uoivaf•('; 3 tuts. 4.and .5 . ruonis, ' bath,:ete.:.six79. •..\u25a0.' ' -.: .-" \u25a0.: ' ••.-.., :.

; -4th. near l'.rjaut live.; coitaKe, 5 rooms, ball):\li\ii4:.' '\u25a0: '\u25a0: -'.\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.: \u25a0.\u25a0•".•' \u25a0*.--. .-

.1 lil'Kin.:ir. Thiru : two. froat^ges; -pxlGO: 'rentsSjin7: Ml. «••*•: \u25a0:'\u25a0'. .: :" .'; '\u25a0.\u25a0::.".'-:.'.\u25a0 ;-'

'\u25a0; CunJberlliml st... iliiar l:Uurch.- cottage 5 rppnu.-I'Mbr'Joxl 14 : old* WO '" last) or Uut«ilmenti... !>!*n.mHi. M .10th r 7 ropnn nn'l stable: *^7:tJxl2o. '\u25a0

>mr.(>ak«!<t. near -1 -i mm . li.ceiit fiats of 5 and'Grooms.-batlt': auxli™:**toaliey ; st»Ble x.or'2 horsoa;-'

\u0084 Miiitwell.near ilit- n--u». etc.: Mixi'>_':t; :'. '•" -. ;34lti. nr. llarrls(».: stores ai 1 fiats: -J5\104. ' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0:.

. Minna St., i.ear 1 IMi;vflits, rooms each: SpxSO;. rent »7S: prtM reduced I-o $?s&},\u25a0 •\u25a0-:''-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 '-' '\u25a0.. Folaoni M.. Uf.r <Jth;M.jres and lilts: 37 :6j!>(X. .' '.:Orary St.. nr. Taviur: ofdJmiirOT£nre!nta:2Bx62r&

-'.'\u25a0.:V'l(in '\u25a0». ur, 2.4th; new flats, i and 5 rooms;' uath: .a iiioti \u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0.'..\u25a0. ' '.:' •:\u25a0;';.; -v '.'\u25a0.. -•'.':':•?:.--.:\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0'. ":-.":"\u25a0 ,UTS ?;.;.<;••.; ;'.. \u25a0

-s.-.."-::. :; .•fiKiii-rwifrMarfcet. Not' a'lil lStb'ltS. • on .

sr'a.tri street work lone; lOSzIMi. MarKet \u25a0andltith;»tt»: nil|. soo.u be exteuded, which will doubleilie value ..• I in> lot. -. \u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0. •\u25a0 \u25a0. /'.'." : ',-.'- \u0084

»wnki «<.:. ujd-BaHny it*. : 50r75. \u25a0, . . :»S"sO—Mv: c.i Castro and r.)tli Mi;40x107. '- • ill- m ujii -1.. uej(f -'.kJ: 4»%M>. " • ': '•'\u25a0. i.:<n> i \u25a0•!. liOth and Aliiluuia: I'SxlOi. .' \u25a0 \u0084:

''\u25a0 f-250—2(it6 :.ear i'oiut- LoL'os: \u25a0 \u25a0-;. \u25a0 #V'Hl)O—l u:i;:jh,ru,:a..i.r. 23d: fine lot. '.'Sx 159. . .-

t -lHauioiiu near:^2d: 5Oxll5:».. '^ ."\u25a0.".: »l«6o^-KliCorner M anil3lst:6orlß9. \u25a0":: ::V»1250/r-SUUIOt| \u25a0 : nr. CMiiaaVc..;2sxS3;a s : i .-

*l'.-.r.(i- iiauuii:i\.iiciirJ;«l : jexiOO. - .»1.-io— ,:>:n. ur. <;ii»tro- iS-.B ».y irrp»iil«rflepth.

\u25a0•' >1230-7-.':(a»u. nt-;ir Ca-»ir:>: street work'.Ui»ne:- raiyterinii^-choir.e niUl'dUi'j;Lot.- .'..'> .-.'..

*!W.'O—lot. 17tu auuserireailnt;; 24x75: 3 iron '..atesr flue view, etc. . > \u25a0' '. ' -.'- .. \u25a0'. .' \u25a0 \u0084'• ' ..- '\u25a0.. *'.IKH)^!le;,ry.ne4rCii3tro:2jillS: easy terinv

» \ nr.. Hectrii' ri>3a: MUloo. \u25a0•: . •-•?7So. part cn«i—t'itmfiit. near22a;'2sxloa; oa-iy

-terms. suit the purchaser.' \u25a0'-'.. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0':' \u25a0

.V-TfTSO—t'oroetj road, uejr-.171tt St.; 25x30; par;. ia-ih, 4»alam« on 11 in-..-." ;; \u25a0' . ' \u25a0. '.'-:\u25a0 ;'

. . ?«dO-^Wb!l located . corner tn rniver*i!y Home-: stead; liuil.iio, • .". ',-:'• ;."\u25a0 .'".'\u25a0.•." .:.\u25a0".'\u25a0 :i

. »650—Califonrisafc, m-ar 17tlia»e.: 25x100. ' ... \u25a0\u25a0

*..•\u25a0 Ktiiui-vd : Uai»u..ur. nruii,"4> piucics from. Mi«i<.u st: 25ripo: part cash: .Wtaiicie in iiistal-lucius. " . .\u25a0 \u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0'. . ...\u25a0\u25a0. ' .'. :•.'• '. \u25a0. \u25a0- ;= .. t3Uo—l>ay, neirT>i>tt2tas3: 35x114: part cash. ; .

-...'..\u25a0'..-. ; ..:': . \u25a0 noi ti.suTb-'; \u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0-. .' ..•IJAKaiINS! i-BABOAISSJ :. FOtt BAtEv-'bT:i-> ti.l-KVITZKV..i:eaI Estiile Ageiit, 31>4 MonS-

fct.- ;*' "'\u25a0-..: - " \u25a0 '-. :....;-.'*- \u25a0 .-['-'. '~\ •

' ", Ilo;.-<-and loton .Liberty st:. near Valencia; -rnod-'; ern.lmprove.iuents^' S:& uo/ '. . ..'"\u25a0*. \u25a0 :\u25a0"...: '\u25a0-.-

' Fell it, tieaT(ioniih;S. siae: 3 liiocks. from Mar r* kfft'eti;'' good .f^r sure l»u«lue»8, and rents at.-pfesbntfors7i sieruiouth; »10.000;.. ... -; :_,.;.•\u25a0. ;. :.

sixShit. pivpertyi near Howardreals $300 a

i, il.vil/.K.X,".R«aJ listate Ag>;r.t. oID Mum-'Xi °1' \u25a0 . ' ./'-\u25a0•••\u25a0-• : \u25a0 \u25a0"""; ".'\ \u25a0

use and l"ton Liberty st.. near \'alencia; biod-lupruveiueats:; Co^ua -. -.list., near'jtiu^h: N. site: i !il.icm.from Mar-ti;:ffpott'lar jure t>iiiliie»B, and rSuts at pieseut~.j ;..-i ,io.:iLU; isiu.uuo. . .. \u25a0:'.\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0 : '

th - :r'.;.> i:.. near Howard:, rt'ats Tor 9JOO amonth; $30.000. '

\u25a0'."'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 :"'\u25a0•''\u25a0' ;?'V.:-' :'\u25a0\u25a0 :.: Howard M.i^v. side, near 15th; fihe.*-stbtTn^n»e;

mocleru muit: 'i stroeH: tll,O4»O.:. \u25a0'\u25a0 :. '\u25a0\u0084.. \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0'. - • ,

:. Howard St.. S. side. ;tMK. Sth and 6th:' 37:5x90 :' .feet, with tco6d'lniprov,»ii)jent3: uuvbt to l>" ral«"d.fer Ktorrs;-. ' gooiL-buni'iess- loc.itloii; ..'flo.S-OO;

uiio can ramaiu a( o' cent per a .mum. : \u25a0

:'.Seventh st.,' near MlMloiL with improvements, 9rooms and bath: 15B5O0: 20x»0; It Is a treat :bar-calh, as ItIs on libusltiejs street; owner.Ie ivIns me ;

sta-t«. .- ;..-.. .> •'\u25a0 '. \u25a0\u25a0; -'\u25a0\u25a0. ..' .;;.\u25a0 ..;:-:.; - . --..-v-

V Also, property on 3d, .11 -l:li and :>:ti its., and allparts of the "city;,dot advertised.. .; .::-.-. " ;-;/' ;.

:- I> I.I.vnZKV.Real Estate Agent, 304 Jloiitjoni-.\u25a0 cry it,, 1.- .;.\u25a0"!:\u25a0\u25a0" ".: \u25a0

-.' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.."\u25a0.'-''.; .. . uol BnTnTtt -

t 'jiAMis4Btti' OrVNERVAXi):BtllLOEK; OF-JIJ. fers :-- ;\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0:-.;;.' \u25a0.:\u25a0' '.j'."••.;.; \u25a0-'; •;: :._\u25a0-(

. rOR SALE IN MONTJJLV patmeSts, KQCAL\u25a0 \u25a0•'<}.:':- "•".;.\u25a0•'\u25a0-• \u25a0\u25a0'•/'. T.i rk\t! '.\u25a0'\u25a0;'. \u25a0' :;'•'•.: :/\u25a0\u25a0/.

i::;!:.; \u25a0: see-: :\u25a0 .-—\u25a0.;. bek: \u25a0;\u25a0"—- : ..'stEi.;..\ '\u25a0.'\u25a0:' \u25a0

• Flue modern rt>tt:ipps of 5 and 6 rooms and bath' and all -niddern Improvements. ': •'.'\u25a0'/' ''; \u25a0 ."\u25a0'-.\u25a0 ".' 109 Colini^wpid >t , 1' block yy. of Castro and'\u25a0i«ih.- .;. ;-;:. ••'.\u25a0;.'. '.\u25a0\u25a0:;\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'' \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0

1..;. on Hartford St.. bet..i'9iS. and 20th. :• .. ' '

IVon sew st.. half block E. of Castro.-'.'" \\ \u25a0\u0084"..':'; «U» Jerkcr st., hatf Uock E. or Castro, and \u25a0•'-\u25a0; :

\u25a0'\u25a0-.Oil. 2G;!i St.. bet.: Noe an'l Sanchez. :.' !*-': \u25a0'\u25a0' '-.*\u25a0'' '\u25a0\u25a0

.: Also, cleMnf 2-.itf;rv: bouse of- S rooms and bath,llartlorddt.. bet. 19thand20Ui. .'.. : :;-; ;',.

•" For particulars-apply to owner and buitder, -..: ....n.ol tf Su \u0084 ':•' 1.: LASPI.KK. IB .M.mtgoii.irygt.;"\u25a0':

\u25a0''; I AtUl) hi3vman:-: \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0:.;\u25a0'\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0 "\u25a0 "\u25a0•:•' .'\u25a0•\u25a0.•\u25a0 '\u25a0. , ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

J :: \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0 '\u25a0 •:\u25a0 : i:l:AI. kstate OWNER, {:yA:.\',:yi-: '\u25a0'\u25a0"- V-i: km) Market street,: - r-'-'v. - • '-\u25a0:\u25a0"'\u25a0\u25a0.'

\u25a0•\u25a0Offers'; the fnllonrtuK lots on ftp monthly piymen»:

"iilCiTii * rAi:K'i.oT.s,i\<;i.ui>i\(; lcoß.: V \u25a0 \u25a0'"•'''. in i .in X ft.. t)jtpo»lt»Strawberry Hill;

easy ter . = .i '.' ->i-. HLt>IAV. :. '\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 '.-\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0.:.\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0.! -'gj';i-r.'i'i LOTS M.AI: I.IH.STVKI.I. college,

•. l')V'. extension of ruhom st ; *!'» uiunlhlypayments.- » IiKYMAX \u25a0'..;:: .\u25a0; ;.\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0„

\u25a0 OTS ON AMJ; NISAJ::: (.:picTLAM> AVK.,• Jjrroiu; :*4'.i> ti.fCso e»cti;on $10 monthly pay-- iu«nts: Hownr-1 and Kolitnin st. c*ble-c?ra will pass

propel sli.irlT JACOB 111:1 MAN. ; :;.. :,, .:C^in(\- KINK:ill ii.niN.i LOTH ON < \i.:iiit

\u25a0' wCjiJKJ.\iilsL are., i,.ur junction:of Valencia st*.: tiiagnlfVreht rlew;«[i': easy terms.'jACor. 'if.i;\MAN..'j.:'.\u25a0:..:;---;; -.-:. .-.•.:\u25a0. \u25a0;:;;:; \u25a0:\u25a0:.---, -. -

' 6L' l/lrt-'iI IM. B. II.DIMiLOTS. XtAU HOLLY.rJ'iW. on. «10 monthly Installments. '\u25a0IA( OH HK.TMAW. ..-::... \u25a0\u25a0: ;.\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;., :.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0";-.'.. ;;..-". \u25a0


1 li>'i. roa-l . and \u25a0\u25a0 electric-ear Hue: ou \u25a0 ipiO '

monthlyInstallment*':* level and ready lor bulidm;.JACOB HKV.MA.V '..'':,: ;':.-'..\u25a0 ,;.. .'. \u25a0'\u25a0'

li.111,'ILUINU LOTH; »iUl> EACH: CLtrtili TOlVlUuloli»t. and lluwar.i-st. exteiisluu :readv for.limldiug on; Sin monthly payments... JACOB HhV-

\u25a0MAX...\u25a0'\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:;.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0....\u25a0\u25a0.-..:..: '.".. . -.;\u25a0'•..\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'.'I"Q. |-- lots :on »io *NONTIILY,install-

ijp'l • O. ments; 26x1V0: fronting silver are. and.near Howard-sl. car line: ierel and ready lor build*

.13K. JACOB HEYMAN.*-'. \u25a0:\u25a0*\u25a0.*\u25a0..'•\u25a0'. *.*\u25a0•' ".-."-:


\J to liullo on-: a»;Mj each: lernl'annunsurpassed \u25a0

\u25a0 vHrw; on 'JSIh -street; close to C'astro-st- cable! Illir. JACOHIILYMAN. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0... \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0"-.-. \u25a0'\u25a0-. '\u25a0' *.'

T OTS IN KAIR>IOI'NT.TKACT, >'KAU CIIKN'-j Xj ery-Rt. extension, of electric road: corner and. 7 i.iU: inch on $10 monthly payments. .: At

CI'BHKVAIAN. .. .•'\u25a0".- .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

I Q.l»)- LOTS 2SXIOO.IN OOI.MA. KKONTINUI %sl—O. the -Joost. electric road*: level and ready*

lor building: only 40 uilnutej1 ride to City Mall:\u25a0SO down, balance $5 per inoiitli. JACOII HEY-MAN'. •: . -.\u25a0.-\u25a0. -• •\u25a0•;;•. - • -.•...••:.

I *1 7"\ *200 ANI> $250: : (SOUTH SIDE TAKKI •J" 1 I O. lots;' lots 25x120. on IS inouthly pay-.\u25a0 \u25a0 iiimt^: frontiuc tli&'jcrand bonJevarn.electrlc road'

and .Marki-i-Nt. OTteugton: level and sarveved., : JACOB iII.VMAN.. -\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0.;...\u25a0;.-: '- ;..-<ifi \(\(\ LIITB'SOUTH SIDE liiil.DKS SATE

I ' "iUU. .Park, In Klock 700, only 1 block.: from '

i l'"" JACitH HEVMAX. .. -..\u25a0.\u25a0-•:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ..* \u25a0\u25a0"

»Ot(V LOTs!nEAK; KLEOTRIUi' UOAD, OP-I\u25a0\u25a0S&OO\J. I'omte Strawberry * Hill, in Mock 742.

JACOB HEY M AN. .:..\u25a0,- .-.., •;.\u25a0.\u25a0:\u25a0.:\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0. "\u25a0\u25a0.- •-\u25a0'.-\u25a0\u25a0ffl«kj,-fl LOTS IN KXCELbIOU HOMESTEAD:

| . •Jp^t/v/. close to ?ils» and electric road,| 25x100 gm-li. JACOB HEVMAX. ... \u0084; .- ?'--"- : ".-. \u25a0\u25a0.-.'

I li Kin LOTS INBILVEK/TERRAOK.NEAK,•JJ'iUU.. i'rntrero aye.: ready; for building.'JACOB HEYMAN, .'•.-; ;-;.--:.:.' ..';.V- .;\u25a0:;\u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0 '.\u25a0'-. \u25a0';''LOTS OKT OK THE PARK.! Os'jSD AYE.

| -Li 9600 each; size 25x120. JACOB HF.VMA.N. ItUILDINO tOTS 'FOR HOMES, ON \u266610, *15 \u25a0

X>and 'JO monthly limulnivnts, In .'-'.- '\u0084 •-..\u25a0\u25a0 •

' y-pK .\u25a0••'\u25a0''.» THEHEYMAN TRACT% :'t;< V; -f-:/.'--;''\u25a0':\u25a0..;\u25a0\u25a0 THeVJNEST. AND BEST LOCATE.D'•'.'.'.'

• \. VISIONS I'LAOKUON THE MARKET * ..":•:.' -..;- v.* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 SINCE KIIITIVKAKS. \u25a0 •\u25a0, :•\u25a0...\u25a0:.'.• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;' 300 tOTH. ' ''\u25a0".\u25a0 \u25a0':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 •'\u25a0'\u25a0:.• »00 LOTS.-. Castro street . ca:>la and Market-streit

j exleusiou. 'lliere Is from . - ,:. '•.\u25a0...•\u25a0.':•. ; .... .-.':''.' \u25a0 .: MMto »3000 FROFlT '\u25a0'\u25a0'. \u25a0 ;.' '\u25a0\u25a0 : '-.'i )-?

I . In slirht on .--.- ii lot within three yearn, as this tract Is| . Mtuatprt close to M.trk»t St.. In the very center of :I \u25a0: * city,, on J -.1 and fioiipla«t sts. I>ou't delay and.

purchase at "once, as this property Is tellintc only a limited number will b« - sold. .Take

\u25a0I cable-cars to tBd st. to inspect tills prop-.erty, which Is only two block* distant; Mireeisj graded and sewered. - \u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' - ' ''\u25a0..••'.. •'\u25a0

Terms, one-fourth cash, balance to suit purchaser.For prices and circular call at the office of \u25a0 .-'.. ' ' JALUTS IitVMAN,i..10 Market ntreet,

7.-oeS7 tl \u0084\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. •*. . .-.- Owner of the tract

irm_J2S vt kstatk-]M^.!\°?.*.l!iIRKE- REAL ESTATE AUKXTS1U (established 1858). 626 Market st. Members orBaa Iranclsco Real Ksmto Exchange.

•\u25a0»>»™ 01

. :.; \u25a0 IMPROVED I'KOPEKTT. : '••.*:tl,ooo-SUteenth at. corner in the best part or

the Mission: netting 9 per cent- 65H10. .-J«oele,raTit residences :nne near Washington andVuKeermiMtoiia near Kills »nd O'Karreli: botho. these bouse* ire new. laree Mid modern la every,

respect am) lave tine grounds. •• : .-'\u25a0;'..**3ti,f.l>o-Corner on Geary St.. hear Taylor: nay-»ne iifair Income; 56x62:1!.:\u25a0•'\u25a0 . .'.\u25a0:•\u25a0 V^S27.UUo—rays- our 9 per cent: new improve-

mr-tits: on Uiiyes.k!., near iiucuauau: lot 67:Ux120toLinden aye. \u25a0\u25a0 '*• ..-.\u25a0\u25a0..'.\u25a0".-.. "\u25a0 .. --\u0084';\u25a0-.-\u25a0. \u25a0.-,' •\u25a0'

$16.000— St., cor. \u25a0 Greenwich: Days 11per mil: lot 44x77:6. .:..\u25a0::.\u25a0.. \u25a0• .\u25a0. \u25a0•:\u25a0:.\u25a0 • :$15,000— Ninth si., near Folsom: new nil suli-

ptai.tinl improvements; stores \u25a0 and. . flats; -. wellreined; lot 25x100:- \u25a0.;\u25a0••.\u25a0. . :

Kourtb-st. corner: near : Bryant: store and flat:paying good Interest; lot SOisUr only »\u25a0;.">.UOD. ;. .Mnc-t. enth St., cor. Jessie: S-'flaSa and largo store

and rear house; all well rented: lot 30xtt5: only .f12.000.'-v ... .; • " :"« \u25a0-.;... .-..\u25a0•'.\u25a0 .\u25a0..'\u25a0:•• -

\u25a0 tlO.OOH—three fine flats on Klllmore St., nearHalzht: aiways rented at pood figures: lot _*i\.'ll. :

t- in,r>OU-K.idy. in in Jfurhanan; . pays 10 per centantt part .\u25a0: lot vacant:, lotDl mo to rear street.

'\u25a0\u25a0 >».ki.i New Hats mi l'iMiuore St., near Oak; rentsKf>o; lot 25x110. •.\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.. ••- . \u25a0\u25a0• : :': .-.-.. $12,000--Cor:. o'Farreil st.. near liuc'lianan; storeand Hat; rents for $70: 10t.23x90.- \u25a0 ' -.-\u25a0" \u25a0


'-' ' '

S7OOO->o'K«rreli «.. hear sterner: 8 jroomi andbath: inoilern; lot 121 IC<7:6. • \u25a0. :•;- Howard St., near Hid; rents *SU; 3 new>:'lot/25x55: price Sll.&UO. ... .". • ..- ..-' -.-..' \u25a0- ...- .- :-

\u25a0•" $72,000— !-acramoiito, Hlllnore: 2 flits: rents\u25a042 50:. 2.isl:fT:t>. '..\u25a0... -.'\u25a0. . ',; \u25a0\u25a0: ':\u25a0.\u25a0'...\u25a0._..

\u25a0\u25a0 $7UOt>T:->Hrraineut'o' St., near- liroderick--, 4 flats;rents.. 27H.U5.- .\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..' .".•\u25a0 ; \u25a0\u25a0• .-..:.-' ;\u25a0••..\u25a0,-' »dooo—r.iiii it. near rierce. with house in 2 tene-mints, and lot 31H75: \u25a0 also-key' lot In rear, frontingon Firreir.av<»..: :i0x.7&.. ' \u25a0'\u25a0'.'\u25a0\u25a0 *

".- ''. .-'- \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 '\u25a0- \u25a0

\u25a0; i Pacific st.. near Taylor; house 7 rooms anilbathr;iut.22xlW:9<; ; .--. -'.•.--\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 - '\u25a0\u25a0: . ;.-\u25a0 .. ;.-. *soimi \iarr-r. Mark,: and Valencia sts.; bouseof* toihus arid bath;. l,it 'JH\75. \u25a0-. \u25a0• \u25a0- --\u25a0- \u25a0•?\u25a0* '

. »;.uun-.suv.rtt..Jiear 3d; ; flats;' rents $18: lot20x70, \u25a0.•\u25a0;.-\u25a0.\u25a0. ' \u0084\u25a0..\u25a0.:\u25a0.\u25a0• .: ..\u25a0.-. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:.".;.'-\u25a0\u25a0 fsoiKi—'2 flats on llolore? si., near 'J5tU; 5 roomsanil"i< ii: well rented. \u25a0 \u25a0', ''..' ; \u25a0....\u25a0\u25a0 '. ;:

\u25a0' ?5-att^7th st.i F^pi'soin; Trooins and hath;rents $'Jb;."10t..2.>xKU;.'nsarl'o tofflceslte. -'i 1'. .- *;.j;.(i-i;c; Sl5 jut inontli: store unitflat, cor.rr.«i!C!sc.O')l.,ii«ar'l'uw'ell: i!slS»:t>.. \u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0 .\u25a0 Si:!«o_l'o]Bo;ni, jiear'J'jtli: a rooms anil oath: lot125-xl'J6;"oiVe'asj'terms':-.'* \u25a0..:'\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0..- .".:".-. \u25a0

\u25a0' '. •-.;\u25a0•iji'iiKentJ!s»6; Bush st.,. near Broderick; \u25a0 2

fctta;lot2s.iffT; ..\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..-\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 ...?.--..-siiiOoO'^ bouses: -asillS"."".. /'.'

\u25a0?47l>0—A I.attain; flats; renU-f>4'J 50; Qulnn St.,close to Yaloiicia/. -. .".- .-\u25a0.:-\u25a0:.' / :.. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.-.,-: \u25a0 -;\u25a0 \u25a0 ' :• \u25a0

:-«126(1'^-R«n.U 1f83: l.ang.TbiiSt.. near lljward:.2 ..ft-ltstlofJaxHO:'- '\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.••.\u25a0.\u25a0":.."\u25a0•\u25a0.".'\u25a0 . -.'• ...' \u25a0\u25a0;•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '

:; S..:i' Nice I'asllaSe conase on -Fair Oalis.aTe.,uear !!list. : 5 roor.;- Hurt tjalh :30r125. '."\u25a0 •'\u25a0 \u25a0. '. :

\u25a0 '-^OUO-^Vottase-. :ihjat xvi-..u.-ai Uisist.: 5 raoiiis'iuilluth: l

p ; !i)4KI. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •:. • •.\u25a0\u25a0•.\u25a0.' .'\u25a0"\u25a0.,\u25a0.. JMU'ooV-iirf •.« !• li. nr Vtorktoa: 21 170. ' - : y \u25a0'.\u25a0-. \u25a0s;:-i2O.O^-''l'ililoit at:', near l'.i>:r..: I! if>. paying 1.1"percen't:.|i.i:|-;.il«O-.' . •'..\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 I, "\u25a0 \u25a0

'.\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 ... .

\u25a0\u25a0 »;70t)T-Sanctiej, ;near2Br:h; iiay-ivindun cottage;''6 r**ouis ai,u bntu; lot "Ssxloi.- \u25a0. . ..' '••:.": \-.:.- \u25a0 $345o.—Co.ttiii:e an.Mi.i: l>uncanst., near Dolores: :5 rooms and balh: lot 24 ill4. \u25a0\u25a0. '.';• •; \u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0•\u25a0!" •\u25a0.

!/ SJaOU— M,ijii-y,nr. ill: V7X7O:. ';; \u25a0.'•"\u25a0 '.r . \u25a0'\u25a0"

-. ';'"?-lIW7.j—Foidoiu -»i., ;ucar \u25a0 > orvvich.-;' c-.|ttage . and10t::25x80.' •.•'..\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0:: '\u0084.\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0:' \u25a0 ' ''\u25a0':-. i •'-. \u25a0. \u25a0f2laO-i;otta-;-> »nd lot; . near 24th;

\u0084lof.'tix!Oi). \u25a0' \u25a0-.- -\u25a0 \u25a0.:•'. . *-'\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0•\u25a0:\u25a0.-\u25a0.--.;:. \u25a0\u25a0

: SliUU^-AJta/near Mbutcomory; 8 rooms; lot SACm^i-'-y-t-S- \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'':. \u25a0\u25a0"•..:..\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0:.,\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.;...•\u25a0'' :'t'i'OOO'-To fl.n'iie wilt estate: cor. Filliert ..and

a in-ri: ;s7 :6x57.;13: 2-.coJtai;es.-.v.' ', -. . \u25a0;\u25a0 \.v.'-csiO 10—t.'Oi>k, :©r* l'«.:ut L'obos;. new- .cottage: lot. 26.1 fij• a bargain.-' \u25a0"'.'\u25a0':.\u25a0 ' ':' '..\u25a0\u25a0 "... \u25a0\u25a0• '.'•',:\u25a0\u25a0.i J ;:: '\u25a0:\u25a0 • 1 MMi'.Kt'Vi'.lVrUOI'ICUTV. .;\u25a0' . '

r". ?51i,0{)0-Jlaritt;st..(rcrelot.;-.lsb' on MiTket. by:-H7:H<.nHjtb.';,' •. -V.S V .->:;\u25a0\u25a0 ". \u25a0\u25a0_.\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; ••-: .'• :\u25a0• \u2666 . i.iitiu—I'iiie St.. near OctaTla: 6Si9xl-S7.:Bt

*iU.Sl)i>^iiol'lenBate, near !(rn.t<-rirk: Bi.'BxlOO.':' *-.-J.OiK>-.sutteraaii: tjiiunore: n:isl»0." '\u25a0.'\u25a0.'\u25a0 .

-•; »lti:5l>0—tl:"» st.i near.:fcrauk.Un:' 65x120;" . •-.\u25a0 .".'- ' *:t'JsoWi'r«!.id!b liilj:iu.s- .sU^V«raou Locust St. \u25a0

:i-7.:.HU—ij.ti.i-:. i i.t : mi\ i)i. .-. - '.'" c. OU ', iit«rL»im; :.UsI.C:K '\u25a0'\u25a0 !. 1.- .'\u25a0

--\u25a0- .*?u. i) -&roderteji s.l.Vliear. I'ultuu.; si)xll'2:fi. \u25a0 .'.:\u25a0 a-. rtrua.lway, near \u25a0Dctatrla sL.:. 3*V-»xl27:S--,: (fDOUC^Corner ou' MUslpu Void, oppusituMlTerive. :"101':B-p«(>. \u25a0'." '\u25a0 ";. ''\u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0'. '-\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0'. -\u25a0'--; .'=':;.-:-'j

'.-: $i!7i'o'^l';i.u'e st.,-lie-ar- JUker:—Js-cl:'"-8, "\u25a0\u25a0'V.'.: "'\u25a0\u25a0•.'\u25a0 *M><Hl-i>olores St., hfar2itbi. Soxl-.'5. ' !

:4'<ui>«—Cbeap; H>-nry>t..r.iipar ISancnei^ 35x116;'\u25a0\u25a0- »"--300— VaiiJIiMML,iiear l!tt«i: '.\u25a0SxIOS. ' .. 'I

.mi! 11 M . near-.'itli:, n(HIJS.

.' '.•

[tttn-riieaj.: H"Tiry>t.. ii.vir 89X.11&JDO—>:.inhez -t.. near ; Jili- -J,>v.O^.MM) Kell st, neai-Urrxlßrtt*: \u25a0_\u25a0(. 11:17 \u25a0"..

'.. *.iut'O—(iufrr.To iit>»r 19in: 2Si9O. ..... .•

.-:• #ilO'i—Ko|4it.l>obv>*,!iear>iaave.: 25x100. ' \u25a0\u25a0-;.\u0084' *-l~ihi— l-in>.t., r.\u25a0 i \u25a0 ,i-:.... \u25a0.:.\7.t. . t ''- s-'.**j -.i \u25a0>ii. i.r .t'allfornlaiiiiil lath aye.: 82x100.''"SmW^-lirognwlc'll.ire.a'f'Hater:' i'lvi-0.. 'A ;. '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0

I.OOO—C -: .cor, 14thav<>.:.S-i-H-iH>4. ' -.:\u25a0*itott-^i»iiMi9iiii.near SJd: 'S:>\l.!?>; street work

paid by -•• 1-t. \u25a0.'\u25a0•\u25a0:-"•\u25a0\u25a0 - .-.:--.'.- .'• —\u25a0 ....•'.. - "\u25a0

MAI'H^UN & BUHKE i -.'\u25a0\u25a0 Market »t.: .no) >»(

1j "a.\u25a0lwiAN-ii.cic:..'' -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0"•\u25a0• \u25a0 .-.:\u25a0:.\u25a0 r r̂'. .. H\ M. KSTATE AXI>HOrsK "nitf'KF.KS,- >->\u25a0 : r(J:(O."Marker -:••;;..•\u25a0,!.\u25a0 V...U" I.I.\u25a0;»!;.; Branch ciace, Seventli *i-- *'\u25a0\u25a0 1 1 ".*: , war Olyut-. \u25a0 .\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 y ..'. "'\u25a0" :'.'*.'.Pilv''L'lu'o- grounds '\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0-. ..\u25a0 \u0084 : -.-

\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•'":: S ..l Kirvs t'R..j'.\u i'\ a SU'ECIiLI.Ty. \u25a0 V..: C; (IA/V 1!M: .. 11 11.1. IV. lvi 30x 110, 111\u25a0.ijilulji tiieinijiirbeliyf tne Misxiorir only 10u..fe**rfrom yiilencia--tt.. c^rs; .po-sitlytrly ib*>lieap''itand most cenve.nieiijt joeatlon' ln.lh«'«ity: ready to. baud on.:: It yi«i »a til ho:m nt Ijx-d-ro k prictscan on ns, IV A. I>' »I. > a Co.. «»q >iitrK';t »:.£7Ji)r~;\u0094 9ii Aca's. .:. •\u25a0 :•:-.. v;. \u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0:. ;•_ ——". 1-usUiveJy at one-hall the se|llus price:boxl"-'!);:- Ki'sid*;46Ui ave..vfaclDff .the- 'great

\u25a0ivay.;:' d... iiut l>e' TtprsiiAdvii lovay duubioilte price.'to \u25a0< rujidloßiowsers ora««u'.» \u25a0 for pr«pt«rty. tliatyon'C-au'.buy Sruui as; we ouly sell tor:: I noareiiHUsiied afeaM.nalilu pr. ;:: we «hi>wthat lots adjoining tiifse. not as well locateit. have

;"l*eeil" ... ,] \u25a0\u25a0r f-UJp. eavtj; -title :. \u25a0-\u25a0! ::>:i perfect:..ln*»nr«fl &y the.l. .t '\u25a0!...:.,- Insurance Cojup^njf':.lo i.ot foolish.and boybcitorp examining our a. hi.i.c. A-'ViK. E.i M:.!-.- st: .; .: • ' \u25a0

<->-|lli-K A;. CO i.M i: 5.iii,3 IN'. OVHAS\u25a0.'^2 —*''' -.View,'leiit'.to.' '.lit- >,ir... Maleo elec-\u25a0-.tric'rbad: this. .jioiskiF.ery w^r:Ji 95W>j--baC th«:owner is compelled to\u25a0• sacrifice ou'ac.eutiut. of sick.I.©*.*;for a n.llk or rE:vke:i rail' .noOiinc botter In:tie Stale: own yourn»:Jt[ir,.[*r;i iust^ad.^f payingrent- to- unscrupulous landlords:'. in .liave' madeinpney durioc the past tew .years lor pirties whohail been .|..1}•.:.* re:.: th^:r llvi'S- a;i i a:, Uo tiie-arotj [ur y..ii; the Increase- In .the. vajue or tnis

\u25a0|iA'a-ut(f«i' lot l.jr-the- next lew year* win i.#» over: *IUUU: dJJn't delay,, bat in»ke us a -.calf \u25a0! yon «.-:.'tw'ber..»m*j Independent'; .title Inali cmm-s -\u25a0

\u25a0 petfecft;. :..:.s:ra: to -^atii; and •lusure^fb;r :iu«:a:l--fortiia Titl« Insurance < ..cit-aTiy for-''arcaiiis ofailklO'l-r ttpm Hot)\u25a0-tor ?100.UUB call on in. i. A.UoL.vS' A Co.,,tMU;Mnrk:ct.'..;.. ... liQl Mi 1 v I'h .

ITF.ADQC A.KTERS FOR I'AUK LOTS. : '. . ...\u25a0 . \u25a0

'..>- IHWN. BAi-ANtiis $10 MONTHLY.'FOR—•'--'•''. *'-'5U and $300 lots .near electric

road. BoulCTard and (iuideii (iate I'ark. Sol.. ol.l'Z.v BKO-,;«24 >lartetBt:';i : :- ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;?':y-"-;:: \u25a0':\u25a0:' \u25a0"

C; OXf\. * 7i, .«i.'fl-i.tITS on link ltit)l:.•^OUV.'. »t. extensiori; V.and 2 blocks'- from parkand proposed cable, line*:'. onr-thlr>t rath. liaiaurcHO montaiy. SOL. (ifclZ xbiiO., u-4 Market sL

- '(\ \u25a0•*«»; *85p, $1100, JlijO-i-OtS SOS\u25a0 CtJ'J''• cra<ted brocae. ' near Olympic- CIMgrounds: "nearly opposite Strawberry HillO'jsorfa-t*ry arid new 'late: easy, terras. SOI.. tiKTZ A

'• BK».;<»4' Martft st. ' .-'\u25a0 ;\u25a0.,,..',.\u25a0 \u25a0>..;'\u25a0 :.-. \u25a0

OMK: CHnlrt C<JKNERS AND INSIDE.LOT?(J lrulit.lnj:ah>o 1 and 2 Mocks from the park;elegant views o/, ocean and pura:: we rteal only infir«t-clas9 property: our. prices will undoubtedly

\u25a0 Bolt purrna«ers. SOI...<;KTZ *. «XX),. 024 Market,

•i Win *lso- »snn, >6oi>. sbso;.*auo..'tiuoy.. <31yU. jr.'OO—Lots in the choicest locitioua

i.oth of the jrark-.i-s cash, balance in *»sr month)>m«nt»..- SHI.. I.KTZit 1'.f.0., 624 Market st. \u25a0.

7EAI Tlt'l, LOTSi-ON JACKSON: CI.AT AND\u25a0 » Washington -.sti., oil J'r.BKidio Heights; >.v easyterms-, call on us. first: for bargains In sood loca-tlons. SOL: QETZi 1iK0.,624 Market SuVI <

: \\- m. it MAEsncTz 4 Co.. ur.AL ksiate' " Agents and. Uonse-brokeri, .v^iy]* Moouromery^

: ©ffl/l«>.M.V: Dptr.LE IX>T; 50x70: NEARCUUU Cortlanil *t«:: really cheap ..I »4ufl. WM.B. MABSiHVI'Z «\u25a0'!', :<24j|-!. Moutgoiner) St.\u25a0.•\u25a0: -'..-ft i ('(ill Sl-LKNI)IU, INVI.M MKN/"-GOOD«J>'iuyUv..[iQnse, XUvlded Into 4 flats: rear sth

| st.: rent? steadily atrP4*? Tiior.ttilv \u25a0.iot^sx"s: thMIs a,rbal bargain. \y. B. JIAKhHUTZ* CO., ;«4V'j

\u25a0 'Montgomery- sV:.v:'''.:"\u25a0\u25a0/\u25a0;•: .- -y •; ':\ >', .'. -: .\-.- "- '":;

' G!^(\f\i\ • tOT • «B:9x 137*-.*EACH. \u25a0 \u25a0. i >\u25a0"gjUwUlTi .-ran .oil liiif. W..8. MaK^lil J/

\u25a0 .i CO., -aiitV-j -MoritColliery »l :\ .:.:\u25a0-\u25a0-. ' : , .-' V. ''. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0

*. -|MI LOVPLY.I'Air.rXAt« ..ON »!><(»t ?'W!l,,,| Haisht st.! wel(ien»Hl: lot 25x

\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0i37-:B/- \V. l:. \:.\f:-HC!Z * Co., J^ii2 Mont-.*'epinerr »t.v. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' - * ..' \u25a0 -'-S- \-,- '.-, .\u25a0•'..*./• '*.\u25a0:'":.'\u25a0:';. '\u25a0\u25a0 '.-'.'' (C-'JI/lh .ifITTAUK:6 HOLMS A>RATABLE;<fOIVU. i,ear;- 5t. :..10t. 28x17:00.: >V.' 11. MAK-

;:-SIiG.TZ .U,CO.;.a24V»'..Miilili;">n''ry st. \u25a0\u25a0: '"-'.'. '.V-:-'\u25a0''-•\u25a0»C,.i. . il<»i fiE 3 n.\ IS: NEAK4TH ST.;C"'1'"- rei.ti steadily at «36 in«Ntlr|y-, lot 25iiHi uood Uarjjilu..- \% . l:. MAKSIIUTZ*C0..524>/4atopTgonl.Kry \u25a0Bt.-..;'.'.."': \u25a0.\u25a0:•';-.\u25a0'.'; '-:'\u25a0\u25a0 y\;-'; '.::\u25a0\u0084 \u25a0;. '-:-

: StQr^rt :! V.K'ltY. CIiICAV LOT;: 26x120V \u25a0'! 2 Til| .> \u25a0U)\h live., \u0084r l.otKn. W. P. MAKSHII/I. A <'l 1.. yvMoi.t^oinery -it. ' ':\u25a0.•/\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0'. n>>l SnlT

nASIft J.(UI« JUNKS. KKAL\u25a0 KSTATtX' Agents, 112 Moiitg.»merv st. >j '. .;\ V;: • :v: "

.: fßOOU—Broadway, near , i'oweii St. \u25a0: lot 57:6x09;-2-st«'ry.bouse and:ba^9eiiient; reals 'Z5O per inpiith;Kt>od in-vest'iueut. -'-•\u25a0\u25a0'..:" '•-'\u25a0 \u25a0 \ \u25a0•.'.-\u25a0 V".-'; -. .. ':•'r' -\u25a0

*3500 each—2(ith st. nearCaJtib; fine 2-<toryI .•.houses; .6.rooms-anil \u25a0 bath. f-acii: terms In 1. cash.! I'.ilai.ceai 7 per. cent: tins property .li' very

cheap: fiee'ltv •'\u25a0 .\u25a0.\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0 . :...". :\u25a0\u25a0 -1: .-\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0-..'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ':' \u25a0.-\u25a0

:*looo—Corner i'it, 80x.75:'Eufeka and 18th «U. >. :. 9^3ooo—'JHtii/pt., bet. Diamond and Douglass: lot101x1 il:, only lnlliHoct from the Castro;*:.cable ex ton sion : a. bargain. \u25a0*-\u25a0:'..; : .' \u25a0\u25a0' .'•'"• \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0':: :?45OO—l.atigion st.: lot:21xS0:; '-'-story bouse;

I :il-«irear h'lUie: .rents *33 per mouth. \u25a0-.''.\u25a0\u25a0-.'. \u25a0•\u25a0'

»iOiJU-l'..lsoib*t. lot. 2611H5. W. of Bth;'. •• ' •

- • s>4 500 —IS lirle aye.. on Eleventh \u25a0£\u0084 near Howard:Jot'.4ltz7U;'. frame buildings: rents i«2s':'-'.. \u25a0

• -\u25a0

\u25a0.»>.t250-'l)uncaii st-; W. or Sanchez: Motll4. •;*SOo—Gift Map No. '_•. 1..1 25x110-, only a short

I .llsta'ice from cars and'school;, very cheap. .. ' ..\u25a0

.-V-Applr to lIAMKI.It I.MIS JONKS. K-at EstateAgents. 112 >Imitg<il»?ry'st. ' .. pel SuTu 2t

i LEE:* (iOOHY, '\u25a0'..\u25a0\u25a0 ."\u25a0\u25a0': \u25a0 '\u25a0...: •'...•\u25a0 \u0084'I -Li . \u25a0 I'.KALksi ati: agents, • :: ' '\u25a0'• ..: \u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0 ". 330 JMONJOOMKKV ST. \u25a0'

\u25a0':' ;:'/:'\u25a0:'''\u25a0:. ''"-\u25a0'" .\u25a0:..' . . \u25a0<*•»£• llepoklt Building).

<2*lft">fi' LTON HT.. NEAR OEART-LOT"ss>•JSIU«JU. 100; oil cable line; .surrounded by

11 BaCC Improvements,-and.' ready -to build-on:-d-ouMlet this Kit nwayfroiii yiiii. I.XI. A OUOUX*. ' \u25a0

flMi7|-|i M-I.LNIHI)IN VI;-1 MKM'-» FLAT!

<lp>-</''U. near- I'owell u:i<: )Yashln{;ioii sts.I rents. R2B 60 inoutlily: tills i,t,.|..;ii> will pay foiI hself In -: y-ars l.Ki:* i.oiinv \u25a0-.-..\u25a0 . '

I Si '\u25a0" A BACH «i; have a few lots to ire«J I i.U sold at this price to close an estate: souttof the pirn: 011 24 th, ZStbsmd 4 Ist ares.; tuey are\u25a0\u25a0vo'thfeWeacTi, . L!CK it ';oi)l)Y.. . :-'\u25a0.-'.:. It .

I O- '. . \u25a0 Mr.KKi»ITH * H|..M)KY. :; . '\u25a0: .'\u25a0'.':-, C34 MARKET : .ST-..OIM.'.THE PALACE. ";\u25a0

I \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 *T."ft AND CPWARD - I.DTS SOUTH pi-.. tf 1 uU (ioldrnlUate Park and. near ocean Housewell located and Tednced to make-quick ami*>U.KEI>ITII& HtNUKV. \u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . '..:/ i' .:\u25a0 :jk.j-r i.jmh 2 .fiNK"-lots'-v-. o* :oouutt

1 •7«) I•) Oate- I'ark t-$S' monthly . payments.Mi l:l.lil 1 II * lIE.NIJKY. . ... ;.',,u«l: HuTiiTii •

\u25a0\u25a0O'l <UV Bid lUU 1- h.f;T-XplS4 AND S." IiI.OCKI"»^ J '/"• 11, <"Jty lloine&t.aa Association; •\u25a0 \u0084.>•.-:. f .7:.f •.\u25a0<»\u25a0» :-j.-,. lot 3, lllock O. Railroad Home

•toad Association ; H. sine of Minerva St., bet. Cap-I luland .Orizaba. * •-\u25a0 .. :'."' ... -"\u25a0 • '.-'. 11160—Lot 11. Hloclt 4, People's HomesteadTract A. CHAKLEb C. KIBHEK, : .108 CaliforniaHjeeu.. .' ' \u25a0'\u25a0-• V .-. . .'\u25a0'\u25a0-.-. .-•': : ' : ::--.'\u25a0> hoi at* \u25a0

:rn L. okk 4 CO.. ' -\u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.— \u25a0 >':'.•\u25a0- '\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0, . '•\u25a0;\u25a0•\u25a0'-.• '.I. X. ..-.; :-ii2itoh.teoiDerjrst.- ' : ' :\u25a0;.;•\u25a0.. .. ;,

A good Howard-st liiTelttmeiitifaroiiewhotiesireiI a business location;: ?10.5u0.; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0:\u25a0' (iooiiresilience location nc.*rthe bell railroad ami

I sea-wall; #1950; lot t1^J177,-«. '•• ' • :'.:\u25a0., v. J St.; 26X1O1) f«et: •• I ,n. ; \u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0"'•v :S:\u25a0i\u25a0' \u25a0;"'\u25a0'.- Hood unimproved San Krancls^o property will Inexchanged for Oakland, Alameda or Elli-edge coun

I try proimrty. \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 :\u25a0 -\u25a0..•.• \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 .•',\u25a0'• .' \u25a0

: '

jli:.M) A beautiful corner on Don/lass St.: 2JII 100: very cheap.. T. 1., OKU& CO., m Maa'tgoa-

ery »t. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ;\u25a0 '\u25a0• .'- \u25a0-.. \u25a0 \u25a0.. .iiol huTuTh

\u25a0C<oB SALE ON EAHTTEKMS; EQUAL TO RENTI V house or t) rooms and lot 2bUl4 on Jersey, ueaiI Castro. . (iKO. 1). MlAllilli:MJ.IK . 429 HouWoln

cry at. - ' " ' '\u25a0 ": -.' • ". .: \u25a0 - H\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 - \u25a0.-.-;\u25a0.\u25a0-..--.-•. . \u25a0\u25a0 .- \u25a0 • •**\u25a0*.<'.'•.\u25a0

\u25a0 : \u25a0 '\u25a0 -'..'\u25a0: . .. .- ' ::\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0 .'" \u25a0 .' \u25a0 .

: "^••\u25a0'"'C1V KEAL_KSTATK. :'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \:~ Ie.'ll* OM-BSIS.-^cp...:.'. .; .. > '.-...

'\u25a0*:,\u25a0.•'\u25a0'-'..'.BtiAir ESTATE AGENTS,/'•..-.,.. . ' ;,': .'•' 14Montgomery i-treel. near Market. ..ipOUof j>ntprinted' list ol property..-lor sale In allVr'.s'oMlie ct-ty, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0" '•."..\u25a0'• .''\u25a0 \u25a0 ,•'•.\u25a0 -:'. \u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0•..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.."'-:\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0pMMPKOVEn. • \u25a0;,,;. •\u25a0:..\u25a0• .feiwiv-lioi \u25a0\u25a0.'vilS>;.ln' ihe'l'atH Tract.. -.'-/,."' lttti^near Noe: lotioxStt. \u25a0:. ..' \u25a0 . ..' i.v-e.. ii.:irAst.:ioJ -.'51120. -..-.' \u25a0'-. -.»''-.".0V."-'it. ii(-ar<"l;urrh; lol.&oxll*. ,-\u25a0: . .:•\u25a0

do Valencia m.. near "JCtli; lot f>f>:9x2o9. ".Vi-.Ji'.u-t-ur. Tlim aiiil Mobster: lot 62:6 x100.•\u25a0SiiM'yVAshMiry.uear Frederick-: running thruujra.irt-'ii't t it -. tare*- lot ftO leet front aud IOJ feeti.i.'"mi ro-ar street r art«»ian wel: on properly.j-iicxi-^Meliief;\u25a0iißar California: lot '.'5x11)3:6. v

:'y.s-irio-. eaih— l':i.:e near Clayton tots, each\u25a0;.v::t;:«.'.'• \u25a0;'\u25a0• ';\u25a0••• : '\u25a0':/'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:'-\u25a0':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 .. '

\u25a0»--Isii—n«lJ«h Garewre.. nearLott: lot 25x157:6j.H:>((—( si;, fine building lots near Geary-sc.


•JiTHli'-^lioerrero. near 19th • lot SSxBO. ', \u25a0 ' . :..'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*-r>uti-!!arrlv;m. near V!4lh; lot 50«1'.;2:6.IJooo earli — ilif'yr-B'ffur.Haiich'ri:ilew of those

ho''vel .-.<.. ready for bu.latnic. \u25a0'\u25a0 •\u25a0'\u25a0 '.• •:»...=... -l''.'!i. !,>-»i A'au.imi: lot 104.' \u25a0•' ''- '.'\u25a0

'S-TSi'O—hllMlieili, near Castro: lot -''i\ll 1. \u0084.\u25a0..'• . .\u25a0Slott*V,Hartford. near "irtt»: lot 25x125. • \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

\u25a0» LV>oo—•J4ii>,.n«-»v nntiMn lot "nun . .•\u25a0•\u25a0 '-"•"-;»..;.'l i-..:, near Diamond; lot: 25x97:8:cmli or imiiilii'm- • . ..: \u25a0 -. \u25a0" I'--..-,--'-.--;--• -To 2 |t»ls-,t.-aeh :if>i;9o, fror.tiiiKon two streets;;'n Fi.iit Tract: .Lear 18lh and Castro. _ . :'"•". '\u25a0 '.'••'\u25a0"il'M'll \u25a0'•'•'» REDUCED TO MARK A£>vI«)UV"v<]uick-sale: biic »>.;:*nt residence .in the.

\u25a0<\u0084,.. part of lirems;., wesi pt Van Ness »vi..:\u25a0onttii'iiinc 8* rooms..:uiu bath, conserratory, *'_t''-_:-lour walks: ' Barren front.and.rear; lot 27x137 :tj-.

«\u25a0 11. I'MI;EN a CO.. ItMontgomery st. .4: "iiill"' \u25a0'"" '"A..1. HOUSE "I 5 rooms

iMIU!'. and bath--Fair oaks si., near -:i.l:•rick roun/ialioDs.rtc: lot Sv'xU'S. «. H. I MHSKNl tii. 14 Montgomery »t-':-.' -\u25a0'.-'• \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0'.'\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0':":\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.'•'.

<]-, l||]i| .*iiKlK,:MiAU ri.i:LMOKE:.-.:2-.'.i? J «).:UUv'.~st«rv In>us«or7. i,',':.* arid batli:-nut -d; cbttaetMt'oi '6*ro'oiiis .-tut -ha'tlj rt>.rin»ii:»:

-:,l« '.*-SO::: hrick r .mutations: i'Ji > 7 :tixluo; wltb.

:u.L S7:GS?J:6; U: U.-I'MBSiiS i M<<..'-\i lii irta'j.

SI run ii'i> ST..; t'LATS! :\u25a0 i;kni>

35 \u0084~.,)U''.-: 380 pernjo itH: lot Soxl2U''.tliL'>street:.: i, HV>l>st.N a ciy.i i vo»t«;

J..i-. 'lV i;.\!:i)i ST.;, mv: UAKIMSOS:::C'tlt/'.'Vf.ii"!:*a or'.1 \u25a0.•\u25a0••; .\u25a0:'< rooms; rentstJ() :K.t JO.x7S. <:.; ii. D mi--i a < Montg'y.

r.r-.)-Vs 'i»Ai'RAMENi'»I-ST; ri:iMi:ur\; 4.3p |_')''.i:'m:.h: 4 \u25a0 rooms each-: : brlcS foUDil:iauß-'reuU *-ti: K.I. 27x105.. U. H..LMll>h..N *VX)/

('JI4, - .^'.- .^' \u25a0"'. .\u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0'.-. .\u25a0'.':\u25a0':\u25a0' —- \u25a0 "\u25a0';

CCISiSrt'\u25a0' CMS*Kit u-H 81 XT 1 i: ST.'; •-•-stokir*i i/UVibay-w.iii<lon* \u25a0 house of y-'rooiua.'.and'Mb: lot 42:Bl87:6 ii. H. ISiBStV i fli:, 1 :\U)Ot>;oiuery su \u25a0-' '; \u25a0•..\u25a0; '..\u25a0". \u25a0";.'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-'. '•; ..."'. '.. \u25a0.' '\u25a0 -\u25a0"\u25a0•.'\u25a0•.CJT'.d lihi \u25a0 3 '' *\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0* and ON \u25a0

JJI r-Vvv-.rear street. Frilton.>eUj» AgtVVtttxslat.'.Sili'd.tbre-ir tlrrel. rents *"4 |'er i:io[,l!i. G--11-; l MH>h.N A (\u25a00.,-li Aloutg.onii-Ty.'sc.- -: \u25a0"- ; '-\u25a0'\u25a0.

-,•-/, '.TWO NICE; HAV-wtKr>ovr i

<«Jv!<JV'»': :.,..- Ualjrhl jinn lievl&adefo;«"6-aiid' 7- '«,'-.ii3 and l]a:h: b;iy-wnitlon- •l/rl''s'f«''i^n!Jtiorisa:ia ail uioUcru luipiOVMOeiiti.;i,. 11 -l-'Mi -! \.i.<<>.. yt.Montgnnaeri «t-.-.y.:-. "- ;;\u25a0'.

turn FROST' am' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0KkAU'"lu>t;sEV-i*JJ>, W.M.I. Bryant-, hear4tli; rents $;.*>: 50: :.•: \u25a0_

vS6- U.'ll.'.t MBSKN A <_H>., 14 Mons"lu.f !.\u25a0 *»t.;.-'" .'C; ;-> -•'- , | i .ill's •i: UN :Til. iiKBRAN-;C(—. « t) .'. '\u25a0 „ hi store a:id liii'-niPiHMr>nts**3perinoiuh: lofiiUxSO. i<. 11. i .:>i.i!M-:.> j> i'\u25a0'.,11.^rvut^ouiiT-.vJt,.' - '\u25a0.;'..\u25a0.\u25a0-:'*:.-\u25a0 "':;, .-.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0' ;


*i\\i \u25a0 nV|"'-S-StOKV ANiITJASEM.KM'. BRIGK•Jc»VV^.:UuH.diiis on I'.lUKit. irWir ltroiidwayi.10 :r-Vnins-r and-;. Imili-;-; nil luortern-: conTicniencesiHene »a!ii>;:'rei;t> $60 per. muiith:'lot *2i:6x13~».. li. IMI.SE.N A <<>.. 14 ->lou:rourtry.'at. \u25a0'•'., .:.S'-'^MH HOVSB':tIJf 5.: ROOM< Ay I> HIGH

• ••\u25a0 i-'l'.. tNUauieiit, on -.v,i.\u25a0-:\u25a0.!.»... ii .and 'Alatatua;. bay.H Liitlow*:' i.riv>i-'tt>tt:)ilutioiis:i irt'6l f.'t »acanl :43':::.Jl1OI). .:G.H.'t':.lß.SE?t

CO., 14 aiout^oiin'.ry^t....... .... -.".'v'.y;'..',,...\u25a0:"•;;.;:-\u25a0 -•'.Ct»>7-.TJfp'-.EI.WiA>T.. « it I'Ai'.K HOVSi Of 5.•_.— I r'V7.-.rooms: .11: 1 bath^-. ba j^.vrtnlows ; brirk .r.u'ti'<l:ition^rsior.e uaiks.i JO: lis.i., cio«e tafKo.isoin :<$..115 1» ca>h rry»-.'tre.d'. liAratifrtin. e^isv uiimihly pay:"m*r.ts/ ii. It: 1 SUISE>S Oil.. 14 >1..:i:. mi I .'

{;\u25a0•\u25a0 ii; 1 -OAKSIV. Ml.- AtUX\\i%liIItTAGE:CV'^y•"'• 4roolhi; \u25a0 Fol 85X100: ; '.. 11. 1 Mli>t>

aj:J - t.(X~. i.ii!•: ..ill v. ' . M: BAKESt^ ,T U[r. UV: sJ.-":'i:ue. jie.y;'bay-.\vi>iti.6\v-rottJnjp;Qf 5i."..'in;<. Mid bMtli-.;;ijrrcilpuiiciutloiis'i.-ipt - '\ 137:6.• . 11 .1 \u25a0\u25a0' i---h \u25a0\u25a0 .1 \u25a0 " '•'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a07:|*.'.-'-..';:.•.'\u25a0' "\u25a0 - \u0084\u25a0-•.\u25a0 \u25a0 --—7J.,1.,ji '.I. '. I !. ST.; Vli .I6>ES:;ri>TTA"(iEC-1 ''•\u25a0•• rooir.l and bath; lot 23x00; rentsli^r»lti. . (i. 11..i-JJI-.-KN .jr !L0:..; ..",\u25a0; V v 'V•:;.

: Vvllilil cir'irNK.teox sax JOSK AVK.:MWiT"vv". 1 house iiistore. .l>e--1--W aua Dai \u25a0

\u25a0 -. : \u25a0 wuiia d tat a't-iye: bn't-k. louu-.C.HIOM;Etc.; IQtjSSlßq.' Ui.a.:trMfiS.E.V'«n I:p. .v 11 -11 Aii'.i"s AYE.. SK. ISi'llST.; UutSEC"l 1 O':'-.«rs 1 .in- and bath;: lot .25x96. 0. H.VM.i).VEN a CO.:' \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0::.'.'.' •\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0:;.\u25a0'>• '.'\u25a0' if-.' ''-:.\u25a0;':;\u25a0, '--V'i> Vh rifl"<;<)R>.Eß ON . GDEKBERO 'sT:---~ • Vr • M.Vf'6'.e i-stofy [•>>-« ii.l." house of'9 ro.ii!i*_ aiiit; Iratli: brlct fpttudjulojisj laoiiilry;graad .TjfjTiBower girUeriyßtc.; lot Soxi<^ :6. '.. i;.\u25a0t'Mi:sEN.A: to:.. :. . \u25a0•.\u25a0•• .--.'j; £ \u25a0\u25a0' .\u25a0 /' .;.;:/:<-

-\u25a0\u25a0£• 1. 1 (111(1 Fi.VKI.NVE^TMEM: :|'A\>:-> IKK0 •'•"'."''"'.--\u25a0' '-:il ; an ©l«j;.tti:-jieAV -fo.iir.->t«-ry.b4/'-wi:idO.W.'l/ui.l'liH* lII, s'ture \u25a0.and.-lo.dVitl--hou.-ie ;\u25a0c*icrete--.f.iiiiirdations-and Il.a«Vnii-ii:t; tut : ".\u25a0 -.. lirthftieflter ol me l.ciiNra |iart of the city ; rents forE-'jU ;-r; month.. U. 11: -I'M 1\u25a0-•\u25a0».\u25a0. CO; \u0084 v. . .S :.-i 1,1,1 , • st.era bt-s iv ii1: "1' 1.-'T V ;

\u25a0j 1 1 t.llW. l.rtekbnildln? and: 101 2(Kis ic-\u25a0Tec.f».if6uS.--:?KJi;'ril'l^E.N^..<;.o:;a.4'..Moi>tgi>iuery:So -7viV >' an WaniT«kasnan: U'TUjjle:.j]pi«tlVv*bail's* r.".5 rooms each: .rents ».'4: lot.i.sjtt)»l ,ii,:H.-i:Mlii-.r..Vi-• \u25a0'.. 14"MV-ritipmnrry »f: \u25a0

V.l 11 lllliI \u25a0 CIIfSNEK OX 00-r-AUKkIiL ST.;.•_ 1 I':v'l"'. ii.,. --st'fr>r bay-wiDdow resld'eit'^a

\u25a0'I -9 r...Mi« b:iT.h: stone walks. brlcK-'fouu'ilavtlum.setci loti4:Jsii, '.. II: C.MB.SEX a CO., 11.Mi>ot:iohier:ysL. \u25a0.\u25a0;..'. \u25a0'.-': -\u25a0.\u25a0.•-\u25a0;.•> .\u25a0"'.:\u25a0 ... ..r'-," \u25a0\u25a0.:.<\u25a0"•.\u25a0 j'

Sv't'-v",! I wAI•'•' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : ''EAR uKvi>Ai>BKa:\u25a0>« vJO«J /• new \u25a0j->tory '..Ay-wludoW. resiuetic* or

1; robins anil t>a:t,: l-rlefc fomdatio-is: laundry, stot.e.wal»»,vtt.; It 25x110. -G. 11. t Mb.-r:.N i'(XI..H'?I"illg.oluery SI ::---- •'\u25a0 •.\u25a0•7.. . •\u25a0' • /'' \u25a0; .: • ';\u25a0\u25a0

< I 'ifit1 : r- !; : ..IH.. NEAR .19TJI: COTTAUE

>_ 1-" I. \u25a0 s*ro<jm«.and bath-; '.\u25a0:.>\u25a0;,.;i.uewVarli.earid cltl M-.v^i lot '^u:41H)5.:i; li: -I M l-i Sal (>-. 1 I'Moiitgouiifry tit:-.-\u25a0\u25a0" ./•. \u25a0'\u25a0'. •;

\u25a0Q' V-i 111 ,1 1 AX:; JUSE AVK..-..RESIHEVCK-O-1' • VA/.y•\u25a0 elesant. l>»y-irl!iiltiwrealilenc* oriyro6rn>.aiVy.balh:-Vto'ne walks; etc.'; fiae croands;'-

J-;t : .'-5S :6i18»."-G.' U. iMiibt:.\ \u25a0a :cj.. 14 .Mont-:\u25a0f'.lllery'>t.'-'':*..\u25a0'\u25a0::'•;. y..'\. •\u25a0'\u25a0 '-

;.~: \u25a0"\u25a0 "•\u25a0-''\u25a0\u25a0' ''t -":'\u25a0'•\u25a0

O(-i,'/i, 1:..:itiriioVEMExfs.-.AX.i); LOT"onty.UUt/U.Moitt ifowarl anlK.oicoiri: lotVox-(l; >ents- »5i per ,month; G. v. t"MH>i..s aC'o'.^.l4.*Moi.iTgiim**Ty&t..' ': \u25a0':\u25a0'•. .• • '.:•\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 .' :..'•'\u25a0.\u25a0*".;' '\u25a0''

•.(JC -\u25a0.•'/).'<: L(IS e'.'T'o^ JiisYA>T ash •, 111 \u25a0.' .._ , i>i 'V• :,ui-mi ..n;i.iii.).rov. iueii!s:reiitine !\ir\u25a0?!<fcr-p*f inoiithC 1.. li CH.KMiN ,v CO.. 14 Mont,y« _.. \u25a0

\u25a0 •\u25a0;•;"\u25a0' ."*\u25a0 --.:\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '-'."\u25a0 'j\ -; \u25a0:. ,'-.'-'

. < 1"(H» -.2 M v'5 StAR 19IH AXDMIE,»„ .1 • " "V'•»l-!Lia|^4 arid 5 rooms- aul bath;-

-1 b.^y-wjndowsr %iljrlclt 'I^ttinlatiohs: -rents &i>i'Mr\u25a0li.-oiaii: \u25a0Jot:.-J5x1,14.'.U. li. I Mli.-fc.s CO.. 14\u25a0•>.lynW'-.lne'r.y'at....: '."' "-\u25a0\u25a0".' --v. '",' ' -': * */ 'r ."\u25a0'.•; rt SSrt" "SKAK liTDK ASP V.NIO> • A FINE•„ •*—•*'.' ; .bay-Wtudow. house : 'store '.Xii'r

'low-atid jlat-iif-£*rb.otn& «nd balk .aUov«:'. brick- f"Un-' 'ji:6:>. - !u'iotis.. .*etc ;.-bouse nearly new;\u25a0routs.WQ BP-jMifVuioatti.-G. U. lMli>£S 4 CO..\u25a0:14 t'gp'iperjr'st.: . \u25a0;- :\u25a0 " .*\u25a0 -\ '.\u25a0 . nol.SuTuTh \u25a0 \u25a0

'\u25a0\u25a0'ii-»>r:vYn' kCats. 4 and. 6 bopms EACiii'.^.I.)'\u25a0'('•. :r r fonndatlon; lar« lot, 3QiISS;

\u25a0reiMs Jr.JOiUofllnzwbod; St., lief. 1 Bth and iv. 1. 1-b.o'^f'rani Cis'.To-st. ca'jla W; I. MORGAN 4 CO.,•\u25a0ijrj-j.' -. F, Real Estate Ex. ;.' . ; '•.•'\u25a0'\u25a0;\u25a0''\u25a0':'' C:'-S ~\i \u0084 1: V. i.:.!.!: 1 . JtET. 11TDE AN'l>LEAVEN-'.CV'J.V."•'\u25a0''or'thj'ftew 2-story ttay-wlii'loirbo:ise;

\u25a0 7 -ro'ins ari'ti^athaiidT'iarh'OMa*: brick fotandatloo,•ffc.y. . :ilreutiS«s: lot 22:11x157..«: W.I. Mm:-

\u25a0;*ajf\ .Jt,.»;n..SJy < .1. at.. Men.. W. F. Heal Estate Ex,-" till>kes>ts *:«• jones. W. sii>e; bet;

."^.l IvfU; ISroadway and Valie]o;.2rHory flats. 4'in.15 riionisaud bath each: brick foundation: >V.

1. IOIHiiJI 4• CO,, ft.2 Lai. St.. Mem. >. ft Keal\u25a0 i»ie te:, '\u25a0/ ":"; ::..-; : :. ; \u25a0\u25a0''•;-\u25a0'': V-.- '\u25a0\u25a0".:\u25a0"•-\u25a0 ..' .-.. "'\u25a0

'\u25a0SS'--I '^"\u25a0/V 'RESTS $4*: S e'-w >i. aNJ> REARi.).)W: i,v ,\u25a0„. i., r.-t..!.«\u25a0;. t>::i .ir.i 10th, H«r-

\u25a0rnoriiinit l-.rj»nt: W. 1. MoKGaS-* ( 11.. 51/ .tall-; .1 orii.tast-vßieintterS. F; Real Estate Exc»ani;e. '.;.\u25a0.;-.

, \u0084.,,,,1! nisi- (62; miss a >T./n>:i: ;ii>V U\J\J\J.i a• \u25a0! .:h; 4 tl^.s: street occ»|iteil i.inst:C'irt'solfl: malic oft'-r. :>'.. I. MORU.AIS A- .C0.,: 5:15

\u25a0 '..Mi-ii.. s. 1 lieai. Ei.ta.te Ex. .'\u25a0,'\u25a0:.*\u25a0 .'.:\u25a0:\u25a0;\u25a0'\u25a0'.\u25a0ic'ijviAA'. »a!.;.i|; I!i.l': MASiIMC AVK.

—» """. arid. A- l..rl> lit:; 'li.-l — resMehi:.p: 1 it.= 25x11)0 ft.:,-l; Woe* Halßlrt-jr. cable, \v:'X,-

MORGAN A C0:..5;12 Cat;st;,Meiq.':S; . F. ..libal ii»r.:'tiU*.t.x.; ]\u25a0::?'\u25a0'/'.;\u25a0:\u25a0" ':.-v:';.' .'-'-I "\u25a0\u25a0. .-'-..:' •':\u25a0;. '-':'. \u25a0"'" '\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0'-.;'»\u25a0 ."7 -A5NOBSTR.VCTED 31AIS VIEW;'*, »v \u2666' I «iv. choice t.*w fliis/5-..and: 0 rooms 'ap.u.l#athe»fh: \u25a0 Lomtiard St., Jones. a-i'l :iieaTeh-««rtii.- w. I. mohga> 4 OO.i«2C»L.«t, .Mem.>. F. Heal Estate EX.V-V--: ..'\u25a0\u25a0 0;,..-*.-•;..\u25a0 -'.';.'. . .\u25a0'. .; \u25a0.-'.,;\u25a0\u25a0

*«: IIH O'FAKr.Ett. BT..BET. i'iEit«;>: and:i^OO\J\J. Scott•. ».JtUl/ o-iy-wmlow rnl'lfjct;

-.7 I..r.nt^. bath, laundry, etc.: terms :ea*y. -W,.-!.''.AN a CO., 612 Cat. St.. Mem; of &: K. Rial

/-K»tate Ex.' \u25a0-. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0:\u25a0. \u25a0:^]-.::-- :;V-!jO .v..'-..y•'.\u25a0.- '\u25a0..\u25a0'.''-\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0:. V""(lllRENTS »74 60: MaviN MvvBKTv

\u25a0 O 1 >)l/v. lireen and \illfji):2 3-sfory "bomies;alwayn rejited: Lar^c lot. ' W. 1.. Mi>RGA-"» * CO.,;. 61« «ai. at.. Mem x.-y-t Real Estate Ex: -.\u25a0'., \u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0O'lOfl . MtANCISCO.-SIV;'\u25a0"•' r.i.i." I)U1"«NT

• •_—«\u25a0'''"• and Stockton; lartte lot, ifQx7o feetj .v.-.:!.\u25a0 JIOROA.V a C0.,: ola Cal. «.;. ileui; b. F.• .I'.eat'Estate. Ex. *-.';.'"" "-\u25a0"..•\u25a0•- .;..•'.\u25a0'

/\u25a0'IHUI I. RESIDENCE: 2 STORIES; ll.a"v-IV) cows; 4 ri»ouis; ualb. lanii'lry. b.\iu b^fiemeht,

.'electric lighter*, all -modern : cou.Teiilence*. etc.;\u25a0\largi lot. 37 :«x iu»i :H; sun all day-;-:.^celriHr st.'. i«et.

: »»-tniii{iuiiaiid Clay, opposita AltaFiaz*. \u25a0 \v. 1.'.; MORGAN a CO.. 512. California »L Mem. S. F.; Real hatate Exchange.::' .... \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : ;' \u25a0>.'. ..-\u25a0\u25a0 :,[:\u25a0\u25a0- .:

St I -7f(\ V-ST-OKV.-llOl'SEi B.ROOMS,; WALL•t3J I ' 'V. St. bet. Jackson and l.'aelflc. Ilyrteanil

: I^eareiiTrorth.; take Hjde-st: Cable. '•\u25a0W..I MtiKO^.V• &CO.,Jril2Cal.gUMeiil. S. I Seal Estate Kx.'. PICIFIC AVK..BET; pqTAVIAAND I.VtiUNA:3- I. ina lire iit.runriire/'-vlew':.'-'street -liituiiilnous: rock : • 1.5:4.0r 7U--..-UU7 :*'«-. W. I. MoRiiAN

a. CO..; Hem & i-. Heal Estate Ex.- ..: "w.- :•;"(! <-"i 1 a,i.. ! RL.'S.SKI.L Sr.. C l—•" '• S:;slde.i)et: Hyde. and Lark la: Hyde-

«.i eablel; W.:l MUKUA.N iCO:! SIVJCai, »t;. Mem,\;i>r: B»ai:;Estat»Kx;.> \u25a0\u25a0 .'.'. "\\,: •':' V\u25a0' - : '. •,".••;\u25a0. .".'Ci'^'^/V" l;r.M>»^U: MM.ShIC M. 111.1 TillC——•l", -ni.iimi;..' Howard and Kolsoin: BOOM

.6.roouisVHtre«t: u.tiimluous rock. W. 1. MORGAN%.i& X.0.: 511! Cal.'-it'. .Mi-in. vr. lteal:Estate Xx ' \u25a0 ..:,• V N T-SVI:MI> 1lEN RESIDENCE: JOBT

\u25a0J J couip..lited::J|. roomy..lrescoed and tinted; ppir-'. .'-celaiu- bath-fiib": \u25a0 .reception. h«ll: \u25a0\u25a0' salon ".parlors;•'. .finished - 1i,,-.fiii#-iit .'iulr leupth-'Of iiolite; all : mod\u25a0-

\u25a0 \u25a0'erri iniiTOTementi: :Oa« »t... net. AHhtmry and.-'Clayton:.either; SMI* st. cars pass the proli-

\u25a0 tny;'h»tl^ .. 1-j.ei.f'if InspoBtloli:; lot 137:6:. nriiis>a«y If-required. W. I. MORGAN * CO..'-. Mem.- or S> F.Keal EstaU Kx.oc2stf WoSa


(J--J.-.A J.E.V-KL i;«-)Ts: is 'gift map; 1. top...'•. ip.< lUUt-i47.V.5; li.l i AS, 11 ;Moiugoinery St. \u25a0

'.. \u25a0'©\u25a0fcifi cash; HAI.ASCE of.':. *150. $10 PER\u25a0 •- •'" ' n'iouthv..Jarif«...lutj In the I ntvrisity born*-•j 's.tead t..-;iiear .tn.e.' *>l-l I.ailies' Home; a tew small.-l..u«*k!i. rr-vuivthe;-street cnr.y; level ''Mad.' ready:- to

\u25a0' • 'build, lob;: Street all .. inadi:.":' S. . DCCAS,.; 11\u25a0'. MoiitgoHiery St,' ' ' '.-.'.'. -:. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -.- . ;-V.-'-''? •\u25a0\u25a0••••. ;.•"' \u25a0: ': -:RdS I /'iACASH; BALANCi?' OF *350. *1S :PER.-; •--\u25a0 1'" ' inoutii,-for lots <<\u25a0 81«t a»e. and IiM.. S.

l.ii-cas, ii Moi,t.'i,ini;ry«t,.; .'/;\u25a0,. ':\u25a0 "\u25a0: -'•:\u25a0.< ';•".C-hhCASIf. HA.I.ANCI? OF- »20U, «10 I'KK.' •> .•'•' 111.01, Hi. for lots In the Kxcnlslor llom«stead:.':Hi. block's--. 7.3' aud BS. H. Dt'CAri. 11 Slout-

'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0%!?m™'y. y; *'-\u25a0.\u25a0:-* \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 ... ".\u25a0'.'\u25a0• ':\u25a0\u25a0'- :\u25a0''\u25a0.\u25a0<:\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0 ' :'\u25a0\u25a0:'•: Cjj >>/-. CASH.- I'.ALANCK OF $300. »15 TT.K

VI 'V/inontiJ, In the. Colle'xe Homestead. In• \u25a0 Block'l-a. near the Mission Koid and Sliver aye. »."•

t>t;fAft 11.Montgomery »t. .. : — \u25a0\u25a0 ; : It'-

/< i;n li.Mosn Mils :\u25a0: -. '. ,: ... \u25a0/ .'•

V-.'. '••: INSTALLMENTLOTS. '. \u25a0/...\u25a0'. \u25a0•\u25a0 .:-•'. '80UTHS1UE lots.-; : ••\u25a0•\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0:

\u25a0 • :;--;' ,••\u25a0\u25a0•: ... BI.NSET HEIUIITS LOTS. :;.-. .; »iOO Ciih. :.'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0".• $100 Cash. ' - *100 (ash.

. The cream of Richmond can be bought for # luu- cash ua<l *;o per month; «u-eeta si-wuretl. ciaiied. and roaeadarnizerl.. McEWEN liltOS., -415 Mont-Boiiiery at. :••\u25a0.'•\u25a0' .'\u25a0\u25a0'"- - \u25a0 -><"i".H LOT i'sxl2b:-UX IHTJI AYE.. NEAR

• <)O\J. I leintiiiu.; aplck-ut). McEWEN lIBUS.,4^5 MuntKomefy n. • \u25a0. . \u25a0 u,,l (iuWeKr

Sft I 0 MONTHLY I'AYMENTS; EXTRA BAR-•.,. I M sain for a tew days; 1 lots 2!>il*o. between1 and <l tl,. near, electric road andpark. J. T. iiarris, 70 I.' Market St., formerly emMarket \u25a0.;-. \u25a0-.—- 0c284t
