Page 1: Module 2 - Define Cold War

Module 2

Page 2: Module 2 - Define Cold War

Cold WarCold War

Page 3: Module 2 - Define Cold War

A: The Cold War was a state of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, without actual fighting, that divided the world into two camps (different sides).Differences in goals and ideologies between the United States and the Soviet Union (the two superpowers) (8.c.1)

United States and

Western Europe U.S.S.R and

Eastern Europe

Government controls the capital and other means of production

Personal freedoms of the people are suppressed.

Private individuals own companies, and are allowed to keep the profit earned from their work.

Personal freedoms guaranteed by a constitution

Page 4: Module 2 - Define Cold War

B: The Soviet Union’s domination over Eastern European countries(8.c.2)

Page 5: Module 2 - Define Cold War

C: American policy of containment (efforts to stop the spread of communism) (8.c.2)

Containment was a United States policy using military, economic, and diplomatic strategies to stop the spread of Communism, enhance America’s security and influence abroad, and prevent a "domino effect".

A component of the Cold War, the policy was a response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to expand Communist influence in Eastern Europe, China, and Korea. It represented a middle-ground position between appeasement and rollback.

The word containment is associated most strongly with the policies of U.S. President Harry S Truman (1945-53), including the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a mutual defense pact.

Page 6: Module 2 - Define Cold War

D: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) versus Warsaw Pact (8.c.2)

Page 7: Module 2 - Define Cold War

E: Building Alliances:(8.c.4)

Do you see alliances once AGAIN forming???

Will be the consequences???

Describe in notes who was in NATO and who was in Warsaw Pact
