
Modular Smart Solid Wing-sail Tyler Peterson, Eric Cao, Johnny McCullough

Jack Baskin School of Engineering

University of California, Santa Cruz

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Gabriel Elkaim

Autonomous Systems Lab

University of California, Santa Cruz

Abstract— The purpose of this project is to prototype a

modular autonomous solid wing-sail unit to be used as a

primary and/or assistive propulsion system for seafaring

vessels. The unit would act with fully autonomous response

to its surrounding environment, continually generating the

closest possible resemblance of a user’s desired propulsion

magnitude and direction. This unit would be put to immediate

use in the re-envisioning of the Atlantis project, from which is

the original concept genesis. But, beyond its initial intended

use, a modular wind driven propulsion unit such as this would

have a myriad of other applications ranging from trans-

oceanic transit to small vessel recreational use. The Current

progress of this project is documented here. Keywords—Wing Sail, Autonomous Boat, Sailing, Controls


A modular and robust wind-powered propulsion system

capable of straightforward installation and autonomous

operation on commercial or research vessels has found

increasing interest and funding as fuel prices continue to

increase and the need for autonomous sea-craft for remote

oceanic sensing become more valuable. No wind-powered

propulsion design has shown its ability to meet these needs

more than the vertical winged propulsion system. This

document will present the winged system and the evolution of

the design over the years which will put into context the

reasons for why this system has become a viable source of

propulsion in the field of oceanic transport. The mechanics of

the system and the necessary sensing devices to control the

system will be analyzed so that the simplicity of the winged

system can be better understood. Furthermore, to better

appreciate the growing need for such a design, the numerous

applications associated with winged sailing craft will be

considered. This includes the use of relatively small winged

vessels for unmanned oceanic research and exploration as well

as the incorporation of large modular wing systems onto

modern transport vessels to offset growing fuel costs. Finally

the progress of the design and implementation of a prototype

modular wing-sail will be discussed.


A. History

The concept of wing based propulsion systems arguably has

been around since the first attempt at creating aircraft. Wind

energy has been used for thousands of years to produce useful

forms of power to propel sailing vessels for transportation.

Although sailing transportation has been replaced by diesel

powered propeller based vessels, the move to a hybrid system

of combustion power and wind powered vessel propulsion has

sparked great curiosity as large transport shipping vessels, that

cater to over “90% of the world trade … carried by the

international shipping industry” [2], would stand to save a

considerable amount on fuel cost and reduce toxic combustion

emissions. Therefore the design of a modular, robust, wind-

powered system that could be installed on commercial vessels

has found increasing support and funding, and no other design

has seen more attention than the wing-sail.

To confidently design winged propulsion systems for sailing

craft we must first understand the history behind the winged

system and the evolution of the design over the years which

puts into context the reasons why this system has become a

viable source of propulsion in the field of oceanic transport.

Many attempts have been made over the last 100 years to

implement a wing propelled sailing craft, and in that time

almost every possible configuration of the wing-sail has been


The Flettner Rotor

Examining the success and failure of historical winged designs

enables us to better understand what must be included and

excluded in a successful design. The first documented mention

of using a wing based propulsion system was in 1922 by

Anton Flettner who added a cylindrical wing, later known as

the Flettner Rotor, to a 200 foot vessel[1]

. The Flettner Rotor

showed great promise as a semi passive propulsion system

that used the Magnus Effect to generate lift, but the continued

funding for the design was cut short as Flettner’s aeronautical

designs were required in the war effort to advance helicopter

research. The vessel and its relatively large wing-like devices

can be seen in the image below along with an example of the

spinning Flettner Rotor generating lift using the Magnus

Effect in a similar fashion to a solid wing, where a high

pressure system is developed in the rear of the spinning

cylinder and a low pressure system is generated in the front

creating force perpendicular to the wind direction propelling

the vessel forward.

Figure 1: The Flettner Rotor mounted on a sailing vessel[3]


The Magnus Effect on a Flettner Rotor[3]

However the mechanical nature of the Magnus Rotor adds

complexity to the winged design that is not necessary for wind

based propulsion. Furthermore the rotors are spun using large

onboard motors which lowers the efficiency of the rotor

system greatly when compared to a wing design. A solid

Wing-sail is therefore a much more feasible approach to wind

propulsion since it does not need to incorporate external

actuation to produce propulsion.

The Wing-sail was not patented in the United States until


. The patented design simply attempted to replace the

cloth sail by using an aluminum wing that was controlled

using ropes, winches, and pulleys similar to a typical sailing

vessel. Since the wing was still trimmed using conventional

ropes and winches the design was only taking minor

advantages of the use of a Wing-sail, as we will see the beauty

of the concept is that the wing system can be designed to self-

trim, greatly reducing the attention needed to man the vessel.

Despite this design never taking off it was noted that it was

possible to sail this particular configuration much higher into

the oncoming wind than with a conventional cloth sail,

making transport up wind more efficient since a lesser number

of tacks had to be used to complete the same trip.

The Walker Wing-sail

The next notable configuration of the Wing-sail did in fact

take advantage of the simple self-trimming ability of the wing.

The configuration was proposed and designed by John

Walker, an English aerospace engineer, and used a series of

four stacked vertical wings trimmed using a leading edge

called a canard. The combination of the main wing and canard

system is referred to as a “sailset” which allows the system to

adjust automatically to maintain propulsion even during small

wind direction variations, trimming the wing much better than

a person may be capable of. The vessel and wing system along

with the physics explaining the design can be seen below in

Figure 2. By rotating the canard around its mounting axis the

tail-wing provides a vertical rotational moment about the wing

configuration opposing the moment created by the main-

wings. This allowed for a very simplistic method of

positioning the wing into an optimal heading, providing

propulsion in the desired direction with very little attention

required by the user.

Figure 2: John Walkers Wing-sail boat [1]

, Wing-sail

system analysis[1]

The free-body diagram above in Figure 2 describes the cross

section of the wing and canard configuration as it appears in

operation. The lift generated by the wing is accompanied by a

moment created by the position of the wing from back to front

in relation to the wind direction. This moment would cause the

wing to rotate about its center and fall out of the optimal angle

of attack to the oncoming wind. With the addition of the

canard an opposing moment is created that resists the moment

of the wing, balancing the moments allows us to easily set the

optimal angle for the wing by adjusting the angle of the much

smaller canard.

Walkers design was later refined and sailed across the Atlantic

through hurricane conditions, proving the design was reliable

and robust. Walker was noted for pushing the use of Wing-

sails in commercial vessel applications, he was backed by

Merchant Marine research that reported possible reductions in

fuel cost between 34% and 50% [2]

. Lack of correct marketing

and production inefficiencies were blamed for the bankruptcy

of the Walker Wing-sail Company.

The Atlantis

These designs all assisted and inspired the Atlantis project

pursued by UCSC professor Gabriel Elkaim. The Atlantis

project sought to create an autonomous wing-sailed

Catamaran with the ability to efficiently complete unmanned

routes in oceanic conditions using GPS and a litany of various

sensors to overcome the various conditions along the way.

The Atlantis used a 17 foot tall by 5 foot wide Wing-sail to

propel a 19 foot catamaran. The wing was suspended on a

stub-mast and allowed to rotate freely about 360 degrees

around the mast. The Wing-sail airfoil design was unique in

respect to prior designs discussed earlier in that instead of the

typical asymmetrical wing setup the Atlantis wing was made

symmetric. Although an asymmetric wing has the ability to

achieve better lift characteristics than a symmetric wing, a

symmetric wing has the advantage of having identical

characteristics in both directions of sail, greatly simplifying

the characteristics of the propulsion and the required

complexity of the control system. To increase the lift factor

closer to that of an asymmetric wing an aileron was added

allowing for a dynamic adjustment of the wings airfoil shape

and in turn its lift properties. A rendering of the Atlantis is

seen below in Figure 3.

Figure 3: A rendering of the Atlantis project


The Atlantis used a tail-wing to control the angle of attack of

the main-wing. The tail-wing, as opposed to the canard

described earlier, results in a system that tends to stability

which lends itself much more to autonomous control.

The Atlantis was successful and shown to autonomously track

a desired course to within 1 meter of the desired route. The

Wing-sail design provided the Atlantis with an optimal wind

propulsion method that was both more efficient than its cloth-

sail predecessor and also much easier to control.

By examining the history behind the winged sail system and

the evolution of the design over the years we can see that the

most recent configurations of the design are far superior to any

of its competitors in the area of wind propulsion. Furthermore

the many applications of such a semi-passive wind propulsion

system are yet to be discovered.

B. Applications

To better appreciate the growing need for an autonomous

design the numerous applications associated with winged

sailing craft will be considered. Although the applications of

autonomous winged craft are numerous the various

applications can be simplified into two categories that include

the use of relatively small winged vessels for unmanned

oceanic measurement and exploration, and the incorporation

of large modular wing systems onto transport vessels to offset

growing fuel costs.

Because the self-trimmed wing design simplifies the control of

the system it becomes much easier to automate the wing and

operate the vessels propulsion using an integration of GPS and

environmental sensing. The automation of the wing allows the

wing itself to be a modular part of the entire vessel only

needing to receive the desired bearing that the vessel needs to

travel in to create propulsion in that direction. The modularity

of the design lends itself to being installed easily on small

autonomous sailing crafts and installed in multiples on larger

transport vessels. The following is a general and brief

overview of these applications.

Ocean Monitoring

Autonomous sailing crafts are now being sought as platforms

for low cost ocean research and monitoring. Current ocean

monitoring is performed by manned survey vessels and by

moored and drifting data buoys that relay measurements, via

radio, to land stations. The presence of people in manned

ocean surveys makes this method of ocean measurement

prohibitively expensive leaving only the drifting or stationary

buoy as a source of long term cost effective measurement.

However drifting buoy stations are difficult to maintain

contact with as they are subject to the movement of currents

and changing weather patterns as well as having no ability to

focus on an area of interest. In contrast moored buoys limit the

measurements taken to a small oceanic location and require

costly intervention to reposition. Remote monitoring systems

like satellites and aircraft are also employed but it is generally

agreed that ocean based systems produce measurements of

greater meaning to researchers compared to these remote

measurement systems.

It has been envisioned that great numbers of such vessels

could be deployed to create an ocean sensing grid that could

monitor vast areas with the ability to quickly reform their

shape to focus on oceanic locations of interest [7]

. Furthermore

such a vessel has the potential to depart and return to a

designated maintenance location for needed repairs as

opposed to current moored and drifting designs that require

manned vessels to find and extract them. Given the

comparatively lower cost of an unmanned sailing vessel and

the ability for such a vessel to move to precise locations they

lend themselves to replace manned vessels, buoys, and remote

monitoring of oceans.

Oil Spill Tracking

The mass transport of raw oil oversea as well as the increasing

use of deep sea oil drilling to fulfill international energy needs

has led to an increase in major ocean oil spills. Recovering the

oil from an ocean spill is necessary to mitigate the long-term

damage to the environment and to human life. Having real

time data on the size of the oil slick generated by the spill, as

well as the direction and speed at which it is drifting is

essential to successful recovery operations. Currently the most

feasible method of tracking a spill is using drifting buoys that

can relay information about the spill to a central database.

However the buoys are often separated from the oil slicks they

have been deployed to track because of their different drift

characteristics which make oil slicks much faster than the

drifting buoys, and once separated, information can no longer

be generated on the whereabouts of the slick. A more costly

method of oil slick tracking employs the use of planes that fly

above the drifting spills registering the slick with specialized

radar detection. This method can only be used when weather

and visibility permits but the increased dangers of night

navigation over open ocean, the complications related to

takeoff and landing in open ocean, as well as the limited

endurance of aircraft due to the need to refuel, limits the

viability of this form of tracking in most instances. The final

method often considered is satellite imaging to track the slick.

This method however is rarely implemented due to the high

costs and the inability for satellites to continue tracking the

slick under cloud cover.

Considering the faults of these methods related to their cost

and reliability it becomes clear that a design that uses a

modular sail to generate directed propulsion to maintain

contact with the oil slicks greatly improves on both the

drifting buoy design as well as the aircraft and satellite

imaging methods. A wind propelled vessel would have the

ability to keep up with the oil slicks while also being

unaffected by cloud cover and weather. Furthermore the cost

of a wind propelled buoy is far less than satellite imaging or

tracking by aircraft. The figure below illustrates a possible oil

spill tracking system utilizing a network of autonomous

sailing sensors measuring characteristics of a spill on multiple

slick fronts. This information is relayed to large oil collecting

vessels allowing for a more effective and efficient recovery


Figure 4: Rendering of autonomous oil spill tracking

concept [6]

Although ideas like these might seem farfetched they

comment on the ability of mass ocean presence by

autonomous craft and their ability to collect data on our

oceans and coastlines and create a low cost platform for other

unmanned mobile ocean research projects.

Fuel Cost Reductions

Since the steady growth of globalization causing an increase

in oceanic trade paralleled with rising fuel costs there has been

continued interest among maritime researchers and trade and

transport companies for developing a wind powered

propulsion system for large commercial trading vessels. A

large containership traveling at normal speed will burn 150

tons of fuel per day [8]

. A study by a Dutch engineering firm

confirmed that a containership fitted with numerous wings

shown in 5 below had the potential to reduce fuel costs by

27%, saving 40 tons of fuel per day.

Figure 5: Rendering of a winged tanker concept [8]

Because ocean trade routes tend to follow the original routes

developed when vessels were still only wind powered the

routes often remain optimal for such a ship. Furthermore

insurance associated with deep water towing due to engine

failure have the potential to be eliminated as the ship would

have the ability to sail into port at reduced speed. With fuel

costs generally trending upward the design and retrofitting of

cargo ships with wing-sail systems will become an emerging



A. Research

1) Wing Dynamics

The three main reasons to use a wing-sail over a conventional

cloth sail are efficiency of the propulsion generated, the lower

actuation forces required to control the wing, and the

simplicity of the control required for the wing-sail. The

efficiency of a wing-sail over a conventional cloth sail can be

seen in the coefficient of lift comparisons between the two.

The coefficient of lift is a relation of the lift a body can

generate with respect to the velocity and density of the fluid it

moves through. For the wing-sail in question a coefficient of

lift of up to 1.8 can be obtained and for a conventional cloth

sail of comparable size a coefficient of 0.8 can be attained [1]


making the wing-sail more than twice as aerodynamically

efficient compared to the conventional cloth sail.

The actuation of the wing-sail requires much smaller actuators

than a comparable cloth sail. Since conventional sails are

controlled from the rear of a long boom with a center pressure

combating the angle of the sail, a large force is necessary to

maneuver the cloth sail. The wing-sail in comparison is

balanced about its center and generates lift at the point in

which it rotates as seen in the top-down cross section of the

wing in Figure 6. Instead of moving the main-sail directly, as

a conventional sail, the wing-sail is adjusted by actuating the

much smaller tail wing. This tail wing requires much less

force to actuate which saves both weight and cost of the

propulsion system, thereby increasing the systems efficiency.

Figure 6: Cross section of the wing-sail and associated


The lift generated by the main wing is caused by the

differential pressure system generated by the oncoming wind

The pressure system is created by orienting the wing systems

horizontal center line, termed the ‘zero-lift line,’ at an angle of

attack relative to the wind direction. The angle of attack is

shown as α in Figure 6. When α is zero, the wing generates no

lift and slices through the air with minimal drag. When α is

greater than zero, the wing directs a force or “lift”

perpendicular to the wind direction, shown as Lwing. The

intensity of lift is determined by wind intensity, air density,

and an airfoil specific coefficient of lift, which is a function of

α, the aspect ratio of the 3-d wing, and the wing’s camber. The

camber describes the ability of the airfoil to produce lift

relative to drag. As α increases, the lift increases.

Drag is a force generated in the direction of the wind and is

generally seen as detrimental to propulsion. In order to

increase lift, reduce drag, and increase the camber of the wing,

a flap is deployed. The flap causes a smoother flow of air

around the wing and effectively increases the pressure

gradient of the system without causing the corresponding drag

to increase. The flap is shown as Cf at angle δf in Figure 6. A

side effect of the flap is to produce a moment about the main

wing’s axis of rotation, which is shown as Mwing in Figure 6.

In order to control the angle of attack and counter act the

moment produced by the flap, the tail wing is used. The tail

wing is essentially a smaller version of the main wing and

generates lift in the same manner. But since it is attached to

the system at a distance(‘d’ in Figure 6) from the main axis of

rotation, the tail’s lift creates a moment in the system. When

the flap is not deployed, the main wing generates little to no

moment about its axis of rotation and so the tail is oriented so

it settles in the wind at a position where it generates no lift

effectively setting α. When the flap is deployed, the tail angle

is positioned to satisfy the desired angle of attack while also

generating a moment to counter the flap.

The advantage to this wing a system is the simplicity of

control. Since the wing-sail is self-trimming, meaning the

angle of attack into the wind is made stable regardless of gusts

or changing wind direction, the complexity of the control

system is greatly reduced.

2) System Components

The system is mostly self-contained in that the controls,

sensing, and actuation of the wing-sail are almost entirely

done on the actual mechanical wing. The only information

shared with the wing by the vessel is the hull direction that the

intended propulsion will drive the vessel in as well as the

percentage of maximum propulsion that the vessel needs to

utilize. The wing-sail system will interpret the required vessel

direction and percentage of maximum propulsion and then set

the angle of the main-wing appropriately with respect to the

angle of the incoming wind.

A block diagram of the intended wing-sail system design is

found below in Figure 7. The diagram is intended to be read

from left to right with the inputs to the system being fed into a

microcontroller from the left and the output from the

microcontroller used to drive the tail actuators labeled at the


Each block within the diagram above represents a critical

module used to control the wing-sail. Wind measurements are

taken using the anemometer and wind vane. The anemometer

is used to measure the apparent wind speed and the direction

of the wind is measured with the wind vane. The wing-sail’s

main-wing angle of attack can be modified by adjusting the

angle of the tail-wing appropriately using these two

measurements. The mechanics of this adjustment were

examined in the wing dynamics section.

The Inertial Measurement Unit or IMU contains both an

accelerometer and a gyroscope to measure the roll, pitch, and

yaw of the vessel. The 3-axis gyroscope is used to measure the

angle of the wing-sail relative to the horizon. By determining

this angle the gyroscope measurement allows the system to

detect if the vessel is capsizing and the wing can quickly

adjust to correct the motion. This measurement is critical as

the wing-sail has the potential to capsize the vessel it is

installed on, and for an autonomous vessel this would be

disastrous with no way to reorient. The 3-axis accelerometer

measures the stability of the wing-vessel system. Small

accelerations generated by vessel sway amongst waves must

be accounted for before considering wind speed and wind

direction measurements as a swaying vessel can generate

perceived wind and wind direction that do not relate to the

actual wind characteristics affecting the vessel.

The tail-wing actuator is used to adjust the angle of attack of

the tail-wing which in turn will adjust the angle of attack of

the main-wing. A potentiometer is used to measure the angle

of the tail-wing with respect to the main wing and allows the

tail-wing to be positioned precisely, generating the necessary

angle quickly. The angle of the tail-wing and the relation to

the main-wing’s angle of attack is found below in Figure 6.

The slip ring allows for data transmission between the vessel

and the wing-sail while still allowing the wing-sail to freely

rotate about the mast. The system is powered using a

rechargeable 12V deep cycle marine battery.

B. Design

1) Mechanical

Airfoil Section

The design of the main-wing and tail-wing was derived from

Professor Gabriel Elkaim’s aeronautical designs used in his

Atlantis project. Attempting to design an airfoil section from

the ground up was quickly regarded as impractical as no

person on our design team has advanced knowledge of

aeronautical physics or fluid dynamics. Instead, the airfoil

section that was produced by Elkaim through design and

simulation revisions was studied before it was implemented in

our design so that we had a better understanding of the wing

systems chosen aeronautical characteristics.

The first interesting choice for the design of the airfoil was the

symmetry of the section. As asymmetrical airfoil sections can

always achieve a greater lift coefficient it may seem that an

asymmetrical section would be a better choice. However an

asymmetric section will perform very differently depending

on which point of sail our aquatic vessel is on. This alone

allows us to realize that a symmetric wing makes for a much

better design choice as it will produce identical lift

coefficients in all mirrored points of sail reducing the

complexity of the control system. The airfoil section design

does however attempt pseudo asymmetry by using a tail-flap

on the main wing that can be actuated to increase the

coefficient of lift on all points of sail.

The second interesting design challenge was the need for the

pitching moment of the main airfoil section to be small

enough so that the main wing can easily be balanced by the

tail wing as shown in Figure 6. By lowering the pitching

moment the lift generated at the tail-wing, used to balance the

main-wing’s angle of attack, can be much smaller which

allows the tail-wing’s cord length and overall size to be much

smaller. With a smaller tail-wing the moment of inertia of the

entire wing system is decreased which in-turn decreases the

wings response time adding to the system’s ability to quickly

respond to disturbances.

Using airfoil simulation software, Elkaim generated an airfoil

cross section with the characteristics mentioned above, and

provided us with an excel file that described the cross section

mathematically as a function of the cross section’s cord

length. We produced a similar file in Solidworks that enabled

us to scale the cross section to the appropriate size for our

scaled down wing height.

The design of the tail section was identical to that of the main-

wing except for the use of tail flaps. The ratio of main-wing

area to tail-wing area was kept the same as described in

Elkaim’s thesis, as the needed lift to counter the main-wing

pitching moment scales similarly.

The cross section was generated for our scaled cord length and

the appropriate lightening holes and structural through holes

were added to create what is referred to as the ribs of the wing.

Figure 8: Main-wing and tail-wing rib developed from

airfoil cross section calculations

The main-wing uses the rib shown above in Figure 8 as the

cross section that defines the outline of the wing and was

spaced uniformly from the bottom to the top of the main wing.

The spacing of the ribs was also scaled to correspond to the

original Atlantis design. Some ribs were designed with

specialty purposes such as the servo rib that was not only

produced to maintain the correct cross section though out the

wing height but also to give us a mounting surface for the

various actuators that control the angle of the tail-flaps and

tail-wing. A rendering of the servo rib can be seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Rendering of main-wing servo rib

Since the ribs also require a vertical structure to enable their

spacing and generate a vertical load bearing element of the

wing, a series of vertical spacing elements were designed that

fit in between each rib. These elements that run from the

bottom to the top of the wing resemble spar elements that are

typically found in airplane wings. A section of the spar can be

seen in the Figure 10.

Figure 10: Rendering of typical spar element

The spar elements are paired with spar caps that are essentially

long solid wood pieces running the length of the wing. Since

the spars are bonded to the spar cap the design is better able to

distribute vertical and bending loads throughout the main-

wing frame and out to the ribs.

These two elements pieced together constitute a large portion

of the main-wing frame. The full wing can be seen in the

figure below. The addition of nose stringers that run up the

front of the wing along with two tail slats that support the rear

enable the structure to resist diagonal collapse of the structure

that one might imagine would force the rectangular shape into

more of a trapezoidal shape.

Since the bending load that the main-wing experiences is

transferred through the spar and spar-cap the wing-sail, unlike

a conventional sail, does not require a mast that runs the

length of the sail. So instead of a full length mast a stub-mast

was designed to couple the boat hull to the main wing. The

stub-mast was designed to be secured to the hull of the boat

while the wing-sail sits atop of it and left to spin freely. The

free rotation of the main-wing is facilitated by the placing of a

thrust bearing at the top of the stub-mast that interfaces to a

bearing race mounted to a rib of the main wing. Similarly a

needle bearing mounted to a lower rib resists the side loading

of the main-wing.

Figure 11: Rendering of complete wing

The tail-wing, unlike the main-wing, was designed to have a

solid foam core, so as to remain light and maintain a lower

inertial moment of the total wing, corresponding to a faster

response time.

The tail-wing was designed to rotate between two mounts that

are affixed to the main-wing via aluminum tubes. This

structure comprises a frame that allows the main-wing to be

actuated by the moment generated by the lift of the tail-wing.

The tubing was chosen to be aluminum for its weight, stiffness

and cost. A more costly but stronger and stiffer solution would

be to use carbon fiber tubing for the frame. The frame is

secured to the main-wing with mounts bolted to respective

ribs. To support the extra weight of the tail-wing and frame, a

450 bracing was designed to run from the spars to the tails of

the frame supporting ribs, preventing sagging of the rib tails

and frame tubing due to the weight of the tail wing.

Because the Smart Wing system requires signals and power to

be transferred from wing to vessel a slip ring mechanism was

added to the design. The slip ring permits up to 12 signals or

separate power lines to run from the vessel to the wing while

still allowing the wing to rotate freely about the stub mast. A

figure depicting the coupling of the slip ring, main-wing, and

stub-mast, can be seen in Figure 12.


Figure 12: Slip ring from main wing to stub-mast

Finally the need to measure an absolute angular position of the

main-wing to hull angle required the design of a rotational hull

effect position sensor that is coupled to the stationary stub-

mast via a one to one gearing. The gears were designed with a

relatively small gear tooth to improve the surface area contact

between the two gears. The gears can be seen in Figure 13.

Figure 13: One to one gearing ratio for hull effect

rotational sensor

2) Electrical


The actuators for the wingsail were chosen based on several

requirements. It needs to be reliable, as energy efficient as

possible to decrease battery consumption, and powerful

enough to overcome wind resistance when moving the control

surfaces. The selection of the actuators involved a choice

between DC motors or RC servos, as well as the method of

actuation associated with each. A comparison between the two

actuators and their actuation methods was made. Our options

include using screw thread and lead screw to create a linear

actuator with a DC motor, or use a RC servo with push-pull

control rods to actuate the flaps and tail wing.

The DC motor linear actuator has the advantage of higher

torque and the lead screw provides resistance to back-driving;

which allows the motor to draw no current until the actuator’s

position needs to be changed. Its disadvantages include having

a significantly higher stall current and increased mechanical

complexity. The screw thread and lead screw might lead to

binding due to unevenly distributed pressure or low tolerances

in installation, making the actuation system less robust. The

DC motor also requires a separate motor driver and additional

feedback control system.

Figure 14: A DC motor with a lead screw

The RC servo with control rods introduces less mechanical

complexity and consequently is more robust. It also draws less

stall current than the DC motor and comes in a smaller form

factor. All servos come in an integrated package with a motor

driver and positional feedback controls, further reducing the

complexity of the system. Some disadvantages of an RC servo

include being susceptible to back driving from the control

surfaces and being significantly more expensive to get torque

comparable to a DC motor. It also has a quiescent current

draw since it can’t be turned off when stationary, unlike the

DC motor linear actuator.

Figure 15: RC servo with control cables

After evaluating both systems, the RC servo with control rods

was chosen to actuate the wing. The control rods were

replaced with steel cables for flexibility and easier routing in

our physical design.


An encoder was needed to determine the position of the wing

relative to the hull of the boat. The biggest issue encountered

when choosing an encoder was finding one with an output

format that would be easily read by our microcontroller. The

absolute encoders we first looked at had the precision we

required but most had grey code as the output where each

individual bit had its own wire, and therefore required up to 8

I/O pins on the microcontroller to use. The ideal input format

for the microcontroller would be an analog voltage value due

to its simplicity and since there were several A/D pins


Figure 16: Absolute encoder with grey code output wires

The choice of requiring an analog output led to researching

rotary potentiometers and Hall effect sensors (Figure 17) to

create a variable voltage that is proportional to the wing to

hull angle. After testing both, the Hall effect sensor was

chosen to be the encoder due to it being more precise and not

having a deadband, unlike the potentiometer. Another reason

was because the Hall effect sensor has an internal voltage

divider as a self contained package that outputs a voltage from

0 to 100% of your input voltage, as opposed to the

potentiometer where we would have to build an external


Figure 17: Hall effect sensor

Two of the most important sensors required on the wingsail

are the wind speed and wind direction sensors. The two types

of sensors are closely related, and are often integrated and sold

as one unit which measures both. The biggest project

requirements for this sensor were price and precision, along

with its output type. Looking at potential wind sensors

involved looking for compromises between all three

categories. The main issue for our project was that the

commercial sensors within our price range did not fit the other

two requirements of precision and output format. Other

sensors had the precision and output format we needed, but

were priced way above our budget. Based on the three

requirements mentioned, the Young 05305 wind sensor we

received from Professor Mantey was almost ideal.

Figure 18: The Young 05305 wind sensor

The Young 05305 (Figure 18) wind speed and direction sensor

was provided free of charge from the engineering department,

which easily satisfies the project requirements regarding price.

According to the data sheet, the wind speed sensor on the unit

is capable of 0.9 mph resolution in wind speeds of up to 112

mph, and the wind direction sensor has a resolution of 5

degrees or below. These specifications are better than any

other sensors within our budget and are more than precise

enough for our purposes. The only part where it does not

completely fit into our requirements is that one of the two

sensor outputs is not something that can be read directly by

the microcontroller. The wind position sensor is essentially a

potentiometer with an internal voltage divider, and can be

used directly by the microcontroller in the same way as the

encoder mentioned earlier. The wind speed sensor output is an

AC sine wave with varying amplitude and frequency

proportional to the wind speed, which will require signal

conditioning before being passed into the microcontroller.

Signal Conditioning

The goal of the signal conditioning circuit was to convert the

AC sine wave coming from the wind speed sensor into

something that is usable by the microcontroller. The best

option would be to convert the AC signal into a DC voltage

which can be fed into the ADC. The options were to convert

the amplitude by rectifying the sinusoidal signal and using

either a low pass filter or envelope detector to convert the

amplitude into a DC voltage, or to take the zero crossings and

convert the frequency information into a proportional DC


One possible method considered for converting the

anemometer output into a signal that could be easily measured

with our micro-controller was to use a zero crossing circuit.

Since the output of the anemometer is a sine wave with

varying amplitude and frequency as a function of wind speed,

it was decided that isolating either the amplitude or frequency

would allow us to more easily condition the measurement for

interpretation in our microcontroller.

Using the zero crossing would allow us to set up an external

interrupt that could measure the time between subsequent zero

crossings, and since the time between zero crossings

corresponds to the period of the anemometer frequency we

would be able to calculate the wind speed.

When designing the zero crossing circuit a comparator was

used to reference when the anemometer output crossed its

reference voltage. However, since the anemometer output is

an AC signal that is produced simply from an AC generator

the zero crossing happens exactly at its reference which in our

case will be the systems common ground. This means

however that the comparator will have to be registering a zero

crossing right at its rail, which makes for a less than ideal

measurement. To remedy this, the anemometer signal was first

sent through a summing amplifier that offset the zero crossing

by 2.5 volts, halfway between our system voltage, and far

from the comparators rails. The offset signal was then passed

through an active filter with a 200 Hz cutoff frequency to roll

off any noise that might cause errant switching of the

comparator. The combined circuit can be seen in Figure 19.

Figure 19: Zero Crossing Circuit

The comparator requires hysteresis in order to avoid switching

due to noise around the zero crossing that our program would

interpret as a false increased frequency and increased wind

speed. A simulation of adequate hysteresis and inadequate

hysteresis was performed and can be found Figure 20.

Figure 20: Adequate and Inadequate Hysteresis

It can be seen that if the hysteresis is designed to be relatively

small we will risk the possibility of having errant switching

and false wind speed measurements. However if the hysteresis

were made to be arbitrarily large the circuit would fail to

register zero crossings at lower wind speeds as they fail to

produce a signal amplitude that is large enough to rise above

the hysteresis band. Through simulation and then

experimentation with the actual circuit, a hysteresis of 1.0mV

was found to produce the most useful measurement.

We decided to go with the frequency to voltage convertor

since the data sheet for the wind sensor gives an equation

relating the frequency of the signal to the wind speed, but

gives nothing for the amplitude. If we were to use amplitude

detection, we would have to experimentally plot and map out

an equation relating the amplitude of the output signal and the

wind speed, which is difficult since we do not have a way of

generating a known speed or a sensor to measure it as we test

using winds outside. The frequency information is also less

susceptible to noise compared to using the amplitude of the


The basic operation behind a frequency to voltage convertor

consists of a comparator and a charge accumulator. The

charge accumulator stores charge at a constant rate until the

comparator detects the voltage has fallen below a certain

threshold and triggers the accumulator. The accumulator then

discharges through a resistor, creating a voltage. The

measured voltage depends on the amount of current

discharged through the resistor, which is proportional to the

frequency at which the voltage drops and triggers the


Power Supply

As seen in the power budget in Figure 21, the stall current for

the 4 servos makes up the majority of the power consumed,

with the power being used by electronics and sensors almost

negligible. The total max current that will be going through

the 5V rail is around 8.4A, so we need to use a power supply

rated for at least that amount.

Component Quantity Current (mA) Voltage (V) Watts 5V Current (A)

1 MCU 1 105 3.3 0.3465 8.38054

2 Flash 1 40 3.3 0.132

3 IMU 1 3.9 3.3 0.01287

4 Compass 1 0.64 3.3 0.002112

5 Pressure sensor 1 1 3.3 0.0033

6 CAN bus 1 70 3.3 0.231

7 FVC circuit 1 40 5 0.2

8 Wind direction sensor 1 50 5 0.25

9 Hall effect sensor 1 70 5 0.35

10 RC servo 4 2000 5 40

Total (W) 41.52778

Figure 21: The Power Budget

The total wattage for the power budget is around 42W.

Dividing that by the 12V battery we plan to use, we get a

current draw of 3.5A per hour. Using a battery life calculator,

a 12V deep cycle battery rated at 90AH (amp hours) is

required for a run time of 12 hours. This is for the maximum

current draw at full stall current on every actuator, which is

unlikely to happen often, so our informal estimation of the

battery life for a 90AH battery is at least twice the calculated


3) Controls

The overarching concept of the control of this system is to

take in the current wind direction and compute an angle of the

tail wing to produce a max possible thrust. Then, based upon

physical and user defined parameters, the max thrust is

limited. The modularity of this system is based in the ability to

internally decipher the physics of the wing system and set a

tail wing position in response to a user request. This

modularity leads to the heart of the automated control aspect

for this project.

In order to design our controller, two main aspects had to be

identified. The first aspect is that the current state of our

system is measured by our sensor array. The wing state

consists of the current wing orientation with respect to the

hull, the measured wind direction and intensity, vessel

attitude, and the current hull speed. The second aspect is that

we must define the natural response, or ‘plant’, of our system,

which is outlined by the wing dynamics previously described.

Bringing together the wing physics and state measurements,

we created a conceptual design of our controller which is

pictured in figure X.

Our concept controller works by first measuring the apparent

wind direction/intensity from the anemometer and vessel

speed from GPS and then computing the correlated flap and

tail wing positions for max possible thrust. These max lift

orientations are then scaled from 0 to 100 percent by the user

input. The output from the desired throttle is then passed

through another limiter, which has an effect determined by

feedback from the IMU. The output from this limiter is fed

into innermost feedback control loop. This loop drives the

servos towards positions expected to cause the wing to orient

to the desired angle. The actual output orientation is measured

by the orientation encoder, which in turn feeds back to the

servo control, causing adjustments to correct for error. This

feedback loop is the heart of our controller.

The output from the main loop effectively goes through

another plant, transforming itself to output lift. The

combination of lift generated and noise in the form of ocean

waves will affect the vessel attitude. The vessel attitude is

measured via the IMU and subsequently the measurement is

fed back to the earlier mentioned IMU driven limiter. This

outer loop is applied for the purpose of preventing the vessel

from capsizing if the lift generated is too extreme for the

current environmental conditions.

C. Build

1) Mechanical

The mechanical nature of the Smart Wing and its organic

shapes required a great deal of construction that ranged from

fine carpentry to mill and lathe work, and even the use of

composites to realize the Smart Wing’s full form.

A great deal of the structure was created from wood, as it met

the requirements for its light weight, ease of forming, strength,

and cost. The Wing’s ribs were constructed using a 0.25” thick

cedar plywood. Using the airfoil sections created in

Solidworks, we were able to cut out accurate airfoil sections

quickly with the laser cutter. The plywood proved easy to cut

with the laser and the resulting airfoil sections created were

found to be sufficiently robust to continue with construction.

The laser cutter can be seen in action in Figure 23 cutting

various ribs.

Figure 23: Laser Cutting the Ribs

Once the ribs were cut they were bonded to the spar and spar

caps through a long and methodical process that restricted us

to bonding one rib at a time and lots of waiting for the glue to

set up. The work bench was used as a level surface that

allowed all of the ribs to be set coincident to one another.

Tyler Peterson can be seen applying his years of fine carpentry

experience in Figure 24.

Once the main-wing skeleton was complete stringers were

added to the nose to reinforce the surface that will experience

a great deal of force. The skeleton can be seen in Figure 25.

Figure 24: Bonding the ribs to the spar caps

Figure 25: The main-wing skeleton

We next began construction on the tail-wing. It was decided to

go with a composite shell over a Styrofoam core, as this would

give us a tail-wing structure that is light, robust, and relatively

cheap. To produce a Styrofoam core in the shape of our airfoil

section a hotwire was constructed that allowed us to use the

airfoil sections as guides for cutting the correct shape. This

method, which is used in industry for many small winged

personal aircraft, was found to be very effective. The hotwire

process can be seen in the Figure 26.

Figure 26: Hotwiring the Styrofoam-core tail-wing

The final core resembled perfectly the required shape and was

ready to receive its composite shell. The core can be seen in

Figure 27.

Figure 27: Styrofoam tail-wing core

Aluminum tubes of 0.25” diameter were installed through the

Styrofoam core to improve stiffness and enable attachment of

a control horn to actuate the tail wing. Marine grade UV

resistant epoxy and fiberglass was then applied in two layers

to the Styrofoam core and allowed to cure to a stiff tough

finish. The final tail-wing can be seen curing in Figure 28.

Figure 28: Tail-wing with fresh epoxy coat ready to cure


The main-wing and tail-wing were then integrated producing

our final structure as seen in Figure 29, standing vertically and

free to rotate about the stub-mast. The Baskin School of

engineering logo was added to the wing in support of our fine


Figure 29: Total Smart Wing structure

2) Electrical


The servos we bought initially were the Towerpro MG995,

which were chosen based on their torque specifications and

their price. They can output up to 11kg/cm of torque, which is

more than enough to actuate the control surfaces we plan to

use. However, upon receiving the servos, it was discovered

that they had bad positional feedback and had problems

centering precisely, which was not mentioned in the


Our solution to that involved ordering two upgraded versions

of the servos to test as potential replacements. One is the

MG996, which has the same specifications as the MG995 but

with an upgraded PCB and IC control system to make it more

accurate. The other is a HobbyKing MI servo with a magnetic

induction sensor instead of a normal potentiometer for even

more accurate control. During testing, both replacement

servos were found to be much more accurate than the MG995.

The three servos are picture in Figure 30.

For now, we have the MG995 servos installed onto the

wingsail for testing and developing the feedback controls.

Since the upgraded servos are the same size, they can be drop

in replacements for the MG995.


The Hall effect encoder arrived and was tested on a

breadboard circuit to work as expected. We had planned to

integrate it into the wingsail mast early on, but the dimensions

of the one to one gearing for the mast and sensor turned out to

be too small, and the first 3D printed versions of the gears did

not fit onto their respective shafts. (Figure 31) The height of

the teeth was also an issue, since they were too short and

experienced slippage at certain points in the rotation of the

mast. Because of these problems, we were unable to integrate

the sensor onto the sail yet, since we are waiting on the 3D

printing of the modified gears.

Figure 30: The 3 servos tested (From Left: HobbyKing MI,

MG996, MG995)

Figure 31: The Hall effect sensor and printed gears

The Young 05305 wind sensor we received was tested using

the oscilloscope and found to be working as expected. The

scope trace from the wind speed sensor portion was shown to

be a sinusoidal signal which increased in both amplitude and

frequency as the speed of the propeller is increased. The wind

direction sensor worked similarly to the Hall effect sensor, in

that a full revolution will swing the voltage from 0 to 100% of

the input voltage and jump back again once the deadband is

crossed. Once the sensor’s functionality was verified, it was

quickly integrated with both the power supply and signal

conditioning circuit as soon as it was completed.

Signal Conditioning

Our design for the frequency to voltage converter is based on

the LM331 Precision Voltage to Frequency Converter chip by

Texas Instruments. The frequency to voltage configuration is

given below, and can be adjusted to work with a 5V power

supply. The circuit’s frequency versus voltage output is

specified to be linear within +/- 0.06% up to 10 kHz, which is

more than enough considering that the highest wind speeds we

expect to encounter would only result in a maximum

frequency of roughly 200 Hz.

Figure 32: The LM331 Frequency to Voltage Circuit

After building the circuit as shown in Figure 32, there was still

no output from it even after amplifying the AC sine signal

from the wind speed sensor. After a long time trying to

troubleshoot it, we realized that the circuit required a square

wave input signal with a high rise time, which wasn’t

explicitly stated anywhere in the datasheet.

To overcome the problem, we had to add a circuit which

converts the amplified sine wave into a square wave. A zero

crossing detector circuit and a non-inverting Schmitt trigger

were considered, and both were built and tested with the FVC.

Upon testing, the non-inverting Schmitt trigger induced a

larger output in the frequency to voltage converter than the

zero crossing detector, indicating it was more sensitive. Given

that the Schmitt trigger was also simpler to build with 1 op

amp versus 3, we decided to use the non-inverting Schmitt

trigger in the frequency to voltage converter circuit.

After the Schmitt trigger and FVC were selected, a non-

inverting amplifier stage was added both before and after the

two circuits to boost input and output. The total number of op

amps in this circuit is 3, so a MCP6004 quad op amp chip was

used in the circuit. A low pass filter was added before the sine

wave input from the sensor to filter out transient noise which

caused errors in our Schmitt trigger output and another LPF

was added before the output of the entire circuit was fed into

the microcontroller’s ADC, to smooth out ripples in the output

voltage. After this was done the entire signal conditioning

circuit was complete. The block diagram of the signal

conditioning circuit is shown in Figure 33 and its wiring

diagram is shown in Figure 34. Figure 35 Depicts the test


Power Supply

For power regulation we bought a 5V, 9A step down power

regulator from Pololu called the D24V90F5(Figure 36). It has

80-95% efficiency and tested to have a ripple voltage of <1

mV, which was eliminated with a 3300 uF bypass capacitor

Figure 33: Signal conditioning block diagram

Figure 34: Signal conditioning wiring diagram

Figure 35: Signal conditioning breadboard circuit


Figure 36: The D24V90F5 regulator

After verifying the functionality of our 5V regulator, it was

integrated with all the circuits, sensors, and actuators

mentioned previously to form our complete functional

electrical system. Figure 37 shows the components of the

integrated system.

Figure 37: Several parts of the integrated system

3) Programming

The programming portion of the project is separated into

two main sections, library modules and system controller.

I. Library Modules

The library modules are a controller clock set module, an

ADC read module, a UART communication module, a servo

control module, a CAN communication module, and an IMU

read module.

Clock Set Module

The clock set module is used to configure our systems

instruction rate. The module configures the PIC33 to use the

AUAV3’s provided external 8 MHz oscillator crystal, up

scaled through an onboard phase locked loop capability, for

setting the system MIPS. The module was written to allow the

system MIPS to be set to 16, 32, or 64. These configurations

give us a wide range of processor speeds while allowing

correlated system adjustments to be done with simple powers

of 2 factors. If necessary for the controller, the system MIPS

can be increased up to 256 MIPS.

ADC Read Module

The ADC read module is used for reading the anemometer

data, measuring current power supply voltage, measuring

system current, measuring digital input reference voltage, and

reading wing orientation encoder voltage. The ADC module is

designed using the Pic33’s 12 bit ADC and DMA peripheral

read capabilities. When engaged, the ADCs are set to a

continuous read mode at a rate of 3.3 KHz. The DMA

operates in PING-PONG mode, constantly transferring each

ADC port’s unsigned 16 bit integer value to corresponding

128 word rolling buffers and a rolling sum. Each buffer is

averaged using an 8 step bit shift to determine the ADC value,

creating a fast moving average filter. The module

configuration combined with AUAV3 onboard low pass

filtering gives an extremely accurate ADC read with virtually

no noise above the level of the 16 mV quantization error.

UART Communication Module

The UART communication module is currently configured to

be used for serial communication with the controller for

debugging and testing purposes. The serial takes advantage of

two 512 byte rolling buffers with tail, head and current

pointers. One buffer is used for transfer and the other for

reception. Functions for printing strings and converting input

strings to decimal values are used for interacting with and

commanding the controller. In future, this module will also be

used to read data from an external GPS, for the purpose of

measuring hull speed.

Servo Control Module

The servo control module is used to output 4 PWM signals for

our servo motor controls. The module uses two timer

interrupts, one to set the PWM signal frequency of 50Hz and

the other to set the duty cycle for each servo command. The

current servo we are using, the TowerPro MG995, has a near

180° rotation range with corresponding duty cycle timing of

ranging from 0.7 to 2.3 ms. The individual duty cycle times

for each servo are cascaded every PWM period, allowing for

multiple servo control using only the 2 timers. Figure 38

graphically depicts how the cascade works.

Figure 38: Multi servo pulse control

The precision of the pulse timer is down to a single µs, which

allows us to precisely control the servo position. The MG995

is not an extremely accurate position tracker, but the fine tune

ability of our control module allows us to slowly adjust the

pulse widths to obtain a desired position. The module has to

ways set the servo pulse width. One accepts the integer value

of pulse length while the other accepts a degree value and

converts the value to approximate pulse width for degree

position. The purpose for the two inputs is to allow us to

punch the servo position to a ball park of the desired

orientation and then precisely increment to get exact position


CAN Communication Module

Currently this module has not been created. This module will

be used eventually as the user interface as is the client

specification. But for progress towards completing the wing

control, the module is not imminently necessary.

IMU Module

Currently, this module is not complete. The MPU 6000 will be

read through SPI and the Magnetometer is read through I2C.

This module will be necessary when the controller design

progresses to level of accounting for attitude of the wing.

II. System Controller

Currently the controller exists only on a conceptual level. The

Controller has yet to be integrated into software.


The currently completed coding modules and current

hardware progress are nearly sufficient to allow us to begin

designing and testing the previously described main inner loop

of our controller. The only additional requirement is to skin

the wing, which will be completed before courses officially

reconvene. The internal control loop should remain nearly

unchanged with or without the incorporation of attitude and

vessel speed measurements. Additionally, testing the inner

loop controller will allow us to experimentally determine the

exact characteristics of the physical system, which is

necessary information for implementing our controller design.

In order to begin designing the entire controller, the GPS and

IMU modules will need to be created, as they are necessary

components of the moving vessel controller design. Once all

necessary coding modules are complete, the project will enter

the main testing and refining stage, which is the major aspect

of the controls development for this project. If we are able to

successfully validate the functionality of our control system

with enough time left on the project, we will attempt to

actually retrofit the wing onto a vessel and put the wing into

actual test application.


The design and development of the Smart Wing has proven to

be a challenge in all of its engineering aspects and a great test

of the years of knowledge and experience that we have

collected in our undergraduate endeavors. We have so far been

able to deconstruct the many aspects of the Smart Wing into

various design challenges and we have attempted to calculate,

estimate, justify, and catalog all of our design choices

throughout the process. So far we have accomplished a great

deal of the mechanical design and construction of the Smart

Wing. Since the beginning we have realized that this project is

very dependent on the functionality and responsiveness of the

wing mechanics and our persistence and meticulousness with

the construction and design of the Smart Wing’s mechanics

and components have allowed us to produce a robust and

responsive mechanical system. In turn the mechanical system

would seem lacking without the great amount of electrical

design we have completed to accompany the wing, its power

supply, and sensing system, which includes robust signal

conditioning circuitry and integration of efficient power

conversion. Finally we have developed over the last quarter the

critical programming modules that we will use to create our

control system and bring the Smart Wing to life. These

challenges have of course caused us to develop and redevelop

designs through a healthy process of failure and redesign that

have honed the current system into a more efficient and robust

creation. We are looking forward to a final quarter which will

hopefully conclude in successful testing of our design on an

actual vessel.


We’d like to thank our senior design advisors, Patrick Mantey,

and Jeff Bertalotto for their insight and guidance throughout

this process. We would like to thank our advising professor

Gabriel Elkaim for the chance to work on developing such an

interesting system. Finally, we would like to thank UC Santa

Cruz, Jack Saskin School of Engineering, and the BELS staff

for providing the facilities and support necessary for this



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