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Modern Science &

Everyday Life

Fall Term 2012-2013

Mission Statement

! Everyday we, as humans, partake in a myriad of activities that, often without realizing it, depend on science. It is through science, and scientific research based on the scientific method, that modern technology has been able to progress to the point that we experience today. The mission of this magazine is to present to the reader with examples of how science has affected technology that is a part of all our lives. Through diagrams, timelines and short articles our aim is to leave the reader with a greater appreciation for science’s role in modern society and culture as well as reenforcing the tenants of scientific research such as use of the scientific method in experimentation.

Samer MosisAhmed Moustafa DarwishEzzat Al KadiAhmed SakrAhmad Gaafar

New Technology in Traffic................................1Science and Medicine.....................................3Communication Technology...........................5Science, Technology and Filmmaking............7Modern Science and Energy...........................9

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Edwin Smith Papyrus 1500 BCE

Did you know that the first written medical document discovered is from Ancient Egypt? The Edwin Smith Papyrus is a medical text written completely in hieroglyphics! It documents the ancient use of the scientific method in surgery- Examination, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment!

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 1676

Through his scientific experimentation with the microscope, observed and documented bacteria and microorganisms for the first time

Face Transplant 2012

This year in Turkey there was the first successful case of a full face transplant. A feet that would have never been reached without scientific advancement.

This timeline shows how far back science and medicine developed together!Discovery of Blood Types

1900Through scientific experimentation based on empirical observation, Karl Landsteiner

discovered the existence of different blood types. Knowledge that is now a cornerstone of medicine.

Artificial Pacemaker 1956

Years of experimentation lead to the invention of the first artificial pacemaker. A device that mechanically regulates the muscles of the heart with electronic pulses.

DNA Profiling 1984

Ever watch CSI? Well those DNA tests they use to catch the criminal are based in Science. Scientist Sir Alec Jeffery revolutionized modern medicine and criminology in one step with his discovery of individual DNA patterns.

Science and Medicine in Everyday Life

! Did you know that every time you go to the doctor you are benefiting from science! Modern medicine is based of off a rich history of scientific development. For example when the doctor takes your blood pressure he uses a sphygmomanometer. Now thats just a big scientific word from blood pressure meter. That meter would have never been invented if it wasn’t for the scientific understanding of the element mercury and, as you guessed, that scientific understanding depends on the scientific process! ! Virtually all your medical treatments find there roots in scientific research. There are many ways that science and medicine affect everyone’s daily life that often go unacknowledged. One of these would be the eradication of certain disease through the use of vaccine. Today deadly diseases such as smallpox and rinderpest are virtually no longer in existence due to vaccines that were created, tested and put into use through the scientific method. Efforts to eradicate deadly disease is an ongoing battle that will continue to affect all of our lives.

Science & Medicine

Medicine is a part of all of our everyday lives but did you know that without Science we would have never even had medicine?

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The scientific method is the basis upon which research science is built. It is through this method that scientists are able to build experiments that are based on recorded observations and previously tested theories. To the left is a diagram explaining the flow of the scientific method.

Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of

knowledge. - Carl Sagan

Science is facts; just as houses are made of stone, so is science made of facts; but a pile of stones is not a house,

and a collection of facts is not necessarily science.

-Jules Henri Poincaré

Science is simply common sense at its best that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic. -Thomas Henry Huxley

In essence, science is a perpetual search for an

intelligent and integrated

comprehension of the world we live in.

-Cornelius Bernardus

Men love to wonder, and !at "

!e seed of scienc#

-Raplh Waldo Emerson

The Scientific Method

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There exist many forms of energy- both renewable as well as non- renewable. This diagram will give you an idea of the amount of each form of energy


A LITTLE HISTORY LESSON: ENERGY!   Before plunging directly into the topic, it is necessary to know the history of energy as observed many years ago. At the beginning, people relied primarily on muscles. Things were used to be transferred from one place to another on their backs or using domesticated animals such as horses, donkeys, camels, and many others. Also farming tools, such as water mills, were used by farmers attaching a cow to a big gear and making it move forward to rotate it and provide the farm with water supply. Simultaneously, water and wind movements were used to force up turbine and make them rotate.The angular motion was used after the development of the crankshaft and

camshaft to development more complicated equipment crucial for industrial use. When the power of steam was discovered by Thomas Savery and Thomas Newcomen, industrial powering method changed to use the steam power as one source to get rid of the less power supplied by water movement. It produces a significantly higher power supply more

than water power, and it, accordingly, came to become more industrially useful. Around the 1800’s, fossil fuels was discovered, especially coal, as steam needed faster heat production for faster production. Since then the combustion idea has been developed further the to point where it has become part of many technologies used daily throughout society.

Energy is an essential aspect of everyone’s daily life. It is hard to consider life without energy because and as claimed by many people, life would not have existed without energy. Energy, in all forms, is also a major aspect of science. Here we will take a look at how energy and science come together to affect our daily lives. ITS TIME TO LEARN!!

Renewable energy does not pose a problem as it can be generated continuously and easily, like electricity. On the other hand, using non-renewable energy, which is most commonly presented as fossil fuels, concerns people due to the fact that it is dwindling. Energy, found inside surfaces of earth is an example of nonrenewable energy facing such a dilemma.

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Some Interesting Facts About Energy!1. An annual $150 can be save in energy through new economic-technological

systems of coolers, like refrigerators, that can turn off and on automatically are used in your absence.

2. 21 cents worth of energy is consumed by computers if they are left “On” for the whole day.

3. Energy used by an air conditioner at 78 degrees fahrenheit can save you from 6 to 18% of the energy used when it as at 72 degrees fahrenheit.

4. The lighting system in your house uses only 10 – 15% of the total energy consumed. The rest simply turns to heat.

5. Using Fluorescent bulbs will save about 75% of the total energy used by incandescent bulbs, Since the normal use of energy in lighting with the incandescent bulb is about 10% of the total energy consumed. Energy consumed will decrease to reach only 2.5%.

6. Using intelligent machines like computers and TV’s in warm places can consume more energy than normal because the uses of cooling systems become urgent.

7. Fuel consumption is directly proportional to the speed of the car. You can drive for a 30% bigger distance when car moves 55 mph instead of driving


  It  is  widely  accept  that  oil  is  the  most  powerful  energy  source  in  use  in  the  20th  century.  It  is  mainly  used  to  move  large  masses  like  car,  vans  and  trucks.  Also,  many  electricity  providers  use  oil  in  the  form  of  fossil  fuels  to  generate  electricity.  However,  the  world  is  facing  a  fossil  fuel  shortage  problem.  Remarkable  efforts  have  been  modified  to  find  new  ways  to  provide  sources  renewable  energy.  Scientists  have  begun  to  use  bio-­‐fuel  from  natural  crops,  like  extracting  ethanol  from  corn  oil.  Another  source  of  natural  energy  is  the  alcohol.  It  is  known  that  alcoholic  solutions  are  highly  combustible.  These  two  materials  solutions  are  increasingly  becoming  more  expensive.  Due  to  this  people  have  begun  to  research  other  energy  sources  to  supply  the  power  needed  for  living.  It  is  here  that  we  see  science  coming  into  modern  day  energy  use.  It  is  through  scientific  research,  that  depends  on  the  scientific  process,  that  new  forms  of  renewable  energy  will  be  discovered  and  made  feasible  for  everyday  mass  use.  

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Barth, Liza. "Tested: Speed vs Fuel Economy." Tested: Speed vs Fuel Economy. Consumer News, 9 Sept. 2009. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

Saavedra, Simon. "CP Tech." Christian Post. CP Tech, 25 Aug. 2011. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

Saylor, April. "" Top Things You Didn't Know About..., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

Williams, James. "History of Energy." History of Energy. The Franklin Instiute, 25 Apr. 2006. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

"The History of the Motion Picture." The History of the Motion Picture. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012

"Avatar." IMDb., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012

Film Technology Summit - Entertainment Industry Events and Conferences - Variety. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

"Treating Traffic: New Technology on the Road." - Road Traffic Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2012.

"Collection Methods." TFA. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2012.

Ross, Aaron, Timeline of Communication technology,, Web, 12/8/2012

Dickinson, David, Science in Communication Technology for development,, Web, Jan 2004, December 2012
