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Unlocking the Potential

Transitions and Partnerships

Kirkintilloch High SchoolOxgang Primary SchoolHillhead Primary School

Harestanes Primary SchoolTwechar Primary School

Gartconner Primary School

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Aims of Transition Project

• To arrive at a shared understanding of the proficiency expected at second level in each language skill.

• To enable young people to achieve these standards through learning experiences which promote the principles of AiFL and CfE

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Principles of Curriculum for Excellence

• Challenge and Enjoyment• Breadth• Progression• Depth• Personalisation and Choice• Coherence• Relevance


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Modern Languages Es and Os

Through learning a new language pupils should:

• Gain a deeper understanding of their first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages


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Modern Languages Es and Os

• Enhance their understanding and enjoyment of other cultures and their own and gain insights into other ways of thinking and other views of the world


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Modern Languages Es and Os

• Develop skills that can be used and enjoyed in work and leisure throughout life


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P7 Skills Outcomes

By the end of Primary 7, the majority of pupils should have learned how to:

• Give a short presentation about themselves

• Take part in simple conversations and transactions

• Understand classroom instructions and personal information


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P7 Skills Outcomes

• Enjoy listening to a story, song or poem

• Read aloud a simple text• Read and understand a short

text• Write a few sentences about

themselves and others


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Objectives of Transition Project

• To revise the current P7 programme of work and develop a coherent curriculum which would be delivered by all the Cluster Primaries

• To develop GLOW as an integral part of this curriculum and establish it as an effective resource

• To enhance our awareness of skills progression within 2nd level


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• To organise an Inter-Schools Cultural Event which would allow visiting pupils to experience aspects of French life and develop a better awareness of Francophone countries


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Working Groups

• Topic Development group

• GLOW group

• Skills assessment group


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Topic Development• Resources

– Glasgow Pack (Level D)– GLOW to become forum for sharing effective supplementary resources

• Timeline established for development of 4 agreed topics

• Core + Extension Vocabulary – powerpoint to be created by KHS and uploaded to GLOW with pronunciation support provided by native speaker


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Topic Development

• Knowledge about Language - through discussion, set of productive grammar rules agreed which will be incorporated into 2 nd level progression grid- powerpoint of agreed grammar rules to be created by KHS and uploaded to GLOW


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Topic Development

• Self-Evaluation Checklists - success criteria established for each topic- assessment outcome established for each topic (pupil-friendly skills assessment criteria will be used to assess progress by teacher/peer)


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P7 French Topic 1 – A Mon Sujet (All about me)Name:…………………………………………………………………………………… Teacher :……………………………………………………………………………..

End-of-Topic checklist Below are the Success Criteria for Topic 1 A Mon Sujet which you have recently finished. Success Criteria tell us what we should be able to do after learning new language items. Read each Success Criterion and decide if you :Green Can do this very wellAmber Need to revise this more to do it wellRed Are experiencing difficulties in understanding/doing this

Traffic-light all the success criteria after giving them careful consideration: I can……  1. Say hello and goodbye

 Any area that you have coloured ‘amber’ or ‘red’ needs to be revised well. Use your Vocabulary list to help you revise. Don’t forget to ask your teacher for help if necessary! - Bonne Chance!!!

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• Glow chat

• Glow meet

• Glow ‘sondage’

• Glow discussion question


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Skills Assessment Group

• Pupil-friendly success criteria

• Skills assessment feedback sheets to support pupil towards establishing ‘next steps’


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Understanding the Standard:I Know I am Writing Well at Second Level if: I can copy, write or change phrases or short sentences to express simple information using familiar/learned language I can write in a suitable format for a variety of purposes. I will use simple and familiar words and phrases and ICT, where appropriate I can plan, revise and change my writing with support. I am aware of how to express and organize ideas. I can experiment with a wider range of nouns, adjectives and verbs using word banks and dictionaries. I am beginning to use link words such as ‘and’ and ‘but’ and to create longer, more complex sentences. I am beginning to use a variety of sentence structures/punctuation to organise and make meaning clear. I am learning how to spell accurately familiar words in French.

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Establishing ‘Next Steps’P7 French Topic 1 – A Mon Sujet (All about me) – Next StepsName:.................................................................................... Teacher: .............................................................................. After studying Topic 1 you have been assessed in the skill of: Listening and Talking with Others Tick the boxes below to show how well you are working at this skill: Skills Development: 2nd Level Beginning  Developing  To improve my Listening and Talking I should:•Revise vocabulary regularly at home - •Make strong word/sound connections – what does a word look like/sound like? - •Become an active listener and learn to recognise key information •Learn to ask questions to keep a conversation going •Learn how to express an opinion and feelings •Ask for help using learned phrases e.g. I don’t understand  Dear Parent/Guardian – Please feel free to comment below regarding your child’s progress in French:



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The aim of Belleville was to bring ‘learning to life’ within the context of an imaginary French town where pupils would visit 5 ‘quartiers’ and expand their linguistic and cultural awareness


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Bienvenue àBelleville!

• 5 Cluster Primaries,145 Primary Pupils + 1 High School

• 5 stations - 15 mins per ‘quartier’

3. Le Centre Sportif4. Le Centre Culturel5. La Médiathèque6. Le Café Belleville7. Le Terrain de Pétanque

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Le Plan de Belleville 2 3

1 4


Le Centre Sportif

Le Centre Culturel

La Médiathèque

Café Belleville

Le Terrain de Pétanque

Le Jardin de la Paix et

de l’Entente Internationale

Les Vestiaires

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Le Centre Sportif

• P.E in French!Using:• Colours• The French Alphabet• Numbers

Support from P.E. Department KHS + S1 helpers


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Le Centre Culturel• Amazing Artwork! (+ quizzes)Provided by:• Gartconner Primary

– French Artists – replicas of famous paintings + profiles of artists

• Hillhead Primary – profiles (in French!) of famous people – from Napolean to Thierry Henry!

• Harestanes Primary – posters of Francophone countries


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La Médiathèque

• A live GLOW chat with French ‘rock star’

• DVD of French Rap – Oxgang Primary

• DVD of French Drama – Twechar Primary


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Café Belleville

• S1 IDL experience• La Bretagne – making a Celtic

Connection!• Breton Cookies

– Les Biscuits Sablés• Une recette française• Pupils used French recipe in

Home Economics to cook biscuits for Café Belleville

• S1 pupils acted as waiters/waitresses


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Le Terrain de Pétanque

• S6 pupils managed the 4 teams

• Encouragement provided by S1 pupils armed with French interjections!



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Des souvenirs d’une journée amusante à

Belleville• La Bretagne quiz sheet

(powerpoint to be uploaded to GLOW)

• Les Sablés recipe – translation by S1 pupil

• Franco-Fax Newsletter – graphics produced by Art teacher incorporating Infos-Incroyables – amazing facts researched by S1 about each of Belleville’s cultural areas

• French Bookmark – each signed by an S1 pupil


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Benefits to the pupil

• Enjoyment• Challenge• Smooth transition• Methodology• Real life context• CfE 4 capacities


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Benefits to the schools

• Professional dialogue• Planning • Transition• Advice and support• Cohesion• Primary/High school



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Next Steps?

• Harness the Enthusiasm• Cultivate the Confidence• Sustain the Success• Reinforce the Relevance of

Modern Languages as an essential Lifeskill for our future Global Citizens


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