Page 1: Modeling of piled foundations : Kriger, G A Soc Petr Engr J, V22, N5, Oct 1982, P775–783


832165 SHORT RIGID PIERS IN CLAYS Vallabhan, C V G; Alikhanlou, F J Geotech Emgng Div ASCE, VI08, ~3T10, Oct

1982, P1255-1272

A simple discrete model is developed to represent the nonlinear behaviour of the soll aroumd a short rigid pier fourzlation, when it is subject- ed to large lateral forces or large overturning moments. The soll resistances include lateral soll resistance, bottmm vertical resistance, bottom frictional resistance, bottom m~ment resistance and frictionel resistance on the sides of the pier. All these soll resistances are modelled using a nonlinear soil spring concept. Comparison of the results using the model with full-scale experimental results shc~ good premising characteristics. Auth.

832166 SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS IN COLD REGIONS: DESIGN McRobe~ts, E C J Geotech Engng Div ASCE, Vl08, ~T10, Oct

1982, P1338-13~9

Design considerations for shallow foumdations in cold regions are reviewed. These include geo- thermal asPects, thaw settlement amd consoli- dation effects, frost heave arzl properties of the frozen groumd (strength-deformation response, creep). 31 refs.


Bielak, J J Geotech Em~mg Div ASCE, VI08, ~I~T9, Sept

1982, Pl167-1171

To estimate the initial settlement of footings st~pported by saturated clay soils, the instant- ameous excess pare presst~e due to application of the load must be evaluated. An explicit formula fc~ this excess pure pressure due %o a uniform load applied over a rectangular area is developed, based on the idealisation of the soil as a porous, saturated, uniform, isotropic a~d elastic half space.


Pise, P J J Geotech EDgng Div ASCE, VI08~ N~Tg~ Sept

1982, PI177-I181

An elastic analysis is carried out for a laterally loaded pile embedded in a two-layer soil s~stem. The quantitative effects of pile flexibility fac- tor, layer thickness ratio and layer coefficient on pile head displacement a~d maximum be~ding mc~ent occurring in a pile are analysed.

832169 MODELING OF PILED FOUNDATIONS Eriger, G A Soc Petr Er~r J, V22, NS, Oct 1982, F775-783

Guidelines f~r constructing linear models of single piles and pile groups for offshore struc- tures are presented. Modelling methods are presented for three types of pile models - mat- rix~ springs, and equivalent. Linear ~ non- linear pile behaviour are discussed.


Ge Xiu-rIm; Feng Ding-xiar~; Yang Jia-ling Rock Mech, VlS, N3, Nov i~2, PI~5-161

A nonlinesr finite element method, inclmdi~g rheolagical anelysis of the creep problem, was used in the deformation analysis of the found- ation pit of a power plant in Chine. The back analysis of this problem showed that relief of the initial stresses in the rock mass due to excavation and the rheological properties of the weak intercalations present amd of the rock mass were the main factors causing isrge defc~m- ations Of the foundation pit. Results from the calculations agreed well with observations.

832171 VELODROME EMERGES FROM FO~ER TIP Arbor, J J Inst Engr Australia, V54, NI8 s 17 Sept 1982,


Construction of the pile fourdations of the Sydney Valodrome, Australia included the use of a new slip-coating process. The piles were coated with a bitumen slip layer to prevent the develolmment of large stresses between the soil amd pile and thus reducing down drag forces.

832172 PILE FOUNDATION FRO~S IN WHITE CHALK Baek-Madsen, C; lagomi, P Proc 10th International Conference on Soil

Mechanics and Fot~dation EDgir~e~ing, Stockholm I 15-19 June 1981, VI, P31-~. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1981

A case study of in situ investigations to deter- mine bearing capacities for pile design for the motc~n~ay link over weathered chalk, com~-~t- ing the islarzls of Zealamd and Falster, Denmark. These included: borehole tests, pressuremeter tests, plate loading tests ani pile loading tests.

832173 ~ CALCULATION BY A NEW STRENGTH THEORY Bobe, R; Pietsch, C Proc 10%h International ComfeTenee on Soil

Mechanics ard Fourdation Engineering, Stockholm, 15-19 June 1981, VI, P53-56. Publ Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1981

A variable d~fcrmation modulus, deperdent on the loading and geometry of the bearing plate is introduced into the settlement calculation for estimating nonlinear plastic settlements. The new fc~,,alae developed connect calculation met- hods for settlement and ultimate bearing cap~- city of rigid shallow foundations. Examples of nonlinear load-settlement phenomena are investigated.

832174 INSULATION FOR FOUNDATIONS AND BURIED SERVICES Chan, H T; Radhakrishna, H S; Mlym, T W Proc lOth Internetional Conference on Soil

Mechanics and FOur~ation Engineering, Stockholm, 15-19 June 1981, VI, P69-75. PUbl Rotterdam: A. A. Balk~, 1981

A field installation and monitorir~ pro~s-,m~e was carried out frem 1975-1980 at Ozf~ario's Bruce nuclear power plant development to study the effectiveness of ground insulation with styrofoam pads ar~ to measure the depth of frost penetration. The experimental results were also compared with theuretlcal results obtained using a two-dimensionel transient heat co~luct- ion finite element computer program. Field data imdicated that the styrofoam was an effective insulating material.
