
Modal Verbs: must/should/have to

I am very hungry.

Use “must” for something you need to do

I must eat something.

I am so thirsty!


I must drink some water!

The windows are very dirty.


We must clean them.

“Must” and “mustn’t” is also used for rules

We must do our homework!

“Must” and “mustn’t” is also used for rules

You mustn’t take photos, please.

Let’s make some rules for the classroom...

“Should” and “shouldn’t” are used for recommendations...

If it’s a good idea, use should!

You should eat a lot of vegetables!


If it’s a bad idea, use shouldn’t!

You shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar!

Mike wants to be strong.


He should go to the gym.

Steve is driving too fast!


He should slow down!

Nate goes to bed at 00:55.


He shouldn’t go to bed so late!

The milk smells very bad.


She shouldn’t drink it.

Let’s practice should and shouldn’t

brush your teeth everyday

Let’s practice should and shouldn’t

study before an exam

Let’s practice should and shouldn’t

steal things

Let’s practice should and shouldn’t

talk while Tony or Alex is talking!

Have to is used for obligations. This means that you do not have a choice.

My grandfather has to take medicine every day.

During the week, I have to wake up at 07:00.

Have to

School starts at 09:00.

Have to

We have to be at school at 09:00.

My car is almost out of petrol!

Have to

I have to go to the petrol station.

If you do have a choice, use don’t have to

I don’t have to wake up early at the weekends!

If you do have a choice, use don’t have to

It’s a warm day. You don’t have to wear a coat.

Confused? Don’t worry...

We have to practise!
