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Mock exam tips

Section B: Postmodernism

Must include…..

• Range of contemporary texts

• 2 media platforms

• 2 theorists

Texts you should know 1) Dove sketches advert (advertising)2) Elnett hairspray (advertising)3) black mirror - 15 million merits (TV drama and online/internet)4) black mirror - be right back (TV drama and online/internet)5) black mirror - the entire history of you (TV drama and online/internet)6) catfish (Reality TV/documentary hybrid)7) X-factor (Reality TV (bricolage)/drama/documentary/game show hybrid)8) big brother, (dead set - optional)........could also do TOWIE/made in chelsea (reality TV)9) some of the films on the handout! (cinema)10) online videos (parodies such as ‘harlem shake’ or any parody (or miley cyrus parody) (online/internet)11) video games such as grand theft auto (optional) (video games)

Red = must know Green = optional

Remember the pomo features

Potential questions1

How/why are pomo texts pomo2

Pros/cons of pomoFor/against pomo

Why are some media products described as ‘postmodern’? (jun 10)

Explain why certain kinds of media can be defined as postmodern. (jan 11)

Define postmodern media with examples. (jan 12)

Provide your definition of postmodern media and support it with examples (jun 13)

Discuss why some people are not convinced by the idea of postmodern media. (jan 11)

How far do you accept the idea of postmodernism? (jun 11)

Assess the arguments for and against postmodernism, in relation to media examples. (jun 12)

Evaluate theories of postmodernism in relation to media. (jan 13)

Revision tip 1

• Write out the texts (bullet points/mind maps etc)

• List how/why pomo (question 1)• List pro’s/con’s / for/against • Relate to 2 theorists

By text example

Black Mirror(15 million merits)



Pro’s / advantages -

Media platforms-online/internet


Baurillard (theory)---

Focault (theory)--

By text example – Black MirrorBLACK MIRROR Dystopia Focault theory Flattening of

affectEp 1 ..…. ..…. ..….

Ep 2 …… ..…. ..….

Ep 3 …… ..…. ..….

Revision tip 2

• Write out the pomo features (bullet points/mind maps etc)

• List how/why pomo (question 1)• List pro’s/con’s / for/against • Relate to 2 theorists

Essay plans1 2


Body paragraph 1:-bullet point-bullet point-bullet point

Body paragraph 2:-bullet point-bullet point-bullet point

Body paragraph 3:-bullet point-bullet point-bullet point


PEAL 1:-P: _______-E: _______-A: _______L: _______

PEAL 2:-P: _______-E: _______-A: _______L: _______

PEAL 3:-P: _______-E: _______-A: _______L: _______

Basic essay structure (question 1)How/why are pomo texts pomo

1Pomo features


Pomo feature 1 – (compare between texts)**PEAL**

Pomo feature 2 – (compare between texts)

Pomo feature 3 – (compare between texts)

Pomo feature 4 – (compare between texts)

*comparison between texts

Text 1– (all features that make it pomo)**PEAL**

Text 2– (all features that make it pomo)

Text 3– (all features that make it pomo)

Text 4– (all features that make it pomo)

*limited comparison

-if why: must give context

-could compare to other media if you want

Basic essay structure (question 2)Pros/cons of pomo / For/against pomo

1Pros then cons


1Pomo features

Pros reason 1 – (compare between texts / features)


Pros reason 2 – (compare between texts/ features)

Pros reason 3 – (compare between texts/ features)

Cons reason 1 – (compare between texts/ features)

Cons reason 2 – (compare between texts/ features)

Cons reason 3 – (compare between texts/ features)

*no comparison of pro/con

Text 1– (comparison of pros/cons & features)**PEAL**

Text 2– (comparison of pros/cons & features)

Text 3– (comparison of pros/cons & features)

Text 4– (comparison of pros/cons & features)

*limited comparison

Pomo feature 1 – (comparison of pros/cons & features)


Pomo feature 2 – (comparison of pros/cons & features)

Pomo feature 3 – (comparison of pros/cons & features)

Pomo feature 4 (comparison of pros/cons & features)

*comparison between texts