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Google Glass: release date, news and features

UPDATEDAre Google's glasses more than just a gimmick?

ByStuart HoughtonNovember 7th 2013

40 COMMENTSDoes Project Glass represent the next big step in mobile communications?

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Google Glass might offer a solution to this problem, giving us a way of using the outboard brain of the internet while still being able to do other things. Glass was created, according to Google, to "be there when you need it and get out of your way when you don't."

The firstGlass unitshave been with early adopters (who had tosign up to a lotteryfor the privilege) since April and Google is using this semi-public testing period to fine tune the device for general consumption, as well as get the world used to the idea of wearables.

Google Glass and its prism display

Google Glass features

Essentially, Google Glass is a wearable Android-powered computer built into spectacle frames so that you can perch a display in your field of vision, film, take pictures, search and translate on the go as well as runspecially-designed apps.

Google Glass uses a miniature display to put data in front (or at least, to the upper right) of your vision courtesy of a prism screen. This is designed to be easily seen without obstructing your view.

Google Glass options

Glass responds to voice commands as well as taps and gestures on the touch-sensitive bar that runs along the side of the frame. You can start a search with "Ok Glass.." and take a photo or launch an app with a command phrase or a tap of your finger. Glass can also be paired with a phone using the My Glass app to allow quick fiddling with settings and customisation.

Google Glass runs a version of Android, so developers can easily create apps that take advantage of its unique display and input methods. Developers using Google's Mirror API, which makes it possible for apps to speak directly with a Glass headset, are forbidden from charging for their software or embedding ads in the Glass display. Google has indicated that this policy may change however.

The earlyGoogle Glass appsprovide a neat glimpse into the potential of the headset.

Google Glass - certainly capturing plenty of attention

You'll be able to use Google Maps to get directions although as there is no built in GPS receiver you'll need to tether Glass to your smartphone. Several third party developers have announced apps for services including Evernote, Skitch and Path.

The New York Times has also demoed an app that will pop up news headlines on request and JetBluehas suggestedthat it could create an app to show how much time was left before you had to board your flight. One developer evencreated an app(since removed by Google) to allow surreptitious taking of photos simply by blinking when you have something good in your sights.

Google has snapped up voice specialistsDNNresearchwhose voice recognition tech could give Glass the ability to translate words being spoken to you into your own language on the display. Obviously you'll need a WiFi connection or a hefty data plan if you're in another country, but it's certainly a neat trick if it works.

Google Glass design

Glass is designed to be lightweight and as unobtrusive as possible. The frame will come with adjustable pads for comfort, and is expected to be both light and extremely robust. It will alsohave a touchpadalong one arm for silent interaction.

If you already wear glasses, don't worry. Google is trialingseveral different designsthat will enable Glass to be attached to existing frames. There is also the possibility of designer prescription glasses with Glass functionality built in.This patentmight give us a glimpse of a future, more natural looking version of Glass.

Google Glass - another reason not to miss your flight

At the moment Google Glass comes in five colours: Charcoal, Tangerine, Shale, Cotton and Sky. Using Glass's translation ability to turn that list from marketing speak to plain English, that's black, orange, grey, white and blue. Consumer versions of the product could offer a different palette.

Google Glass specifications

Current versions of Glass offer a 640 x 360 display.According to Googlethe display is "the equivalent of a 25-inch high definition screen from eight feet away." There is a 5 megapixel camera built-in to the frame that can also capture video at 720p resolution.

The rechargeable battery last for roughly a day, although that's with the standard "typical use" caveat, which probably excludes a lot of video capture or playback.

There's 16GB of flash memory built into the device, although only 12GB is currently available for user storage. The device will sync to your Google Drive, giving you both a place to stash your photos and video clips as well as a stash of documents and files you can call up from the cloud.

Google Glass will come in five colours

Bluetooth and WiFi will be built in, but there is no GPS chip - so the Glass will probably work best alongside an Android phone for full Google Maps functionality. You can however pair with any Bluetooth enabled phone and we would expect some support for iOS at least.

Sound will be produced through bone conduction transfer - vibrating your skull to transmit to your eardrum. Google recently revealed a new version of the Glass headset that can take anoptional mono earbudif you need to wear Glass in a noisy environment where bone conduction just can't give the volume you require.

Tech Radar was able to spend some time with theGoogle Glass Explorer editionand give our verdict on this early model.

Google Glass Controversy

Obviously with any new technology there is the potential for misuse - and Google Glass is perhaps a little problematic when it comes to privacy. Of course, Google would say that it is merely taking the functionality that we already have in our portable devices and making it more readily accessible.

A lot will come down to personal preference. For many, the prospect of being filmed by someone from their glasses will make them uneasy and having conversations logged and transcribed will be divisive.

Googlehas releasedsome information regarding how you know when people are filming through the device, which should quash some people's fears that the device will be used as a perving mechanism. Google also acted to remove an app that allowed photos to be taken silently via blinking, which could potentially have been abused.Facial recognition appswill also be banned from the Glass equivalent of Google Play following privacy concerns.

Google Glass - is it evil?

It's important to note that there may be restrictions on when you use Glass, both legal and social. Indeed, one early adopter has already been arrested for driving while 'distracted' by her Google Glass headset. On the other side of the legal coin, another member of the Google Glass Explorer program became the first Glass user to film an arrest using his headset. Some jurisdictions may frown on this kind of public oversight.

A strip club and a bar havealready earnedcheap publicity by pre-emptively banning Glass, and TechRadar columnist Gary Marshall has had his say onGlass' privacy implications. Gary alsolooked atjust who fears Google Glass and why.

Google Glass Competition

Google Glass - coming to a developer near you (if you live in the US)

Much as with the recent fad for Smart Watches, Google Glass is certain to spawn competitors.AppleandMicrosoftare Google's most obvious rivals - and both are rumoured to be working on their own equivalents. Samsung could be getting in on the act too with whatlooks likea sportier take on the concept.

Sony has gone so far asto patenta Glass-alike offering with a 'double lens' projecting visuals to both eyes.Vuzix,Oakley,BaiduandOculonare also said to be working on rival systems.

There is going to be plenty of competition going forward

Another project that is attracting attention for mixing screens and glasses is theOculus Rift, which is currently very much about gaming, but could feasibly - using a camera - show you live video of reality and enable some awesome real time overlays because it's a complete screen. The sheer size and weight of the Oculus Rift headset as it currently exists means it is unlikely to happen soon, however.

Google Glass price

Google Glass is not yet commercially available but some of those who signed up to the Google Glass Explorer program havebeen able to purchasea developer edition for $1,500 - around 985 or AU$1,449. Such is the buzz behind Google Glass that there is now a black market in Explorer program invites, with a 'Buy It Now' invite going for as much as $2,999.

The consumer versions are expected to be a little cheaper, although any actual prices remain speculative. They are unlikely to be super-cheap - but Google's success with the Nexus 7 tablet may prompt the company to subsidise some of the cost.

Google Glass - robust enough?

Google recently unveiled an accessories store, selling Google Glass add-ons and extras at premium prices. A spare pouch for Glass will set you back $50 and a clear eye shield is on sale for $75.

Google Glass with glasses

Google Glass release date

There was speculation that Glassmay launchearly, before the end of 2013 but no announcement has been forthcoming from Google. Google has however announced that another round of invites will be sent out to those who wish to buy a Google Glass Explorer edition, withexisting usersable to invite up to three friends. Which could mean that the original 2014 launch is more likely. In short, it will soon be easier to get a developer edition, but those wanting a proper consumer model will have to wait until well into 2014.

While waiting for the full release, we had some thoughts about where Google Glass may be headed by the end of the decade. If Google's wearable future comes to pass, just what will the world of techlook like by 2020?

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40 commentsAdd commentmetronomeDecember 10th 2013


Ha could always get these SMART Glasses that dont make you like a Google Cyborg and dont cost that much either :-D

johnphanchaladNovember 30th 2013


The technology and the features of Google glass seems still not yet perfect, despite a lot of news said that this gadget is amazing, but for some people, including me, Google Slass is to complicated to understand. In addition, there are so many obscurity things when it will actually released in general. Thanks, By:

kt_cambrionixNovember 27th 2013


An impressive bit of tech. I'm intrigued as to whether this will go main stream or if it will just be tech keen people that buy them. If you'd like to know about other wearable tech for your head, have a look at my blog:

techboySeptember 24th 2013


Great product. It is gonna be milestone for our life. With the new design, it will be much more attractive also. If you are also interested in glass, take a look at the

telestreamAVSeptember 19th 2013


It will be interesting to see whether people use these to live stream first person POV - I've already read an article about surgeons in India using Google Glass to live stream surgery for medical students to watch, which opens up interesting possibilities for education. As a company that does live streaming ( we're watching the possibilities closely.

zaoudisSeptember 5th 2013


Smartphone users on Google glass

kampmannSeptember 5th 2013


I really want the google glass as soon as possible. When can I order it. On I read that it will be available in Germany in the beginning of 2014?!

twitabiliSeptember 4th 2013


AKILLI GZLKTEN (GOOGLE GLASS PROJECT) NASIL YARARLANIRIZ ?Yaklak 3 yl nce yazdm ( ki ayn gnlerde GOOGLE a da bu yazy gndermitim) Gelecein Gzl projemi Google 4 Nisan 2012 tarihinde yapt ve byk ses getiren bir sunumla 1-2 yl iinde gerekletireceini umduu bir projeye dntrd.Bu gelimeden byk bir gurur duyduumu sylemekte bir saknca grmyorum. Her ne kadar yazmda byle bir teknoloji iin henz erken olduunu , bunun 10 yl iinde gerekleeceini belirtsem de Google sahip olduu olaanst imkanlarla bunu daha yakn bir tarihe ekebilir.Google bile henz byle bir cihazn Dnyay ve insanl ne denli etkileyip, yaammzda nasl bir deiiklik yapacann farknda deil.Onlar sadece u anda kullandmz akll telefonlarn ve tablet bilgisayarlarn elde tanmayp, giyilebilir (wearable) bir cihaza dntn sanyor veya hayal edebiliyorlar fakat Akll Gzlkler bunun ok tesinde, zaman zaman hayat kurtaran, gnlk yaammzda vazgeemeyeceimiz bir cihaza dneceinden habersizler.Bu durum yaammza giren pek ok cihaz iinde balangta byle olmutur. rnein bilgisayarlar ilk kullanlmaya baladnda arkasndan internet geleceini ve yaammz kkten deitireceini hi kimse ngremezdi.Yaadmz bunca deneyimden sonra gelecekte Akll Gzlklerin hangi durumlarda ve nasl kullanlacana dair baz ngrlerde bulunabiliriz.Google yapt sunumlarda Akll Gzln daha ziyade insanlar aras iletiimin ellerimizi kullanmadan, sesli komutlarla salanacan vurgulamtr. Bu sunum yanl deil fakat eksiktir.Akll Gzlk uzmanlardan destek almay ok kolaylatracak bir organizasyonla birlikte kullanldnda ( inter communicationa dntnde) her an, her yerde arkamzda binlerce deiik konuda bir uzmanlar ordusu olacaktr.Kii bana 1000-2000 usd lk yatrmla milyonlarca kii ek gelir salayacaktr.Dnya apnda bir bilgi paylam organizasyonu iinde yer alacak bu uzmanlar kendileri iin zel olarak programlanm bir Akll Gzle ve yine zel olarak programlanm Standart bir bilgisayara sahip olacaklardr. Yaplan btn yatrm bununla snrl olacaktr.Akll Gzlk kullanan bir kii ne zaman zmekte zorland bir sorunla karlasa annda sesli komutlarla destek isteyecek ve annda kendine uzman destei ulaacaktr.imdi bunu bir rnekle aklamaya alalm.Aracnzla yolda giderken bir arza belirdi.Aracnzn servisinden veya o iin uzmanndan yardm talep ettiniz.Uzman size gznzdeki akll gzlk takl iken motor kaputunu amanz ve srasyla btn kablolar yavaa gzden geirmenizi syledi ve bir kablonun yerinden ktn kendi gzlnde veya bilgisayarnda grd. Sizi yerini sesli komutlarla o kabloya yneltti ve o kabloyu yerine takmanz syledi ve sorun zld.O anda sizin gzlnzden sadece siz deil uzman da bakyordu. Yani ayn gzlkten iki kii birden bakyordu.Kald ki durumun ciddiyetine gre daha fazla uzman da ayn gzlkten bakarak birinin grmediini dieri grebilir. Olay birlikte gzlemlemeye balayabilirler.imdi de hayat kurtarmay bir rnekle aklayalm.Ayn zamanda bir gne gzl olan Akll Gzlnzle ormanda trekking yaparken hi ummadnz bir ekilde bir ay ile karlatnz.Aranzda yaklak 100 adm mesafe var.Tehlikedesiniz ama bir uzman yardm alacak kadar zamannz var. ( panie kaplmazsanz) Hemen sesli komutla uzman yardm istersiniz.Bu tr durumlarda srayla ne yaplmas gerektiini iyi bilen bir uzman sizi nce sakinletirecek ve baklarnz evirdiiniz ayy kendi gzlnden veya bilgisayarndan da grecektir.Aynn sizi grp grmediini anlayarak bu olasla gre baz tavsiyelerde bulunacaktr. Byle durumlarda ne yaplacan ben de bilmiyorum ama mutlaka ie yarar bir tavsiyede bulunacaktr.Ya bir aa arkasna saklanmanz ya da aynn o blgeden geip gitmesi iin sessiz kalmanz veya ay sizi fark etti ise yksek sesle bararak ayy korkutmanz elinizdeki sopayla ona tehditkar davranmanz vs nerecektir.Byk bir olaslkla uzmann tavsiyelerinden biri ie yarayacaktr.Bu rnekleri ilanihaye uzatmak mmkndr. Ama biz bu iki rnekle imdilik yetinelim.Akll gzln kullanm bunlarla da snrl kalmayp dallanp budaklanp hayatmzn her alann igal edecektir hatta bir tr bamllk ta yaratacaktr fakat bundan kimse rahatsz olmayacak aksine onun varl ile kendimizi daha gvende hissedip her olumsuz durumla ba edebileceimiz zgvenine sahip olacaz.Bizden uzakta olup ta bizden destek isteyenlere onun gzlerinin grd yerleri grerek destek verebileceiz. Bu imdiye kadar ancak hayal edebildiimiz ancak u gnk teknoloji ile gerekleen olaanst bir yeniliktir.Tm Dnyaya ve insanla yararl olur umarm.Benim de orbada bir tuzum varsa ne mutlu bana. RIFAT KAYIN 15-10-2012

twitabiliSeptember 4th 2013


AKILLI GZLKTEN (GOOGLE GLASS PROJECT) NASIL YARARLANIRIZ ?Yaklak 3 yl nce yazdm ( ki ayn gnlerde GOOGLE a da bu yazy gndermitim) Gelecein Gzl projemi Google 4 Nisan 2012 tarihinde yapt ve byk ses getiren bir sunumla 1-2 yl iinde gerekletireceini umduu bir projeye dntrd.Bu gelimeden byk bir gurur duyduumu sylemekte bir saknca grmyorum. Her ne kadar yazmda byle bir teknoloji iin henz erken olduunu , bunun 10 yl iinde gerekleeceini belirtsem de Google sahip olduu olaanst imkanlarla bunu daha yakn bir tarihe ekebilir.Google bile henz byle bir cihazn Dnyay ve insanl ne denli etkileyip, yaammzda nasl bir deiiklik yapacann farknda deil.Onlar sadece u anda kullandmz akll telefonlarn ve tablet bilgisayarlarn elde tanmayp, giyilebilir (wearable) bir cihaza dntn sanyor veya hayal edebiliyorlar fakat Akll Gzlkler bunun ok tesinde, zaman zaman hayat kurtaran, gnlk yaammzda vazgeemeyeceimiz bir cihaza dneceinden habersizler.Bu durum yaammza giren pek ok cihaz iinde balangta byle olmutur. rnein bilgisayarlar ilk kullanlmaya baladnda arkasndan internet geleceini ve yaammz kkten deitireceini hi kimse ngremezdi.Yaadmz bunca deneyimden sonra gelecekte Akll Gzlklerin hangi durumlarda ve nasl kullanlacana dair baz ngrlerde bulunabiliriz.Google yapt sunumlarda Akll Gzln daha ziyade insanlar aras iletiimin ellerimizi kullanmadan, sesli komutlarla salanacan vurgulamtr. Bu sunum yanl deil fakat eksiktir.Akll Gzlk uzmanlardan destek almay ok kolaylatracak bir organizasyonla birlikte kullanldnda ( inter communicationa dntnde) her an, her yerde arkamzda binlerce deiik konuda bir uzmanlar ordusu olacaktr.Kii bana 1000-2000 usd lk yatrmla milyonlarca kii ek gelir salayacaktr.Dnya apnda bir bilgi paylam organizasyonu iinde yer alacak bu uzmanlar kendileri iin zel olarak programlanm bir Akll Gzle ve yine zel olarak programlanm Standart bir bilgisayara sahip olacaklardr. Yaplan btn yatrm bununla snrl olacaktr.Akll Gzlk kullanan bir kii ne zaman zmekte zorland bir sorunla karlasa annda sesli komutlarla destek isteyecek ve annda kendine uzman destei ulaacaktr.imdi bunu bir rnekle aklamaya alalm.Aracnzla yolda giderken bir arza belirdi.Aracnzn servisinden veya o iin uzmanndan yardm talep ettiniz.Uzman size gznzdeki akll gzlk takl iken motor kaputunu amanz ve srasyla btn kablolar yavaa gzden geirmenizi syledi ve bir kablonun yerinden ktn kendi gzlnde veya bilgisayarnda grd. Sizi yerini sesli komutlarla o kabloya yneltti ve o kabloyu yerine takmanz syledi ve sorun zld.O anda sizin gzlnzden sadece siz deil uzman da bakyordu. Yani ayn gzlkten iki kii birden bakyordu.Kald ki durumun ciddiyetine gre daha fazla uzman da ayn gzlkten bakarak birinin grmediini dieri grebilir. Olay birlikte gzlemlemeye balayabilirler.imdi de hayat kurtarmay bir rnekle aklayalm.Ayn zamanda bir gne gzl olan Akll Gzlnzle ormanda trekking yaparken hi ummadnz bir ekilde bir ay ile karlatnz.Aranzda yaklak 100 adm mesafe var.Tehlikedesiniz ama bir uzman yardm alacak kadar zamannz var. ( panie kaplmazsanz) Hemen sesli komutla uzman yardm istersiniz.Bu tr durumlarda srayla ne yaplmas gerektiini iyi bilen bir uzman sizi nce sakinletirecek ve baklarnz evirdiiniz ayy kendi gzlnden veya bilgisayarndan da grecektir.Aynn sizi grp grmediini anlayarak bu olasla gre baz tavsiyelerde bulunacaktr. Byle durumlarda ne yaplacan ben de bilmiyorum ama mutlaka ie yarar bir tavsiyede bulunacaktr.Ya bir aa arkasna saklanmanz ya da aynn o blgeden geip gitmesi iin sessiz kalmanz veya ay sizi fark etti ise yksek sesle bararak ayy korkutmanz elinizdeki sopayla ona tehditkar davranmanz vs nerecektir.Byk bir olaslkla uzmann tavsiyelerinden biri ie yarayacaktr.Bu rnekleri ilanihaye uzatmak mmkndr. Ama biz bu iki rnekle imdilik yetinelim.Akll gzln kullanm bunlarla da snrl kalmayp dallanp budaklanp hayatmzn her alann igal edecektir hatta bir tr bamllk ta yaratacaktr fakat bundan kimse rahatsz olmayacak aksine onun varl ile kendimizi daha gvende hissedip her olumsuz durumla ba edebileceimiz zgvenine sahip olacaz.Bizden uzakta olup ta bizden destek isteyenlere onun gzlerinin grd yerleri grerek destek verebileceiz. Bu imdiye kadar ancak hayal edebildiimiz ancak u gnk teknoloji ile gerekleen olaanst bir yeniliktir.Tm Dnyaya ve insanla yararl olur umarm.Benim de orbada bir tuzum varsa ne mutlu bana. RIFAT KAYIN 15-10-2012

briankingAugust 20th 2013


Check out the sci-fi thriller eBook: GOOGLE GLASS - Death of the Cell Phone. The novel looks at privacy issues and Google's global domination as well as the Google satellite system. glass #GGthenovel

merrickpAugust 15th 2013


I love the google glass product. The future is here! Google glass would go great with the HOT smar****ch that just came out as well on kickstarter! Im getting both together. check it out if you haven't already:

priyesh152July 31st 2013


is google goggle avalable in the market

gracieopulanzaJuly 30th 2013


Gracie Opulanza who interviews fashion and sports celebrities for would love to be part of trying this out. please contact me

jennyzhclJuly 29th 2013


I'm fascinated by how fast technology is developing these days. I would love to give Google Glass a try, but for now, I can only rely on consumer testimonials. One of the workers at our company is a Google Glass Explorer and he recently posted a review of his experience on our blog. You can check it out here!

autotee101July 22nd 2013


I am blind in my right eye will they have the option of being able to have the heads up display one the left side of the glasses

michael63636June 26th 2013


Dear Sirs & Madames:

What is your estimated cost for2,261,246,735 sq ft [2.2 billion square feet] of glass, regular, lowest cost,in various thicknesses:

1/8 inch1/4 inch3/8inch1/2inch3/4inch

The cut sheet size is yet to be determined, so use that as one of your variables.


Michael Earl [email protected] 82, ALBION CA95410

mrgauravesJune 21st 2013


Great Info . More details on Google Glass here

TechnologyTribuneJune 20th 2013


It's a truly amazing device. World can be a very different place if we see it through Google Glass. I think it can change the we see, communicate with each other.

MrFoolishgamerJune 14th 2013


I can't wait till these come out and I get enough money to buy them, I think this will be fun for when you are cycling/walking down the road or when in a conversation with friends/family and need to quickly and easily Google something :D

henkhostingJune 13th 2013


Great article. More short info on Google Glass can be found here

bartsmitJune 7th 2013


I don't know why everything has to become an instant success. The internet itself wasn't useful to the average consumer until well into the 2000's.

BWilliMay 29th 2013


I quite like the idea of augmented reality. It would make being a police officer easier, you could have it display things you need to consider whenever you attend a crime scene or apprehend a criminal (to make sure you tie up loose ends so the case doesn't get thrown out of court). You could have a camera on the back of your hat, and have the rear facing camera displaying on your augmented reality display, giving you the ability to see what is in front and what is behind you. You could put a wireless camera on your gun or something, so that you can look around corners, ensuring you know what is around it, before you actually go around it.

It could be good for anyone with first aid, you could be out and about and someone collapses, not knowing what to do until the ambulance gets there, you could pull up a first aid app that displays on your augmented reality what you need to do, you could have someone (they normally have two people in an ambulance) displaying on your screen what you need to do, whilst the other person drives.

I am also intrigued about whether subliminal messages work. It is one thing to display advertising, but what if you used the display to flash subliminal messages, so you could learn french on your way to work (I do not know if subliminal messages work or not). I would like to know if your brain can actually act on visual queues from a subliminal message, without you having to consciously know about it, i.e could you use the google glasses to display your cars dashboard, but instead of permanently displaying it, just display it as a subliminal message (so you don't get distracted by stuff being permanently on screen) and would your brain be able to register that there is a subliminal message saying you are driving at 105 k/p/hr, so you react by slowing down. I guess the question would be, can your brain register information without it being consciously known you are registering it. If that worked, I could imagine there would be a lot more uses for augmented reality than just displaying images we consciously are aware of.

Imagine a world where you get a subconscious message from an augmented reality device (like google glasses) and being able to act on it subconsciously using something like, then you could have true hands free everything, you could have the camera on the google glass pickup the view in front as you are driving along, you could have the augmented reality provide subliminal queues to the brain on what is happening, and using the headset, have your brain complete a task, like make the car turn, without you needing to raise a hand, or even visually take note of what is going on around you.

It could be one step closer to having a true surrogate, where you get all the stimulus direct to your brain through subliminal queues, and then control the surrogate directly with your brain, whilst you just lie back on a chair..

william512May 28th 2013


Google Glass is an interesting concept. If it is used properly it will be of great use. In the meanwhile i installed Google Glass on my Galaxy S3.

rnieropMay 22nd 2013


I would love to have a set of these. I have a Brain Injury and this device would help me tremendously in my day to day living. I struggle on a daily basis to do simple tasks because of my memory. Simple task for you are a chore for me. I could only imagine getting relevant data to me then any normal person can recall on the fly. Seeing faces and get a name on the fly? I rather be Google experimental subject then the V.A. who has done nothing for people like me.

CashOnTheNailMay 20th 2013


Would-like-to feed-my HDD movie-collection .iso to 'my-glasses'

runrepMay 16th 2013


Calm down guys ! The privacy issue is easily solved by a pulsing LED while recording....sensitive people will soon tell you to switch off. But these are just like bluetooth headsets.....people WONT where them all day. They will put them on when they are useful and take them off when not.

Dr_WiseAssMay 3rd 2013


I also heard through the grapevime that Google is working on another version of Glass called Google ***. This unit will allow the world to get a bowl-eyed view of the contents that the individual has consumed that day.

Giena09April 29th 2013


What is this world?!?! This is too much! People Won't Move anymore... :( I don't want to live in this world.......Wall-E you are RIGHT! ...

S1myApril 27th 2013


Free brain tumor with every purchase?.

berioApril 19th 2013


I had laser eye surgery, no way I am putting anything else than sunglasses on my nose ;-)

BehavioralInterfaceApril 9th 2013


OK, today G-glasses doesn't really works and it is not aesthetic.The real target is to prepare the next generation of mobile, the wearable human factor computing system, the capacity to operate mobile without hands. is another reason it cannot work (as all others by the way). There is a paradox Google and the others haven't solved yet : if I want to know the behavior without handling, I need to measure the behavior, my relation and my reaction to my environment. I have to interfere with the perception (visual in case of G-glass). But if I interfere I degrade the result of the measure. More I interfere, less the result can be useful.Anyway this is the future : an interface able to measure and interpret our behavior without interfering with perception.The key is a behavioral search engine !Don't dream any more, it works :-)

erikvictoryMarch 25th 2013


Google Glass is functionally superfluous and is aesthetically on par with other recently passe cornball fads such as Vibram fivefingers, bluetooth earpieces, et al. I love that pretty much every tech company has spent the last ten years cribbing Apple's style, yet completely ignore the principle goal that good design is unobtrusive and ideally invisible. Instead of a focus on those elements, Google wants to affix their hokey-*** design across your face like a set of orthodontic headgear on upside-down.

meenaMarch 6th 2013


pls send me how to use camera and how to send messages using google glases and how we use we need our mobile when we use glasses,if so how much distance it can between glasses and mobile and please if possible send me all data and ppt regarding google glasses pls bcoz i have seminar tommorow

digitalgFebruary 17th 2013


no google glasses for me! it reminds me one of sponge bob episodes when plankton took over and gave everyone a bucket to wear on their head (or wall-e)... it's like a spy of you - only you put it on your head with your own will and pay money for it. no thank you

asdfjklFebruary 17th 2013


Anyone remember WALL-E? I see this society headed there!

grgismeFebruary 15th 2013


Advertising is supposedly not planned at all for the device:

IEEE Spectrum: Will Google Glass display advertising?

Babak Parviz: At the moment, there are no plans for advertising on this device.

Romulus1February 15th 2013


If LeVar Burton were to showcase them that would guarantee their success. After that, Big Bang fame.

tecktodayOctober 20th 2012


Awesome inspiration website,you are a source for all the technology issues great rocking.!you can also see this site for a friendly visit

MARTINI3377May 14th 2012


People who get injured walking with this device shouldn't be allowed to own one lol, and they will probably pass a law against driving with this device, although with the integration with google's automated driving car, it won't matter much.

TheStavMay 2nd 2012


A direct connect to the cloud? Isn't 16GB on anyone'sphone enough. A home or business server doesn'tcost a lot to set up.I have privacy concerns about clouds and somemore than others.I like the tech, but it will be a potential lifethreatening distraction for a lot of peoplei.e. driving or just walking.

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