Download pptx - Mobile Devices Step By Step




First at your desktop screen go to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

With Visual Studio open go to visual basic and under that language click Smart Device Under the templates Smart Device Project .

Notice how a phone was created in the smart device template. that will appear if you did it properly .

With the phone created go down the toolbox, and click the Textbox and hold it down and click it in the phone as seen in the picture.

Once you have put the text box in the replica phone go over to Form right click it and go down to View Code

Type in the following code, to present the “Hello World” applicationIt is also the first program that programmers will learn.

Once the code is in there go “Build” and click go figure Build Solution. This will build your programs application.

Once build solution has finished its processing click the F5 button. This will bring up display smart phone. Choose “USA Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone R2 QVGA Emulator.

Hello World

After Waiting a bit it should look something like this obviously on your phone simulator in Visual Studio.

Mobile phone applicationCreated by




