Page 1: Mobile Application Security - Broken Authentication & Management

Mobile Application Security

Security Concerns

Page 2: Mobile Application Security - Broken Authentication & Management


Priaum TalukderProgram: MSCSEID: 1612359050Email: [email protected]://

Course: CSE 597 / Seminar Topics

Course Teacher: Dr. Shazzad HosainNorth South University

Page 3: Mobile Application Security - Broken Authentication & Management

Previous Topic

Top Issues Facing Mobile Devices Top Application Security Risks Injection

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Broken Authentication &

Session Management

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Broken Authentication & Session Management Attack Authentication is the process of verification that an individual. Identification must be unique. To access user need to provide private information along with it.

example: password or secret answer. Session Management is a process by which a server maintains

the state of an entity interacting with it. Broken Authentication and Session Management attacks are

anonymous attacks with the intention to try and retrieve personal information.

Reason: Account credentials and sessions tokens are often not properly protected.

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Broken Authentication & Session Management Risks

Undermine authorization and accountability controls cause privacy violation Identity Theft

Method of attack: use weaknesses in authentication mechanism

Logout Password Management Timeout Remember me Etc.

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Example of AttacksBroken Authentication & Session Management

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Brute Force Attack Session Spotting Attack Replay Attack Session Fixation Attack Session Hijacking Insufficient Session Expiration Attack

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Brute Force AttackBroken Authentication & Session Management

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Brute Force Attack

Automatic process to get access. An attacker configure predetermined values, making requests to a server using

those values, and then analyzing the response. System sends a value and waits for the response, then tries another value, and so

on. Attacker keep trying different values until they get access. It can take one minute, one day, one month or one year and so on.

Easy to gain access which doesn’t decrypt the request. Many systems allow the use of weak passwords

Cycle through a dictionary (word by word). Try commonly use passwords.

Same techniques can use to guess encryption keys as well. To prevent password cracking by using a brute-force-attack one should always use

long and complex passwords.

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Brute Force Attack (cont.)

Brute Force Attacks not only use to get access of passwords. It can use for various stuffs.

Examples: Cracks Offline Software Passwords or License Key Discover Hidden Pages (if page response ok it will reply 200 if not

then response is 404)

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Brute Force Attack (cont.)

Normal Brute Force For one username, Attacker tests many passwords Username = priam Passwords = 1234567, qwertz, asdfgh, abcd, ....

[pet names], [birthdays], [car names], [dictionary]

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Brute Force Attack (cont.)

Reverse Brute Force In Reverse Brute Force Attacks attacker tries one password against

multiple usernames. Think if you know a password but do not have any idea of the usernames.

For one password,Attacker tests many usernames

Efficient if the system has millions of users The chance that many users use the same weak password dramatically

increases. Usernames= Priam, Jane, Eric, Guenter,...

Password = 12345678

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Prevent Brute Force Attacks

Account Lock Use Captcha Use Authentication (oAuth or oAuth2) OpenId

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Session Spotting Attack

Broken Authentication & Session Management

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Session Spotting Attack

Attacker has possibility to listen to the traffic via IP level (sniffer) Client connects to the HTTP server

Visits a page containing a login form (url is HTTPS) Receives a cookie containing his session ID Sends his credentials encrypted (HTTPS)

Attacker receives following information Session ID Sees that the user has sent his credentials (using an encrypted connection

to the server) Attacker can use the cookie to be recognized as the legitimate user!

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Replay AttackBroken Authentication & Session Management

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Replay Attack

A replay attack is a form of network attack in which a valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently repeated or delayed.

Example: The Victim wants to log on a web site. Victim sends username and password.

Web Site verifies the couple. If an attacker can listen to the information transferred Sniffer (unencrypted) / Trojan (encrypted).He can log-in the system using Username and Password.

Another Example: Alice wants to prove her identity to Bob. Bob requests her password as proof of

identity, which Alice dutifully; meanwhile, Eve is sniffing on the conversation and keeps the password. After the interchange is over, Eve (posing as Alice) connects to Bob; when asked for a proof of identity, Eve sends Alice's password read from the last session which Bob accepts, thus granting Eve access.

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Prevent Replay Attack

Two factor authentication device can fix it. Brac Bank Hardware Token login system

User receives a 2FA Device from bank. when the user wants to log in, he first need to be recognized by the 2FA Device. Types a PIN on the 2FA Device. User receives a OTP (One Time Password) sent by 2FA Device. The 2FA computes a response (OTP) (can be used only one time) The user types the response of the system on the screen User is logged in!

No replay Attack is possible here, since the information transferring on the network is only usable once.

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Session Fixation Attack

Broken Authentication & Session Management

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Session Fixation Attack

Session fixation attacks attempts a system which allows one person to fixate (find or set) another person's session identifier.

Most session fixation attacks are web based, and most rely on session identifiers being accepted from URLs (query string) or POST data.

Attacker use some common technique for Session Fixation URL Parameter Hidden Form Field Cookie

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Session Fixation Attack Example

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Session Fixation Example

Attacker creates a session on a web server Sends a Request, Get a Response containing a cookie

(SESSION ID=1234abcd5678) Attacker needs to maintain this session alive (send requests

regularly) Attacker sends this Session ID to the victim

Can be included in a phishing. He sends an email containing the reference to the following

URL : Can be just a reference to an image on the targeted site:

<img src="">

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Prevent Session Fixation

Do not accept session identifiers from GET / POST variables Identity confirmation Regenerate Session ID on each request Timeout IDs

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Session HijackingBroken Authentication & Session Management

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Session Hijacking

The Session Hijacking attack consists of the exploitation of the web session control mechanism, which is normally managed for a session token.

Because http communication uses many different TCP connections, the web server needs a method to recognize every user’s connections.

The most useful method depends on a token that the Web Server sends to the client browser after a successful client authentication.

A session token is normally composed of a string of variable width and it could be used in different ways, like

in the URL in the header of the http requisition as a cookie in other parts of the header of the http request or yet in the body of the http requisition.

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Session Hijacking (cont.)

The session token could be compromised in different ways, the most common are:

Predictable session token Session Sniffing Client-side attacks (XSS, malicious JavaScript Codes, Trojans, etc)

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Session Hijacking (cont.)Sniffing

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Session Hijacking (cont.)Cross Site Script Attack (Code Injection)

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Session Hijacking (cont.)

Many web sites generate session ID with proprietary algorithms Increment static numbers Can be more complicated (factoring in time and other computer specific

variables) Session ID is sent to the client

An attack can be: Attacker connects to the web site and gets a session ID Attacker calculates or Brute Forces the next session ID Attacker switches the value of the cookie and assumes the identity of the

next user!

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Insufficient Session Expiration Attack

Broken Authentication & Session Management

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Insufficient Session Expiration

Insufficient Session Expiration occurs when a web application permits an attacker to reuse old session credentials or session IDs for authorization.

Session expiration is comprised of two timeout types: inactivity and absolute. An absolute timeout is defined by the total amount of time a session can

be valid without re-authentication. An inactivity timeout is the amount of idle time allowed before the session

is invalid. Suppose logout function sends the victim to site’s home-page without

deleting the session Or more likely, that the user just closed the window without logging-out.

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PreventionBroken Authentication & Session Management

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Prevention: General Guidelines

User Id or name must be unique. Email address can be use as user id. Password Complexity. Password Topologies: ban commonly used, force different passwords, or

require user to change their password in a require period. Authentication relies on secure communication and credential storage. Try to

use SSL (Security Socket Layers) – https for such type authentication otherwise listening to credentials are possible.

All credentials should be stored in hashed or encrypted form Attack on the database or file system should not compromise credentials password should systematically be hashed Private keys should never be stored clear text

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Prevention: General Guidelines (cont.) Don’t use Self-made session or SSO systems. Try to avoid remember me option where possible. Try to avoid using single sign-ons like One click login. Start login process from an encrypted page. Take care of logout process. Make sure all sessions are closed as soon as

user logged out from your application. Use One Time Password or 2 Factor Authentication before accessing

sensible data. Use timeout for handling sessions. Select time duration as less as possible. Be careful with phishing emails. Use Strong Captcha on application and many more.

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Reference OSWAP – Mobile Security Top 10 OSWAP – Mobile Security Checklist OWASP - Authentication and Session Management OWASP - Authentication and Session Management (What is and How to) Hackingloops – Authentication and Session Management Brac Bank Hardware Token Manual Brute Force Attacks - tools for brute force

attacks/ Brute Force Attacks – Wikipedia Sitepoint – Replay Attacks by (Ben Dickson ( Preventive Measures for Securing Web Applications using Broken Authentication and

Session Management Attacks: a Study by Bharti Nagpal Session Fixation Vulnerability in Web-based Applications by acros

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Thank you! Broken Authentication & Session Management
