
Hidden Treasure

1924 year

XVI lecture from the youth class

3rd November, 1944, Friday, 5:00 H a.m., Sunset Sofia

The Lords Prayer.

Life is beautiful.

Who of you reads best? Who reads most distinctly to read lecture The achievable and unachievable from Path in life.

(A brother read the lecture.)

Have you solved this task the achievable and the unachievable? If you multiply something by one, what will you achieve? You must understand what is meant by the word achievable and unachievable. One of the words is negative unachievable, or limited and unlimited, boundary and boundless. The achievable is boundary, the unachievable is boundless. If by the word achievable you understand that it is real, it is limited, it is little. You have a limited loaf of bread, you eat it, and it is finished. The job with the bread is done for one day. You have thousands loaves of bread, for how many days will you have them? How many years will thousand levs take you? So when the achievable things finish they cause suffering. When money is over it causes suffering. When you have money and it does not finish, you are happy. The river that runs away and turns into vapour causes suffering. The one that does not evaporate and does not dry out, you can always count o it. This is the inner sense. The achievable is limited; it is achievable for a certain moment. You solve just one task. There is not only one task in the world. There is any number of tasks. The sense of life is in all tasks. For example, lets take the contemporary man. If we consider the contemporary man on earth only physically, it is one third of reality; if we consider him from spiritual point of view, it is two-thirds of reality; if we consider him from mental point of view, it is three thirds of reality. Three thirds is already one whole. Everything that is one whole has processes. The whole things show and grow. When you divide a seed it does not grow out. When you sow it whole, it grows up. The whole things grow and develop. What grows, always grows. For example, there may be an old apple tree; it dries up. Since it has dried up, there are a number of other sown little seeds. The life of a tree constantly passes from one form into another. This is not for the ordinary life. This teaching about reality is not for the ordinary life. You plough in the filed and you would say, This is not teaching, I do not need it to plough. You will plough to get in. where do you have to get in? From the real into the unreal. When you finish the field you say, I have finished ploughing. But you have not done the sowing. You have finished this process on earth. Now you remain in the spiritual world to plough. When you finish ploughing there, you will go into the mental world to plough there. After the ploughing there will be sowing. The contemporary people think that the real is something, you do it and it is real. It is relatively real. What constantly changes, it is relatively real. Or lets make a new interpretation. Some people replace the integer with a fraction. If you want the whole thing to appear, to replace a whole number with a fraction, it is impossible. If you cut one leg and you keep it, what will be the use of this leg? You keep this leg as a saint. If there was only one saint in the world, but there are thousands of saints. Does this saint have only one leg? Lets say, how many hairs has the Providence put on the head of the man. Some have 150 thousand, some 200 thousand, some 250 thousand, others have three hundred thousand, but they are few. Do you know what role does each hair play in the physical world? These are antennas. The hairs that are down at the ears are antennas for destruction. When you receive you settle down belligerently to fight. These cells of imagination give rein [urge, impulse]. Someone says, He is a clever man. All powers reflect on him. Or these hairs that are on the center of love to God, they are antennas. There are antennas everywhere; the head is full of antennas. When your antennas fall off, what happens? You cannot receive the impressions from the outer world. You say, I cannot think anymore. Not that you cannot think, but there are no antennas, you cannot receive impressions from outside. First, why do the hairs fall off? Because of discontent. You say, God, why have you made them, I am sick and tired of combing this hair. The lice hide in the hair, can I have no hair, the lice have eaten me up. Today you are discontent, tomorrow you are discontent, your hair falls off, there are no connections. You must have a very good comb. What is the comb? It is a science. The hairs must be parallel; the antennas must not be intertwined. When the hairs are intertwined, the things do not go right. Sometimes when you comb you are angry that you have dawn a hair; you take it and throw it on the ground. Do you know how much is an antenna on the head of a man? Ten million English pounds. 250 thousand hairs at ten millions each, and you sit and say, I am a very poor man. We are people who walk on the surface of the earth, we have all wealth stored and we say, We are very poor people, we will starve to death.

There must be new understanding. When you get discouraged, take your hair. Sometimes people take their heads. Someone, without knowing, puts his hands on his head, holds his head with both hands. He says, Wealth is in the head. Take the sun, in what way does the sun dye? If you diffract [dissolve] the light, there are the colours; remove the prism and there is no colour [dye]. Take the birds, how have they learned to colour their feathers? By wearing the clothes, they constantly dye them. We first dye the clothes and just then put them on. These animals wear their clothes and by wearing them, they dye them very beautifully. The law is as follows: when there is a thought in your mind, leave it to explain itself alone, do not want to turn it, to study it. The thought must talk to you. Until you do not listen to it talk to you, it will remain not understood for you. It is you that consider thoughts unreal things, you say, A fantasy. First, there are many saints, who have become saints from sinners. How did they become saints? They were sinners, they were in the world of sin. Then they said that the sin was not real. You live like a soldier, to fight. You fight this one, you fight that one. One day you become convinced that fighting is not the right way. You start believing. What do you believe in? You start rejecting the war. Has the war finished? If you take a sheet of paper and you write down some poems, if you print these poems and give them to the people; or sometimes you, like some grocer, make a bag and put inside ten lumps of sugar and give the paper somebody. What is the value of this paper with the ten lumps of sugar? I have often found sheets of paper on the ground, the sugar eaten up and the paper thrown down. Many times I have found a sheet of paper with poems, it stays in my pockets, carrying for years. One would take it out, read it, then put it again in the pocket. There is no sugar, there is nothing. The other paper with the sugar, the sugar is eaten up, the paper is worth nothing; the other paper has no sugar, but it is valuable. The sweetness comes from the unreal world. By the word unreal we understand the unlimited world, a world of all opportunities not yet manifested. Lets say, you think if it is possible that one day the people become perfect. Is it possible that one day the people will not fight? It is possible. The war will be changed with something better. The war is a very simple thing. I have watched the children; when they cannot open an object, they take it and hit it on the ground. They cannot open a bottle; they break it and it spills on the ground. We, the contemporary people very often break. You get angry and you break friendly relations. You say, He has insulted me. What is the insult in? If you believe that the lake that is 40 kilometers wide and the same size long, and someone has come and taken a cup of water from this lake, do you have to get angry? Your contemporary anger resembles these people with the rich lakes. Asking how without my permission he has taken a cup of water from the lake. He must ask. When this water goes in the lake does it ask you whether to go in? You say, He should have asked me. The water has not in the least have asked you. It has gone in without having asked you. You say that the man should have asked you when he took the water. The water had gone in without asking you, he dipped up a cup of the water that had not asked you. If he takes a cup of water put in a bottle, then you should ask. The water that has not asked you and has gone in the lake and the man has taken some, he has no right to ask. It is not your business.

You all suffer from pains. You take water from somewhere, and you are asked who had let you do it. Why havent you asked me? If we have to ask everywhere, what would happen? Somewhere there is no need to ask. When a man starts to the other world does he ask his relatives? When they start to the other world, are they asked? They dont ask anybody. A student has left the university. When you finish school, you leave it. If he has left the school before graduating, then asking is necessary. Why did you leave it? Because he cannot study. A student who stops studying, is he a student? At the moment you stop studying, you are not a student anymore. When you start studying, you are a student. Because you are not always students.

I will tell you a joke. A 90-year old man in Europe has studied at university for 70 years; at 90 he graduated university and went to the other world. Why had he studied for 70 years? This shows great perseverance. For 70 years he has shown great perseverance. The young people mocked at this old man, saying, When will you finish? He answered, There is time. Now I am asking about this old man who has studied for 70 years and for graduating university it takes four years, how many batches of graduates will he have? About 18 graduates. This old man realized his mistake that when he studied on earth he has left the school many times, and now he says, I will finish this. How many years has he studied? For 70 years he has done his duty and said to himself, I have to end this up. These seventy years have been missed. When he graduated, he was taken to the invisible world. When he goes, he can come back from the invisible world. If he were not 70, he would not be taken. Now we have to do something on the earth. Acquiring a virtue is not an easy job. You talk about justice. What is justice? You perceive by intuition, you do not have to learn justice, you are born with it, you understand justice. Justice is what you understand. No one can teach you. What is taught is not justice. It can be something else, it can be honesty. Every person has his own understanding of justice. It is manifested internally. You have it as a given feature in you. Love falls under the same law. It is not something that can be learnt. You will learn the manifestations of love, but you will not learn the nature of love. It manifests alone. If you want to explain it in a scientific way, your mind will immediately be troubled [clouded]. When you study unreal things your mind is troubled [affected]. You ask what love is. It is mental derangement. You can never know what love is. Nobody knows what love is as a whole. As manifestation yes, they know what it is. What makes the bird feed its children with no money; what makes the mother work without money, what makes them do all the things and to feel pleasure in doing them, this is love. This is the rule: First the possible, then the impossible. First the achievable, then the unachievable. First the real, then the unreal. Not first the unreal, then the real. First must be the achievable, then the unachievable. This is how you have to think. The unreachable world and the unreal world are a very broad area in which the human mind works. The real is the known, the known world that becomes a criterion for the unknown.

I will read to you page 201 from Path to Life. /He read it/

Who does more work, the one who goes out or the one who goes in? The seed that falls in the ground does a great job. The seed that grows out does more work. So you cannot go out from where you have not gone in. And yet another conclusion: you cannot go in where they do not love you. You cannot go out from where they do not want you. When some people do not want you, why dont they want you? They give you the freedom to go out from the house. When they dont want you in prison, you will go out. When they want you, you will be limited. They tell you to leave. Where is the bad that you have to leave? You have to leave, to go in the house. In winter there is snow, you can stay outside, you will be frozen. So, in the bad conditions, come inside, in the good conditions, go outside. At the bad conditions you will go in prison, at the good conditions you will go out of prison. These are interpretations.

Someone says, I suffer much Suffering is in place. In the contemporary world first you worry about a nice book; you have no money to buy it. Then you have to learn what is in the book. Then you have to tell what it is inside. If you cannot remember what you have read, the other people will consider you ignorant, that you do not know how to read. Sometimes animals are considered to be stupid. The bear feeds well in autumn, so that when she hibernates in winter to eat from the reserve. She prepares food in order to spend several months in hibernation. Sometimes you become emaciated like the bear. You have spent the time in hibernation and you have eaten all reserves. In spring you will go out to have some food, to get fat again. The hibernation period will come again. It can come many times. I say that sufferings will stop only in this way. When will the sufferings of the student be over? The teacher in music chides his student, he scolds him; when the student learns to play, and the teacher does not scold him any more. When we learn to sing well in life, sufferings will stop. Now we complain, but we do not play. What are sufferings? Not understanding the harmony of life. We, the contemporary people have the habit to put the gramophone record, to wind the gramophone up and it starts playing. The record is playing for itself. You must play like the record. Where will you put the gramophone needle on the man? The record has learnt from the man. This needle is put perpendicularly, when it hits down, it talks. The needle of a man, when he talks is put horizontally. The human tongue is a needle. When this needle move, it forms all the words. The man speaks by a needle. You have to know how to wind up. The man is a record to wind it up.

The language must be educated [taught]. Very often the records that talk do not have good needles and they rub off. The tongue also must be educated. Education is nothing else, but refining the tongue so that it can communicate very well, to transmit the tones of nature, musically. How many melodies do you have in the repertoire of your speech; with how many records do you operate? Some of you have two, three records; they talk with them in a very ordinary way. Some have 4-5 thousand records. When you put one record, not to use it again. To have three-four thousand records is wealth.

For example, the earth can do just one favour; for one year it can go round the sun. If the sun did not move we would be discontented. The sun will make a trip, the earth will make a trip around the sun. The sun makes a trip for two hundred millions of years. To make one trip the sun needs two hundred millions of years; the earth needs one year. You cannot enter the trip of the sun if you have not been in the trip of the earth before. Every year when the earth goes around the sun, you are in an area, there is diversity. You never pass twice through one and the same place. In the whole space there is diversity and it is full of opportunities. There is wealth. When the earth passes, when the sun passes, the man draws from the wealth of nature.

The conclusion is: In suffering you will achieve something. In all contradiction in your life, whatever they are, there is wealth. If you look at them, you will make use of them.

Sing a song (I can achieve.)

Only the light path of Wisdom leads to the Truth. Life is hidden in Truth.

