Page 1: MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS - · PAG.Il TWO MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Pul E. Brooka__ Edi!Gr IMtar Gene XcKinnl dvertl.allw 1-Bevel CimllatiOII PubUAhed ev.ry Saturday by the RICo


FREE PRESS "The Truth Sholl Male Y.ou Free"

~olu111e One - Number Three • JKk~n. l\ll!tlili!lilppl - Saturcllly, December 30, 1961 10 Oeate

Vicksburg Steps Up PoD Tax CaRI,aign Negro~ Is Vidim Of Police Brutality_

Vkbburl The Warm~

CounQr Improvt.nent 11 1La NAACP Re 1y TO enrr,etlcally dareotlna a county· IRe P Wiele poll·IU•poyinl OOJ'!I)ellft. ~e drive wu launtlutd at a ·HHI l-.J Neblett i)leclal maUna. held at t he lUlU 3aekton Str"t Branch YMCA, Bor JIEI)QAJl W. ZVKIII

' the nlcbt of December 7, which waa prealded ov..- by Aellnr ~dent J, M. R'outlon. Tbe -In( waa heavily attended tor patton of local ehurohes, -kllnr ott!~ of fl'aternal

-wtlet, totlal and dv!e eluba. ....s ~ from varlou• wttnr ~ A PI'Ofi'IM d..trnecl te ...,.,_ ritlunt to pay thalr .,.n - durin~ n.-ber and 1--, - !eftnl

·-.a~t~Ht to wort< on vllrloua .,._ of the pro(J'Aift -- ..,.. .......... ~ftltr ..,...,. .. rn,

the profnlm have alreacly been ~ throutl\ the local news­,._.. racllo, chu"'ba, hand· Will and pott4'tl In public pl--. .......... lndltate that eontl4er­eble pro,.... 11 balnJ made. A lftiVP of hllh ,.hoot tludanto

'II tormln~ to lnnuonoe parent. to reapond to the movem..,t,

On a M<>onl local T. V. pro· &ram teaturlnl! Bob Nebltrt and lajer a n t WIJ>Ipor article attrl· bul"d to Charter M. Hilla, much I& made, ot a statomen t to the erfeot thai the NAACP end COl\& have not alded the vlctims of Hindt and naa•lrla• J Countlet. Wen. IJ>Oilrlnf o!fl<lal· ly for the N AA!:.P. we are not an orpnlutlon that rtoelvea Sla~ Tllx Fundi like thM Na· tional Guard, H\lbwoy Patrel, Civil Def~ etc. - aa t~ these two cenUemen illd not know, however. lOr tlarlher elariflealion the NAACP's (ram is ( t ired to tOITIP!tte. (~all oomplete dUIN<!IIon . e.Hminatlon or Whit eve.- word I• oppre~rltte, o! te~tecatlon and dl~erimlnatlon a 1 a In 1 · American Citizens and apeeltl· eally aralntt 'Nerroe• In the Stole of Mlos~olppl.

'!'be PftsldanUal Order to ond ndal and rell(loua dlscrtminl· t1oa In ,....._ .financed hon+r hat IPD&"Dt17 been poolpooecl until the lN2 Con· sr-Jonal -ion and poaiibly Willi after the hl(h administn· lion aaouroea roport. nox1 No­'""'ber. The promlled order would problblt such dll<rlmlna· lion In oellnr hou- flnanoecl w.llll ,covemment Insured or l\llfantted Josn money located In t..Jually buiU urban .....,..,.._ .aJ proJeeta, or built w!UI dl~ ,,...nnmmt loaN.

We aro in sympathy with the unfortunate llood victim• and many membert of the NAACP bavt madr- mnnJncfut f"'nU1bu· tiOtU to thete lndlvltlua: •. how• •ver. onT PM.J IJ ••Ju~llce and Equality" and we •11•11 r.ot be d..tou.ed by d btcmad '""'" Thlt we hOJ>e I• dnr to Mr HIU. Mr. Nebt .. u ancl any othrrw who lllinlr as they do.



OJ»ervora reel that the order hM been dela)'ed primarily to avoid antaronlzlnr Southem

----Democl1ll-. whOICl vot.. the President will hove to have to secure pusag., of hi• prorrom

Tylertown Policeman Beat Negro in Ule next -lon o! em.-.. On Satwday, Deotmber 23, I! 1 .. ued before the electlon, ·the 1081, baac N. JonCII, Jr., homo order tould ttUeet election out · lor Chrf•tma• vacation. w .. c:om<s In the South, AIBO It IJI •aid tbat the Pretldtnt hao not pu•ln~ throu•h • )>ark •tree!

normally ui!Cd by N•III'O<'" In yet detlded whtther the Tylel'lown. Mill"' The rollowlna ohould abo ban dllulmlnatlon i• an actual account of what in makin, home loaM fede-raJiv ro•ulated blnkl, Sa·vlnasl hoppened that day a• rtlolrd to

' ~ the MISSISSI'PPI FREE PRESS •nd Loon At$oelotioau. by the victim. Isaac Jond.

Due to the h<1•V7 t ,.lllc. Jones' car was barely mO\'lna. Upon paslina a pollee olllter In the opposite dirKUon. the vouth WI$ ln•wu~•-4 oo keep hll ear movlnJ. A •t-"rt cllt· !ante ohead. however, lhe traf· fir became so hc1wv th:u J onM .... r~ to JIQO. 1 ,, r 1 he otoul!h Into ..,m«>nc·~ I"'" rcn· ~.r. ln lh• midllt nr thl• troJ· Clo. thr. otrl<"-r slopncd hi~ ottr ond • PPI'OOchl'<l· JoJWt~ with th~n word~t. 1'N' t!t't out .,, thot car!" Whtn .'on~ !Inlet. '"Ve-~. s ir ... an"' ~1P11-t•ti .n ol)(!'n •))~ r•r door. the oHh ~r hit ~·m o~ thr ldl • ido of· Ill• h•nd "'''" "i• list throu•h tnt open w:ndow.

Rv tf\f\ li~ lh:tt JnnM miJ!n· •rr<l Ia P~ out ol lh• ... r. lht ,.,,r,.,..- !'tnK"lt him ntt.nn. thl., ',,,. t\n 1l\e '"~hN1d, 1'-IM1 h,. ..... ""'Nl into hi~ NV"1tt'1. d'N!W ''• D'<1n1 r ncf hit 11Im will> II .,,,.. ,..f'irc"' Shf"M :.n.,~unt•Ht th~tt '" ,. ... "' , #lSdrnt 11~ .r,.tlm tn jail. '''""".. t h<' ''nHth'• mrt~ h~r tn· "''IIIW),f P< i ') lh• nfthl~ ft'f lhl\ . ....,.""''''- thco fl(f !r,r 10Aitl W t~t·•r, ' 1c, ... u U')t 1'11 r-u l \i'lu ln Jnll '"""·., t\ Nrortrn 1wt~tnlidPr rrtff'f\ '" ..... ,.,.~ ~n4 t-sitf. "l)l\n'1 tnk"

., '"'' ... 1'11 1"11•1\ tAN' nt .. •• ""''' ,,.... nrtt,..,., tn,•·rl~t· .. ~ .... ~,w. ,...,,.. r"l'ne tf')O" Tht

bov'~ mother NQn<><ttd perm!•· 1lon to toke her l'~UDf druch·

ter. who wa~ !tnnding (,n 1hl' ltroot crying, with hor. Sine<• the ollicer refused , tbe Iiiii•· ohlld wu left crying on tho crowded •tr ... t. The two vie­limo woro taken to the County loll nnd plo-..1 In ""P"""'" cell! without booking,

M"· Jones' emplnyrr. allor b<>lnJt notified or tllo IN'Id<'nl bv boa<'• otde<t J~ler. pooled '>one! which tntaiC!d ~.00 ca<h.

Wht>n Inquiring 11 to lh<' ...,.. ~n fllr th~ arrest!, th<' •T>rrltl .t~nnnun<'ed th•l Jn~ "t t ' •·hn"t•vl .,.---Hh reci~tin,: m noc;t •thlt-- hit~ mother '''n.' 1wln:~ ht~M 'nr rl!,.1urbinrt thP nf':tu•. :'lnd ·,.,t~rf(·rlntt witl• • n ofri<'t·r wh1lf' na.ldnl! nn orre.~t.

\J•,nn returnin« hom'' 1 h, I "'Vt•n1nQ', Jt\n~• Jt'f'M""'t thf" nich1 ., lii'I'Vtt"fl potn rrmrt hi~ In

1u t·t•cf h flnd Thr f,,u,win"! 1Yit1rn .. ' rut. Mr. Jon~R ,,r,.v,. 11 1' t,f'dl,\' ~rul.-,-..t 10n tn •h•· Mw•il\11 Cnn, . • " (':""flr~1 fl f)C"I'J.;hl. Tiw tfrK·tn"' f"'nrlrmM lh~"~ bQv9"~~ n.ot~rthlnr' ' tatlne th•t thc-r,. ,_.,.r.• c-, r•o•• h.-ur~. fnt~m.;.l btHfiinr. ~tnft ·•bra• Jon'

NAACP IIN1)£R nne tn AJ~bam• tJu• Na••onol A~

4.!( iht.on tor the, Adv .. n" t11f nt t; t C'•httf'd Pt.-~"JPJ.,. t swhtln•• I•• 41f#Url for it• n.h1 tl ··'(1.· 1" tht~l 1tt1l f'. Th,· <':t ... e l-. bt·· Jn,lt heard In Mun•nom,..t ) f•

Tho NAACP mt•intrun ~ thnt n "foiiiHlrrlNC:~ t•·mpo:rwy lnjunt.•• ·,;," fUffr.:·rt~tl 1"\' CJrtou 1 .Jurf ,,, Wahc t D. J '•N· fi\'n yt·u•"' ~trn f• • dt"J'' t '-" ,f th• r w t,tiJ· t;t.)n ,.,t 11· Unit 1 co• r •

J~~&e Jon<~ 11 burir.a the fa ...

NAACPA,pedto Justice For bwestigllioa

Mr. Relford Johnoon, • 11!11 long rrAidonl of Jdfe~Davt• Oou>IIY woa beaten uu..,...oitullp Saturday, ~brr a3, IIG\ I• the oft~rnoon, by law ·~ ment oftltert 61 t h·e onu .. .,.. Ri• onl)' •crime'' aptlll.,..t'cr, w.. thaat ho had on autOY~l>lle • ttidont with a wblte womaa In the <ommunity on a country rnad.

MJ', JohiiJIOn, who J. a ~-­""" the llll>OT Clr a 23 y .. r old. ton. was beet.en lnto a «tate or uoiC'<Inaclou<Mtl• ollecediY ·~ ('~naobl~ S.Oxton "-· an6 om­l'l'r Kolllo JorM'II ot the 'Pferili"" Poll<e Foree. A• a result ·• thk rn .. lo, Mr. John110n'• •kulJ w aa frnclurrd In thr.., pta .. ._ 'll'e w•• tok<n to l~e 1~•1 h-ltel lu .lockton, liii••I••Jppi •bocl\1',. ur hi• ll<'rlou~ cond ition.

Tho !!tote ond l'fttl~n•l Org'n­rl•ollons or N'AACP callocl ' "'"­·~· ,fu• llcc Departmenw ....-il>· tngton to mall• .m lmmectiol e t•wNt.l1wt1on lnto \hit' Mt~tl~ """'"W! •••JnJt humonay ~ 7 l>not .. artlnr uncl•r the dtoguJ.o, t>r tnw tnfortt"nwnt otri~,._

Mr. It ~1111 on lhe ••i•lr~~l !lot 11 the UnlvR"il:f ll"q>ilol In Jaclr•on, M..,..·.,g~;.

"lllle.,relllion Test" Of Constitutioa Is Chellengetll11 N. 8.

t:J. S. Justice Dept. Files Voter Test Suit 0. T1tutlday

One of lh< moot lmr>e> lor·l't'Ochinl( clovotapm;-nts In todoy'• l t ruule or the Nu•o '·' ochii'Ve flrot ctn .. oltlzM~<hip rom• lh iJ wf<'k In New Orlf'nn• whfn ll>r U. S. Ju.tioe ~rl­ln('nl tiled o •ull in hdt->»1 C'ourl rhollont~lnll' lhe validll)' nr thf' NfntWJ)I'4"tatiOft Of {he ""'' Mtltutlon·• TN:tUirmwnt nf' a 'f\•t fnr \'OtlnQ' In T.JHII'IlnnA, '111r •1ui t wn- filM' Thur~tday,

-\ttnt'Tu•\f Ornrra1 ltnl.., )(l'n­•n~''" cnlt1 fh,. romnln int ~""-'"' '" rffl hy thr Ju•IIN" 'Depnl'fm(fot ,. 11-1,.. '~".Il l rhoH~"nt!!' a·t lh~t ,.n_,.,••h~tt lnnnlllv 11( , , ,,.,.. fl hw •. , thf' tfnltNI RtniM iTh i., Tttw­.. ,tn rt nnH('~ In l\11~~;-wl"-nl •ud ·~n• ,..,_n larur•Tv rr1 iffl .. ,..,., • •• rnnntv n ... , ... ,,.,... thHmf!fhl'lut 1 .. A •f:o.f~'> II) tfD'I'r ,:t...,.(lo 1\Um­

~ nf Ml .. l'\.•lp'll N't••r~ f"~"Gm "''"Hr··in, tn mtf' l Th~~ nffiMn\ .. ,. .... ·,... .. ! .,,.,...,

tl f ''"'~'~ /)rlf"!""l"'f' utf .a_ ,lit fjl N f

h• th, ,l n·tlf'lt' f)l-"n·u·•tnf r 1 ;.rt •

1· .. ''"'' "' th,. r ' 11 ... ;-.,. " ·' n' 11'11\"t Wt>tf'" J • ll li:'l~~ r, ... , .. ,. """"" f'Mm i,. t)"'Y' T Jr utt•n-tf'l' ,.., ··~····,r f" (" A••MVtlr ~no-· '- ·• • r~f th~ t nul ,,..,..,_ l'rH ,. " '

~ t~•·•·• , nltolh•,.• .l '"'"rn'"" .1• tlfr 1 . , ,,. ' hlnh F. rl'l r(lr .lr .. tiil r .-.. '"'" " "'' f"lf .. orf'r1~" ,.,., •. lr·r· ,., tl,. , .. ,l .. ~tl"l ,..1 n,.,,.l'lf:lln

T't"' ,..,..\'C"fn'-r. fl•·ulr-n'lnt r-nv~ , .. ,.,.,. 'tnt1 ,~.,. ... ,.,. n• • 1•.• Ht~""•' .. ,., , ,m.,,,.. ,.,, 'h'" , ,, ,, ~ ... fl whlrh Jldmh,l•t,.,.. "'"' ' " t"'•·\c-

(Contlnu~cl Oft Paae Throe) 1

Page 2: MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS - · PAG.Il TWO MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Pul E. Brooka__ Edi!Gr IMtar Gene XcKinnl dvertl.allw 1-Bevel CimllatiOII PubUAhed ev.ry Saturday by the RICo

•:.: -·-" --;;


MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Pul E. Brooka__ Edi!Gr IMtar Gene XcKinnl dvertl.allw 1- Bevel CimllatiOII

PubUAhed ev.ry Saturday by the RICo Publlablna c-­JIUIJ, )DC. at 107Z-1 Weat Lyneb Street, Jaekaon, )(Juiaaippl. J'IQie FL 5-7s.6.

8~ptlon priee: $6.20 per 7ear - tt.eo fOr etx -"be - 10 eenta per eopy,

White Supremists Degrade Jackson Downtown JackM>n hllll many beautiful bulldlnp. Her

•~ are d ean and rubbish free. The a ir Is always frf!lh _. pJeasant to breathe. Yet, there remaina a mar to thla externally polished city. Thill, of courN, Ia the ugly, fUthy

·· lleerUd doet rlne of wht'te ftupremeey, aueb aa moet of our 'city otfkiale represent. These ~~greptl.onlete are eearred :with the wrinkles or hate ; they are ro~ lnalde with lin ucl bypoerlay.

No, Jackeon 1 .. not beautiful, tor aiUiougb her atneta .._. not cluttered with rubbl~lr. they are, nonetbeleu, eoa­taminated with many prejudleed people. Perbape It would be better if the etreet1 were full of garbage rather .tbaa

· •-.rea-atlonl~te, for I! it were only rubbiAh, It eould all be deened up In a matter of houra. Beeau .. theee ''people of hat." are 110 t horoughly lndodrlna'ted with lif!l a1 race au­


~ .lft

"Let both of Ull give him a whallop ••• • I"

perlority, It will take a long time to aweep tbla kind ot traab 1--------------------.lrom theelrf'ete otJaekM>n. Smith Releases Statement To Public .

Although It may not be likely that th- eerregation­ •• • _... will ehanre their 1.11-tounded attitudea in a matter ot In a 1tatftllont to tho public. • 1- boUJ11, Ia It neceMary ltbal they continue to contami- ~v. R. L. T. Smith sald: 11ate the livee ot e veryone with whom they eome ID eon- ·~ bf!inc ur.-.1 by many

· .,_ 1 ()uly If we remal.n eomplacent ean they ccmtlnue their prominent Ntii'O and wh1ta ci-8DJII4 practlct!e. We therefore urre everyone to adhere to 11zens In the fourth c ... ,_.

. • ;noaJ dl~t. I have ~-~ &be reque~~t of the N~ leaderahlp In eontlnulna the boy- to run rar a -~ In the Unl~ eott 011 Capital Street and other N011-vloleut projeeta. It Ia States HouJe or llep-tatlftl oar ,...ponsiblUty, u tMmbera of the Jaeklon Community, rrom the f011rth Con~nal ...... • ,__, ·t • district of KlsilisiPPl 'l'o the ,... - t.._ ALL o our rubb~eh Ia dlllpofed of. 'f':ne ei\luDJ of tbiJ district t

--- ----- ---..,.------------1 hl"t'f!by make 11 """'"' that J w-lift t to bto .J.ecled u .rour 'R.,..

A look At· McComb, ~'!'~n:.O:ae:a. ~:~ t;"!ft: =~~~· tho unltod

Mi , 0 0 rln( In at the Woolworth Store, 1 wbh to bf!Cfn ml' ram1111Jn

ISSISSIPPI •nd on the 30th. Bur1lund Hllh hl' urtin~t evory ritiil<'n of our 'lchaol student•, Bob Talbert, u th 1n tk- Lewio and Brenda Travl• ~·t State to lorret 1 0 • ~ hlbltiono of the pill and fa<oe McComb. a duaty tow11 of

of about 12 thouoand populetlon. Just 12 miles 1outh of JaekiiOft, heo been the lett of much ol \he ~~ de!legreJatlon!tot aoll· -.lty In Mio•l,.lppl Wl AulfU•I the Student Non· Violent Coor­dinating Committee 111•ted a ~•mpaltfn lor voter re'lstrotlon In P lu Count1: only about 2(10 of the tn.OOO No,roet In P ike County bad prevlou•ly reJioter­ed to -.ote, AllbOUII1 Only 18 additional lndlvlduab hove bf!en able to regl•t~r to dote. the tl· torts to obt•ln demoe1'11cy ha•• fllned olmM.I tOO prr cent IUP· port emon11 the No~ro eommu­Dity,

wero ltTettod otter purrhulna up to reatily. Now, mor~ thon 1kkeu In the white • ·alllnl ., . .,r. io thfJ t lmo tor rtear thlnlc· room of lho G...,yhounct buo ir.·( on the part of men who now trrmlnol. Latn. after tho sehool hold public ofl'lre. rn'Ott',t. Brtnda Travis w~, ~n­tmred t 0 a yur • 0 f reform Mlsolllsippl needs tha boot

•rhnol. Under the drcum•tanra. l----- - ------­

The outbreok or racial lnrl­denu with somethln1 happon­inl alJ'IIoot ovtry week IJ! lndl· tall-.e of tho ehtnp that It

lt lo queotlonable whether or nnt Mlo.•t .. tppl I• octlnc under due proefAt of law.

AI. Important •• thr., and numf'rOut~ other 1nc1dPnta are Important In thomselvos. thell' •lrnlfkanee U~ In the fort that ' fort• oetment of the populo· lion t. now prH>In« lor demo­rrntlr tight• aa Amulean eitl­••n•. AI noted. the AOII\'ily ll • riJinatlnc trom the lotS! popu­ln<'t'. In Septembe-r • •!·.en the •tudrnto .. tumod In IIC'bool. BI'Midn Travis lnd lkr Lewil wore denlod adml.,.ion u a dl-

Ta 'hoe MJSilUIPPt Pli!Z ~ 1m-1 ••• Lraclo-1 t • M'm'n'J?p&

Pie"" add m1 na,. to )'OUr mallln1 1111 as a ruh<niber to 1M M'i .. i .. l,ppl Fl'H Prt1t.

1 ~~- a ch«lc 0 or Money Ordn- 0

15.10 lor one "ear 0

u.eo lor lill montho 0

CChe<ll which )'Ou prtltr)

(St 1'\'<'t er P. 0. Bex)

(City ond Stntc)

(A rlrt aub•crlptlon n>ny b.- entrred and o<'n1 '" frlmd• 811]Pwhore in the ""'' - or In lbt Unurd Stoll'•. A r ud will ~ •aJI~ te a:•Jp•~n\ .•o,!loun,rln• ·~·· U IJ!•)l·td.) , • &

roet result of their partlelpatlon. 'l'hl• d"nial proeipitatod • 11r1• oeale ""hoot protest. Upon walk· ng out ol S<:hool. ua atudents marchod downtown carryln1 siJM· and preying. They were, ot eolll'R. arreotod, moot of whom wl're teleased on SIOO bon•. Howevor. 14 of tho•• who had partklpat.d In voter re1il· tratlon were ehar«od wltb eon· trlbutlng to tb• dt.linqu•ney of minon in addition to buac:h Of tbr pea<t!. All th- atudmu •·•re tbrn deoled admiulon to ""hoot until they would llf" not to participate further. Tb­ot~.dentt. te!ldl<lJ to dltcard thm principles. otayod out of J<'bool -·tral retkJ. Campbf!U College In Ja<"kton hu aloce ae­~od th- otudontt.

Wilen fl \•e members of the Con,u~ o! Rklal !qu:Jlty at· tMnplod to lest tho rtcent ICC mUn.r at tl1e bu• terminal Clur­int t.he beginninJ of thlt month lhry 1A'rre mobbe<l and bf!aton b.- a <"t"Owd of SUO white people. It t. sl1!11lfi<ant. ho••ovu, that lill' bw d•pot removod the ""~!!J'tlon •ltn• rolowtnr this brutal inrid•nt.

tn order lor the dt'ltr~...,gatlon P~-' to tont lnue- and to tl\1t'•

<'('('d, It I• n«eo.<ary 1o have lh~ acrtivt aupport or Jl ......

mrmber of Dt<lple. Whel"'u the l"r...,dom Ride.- ""n com t thrnu~h and force the tf'moval ~r •rl!re~•tlon •ion• upon lhteat n( frdrml mnr,hnl• brln« ,.,., In to maintain ordr r. the 1'1'•1 rhan~• d~J><nd• \lpon •ontln· \IC"U!I and lt\nt'tnliuod IUPPOft IJ I• ~-......,tly occurlnl in Mc-

Col&bf • ...

b•aiM. the warmHt hurt• ond tht d .. ru~ minds that her peo­ple can alford. She """' JMn or areat vision and deep eao· vlctlon durlnl thlt C'l'llt.lal 11ft' loci in her history. We a,_ n · porleneelnt a rhanre Crom &D -nomy domlnalod by apieul· tute to one where lndllitry and alf'leulture are balaneed. '!'here h a areat job to bf! tlon• and all tho poople In Mlssl.,ippl must tnln hands to ... that thlt lo" I• done ..,.n,

In an induJtrlal soelety theN rnu_. be complete ~om or movement. fi'Htlom of IN!ea to teehnlcol tralnlnc, anti Inform•· tlon amonr all tho people. IIU<:h l I<>Oioty r@(!Uireo I pool or well tralnod workfn to provide ttpe­rta.l alcllb: a rule of ,,,.., rather than of men. to ln•ure a tlable community. The need• of this ~~w aoeloty are lnconiJI•tlbte with a •r•t•m .whlelt denies !ortv·two perronl of the popu· lntlon the opportunity to real· Itt their full ttpoeltleo.

The rulltr ,.., noecl to face I< olmpty lhla: Mlnlaolpcl wnt neod the talent• of the 11n• poo. plo of both r~ceo aor••• the lwlnrd If ohe b to continue to pro,. •••

It I• with thlo thouaht In rt'llnd that I "''""' the f••• -nlo of the fourth Conl:fftllonal tllatrkt to 1lve me a ohon~ to ropn>sent them In t~ United States Con,..,.,

1 pol'fiOnally r .. t that God h1A clvon Amerlea a brilliant and eou..,..,... l01dt1'1hlp In cur "'"!dent John r. 'If ftllledy and the vtry eompettnt and dedleatod mtn that he hu u­.emblod around him. J wllole­~~•rtodl7 ouppo<1 POf'Siclont Kt nnody and the Notlontl J)e. moeratle plat!o.rm. It oleetod u )'our ReJ)rt'..,nlotl,•e, J wnt In P\'01"7 way help the Kmnedy Admtnr-tratlon futrill II• plod· ,.,.. to the poople.

l will ""''er vote to throw r<'~dbloeko In tho pnth of need· ~ lrRiolollon. On the tontrary, 1 "·Ill ' 'Ott to 1\lpport murh .. n•odod lund• for lhe odueatlon of our children. I will \'Oto to provldo a,.iolonoo to 1hose older clt ltrn• who n•Cd modlool ctro, but ••~ unable to poy lor 1t thrm••h•••· In •hnrt. 1 ohnll \'ott lor and \'laorously supcort fodl'l'nl old to odt•rntlon, , broad pro«rrnm of m~dlral tArJ ter tho o~od. nnd t~pnn,lon and broad· tnlna or the minimum ... ,~. and 1oclal ~fflll'it:oo Ia"'' to brln1 !hotr bf!nt!llf to · all .,, .. nt et

Your Politics And Mine

Tbe~[liOilrneeJne by ..... Ctarbdale ~ rrom Mif.,•sstppi~ thir<l ConJNoslonal Dis<..r1et viv· ltlly polnta up the risini tide or !roedom tor 1M Ne,.., In this Stall.

The third district • L• . aout t"'o-to-one Nocr<>, and llll&r any fair aysten should be re­presonted by a Ne,.., ·eo.,crea­man, or et last a per~n who rhamplona the eau.., of all citi­una of bit eoDStilueney.

Counlleo In this dillllel aro: Tunlea, Coahoma. Quitmon. Bo­livar , Wnhincton, SunOower. bsaqt:~nl., Sbar1r:e;y, Holmtot, u . nore, ~nd Humphreys. .

Thue Is eonsidenblo tallc that the aecond district may l>f •omblned with the tbirc! m ·1 ,,.. months, by the Legislature, sinea Mlasluippl loses a · Con· ,.......,.an this year bf!eau~t of popultUon ahlfts In the nation. Thlo would mean lhtl llev. Trammell would bf! op:~posinc both l'ranlc Smith of Greenwood and Jamie Whitton of Chgla· ton. tha preoent ~tatlvt trom the oeeond district. Most oblerven feet that TrarntMII Is far more moderate and ~ sive the Whitten.

It appe1n thlt Rev. '[r.unrnell will WIJe 1 fllll·oeale campalp, lneludlnc stumpinc !be entire district and television oppear­anees. 'l'hore b a t'U'Ipr;lp ol· flee Jet up in ctarksd• at 220 5th Street (Pboae MA 4-4181).

'!'he opportunity that. bY. Trammell 1w to lrupire both the Jfecrq and the tiiWCJ.bvt· .rood white seems unlimited. 11 ckponds upao 1M eandodlle and hr- supporUn. They ean brlns true freedom to hundred• or thouJancb or poople in the Dol· ta .....,. or Mist isl!ppL


BlrmlnJham, Alabama d., of­liclala are orderinr tht city parlr1 to bf! c:losed other than bf! lnterratod, aeeordlnc to re­ports hetrd on radio alld tole· vlltton.

Mlaslaslppl. I believe it Is tirnt we had a Representall•e In Con,.e•• to worlc lor Mt.,J .. Ip· pl'a eeonomle Interet. It elo<'lod J shall bf! that Representative.

At this C'l'llelal t ime In our li&bt with the Communiot lcleo­loty our national defmse4 must be aeeond to none, and w• must moet thlo Communist threot thro111h not only pby•ie3J force bvt moral stren,rth. We esn tlo tha by rnalrln~t don>ocD<7 a llv• ina and a-:t ' "f ~:'':'e evm In Mwi .. ippl.

If eleetod r solemDiy pled&< to t1o mJ best In the biDs or Concrns to promote the -· prooperity and teeurlty or all the people with.out r<'1!Jird to their raee. <reM or color. In short, to ~ a eredit to a tn!e people,

"With mallee toward none: with chtrity to-rd all", we be­cin our eampaiJlL Wr are prl· vllodcod to have a group o! de­dleatod citizens, who. w1th ~at oouraJe, creat faith mel in many lntanees l!l'tOt pm:onaJ Mcrlflees, ... makln& thh of· fort po,

The campalcn should not doal with personalities but with tho l~<ue.. And the main l~sue lA " l~llow~: Shall we climb up from t h• bottom and keep In lep with the red of the Nation, or •~nil we cling to an ~u trnoded system which It inron•lstrnt with the cloeper altru or our Unltl'd Stalto Con•litutlo•r and llle-111 udlltlll ""!' cllcftll1. or man •

. - . -

Page 3: MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS - · PAG.Il TWO MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Pul E. Brooka__ Edi!Gr IMtar Gene XcKinnl dvertl.allw 1-Bevel CimllatiOII PubUAhed ev.ry Saturday by the RICo


Smith Answers Questions • • • • At o preq conference, Sana- erat all th- yeart?

day, December II, IMI, Yr. Ro- A. No, but 1 have been a b<'n Smllh, Democratic canclJ. Democrat since the advmt d~te to the Jlouae of Repreaent· President Roooevelt. atlvea for the 4th Cona,..,..I...W Q. Row do you plan to con· Dlatrt<l, answered qu&atlons on duct this campalan? hb eampol1n lor three news- A. Tho campalrn wl.ll be nt£n, Mr. Clltt Ceuiuma of ccmdueted In the uou•l man· UPI, Mr. Ben McCarthy of AP. ner. and e frttlancer from Lnlnc· Q. Do you plon to mob ton, Ml13. In nddltlon, 01·. Brit· speorheo from town to IA>wn? ton. a membc!r ol th< ClvU A. Yea.' Jllchta MIISIJaippl Corr.mlttee. Q . What typo o r ~aklnr

. eorrectecl an t.rroneous ~ appeara.,... do you plan: will that Robc!rt Slnith w .. tne aame 111\l' be publle? ~ntleman who had [lied A. Yo1, there would be 1>0 IJI*Intt the Sov•reJpty point In opeekln,or In prlntt. mllalon. The lollowlnc Is all ac- Q. Can you cJve an Mtimate count of the queatlono ._ of the perc:oent ... of Necro and Mro wh.Jch tranqired dmrin,•l White vot.. In this dltlrl<t?

• that Conlorence. This Is the rmt q-tion that Ovoetlno ~ would come lA> the teaclen'

Q. Have you filed woth the mind. S«retary of State? A. No. not the exllt.t P«-

A. Jll'o. eandJdatea are not ,... eentace. We are 1\ot con· 1--• t 111 lth th s ta c:oerned with Nell"' voten. We

qu '"" 0

• w e eere ry are coneornecl with Ill eiiiiODI or Slate until alxty 180) days and feel reuonably ..,~ that

' before the prlmarv election. we wUI receive a ravot'llble f Q. Who Ia your lawyer? number of the votes east.

A. We havo 1 legal eounell. Q. 1)o you hove al\1 white Q. Who are the metnloml ot aul>!»rter.,

the Jc.ral counoll? A. We are lust be1lnnlnc our A. v... Jual today •• re-

eampaian and tho logo! <OUD· eelved tolepb()ne tollo from whIte ou pportarL

ell lo otlr. In the !onnatlv. Q How many known white llqea. • Q. What ticket will you m. wppor1oro do you have?

under? - A. We ore not .,_red to A. The Democratic! llelrtt. anower that at this time. Q. How lone have yoti heel Q. Q. Do you think 1011

a tlectort will win? A. Yet.

I Wb 21 nara old. Q. What do :vou have a11lnot

i~~iiiij~~be~en~~·~De~t~no-i .Tohn l!ell Wllllanu' admlnlltra· ,,, tlon!


"Stylee To Fit Ev4117. ,._,. Chann Beauty Solon -"' s- su.

FL 5-!743

A. Hll admlnlltrttlon I• not th" Issue In thlo eompelp.

Q. You don't piA" to at· tack him •• a ~nallty?

A. No. Personalltlu .,. not the ISiue• either .

Q. Ia tho newtpoper eonnoet· ed wllh the eampalrn dh ecttr?

A. No. There II no tom~ee­tlt>n whataover betwec.;n the tv.-o. ,.

Q. Are you eonnectocl with the PIDer? (Mr. SmlthJ, anct y 011! CDr. 'Brit"'")

~=~==~======~~ A. No. Corea, I am a stoclt· holder In the paper. Dt. 'Brit· ton)


"l''eulna you -Pleuel IlL"

Q. 01<1 you have 1 ,...Inc 1u1 nleht!

A. v ... Q . Who ore the membtrl ot

the committee? · A. J am not prepared to ells·

clo•e that at this tlmft. Q . h It • oferet! A. No.



DoltYourseH The J::lemoeHtlc Party In the

North ean deepen upon ouppon from the liberal, lob()r, and Necro vote. In tum. the work· lng man tan •~peel mort' lell•· lotion In hls lnt•re•t from the Democrats, rather than from the Republican Porty, which tendt to support oorpo•ate and conovvalice lnle...,.l. A• lndut· lr)t Iicht• to keep down wa1ea. and as tnnatlon malc.t!a r••n1np worth Ieos, uni<>n and political tupport are quite ..-o.ttal. to the worltB.o In the Jndut· trialiud citi&

This hal not. ot ecome. bwn true In the South. The Southnn Oemocrallc Parl,y hu acted te maintain M~r~ and hal opposed lab()r reform IIUcb u min:imum waa~ h1w11. The ...., •ult ot thl• polley bas bHn to keep people or both racH In 'a r.osilion economically end edu· cationau,.- Inferior to the ntt ol lhe c<>unll)'. 9ei(><)CIIIon haa. In other words, not only kept down Neii)'CI wai(Of, but hoo at the same t ime lowered white wqt'l. And while this polley bu brourht about an lnnux ot i~dustl)' IniAl the South, II•• -lito btneollt JO to the OWftf'ro wbo lift · in N- Vorl< ot Chi· caeo. and not the empl07- In the local areu.

Thlo dual JIO!!Itlon within the Demoeratj., Party maltu It cllf· f'JC"Uit 1<> pass effective l<«<•la­Uon In Con.,....; luuH •upporl· ed by Northern Democrata ara hkel:r to be oPJIO!!ed by the South. •net vlce-veraa. More­over, as lonr a• the admonl1111'a· tlon derives much IUP!I<h't ftoom Southe1111 «>n•...,atlveo, ~­

dent Kennedy, for lntlanc:oe. will continue to ask for modtratlan. N. a coalitkln or the.. two widely cllfferinJl lnteruta, this party has a""""'plbhed little more than a large mllltol)' bud· cot.

Thus, d.,..,rreptlon and labor Jc.P.lation will ~tit both N•cro and whit. lndl'ridualo Ito the South. In other woniJ. It liberal lnt....,.t ran ftplace the comervatlve. one mllht ._t Cecleral leti•lolion whkh would rreatly benent thP Pntl,.. cooun­trv. From th" otanciPOint ot the.. Interested In b•lnah>ll about change. any unllled pro. te.t will have """'" cflect. A D and L Shoe Repair

J.l'or All Your Shoe Needl

U181L,_.8.,.... I'LI-..e

Wr~ there In)' white at the meellnl1

•ubolantial boycott of Clll)ltal Street wll lor~ lhC! • tor01 to ehan•e their lolrln« pollcl01.

A. We will not dlocu•• that now. That lln't the pua..- of this ronff.....,..,

people Se.retatecl bu• •lotion• unnot exist If thno b hower<r. AUf· Cicient protOII apln.<l t,.m. 01 rn.ate' important"e. hnwfl'Ver, I• tar citizens to pay their poll tax and to vote. far althoulh the South Is 111r from heln« a clemoeraey, the otllelal• haft for the most part rep~nted th" people who could ar d id vote. other It liberal ele-

Q. When II the election? A. lune S, 1H1 Q . How man1 ehllclreo d

vou have? How old are youf How lone have you been In bll.lln... In .Tatk-f How lonJ retired? wm your wife h~lp In the umpalrn?

"lnt~rpntation Test''­IContlnued tnm> Pace One)

I>Mn u~ to adlieve lh• - ­result. the suit c~ i 1 '

Y'oltl' I~ tr~tlon proc:oeaure. It oald the Interpretation IHta

The luotice J)epa.-ml'nt in vloloted oectlono or the UJIIM4 the •ult lo a.i<in& that • three- Stat" Con1t1tution and tile Chil Judp Federal Court be CCII· Rl&hts Act ot 11157. v•ned to declare the "lnterpre- The tl'st llao dLI<rlmlNIW tatlon" test unconstitutional on o~aln•t Noaroco part~ the Jraund• thAt It vlolotet the •Inc• the 1954 ••hool d_,_ 14th and 15th amendm'"''' of nation lledolon ot the UnltM the U. S. ConJUtutlon. Jt allo Slot<o Supreme Court. the .J­a•k• that slate officlalo be lor· lice Oeporlm<nt aald. bidden from enforcing the test. The oult mentioned a' ~--

The United Prest lntematlon· phlet enter<'<! "Vot..r Qu~ al from New Orlean• oeportecl: ttOn Low• In Loui~ana - lM

The law is incorporated In J(ey to Vl<iol)' In the Serrep the alate Con<titution. 1t re- tion Slru(llo." It UTJ'"! ltri<\ Cfhlre. a would·be voter to on•· Ol>Pk-atlon of the lnte<llreiAiioo wer 'IUHtiotu put to him by • t,..t u o meano or p,._, local ~listrar on any lecllon white political ~upremii<J.

ot the ~'!ate Const;tutlon. The ~~~~~~~~~~~;,.. dOCUment is 800 pajlH IODJ. jl " lnlcrpmation of certain pro

vlalono of the LDuls!an.t Conotl· tutlon hu differed widoly even among those l .. rn<'d In the law.~ the GovemmenfJ wit aald.

The lntC!I'))retatlon tt•t• re­pln<C!cl the "Grandfather ClauiC" whlah prevented lrom votinll untll 1915. and It hu

Major J. A. Taylor Retums To Ydsburg

VICKSBURG - This n.IJiorlc tily ..... clnn a , .. htnin .. like vblt, l .. t Sunday, Deeemller 11, by one of Ito moot beloved t ill· ....,.,. who has been awey lor quite a lon• tlme. "" Wll Major .r. A. Taylor, who i• better known here and throughout t!l. South as Or. J . A. Ta~lor.

Or. Taylor is a native of Ya· •o~ City. He moved to Vlek•· burr in the IHO's. He opened otrlee upstalra In a two-•tory building located on the main business street of this elty. The hlth quality ot hi$ workmaDJhlp u a denliat aoon became widely known. • He WL• very active , In busl: - OO<Ial and ~li,Jouo cirtlea, and made friend• by th• thou· aands. About six years IJO DT. Taylor wu tailed bo•lr military -..~. Ptom hera went to the Air Fa~ ~ at Biloxi. Mwlsslppl.

Kollete Kleane" Dry 018Jilna,

Alterlnr, and Laulldedq

1114 LJIIC' 8t'"' I'L z-tm

One Day Serviee

For Comfort 'Jbat Caa'l Be :Jeat. ~

Summers Hotel

lit W•i Pari Bt...a

PL I ·Ba

Joe's Phennocy We Pielc Up and DeJiftp


c.r. WllltfleW ,.. ... ~ ..... Sine&

JI'L 1-ztlJ He I• now otationed In Jopan. wh<re be and hio family have been far two or more Y<ONI. He

cnme back to the Jtatf!'!l, on an 't~~~=~~~~~~~ emerr~nty leave. to a-ttend the f. funerol of hl3 lather, which w~• h•ld during the pa•t w•ek ot Yar.oo City. Ht. came to Vltb· burc eiiJ'I)I Sunda)' ofl•moon .Pnd trpPnt. Jle\H!rtt1 hours amona his old triencb. many ol whnm h• mel at the hom.. of Capt. lom~ .Tdt•rsan ancl Mr. 0 . W. Slmmo,.,

meniJ can obtain aulfident wp­port htr'C!, the btncllt.• ,...., be tor 1reat1!1' than are im;nedlat~- t I~ appaft'nl,

Home Improvement New Homee Rehabllltatl011

Fred Scott Build~"' and Contnciora

IJJ4Y, Lylldt Street ..,t:r K .... ma­Looln.w: F.R.A.- G. I.


A. l hove II ehlldren. - 118 years old. - about 25 yurt. -the overall e1mpolan setup has not been complotely work•cl out


.... ......... .. liCk ...... " tile .... , •. Penguin Drive In L)'lltll and Dal.tea

FL 2-93t8

:vel · Q. Old you have any !IUb­

ttrlbera before the flrtt <clition of the poper.

A. The paper Is not •lie pur­pooe ol thla eont-nee. We will not be oble to anrwer any ques· tiont about the paper •


Conic's Beauty and Barber Supply

1115 N. Far!Jih 8ti'Ht


Wells Furniture Co. ''SAVE


" Terms Will Fit You"

I DIAL FL >78431 409 North Forisll

Street Jocbon, Miss.


-5MITII'S ~::::1 ( For•e.rly Val~y Street. CIWtrJ)

1253 Valley StrHt R. L. T. Smith, Jr., Mgr~

Page 4: MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS - · PAG.Il TWO MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Pul E. Brooka__ Edi!Gr IMtar Gene XcKinnl dvertl.allw 1-Bevel CimllatiOII PubUAhed ev.ry Saturday by the RICo

Jl b Umo for tabor to waite ~. cet up, and cet colnc. Oov·

. ernmeot should not be entrusted In lnuperlenced handa.

The c:aae of one olflao holdor wllo, by the way, holds a hlp and lnfluenUal posiUon. -MDU a sharndul altuaUOC\. In

• thil man's home countr. mo..., than halt the population b de· DiM the rlpt to vote. In &oe. to even try to pay poll ta_x and JUislor, Ia loo'kecl upon u aomethinl of a de fac:to trlme.

The arcumenta of 1ucll men are hollow ancl without aub·

a\aDft, They ,..,. ..-!.tee! with people of lnlcJII .. nce. &mt have trave11M wlclely ot tovemment expenae. Not with· etancllnr they oome up with the aame ole! ''hooey" that ca.-..

'11are their own Incompetence. 'l!be aontlnuoua moulhlnp of

tilde Incompetent men lo Ill· tended M a lellatl'lro lor men

SAniRDAY, DEC. 3~, lHl

• • • • 4 • • • • • • •


1111 LYBCh atua n. HU4

Zonle Forte, OWJWJ"


Ill R..nto Perlola Slnet Jodlooa n. t-S. t t • , • • • • • • • •

1erW>e Wltllla Tov lludgri AI CUT llA TZ UIOE SHO•

1n • · Parish ._ Cla~nce Evans, M~~r.

0 • • t t ••••••• . • • • • 0 • • • • i • • 01d your .- U ••• • .

JOHtnrY IIA YU UIELL 1141 'W1altfWd lliua

()peft e to o e a . , ,., .....

who fall to thll\lt for 1"-· THE DEBUTANTE BALL wu enjoyed by over two hundred J181'10na In J' The deeds 111d wlll'<ll of

f $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • i ' HAPPY IBW YEAI\1 ..,.,, nn UJlBEJI ..a., • ..,.......,.MUla ... theae mea <Oft!Pimt~t oec11 the Ma&onfc ~mple durl.q the Chrlatmu holldaya. ln the above pict\lre a croup

ether. 'nlat Ia only notu"l that interested epectatQI'II look on the featlvltl-. Dl H lll Robert Mallard, Mer. they hne a eomrnon bon4 of

hl loueol y.., It I• eomrnon. In - -------------- --------- ,.......---------,.... ll's too ' m. provide a homo for b-'f llftd

If)' fellow Mlartsslpplana. I-' bla 1em117, and bui" ~ ua here ancl ...,.., Mm.ancl tor old ap. ._.., llftd 'llllr P'-Y h ..,leally, IllS • w te th<loe .olio iipi-Dt Ul. W e oil IabodA~ - · Jt II -8ll but

M..e a rlehl to upeet thol We criminal 4o 117 te Mt - IIC· ..,ould a-srt no 1-. ment of our lo~ ._,ale.

0.. aii'IIJ:e boN... ftft! ..... tloa ... IDit tho other. On tbe ._to that m enclinJ fUll 'lOt· other hand, It 1o ••• ~ .... ~ to on of .... C'l"-'a when ... ,. Jaborlftl !DID ... wm male OU!' ' Offt!W-t !In• lle¥et. etabl-. 'J'o - tllet •- e You eu ~ lhla .. bule llftd chronle rewltdon to e\'ldenl: If 0,.. aecment of labor ehan... It locll..atea phOoaopi'ly It 1tept on atarvatlon -- tile


"Sfte ·Money Af MoJMats" MOMAIS' fUIJitJUif aND BPI.fAIIaS

Tougaloo, Miaislippi Phone EM 6-6297 • ~ wtUdl b toe ,...,. behiDcl tho other .. .,...t "frill In tun be

t'- odv-ly affNt«<,. ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~s~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~1t "We wm - P ferwJm1 .. Let 11\e urce a11 tabodn1 -.,. should by looltlnc liMit. to \o,y ulde the olil bulll)loo. ••alone of ua ahould exomll\e Unlto your olftll(th for tbe ....

_ thJo wflule thin« ""' earefally. mon rood of ell. e•a,.bocly ~ ~. Man)' people would bo ~at· ..,Ill bolletlt, X..nd your dlftllth

ly aurprlaed. especla\1)' thooe wholehurte<IIY to a ........ , te4 who ""' been m holed by - · effort to lmprOYe eonclitt.. a· taln darmas whloh were In bet. mon• all the loborinc people lntandl!d to !)Kioud the real or our 1tate. All peapJe who ,...,.. 'rUe tho title! of tabor, work for a liv•nr form the u an uampte. The laborln• blokbone o t our eeoiiOI!I)'. mall hu his alftn~tth, and oltlll While oollar workero, m«l!all· to offet on the tabor mor\tet.. 'co. labo~n. rormen. In 1hort, He must 1upporl hi• family, ·•11 workera ore entitled to de--;;;;;;~~~;;;; ecnt WD«et a n d rensonable 1

houra. You n<!ecl 1 repteoentatlve In


Robinson Shoe Shop J'CII'

·. Goad Shoe ltepalr

2U WlllUieW 111111 a.4 21 ,, ... Diller

the U. S. Congre01 who will lnl· tlate a bill to proleet your In· ttrctt. vigorously support It, and vote ror lt.

If you will elect me, I will do Just that.

Let uo unite now far tho bet· tument of wor'klnr eonclltlonl ror all. Here we 1\av. 1 wonder· rut thante to h~lp l'oGSIIalppl tllmb from tho bottom.


Nice 3 Bedroom Home For Sale At Tougaloo, Miss.

$300.00 Down And Small Monthly Payments

Nice large Lots For Sale Small Down Payments

$25.00 per month " Desirable For Any Type Of Business"

THOMPSON INVESTMENT CO. Call FL 2·3347 or FL 2-3947

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS 1072-1 West Lynch Street

Phone FL 5-7345 Jackson, Miss.'

