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MIS Chapter V- Enhancing Collaboration Using Web 2.0

By Kevin Blandino

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1) A. Technology - 3 blogs

■ 1. Mashable■ 2. Gizmodo■ 3. GigaOM

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■ If you haven’t heard of “The Social Media Guide,” you just might be living under an old Commodore 64. Updated constantly, and nearly always entertaining, Mashable takes the worlds of Twitter, Facebook, entertainment, news, and everything else techies are talking about and, well, mashes it up into the kind of blog casserole we just can’t get enough of.

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■ Pretty much known as the TMZ of tech after they paid for a “lost” next-gen Apple iPhone — the fallout became front-page news across the world. Scandals aside, Gizmodo’s been a must-follow site for a long time, with tons of relevant posts, a youthful vibe, and some of the funnier commenters on the Internet.

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■ If you’re looking for what’s next, look no further. Om Malik’s creation has grown into one of the largest blogs worldwide, and it’s all due to focusing on what’s new. News and analysis on Web 2.0, technologies and startups, social media, gaming — you name it, GigaOM has it covered. That’s what happens when you have a team of 12 technology-obsessed writers.

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1) B. Business/Financial Blogs

■ 1. Naked Capitalism■ 2. Infectious Greed■ 3. The Big Picture

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Business Credit Blogger

■ This blog will help you learn how to build credit for your business and obtain a loan without having to risk your personal credit or assets. It has great tips on the various funding options available to small businesses as well as advice on choosing a company credit card. Try out their loan calculator and determine how much per month you should allocate toward paying off your business loan

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Dear Drebit■ Not only does this blog offer a ton of useful content, Drebit the frog

will answer all your finance questions. Submit a question and Drebit will send the response straight to your inbox. They post on everything related to smb finance and have great tips for filing taxes. Check out their post on tax planning tools.

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Sleeter Report

■ Allow us to nerd out for a moment. Were you ever into the types of video games that had cheat codes? Those awesome, hidden items that could bump you five levels ahead like the warp whistle in Super Mario 3? Sleeter is your finance cheat code. The blog features best practices and time saving tips for accounting products, advice on cloud accounting, and upcoming tech trends to save your business time and money.

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1) C. Entertainment blogs

■ 1. Slash Film■ 2. Man I Love Films■ 3. Stacie Ponder

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Slash Film■ While their ad placement can be a little overwhelming at times, this is

still a quality site for any cinephile. Movie news and reviews are the driving force behind the site, and they run the gamut from mainstream to indie. All the latest trailers are collected and displayed for your enjoyment, and the Slash Filmcast is another strong point. In the latter section, Devindra Hardawar, Adam Quigley, and David Chen talk about significant TV and movie-related events from the previous week.There are hundreds of filmcasts to choose from, and most run at least an hour and a half.

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Man I Love Films■  These writers love to put together lists, so you can read up on

everything from the “Top 5 Horror Sub-Genres” to “Top 10 Movie Car Sidekicks.” In addition to reviews of theatrical and DVD releases, the site also pays special attention to horror and foreign fare. And let’s not forget about their podcasts, weekly contests, and timely cinematic news.

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Stacie Ponder■ The enterprising mind behind Final Girl, Stacie Ponder is a filmmaker,

writer, and video game enthusiast. She’s especially partial to horror flicks, with those from the 70s and 80s being her favorites. If you share a similar passion, this frequently updated blog is a must-read. From reviews of films past and present to galleries of alternate movie posters, this site is a vast repository of goodness for anyone who digs masked lunatics hacking up teenagers.

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2. Notes/Tasks management: Evernote, Wunderlist, Microfest OneNote Web■ Evernote: Captures, organizes, and synchronizes searchable notes

across many platforms. Quick. Free for basic use. Excellent ecosystem of other apps and services.

■ Wunderlist: Great features in the free version. Lovely interface. Good selection of desktop and mobile apps. Supports collaboration. Managing tasks and sharing shopping lists is easy with Wunderlist. Free accounts pack a lot of value, but the Pro version is expensive. Luckily, many individuals don't need all that Pro has to offer.

■ Microsoft OneNote Web: Rich with features. Reliable. Treats all note content as distinct page elements. Familiar interface for Office users. Office 365 users get 1TB of space. OneNote is a feature-rich note-taking and syncing app, and it gives away a lot for free.

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2. Cloud Storage/sharing: Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive, SugarSync

■ Dropbox: Effortless file synchronization. Apps for just about every operating system. Tight OS integration. Dependable servers. Supports file-sharing. Shows history of actions. Allows access to deleted files and earlier versions. Good features for Pro users. Easy to install.

■ Google Drive: Funcionalidad experta con suites de oficina. Sincronización de archivos de desktop-a-desktop. OCR integrado. Almacenamiento gratuito generoso si usas apps de Google.

■ Microsoft SkyDrive: Clear interface. Clients for Mac, iOS, and Android, as well as Windows and Windows Phone. Can fetch any file from a PC. Excellent photo presentation with slideshows and tagging.

■ SugarSync: SugarSync is a highly intuitive file-syncing and online backup service, with simple installation and the best control we've seen over what syncs where. But it's not cheap, it lacks collaboration and privacy features, and its backup performance was slow in our testing.

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3. Linkedin

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3) D. Linkedin

■ LinkedIn is quite possibly one of the strongest online business tools available today. And so, I am constantly surprised when I find out people aren’t using it or barely using it. Here’s the truth: We live in an online world and if you’re in business you need to be on LinkedIn. If you are in any sort of business, people are looking for you. In today’s world, one of the first things people do when starting a business relationship, is to look you up online. LinkedIn profiles rank highly in search results and provide a validated representation of who you are, on your terms. You can ensure that people looking for you will find what you want them to know.

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4. Word Press-Blog

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4) B. Word Press-Blog; How can bloggin boost your digital presence?■ It let people know about your latest completed project, hiring,

thoughts and interesting information you have seen/published on your website. Social media is the second best way to pull people to your site. The beauty of social media is that you can demonstrate value while also showing your personality and the culture of your firm. You can identify all of your captions with a simple blog that you present towards the social media to attract more people and improve your digital presence.

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