


Ordinary Meeting of Council

6.00pm Wednesday 6 May 2015

*** Broadcast live on Phoenix FM 106.7 ***


Reception Room,

Bendigo Town Hall,

Hargreaves Street, Bendigo


Wednesday 27 May 2015

Bendigo Town Hall

Copies of the City of Greater Bendigo Council’s Agendas & Minutes

can be obtained online at


Council Vision

Greater Bendigo - Working together to be Australia's most liveable regional city.

Council Values Council wants the community to continue to have reason to be proud of the city and will do this through:

Transparency - Information about Council decisions is readily available and easily understood;

Efficiency and effectiveness - Council provides services based on evidence of need and demonstrates continuous improvement in the delivery of services;

Inclusion and consultation - Council uses a range of engagement strategies to ensure community members can understand and take part in discussion that informs the development of new strategies and actions;

Clear decisive and consistent planning - In a rapidly growing municipality, Council undertakes to plan effectively for our long-term future;

Respect for community priorities and needs - Council will advocate for improved services for community members and will consider community impact and feedback the decisions it makes.

Themes 1. Planning for Growth

2. Presentation and Vibrancy

3. Productivity

4. Sustainability

5. Leadership and Good Governance

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY ........................................................................ 5

PRAYER ........................................................................................................................ 5

PRESENT ...................................................................................................................... 5

APOLOGIES .................................................................................................................. 5

SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS ..................................................................... 5

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME ............................................................................................ 5

RESUMPTION OF STANDING ORDERS ..................................................................... 6

CR LEACH'S REPORT .................................................................................................. 6

DECLARATIONS OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST ......................................................... 7

CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES .................................................................................... 8

1. PETITIONS AND JOINT LETTERS ......................................................................... 9

1.1 Response to Petition: Request Shared Path Along Edwards Road, Maiden Gully 9

1.2 Petition: Woodvale Evaporation Ponds .......................................................... 15

2. PLANNING FOR GROWTH .................................................................................. 16

2.1 Adoption of Planning Scheme Amendment C175 and Permit DP/68/2013 - Bendigo Airport Following Panel .............................................................................. 16

2.2 Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme Amendment C215 - Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy ................................................................................................. 24

3. PRESENTATION AND VIBRANCY ....................................................................... 43

3.1 2014/15 Community Grants Program Round 2 ............................................... 43

4. PRODUCTIVITY .................................................................................................... 57

5. SUSTAINABILITY.................................................................................................. 58

5.1 Potential Disposal of Two Properties - Post Consultation ............................... 58

6. LEADERSHIP AND GOOD GOVERNANCE ......................................................... 73

6.1 Record of Assemblies ..................................................................................... 73

6.2 Contracts Awarded Under Delegation ............................................................. 80

7. URGENT BUSINESS ............................................................................................ 81

8. NOTICES OF MOTION ......................................................................................... 81

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9. COUNCILLORS' REPORTS .................................................................................. 82

10. MAYOR'S REPORT ........................................................................................... 83

11. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S REPORT ....................................................... 85

12. CONFIDENTIAL (SECTION 89) REPORTS ...................................................... 86

12.1 Personnel and industrial matters ..................................................................... 86

12.2 Proposed Development .................................................................................. 86



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Cr Peter Cox Cr Rod Campbell Cr Elise Chapman Cr Rod Fyffe Cr Helen Leach Cr Barry Lyons Cr Lisa Ruffell Cr Mark Weragoda Cr James Williams Mr Craig Niemann (Chief Executive Officer) Mr Michael Smyth (A/Director, Organisation Support) Mr Stan Liacos (Director, City Futures) Ms Marg Allan (A/Director, Community Wellbeing) Ms Prue Mansfield (Director, Planning and Development) Mr Darren Fuzzard (Director, Presentation and Assets) Mr Peter Davies (Manager, Executive Services) Mrs Alison Campbell APOLOGIES

Ms Pauline Gordon (Director, Community Wellbeing)


That Standing Orders be suspended to allow the conduct of Public Question Time. MOTION Moved Cr Fyffe, seconded Cr Weragoda. That Standing Orders be suspended to allow the conduct of Public Question Time.



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That Standing Orders be resumed. MOTION Moved Cr Fyffe, seconded Cr Weragoda. That Standing Orders be resumed.



Cr Leach reported on her attendance at the following meetings and events:

Anzac Day services

Centenary Tram launch

Strathfieldsaye Ward Meeting

Positive Ageing Advisory Committee

Rural Support Network

Ulumbarra Theatre opening concert

90th Eisteddfod launch

Opening Harold Baigent Art Exhibition

Vahland celebration launch

Mini-pipes event

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Pursuant to Sections 77, 78 and 79 of the Local Government Act 1989 (as amended) direct and indirect conflict of interest must be declared prior to debate on specific items within the minutes; or in writing to the Chief Executive Officer before the meeting. Declaration of indirect interests must also include the classification of the interest (in circumstances where a Councillor has made a Declaration in writing, the classification of the interest must still be declared at the meeting), i.e. (a) direct financial interest (b) indirect interest by close association (c) indirect interest that is an indirect financial interest (d) indirect interest because of conflicting duties (e) indirect interest because of receipt of an applicable gift (f) indirect interest as a consequence of becoming an interested party (g) indirect interest as a result of impact on residential amenity (h) conflicting personal interest A Councillor who has declared a conflict of interest, must leave the meeting and remain outside the room while the matter is being considered, or any vote is taken. Councillors are also encouraged to declare circumstances where there may be a perceived conflict of interest. Cr Chapman declared a conflict of interest (as a party to the matter) in the Planning for Growth Report No. 2.2 (Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme Amendment C215 – Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy) as she has made a submission on the Residential Strategy in relation to her own property.

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Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Wednesday 15 April 2015. The following items were considered at the Ordinary Council meeting held on Wednesday 15 April 2015 at 6:00pm.

Council Plan 2013-2017 (2015 Review)

Proposed Budget for the Financial Year Ending 30 June 2016

1 Ryan Street, North Bendigo - Two Lot Subdivision of Land and Construction of Two Dwellings

6 Primrose Court, Kennington - 2-Lot Subdivision

Revised Heathcote and Districts Community Plan

Progress Report Independent Review Implementation

Record of Assemblies

Contracts Awarded Under Delegation

Section 89 Confidential Report - Contractual Matter The unconfirmed minutes have also been posted on the City of Greater Bendigo website pending confirmation at this meeting. RECOMMENDATION That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 15 April, 2015, as circulated, be taken as read and confirmed. RESOLUTION Moved Cr Fyffe, seconded Cr Lyons. That the recommendation be adopted.


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Document Information

Author Brett Martini, Manager Engineering and Public Space Responsible Darren Fuzzard, Director, Presentation and Assets Director


The purpose of this report is to respond to the petition tabled at Council's Ordinary Meeting on 25 March 2015 from Maiden Gully residents requesting the installation of a shared path along Edwards Road, Maiden Gully.

Policy Context

Council Plan Reference:

Theme: 2 Planning for growth

Strategic Objective 1. Adaptability for change and population growth through good design and careful planning of infrastructure and facilities.

Strategic Objective 2. Cycling and pedestrian friendly settings.

Action 2.1.7 Continue to progress cycle and walking path links and footpaths to commercial centres, recreation facilities and schools, with a focus on underserviced areas.

Theme: 3 Presentation and vibrancy

Strategy 3.1 Public infrastructure across Greater Bendigo facilitates positive wellbeing and a good quality of life.

Theme: 4 Productivity

Challenges and Opportunities

Essential infrastructure, footpaths, drainage, well built and maintained roads are essential for economic and social purposes.

Theme: 5 Sustainability

Challenges and Opportunities

Keeping our assets and infrastructure in good repair is an important principle.

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Strategy Reference: Play Space Strategy 2009-2014

6.5 Utilisation of Play Spaces and Creating Play Value

"According to best practice, well utilised play spaces and play spaces that offer a high degree of play value are generally those that ... are well connected to homes via cycling / walking tracks, public transport and roads."

Background Information

The following petition was tabled from residents in Maiden Gully requesting the construction of a shared path along Edwards Road, as outlined below: "Greetings,

We the undersigned residents and ratepayers of Greater Bendigo City Council formally request Council to install a shared path along Edwards Rd Maiden Gully between Monsants Rd and the existing asphalt path on Edwards Rd. Maiden Gully is a growing and active community. The City of Greater Bendigo has recognised this growth by budgeting for a play space in Janelle Drive. However there is no safe access to this play space from the west of the play space location. The City of Greater Bendigo Play Space Strategy 2009-2014 states: According to best practice, well utilised play spaces and play spaces that offer a high degree of play value are generally those that: Are well connected to homes via cycling / walking tracks, public transport and roads (PLAY SPACE STRATEGY 2009 - 2014 PG 24) Pedestrian users from the western area of Maiden Gully wanting to access the play space will be required to travel a worn and intermittent dirt path on Edwards Rd at time having to use the road. The speed limit on the stretch of road is 70kms. Pedestrians and cyclists are the most vulnerable road users, therefore it is logical to move the pedestrians and cyclists away from vehicles. Not only with a share path benefit users of the play space, it will provide greater connectivity for runners, cyclists and pedestrians."

Signatures - 274

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Previous Council Decision(s) Date(s): At the Council meeting on 25 March 2015 Council resolved "that the petition be received and a response be prepared within two (2) meetings."


As part of the Maiden Gully Community Plan launched in 2010, the community of Maiden Gully aimed to identify and develop local passive recreation and play space facilities. The community goal also specified that in the short to medium term it would look to incorporate safe and passive connections (i.e. walk/run/bike tracks) to and from these facilities to the local neighbourhood and the wider Maiden Gully Township. To improve pedestrian amenity in this area of residential growth and of particular relevance to the neighbourhood noted in this petition, the City of Greater Bendigo (CoGB) constructed a concrete shared path along Lyndam Avenue in 2012/13, providing a connection from Edwards Road to the play space in Janelle Drive. A gravel path in Monsants Road down to Edwards Road was also constructed in 2010/11. Whilst properties to the west of Monsants Road would be beyond the normal catchment of a local play space (normally 400m), it is recognised that there are currently no play spaces west of Monsants Road to serve the local community. The provision of open space and play spaces will be considered in the development of a new Open Space Strategy which is proposed to commence in the 2015/16 financial year. Keeping in mind the distance from properties west of Monsants Road to the play space in Janelle Drive, we would likely see a high proportion of cyclists compared to pedestrians making their way to Janelle Drive for recreation opportunities. This combined with current traffic volume and speed on Edwards Road, as well as projected growth in traffic volume as a result of further development at Forest Park Estate, means a 2.5m wide shared path along Edwards Road is more appropriate than a 1.5m wide footpath in this instance. The installation of bike lanes on Edwards Road would also be an appropriate treatment. Within the area subject to this petition, an application for subdivision of 134-136 Edwards Road has recently been received by the CoGB. One of the proposed planning permit conditions for this subdivision is the construction of a 2.5m wide shared path along the Edwards Road frontage of these properties. To compliment this work, CoGB anticipates undertaking the north-east extension of the shared path from this development up to Lyndam Avenue. Whilst the timing of this work is subject to the planning approval process and subsequent compliance with permit conditions, it is expected that these works would be completed within two years of the permit approval. When subdivision of 51-57 Monsants Road occurs, it is also proposed that the land in the vicinity of the creek alignment will become open space reserve, linking with other open space reserve to the north and south that was reserved as part of previous subdivisions. This linear open space will enable the future construction of a shared path along the creek from Carolyn Way to Edwards Road; linking with the forthcoming development-related path works at 134-136 Edwards Road.

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As part of this future development, it is also intended to link the aforementioned linear creek path to Monsants Road via a newly constructed shared path along the northern boundary of 51-57 Monsants Rd between Rathbones Lane and the creek alignment. This will also provide connection with footpath infrastructure along Sanctuary Boulevard. The proposed network of paths as outlined above, will ultimately link the Maiden Gully community west of Monsants Road to the Janelle Drive play space. The remaining section of path between 134-136 Edwards Road and Monsants Road will need to be funded by the CoGB. As the number of requests for infrastructure far exceeds the available funding, several criteria have been developed to assist prioritising these projects. These criteria include, but are not limited to, pedestrian numbers, traffic volume, risk and connections to other paths. There are currently 540 path construction jobs on the Capital Works Program at a value of more than $47 million. It is noted that the draft Council Budget for 2015/16 includes $1.07M funding towards new paths. Even based on a continuation of this level of investment in new paths, and taking into account evaluation criteria and prioritisation processes, the remainder of the path in Edwards Road is currently prioritised as project number 100 and hence is many years away from being funded and constructed. However, projects are reviewed periodically and with the increasing traffic on Edwards Road this project may rate higher in coming years.

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In addition, the construction of bike lanes along Edwards Road between Monsants Road and the Calder Highway was also evaluated under the Capital Works prioritisation process. This $780,000 project would include construction and sealing of road shoulders, new line-marking and improvements to access over the culvert in Edwards Road. Currently prioritised as project number 8 out of 47 on-road bike lane projects, and noting the project's significant cost, it is also unlikely to be funded and constructed in the short to medium term.


Significant local consultation was undertaken in the design of the Janelle Drive play space and these works will commence in the coming months. Consultation will also be undertaken on the new Open Space Strategy which will commence development in 2015/16.


The design of the Janelle Drive play space has generated significant local interest. Given the relatively limited play space opportunities in Maiden Gully, the desire to utilise this facility has extended beyond the normal area of catchment expected for a local play space. The development of shared paths to improve access to the play space site from the west of Monsants Road will be provided through a combination of developer and CoGB funded works. However, the timing of these works is subject to approved developments and Council funding. Further consideration of open space and play space opportunities will be undertaken as part of the development of a new Open Space Strategy commencing in 2015/16.



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That Council having considered the petition for a sealed shared path along Edwards Road: 1. Note that the requested path is currently ranked 100 of 540 candidate projects in the

City’s new path program and therefore based on current statistics, it is unlikely to be funded for many years through the normal budget process.

2. Note that the opportunity to accelerate a section of these works is being pursued as part of an infill development proposal currently being considered by the Statutory Planning Unit.

3. Note that the installation of on-road bike lanes along Edwards Road is currently ranked 8 out of 47 candidate projects and that the project will continue to be considered as part of future Council budget processes.

4. Advise the petitioners of Council's decision.

MOTION Moved Cr Chapman, Seconded Cr Campbell. That the matter be referred to the budget and that residents be advised once the budget has been adopted.


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[Petitions and joint letters with ten (10) or more signatures are included in the agenda or tabled at the meeting, unless there is a separate legal process for considering the petition or joint letter, as there is for planning submissions or submissions following public notices (Section 223 LGA)].

The following petition has been received from the Bendigo and District Environmental Council, with the support of the Woodvale Progress Association Inc and signed by local residents and ratepayers regarding the Woodvale Evaporation Ponds, as outlined below: "We the undersigned, Residents of Woodvale and Ratepayers of the City of Greater

Bendigo, formally request Council to: Urgently consider the potential long term health implications of locating Tonnes of

carcinogen onto an open paddock in the Woodvale community. If the additional accumulation of that carcinogenic element Arsenic cannot be proven safe, we request Council to retract the above endorsement to pump carcinogen containing groundwater to the Woodvale Evaporation Ponds. We request the City of Greater Bendigo to petition the State Government to have the remaining 40 Tonnes of Arsenic at this site physically removed to a secure location as the only safe means to remediate a carcinogen lying within a flood plain in a populated area".

Signatures - 128 RECOMMENDATION That the petition be received and a response be prepared within two (2) meetings. RESOLUTION Moved Cr Williams, Seconded Cr Weragoda. That the recommendation be adopted.


Planning for Growth - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May





Document Information

Author Alison Kiefel, Council Projects Planner Responsible Prue Mansfield, Director Planning & Development Director


Amendment details: This amendment implements the Bendigo Airport Strategic

Plan and Bendigo Aerodrome Master Plan for development

of a larger runway and Business Park at the current Bendigo


The Amendment will rezone land purchased to expand the

Airport, amend the existing Special Use Zone to facilitate a

range of uses at the Airport reserve, facilitate a Business

Park, apply various overlays to support the operation of a

new runway and introduce an incorporated plan to allow

removal of native vegetation.

Permit details: The planning permit allows for development and associated

works for a new runway, business park, and re-alignment of

part of the Ellesmere – Goornong Channel.

No. of submissions: Four opposing and seven supporting. (11 total), one

withdrawn prior to panel.

Key issues: Ensures an airport for the growing population and region;

Supports key air based medical and emergency services

to the region;

Increase in economic diversity and outputs;

Application of height controls;

Noise associated with the new runway;

Devaluation of property; and

Additional traffic.

Planning for Growth - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Recommendation: Council adopt Amendment C175 to the Greater Bendigo

Planning Scheme and permit DP/68/2013 with minor

changes as recommended by the Panel, and request

Approval from the Minister for Planning.

Policy Context

City of Greater Bendigo Council Plan 2013 – 2017 (2014)

Planning for Growth:

Significant projects that will transform the City over time are completed as planned:

o Continue planning for Bendigo Airport redevelopment (Airport and Business Park)

by finalising the Planning Scheme Amendment and lodging funding submissions.

Our quality of life is maintained as our City’s population and economy grows. Productivity:

A diverse, strong and growing economy supports community resilience. A Snapshot of Priorities for the Greater Bendigo Community requiring Australian and Victorian Government support 2013/2017, includes support for the redevelopment of the Bendigo Airport. Investment in the Airport is identified as a priority action in the Loddon Mallee Regional Strategic Plan (Southern Region). The Amendment will enhance opportunities for aviation and transport related business and employment such as:

Commercial and corporate aviation;

Flight training and recreational aviation;

Potential compatible business such as warehousing;

Potential regular public transport; and

Aircraft maintenance and potential avionics support.

Background Information

The Airport’s Bendigo East location has been investigated on a number of occasions, including a cost estimate and engineering consideration as part of a feasibility study into four other sites in 2002. In July 2005 the Council resolved to confirm the Airport’s current location as the future site for expansion. The adoption of the Bendigo Airport Strategic Plan (June 2009) and the Bendigo Aerodrome Master Plan 2007-2022 in 2009, considered on site options for a new runway, with this proposed runway location having a net best scenario. This project has been in the planning phase for a number of years, with some funding already committed, and additional funding being sought. The key steps in the Amendment process are summarised below:

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Previous Council Decisions

20 July 2005 Resolved that the airport remains at this location after investigating other options and strategic studies.

3 June 2009 Adopted Bendigo Aerodrome Master Plan 2007-2022 and Bendigo Airport Strategic Plan June 2009.

29 February 2012 Adopted preferred new runway alignment and indicative budget.

27 March 2013 Appointed Advisory Committee members for project.

12 February 2014 Resolved to request the Minister to Authorise and Exhibit Planning Scheme Amendment C175 and planning permit.

3 December 2014 Resolved to request the Minister to appoint an independent Panel to consider outstanding submissions.


The attached Explanatory Report details the purpose and effect of the Amendment and provides the strategic justification for the Amendment. Key issues identified in the Explanatory Report are discussed below.

Send to Minister for Approval and Gazettal

We are at this point

Council decides to Adopt or Abandon the Amendment

Council requests an Independent Panel to consider submissions

Submissions received

Public Exhibition of Amendment

Council decides whether to seek Ministerial Authorisation

Amendment prepared

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Land affected by the Amendment The Amendment applies to the existing airport reserve at 35 Victa Road, East Bendigo, properties to the north in Heinz Street purchased by Council (No’s 149, 179, and 199 Heinz Street), and 136 privately owned properties in proximity to the airport. A full list of the affected properties is detailed in the attached explanatory report. The privately owned properties are proposed to be included in the aircraft noise or flight path overlays, or combinations of these. The airport reserve is zoned Special Use Zone 7 (Bendigo Airport) and accessed via the ‘airport entrance road’ off Victa Road in the south west corner of the site. The general aviation precinct is currently being redeveloped, and includes 3 new taxi lanes, drainage and vehicle access to 25 new leased hangar sites. The airport is surrounded by mixed zonings, including the Wellsford Estate (Industrial 1) to the east, Industrial 1 to the south, forested areas incorporating the Bendigo Regional Park to the north east (Public Conservation and Resource Zone) and pockets of Rural Living, and Low Density existing residential area to the west. What the Amendment does The Amendment proposes to facilitate a longer runway and associated Business Park by:

Amending the Municipal Strategic Statement, including inserting Bendigo Airport Masterplan 2007-2022 and Bendigo Airport Strategic Plan as reference documents.

Rezoning land at 149, 179 and 199 Heinz Street, East Bendigo to the Bendigo Airport zoning, (SUZ7) and various zoning anomalies to parts of road reservations, and the new location of the Ellesmere-Goornong Channel (part).

Amending the Special Use Zone, Schedule 7 (SUZ7)

Applying new Design and Development Overlays and Airport Environs Overlay.

Delete the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 19 Aerodrome Related Industries Precinct.

Amend Clauses 52.03 and 52.17 to insert the Bendigo airport redevelopment Project incorporated document (July 2014) for vegetation removal.

Amending Clauses 66.04 and 66.06.

Insert the Bendigo Aerodrome Obstacle Limitation Surfaces June 2012 and Bendigo Airport redevelopment Incorporated document, July 2014 as an Incorporated Plan in Schedule to Clause 81.01.

What the Planning Permit Does

The Planning Permit (DP/68/2013) allows for development of a new north-south runway, taxiways, aprons and access-lanes, access roads and infrastructure associated with a new business park, re-alignment of part of the Ellesmere-Goornong Channel, and associated buildings and works.

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Exhibition Procedures The Amendment was exhibited for six weeks from 28 August 2014 to 10 October 2014. Notice was provided in the following manner:

Individual notices to approximately 1,400 owners and occupiers of land affected by the Amendment and other surrounding properties.

Notices to prescribed Ministers under Section 19(1)(c) of the Planning and Environment Act.

Notices to all authorities materially affected under Section 19(1)(a) of the Act.

Public notice of the Amendment in the Bendigo Advertiser on 27 August 2014 and 30 August 2014.

Several media releases in the Bendigo Advertiser.

Publication of the notice of the Amendment in the Government Gazette on 28 August 2014.

Access on-line and copy at City’s Hopetoun Street office.

An information session at Airport terminal on 16 September 2014.

A meeting with Heinz Street residents as a group.

A meeting with environment groups on site.

A meeting with Airport tenants. Submissions Eleven submissions were received as a result of public exhibition, with four opposing the amendment and referred to the Panel, 5 supporting and 2 supporting subject to conditions. The key issues raised by the submitters included:

Increased noise for adjoining residents;

Increased traffic;

Height restrictions on private property;

Property valuations adjoining owners. All submitters will be notified of Council’s decision resulting from this report. The Panel Hearing The Minister for Planning appointed an Independent Panel to consider the Amendment. The Hearing was held on 26 February 2015. The Panel considered all written and oral submissions and material presented to it in connection with the Amendment. VicRoads was the only opposing submitter that chose to present to the Panel.

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The Panel Report and Recommendations The Panel Report was received on 27 March 2015 and contained two recommendations. Under Section 26 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, the Panel Report was automatically released on 24 April 2015 to the public 28 days following its receipt. In summary, the Panel supported the Amendment as exhibited, with only minor changes recommended to be made to the planning permit. The Panel report stated that it agreed with Council’s position, that with only three individual resident objections, this: ‘..demonstrates that the proposal has wide community acceptance, and the potential community benefit from the proposal in terms of jobs and increased economic activity far exceeds any detrimental amenity impacts, which at the very best are minor’. The report also stated that ‘The proposal is well supported at state, regional and local policy levels’. In terms of the main issues raised by submissions, the report concluded that noise impacts are acceptable and will be managed by the Airport Environs Overlay; that no evidence was provided that the proposed airport will impact on surrounding property values; that the height restrictions should be applied as per the scientific assessment; and it supported Council’s position that only Victa Road/Airport entrance intersection needed upgrading as part of the project. Table 1: Panel recommendations

No. Panel Recommendation Officer Recommendation

1. Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme

Amendment C175 be adopted as


Accept the panel’s recommendation.

2. Permit DP/68/2013 be granted

subject to the following changes:

(a) Include permit conditions

requested by North Central

Catchment Management

Authority and Country Fire

Authority and correct the

typographical error in Condition


Accept recommendation. Permit

conditions regarding overland flow and

works on waterways permit have been

included as requested (conditions 13

and 14).

Permit conditions regarding fire hydrants

have been included as requested

(condition 12).

(b) Include a permit condition for

the upgrade of the Victa

Road/Airport Entry Road


Accept recommendation. Permit

condition requiring upgrade to Victa Rd

and Airport Entry Rd intersection

included (condition 8). Works must be

undertaken within 12months of a

Regular Passenger Transport air service

beginning operation.

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No. Panel Recommendation Officer Recommendation

(c) Include a permit condition for

the hours of operation.

Accept recommendation. Permit

condition for hours of operation included

(condition 9). Regular Passenger

Transport flights are not permitted

between the hours of midnight and 5am

without the prior written consent of the

Responsible Authority.


It is recommended that Council adopt the Amendment as exhibited, with minor changes to the permit as supported by the Panel, and forward to the Minister for Planning to approve. This will complete the Amendment process and the zone and overlay changes will be made. A permit for the works will also issue on gazettal of the amendment by the Minister.


Council has the option of:

Adopting the Amendment and draft permit conditions in accordance with the Panel’s recommendations and sending to the Minister for Planning for Approval. (recommended option)

Abandoning the Amendment under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 there is no right of review of a council's decision not to support the Amendment.

Resource Implications

Officer time will be required to prepare the Amendment documentation for adoption and liaise with the Minister for Planning. The City is responsible for payment of statutory fees and costs incurred in the processing of the Amendment, including the $798 fee to the Minister for Planning. The Amendment will result in a small increase in the need for planning permits for development in the Business Park, and construction of buildings higher than 10m in the surrounding area.


Panel Report

Explanatory Report

Draft Planning Permit (as amended)

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That the Greater Bendigo City Council resolve to: 1. Adopt Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme Amendment C175 and permit DP/68/2013

with changes.

2. Forward the adopted Amendment and permit to the Minister for Planning for Approval.

RESOLUTION Moved Cr Williams, Seconded Cr Campbell. That the recommendation be adopted.


Planning for Growth - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May




Document Information

Author Andrew Cockerall, Co-Ordinator Strategic Planning Responsible Prue Mansfield, Director Planning and Development Director


The purpose of this report is to summarise the exhibition process of Amendment C215, assess the submissions received and recommend that the Minister for Planning appoint an Independent Panel to consider submissions to the amendment.

Policy Context

Council Plan Reference: Action 2.3.1 states “Complete the Residential Development Strategy encompassing the urban growth boundary, new growth areas, housing diversity and medium density infill residential options and commence Planning Scheme amendments”.

Strategy Reference (include weblink as applicable):

Regional Strategic Plan Reference: The Loddon Mallee South Regional Growth Plan forecasts that Bendigo will accommodate “significant growth” and consolidate its role as a major regional centre. The “State of Cities” section of Plan Melbourne identifies that Bendigo will need to absorb a growing proportion of the State’s growth.

Background Information

Previous Council Decision(s) Date(s): 15/06/11 Council endorsed the brief for the review. 29/02/12 Council adopted the Audit of the Residential Development Strategy 06/03/13 Council releases the Issues and Options Paper 21/08/13 Council seeks Ministerial Amendment for the conversion of the residential

zones. 26/03/14 Council releases the draft Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy for

community comment 22/10/14 Council adopts the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy and resolves to

commence the amendment process.

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The following table sets out the planning scheme amendment process. Amendment C215 is now at the stage where submissions have been received and need to be referred to an Independent Panel for consideration. Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy

Planning Scheme Amendment to Minister for

Approval and Gazettal

Council decision in response to the Panel

Report - adopt, abandon or reject Panel

recommendations etc.

Council Report to appoint an Independent Panel or


Yes No

or resolved

Council Report to adopt or abandon the Amendment Submissions Received

Exhibition of Proposed Amendment

Council decides whether to seek Ministerial Authorisation

Strategy developed

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The Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014) was adopted by Council on 22 October 2014. The strategy establishes a framework to guide the residential growth of the Municipality to 2040 and beyond. The strategy is focussed on accommodating Bendigo’s future residential development through creating a compact city, vibrant City Centre, neighbourhoods and small towns where people can readily access their daily needs and where there is real transport choice rather than relying on the car. What the amendment does Amendment C215 implements the recommendations of the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014) into the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme. The amendment is largely focussed on making strategy and policy changes within the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) to reinforce the overall strategic direction of promoting a compact urban form. Among the key changes to the MSS proposed by Amendment C215 are:

Updating the “Key Issues and Influences” clause to include issues such as liveability, transport integration and planning for health.

Combining the Housing and Settlement clauses into a new clause “Compact Bendigo”.

Strengthening the provisions around the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).

New strategies around 10 minute neighbourhoods, key development sites, housing density and diversity and design quality.

Inclusion of the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014) as a Reference Document within the Planning Scheme.

A number of zone and overlay changes are proposed in the amendment including:

Land identified in the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan and Huntly Township Plan that was identified for residential development but is yet to be rezoned. These areas are being rezoned from a Rural Living Zone to either a General Residential Zone or a Low Density Residential Zone.

Inclusion of land off Goynes Road, Epsom in the General Residential Zone.

Removal of the Design and Development Overlay 10 which requires larger lot sizes from parts of “Precinct 6” in Maiden Gully to allow for more conventional subdivision consistent with the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014).

Exhibition procedures The Amendment was exhibited for 6 weeks between 5 February and 20 March 2015. Notice was provided in the following manner:

Individual notices were sent to 700 residents, government agencies and interest groups who were affected by the amendment or had previously registered an interest in the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy.

Planning for Growth - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Notices to the prescribed Ministers under Section 19(1)(c) of the Planning and Environment Act.

Public Notice of the Amendment in the Bendigo Advertiser on 4, 7, 11, 14, 21 and 28 February and in the McIvor Times on 5 and 12 February 2015.

Public Notice of the Amendment in the Government Gazette on 5 February 2015. As a result of these procedures 67 submissions were received. Of the 67 submissions, 27 supported the amendment, 30 submissions sought to have changes made (such as including additional land within the amendment) and 10 submissions were objections. Independent Advisory Committee and the Housing Strategy Prior to summarising the submissions it is important to make a number of points to put the proposed response into context. Following the exhibition of the draft Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy in April/May 2014, an Independent Advisory Committee (IAC) was established by Council to consider a number of submissions. The Committee’s report identified 8 areas that may have potential for residential development but required more detailed investigation. These “Investigation Areas” include land in Huntly, Maiden Gully, Big Hill, Ravenswood, Kangaroo Flat, Marong and Strathfieldsaye. A number of the submissions to this amendment were received from landowners within these “Investigation Areas”. A Housing Strategy is currently being prepared that includes, among other things, the detailed assessment of these Investigation Areas to determine whether these sites have potential for residential development. A number of the responses to the submissions detailed below make note of this. Submissions There are three options available to Council in considering each submission. It can be supported in full, supported in part, or not supported. Normally submissions that support the amendment are not referred to an Independent Panel. However given the strategic nature and scale of the amendment and based on advice from Planning Panels Victoria it is recommended that all submissions be referred to an Independent Panel. As indicated above, 30 of the submissions received sought to have additional land included within the amendment. Given these sites were not included within the exhibited amendment they cannot be included within the amendment at this stage. The majority of these sites will be considered in the context of the Housing Strategy referred to above. The landowners will also have the opportunity to put their case to the Independent Panel appointed by the Minister for Planning and the Panel will typically form its own view on the merits of a rezoning request.

Planning for Growth - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



The following table is a summary of the submissions and proposed response:

Summary of submission Response

1. Supports the amendment as it relates to the removal of the DDO10 in Maiden Gully

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

2. Supports inner city development but issues such as drainage, stormwater and parking need to be addressed.

There will always be areas that need infrastructure upgrades particularly around the City Centre and these need to be properly assessed at the time a planning application is being considered.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

3. Supports the amendment as it relates to the removal of the DDO10 in Maiden Gully

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

4. Due to poor health considerations the submitter is seeking to have land at 698 Strathfieldsaye Road, Strathfieldsaye rezoned from Low Density Residential to General Residential.

A submission was received for this land as part of the exhibition of the draft Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy. The recommendation was that it should be supported but considered in the context of the Housing Strategy that is currently being developed. Despite the extenuating circumstances Council is unable to include the land within this amendment.

The submission is supported in principle.

5. Supports the rezoning of the land but suggests an alternate location for the General Residential Zone boundary based on an on-site survey.

The site was inspected with the landowner and a preliminary assessment of the vegetation was undertaken. It is recommended that the zone boundary be realigned but not to the extent proposed in the submission.

The submission is supported in part.

6. Supports the implementation of the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy into the Planning Scheme. Notes that an amendment request is to be prepared to rezone surplus land for residential purposes.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment and considered as part of the Housing Strategy..

7. Supports the amendment as it relates to the removal of the DDO10 in Maiden Gully

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

8. Supports the amendment as it relates to the removal of the DPO4 in Strathfieldsaye

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

9. Supports the amendment as it relates to the removal of the DDO10 in Maiden Gully

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

10. Supports the amendment as it relates to the removal of the DDO10 in Maiden Gully

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

11. Advised that there is a Mining Lease Contact has been made with the licensee’s agent

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Summary of submission Response

adjacent to being rezoned in Huntly and that the licensee should be engaged with as part of the amendment process.

and date given for a submission to made extended. No response was received.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

12. Seeking to have Lot 33G Sawmill Road, Huntly included in the amendment as it is well sited and close to public transport.

The land in question is outside the area identified for growth in the Huntly Township Plan.

While the land may be suitable for residential development it cannot be included within the amendment at this time as it wasn’t exhibited.

13. Seeking to be able to subdivide the land at 24-47 Backhaus Street, White Hills. In support of the request it is advised that:

All services are available.

The site is close to services.

Meets 10 minute neighbourhood principles.

Does not flood.

Potentially a 5/6 lot subdivision.

There is strong landowner interest within the White Hills area to further develop the land. The Independent Advisory Committee recommended that the White Hills area be reviewed as a matter of priority.

The Housing Strategy that is currently being developed is assessing this area and will determine what development opportunities may exist and what the appropriate planning controls are.

14. Opposes the removal of the DDO10 in Maiden Gully due to flooding, access and environmental impacts

The land is currently zoned General Residential and the DDO10 control specifies a minimum lot size of 1,500m2. Given the need to maximise the use of land within the UGB, it is considered that 1,500m2 lot sizes is an under-development of the land.

Issues associated with flooding, access and the environment are typically addressed as part of the planning permit process.

15. Seeking to have the DDO10 control removed from the Settlers Place area of Maiden Gully that specifies a minimum lot size of 1500m2.

The amendment does not propose to remove the DDO10 from this part of Maiden Gully.

While increased densities within existing residential areas is supported as a matter principle, this area is already developed as opposed to the land in “Precinct 6” which has significantly higher development potential.

Given the siting of houses on lots in the immediate area it is unlikely that there would be any significant yield from the area.

As the land was not included in the exhibited amendment it cannot be included within the amendment.

16. Seeking to have land on Edwards Road Maiden Gully rezoned from Low Density Residential to General Residential. In support of the request it is advised that:

The area can be serviced.

The land is opposite existing General Residential land.

The current zoning is a historical


The Low Density Residential zoning is likely a translation from the pre-amalgamation planning schemes.

Under the current planning controls it is possible to subdivide down to 0.2ha (0.5 acre) if the land can be serviced.

There are also likely to be bushfire issues associated with any development on the land and

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Summary of submission Response

these issues should be considered as part of the Housing Strategy.

Given the above the submission is not supported.

17. Opposes the rezoning of land off Walmer Street, Strathfieldsaye due to the impact on the environment, impact on lifestyle, lack of need for additional land and lack of supporting infrastructure. Would support a Low Density Residential Zone on the land.

The rezoning of this land as exhibited is consistent with the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan which is a reference document within the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme.

The submission is not supported.

18. Supports the changes to the MSS including the vision for Bendigo, 10 Minute Neighbourhoods, a Compact Bendigo and transport integration.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

19. Opposes the removal of the DDO10 control from the Calder Highway, Maiden Gully due to the impact on rates, flooding and lifestyle.

The land is currently zoned General Residential and the DDO10 control specifies a minimum lot size of 1,500m2. Given the need to maximise the use of land within the UGB, it is considered that 1,500m2 lot sizes is an under-development of the land.

Issues associated with flooding are typically addressed as part of the planning permit process. Impact on rates is not considered to be a valid planning argument.

The submission is not supported.

20. Supports the changes to the MSS including the vision for Bendigo, 10 Minute Neighbourhoods, a Compact Bendigo and transport integration.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

21. A group of landowners are seeking to have land in White Hills rezoned or have the DPO4 (that specifies at 2ha minimum lot size) removed. The submission notes that the IAC supported a review of the zoning in this area.

This area is being further assessed as part of the Housing Strategy in accordance with the recommendation of the Independent Advisory Committee.

It is considered premature to remove the DPO4 or rezone the site until the Housing Strategy has strategically assessed the area.

The submission is not supported.

22. The group supports the retention of the UGB, not allowing residential development south of Big Hill and application of a Significant Landscape Overlay to Mandurang Valley and Big Hill. In support of the request it is noted that:

There remains uncertainty for residents.

Any development would have significant environmental impacts.

Any development would have major ongoing costs for Council.

Development would not promote the

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

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Summary of submission Response

liveability of the City.

23. The submission supports the strategic direction of the amendment as it supports and promotes the future liveability of the City, in particular:

A compact city.

10 minute neighbourhoods.

Retaining the Urban-Forest Interface policy.

The submission does however consider that the amendment should discuss population limits

The submission is generally consistent with the exhibited amendment.

The amendment does not consider setting population limits as there is clear State level policy that Bendigo and other regional cities need to accommodate ongoing population growth. The challenge for the City is to ensure that population growth can be sustainably accommodated.

24. Supports the amendment and in particular a Compact Bendigo.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

25. The submission is seeking to have additional land off Mannes Lane Strathfieldsaye included within the amendment. In support of the request it is noted that:

There is no impact from the nearby poultry farm due to noise or odour.

Any issues with infrastructure provision can be managed.

The site is within 500m of public

transport and 2km of the Strathfieldsaye shopping centre.

The Strathfieldsaye Township Plan identified that this land should be developed for residential purposes at such time as the intensive animal industry to the south ceases to operate. The purpose of this condition is to protect the buffer to this enterprise.

There will be further discussions with the owner of the Intensive Animal Industry to determine if the buffer identified in the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan remains relevant and this further information presented to the Independent Panel.

At this stage the submission is not supported.

26. The submitters note their support for the Housing Strategy that is currently under development as it relates to land between Granter Street and Cherry Tree Lane, Kangaroo Flat.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

27. The submission is seeking to have land at 18 Goldsmiths Road, Eaglehawk included within the amendment. In support of the request it is noted that:

The locality abuts the UGB.

Proximate to the Eaglehawk and Epsom shopping areas.

Is accessible and can be serviced

Minimal site constraints.

This area is being further assessed as part of the Housing Strategy in accordance with the recommendation of the Independent Advisory Committee.

It is considered premature to rezone the site until the Housing Strategy has strategically assessed the area.

The submission is not supported.

28. The submission is seeking to have land at 36 Goldsmiths Road, Eaglehawk included within the amendment. In support of the request it is noted that:

The locality abuts the UGB.

Proximate to the Eaglehawk and Epsom shopping areas.

Is accessible and can be serviced

Minimal site constraints.

This area is being further assessed as part of the Housing Strategy in accordance with the recommendation of the Independent Advisory Committee.

It is considered premature to rezone the site until the Housing Strategy has strategically assessed the area.

The submission is not supported.

29. Supports the retention and strengthening The submission is consistent with the exhibited

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Summary of submission Response

of the UGB and opposes any residential development south of Big Hill due to its impact on the environment, bushfire risk and amenity.


30. Objects to the amendment as it does not apply the Neighbourhood Residential Zone to the Ascot area.

The Housing Strategy that is currently being prepared will address the issue of neighbourhood character in detail.

While the Ascot area does have a particular character it is considered premature to apply any planning controls to protect this character until the area has been has strategically assessed.

The submission is not supported.

31. The submission seeks to have land at Howard Street, Epsom included in a General Residential and Industrial 3 Zone. In support of the request it is noted that:

Consistent with the State and Local Planning Policy Framework.

The proposed development is

responsive to the area.

The subject land is within the buffer to the Waste Water Treatment Plant, has vegetation and bushfire issues. Coliban Water have indicated they oppose the development of this land. VCAT decisions elsewhere within the buffer area have indicated that this is a “fatal” issue.

The Independent Advisory Committee were also cautious about making recommendations for the site without a clear understanding of the impact of the buffer.

The submission is not supported.

32. Supports the amendment as it relates to the removal of the DDO10 in Maiden Gully. The submitter also indicated a willingness to collaborate with the City regarding the future development of the area.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

33. The submitter considered that the Explanatory Report did not adequately address the requirements of the Transport Integration Act. It was also noted that it was unclear why Clause 21.03 (Vision) was removed.

The submitter also noted that intersection upgrades will be required at the Strathfieldsaye Road/Mannes Lane intersection.

The Dept. of Land, Water, Environment and Planning were satisfied that the Explanatory Report addressed the requirements of the Transport Integration Act. This will be further elaborated as part of the Panel Hearing process. The Council Vision has not been removed and is referred to Clause 22.02-1.

The intersection upgrades are noted.

34. The submission is seeking to have land in Pasley Street, Huntly rezoned from LDRZ to a General Residential Zone. Is support of the request it is noted that:

The character of Huntly is changing.

The site is within walking distance of


The current zoning allows for a minimum lot size of 0.2 ha (0.5acres) if the land can be sewered.

The IAC noted that zoning in the area should be reviewed although it is not a short term priority.

It would also be necessary to engage with the broader community about any changes to the planning controls.

Any change to the zoning is therefore premature.

35. Supports the rezoning of land on the corner of Strathfieldsaye Road and

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

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Summary of submission Response

Somerset Park Road.

36. The submission broadly supports the strategic direction of the strategy in particular 10 Minute Neighbourhoods, retention of the UGB and higher density housing in accessible locations.

The submitter is seeking to have the reference to the Epsom train station amended and to have reference to future stations at Marong, Golden Square and Maiden Gully North East deleted.

The submission is generally consistent with the exhibited amendment, however the request to remove the references to future stations at Marong, Golden Square and Maiden Gully North East are not supported.

37. The submitters are seeking to have land in White Hills rezoned or have the DPO4 (that specifies at 2ha minimum lot size) removed. The submission notes that the IAC supported a review of the zoning in this area.

The submission is seeking to have this recognised in the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy.

This area is being further assessed as part of the Housing Strategy in accordance with the recommendation of the Independent Advisory Committee.

It is considered premature to remove the DPO4 or rezone the site until the Housing Strategy has strategically assessed the area.

38. Concern is expressed about how increased densities are going to be achieved given the current overlay controls, etc. that limit development opportunities. This creates uncertainty for the development industry. Other issues raised in the submission include:

Council reports need to clearly state when an application for medium density housing is consistent with the residential strategy.

Heritage and neighbourhood character controls work against medium density housing and this needs to be considered in the context of 10 minute neighbourhoods.

The City needs to be more proactive in supporting medium density housing.

Questions the application and

interpretation of the UGB when it comes to masterplanned communities that sit outside the UGB.

It is acknowledged that a substantial percentage of the Bendigo urban area is covered by planning controls (overlays and/or policies) that manage issues around residential character.

All parties (Council, developers and the community) want certainty around the form of development.

There is not however a single response to this issue. The revisions to the MSS are the first step. Other changes include the identification of key development sites, the use of the Residential Growth Zone and the development of design guidelines. There is also an educational aspect to the issue to build greater community acceptance of the need for increased densities and diversity in housing. Some of these changes can be made immediately (such as the suggested revisions to Council reports) and others will take longer.

The key is for Council, developers and the community to work collaboratively.

In regard the UGB, the strategy very clearly states that this will be reviewed in 2024 and that there will be report prepared annually to monitor land development.

39. The submission relates to land off Lockwood Road, Kangaroo Flat and it seeking to have it included within the UGB and identified for future residential development. In support of the request it is noted that:

The site abuts the UGB.

A substantial amount of resources have been allocated to this area over a number of years.

The site adjoins the Bendigo Regional Park and Industrial 1 and 3 zoned land. There are issues associated with vegetation protection, bushfire risk, drainage and buffers to adjoining industrial

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Summary of submission Response

It is an infill location close to all services and facilities.

The area can be serviced.

“No significant environmental, landscape character issues of natural resources” that warrant retaining the current zone.

The submission also objects to the implementation measures proposed the UGB.

development that make this a complex area.

The Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy clearly states that this site is not considered suitable for development and this has been the consistent advice to landowners since the previous amendment (C116) was abandoned in June 2011.

It is acknowledged that the Farming Zone does not reflect the pattern of use or development in the area. It is a site that has the potential for a Green Wedge A Zone, but this should be considered in the context of the Housing Strategy that is currently underway.

40. The submission relates to the “Forest Edge” development on Edwards Road, Maiden Gully. The submission seeks to have the site recognised as a Key Development Site within the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy and to make various changes to the MSS to reflect this. The submitter has requested to be heard by the Independent Panel.

A number of key development sites are identified within the revised MSS. These sites were identified on the basis of a number of criteria, including land size, location, accessibility, proximity to services and the like. These sites are then identified as having the potential to be rezoned to the Residential Growth Zone.

The subject land satisfies the majority of these criteria and is considered to be a key development site.

The submission is supported and it is recommended that the relevant changes be made to the MSS.

41. The submission relates to the Lansell Crest Estate in East Bendigo adjacent to the VicRoads office. The submission seeks to have the site recognised as a Key Development Site within the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy and to make various changes to the MSS to reflect this. The submitter has requested to be heard by the Independent Panel.

A number of key development sites are identified within the revised MSS. These sites were identified on the basis of a number of criteria, including land size, location, accessibility, proximity to services and the like. These sites are then identified as having the potential to be rezoned to the Residential Growth Zone.

The subject land satisfies the majority of these criteria, in particular the proximity to the City Centre and is considered to be a key development site.

The submission is supported and it is recommended that the relevant changes be made to the MSS.

42. Supports the amendment as it relates to the rezoning of land at Goynes Road, Epsom. The submitter has requested to be heard by the Independent Panel.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

43. The submission relates to land on Strathfieldsaye Road, Strathfieldsaye that is currently zoned General Residential with no overlays. Despite this the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan recommends 1,500m2 minimum lot sizes. The submission is seeking to have this reference removed to allow for residential

The 1,500m2 reference in the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan was never translated into a statutory planning control.

The site demonstrates 10 minute neighbourhood principles and development of 1,500m2 is considered to be an under-development of the site.

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Summary of submission Response

development that is consistent with the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy.

It is recommended that this reference be removed from the Strathfieldsaye Township Plan and that the site be developed at conventional residential densities.

44. The submission is seeking to have the land included within the UGB. In support of the request it is noted that:

The land is strategically located.

Close to the town centre.

Is accessible and adjoins the railway line to the north.

Demonstrates 10 Minute Neighbourhood principles.

Can be serviced.

A draft master plan was also submitted in support of the request which indicates a development that is generally consistent with the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy. It indicates a permeable street network, protection of vegetation on site and connections to the external movement network.

The extension of the UGB at this time is considered premature. With three major growth fronts currently under development and Maiden Gully North East about to commence the amendment process there is no pressing need to create additional greenfield growth fronts.

It is recommended that this extension to the UGB be considered as part of the 2024 review and that the framework plan be amended to indicate the land having “potential longer term growth”.

45. e Concern is expressed about the lack of commitment and timeframe for commencing the Precinct Structure Plan for Marong. The submission is seeking to have the reference to a population target of 8,000 people removed from the MSS.

Council has committed to commencing the Precinct Structure Plan for Marong in 2016.

The target population figure of 8,000 is taken from the Bendigo Residential Development Strategy (2004). The most appropriate time to review this population target is as part of the Precinct Structure Plan. It is considered premature to change this figure at this stage.

46. The submission relates to land on Strathfieldsaye Road, Strathfieldsaye which is proposed to be rezoned to part LDRZ and part General Residential Zone. The submission is seeking to have the land included entirely within the General Residential Zone. The submission notes that “a number of matters have arisen” that puts into question the appropriateness of the LDRZ, but does not elaborate on what these issues are.

The Strathfieldsaye Township Plan recommended the LDRZ/General Residential zoning of the land. No evidence has been submitted that would warrant a review of this zoning regime.

The submission is not supported.

47. The submission is largely concerned with the implementation of the UGB and consideration of rezoning proposals that are outside the UGB.

The view put is that proposals outside the UGB should be considered on their merits on a case by case performance based assessment.

Other matters raised in the submission include:

Pursuing a compact urban form, and

One of the challenges for the City is to maintain a balanced supply of land for residential development – infill development, the key development sites and greenfield development.

Since 2004 structure plans have been prepared for all four New Development Areas and all except Maiden Gully North East have been rezoned and are developing. This is a substantial increase in the supply of land for greenfield development.

This level of supply is one of the drivers behind the recommendation that there be no alterations

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Summary of submission Response

limiting Greenfield development, will place pressure on land supply, values and affordability.

A new approach is required when considering native vegetation with greater flexibility required.

Existing planning controls restrain infill development and overlay controls need to be reviewed.

to UGB until the 2024 review.

Proposals that sit outside the UGB can be considered, but the MSS clearly states that there is an assumption that they not be supported until the next review of the strategy.

It is often argued that greenfield development is more affordable. What is often not considered are costs to Council in terms of infrastructure and service provision that are higher in greenfield locations and that household running costs, in particular transport, are significantly higher compared to locations that demonstrate 10 minute neighbourhood principles.

Refer to the response to Submission #38 in relation to planning controls.

48. The submission relates to land between Granter Street and Cherry Tree Lane, Kangaroo Flat.

The submitter is seeking an assurance that the location of the UGB will be reviewed and that the area will be considered as part of the Housing Strategy.

This area is being considered as part of the Housing Strategy that is currently being prepared.

49. The submission relates to the former Eaglehawk Golf Club site in Maiden Gully. The submitter wants the site included within the UGB and that there should be a periodic review of the UGB specified in the MSS.

The extension of the UGB at this time is premature. With three major growth fronts currently under development and Maiden Gully North East about to commence the amendment process there is no need to create additional greenfield growth fronts.

It is recommended that this extension to the UGB be considered as part of the 2024 review.

50. The submission is seeking to have land in Wicks Road, Maiden Gully included within the UGB. In support of the request it is noted that:

The submitter disputes the desk top assessment that found the site acts as a as wildlife corridor.

Council failed to undertake appropriate technical assessment and did not have sufficient information to justify excluding the land from the UGB.

The site adjoins the UGB, that development would be consistent with the Urban-Forest Interface policy and demonstrate ESD principles.

The site can be serviced.

Environmental constraints can be managed.

Development of the land would be

consistent with State legislation and

The strategy and amendment are focussed on development within the UGB in the short to medium term and there is a presumption against creating additional residential land outside of the UGB. The land supply assessment undertaken to date indicates that there is no immediate need to create additional residential land.

The strategy does identify land longer term potential for greenfield development, but this does not include the subject land and page 59 actually recommends against development on this site due to environmental and bushfire issues.

The strategy also notes the need to avoid development in areas subject to environmental risk. This land is entirely affected by the revised BMO mapping, has significant vegetation coverage, the land with frontage to the Calder Highway is subject to flooding and the site does not demonstrate any 10 minute neighbourhood principles.

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Summary of submission Response

policy and local planning policy. The strategy also notes that “as a matter of planning principle, the wholesale clearance of vegetation is not considered to be an appropriate response to managing bushfire risk”.

The Farming Zone is clearly the wrong the zone. The Housing Strategy that is currently under preparation is investigating the use of the Green Wedge A Zone for this site and other sites proximate to the UGB that are also environmentally constrained.

51. The submission relates to land on the corner of Gray and Wallenjoe Road, Huntly.

The owner is seeking to have the land rezoned so that it can be subdivided. In support of the request it is noted that:

Demand for larger lots.

Close to amenities.

The submitter subsequently confirmed that a 5 acre lots would be suitable for the areas.

The subject land is isolated from the urban area and has an area of 10 hectares (25 acres).

This is a “rural living” type subdivision that is not being contemplated by Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy or Amendment C215.

The submission is not supported.

52. Concern that past decision making does not align with strategic direction of encouraging infill development, in particular unit proposals that attract objections. Other issues raised in the submission include:

Existing controls – Heritage, Neighbourhood Character – limit infill opportunities.

Need to identify future development

fronts more clearly

Refer to the response to Submission #38.

53. The submission relates to land bounded by the Bendigo Creek, Buckland and Saade Street and Monti’s Lane, Epsom.

The submission is seeking to have the land rezoned from a Farming Zone to a General Residential Zone. In support of the request it is noted that:

Provides infill opportunities

Is vacant and largely cleared of vegetation

Is accessible

Can be serviced

Close to shops and schools.

A Flood Study was also prepared in support of the submission.

This land was not included in the amendment as the Bendigo Flood Study indicates that it is substantially affected by flooding.

The landowners have had a flood study prepared that indicates that flooding issues can be managed and this has been endorsed by the North Central Catchment Management Authority who indicated support for a rezoning to a General Residential Zone subject to application of a Land Subject to Inundation Overlay.

Despite this new information Council is unable to include the land within this amendment.

54. Supports the strategic direction of the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy and the amendment.

The submission highlights a number of

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

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Summary of submission Response

the challenges that Coliban faces in terms infrastructure capacity, finance, duplication of assets and the like.

55. Supports the rezoning of 44-50 Goynes Road, Epsom to a General Residential Zone.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

56. Supports the rezoning of 6-18 Goynes Road, Epsom to a General Residential Zone.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

57. Submission relates to land on the corner of Homer Beacon and Patas Road, Maiden Gully.

Expresses concern about the approach taken in managing native vegetation in growth areas and the impact this has on lot yields. Considers that a more flexible approach is needed in managing vegetation in residential areas.

This land is proposed to be rezoned to General Residential as part of the implementation of the Maiden Gully Precinct Structure Plan (PSP). The PSP does not propose to manage any vegetation on site so it is unclear what the submitters concerns are.

58. The submission supports the amendment, in particular the identification of the Osborne Street site as a key development site.

The submission is seeking:

To have the Osborne Street rezoned ahead of the Housing Strategy given the existing level of strategic justification.

To have flexible planning controls that allow for a development that responds to the Council’s and University’s needs and market conditions.

To have references to potential lot

yields removed from the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy.

The Osborne Street site is identified as a key development site within proposed Cl 21.05-1. The site has the potential to be rezoned to a Residential Growth Zone which is being considered as part of the Housing Strategy that is currently under development.

It is agreed that a Development Plan Overlay or similar control would be appropriate to guide the development of the land and this will be prepared as part of the Housing Strategy.

It is agreed that the lot yield figures should be removed from the draft.

The submission is supported in principle, however it cannot be included within the amendment.

59. The submission supports the exhibited amendment, in particular:

The retention of the UGB.

10 minute neighbourhoods.

Increasing the density and diversity of housing.

The identification of the key development sites.

Retaining the Urban Forest Interface Policy.

The submission considers further investigations are required in relation to water security given the impacts of climate change and future population growth.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

60. The submission supports the exhibited The submission is consistent with the exhibited

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Summary of submission Response

amendment, in particular:

Retaining the Urban Forest Interface Policy.

Promoting a compact Bendigo and 10

minute neighbourhoods.


61. The submission generally supports the amendment but is seeking a number of changes to the MSS:

Inclusion of paragraph that addresses bushfire risk.

Clarification of how the competing objectives of vegetation protection and bushfire risk will be managed.

Minor wording changes to ensure consistent language throughout the planning scheme.

Clarification as to how the Urban

Forest Interface Policy will apply to areas subject to the BMO.

A number of the requested changes are straightforward and modifications to the MSS can be made.

Other changes will require further discussion with the CFA to clarify their requirements and reach an agreed position. These discussions will take place prior to the Panel Hearing and final changes presented to the Panel for consideration.

62. The submission supports the amendment and opposes any development to the south of Big Hill.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

63. The submission supports the exhibited amendment, in particular:

Promoting a Compact Bendigo and 10 minute neighbourhoods.

Promoting transport choice.

Retention of the UGB.

The submission is consistent with the exhibited amendment.

64. The submission relates to various lots in the Church/St. Killians/James Street area of White Hills.

The land is currently zoned Low Density Residential and the owners have indicated they would like to subdivide the land.

There is strong landowner interest within the White Hills area to further develop the land. The Independent Advisory Committee recommended that the White Hills area be reviewed as a matter of priority.

The Housing Strategy that it currently being developed is assessing this area and will determine what development opportunities may exist and what the appropriate planning controls are.

65. Objects to the rezoning of land off Goynes Road, Epsom from a Farming Zone to a General Residential Zone.

Grounds for the objection include:

The need to upgrade and maintain existing infrastructure in areas already residentially zoned and development.

A number of specific issues regarding

who provides and pays for the new infrastructure.

The submitter has been advised to lodge a customer request for any issues associated with maintenance of existing footpaths, etc. This is not a relevant consideration to this amendment.

With regard to who provides and pays for new infrastructure, this cost is typically borne by the developer but works must be completed to the City’s satisfaction.

66. The submission supports the amendment but suggests a number of modifications to

The submission is supported and the proposed changes are agreed to.

Planning for Growth - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Summary of submission Response

the wording in the MSS.

67. The UDIA support the need for planning for growth and are keen to work with the City and other stakeholders. The UDIA do raise a number of concerns with the Strategy and Amendment C215:

The drive to limit urban expansion and promote infill is too aggressive and the market needs time to evolve.

Concern over the delivery of key infill sites given the constraints that exist on some of them and the likely adverse reaction from the community.

Disputes the land supply figures and that if infill development doesn’t deliver the quantum of housing that is forecast this will impact on affordability.

The submission highlights the importance of the annual “State of Housing” report in monitoring the market and supports the appointment of a Residential Development Facilitator.

The UDIA supports inner city housing but notes that it is a largely untested market in Bendigo and some sites have constraints that will need to be resolved.

The submission also highlighted a number of factors that need to align from a market perspective:

Financial support.

Cost constraints in building over 4 stories.

Less complexity in planning controls.

Uncertainty/inconsistent decision making.

Lack of community acceptance.

Development businesses need to offer an integrated housing product – not just subdivide land.

Site availability.

Please note that the City of Greater Bendigo is a member of the UDIA. The key issue in the submission is the need to maintain a balance between greenfield development, infill and key development sites.

It is acknowledged that the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy takes a strong approach in promoting a compact city.

The strategy also contains a number of proactive actions to help deliver this growth strategy:

Identification of key development sites.

Proposed use of the Residential Growth Zone.

Appointment of a Residential Development Facilitator.

Preparation of design guidelines.

Strengthening of the policy framework around achieving greater diversity in housing/lots.

The State of Housing Report also provides a mechanism to monitor the implementation of the Strategy and should it become apparent that there is a shortfall in land supply the next review of the strategy can be brought forward.

Prior to the Panel Hearing further investigations will be undertaken in regard to the supply of land for development as the figures used in the Strategy are now 2 years old and in dispute.

68. The submission is seeking to have an environmental overlay placed on the “Frog Hollow” reserve in Strathdale. In support of the submission a list of the birds that have been identified in the reserve has been supplied together with an academic article about urban planning and vegetation conservation.

While the reserve no doubt provides biodiversity

and amenity value to the area it cannot be

included within the amendment at this stage as it

was not exhibited.

Next Steps

Planning for Growth - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



The next step in the amendment process is to request the Minister for Planning to appoint an Independent Panel to consider all submissions to the amendment. The Panel will conduct an open hearing and those parties who had their submissions referred to the Panel will have an opportunity have their case heard by independent experts who will make an impartial recommendation to Council on how the submission should ultimately be dealt with. The Panel will conduct a Directions Hearing in the week of 15 June 2015 and the Hearing will be in the week commencing 20 July 2015. The Panel report is then submitted to Council, generally within 6 weeks of the Hearing and the report is released to the public within 21 days. Council must ultimately resolve to adopt (or not adopt) the Panel recommendations. Priority/Importance: The project is of high importance. Options/Alternatives: There are no viable alternatives given the importance of the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy and as the planning scheme amendment process must follow statutory procedures. Timelines: The Panel will conduct a Directions Hearing in the week of 15 June 2015 and the Hearing will be in the week commencing 20 July 2015. Progress: Risk Analysis: The planning scheme amendment process requires stringent consideration of social, economic and environment risks that will be tested as part of the Panel process.

Resource Implications

Budget Allocation in the Current Financial Year: $5,000

Previous Council Support: There has been past financial support for the development of the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy but none for the subsequent planning scheme amendment.

External Funding Sources: Funding has been received from Regional Development Victoria to develop the Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy. No external funding has been received associated with the planning scheme amendment.

Any known or anticipated variance to budget: None know

Planning for Growth - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Projected costs for future financial years: A budget allocation will be required in the 2015/16 financial year associated with the cost of the Independent Panel and finalisation of the planning scheme amendment.

Any ongoing recurrent expenditure required: None anticipated.

Planning for Growth - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May




The Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy (2014) and Amendment C215 have been through an exhaustive consultation process. The amendment is now at the stage where unresolved submissions need to be referred to an Independent Panel for independent assessment and consideration. When the Panel’s report has been received there will be a further report to Council to consider the Panel report and adopt the amendment.




That the Greater Bendigo City Council resolve to request the Minister for Planning to appoint an Independent Panel to consider all submissions. Cr Chapman declared a conflict of interest (as a party to the matter) in the Planning for Growth Report No. 2.2 (Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme Amendment C215 – Greater Bendigo Residential Strategy) as she has made a submission on the Residential Strategy in relation to her own property. Cr Chapman left the meeting. RESOLUTION Moved Cr Campbell, Seconded Cr Fyffe. That the recommendation be adopted.

CARRIED Cr Chapman returned to the meeting.

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May





Document Information

Author Steven Abbott, Manager Community Partnerships Deb Simpson, Coordinator Connecting Communities Responsible Pauline Gordon, Director Community Wellbeing Director


This report presents the recommended funding allocations for Round 2 of the 2014/15 Community Grants Program. It seeks Councils consideration and endorsement. Policy Context Council Plan Reference: The Community Grants Program (CGP) consistent with the following Council Plan 2013 – 2017 strategic objectives: 1.1 Council demonstrates leadership in its decisions and uses good governance principles to guide decision making. 1.3 Community members take an active part in democratic engagement. 3.2 Greater Bendigo is a place of great places that celebrates people’s artistic, cultural, sporting and social lives. 3.3 Greater Bendigo is a community that values its heritage and supports arts and cultural experiences. 3.6 Residents have access to environments and settings that support safe and healthy living. 5.2 Greater Bendigo’s natural heritage is restored and protected for the future. Council Policy Reference (include weblink as applicable):

Community Grants Policy (Policy) and Program Guidelines (Guidelines).

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Background Information

This report relates to Round 2 of the 2014/15 CGP. There are seven CGP categories:

Active Communities (formerly the Recreation category);

Arts and Culture;

Community Development;

Community Events;

Environmental Sustainability;

Healthy Communities; and

Print and Digital Publications. In accordance with the Guidelines, Community Assessment Panels (Panels) were convened to consider the applications received for each of the seven categories. The Guidelines require Council to consult with the respective Panel prior to the resolution of funding allocations if any variations to their funding recommendations are proposed.

As per the Policy, 10% of the budget for each category is set aside as a ‘reserve’ to provide capacity for Quick Response Grants for community needs that may arise outside of CGP funding rounds. The exception to this is the Healthy Communities category as the funds for this category are externally sourced. The Quick Response Grants reserves for 2014/15 are:

Active Communities $10,360

Arts and Culture $8,280

Community Development $12,950

Community Events $7,250

Environmental Sustainability $4,140

Healthy Communities $0

Print and Digital Publications $3,100

TOTAL $46,080

Previous Council Decision(s) Date(s): 11 February 2015: Council adopted the revised Policy and Guidelines. 12 November 2014: Council resolved upon the 2014/15 CGP Round 1 funding allocations.


Applications opened on 17 February 2015 and closed at 5pm on 13 March 2015. 88 applications were received for Round 2. This represents nine more than Round 1.

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Quick Response Grants

$10,117 in Quick Response Grants funds have been distributed to 6 applicants since the last report to Council in 2014. A total of $12,417 has been allocated so far this financial year which leaves a balance of $33,663 for the remainder of 2014/15.

Quick Response Grants

Organisation Project Details Category Amount

Foundation 97 Spinal cord injury awareness community event

Community Events


Heathcote Health Heathcote community games

Community Events


Life FM Life to the Max community event

Community Events


Bendigo Health Healthbank cricket challenge event

Active Communities


Mia Mia Fire Brigade

Repair and upgrade of community standpipe

Community Development



Round 2













by Panels for


Total of Panel






$46,804 31 $106,943 19 $46,260

Arts and


$51,265 9 $26,402 8 $21,402



$70,165 17 $72,885 15 $61,585



$39,821 12 $41,100 10 $32,100



$29,410 7 $18,886 5 $13,856



$10,000 6 $18,030 4 $7,320

Print and



$14,088 6 $19,285 5 $13,950


$261,553 88 $303,531 66 $196,473

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



ANZAC Centenary Victorian ANZAC Centenary Committee community event

Community Development




The tables below outline the funding allocations recommended by the Panels for each CGP category. The maximum funding available in any category or to any organisation is $5,000. Some applications were not recommended by the Panels for funding as:

They were incomplete.

They were assessed as not meeting the CGP Guidelines.

The category was oversubscribed.

The requested funding was for an ongoing resource.

In some cases the Panels have recommended partial funding due to applications not demonstrating sufficient merit to justify the maximum amount requested. Active Communities

Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Cheer and Dance

Parent’s Association

To provide safety equipment to

support young peoples’

participation in sport.

$1,500 $1,500

Bendigo Lacrosse To promote the sport of

lacrosse to the youth of

Bendigo and surrounding


$3,788 $1,894

Bendigo Croquet


To rejuvenate 2 croquet


$5,000 $2,860

Axedale Golf Club To improve irrigation efficiency

- replacement of 43 existing

360 degree sprinklers with 180

degree geared directional

sprinklers to control spray

direction to fairways only and

prevent wastage by irrigating


$4,500 $4,500

Field & Game

Australia Bendigo

To purchase a specialised clay

target trap for clay target

$3,460 $3,460

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Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Branch competitions.

Marong Bowls Club To provide a drinking water


$3,050 $3,050

Kangaroo Flat Bowls


To purchase 6 sets of small

sized bowls that are suitable for

use by local school students.

$1,800 $900

Lockwood Primary

School Council

To install fitness stations in the

school grounds.

$5,000 $5,000


Football/Netball Club

To replace heavy old trestle

tables with round tables to

increase community use.

$3,987 $2,000

Wattle Racing (a

Church based youth


To purchase portable gazebos

for shelter and build a custom

designed trailer for transporting

Human Powered Vehicles to

training and events.

$5,000 $2,022

Eaglehawk Croquet


To rejuvenate 2 croquet


$3,460 $2,860

Heathcote U3A To provide a range of programs

and activities for older

community members.

$2,000 $2,000


Junior Football Club

To provide uniforms and safety

equipment for the Junior and

Youth Girls Football teams.

$3,724 $1,155

e.motion 21 To provide a cardiovascular

fitness program for young

people with disabilities.

$3,000 $1,299

Bendigo Hawks


To purchase equipment to

enable expansion of coaching


$1,865 $1,865

Phoenix United

Basketball Club

To implement a player medical

history and emergency contact

details app and 25% of

season’s venue hire costs.

$3,000 $3,000

Bendigo Agricultural

Show Society

To purchase a defibrillator for

use at the Bendigo


$4,000 $1,895

Bendigo Pony Club To purchase new equipment to $4,913 $3,000

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

enable expansion of training


Bendigo Bowls Club To rejuvenate some existing


$4,036 $2,000

TOTAL $67,083 $46,260

Arts and Culture

Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Kennington Primary


To support the development

and implementation of a

performing arts program.

$4,600 $4,600

Bendigo NuPo

Community Care

To support the ‘NuPo Project’,

an exhibition to raise

awareness of refugee

experiences and as a fund

raiser for new roofing on the

children's dorms within the

NuPo Refugee Camp on the

Thai/Burma border.

$624 $624

Heathcote Artists Inc To offer ‘Come and Try Days’

to encourage community

members not already engaged

in arts to experiment without

the need to outlay for materials

or tuition costs.

$1,750 $1,750

Bendigo Preschool To support the ‘Bagus Kan

Performance’, to offer insights

into Indonesian culture through

a puppetry and gamelan music


$539 $539

Melody Makers To provide a series of free

performances within aged and

special care accommodation

facilities across Greater


$2,000 $2,000

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Bendigo Bush

Dance and Music


To record music from the

dances in Australia for the

period 1788 to 1837 (‘Extended

Regency Period’) to enable the

revival of these dances.

$4,889 $4,889

Bendigo Art Society To provide a public exhibition

at Dudley House.

$2,000 $2,000

Bendigo Chamber


To provide a concert at

Ulumbarra Theatre – Handel’s


$5,000 $5,000


$21,402 $21,402

Community Development

Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Eaglehawk Anglican


To promote weekly community

social connection opportunities

over a nutritious meal.

$4,763 $4,763

Bendigo Animal

Welfare Services

To further develop the

companion animal program.

$4,325 $4,325

Bendigo Baptist

Community Care

To support the further

development of the MADCOW

social enterprise

cafe which provides hospitality

training through community

meal preparation that form part

of the Foodshare Program.

$2,500 $2,500

Marong Playgroup To further develop the

educational quality of

playgroup programs.

$5,000 $5,000

Long Gully



To support the ‘Better

Reception Project’, a project

that will bring together people

with a disability, digital media

TAFE students and

Neighbourhood Centre staff /

$2,500 $2,500

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

volunteers to produce a video

for use as an induction /

teaching aide for

Neighbourhood Centre


Kangaroo Flat

Primary School

To support a student

leadership and wellbeing


$5,000 $5,000

Bendigo Safe

Community Forum

To further develop the ‘Social

Media Fail’ program for

secondary school audiences

through the development of an

IOS and Android game.

$5,000 $5,000

St John’s


To purchase a defibrillator, a

carry chair and an oxygen

response unit to enable

enhanced community first aid


$4,640 $4,640

Victory Church To support the preparation and

distribution of Christmas

hampers to disadvantaged

community members.

$5,000 $3,700

Goornong and

District Community


To support the development

and installation of interpretive

signage in Goornong,

Barnadown and Fosterville.

$4,000 $4,000

1st Maiden Gully


To support equipment and

training required to expand

existing programs and attract

new members.

$5,000 $5,000

Central Victoria

Junior Motocross


To assist in the development of

a welcoming meeting space for

members and their families,

plus spectators.

$2,170 $2,170

Axedale Primary


To support a community open

air cinema event.

$4,000 $4,000


Community Support


To support the delivery of life

skills programs for young


$3,987 $3,987

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Axedale CFA To enable the installation of a

security and electronic access

system into the newly

constructed CFA facility.

$5,000 $5,000

TOTAL $62,885 $61,585

Community Events

Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Redesdale and

District Association

To support the biannual

Redesdale Rocks Festival to

showcase of local artists, food

and wine.

$5,000 $5,000

Bendigo and District



To support Koori Football and

Netball Carnivals in 2015 and


$5,000 $5,000

Mia Mia Mechanics


To support an opera

performance for the local


$5,000 $5,000

Raywood Progress


To support community

meetings where local

community members and

groups can identify project

priorities and partnership


$500 $500

Raywood Progress


To enable a ‘150 years since

proclamation’ community


$3,200 $3,200

To support a ‘Back to

Raywood’ day.

$2,000 $2,000

Holstein Australia To support hosting of the 2nd

Annual Victorian Winter Fair

Holstein Expo at the Bendigo

Exhibition Centre.

$5,000 $5,000

Centre State


To enable a motorbike swap

meet featuring pre 1984 Harley

$4,000 $4,000

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Davidson motorbikes, in

support of prostate cancer

research and awareness.


Agricultural Society

To assist with Heathcote Show

traffic management


$1,900 $1,900


Community Action


To support the planning and

delivery of 3 community events:

‘Christmas in July’, ‘Welcome

to Summer’ and ‘Australia Day’.

$2,500 $2,500

TOTAL $32,100 $32,100

Environmental Sustainability

Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Violet Street Primary


To create an urban native

grassland within the school

grounds to provide a space for

education about growing native

plants, local ecology,

conservation of endangered

ecosystems and Aboriginal


$1,530 $1,530

Spring Gully

Recreation Reserve

Advisory Committee

To support the development

and installation of additional

wildlife nesting boxes in the

Spring Gully Recreation


$1,200 $1,200

Spring Gully Primary


To create a community garden. $5,000 $5,000


Volunteers Australia

To purchase additional

equipment and tools for

volunteer use in environmental


$3,580 $3,580

Mid-Loddon Sub-


Management Group

To research Tuan and Sugar

Glider populations in


$2,546 $2,546

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



TOTAL $13,856 $13,856

Healthy Communities

Organisation Project Description Amount Sought

Amount Recommended

by Panel

California Gully Primary School

To develop a community vegetable garden and orchard.

$5,000 $2,000

Havilah Road Kindergarten

To create an outdoor obstacle course within the Kindergarten grounds.

$1,500 $1,500

Marong Primary School

To purchase a fleet of Bicycles for use by students and local community groups.

$2,000 $2,000

Bendigo Sustainability Group and Bike Bendigo

To support the expansion of the ‘Freewheeling Fun’ program whereby recycled and repaired bicycles are provided to community members in need, complemented by free cycling and bike maintenance lessons.

$1,820 $1,820

TOTAL $10,320 $7,320

Print and Digital Publications

Organisation Project Description Amount




by Panel

Friends of the

Botanical Gardens

To develop and distribute a

biannual community

newsletter focused on Botanic

Gardens activities and


$3,225 $3,000

Bendigo Chinese


To publish a book on the

legacy of the early Chinese in

the Greater Bendigo region.

The book will be printed in

both English and Chinese.

$5,000 $5,000

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Bendigo Bonsai Club To purchase a laptop

computer and relevant

software to enable the Club to

have a greater online

presence and promote its

activities to the broader


$2,500 $2,500

Friends of the

Bendigo – Kilmore

Rail Trail

To produce printed

and digital material to enable

the ongoing promotion of the

Rail Trail and linked activities.

$1,560 $1,560

Volaire Calisthenics To develop a website to

promote calisthenic

participation opportunities to

the broad community.

$2,000 $1,890

TOTAL $14,285 $13,950

Commencement Date: Round 2 funded projects are required to:

Commence on or after 1 June 2015;

Be completed within one year; and,

Submit Project Evaluation Forms / Acquittals within 60 days of project completion. Recipients who do not fulfil this requirement may be ineligible to receive further City of Greater Bendigo funding.

Successful and unsuccessful applicants are advised of the outcome of their application following Council’s resolution. Successful applicants are required to enter into a Funding and Service Agreement (FASA) with the City of Greater Bendigo. The FASA outlines the scope of the funded project as well as the City of Greater Bendigo’s and the recipient's responsibilities. Funds are only released to recipients upon receipt of the signed FASA and an invoice. Risk Analysis: All Round 2 applications were assessed in line with the Policy and Guidelines.

All Panel members were required to declare conflicts of interest in any applications. Where conflicts of interest were declared, Panel members were required to leave the room when the respective applications were being assessed.

The Panels are required to recommend funding allocations that are within the set budget for the category.

Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May




External Consultation: Grant Writing Seminars The Community Partnerships Unit facilitated 5 free grant seeking and writing workshops throughout 2014/15. They were attended by 92 representatives from various groups. Since commencing these workshops, we have observed a marked improvement in the quality of applications and overall professionalism of recipients.

Resource Implications

Budget Allocation in the Current Financial Year: The total CGP budget is $480,800. This is broken down into the following sub-budgets:

Round 1 and 2 (combined) $434,720

Quick Response Grants $46,080 $173,167 was allocated in Round 1 which leaves a maximum budget of $261,553 for Round 2. The Panels have recommended that 66 of the 88 applicants (or 75%) be allocated some funding. The total amount of Round 2 funding recommended by the Panels is $196,473.


The City of Greater Bendigo received 88 applications for Round 2 of the 2014/15 Community Grants Program. The Community Assessment Panels have recommended funding for 66 applications that were assessed as meeting the Program criteria. The total recommended funding allocations of $196,473 is within the available budget of $261,553.

All applicants will be notified in writing about the outcome of their application once Council has resolved upon the funding allocations.



Presentation and Vibrancy - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May




That Council: 1. Endorse the Community Assessment Panels' recommendations to allocate

$196,473 in Round 2 Community Grants Program 2014/15 funds.

2. Thank the members of the Community Assessment Panels for volunteering their time to assess applications and develop funding recommendations for Council consideration.

RESOLUTION Moved Cr Campbell, Seconded Cr Fyffe. That the recommendation be adopted.


Productivity - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May





Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May





Document Information

Author Naomi Fountain, Strategic Property Analyst Responsible Prue Mansfield, Director Planning and Development Director


The properties contained within this report are identified as potentially surplus, they include:

15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden Square; and

8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills. The report documents the feedback provided by community members during public engagement and makes recommendations as to the future handling of both properties.

Policy Context

Council Plan 2013-2017 (2014-2015 Update)

Theme 5: Sustainability 5.1 Resources and assets are used wisely to reduce the environmental footprint.

5.1.5 Implement the Surplus Land Disposal Plan. Community Engagement Policy (December 2011)

10 Year Financial Plan

Building Asset Management Plan (Draft)

Statutory and Discretionary Reserve Policy (November 2012)

Local Government Act 1989 (VIC)

Background Information

Local Context The City of Greater Bendigo’s Building and Property Services Unit manages a portfolio of about 750 buildings and 100 structures. The land and buildings are valued in excess of $302M.

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



As part of the City’s Building Asset Management Plan, properties that may not meet the current or future needs of the City are being investigated as potentially surplus. Not all land identified as surplus needs to be sold. “The options for disposal include alternative use, rental, sale, or sale and lease-back…”1. Ongoing consultation and communication will inform which method of disposal is recommended, on a case by case basis, informed by community feedback. Previous Council Decision Date: 4 December 2014: That Greater Bendigo City Council resolved to commence public

engagement to seek the view of the community in relation to the potential disposal of 15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden Square and 8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills.


Both 15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden Square and 8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills were identified as potentially suitable for disposal in the short term because they do not meet the City’s current or future needs. They are not subject to the Council Plan, any Strategies, Township Structure Plans, Place Based Plan or Reports. Council resolved to seek the community’s views both on the properties, their potential future use and possible disposal.

1 The Asset Management Principles Part 1 1995, Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden Square Public engagement undertaken in relation to this property:

January 2015 - 38 owners and occupiers of the houses along the length of Balmoral Drive were written to individually and notified of Council’s wish to seek their views on the future use of the property.

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



February 2015 - A listening post was undertaken with Councillors Fyffe, Chapman and Lyons together with Naomi Fountain (Strategic Property Analyst) who met with residents to seek and record their views. Other conversations were also held with residents and their views recorded.

February 2015 – A letter was sent to each respondent listing the views that were documented and providing an opportunity to amend any information that was missed or misinterpreted. No responses were received in relation to this letter.

In total, face to face and/or telephone conversations were conducted with five local residents of the 38 that were contacted. The views presented by the community are documented in the table below:

15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden Square – Community Views regarding possible

future use

Community Feedback Officer Response

Plant shrubs on the property to enhance

its vegetation. Leave as a green area

because it breaks up the residential area


This resident lives directly opposite the site,

their preference for open green space is


The linkage through to the water race

needs to be maintained.

This informal pathway/linkage is

acknowledged and it is agreed that it should

be retained whatever the outcome.

Keep any pathway through the property

away from existing houses if possible.

Establishing a pathway along the boundary

with 19 Balmoral Drive would enhance

visibility through to the path that will be

established by the adjoining (northern)

subdivision (see concept drawing below). If a

path were placed away from this it would

have a negative impact on the safety (line of

sight) of the northern linkage.

Keep it as it is. Suggestion noted.

The property has been used informally a

lot over the years. With cricket and

football having been played under the

trees, also providing space to host a

street party. The area warrants a

playground. Seaton Grove is not a safe

alternative. The original purchasers of

land in this subdivision feel that they have

paid for the land and play equipment in

their purchase price.

This resident feels a particularly strong

connection to the property. They professed

to speak on behalf of other original

purchasers in the subdivision. However,

there were no other submissions to this


The resident’s assertion that they paid for

play equipment is incorrect. They claim that

the developer told them that the purchasers

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden Square – Community Views regarding possible

future use

Community Feedback Officer Response

were paying for both the vacant land and for

a play space (within their purchase price)

that Council would build at a later date.

However, the prevailing legislation allowed

for either a cash or land contribution by the

developer, not both.

This resident was advised by other Council

officers in 2014 that a play space would not

be built on this property (when it was brought

up in relation to the subdivision occurring

immediately north of 15-17 Balmoral Drive).

However, they are still determined that a

play space should be built on the block.

The aerial below shows 15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden Square and its relationship to further development, the informal paths and other play spaces in the immediate area (one play space lays approximately 190 metres to the west and the other 400 metres to the east).

The concept drawing below shows:

The linkage being provided to the water race by the development to the north.

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Suggests a possible subdivision of 15-17 Balmoral Drive with the area shaded blue be kept by Council to maintain the linkage to the water race (and therefore linkage to the Seaton Grove play space) and the land in grey to be sold for further residential development.

Concept drawing

Photos of the play spaces at Penzance Avenue and Seaton Grove are below:

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Penzance Avenue play space

Seaton Grove play space

Further particulars of 15-17 Balmoral Drive:

Size 2,522m²

Zone Public Park and Recreation Zone

Use Open Space

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



The land at 15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden Square was vested in the Shire of Marong as Public Open Space at the time of its subdivision in May 1984. Therefore if it is sold any funds raised by the sale would need to be returned to the Public Open Space Reserve. The majority part of this property could be sold as a residential development site. The following preparation would be required:

Proceed to formal Public Notice, consultation period and feedback opportunities in relation to the sale of the land

Re-zoning to General Residential Zone

Removal of the “Reserve” status from the property

Re-survey and subdivision of the land

Value estimate (if re-zoned to General Residential Zone) $250,000 8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills Public engagement that has been undertaken in relation to this property:

January 2015 - 128 owners and occupiers of the houses in Montgomery Crescent and the surrounding streets including Grace Street, Morshead Court, Wiltshire Drive and Nottingham Court were written to individually and notified of Council’s wish to seek their views on the future use of the property.

January and February 2015 - A listening post was undertaken where Councillor Williams and Council Officer, Naomi Fountain (Strategic Property Analyst) met with residents to seek and record their views. Other conversations and email exchanges were also had with residents and their views recorded.

February 2015 – A letter was sent to each respondent listing the views that were documented and providing an opportunity to amend any information that was missed or misinterpreted. No responses were received in relation to this letter.

In total, face to face and/or telephone conversations and email correspondence were conducted with eight of the 128 local residents contacted. The views presented by the community are documented in the table below:

8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills – Community Views regarding possible future


Community Feedback Officer Response

The property was used as a playground in the

past, however, has sat barren for decades.

Residents have contacted council in the past

to get the property slashed. It grows weeds

and is an eyesore.

The property is on the Natural and

Passive Reserves list of properties that

are maintained as per the slashing

contractors program.

There is an underground water spring that

runs under the property and also under

adjoining houses. 10 Montgomery Crescent

Our Engineering department was able

to provide this advice in relation to a

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills – Community Views regarding possible future


Community Feedback Officer Response

has had to be re-bricked because it sunk at

the front.

possible underground water spring:

An underground spring is unlikely, if

there was water rising to the surface

here the properties between this

property and the creek would be

impacted even more heavily (since they

are lower).

If water was rising to the surface it

would be visible, continuously flowing

across the path.

If a spring existed the property would be

a lot more heavily vegetated.

The catchment for groundwater in that

area is too short to support a sustained

increase in the water-table.

The more probable source of water in

this area is the run off from houses and

driveways of properties uphill on Napier


The direction in which the residents

believe the underground water flows is

contradictory to what we know about

water in that area (i.e. they believe that

it is running upstream/uphill).

The property is not being used, the Council

should sell it if they want to. There are a lot of

open spaces in the neighbourhood.

Suggestion and comment noted.

There is an underground water spring that has

affected the neighbouring houses. 6

Montgomery Crescent has had to be re-

bricked because it sunk at the front. There are

a few kids in the neighbourhood, put play

equipment back so they can use it.

See Engineers advice above in relation

to the re-bricking issue.

This resident identified only one family

in the area that had children of an age

that might use the play equipment.

There was a swing and a slide on the property. This resident’s recollections are correct,

there was a swing and slide on the

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills – Community Views regarding possible future


Community Feedback Officer Response

property in the early 1980s.

Put some more play equipment on the


Suggestion noted. A new play space

was recently constructed 350 metres

away, across the creek on The

Boulevard. See photos that follow.

Plant the property out with natives and put

some seating in. Even get rid of the grass

altogether to reduce the maintenance. It’s a

good area and the block could do with some

prettying up.

Suggestions noted.

8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills in relation to surrounding development

The map below shows 8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills and its relationship to other public open space, lineal paths and the new play space on The Boulevard.

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills in relation to other public open space and lineal paths

The new play space on The Boulevard is approximately 350 metres away, shown in the photos below.

The new play space on The Boulevard is constructed with many natural materials

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Bike track at the new play space on The Boulevard

Fort at the new play space on The Boulevard.

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Seating, hammock and handball court at the new play space.

Further particulars of 8 Montgomery Crescent:

Size 524m²

Zone General Residential Zone

Use Open Space

The land at 8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills was vested as Public Open Space and if sold any funds raised by the sale would need to be returned to the Public Open Space Reserve. This property is zoned appropriately and could be sold immediately as a residential site. The following preparation would be required:

Proceed to formal Public Notice, consultation period and feedback opportunities in relation to the sale of the land;

Value estimate $150,000. Projected costs for future financial years:

Funds will go to Open Space Reserve to fund future open space needs.


Public engagement revealed a range of opinion. Of the few residents who responded most would prefer the land be retained and further enhanced as Public Open Space. A minority of responders suggested that we sell the properties for further residential development.

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



There are both public open space and developed play spaces within a 400 metre radius of both properties and there is no strategic purpose, place based plan or report that recommends that Council retain either property. These are sites that should be sold. Proceeds will go into the Open Space Reserve to fund future purchases and ongoing development of open space as the City grows and develops.

Options 1. The Council could hold both or either of the properties; or

2. The Council could sell both or either of the properties as discussed


1. That Greater Bendigo City Council resolve to sell 8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills subject to Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989;

(a) That Council authorise public notice of its intention to sell the above property in accordance with Section 189 of the Act, and advises engaged residents;

(b) That Council nominate three Councillors to hear any submissions in relation to the sale of the above property;

(c) That if no submissions are received, the above property be sold and that the Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal all relevant sale documents.

2. That Greater Bendigo City Council resolve to sell 15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden

Square (part) subject to Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989,

(a) That Council authorise public notice of its intention to sell the above property in accordance with Section 189 of the Act, and advises engaged residents;

(b) That Council nominate three Councillors to hear any submissions in relation to the sale of the above property;

3. If no submissions are received in relation to the proposed sale of 15-17 Balmoral

Drive, Golden Square that Council resolve to:

(a) Remove the Public Open Space Reservation;

(b) Subdivide the property;

(c) Request the Minister for Planning to authorise Council to prepare and exhibit an amendment to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme;

(d) When Authorised by the Minister, exhibit the Amendment to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme giving notification as required for the minimum statutory exhibition period of one month.

Sustainability - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



(e) That if no submissions are received at the conclusion of planning scheme amendment that the Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal all relevant sale documents.


Moved Cr Campbell, Seconded Cr Lyons. 1. That Greater Bendigo City Council resolve to sell 8 Montgomery Crescent, White Hills

subject to Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989;

(a) That Council authorise public notice of its intention to sell the above property in accordance with Section 189 of the Act, and advises engaged residents;

(b) That Council nominate the three (3) Ward Councillors to hear any submissions in relation to the sale of the above property;

(c) That if no submissions are received, the above property be sold and that the Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal all relevant sale documents.

2. That Greater Bendigo City Council resolve to sell 15-17 Balmoral Drive, Golden

Square (part) subject to Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989,

(a) That Council authorise public notice of its intention to sell the above property in accordance with Section 189 of the Act, and advises engaged residents;

(b) That Council nominate the three (3) Ward Councillors to hear any submissions in relation to the sale of the above property;

3. If no submissions are received in relation to the proposed sale of 15-17 Balmoral

Drive, Golden Square that Council resolve to:

(a) Remove the Public Open Space Reservation;

(b) Subdivide the property;

(c) Request the Minister for Planning to authorise Council to prepare and exhibit an amendment to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme;

(d) When Authorised by the Minister, exhibit the Amendment to the Greater Bendigo Planning Scheme giving notification as required for the minimum statutory exhibition period of one month.

(e) That if no submissions are received at the conclusion of planning scheme amendment that the Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign and seal all relevant sale documents.


Leadership and Good Governance - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May





Document Information

Author Peter Davies, Manager Executive Services Responsible Craig Niemann, Chief Executive Officer Officer


The purpose of this report is to provide the record of any assembly of Councillors, which has been held since the last Council Meeting, so that it can be recorded in the Minutes of the formal Council Meeting.

Policy Context

Strong leadership to meet future needs and challenges; effective community engagement.

Background Information

The Local Government Act provides a definition of an assembly of Councillors where conflicts of interest must be disclosed. A meeting will be an assembly of Councillors if it considers matters that are likely to be the subject of a Council decision, or, the exercise of a Council delegation and the meeting is: 1. A planned or scheduled meeting that includes at least half the Councillors (5) and a

member of Council staff; or 2. an advisory committee of the Council where one or more Councillors are present. The requirement for reporting provides increased transparency and the opportunity for Councillors to check the record, particularly the declarations of conflict of interest.

Leadership and Good Governance - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May




Meeting Information

Meeting Name/Type

Budget Workshop

Meeting Date 18 March 2015

Matters discussed 1. Previous Workshops and Report 2. Operating Budget 3. Renewal and Upgrade of Existing Assets 4. Capital Works (New) 5. Additional Rate Information 6. Councillor Feedback 7. Next steps


Councillors Cr Peter Cox Cr Barry Lyons Cr Rod Campbell Cr Elise Chapman Cr Rod Fyffe Cr Helen Leach Cr Mark Weragoda Cr Lisa Ruffell

Staff/ Community Representatives

Mr Craig Niemann Ms Marg Allan Mr Travis Harling Mr Scott Evans Mrs Alison Campbell Mr Darren Fuzzard Ms Pauline Gordon Mr Stan Liacos Ms Prue Mansfield Mr Peter Davies

Conflict of Interest disclosures

Matter No.

Councillor/officer making disclosure Councillor/officer left meeting


Leadership and Good Governance - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Meeting Information

Meeting Name/Type

Councillors' Forum

Meeting Date 1 April 2015

Matters discussed 1. Flying Foxes (Bats) in Rosalind Park 2. Council Plan 3. Responsibility for Bendigo Creek and Possible Future Work 4. Kerbside organic bin service 5. Eaglehawk Landfill Rehabilitation 6. Citizenship ceremony on Australia Day 7. Aquatic Centre 8. Positive Ageing Advisory Committee 9. Partnership Grants 10. ERC and Mines meeting 11. Vegetation management issues 12. Parking ticket machines 13. Lake Eppalock water allocations 14. The Great Stupa 15. Economic Development Strategy 16. Hospital Business Broker 17. Travel plans 18. Calder Highway Improvement Committee 19. Parking at Kangaroo Flat Railway Station 20. Spring Gully bus route 21. Ten (10) Year Financial Plan 22. Future of Local Government Conference 23. Regional Development Australia 24. Analysis of Current and Former Landfill sites 25. Infrastructure Design Manual 26. Heathcote Community Games 27. Home and Community Care update 28. Bendigo Trust 29. Groundwater


Councillors Cr Peter Cox Cr Rod Campbell Cr Elise Chapman Cr Helen Leach Cr Barry Lyons Cr Lisa Ruffell Cr James Williams Apologies: Cr Rod Fyffe Cr Mark Weragoda

Staff/ Community

Mr Craig Niemann Ms Marg Allan

Leadership and Good Governance - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Representatives Ms Prue Mansfield Ms Pauline Gordon Mr Darren Fuzzard Mr Peter Davies Mrs Alison Campbell

Conflict of Interest disclosures

Matter No.

Councillor/officer making disclosure Councillor/officer left meeting


Meeting Information

Meeting Name/Type

Sustainable Environment Advisory Committee

Meeting Date 7 April 2015

Matters discussed 1. Agenda and ground rules 2. Context: History 3. Context: How Council works and the role of SEAC 4. SEAC Mission Discussion (Committee operational arrangements/logistics 5. SEAC Visioning (Environment Strategy Review)


Councillors Cr Rod Fyffe Cr Mark Weragoda Cr James Williams

Staff/ Community Representatives

Mr Darren Fuzzard Ms Robyn Major Mr Anthony Sheean Mr Samuel Swain/ Mr James Shaddick Ms Kathryn Stanislawski Ms Pamela Beattie Mr Colin Smith Mr Geoff Caine Mr Chris Weir Mr Lucan Hodgens Mr Paul Dullard Mr Jeff Cummins Ms Claire Flannigan-Smith Apology: Bendigo Field Naturalist Club representative

Conflict of Interest disclosures

Matter No.

Councillor/officer making disclosure Councillor/officer left meeting


Leadership and Good Governance - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Leadership and Good Governance - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May



Meeting Information

Meeting Name/Type

Councillors' Forum

Meeting Date 8 April 2015

Matters discussed 1. Presentation on Bendigo Town Hall exterior 2. Presentation by Filipino Foundation 3. Closure of Rowena Street 4. Budget 5. Home and Community Care 6. Flooding report 7. Insurance for committees of management 8. Sustainability and Environment Advisory Committee 9. Lake Eppalock 10. Recommendation No. 8 (Independent Review: City Futures) 11. Vegetation management issues 12. Costerfield mine 13. Bendigo Regional Athletics Centre 14. Ulumbarra Theatre 15. Visual presentation: Aquatic Centre and Kangaroo Flat Leisure Centre 16. Strathfieldsaye Traffic Management Study 17. Staff numbers


Councillors Cr Peter Cox Cr Rod Campbell Cr Rod Fyffe Cr Helen Leach Cr Barry Lyons Cr Mark Weragoda Cr James Williams Apologies: Cr Elise Chapman Cr Lisa Ruffell

Staff/ Community Representatives

Ms Marg Allan Mr Stan Liacos Ms Prue Mansfield Ms Pauline Gordon Mr Darren Fuzzard Mr Peter Davies Mrs Alison Campbell Apology: Mr Craig Niemann

Conflict of Interest disclosures

Matter No.

Councillor/officer making disclosure Councillor/officer left meeting

Leadership and Good Governance - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May




Meeting Information

Meeting Name/Type

Planning consultation meeting

Meeting Date 9 April 2015

Matters discussed Planning application DSD/22/2015 The subdivision of the land into 2 lots, the construction of one dwelling and a carport, and the demolition of outbuildings at 7 Weeroona Avenue, North Bendigo


Councillors Cr James Williams Cr Peter Cox Cr Lisa Ruffell

Staff/ Community Representatives

Mr Stephen Wainwright/ Applicant Objectors

Conflict of Interest disclosures

Matter No.

Councillor/officer making disclosure Councillor/officer left meeting


Meeting Information

Meeting Name/Type

Planning consultation meeting

Meeting Date 10 April 2015

Matters discussed Planning application DSD/782/2014 6 lot subdivision of land, construction of 4 dwellings and demolition of outbuildings at 17 & 19 Myrtle Street, Bendigo


Councillors Cr James Williams Cr Peter Cox Apology: Cr Lisa Ruffell

Staff/ Community Representatives

Mr Lachlan Forsyth/ Applicant Objectors

Conflict of Interest disclosures

Matter No.

Councillor/officer making disclosure Councillor/officer left meeting


Leadership and Good Governance - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May




That Council endorse the record of assemblies of Councillors as outlined in this report.

MOTION Moved Cr Fyffe, Seconded Cr Williams. That the recommendations contained in the Leadership and Good Governance Report Nos. 6.1 (Record of Assemblies) and 6.2 (Contracts Awarded Under Delegation), be adopted.


Leadership and Good Governance - Reports Ordinary Meeting - 06 May




Document Information

Author Leeanne Taig, Contract Support Administrator, Contract & Project Coordination Unit

Responsible Marg Allan, Director Organisation Support Director


The purpose of this report is to provide information on contracts recently awarded under delegation.

Policy Context

Delivery of programs, projects and services that respond to community needs. Report


That the contracts awarded under delegation, as outlined in this report, be acknowledged by Council.

(refer to page 79 - recommendation adopted)

Contract No Project Successful Contractor Value

(GST Excl) Delegated

Officer Date Signed

Capital Contracts


Supply & Delivery of One heavy Rigid Truck Cab Chassis fitted with Hydraulically operated Elevated Working Platform

GMJ Equipment Pty Ltd 294,343.44 Darren Fuzzard 13/04/2015

Service Contracts


Annual Supply & Delivery of 140/240/360 Litre Mobile Garbage/Recycle Bins

Trident Plastics (SA) Pty Ltd

Schedule of Rates

Darren Fuzzard 15/04/2015

Current annual Council Budget for the goods/services contracted via this schedule of rates is $187,000.00

Ordinary Meeting - 06 May 2015






Ordinary Meeting - 06 May 2015



Cr Weragoda reported on his attendance at the opening of the Ulumbarra Theatre; Strathfieldsaye Ward meeting; launch of the Centenary Tram; Heathcote Flood Study meeting; attendance at the Emerging Leaders Program; attendance at the Botanic Art Exhibition; attendance at the Sustainability and Environment Advisory Committee; Rotary Nepal Appeal. Cr Williams reported on his attendance at the opening of the Ulumbarra Theatre; Farming Advisory Committee meeting; Bendigo mines’ issues on ‘managing groundwater’ being addressed; attendance at the Mayor’s mining meeting; attendance at the launch of the Emerging Leaders Program; Nepal Earthquake Appeal; Greater Bendigo Support Network meeting. Cr Chapman reported on her progress with the Diploma of Local Government; attendance at the Field of Remembrance on Anzac Day eve; attendance at a number of planning consultation meetings; Nepal Earthquake Appeal and extended best wishes to all mothers for Mother’s Day! Cr Campbell reported on his attendance at the ‘Light Up the Sky’ concert at the Ulumbarra Theatre; attendance at meetings regarding the Home and Community Care service; attendance at the Farming Advisory Committee meeting; attendance at a meeting of Environmental Review Committees chaired by the Mayor; attendance at the Anzac Day service at Axedale; attendance at a meeting regarding the Heathcote Playspace; attendance at a planning consultation meeting; attendance at the Fosterville Environmental Review Committee meeting; attendance at the Strathfieldsaye Ward meeting; attended a number of speaking engagements. Cr Fyffe reported on his attendance at the opening of the Ulumbarra Theatre; attendance at the La Trobe University Graduation ceremony; presented the Queen’s Prize Rifle Shoot; attendance at a Radius event; attendance at the Vahland launch; attended a number of MAV meetings; attendance at the launch of the Chrysanthemum Championships; highlighted the MAV State Council meeting later this month. Cr Ruffell reported on her attendance at a number of Anzac Day services and highlighted the ‘Mother’s Day’ Classic to be held on Sunday. Cr Lyons reported on his attendance at the opening of the Morley Johnson building for Radius; attendance at a number of meetings regarding Home and Community Care service; attendance at the opening of the Ulumbarra Theatre; attendance at a number of Anzac Day services; attendance at the opening of the Kangaroo Flat Avenue of Honour; reported on the success of the “Groovin’ the Moo” event.

Ordinary Meeting - 06 May 2015



His Worship the Mayor, Cr Peter Cox, tabled a report on his attendance at the following meetings and events: Attended the Empowering Eaglehawk meeting

Officially welcomed attendees to the Botanic Gardens of Australia & New Zealand Plants


Attended the Go and Grow Launch at Eaglehawk Community House

Attended media briefing on City of Greater Bendigo Budget 2015/2016

Attended meeting to discuss the 2015 Jobs Expo event

Attended Regional Cities Victoria Meeting

Chaired the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting

Spoke at the Opening Night for the new Ulumbarra Theatre

Officially welcomed participants at the Bowls Victoria Championships Week

Attended the Northern District School of Nursing Graduates Association Reunion

Welcomed and participated in presentations at the Australian Drilldance Championships

Attended the Light Up the Sky Concert at Ulumbarra Theatre

Attended ‘A Place for the People’ community open day at Ulumbarra Theatre

Officially launched the book ‘Country Clare, Axedale and Beyond’ at the Axedale Cemetery

Officially welcomed and participated in presentations at the Victorian Rifle Association

Presentation of the Queen's Prize

Met with representatives from the Bendigo City FC

Attended the Whipstick Ward at Goornong

Attended Positive Ageing Advisory Committee

Attended media briefing for the Active Living Census

Attended tour of the Radius Morley Johnson redevelopment building site with Radius CEO

Attended a planning consultation meeting regarding 96 & 98 High Street, Eaglehawk

Attended the Bendigo Metro Rail Community Consultative Taskforce

Attended the Launch of the Film ANZACS of Eaglehawk at Star Cinema

Attended a media event with Maree Edwards, Member for Bendigo West regarding

Campaign to save 15 hour Federal Government commitment to Kinder

Chaired meeting with Mining representatives to discuss legislative and regulatory framework

Attended and participated in official proceedings at the Field of Remembrance event

Official Launch of CD Songs of the ANZACs following the ANZAC Concert

Attended the Eaglehawk ANZAC Day Service and laid a wreath

Attended the Bendigo ANZAC Day Service and laid a wreath

Chaired the Unity Mining Environmental Review Committee meeting

Attended the Bendigo Maubisse Friendship Committee budget meeting

Officially welcomed participants at the New and Emerging Leadership Program Launch

Met with Lisa Chesters, MP Federal Member for Bendigo regarding child care

Participated in photo opportunity for the Light the Region project

Participated in photo opportunity for securing the Fitness and Body Building Championships at

the Ulumbarra Theatre

Attended Luncheon with Japanese Parliamentary Vice Minister for Defence, Mr Kenji Harada

Attended a meeting to discuss Have your say on Bendigo Metro Rail held Eaglehawk

Attended the Empowering Eaglehawk Grants Presentation

Ordinary Meeting - 06 May 2015


Attended the Nepal Earthquake Relief Fundraiser at the RSL Memorial Hall

Chaired the Bendigo Maubisse Friendship Committee

Met with the Cornish Bard of Kernow Maureen Fuller and Tom Luke

Attended the Greater Bendigo Rural Support Network Meeting

Met with representatives from Bendigo Tennis Association

Spoke at the Exhibition Opening of Bendigo Botanica at Dudley House

Attended a meeting to discuss Have your say on Bendigo Metro Rail held at Epsom

Attended the Opening of Eaglehawk Bowling Club's New Green

Attended the Business Community Network 3556 meeting

Chaired Whipstick Ward Meeting at Eaglehawk

Officially launched the Vahland Drinking Fountain Restoration Project

Met with representatives from Domain Village

Attended the Sustainability and Environment Advisory Committee

Officially launched the Victorian Regional Achievement and Community Awards

Participated in the La Trobe University Graduation Ceremony and delivered occasional

address at Ceremony

Met with and contacted community members regarding concerns on Council’s provisional

decision on HACC services.

Participated in numerous radio, newspaper and television media interviews.

Met with many residents on request

Thank you to those Councillors who represented the Mayor at events I could not attend.

Ordinary Meeting - 06 May 2015



The Chief Executive Officer, Mr Craig Niemann, tabled a report on his attendance at the following meetings and events: Attended a meeting of the Regional Cities Victoria

Attended the launch by Radius for the redevelopment of the Morley Johnson building

in Mitchell Street

Participated as MC at the opening of the Ulumbarra Theatre

Participated in media events relating to the Active Living Census

Attended the official launch by the Bendigo Trust of the ANZAC tram

Attended a meeting of the Regional Cities Council

Attended the ANZAC Day dawn and commemorative morning services

Spoke to students of Creek Street Christian College regarding the role of Chief

Executive Officer

Attended a meeting of the Bendigo Trust Board

Participated in regular media interviews

Attended meetings with residents regarding various issues

Attended the third meeting of the External Advisory Board relating to the Victorian

Government's Regional Economic Development and Service Delivery

Provided a quarterly corporate briefing to City of Greater Bendigo Managers,

coordinators and team leaders

Attended the launch of the Regional Victoria Living Expo and associated events

Ordinary Meeting - 06 May 2015



12.1 Personnel and industrial matters

12.2 Proposed Development

RECOMMENDATION That the meeting be closed to the public to consider reports in accordance with Section 89(2)(a), (c) and (e) of the Local Government 1989, as amended, relating to personnel and industrial matters and a proposed development. RESOLUTION Moved Cr Fyffe, seconded Cr Campbell. That the recommendation be adopted.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9:15pm.

Confirmed: 27 May, 2015 Chairman
