Page 1: Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 28, 2018  · Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire

Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 1 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………






______________________________________________________________ Present: Councillors: Cr. John Coulton (Mayor), Cr. Catherine

Egan (Deputy Mayor), Cr. Stuart Dick, Cr Marilyn Dixon OAM, Cr. Jim Moore, Cr. Geoff Smith, Cr. David Coulton, Cr Tiffany Galvin and Cr Frances Young

Staff: Max Eastcott (General Manager), Leeah Daley (Deputy General Manager arrived 9.05 am), Richard Jane (Director Technical Services) and Helen Thomas (Manager, Finance)

Public: Mrs Nancy Williams (The Gwydir News) Visitor: Nil

Page 2: Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 28, 2018  · Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire

Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 2 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

DISCLAIMER No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Gwydir Shire Council for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during and Council or Committee meetings. The Council disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made in a Council or Committee meeting does so at that person’s or legal entity’s own risk. In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a licence, any statement or intimation of approval made by any member or officer of the Council during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not taken as notice of approval from the Council. Gwydir Shire Council wishes to advise that any plans or documents contained within this agenda may be subject to copyright law provisions and that the express permission of the copyright owner(s) should be sought prior to their reproduction. Members of the public should note that no action should be taken on any item discussed at a Council or Committee meeting prior to written advice on the resolution of council being received. Agendas and minutes are available on the Council’s website

Page 3: Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 28, 2018  · Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire

Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 3 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………


THAT the Minutes of the previous Council Meeting held on Thursday 24 May 2018 as circulated be taken as read and CONFIRMED. (Moved Cr Galvin, seconded Cr D Coulton)


THAT the following items, namely:

1. Exemption sought - Section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (Tendering) Regulation 1993 (Confidential)

2. Dog Breeding Facility (Confidential) 3. Writing off debts (Confidential) 4. Updates to Finance Policies 5. Adoption of the 2018-2019 Operational Plan 6. Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018

Determination 7. Gwydir Health Alliance update

are accepted as late items onto this Agenda for discussion. (Moved Cr Galvin, seconded Cr Young)

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 4 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………


THAT the Council resolve into Confidential Session, Committee of the Whole and that in the public interest and in accordance with Section 10A(2)(a) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the public and press be excluded from the meeting to consider the items listed on the agenda. (Moved Cr Galvin, seconded Cr Egan)


THAT the recommendations of the Confidential Session, namely:

Exemption sought - Section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (Tendering) Regulation 1993 (Ref: 187/18)

THAT due to the convenience and speed with which Council is able to obtain the services of AC and HJ Rose’s business, this business be exempt from the usual tendering processes as outlined under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (Tendering) Regulation 1993.

Recommendations from the Closed Community Services and Planning Committee meeting held 14 June 2018 (Ref: 188/18)

THAT the Confidential Organisation and Community Development report for May 2018 be received. FURTHER that Mrs Sharon Baker’s exemplary leadership of the Naroo Frail Aged Care Hostel’s staff is acknowledged (Ref: 189/18).

Councillor Reports THAT the following Councillor reports be received: R2R funding (Ref: 190/18) Grant application for greenhouse proposal (Ref: 191/18)

Willoughby City Council visit during the Orange Festival (Ref: 192/18)

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 5 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Behind the Metre scheme (Ref: 193/18) Food inspections (Ref: 194/18) Dog breeding facility (Ref: 195/18)

Dog Breeding Facility (Ref: 196/18)

THAT the report of the inspection conducted on 23rd May 2018 be received and noted.

Writing off debts (Ref: 197/18)

THAT the sundry debtor account in the name of J P Walsh Funerals Tamworth for an amount of $3,552.20 be written-off as being unrecoverable.

FURTHER that the amount fixed under the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 for the writing off of debts under delegation be adjusted to $5,000 from the current limit of $1,000 set in 2006 (Ref: 198/18).

Councillors’ Reports THAT the following Councillors’ Reports are noted:

QANTAS Rural Training School (Ref: 199/18);

New England Joint Organisation (Ref: 200/18);

Proposed regional high temperature incinerator (Ref: 201/18);

Solar Panel Installations (Ref: 202/18); and;

Warialda Loop Road Update (Ref: 203/18)

are adopted. (Moved Cr Egan, seconded Cr D Coulton)

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 6 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Item 1 Councillor Activity Statement - June 2018


GOAL: 4. Proactive Regional and Local Leadership


STRATEGY: 4.1.2 Enable broad, rich and meaningful engagement to occur - GM - external

The Councillors’ activity schedule for June 2018 commitments are outlined below:

Councillor Event Date

Cr J Coulton (Mayor)

Country Mayors Meeting - Sydney 1st June Debutante Ball – Warialda 1st June Meeting with John Hodge – Warialda 4th June Namoi JO Strategic Planning Session - Quirindi 8th June

Committee Meeting – Bingara 14th June National General Assembly - Canberra 17 – 20 June

Meet with Minister for Rural Health - Canberra 21st June

Council Meeting – Bingara 28th June

Cr Catherine Egan (Deputy Mayor)

Lions Change Over Dinner – Warialda 2nd June Northern Regional Library Meeting –Tamworth 6th June Gwydir Health Alliance Meeting - Bingara 12th June Special Events Meeting - Bingara 13th June

Committee Meeting - Bingara 14th June National General Assembly - Canberra 17– 20 June

Meet with Minister for Rural Health - Canberra 21st June

Council Meeting – Bingara 28th June

Cr David Coulton

Committee Meeting - Bingara 14th June National General Assembly - Canberra 17 – 20 June

Meet with Minister for Rural Health - Canberra 21st June

Council Meeting - Bingara 28th June

Cr S Dick

Myall Creek Memorial Ceremony 10th June Committee Meeting – Bingara 14th June Biggest Morning Tea – Carinda House 19th June

Historical Society Meeting - Warialda 21st June

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 7 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Council Meeting - Bingara 28th June

Cr M Dixon OAM

Special Events Meeting - Bingara 13th June Committee Meeting - Bingara 14th June National General Assembly - Canberra 16 – 20 June

Council Meeting - Bingara 28th June

Cr T Galvin

Myall Creek Memorial Ceremony 10th June

Gwydir Health Alliance Meeting - Bingara 12th June

Committee Meeting – Bingara 14th June Council Meeting - Bingara 28th June

Cr J Moore

Myall Creek Memorial Ceremony 10th June Committee Meeting - Bingara 14th June Rotary Change Over Dinner - Warialda 18th June Biggest Morning Tea – Carina House 19th June Council Meeting - Bingara 28th June

Cr G Smith Committee Meeting - Bingara 14th June Council Meeting - Bingara 28th June

Cr F Young

Myall Creek Memorial Ceremony 10th June Gwydir Health Alliance Meeting - Bingara 12th June Committee Meeting – Bingara 14th June The Living Classroom Management Committee Meeting - Bingara 15th June

National General Assembly - Canberra 17-20 June

Meet with Minister for Rural Health - Canberra 21st June Biochar Day – TLC - Bingara 24th June Council Meeting - Bingara 28th June

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION THAT the monthly Councillor Activity report for June 2018 be received


THAT the monthly Councillor Activity report for June 2018 be received. (Moved Cr Dixon OAM, seconded Cr Egan)

Page 8: Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 28, 2018  · Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire

Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 8 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Item 2 Monthly Committee Recommendations - June 2018



GOAL: 5. Organisational Management


STRATEGY: 5.1.3 Administrative functions - GM - internal

AUTHOR General Manager

DATE 18 June 2018


IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION This report recommends the adoption of the recommendations from the Council’s Public Infrastructure Committee, the Community Services and Planning Committee and the Heavy Plant Committee meetings held on 14 June 2018.

BACKGROUND The draft minutes from these committee meetings were circulated to Councillors.

COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Public Infrastructure Committee

Acquisition of lands for the Bingara Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir Site THAT Council make an application to the Minister and the Governor for approval to acquire:

• the land described as Lot 1 DP 1153549 shown on the diagram attached - Attachment 1 (the Water Treatment Plant)

• the land described as part Lot 7307 DP 1160987 shown bounded in red on the diagram attached - Attachment 2 (the Pump Station)

• easements for water pipeline over Lot 7307 DP 1160987 as shown dotted in red on the diagram attached - Attachment 2

• the land described as Lots 1 and 3 DP 1150089 and part Lot 2 DP 1150089 shown bounded in red on the diagram attached - Attachment 4 (the Reservoir)

• an easement for water discharge over Lot 2 DP 1150089 as

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 9 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

shown dotted in red on the diagram attached - Attachment 4 by compulsory process under section 186(1) of the Local Government

Act 1993 for the purpose of water management, reticulation and distribution in accordance with the requirements of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.

FURTHER that the land is to be classified as operational land FURTHER that for the purposes of section 30 of the Land Acquisition

(Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, the Council agrees to the land being acquired for compensation, set at the market value of the land, as agreed by the General Manager and Department of Industry – Lands

FURTHER that Council delegate to the General Manager or his delegate the power to do anything further as necessary to give effect to the compulsory acquisition, including obtaining any necessary approvals and publishing any necessary notices in the Gazette

FURTHER that authority be granted to the General Manager to affix the Common Seal of the Council to any documentation required to give effect to this resolution

FURTHER that Council notes that compensation may become payable to the Gomeroi People in accordance with section 24MD of the Native Title Act 1993, for the compulsory acquisition of Native title rights and interests, in the event that the Federal Court of Australia determines that Native title existed in the land prior to acquisition.

2018 – 2018 Shire Roads Capital Works Program THAT Council adopt the 2018/2019 Shire Roads Capital Works Program.

Monthly Technical Services Report – May 2018 THAT the Monthly Technical Services report for May 2018 be received. FURTHER that the efforts of Mrs C Southwell, Mr J Wilson and Mr P Kennedy in ensuring the success of the 180th anniversary ceremony of the Myall Creek massacre are acknowledged with thanks.

Heavy Plant Committee Heavy Plant Replacement Program

THAT the Council accept the proposed 2018 – 2019 Heavy Vehicle Plant Replacement program.

Community Services and Planning Committee

Monthly Executive Report – May 2018 THAT the monthly Executive report for May 2018 be received. FURTHER that more information addressing the anomalies between the various reports relating to the operation of the Shire’s caravan parks be

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 10 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

provided to the Councillors.

Monthly Organisation and Community Development Report for May 2018 THAT the monthly Organisation and Community Development report for May 2018 be received. FURTHER that the Council requests Member for Northern Tablelands to seek an urgent drought declaration for the whole of the Gwydir Shire to acknowledge the reality of current situation.

Service NSW 'Easy to do Business' Initiative THAT the General Manager is provided with delegated authority to enter into a contract with Service NSW for the Easy to do Business Program.

Progress report - 2017-2018 Operational Plan THAT the Progress Report on the 2017-2018 Operational Plan be received.

Aboriginal Land Claim (NSW Legislation) THAT the report regarding the Aboriginal Land Claim be received.

Councillor’s Reports THAT the following Councillor reports are noted: Proposed truck wash at Warialda Warialda Rail landfill access Recyclable collection point at Warialda landfill Warialda Rail entry signs Warialda industrial land Bingara swimming pool Bingara office flag pole Gwydir Health Alliance meeting Proposed Bingara library relocation

Gwydir Shire’s home loan scheme in conjunction with the Regional Australia Bank

ATTACHMENTS There are no attachments for this report. COUNCIL RESOLUTION: MINUTE 205/18 Public Infrastructure Committee (Ref: 206/18)

Acquisition of lands for the Bingara Water Treatment Plant and

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 11 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Reservoir Site THAT Council make an application to the Minister and the Governor for approval to acquire:

• the land described as Lot 1 DP 1153549 shown on the diagram attached - Attachment 1 (the Water Treatment Plant)

• the land described as part Lot 7307 DP 1160987 shown bounded in red on the diagram attached - Attachment 2 (the Pump Station)

• easements for water pipeline over Lot 7307 DP 1160987 as shown dotted in red on the diagram attached - Attachment 2

• the land described as Lots 1 and 3 DP 1150089 and part Lot 2 DP 1150089 shown bounded in red on the diagram attached - Attachment 4 (the Reservoir)

• an easement for water discharge over Lot 2 DP 1150089 as shown dotted in red on the diagram attached - Attachment 4

by compulsory process under section 186(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 for the purpose of water management, reticulation and distribution in accordance with the requirements of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.

FURTHER that the land is to be classified as operational land FURTHER that for the purposes of section 30 of the Land

Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991, the Council agrees to the land being acquired for compensation, set at the market value of the land, as agreed by the General Manager and Department of Industry – Lands

FURTHER that Council delegate to the General Manager or his delegate the power to do anything further as necessary to give effect to the compulsory acquisition, including obtaining any necessary approvals and publishing any necessary notices in the Gazette

FURTHER that authority be granted to the General Manager to affix the Common Seal of the Council to any documentation required to give effect to this resolution FURTHER that Council notes that compensation may become payable to the Gomeroi People in accordance with section 24MD of the Native Title Act 1993, for the compulsory acquisition of Native title rights and interests, in the event that the Federal Court of Australia determines that Native title existed in the land prior to acquisition.

2018 – 2018 Shire Roads Capital Works Program (Ref: 207/18)

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 12 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

THAT Council adopt the 2018/2019 Shire Roads Capital Works Program.

Monthly Technical Services Report – May 2018 (Ref: 208/18) THAT the Monthly Technical Services report for May 2018 be received. FURTHER that the efforts of Mrs C Southwell, Mr J Wilson and Mr P Kennedy in ensuring the success of the 180th anniversary ceremony of the Myall Creek massacre are acknowledged with thanks (Ref: 209/18).

Heavy Plant Committee Heavy Plant Replacement Program (Ref: 210/18)

THAT the Council accept the proposed 2018 – 2019 Heavy Vehicle Plant Replacement program.

Community Services and Planning Committee

Monthly Executive Report – May 2018 (Ref: 211/18) THAT the monthly Executive report for May 2018 be received. FURTHER that more information addressing the anomalies between the various reports relating to the operation of the Shire’s caravan parks be provided to the Councillors (Ref: 212/18).

Monthly Organisation and Community Development Report for May 2018 THAT the monthly Organisation and Community Development report for May 2018 be received (Ref: 213/18). FURTHER that the Council requests Member for Northern Tablelands to seek an urgent drought declaration for the whole of the Gwydir Shire to acknowledge the reality of current situation (Ref: 214/18).

Service NSW 'Easy to do Business' Initiative (Ref: 215/18) THAT the General Manager is provided with delegated authority to enter into a contract with Service NSW for the Easy to do Business Program.

Progress report - 2017-2018 Operational Plan (Ref: 216/18) THAT the Progress Report on the 2017-2018 Operational Plan be received.

Aboriginal Land Claim (NSW Legislation Ref: 217/18) THAT the report regarding the Aboriginal Land Claim be received.

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 13 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Councillor’s Reports THAT the following Councillor reports are noted: Proposed truck wash at Warialda (Ref: 218/18) Warialda Rail landfill access (Ref: 219/18) Recyclable collection point at Warialda landfill (Ref: 220/18) Warialda Rail entry signs (Ref: 221/18) Warialda industrial land (Ref: 222/18) Bingara swimming pool (Ref: 223/18) Bingara office flag pole (Ref: 224/18) Gwydir Health Alliance meeting (Ref: 225/18) Proposed Bingara library relocation (Ref: 226/18)

Gwydir Shire’s home loan scheme in conjunction with the Regional Australia Bank (Ref: 227/18)

(Moved Cr Galvin, seconded Cr Young)

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 14 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Item 3 Updates to Finance Policies



GOAL: 5. Organisational Management


STRATEGY: 5.1.1 Financial management and accountability systems - CFO - internal

AUTHOR Manager, Finance

DATE 19 June 2018


IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION These Policies were developed to provide guidance in complying with Section 413(3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, which requires Council to prepare its General Purpose Financial Statements in compliance with Australian Accounting Standards. The Investment Policy was developed to ensure Council complies with the Local Government Act 1993, including Sections 409 and 625 of the Local Government Act 1993. The Related Party Disclosure Policy is governed by the Australian Accounting Standard AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures, July 2015 and requires that Council discloses Related Party Relationships and Transactions as well as Key Management Personnel (KMP) Compensation in its Annual Financial Statements.

BACKGROUND The current Investment Policy was adopted at the Ordinary Council meeting held 29 July 2010 following the release of new investment policy guidelines in May 2010 – Resolution 192/10. Version 1 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy was adopted at the Ordinary Council meeting held on 27 July 2017 – Resolution 223/17.

COMMENT The review of Council’s Investment Policy is to ensure that the Policy meets all statutory requirements and aligns with Council’s Investment Strategy. Council’s auditors requested changes in the Related Party Disclosure Policy by the addition of pages recording Declarations by Key Management Personnel and have been inserted as Attachment 4.

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 15 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION THAT the Investment Policy dated June 2018 be adopted

FURTHER THAT Version 2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy including the Declaration Forms be adopted

ATTACHMENTS AT- Attachment 4 - Disclosure Declaration Form AT- Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy AT- Draft Investment Policy COUNCIL RESOLUTION: MINUTE 228/18

THAT the Investment Policy dated June 2018 be adopted.

FURTHER THAT Version 2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy including the Declaration Forms be adopted. (Moved Cr Young, seconded Cr Moore)

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 1 Attachment 4 - Disclosure Declaration Form

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Attachment 1 Attachment 4 - Disclosure Declaration Form

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Attachment 1 Attachment 4 - Disclosure Declaration Form

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

This is page number 22 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Attachment 2 Draft V2 of the Related Party Disclosure Policy

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Attachment 3 Draft Investment Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 3 Draft Investment Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 3 Draft Investment Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 3 Draft Investment Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Updates to Finance Policies.DOC

Attachment 3 Draft Investment Policy

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

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Item 4 Monthly Investment and Rates Collection Report - May 2018



GOAL: 5. Organisational Management


STRATEGY: 5.1.1 Financial management and accountability systems - CFO - internal

AUTHOR Manager, Finance

DATE 20 June 2018


IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION: At each monthly Ordinary Meeting, the Council is presented with the schedule relating to Investments, as at the end of the previous month.

BACKGROUND In accordance with Clause 19(3) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 1993, the following information provides details of Council’s funds invested as at 31st May 2018.

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I, Helen Thomas, Finance Manager and Responsible Accounting Officer for Gwydir Shire Council, certify that the Council’s investments have been made in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and Council’s Investment Policy (F.01.03), as amended.

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RATES COLLECTIONS The graph below represents a comparative of the percentage collections for the current year against the two previous rating years. The current years collections are up to 31st May 2018.

TCorp Flash Report Performance Summary – May 2018

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TCorpIM Cash Fund Report –May 2018

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TCorpIM Medium Term Growth Fund – May 2018

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION THAT the monthly Investment and Rates Collection report for May 2018 report be received

ATTACHMENTS There are no attachments for this report. COUNCIL RESOLUTION: MINUTE 229/18

THAT the monthly Investment and Rates Collection report for May 2018 report be received. (Moved Cr Egan, seconded Cr Smith)

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 43 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Item 5 Adoption of the 2018-2019 Operational Plan



GOAL: 5. Organisational Management


STRATEGY: 5.1.3 Administrative functions - GM - internal

AUTHOR Organisation Development Director

DATE 21 June 2018


IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework impacting all NSW Councils was introduced by the NSW State Government in 2009. The reforms replaced the former Social and Management Plan structures. All NSW Councils are required to develop a Community Strategic Plan spanning 10 years, a Delivery Program spanning the four year period of the elected council, and Operational Plans covering each financial year. The full suite of documents was adopted by Council at the June 2017 meeting. These documents were developed to incorporate the results of the extensive community consultation process undertaken to determine the community aspirations for Gwydir Shire Council. Along with these aspirations, production of these plans allowed for the various existing plans to be brought together to understand how they interact and get the maximum leverage by planning holistically and sustainably for the future of Gwydir Shire Council. The Draft Operational Plan 2018 – 2019 period was presented to Council at the May 2018 meeting. This document includes the aspirations of the Community expressed during the period of consultation when the full suite of documents were produced last year. In addition, this document contains updated community aspirations gathered through additional community consultation and feedback from community public meetings held during the 2017- 2018 financial year.


BACKGROUND The following Plan was due for consideration:

Draft Operational Plan - 2018 – 2019 The Operational Plan is an annual document that outlines the actions Council will undertake for the financial year in accordance with the adopted budget. The actions directly align to the strategies and overall themes contained in the

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Gwydir Shire Council Community Strategic Plan 2017 – 2027 and the Delivery Program 2017 – 2021:

1. A healthy and cohesive community (Social) 2. Building the business base (Economic) 3. An environmentally responsible shire (Environment) 4. Proactive regional and local leadership (Civic Leadership) 5. Organisational management (Governance)

COMMENT The Draft Operational Plan was placed on public display for 28 days from Thursday 24 May 2018 to Wednesday 20 June 2018. Copies of the Draft Operational Plan were placed on Council’s website . In addition to the online presence, hard copies were made available for inspection at the following locations:

• Bingara Council Office

• Bingara Public Library

• Warialda Council Office

• Warialda Public Library It is anticipated that the 2017-2021 Delivery Program, 2017-2021 Community Strategic Plan and the Resourcing Strategy will be revised to reflect the additional content in the Operational Plan 2018-2019 in the new financial year. Following the submission of the Draft 2018-2019 Fees and Charges, Council’s Finance department was advised of the need to increase the Rural Addressing Fee. Costs for the Rural Addressing posts have increased since the last order, which was placed in 2014, along with a 7% stores charge, administration costs and the cost to install the pole at the rural address. The current fee is $83.20 per application. However to cover all costs, the fee should be $160 per application. After consultation between Council’s Finance department and the relevant Mapping/GIS staff and Managers it was decided that the most practical and reasonable result would be to increase the fee over a two year period, to avoid deterring residents from applying for rural addressing. Therefore, it is requested that an amendment to the Rural Addressing fee in the 2018-2019 Draft Fees and Charges be increased to $120.00 per application and a further increase in 2019-2020 to $160.00 per application (subject to change – dependent upon costs at the time of determining the fee increase). There has also been some changes in the rating category breakdown as outlined in the following table that differ from the revenue policy document placed on public exhibition. These changes were necessary to accommodate the final supplementary list for the 2018 financial year received from the Valuer-General. The change has given a decrease in the total yield to

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$7821766.54 (a decrease of $5,537.47). This change is due to changes in land values and shifts between categories due to amalgamations and splits over the last financial year. This necessitated the adjustments to ensure that the distribution of the rates revenue was conforming to the Council’s adopted policy setting of Farmland 80%; Residential 16%; and; Business 4%. A breakdown of changes per category is

CONCLUSION The closing date for submissions on the exhibited documents was Wednesday 20 June 2018. No submissions were received. The overall performance against the Operational Plan and its success in addressing the outcomes of the Community Strategic Plan will be reported to the community via the 2017-2018 Annual Report. In addition, an assessment of Council’s progress towards the implementation the Operational Plan and adopted budget is conducted each quarter. The Operational Plan 2018-2019 document was placed on public display for 28 days from Friday 24 May 2018 until Wednesday 20 June 2018 and is now listed for adoption. The only alterations to the displayed copy of the Operational Plan 2018-2019 is an adjustment required to acknowledge the early payment of the Financial Assistance Grant in this financial year and a reallocation of the cleaning costs from the caravan park budgets to its own budget allocation.

CONSULTATION Consultation has taken place with the general public, Councillors, Executive and Senior Managers.

STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Local Government Act, 1993 and associated regulations.

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OFFICER RECOMMENDATION THAT the Ordinary Rates recommended for 2018-2019 financial year be implemented:

FURTHER that Council sets the rate of interest to be charged on overdue rates and charges at 7.5% per annum as outlined in Section 566(3) of the Local Government Act, 1993 FURTHER that Council makes the annual charges for Domestic Waste for the year 2018-2019 as outlined in Section 496 of the Local Government Act, 1993:

FURTHER that Council makes the annual Stormwater charges for the year 2018-2019 as outlined in Section 496A of the Local Government Act, 1993:

FURTHER that Council makes annual charges for Non-Domestic Waste, Water Access, Sewer Access and Liquid Trade Waste for the year 2018-2019, as outlined in Sections 496, 501 and 502 of the Local Government Act, 1993:

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FURTHER that Council makes usage charges for Water and Sewer for the year 2018-2019 as outlined in Section 501 and 502 of the Local Government Act, 1993:

FURTHER that the Rural Addressing fee in the 2018-2019 Fees and Charges be amended to $120 per application FURTHER than an additional increase to the Rural Addressing fee be considered in 2019 to reflect the current cost FURTHER that the Fees and Charges for 2018-2019 as amended be adopted FURTHER that the Operational Plan 2018 – 2019 be adopted noting the

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early payment of the Financial Assistance Grant in this financial year and a reallocation of the cleaning costs from the caravan park budgets to its own budget allocation.

ATTACHMENTS AT- Draft Budget 2018-2019 AT- Draft Long Term Financial Plan AT- Memo regarding an adjustment to the Water and Sewerage Funds COUNCIL RESOLUTION: MINUTE 230/18

THAT the Ordinary Rates recommended for 2018-2019 financial year be implemented:

FURTHER that Council sets the rate of interest to be charged on overdue rates and charges at 7.5% per annum as outlined in Section 566(3) of the Local Government Act, 1993 FURTHER that Council makes the annual charges for Domestic Waste for the year 2018-2019 as outlined in Section 496 of the Local Government Act, 1993:

FURTHER that Council makes the annual Stormwater charges for the year 2018-2019 as outlined in Section 496A of the Local Government Act, 1993:

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

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FURTHER that Council makes annual charges for Non-Domestic Waste, Water Access, Sewer Access and Liquid Trade Waste for the year 2018-2019, as outlined in Sections 496, 501 and 502 of the Local Government Act, 1993:

FURTHER that Council makes usage charges for Water and Sewer for the year 2018-2019 as outlined in Section 501 and 502 of the Local Government Act, 1993:

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FURTHER that the Rural Addressing fee in the 2018-2019 Fees and Charges be amended to $120 per application FURTHER than an additional increase to the Rural Addressing fee be considered in 2019 to reflect the current cost FURTHER that the Fees and Charges for 2018-2019 as amended be adopted FURTHER that the Operational Plan 2018 – 2019 and the updated Long Term Financial Plan be adopted noting the early payment of the Financial Assistance Grant in this financial year and a reallocation of the cleaning costs from the caravan park budgets to its own budget allocation.

FURTHER that the Water and Sewerage Funds’ budgets be adjusted to reflect the following expenditure on the proposed Truck Wash at Warialda: Water Fund $124,713 Sewerage Fund $228,173 (Moved Cr Young, seconded Cr Egan)

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 1 Draft Budget 2018-2019

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

This is page number 85 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

This is page number 87 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

This is page number 90 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

This is page number 92 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

This is page number 93 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

This is page number 94 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

This is page number 95 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

This is page number 96 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

This is page number 97 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 2 Draft Long Term Financial Plan

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Attachment 3 Memo regarding an adjustment to the Water and Sewerage Funds

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Item 6 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination



GOAL: 5. Organisational Management


STRATEGY: 5.1.3 Administrative functions - GM - internal

AUTHOR General Manager

DATE 25 June 2018

STAFF DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Nil IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION This report notes the Councillors and Mayoral Fees applicable for 2018/19. TABLED ITEMS Nil BACKGROUND The range of annual fees for Councillors and Mayors are determined each year by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal. Gwydir Shire Council is located appropriately in the Rural Council category together with 56 other Councils. The increase across the board has been set at 2.5% over the fees set last year. A Minimum to Maximum range is determined for each category of Council. For Rural Councils the following ranges apply:

Gwydir Shire Councillor Mayor Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum $8,970 $11,860 $19,100 $25,880

The Mayor receives the applicable Councillor fee in addition to the Mayoral fee. COMMENT

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In order to at least partially compensate the Shire’s elected members for the time commitment required in undertaking the role of a Councillor, the maximum fees allowed have been paid. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The proposed increased fees have been allowed for in the draft budget.

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION THAT the maximum Councillor and Mayoral Fees be adopted for the 2018/19 Mayoral Year.

ATTACHMENTS AT- Remuneration Tribunal Determination COUNCIL RESOLUTION: MINUTE 231/18 THAT the maximum Councillor and Mayoral Fees be adopted for the 2018/19 Mayoral Year. (Moved Cr Egan, seconded Cr Dixon OAM)

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 103 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 104 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 105 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 106 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 107 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 108 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 109 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 110 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 111 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 112 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 113 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 114 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 115 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 116 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 117 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 118 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 119 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 120 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 121 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 122 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 123 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 124 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Local Government Remuneration Tribunal 2018 Determination.DOC

Attachment 1 Remuneration Tribunal Determination

This is page number 125 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 126 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Item 7 Gwydir Health Alliance update



GOAL: 5. Organisational Management


STRATEGY: 1.1.1 Improve local access to health services - OCD - external


DATE 25 June 2018


IN BRIEF/ SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION This report is for notation of the minutes of the Gwydir Health Alliance meeting held on 12 June 2018.


An appointment was made for Council staff and Rural and delegates from Rural and Remote Medical Services to meet with the Minister for Rural Health, The Honourable Bridget McKenzie on 21 June 2018 in Canberra. A copy of the letter sent to the Minister outlining Gwydir Health Alliance’s concerns is attached.

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION THAT the Minutes of the Gwydir Health Alliance meeting held 14 June 2018 be received

ATTACHMENTS AT- Minutes Gwydir Health Alliance meeting 12 June 2018 AT- Letter to The Hon Bridget McKenzie COUNCIL RESOLUTION: MINUTE 232/18

THAT the Minutes of the Gwydir Health Alliance meeting held 14 June 2018 be received. (Moved Cr Egan, seconded Cr Young)

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Health Alliance update.DOC

Attachment 1 Minutes Gwydir Health Alliance meeting 12 June 2018

This is page number 127 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Health Alliance update.DOC

Attachment 1 Minutes Gwydir Health Alliance meeting 12 June 2018

This is page number 128 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Page 129: Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 28, 2018  · Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire

Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Health Alliance update.DOC

Attachment 1 Minutes Gwydir Health Alliance meeting 12 June 2018

This is page number 129 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Health Alliance update.DOC

Attachment 2 Letter to The Hon Bridget McKenzie

This is page number 130 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Health Alliance update.DOC

Attachment 2 Letter to The Hon Bridget McKenzie

This is page number 131 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Page 132: Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 28, 2018  · Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire

Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Health Alliance update.DOC

Attachment 2 Letter to The Hon Bridget McKenzie

This is page number 132 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Page 133: Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 28, 2018  · Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire

Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Health Alliance update.DOC

Attachment 2 Letter to The Hon Bridget McKenzie

This is page number 133 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Page 134: Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 28, 2018  · Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire

Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 134 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Cr Stuart Dick

Warialda Rail Tip (Ref: 233/18) Cr Dick requested a report regarding the introduction of a gated secure entry to the tip. A verbal report was provided and a written report will be prepared.

Cr Stuart Dick

Rotary Park Warialda (Ref: 234/18) Cr Dick advised the meeting that a resident had advised him that there is a lot of rubbish at this location that requires attention. The meeting was advised that the issue will be attended to asap.

Cr Jim Moore

Industrial Land and Captain Cook Park (Ref: 235/18) Cr Moore requested an update on his request for a price on the Council’s industrial land in Warialda and also the placement of the playground equipment in Captain Cook Park Warialda.

Cr Catherine Egan

Canberra ALGA Conference (Ref: 236/18) Cr Egan, as did Crs Young, Dixon and D Coulton, thanked the Council for the opportunity to attend the conference. The meeting was also advised that the Council won a solar powered light and that both the Council’s motions before the conference were adopted.

Cr John Coulton

Various Meetings Coming Up (Ref: 237/18) The Meeting was informed of the following meetings with a request of who is likely to attend which meeting: Murray Darling Association AGM in Leeton from Wednesday, August 29 to Friday, August 3. Cr Young and the GM indicated that they will be attending; Santos invitation to inspect the gas field. Any interested Councillor should contact Ms Robyn Phillips;

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Ordinary Meeting - 28 June 2018 Gwydir Shire Council

This is page number 135 of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 28 June 2018 Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………………

Inland Rail Conference in Parkes on July 18th and 19th. The Technical Services Director will represent the Council; and; Is it possible to organise an Internal Audit Committee Meeting when Mr Tobin is visiting the area for the Orange Festival? The potential to hold a meeting will be investigated.

Meeting closed 11.55 am
