


Meeting held at Dallas International Airport, DFW Business Center Building Meeting Room

OPENING: Larry Smith opened the meeting at 9 am on Thursday, Jan 18; 2007and welcomed new members and attendees and asked the group to briefly identify themselves. Perfecto Solis, VP DFW Airport, and the host team of Tomas Rivera, Marvin Faulkenburry and David Taliaferro, were introduced. The host team welcomed the committee to DFW and gave a presentation of the host program schedule and logistic for transportation.

ATTENDEES:Tom McGean, Chairman Phil Burke, MSPLarry Smith, Secretary Marvin Faulkenburry, DFWJon Esslinger, Dir. T&DI John Champ, APM ConsultantDavid Taliaferro, DFW Michael Shumack MCOTomas Rivera, DFW Bob Griebenow, Berger/AbamKenneth Williams, JTA Charlie Martin, L+ERedjean Clerc, Siemens TS Lloyd Welch, Las Vegas Mono.Alex Inserto, Conductix Gary Houts, TPALon Miller, Conductix Frank Culver, WGIRichard Prell, Conductix Jim Fletcher, ParametrixLee Layport, Bombardier Joe Abbas, RSHJon Brackpool, BAA Sam Lott, Kimley-HornAl Hartkorn, Transit Safety David Ferrence, BombardierVictor Howe, Dulles Rod Falvey, L+EJorg Nahke, Logplan Peter Deleonardis, StanleyDoug Baird, Johnson Controls Chris Smith, ATLDane Morse, FAA Ortfried Friedreich, AxisMartin Lowson, ATS

APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM SINGAPORE MEETING: A motion was made by Jim Fletcher to accept the minutes, seconded by Richard Prell, and motion carried.

BRIEFING ON NEW STANDARD RULES: Jon Esslinger made a presentation on rule changes prepared by Jim Rossberg, Director, ASCE Codes and Standard Program. Jon distributed copies of the PowerPoint and the official Rules for Standards Committee, revised July, 2006 and effective Nov. 1, 2007. Jon led a discussion of the pertinent rules of interest to the members and gave specific guidance on committee membership and make-up.

VIENNA MEETING UPDATE: Co-Hosted by Berger/Abam and DCC Doppelmayr.

Bob Griebenow gave an update on the plans for the Standards Committee meeting in Vienna April 19& 20, 2007 and offered to coordinate the usual committee notifications and activities. Bob tentatively selected the Hotel Astoria for the committee hotel and will develop a meeting planner for distribution to the standards committee. There are several hotels in the area and all within walking distance of the meeting and the conference. Bob also asked for interested volunteers willing to screen proposed papers for the APM 07 Conference which will follow the Standards Committee on April 22 – 25, 2007 in the same venue.

A detailed presentation on the APM 07 conference plan was made by Ortfried Friedreich. The conference website is Ortfried volunteered to work with the committee meeting co-hosts and will try to prepare activities for the standards committee on Sat & Sun after the standards meeting. Bob Griebenow will keep us informed.

T&DI REPORT: Jon Esslinger gave a briefing on the activities of T&DI and distributed his Director’s Report of Jan. 16, 2007. Jon complemented the committee for its leadership role in adopting the electronic balloting system and suggested that the Chairman could provide committee workshops for other committees within ASCE based on our performance and productivity.

LOCATION OF NEXT MEETINGS: Next meeting, April 19& 20, 2007 Vienna.

Tentative pending confirmations and dates: Fall 07, MSP (Minneapolis Airport);Winter, (Jan. 08), Miami Spring 09, Madrid Fall 08, Seattle or Conn.Winter 09,Mexico City. Phil Burke will work with Larry Smith on the MSP meeting, Frank Culver will work with Larry on looking into the Miami meeting, Lee Layport and Paul Didrickson will follow up with Larry on Madrid, Victor Howe on Seattle, and Peter Deleonardis on Farmington Connecticut.

HONORARY LUNCHEON FOR ALEX INSERTO: A surprise recognition and appreciation ceremony was hosted by Conductix,(formerly Insul-8), in honor of Alex’s long and active service to both his company and our committee. Lon Miller, President of Conductix, presented a commemorative section of conductor rail memento to Alex and reviewed his diligent work with the company and his expert contributions to our standard.

MEMBERSHIP AND ATTENDANCE REPORT: At the Singapore meeting, Joe Abbas was asked to review membership and attendance activities based on committee records. Joe’s report summarized several years and indicated that seven persons who had been members since at least June of 2005 had never attended a meeting. After discussion, a consensus was arrived at to have the membership Chair draft a letter to be sent to clearly inactive members under the signatures of the committee Chair and T&DI Director asking if they would either become more active or consider resigning to enable the committee to activate interested persons now on the waiting list..

IEC WG 39 and 40 UPDATE: Sam Lott gave an update on the proceedings of the working groups and distributed an 11 page schedule of Hazards and a tabulation of possible actions. Sam reviewed the general direction that the groups followed and asked Al Hartkorn to present his comments which are included below.


Comments on Railway Applications – Automated Urban Guided Transport (AUGT) Safety Requirements,

“Safety Requirements”, Chapter

The most serious flaw I find in the current version of Chapter 8, “Safety Requirements” is the absence of addressing safety requirements, or, more significantly, how safety requirements are identified. Although there is an occasional discussion of a generic type of auxiliary power supply requirement, to ‘assume’ that a train is able “to coast to a station” is beyond my capability to objectively comment (upon). There is also a limited discussion of platform safety requirements (§ 8.4) for automated and semi-automated systems. However, without providing the design team with the methodology to identify Safety Requirements and, consequently, the opportunity to eliminate the hazard and/or minimize its consequences, there is no basis to include Chapter 8 in the Automated Urban Guided Transport (AUGT) document.

Many of the Sections are not completed, as stated in the document, particularly in the ”Rules” Sections of the Chapter. Unfortunately, this Chapter on “Safety Requirements” is seriously flawed also as it fails to recognize that ‘Procedures’ must be developed prior to the development and testing of the Rules to implement the Procedures.

There is a failure throughout Chapter 8 to recognize the impact of fail-safe design on safety-critical functions and the necessity to conduct hazard analyses to evaluate design. A significant part of this oversight is the failure to recognize that hazards are substantially similar for manned train operation as for automated operation; failure modes are most often dissimilar. Section 8.5, addresses passenger cars and contains references to hazard analyses which are inconsistent; for some hazards, the Corrective Action is mandatory (§ 8.5.10, ‘Derailment Detection’): for others, the Corrective Action is less clear (§8.5.4, ‘Emergency Call Device On Board’).

In conclusion, Chapter 8 is not consistent with the APM Standard, Part 1, (ANSI/ASCE 21-05), § 3.0 ‘Safety Requirements’, or with the hazard analysis methodology used to identify safety requirements identified in the Part 1 Bibliography, “2nd Edition System Safety Analysis Handbook”, published by the System Safety Society, and which contains over 101 safety analysis techniques and methodologies.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After discussion, Sam again asked for a subcommittee to help review the proceedings and promised to report to the subcommittee by email after the upcoming meeting of the IEC groups in NYC next week. The Chair appointed a subcommittee as follows:

From Bombardier: David Ferrence, (Chapter 8), & Paul Didrikson, (Lee Layport will also check with Bill Nash of Bombardier)

From Washington Group International: Frank Culver will check with Rick Carter of Washington Group International,(WGI) about joining the subcommittee;

From Lea+Elliott: Rod Falvey will check within L+E; From Siemens: Redjean Clerc will check with Yves Clarissou for Siemens.

From Mitsubishi: In Singapore Darin Friedmann agreed to nominate someone from Mitsubishi to work on the subcommittee

From Alcatel (now under a new name): Sam Lott will contact Dave Dimmer for his help on the subcommittee.

Jim Fletcher also volunteered to act as an alternate to Sam at some IEC meetings as the work and travel is extensive.

Sam and the Chair formulated a guide policy stated briefly;

“If the IEC requirement is less restrictive than ASCE 21 and not otherwise conflicted, we, the APM Standards Committee would endorse it”

This position was supported by an overwhelming show of hands. It was also agreed to encourage the IEC to cite our standard as one way of complying with their more general requirements. Sam will email the Chair if he finds reason to amend his suggestions after the NYC meeting.

NFPA UPDATE: No reports, however, Frank Culver indicated that a potential conflict of intent may exist as NFPA requires fire extinguishers on board but does not clarify location or accessibility of extinguishers. (Our standard requires extinguishers be in the passenger compartment). As a result of the NFPA wording, fire extinguishers are being located under the car and not accessible by passengers. This could be OK for a rail car with a driver on board but raises safety issues on an unmanned APM.


CONFIGURATION CONTROL: The Chair reviewed the protocol for all members, task leaders, section authors; etc to follow to assure all work is properly recorded. The function of Scribe was further defined as anyone who performs the task of computer operator during word by word reviews and other committee work during meetings and that person also has a duty to retain work until proper recording with the Secretary for the minutes, and Mike Shumack for the official web site. This protocol is posted on the web site.

STATUS PART 4: The Chairman related that Part 4 was out for Public Comment. The comment period closes 5PM on April 4, 2007 so comments will be ready for review and resolution in Vienna.

STATUS PART 3: The Chairman announced that the first reaffirmation ballot for Part 3, which closed on Jan. 11, 2007, passed with no negative comments – a first, and an indication of good committee work. Joe Abbas led the review of comments for Chapters 1-9, Jim Fletcher led chapter 10, and Bob Griebenow led chapter 11. Peter Deleonardis acted as scribe at the Dallas meeting for resolution of comments. All affirmative comments were resolved with no substantive changes required. . The ballot report

documenting resolution of comments is attached to these minutes and will be sent by the Chair to ASCE headquarters.

STATUS PART 2: The Chair introduced two issues requiring resolution prior to release of Part 2 for Public Comments..

One issue pertained to whether our reduced emergency illumination levels met ADA. Rod Falvey clarified that the issue was resolved as balloted since ADA was concerned with normal and not emergency levels.

The other issue involved documentation of the Ride Quality in Section page 8 of our standard. ISO 2631-1985 has been superseded and the new version (1997) does not support the ride quality curves our members wish to cite. Also, the referenced ride quality testing equipment cited in the standard, is no longer available from the original manufacturer. The B&K meters are still in use and David Ferrence will research and send the original B&K meter specification to Tom. Tom also reported that the American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists continue to reference and support the ISO 2631-1985 curves and analytical methods specified in our citation.. Redjean Clerc made a presentation on a study conducted by Siemens on VAL ride quality and suggested ride comfort limits using ISO 2631-1997. After discussion, the committee agreed to allow the Chair to cite the ACGIH source in lieu of the no longer published ISO 2631-1985 and to retain reference to the BK equipment so long as equipment specifications were available to the committee. (Rod Falvey will prepare suggested text for the Chair) Redjean Clerc was asked to have Siemens review the ACGIH version and comment to the Chair no later than February 2, 2007. If Siemens concurs with the committee position, the Chair is authorized to release Part 2 for Public Comment.

MODEL ELEVATOR LAW, (MEL), and UPDATE: Larry Smith reported that the final letter was approved by the committee and ASCE legal before the meeting in NYC last May. The Vice-Chair, Tedd Snyder, had his firm mail out the 75+ letters in December under the T&DI director’s signature to all State Professional Licensing Boards and APM regulatory agencies we were able to identify. Tedd’s help avoided any further time critical delay as other states are now considering EIWPF, (Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund), appeals to adopt the MEL. The letter is now an official document and is provided, below:


Subject: Issues Related to Design, Construction and Inspections of Automated People Mover Systems.

Dear XXX

Many states utilize American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) A17.1, the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators and ASME A17.3, the Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators as their primary, if not total, regulatory requirement for such equipment. As a result of the ongoing careful attention rendered by the professionals on the A17 Standards Committee, these safety codes have achieved an exceptional level of acceptance and are highly regarded by designers, manufacturers, users and regulators.

In the past few years, the “Elevator Industry Work Preservation Fund Serving the International Union of Elevator Constructors” has been advocating the states, with considerable success, to adopt supplemental elevator safety regulations using, as a basis, a “Model Elevator Code” (MEC) developed by this group. This MEC draws extensively on the various ASME Codes pertaining to elevator/escalator safety, including ASME QEI-1, Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors. To the extent that such activity reinforces the safety theme of the ASME Codes, the various groups involved in promoting and implementing the MEC should be commended.

However, the MEC covers not only elevators, escalators and moving walkways, but also Automated People Movers (APMs). With regard to safety and performance requirements for APMs, the MEC cites ASCE 21, Automated People Mover Standards, which has been developed under our organization’s aegis. The Automated People Movers Standard committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) certainly has no concern with the MEC promoting adoption of our APM standard by the various states. However, a review of the language contained in the MEC does disclose a serious safety concern in that construction, inspection and maintenance aspects of “automated people movers” have been lumped in with the requirements for elevators, escalators, and other related equipment covered by the aforementioned ASME Codes. Quoting from the MEC, “It shall be the responsibility of the owner of all conveyances to have a licensed Elevator Contractor, as described herein this chapter, insure that the required tests are performed at intervals in compliance with the ASME A17.1, ASME A18.1 and ASCE 21.” Nowhere in the ASME A17, ASME A18 or ASME QEI-1 Codes is there any suggestion of addressing any equipment other than elevators, escalators, platform and stairway chair lifts, dumbwaiters, material lifts and moving walks, yet the MEC states (through inclusion) that only a QEI, certified within the ASME QEI-1 parameters, shall be allowed to inspect Automated People Mover Systems during their design, construction, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, alteration and repair.

An individual who has achieved QEI status most likely has skills which could be helpful in becoming an APM inspector, but the implication that elevators and APMs are technologically the same is seriously flawed. To cite simply one or two key differences, APMs can be free running, with headway and switching safety issues not of concern to elevators or escalators. Also, APMs can operate in trains which generate buffing loads and coupling/uncoupling safety issues. These related but vastly different conveyances require technology specific safety standards. We view the extension of the use of the ASME QEI process to APMs as a gross misuse/abuse of professional standards which poses safety concerns for virtually any APM system and will conflict with inspection,

maintenance and testing requirements presently being developed by the ASCE APM Standards Committee.

We have transmitted these concerns to the ASME. William Berger, ASME Managing Director, Technical Codes & Standards has concurred in a letter of August 3, 2005 (copy attached) “…that the ASME QEI-1 Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors is not intended to apply to inspectors who are conducting inspections of equipment that are covered under the scope of the ASCE 21 Standard on Automated People Movers.”

The standards developed by our committee “…establish the minimum set of requirements necessary to achieve an acceptable level of safety and performance for an APM system.” (ASCE 21, Foreword). Because of our mutual responsibility for the safe operation of APM systems we are providing you with the above information to guide in any deliberations with regard to incorporating the MEC into any proposed state legislation.


Jonathan C. Esslinger, P.E.Director, Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE

Cc: Thomas J. McGean, P.E., Chair, APM Standards CommitteeGary Houts, P.E. APM Standards CommitteeLouis F. Cohn, Ph.D., P.E., President, T&DIJames Rossberg, P.E., Director, Codes and Standards

The addresses to which this letter was sent, are provided as an attachment to these minutes.

Larry also related that an Elevator Conference took place in Orlando but the Bridgebuilder session did not wish to put this issue on their agenda again at this time, however, recent excerpts from Elevator World journal indicate that many in the elevator industry are aware and sympathetic to our safety initiative. The EIWPF representatives who attended our meeting in Toronto have not responded to the Chairman’s letter conveying our resolution asking the EIWPF to cease making reference to QEI,( Qualified Elevator Inspector), requirements on all aspects of the APM industry as QEI certification does not cover APM’s.After discussion, a motion was made by Gary Houts, seconded by Peter Deleonardis to have the Secretary prepare a letter to the Editor of Elevator World briefly summarizing our concerns as outlined in the above letter. The letter to the editor will be reviewed and

signed by the Chairman and the Director of T&DI. In addition, Peter deLeonardis will prepare an article for submission to Elevator World going into these concerns at greater length. He will submit that letter as an individual or on behalf of his company and not as a committee member, requesting it be published in the appropriate section of the magazine to clarify the issue for their readership. The Chair noted that the standards committee has a duty to alert the public of safety concerns and misinterpretations of ASCE 21 but that lobbying per se should be done by individuals and their companies and is not to be done by the committee.. Mike Shumack will update the spreadsheet developed earlier regarding the status of states that have adopted either entirely or parts of the MEL and will develop a mailing list for a new mailing identifying the conflicts with ASCE 21.

Victor Howe offered to find out if anything is happening in California to resolve the intent of the MOU between the two Divisions of state government that discovered by adoption of the law have conflicted jurisdiction and unresolved reference to QEI involvement with ASCE 21.

DOOR TASK FORCE: No report. The Chair passed along an article on a safety related transit issue to Jon Brackpool..

NEW BUSINESS: Larry Smith announced that two Airport Cooperative Research Projects, 3-06,Guidelines for Planning APM’s at Airports est. $500k ,and 3-07 Performance Measures for APM’s at Airports est.$300k, are now funded and in RFP status. The ACRP is now soliciting project statements for the 2008 program; the web site is for more information. The current program funding is about $10m/yr and covers about 25 projects selected by an Airport Oversight Committee. Projects can be assimilated from submittals from different sources and the focus is on near term solutions to airport problems and issues.

REVIEW OF STANDARDS WORK AND PUBLICATION SCHEDULE: The Chairman led a discussion on the future work and meeting frequency of the committee and the future reaffirmation and publishing schedule. We hope to have all four parts of the standard out in current versions by the end of this year or early next year. A planning goal will be to adjust reaffirmation schedules such that by 2010, all 4 parts of ASCE 21 can be published in one single document.

PRT TASK FORCE: A PRT task force will be created to recommend whether any changes might be considered with regard to applying the standard to PRT systems. The task force members from the committee will be; Doug Baird, Martin Lowson, Bob Griebenow, Jon Brackpool and Jorg Nahke. The Chairman will consider adding members from outside the committee based on receipt of nominations and a resume indicating suitable experience with actual PRT projects and technology. The task force will develop and submit for approval in Vienna a brief white paper with a schedule and objectives statement and resumes of proposed other task force members as its first activity.

SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMITTEE: A general discussion was conducted of future committee activity. The Committee favors retaining two day meetings but would like to see tours, which are considered very educational and useful, held during normal meeting hours when the agenda permits. The Committee also would like to see information added within each Part of the standard explaining how to request an interpretation from the Committee, Jon Esslinger will look into this. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The Chairman expressed gratitude and appreciation for all the support received to make this committee meeting possibly and congenial. The APM Standards committee is composed of volunteers and does not have funding to host or conduct meeting and relies on support from members and organizations involved with APM’s.

The Chairman thanked the DFW Airport and staff for hosting the meeting, providing coffee breaks, lunch on Friday, transportation and co-hosting the tour with Bombardier of the 5 mile DFW Skylink APM system during an unusually severe winter ice storm. Conductix for sponsoring the luncheon on Thursday for Alex as mentioned on page 2.The social dinner and Brazilian steakhouse experience at the Boi Na Braza restaurant was co-hosted by L+E and Kellog Brown & Root and was enthusiastically enjoyed by all. Respectfully Submitted,

Lawrence L. Smith P.E., F., ASCESecretary, ASCE APM Standards Committee

Attachments:APM Part 3 Ballot Resolution ReportAddresses of APM Regulatory AgenciesDirectory of State Engineering Licensing Boards

American Society of Civil Engineers

First Committee Ballot to Reaffirm Automated People Mover, Part 3, Chapters 1 and 9, 10 and 11

Ballot Report Prepared by Chair, Thomas J. McGean based on committee resolution of affirmative comments at a meeting in Dallas Texas on January 18,

2007Voters Comments

Ballot Closing: 01/11/2007

1. Approve Revision of Part 3, Chapters 1 and 9Affirm With CommentClarissou, Yves§ 9.3.2. wording comment : use "power outages" (as proposed by the committee) rather than "power changees".

Resolution: Will change the word “changes” to “outages”. editorial Clerc, Redjeansection 9.3.2, first paragraph, last word --> please change the word "changees" for "outages" has it was previously proposed by Bombardier. I think that the word "outages" is more appropriate to the situation.

Resolution: See Clarissou comment above Falvey, RobertSection 1.4 Reference Standards: The NFPA 101, 2006 edition is now availble and should replace NFPA 101, 2003 edition currently identifed.

Resolution: Accepted Editorial Garcia, AntonioSUGGEST: Adding ANSI B77.2-2004 for Funiculars-Safety Requirements in section 1.4 (Reference Standards) as similarly done for ANSI B77.1-1998, Passenger Tramways—Aerial Lifts, Surface Lifts and Tows, Safety Requirements (cited in 11.0).

Resolution: Rejected Nonpersuasive B77.2 is nowhere cited in Section 11.

SUGGEST: Citing ANSI B77.1-1999 in Section 1.4 (Reference Standards) in lieu of ANSI B77.1-

1998 (now titled "for Passenger Ropeways-Aerial Tramways, Aerial Lifts, Tows and Conveyors-Safety Requirements"). A peoplemover installed in a sloped installation may be designed and regulated under either or both standards as applicable depending on the technology and/or the features implemented in the design of the APM/funicular system.

Resolution: We will cite the new 2006 version of ANSI B77.1, editorial Kapala, JohnNew paragraph for "Operating Loads"

Resolution: Accepted editorial Martin, CharlesSection 1.1: In the listing of the sections in Part 4, put periods after the numbers 12 through 16. Also, the correct title to Section 13 is "Emergency Preparedness Program".

Section 1.4: For the AASHTO LRFD reference, it should be "(cited in 11.9.1, 11.9.2, and 11.9.3)". For the NFPA 70 and NFPA 130 references, "cited in ... 9.2.11" should be changed to "cited in ... 9.2.9". Note, Sections 9.2.7 through 9.2.11 should be renumbered as 9.2.5 through 9.2.9.

Section 1.5: In the "(APM)" definition, change "right-of way" to right-of-way".

Section 1.5: In the "Operating Loads" definition and elsewhere throughout the document, the "ASCE 21-98" reference should be changed to "ASCE 21 Automated People Mover Standards, Part 2, section ...".Note, this is the format adopted in the recently ballotted Part 2. Likewise, all "ASCE 21-05" and "ASCE 21-96" references (Note that they appear both ways in the text.) should be changed to "ASCE 21 Automated People Mover Standards, Part 1, section ...".

Section 9.1.3: Note the use of "power distribution". Elsewhere "power-distribution" is used (e.g., see The hyphen is not necessary. Should standardize throughout to "power distribution".

Section In the "NFPA 70, 2005 edition" reference, verify that "article 90-2, subsection B" is correct. As with NFPA 130, in going from "1999" to "2005" format/section numbers may have changed.

Section 9.2.4: Change "(see 9.2.9)" to "(see 9.2.7)" per section numbering changes (comment below).

Sections 9.2.7 through 9.2.11: Change to 9.2.5 through 9.2.9.

Section 9.3: Change "POWER-COLLECTION"/"power-collection" to "POWER COLLECTION"/"power collection". Note, it doesn't need a hyphen.

Section 9.3.2: Change the last word in the first sentence from "changees" to "changes".

Section 9.4: Change "ATC)" to "ATC".

Resolution: All Martin comments accepted editorial Mauderer, FrankWould you please be so kind as to correct the name "Doppelmayr" on page 3 under acknowledgements.

Resolution: Accepted editorial Shumack, MichaelI suggest that throught the document, all refernces to other APM Standards (Parts) be done without including the year component of the title. For example, rather than referencing "ASCE 21-96, APM-Part 1, Section 2.1.4" it should read "ASCE 21, Part 1, Section 2.1.4". This would eliminate references to "older" versions of the Standard.

Resolution: Rejected nonpersuasive. Regulatory agencies require that the year be cited. Otherwise they will not adopt the standard as a code or regulation. Smith, LawrenceIn 1.5 Definitions, I believe we forgot to drop the definition "Slow Speed People Movers", It is not in new Part 1, 21-05.I do not believe the term is used in part 3, however in Part 2, 7.3 CLEARANCE IN STATIONS, the opening paragraph defines "slow speed" as "no more than 32 km/h (20 mph)at any location on their route during normal operation.

Resolution: Comment withdrawn by Larry Smith at the Dallas meeting 

2. Approve Revision of Part 3, Chapter 10Affirm With CommentClarissou, Yves§10.2.1 and §10.2.2 : I accept the committee's decision, however we miss the opportunity to harmonize with the requirements of EN 14752 (2006) for structural requirements on platform edge partitions.

Resolution: Nonpersuasive. Has been previously discussed by committee 

Clerc, RedjeanReferring to the section 10.2.1 (2) and section 10.2.2 (2), please note that European Standard does not apply the lateral load (force to be withstanded)the same way on the platform edge barriers. If the committee wants to align the requirement with European Standard, these sections should be reviewed.

Resolution: Nonpersuasive. Has been previously discussed by committee De Leonardis, PeterEditorial - Section, 1st sentence - The word "of" should remain, as it has in Section Resolution: accepted editorial

Falvey, RobertSection 10.4 should be revised to reference the latest edition of the standard; NFPA 101, 2006. The referenced section numbers 7.9 and 9.2 remain applicable to the NFPA 101 2006 edition.

 Resolution: accepted editorial Kapala, John10.2.1, 2. I don't think "of" should be deleted.

 Resolution: accepted editorial Martin, CharlesSection 10.2.1: In item 2, change "force 1,110 N" to "force of 1110 N".

 Resolution: accepted editorial Shumack, MichaelI suggest that throught the document, all refernces to other APM Standards (Parts) be done without including the year component of the title. For example, rather than referencing "ASCE 21-96, APM-Part 1, Section 2.1.4" it should read "ASCE 21, Part 1, Section 2.1.4". This would eliminate references to "older" versions of the Standard.

 Resolution: rejected nonpersuasive. The year is needed if the standard is to be cited in codes and regulations. 

3. Approve Revision of Part 3, Chapter 11

Affirm With CommentGarcia, AntonioSuggest: Modify wording of Section 11.0 (Guideways) to include ANSI B77.1-2004, for Funiculars-Safety Requirements

 Resolution: Nonpersuasive. The intent is that the APM standard be used for driverless funiculars.

Suggest: In Section 11.0 (Guideways), cite ANSI B77.1-1999 (now titled "for Passenger Ropeways-Aerial Tramways, Aerial Lifts, Surface Lifts, Tows and Conveyors-Safety Requirements")in lieu of ANSI B77.1-1998 ANSI B77.1-1998, Passenger Tramways—Aerial Lifts, Surface Lifts and Tows, Safety Requirements, ANSI B77.1-1998.

 Resolution: Accepted editorial as modified. The title will be changed but the year will be 2006 rather than 1999.

Section 11.0 GUIDEWAYS currently reads as follows:

"The requirements given in this chapter apply to all rigid guideways: elevated, at-grade, and underground. Systems suspended by wire rope or cable are addressed by the requirements given in Passenger Tramways—Aerial Lifts, Surface Lifts and Tows, Safety Requirements, ANSI B77.1-1998.

The guideway shall be designed and constructed in such a way that the ride quality criteria and the vehicle clearance restrictions are met along the entire alignment. The guideway shall be designed to support all loads and forces associated with vehicles, vehicle interfaces, the environment and any other facilities affixed to the guideway."

 Resolution: Invalid Martin, CharlesSection 11.1: Change "2007edition" to "2007 edition".

 Resolution: accepted editorial

Section 11.8.1: Change "perAPM Standards Part 1, Section" to "per ASCE 21 Automated People Mover Standards, Part 1, section" or however necessary to be consistent with other changed references (see previous comment to Section 1.5).

 Resolution: accepted editorial Shumack, MichaelI suggest that throught the document, all refernces to other APM Standards (Parts) be done without

including the year component of the title. For example, rather than referencing "ASCE 21-96, APM-Part 1, Section 2.1.4" it should read "ASCE 21, Part 1, Section 2.1.4". This would eliminate references to "older" versions of the Standard.

 Resolution: Nonpersuasive. Year is needed if standard is to be cited in codes and regulations 


CaliforniaCalifornia Public UtilitiesCommissionRail Safety Division505 Van Ness StreetSan Francisco, CA 94102

ColoradoMr. Jack BaierTransportation EngineerColorado Public UtilitiesCommissionOffice Level 21580 Logan StreetDenver, CO 80203

District of ColumbiaMr. Alex EckmannChairmanTri-State Oversight Committeec/o DC Department ofPublic Works, 6th Floor2000 14th Street, NWWashington, DC 20009

FloridaMr. Mike JohnsonAdministrator, Transit OperationsFlorida Department ofTransportationOffice of Public Transportation,MS 26605 Suwannee StreetTallahassee, FL 32399

GeorgiaMr. Luke CousinsAdministratorGeorgia Department ofTransportationOffice of Intermodal Programs#2 Capitol Square, SWAtlanta, GA 30334

IllinoisMs. Cynthia NethercutManager, Oversight DivisionRegional Transportation AuthoritySuite 1900181 West Madison StreetChicago, IL 60602

MassachusettsMr. Brian F. CristyDirector, Transportation DivisionMassachusetts Department ofTelecommunications and EnergyLeverett Saltonstall Building100 Cambridge Street, Room 1203Boston, MA 02202

New JerseyMr. Bob SedlockManager, State Safety OversightProgramNew Jersey Department ofTransportationDivision of Motor VehiclesCN 177Trenton, NJ 08666

New YorkMr. Jerry ShookChief, Rail Accident InvestigationSectionNew York Public TransportationSafety BoardPassenger & Freight Safety Division1220 Washington AvenueAlbany, NY 12232

OhioMr. Jerry WorkmanPlanning SupervisorOhio Department of TransportationOffice of Public TransportationP.O. Box 0899Columbus, OH 43216

PennsylvaniaMr. David BarberManager, Engineering & SafetyPennsylvania Department ofTransportationBureau of Public TransportationForum Place, 8th Floor555 Walnut StreetHarrisburg, PA 17101

TennesseeMr. Jim LadieuTransportation ManagerTennessee Department ofTransportationOffice of Public Transportation505 Deaderick Street, Suite 400Nashville, TN 37243

TexasMs. Susan HausmannSenior PlannerTexas Department of TransportationPublic Transportation Division125 East 11 th StreetAustin, TX 78701

VirginiaMr. Leo BevonTri-State Oversight Committeec/o Virginia Department of Rail &Public Transportation1401 East Broad StreetRichmond, VA 23219

WashingtonMr. Paul GambleProgram Development CoordinatorWashington Department ofTransportationPublic Transportation and RailJefferson Street and Maple ParkOlympia, WA 98504

MichiganDepartment of Labor & Economic GrowthBureau of Commercial ServicesLicensing Division611 West OttawaPO Box 30018Lansing MI 48909

MinneapolisArthur T. LeahyGeneral ManagerMinneapolis St. Paul Metropolitan Council560 Sixth Avenue, NorthMinneapolis, MN 55411-4396

NevadaAnthony GarciaClark County Building Department ,921 Alta Oaks Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89014

Directory of State Engineering Licensing Boards

AlabamaState Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and SurveyorsP.O. Box 304451, Montgomery, AL 36130-4451(334)242-5568, [email protected],

ArizonaState Board of Technical Registration1110 W. Washington Street, Suite 240, Phoenix, AZ 85007(602)364-4930,

ArkansasState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsP.O. Box 3750, Little Rock, AR 72203(501)682-2824,

CaliforniaBoard for Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsP.O. Box 349002, Sacramento, CA 95834-9002(916)263-2230, [email protected],

ColoradoState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors1560 Broadway, Suite 1370, Denver, CO 80202(303)894-7788,

ConnecticutState Board of Examiners for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors165 Capitol Ave., Hartford, CT 06106-1630(860) 713-6145

DelawareDelaware Association of Professional Engineers2005 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803302-577-6500,

FloridaBoard of Professional Engineers2507 Callaway Road, Suite 200, Tallahassee, FL 32303(850)521-0500, [email protected],

GeorgiaState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors237 Coliseum Drive, Macon, GA 31217-3858(478)207-1450, [email protected],

IdahoBoard of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors600 S. Orchard, Suite A, Boise, ID 83705-1242(208)334-3860,

IllinoisDepartment of Professional Regulation State Board of Professional Engineers320 West Washington Street, 3rd Floor, Springfield, IL 62786(217) 785-0877,

IndianaState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers302 W. Washington Street, Room E-034, Indianapolis, IN 46204(317)232-2980,

IowaEngineering & Land Surveying Examining Board1920 SE Hulsizer Road, Ankeny, Iowa 50021(515)281-4126,

KansasState Board of Technical ProfessionsLandon State Office Building, 900 SW Jackson, Suite 507, Topeka, KS 66612-1257(785)296-3053, [email protected],

KentuckyState Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsKentucky Engineering Center,160 Democrat Drive, Frankfort, KY 40601(800)573-2680, (502)573-2680,

LouisianaLouisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 121, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1433(225)925-6291,

MaineState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers92 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0092(207) 287-3236, [email protected]://

MarylandState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers500 N. Calvert St., Room 308, Baltimore, MD 20001

202-727-7833, [email protected] (getting new email soon),

MassachusettsBoard of Registration of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Division of Registration239 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02114(617) 727-3074, [email protected]/reg

MichiganMichigan Department of CIS Board of Professional EngineersP.O. Box 30018, Lansing, MI 48909(517)241-9253,,1607,7-154-10557_12992_14016---,00.html

MinnesotaState Board of Architecture, Engineering Land Surveying, LandscapeArchitecture, Geoscience, and Interior DesignThe Golden Rule Building, Suite 160, 85 East Seventh Place, St. Paul, MN 55101(651)296-2388,

MississippiState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsP.O. Box 3, Jackson, MS 39205(601)359-6160, [email protected],

MissouriBoard for Architects, Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsP.O. Box 184, Jefferson City, MO 65102(573)751-0047, [email protected],

MontanaBoard of Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsDept. of Commerce, P.O. Box 200513, 301 South Park Avenue, 4th Floor, Helena, MT 59620-0513(406)841-2367, [email protected],

NebraskaBoard of Engineers and ArchitectsP.O. Box 95165, Lincoln, NE 68509(402)471-2021/2407,

NevadaState Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors1755 East Plumb Lane, Suite 135, Reno, NV 89502(775)688-1231, [email protected],

New HampshireBoard of Professional Engineers57 Regional Dr., Concord, NH 03301(603) 271-2219, [email protected]/jtboard/home.htm

New JerseyState Board of Professional Engineers & Land SurveyorsP.O. Box 45015, Newark, NJ 07101(973) 504-6460

New MexicoBoard of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors1010 Marquez Place, Santa Fe, NM 87505(505)827-7561,

North Carolina Board of Registration for Professional Engineers3620 Six Forks Rd., Suite 300, Raleigh, NC 27609-7197919-881-2293, [email protected],

North DakotaState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsP.O. Box 1357, Bismarck, ND 58502-1357(701)258-0786

OhioState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors77 South High Street, Room 1698, Columbus, OH 43215(614)466-3651,

OklahomaState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsOklahoma Engineering Center, Room 120, 201 N.E. 27th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73105(405)521-2874,

OregonState Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying728 Hawthorne Avenue NE, Salem, OR 97301(503)362-2666,

Pennsylvania State Registration Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and GeologistsP. O. Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649(717) 783-7049, [email protected]/bpoa/engbd

Rhode Island State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers1 Capitol Hill, 3rd Floor, Providence, RI 02908(401) 222-2565

South CarolinaState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsP.O. Box 11597, Columbia, SC 29211-1597(803)896-4422, [email protected],

South DakotaBoard of Technical Professions2040 West Main Street, Suite 304, Rapid City, SD 57702-2447(605)394-2510,

TennesseeState Board of Architectural and Engineering ExaminersDepartment of Commerce and Insurance, 500 James Robertson Parkway, 3rd Floor, Nashville, TN 37243-1142(800)256-5758, (615)741-3221,

TexasBoard of Professional Engineers1917 Interstate Highway 35 South, Austin, TX 78741(512)440-7723, [email protected],

UtahUtah Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Board160 East 300 South, Box 146741, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6741(801)530-6632,

Vermont Board of Professional Engineering, Office of Professional Regulation26 Terrace St., Drawer 09, Montpelier, VT 05609-1106(802) 828-2875, [email protected]

Virginia Board of Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects

Dept. of Professional & Occupational Regulation3600 W. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23230-4917804-367-8514, [email protected],

WashingtonState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land SurveyorsP.O. Box 9025, Olympia WA 98507-9025(360)664-1575, [email protected],

Washington, D.C. Board of Registration for Professional Engineers941 North Capitol Street, N.E., OPLA Room 2200Washington, DC 20002202-442-4320

West Virginia State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers608 Union Building, Charleston, WV 25301304-558-3554,

WisconsinExamining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land SurveyorsP.O. Box 8935, Madison, WI 53708(608)261-7096, [email protected],

WyomingState Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors2424 Pioneer Avenue, Suite 400, Cheyenne, WY 82002(307)777-6155, [email protected],

Other States National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying800-250-3196, 864-654-6824
