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Grace Community Church



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Welcome to Grace: A Healthy Place

This annual Ministry Catalog is designed to help you find your serving sweet spot at Grace Community

Church. This is one of many resources used by the Ministry Team to help members find their S.H.A.P.E.

and “Test Drive a Ministry.”

The Ministry Catalog is arranged around the five purposes of the church: Membership, Maturity, Ministry,

Missions, and Magnification. It concludes by highlighting our Children and Student Ministries.

The following pages introduce the 2013 Grace Vision: “Making Grace a Healthy Place” and Grace’s

Philosophy of Ministry. It is important that each minister of Grace Community Church understand the big

picture and philosophy behind our ministry mobilization team. We believe that “Every Member is a

Minister, and Every Ministry Matters to God!”

If you are looking to become involved in ministry at Grace Community Church,

simply call or email the contact person for the ministry that catches your eye. The

ministry leader will be glad to assist you in finding your sweet spot of service here at Grace. If you are a

current ministry leader, please help us keep this Ministry Catalog up-to-date with your purpose, activities,

and contact information. We update and reprint it throughout the year.

We also encourage every member of Grace to participate in Class 301: Discovering Ministry. Through

this seminar, you will begin to understand your S.H.A.P.E. for ministry. Following the seminar, you will

also be invited to take 40 Days of S.H.A.P.E. and meet with a trained SHAPE Coach who will assist you in

finding your sweet spot for ministry here at Grace Community Church.

Rick Hale

Senior Pastor

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THE 2013 GRACE VISION “Making Grace A Healthy Place”

Jesus said the most important command is this: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” The 2013 Grace Vision is to make Grace a healthy place spiritually, mentally, physically and relationally. To accomplish this year’s vision, we purpose as the Grace Family to achieve the following goals in 2013:

101: MEMBERSHIP (FELLOWSHIP) 1. Increase the relational health of Grace by promoting four “Grace Invite Days” where members ask

friends to church and then out for Sunday lunch. 2. Encourage healthy connections by assisting Grace members in navigating the on-line Church

Community Builder (“CCB”). 3. Promote healthy friendships by hosting mid-size events after each Membership Class and short-

term small groups to help new members make new friends.

201: MATURITY (DISCIPLESHIP) 1. Achieve a healthy small group involvement of 60% of weekend attendance. 2. Develop the LCU curriculum to reflect ministry to the whole person. 3. Continue to develop The Life Changer Studies by releasing the first series (The Sermon on the

Mount) and producing the second series (Philippians).

301: MINISTRY (SERVICE) 1. Improve the health of Grace by equipping members in using the online Church Community Builder

(“CCB”) to find their sweet spot in serving at Grace. 2. Equip Grace ministry leaders to build strong, healthy ministry teams. 3. Expand the scope of our Life Purpose Coaching Center nationally and internationally by serving

as a mentor church to others churches interested in developing Life Purpose Coaching Centers.

401: MISSIONS (EVANGELISM) 1. Challenge Grace members to intentionally Connect 2 unchurched friends to Grace by taking them

through Class 101: Discovering Membership. 2. Encourage Grace members to serve regularly in one of the local outreach missions in our

community. 3. Continue our support of New Vision Ministries in Venezuela by sponsoring a short-term mission

trip and by providing the resources needed to expand its mission.

501: MAGNIFICATION (WORSHIP) 1. Challenge Grace members to accompany at least two new members through all five Discovery

Classes. 2. Encourage the healthy spiritual growth of Grace members by making participation at the Sunday

Morning Celebration a top priority. 3. Train and equip TEAM Ministry members to lead and expand the MasterLife Discipleship Series

to improve the spiritual health of all Grace members. These are the 2013 goals we have set for the Grace Family. Our heart=s desire is for Grace to be a

healthy place where we can invite our unchurched friends and together we can grow spiritually, mentally, physically and relationally. May God empower us this year with wisdom and grace to make Grace a healthy place!

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The Ministry Team

Invites you to

Test Drive a Ministry

Team Philosophy:

Every Member is a Minister, and Every Ministry Matters to God.

Team Dream:

The Ministry Team dreams of the day when every member is ministering through his or

her God-given SHAPE so that all of the needs within the church are met by members

serving in their sweet spot at Grace Community Church.

Key Passage: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully

administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10 (NLT)

Serving in Your Sweet Spot:

Where Your Strengths and Passions Intersect

What Do I Love Doing? (Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities)

Who Do I Love Serving? (Your Heart or “Passion”)

Why Do I Desire to Serve Them? (Your Heart or “Passion”)

How Will I Serve Them in Ministry? (Your Personality & Experiences)

Sweet Spot Leading: Non Sweet Spot Leading:

Focus in Your Mind Frustration in Your Mind

Fulfillment in Your Heart Fatigue in Your Heart

Fruitfulness in Your Life Fear in Your Life

Team Purpose Statement:

To prayerfully invoke servanthood by inventing strategies that invite people to serve and

invest in their God-given SHAPE for life.

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Test Drive a Ministry

Stage 1

The first stage in “Test Driving a Ministry” is about finding the right fit. You want to find a ministry that matches your unique SHAPE—spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences. The tools below are designed to help you discover the perfect fit in ministry.

RICK’S PICKS—A list of the top entry-level ministry opportunities available for members and regular attenders. These ministries require little preparation and are a great way to test the ministry road at Grace. Rick’s Picks are featured in a brochure on the 301 Table in the lobby.

MINISTRY SURVEY—A tool designed to help you see the great variety of ministry needs here at Grace and identify the area most suited to your SHAPE. Surveys are distributed each spring in the morning worship and are also available in Class 101, Class 301, and the 301 lobby table. MINISTRY CATALOG—This annual publication is an exhaustive catalog of every ministry opportunity available through Grace. It includes the purpose, activities, and contact person for each ministry. Simply find a ministry of interest and give the leader a call to sign up. JOHN’S JOBS FOR SMALL GROUPS—A list of the top ministry opportunities available for your small group to serve in ministry together. VOLUNTEER CENTRAL—Have time during the day? If so, serve a few hours with Volunteer Central. This ministry is located within the church office and open for volunteers who love to serve behind the scenes and play a vital role in the success of Grace. Included in this ministry are Ministry-In-A-Box (projects that can be taken home for completion) and Virtual Volunteer (projects that can be completed on a home computer at your convenience).

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Test Drive a Ministry

Stage 2

The second stage in “Test Driving a Ministry” is finding help with your journey of SHAPE discovery. This stage of ministry exploration explores the various tools that SHAPE Coaches use to help you find the right ministry matches here at Grace.

CLASS 301: DISCOVERING MINISTRY—An exciting, fast-paced Sunday evening seminar (3 hours) designed to help you discover your unique place of ministry at Grace with the help of a trained SHAPE Coach. In Class 301, you will explore how your S.H.A.P.E. (Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences) reveals your serving sweet spot. 40 Days of S.H.A.P.E.—Erik Rees’ book, S.H.A.P.E.: Finding & Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life, is the perfect follow-up for Class 301. This study further elaborates upon the principles taught in Class 301: Discovering Ministry. The study is offered through Life Changer University. Every participant of Class 301 is given a free copy of this book.

SHAPE COACHES—SHAPE Coaches are committed to helping you find your serving sweet spot through personal interviews, called a SHAPE Discovery Session. These coaching sessions are schedule through Grace’s Life Purpose Coaching Center.

SHAPE DISCOVERY SESSION—A SHAPE Discovery Session is a two-hour interview facilitated by a trained SHAPE Coach. The purpose of this meeting is to guide you in finding your sweet spot of ministry and to match your SHAPE to a primary place of ministry at Grace Community Church.

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Test Drive a Ministry

Stage 3

The third stage of “Test Driving a Ministry” is finding a Ministry Team that best fits your personal S.H.A.P.E. and vision for ministry involvement at Grace. This is where the rubber hits the road in terms of ministry involvement.

PRIMARY & SECONDARY MINISTRIES—The goal of Class 301 centers on helping you find a primary ministry based upon your SHAPE and a secondary ministry based upon the needs of the church. Your SHAPE Coach is committed to exploring all options until you find your serving sweet spot. We are committed to your long-term ministry and life contribution.

LAUNCHING NEW MINISTRIES WORKSHOP—Grace Community Church has many ministries that have been started by members just like you. If you cannot find a ministry that matches your sweet spot, let’s start a new one. This workshop introduces you to an intentional process for launching a successful ministry.

T.E.A.M. MINISTRY—Designed to help Discovery Class Graduates take their personal ministry and the ministry of Grace Community Church to a new level. The agenda for the T.E.A.M. Ministry meeting focuses upon Training (practical training to help you develop your skills), Equipping (providing ministry tools and resources), Affirming (recognizing people for their success in ministry) and Ministering (previewing future ministry opportunities). SERVING GOD TOGETHER SMALL GROUP STUDY—How has God shaped your small group for ministry? This eight-week small group study inspires and challenges your group to transition from being spectators to Christ-centered participants, serving the Lord together.

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Test Drive a Ministry

Stage 4

The final stage of “Test Driving a Ministry” is all about coaching. It is at this level of ministry development that we are either being coached for ministry leadership or are actively coaching our successor.

S.H.A.P.E. SMALL GROUP STUDY—Do you recognize potential leaders within your small group? Need a resource to help develop those ministry leaders? During this six-week study, participants will explore fully each aspect of their SHAPE through weekly reading of the S.H.A.P.E. book and DVD-based teaching by Erik Rees. S.H.A.P.E. SEMINARS—If you desire to grow in your ministry leadership, S.H.A.P.E. Seminars will help you better understand each aspect of your unique S.H.A.P.E. These in depth seminars are offered throughout the year focusing upon unpacking the various aspects of your unique S.H.A.P.E. for ministry. FOCUSUNLEASHED™ WEEKEND—If you are tired of spending your life dabbling in various ministries trying to find your sweet spot, it is time for a FocusUnleashed™ Weekend. This experience guides you through a survey of your past, an assessment of your present values, and the discovery of God’s vision for your future. Emphasis is placed upon tools to equip you to fulfill your personal calling through accountability and mentoring. LIFE PURPOSE COACHING & LIFE PLAN FACILITATIONS—The Grace Ministry Team is committed to helping you fulfill God’s unique personal calling. We desire for you to hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” at the end of your journey. The Grace Ministry Team has partnered with Life Purpose Coaching Centers, International® to offer ten-week Life Purpose Coaching and two-day intensive Life Plan Facilitations by LPCCI certified Life Purpose Coaches and Facilitators. Contact Grace’s Life Purpose Coaching Center for more information.

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Philosophy of Ministry

1) What We Believe . . . About Ministry

a) Salvation in Jesus Christ automatically includes a call to ministry. Every believer is created, saved, called,

gifted, authorized, and commanded to minister.

b) Ministry is the heart of the Christian life (Matt. 20:28).

c) Function follows form in ministry. How God made me determines what He intends for me to do. God has

uniquely shaped each individual for a specific ministry.

d) God has given all His children gifts that can be developed and used in ministry. Everyone is a "10" in some

area. Everyone has something to offer. Developing and using your gifts is an act of good stewardship and

of service.

e) You discover your gifts through ministry, instead of discovering your ministry by identifying your gifts.

f) The evidence of ministering within your “sweet spot” and SHAPE is fulfillment, focus, and fruitfulness.

g) Membership and maturity are prerequisites to ministry. Therefore we require CLASS 101 and 201

attendance and commitment before leading in ministry through Grace.

2) What We Believe . . . About the Body of Christ

a) God intends for ministry to be performed through the context of the local church. Membership includes a

commitment to ministry.

b) The Holy Spirit has provided Grace with all the spiritually gifted people needed to do everything He wants

done. Our task is to discover, enlist, train, and support these people in ministry.

c) The church is to operate on the basis of spiritual gifts, rather than elected offices. We only have a few

positions which require the vote of the church. “A man's gift makes room for him." Proverbs 18:16.

d) The church is a family, not a business; an organism, not an organization. Therefore, we streamline the

structure in order to maximize ministry and minimize maintenance. We don't bury ministries under a bunch

of procedures.

e) The mobilization of every member as a minister is the key to balanced growth of the church.

f) The greater good of the whole body must always take priority over the needs of any single ministry. There

is no place for “turfism” in God's family.

3) What We Believe . . . About the Role of Pastors

a) The equipping of the members for ministry is the number one priority of the pastoral staff. The people are

the ministers and the pastors are the administrators (Ephesians 4:11-12).

b) The objective of the equipping pastors is to mobilize an army of ministers who are maximizing their unique

gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences in a meaningful place of service at Grace.

c) Every member deserves personal assistance in discovering a meaningful place of service. We value the

individual more than the ministry.

d) Those involved in ministry are entitled to competent leadership from the pastoral staff. Therefore, every

ministry is assigned an equipping pastor who is committed to the success of that ministry.

e) Each supervising equipping pastor is to provide training, encouragement, guidance, feedback and resources

to the ministers under his or her care.

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4) What We Believe . . . About Training

a) Every minister is a learner. The moment you stop learning, you stop leading.

b) We emphasize on the job training more than pre-service training. We learn best by doing. We delegate to

develop people.

5) What We Believe . . . About Performance

a) We expect excellence in ministry, not perfection. Excellence is doing your best. God deserves our best.

b) We encourage creativity and innovation in ministry, which assumes mistakes will be made. "No mistakes"

means you're not growing or trying anything new. We have no "failures" in ministry at Grace, only

"experiments that didn't work!" We believe in “failing forward.”

c) A failed project does not mean a failed person. There are no "wrong" people, only "right" people in the

wrong ministry.

6) What We Believe . . . About Development and Accountability

a) We become what we are committed to; therefore, we encourage growth in commitment to Christ and His


b) Everything rises or falls on leadership. No ministry can exceed the commitment of those leading it.

c) No leader, no ministry. Having a great idea for a new ministry is not enough. It must have a leader.

d) The leadership of ministries is to be shared.

e) One mark of a maturing church is that the standards for leadership are raised every year.

f) There must be periodic reviews of all ministries. We do what is inspected, not just what is expected. Best

intentions are not enough.

g) We encourage every ministry to be self-supporting financially.

7) What We Believe . . . About Diversity of Ministry

a) We have unity without uniformity. We believe diversity in ministries simply illustrates the unique

giftedness of individuals.

b) Any member who has completed CLASS 301 may start a new ministry with the assistance of the Pastor of

Ministry and the 301 Team.

c) Every ministry must fill one or more of the five purposes of the church or we don't do it.

d) Ministries have seasons. If a ministry is not meeting a need anymore, we will give it a decent burial. There

are no sacred cows!

e) Most ministries require a one year commitment but we allow people to change ministries gracefully,

without guilt. We don't lock people in permanently.

f) Only official ministries of Grace, under pastoral staff supervision, are given publicity space in the bulletin.

g) Your primary ministry commitment should be in the area where you're gifted. Your secondary ministry

includes serving in any other area of the body where you are needed.

h) You are not ready for ministry until you are willing to serve anywhere.

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Membership - 10

1 – MEMBERSHIP Sean Lee, Pastor of Membership

Membership Covenant

Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and been baptized, and being in agreement with Grace Community Church’s statements, strategy, and structure, I now feel led by the Holy Spirit to unite with the Grace Community Church family. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following: 1. I will protect the unity of my church…

by acting in love toward other members

by refusing to gossip

by following the leaders 2. I will share the responsibility of my church…

by praying for its growth

by inviting the unchurched to attend

by warmly welcoming those who visit 3. I will serve the ministry of my church…

by discovering my gifts and talents

by being equipped to serve by my pastors

by developing a servant’s heart 4. I will support the testimony of my church…

by attending faithfully

by living a godly life

by giving regularly

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Class 101 – Discovering Membership

Purpose: This class is the first of five basic Discovery Classes at Grace

Community Church. The purpose of this class is to provide you with a basic

introduction to the beliefs, vision and philosophy of Grace Community Church.

Attendance to this class and signing of a Membership Covenant are required for

church membership.


Class 101 is offered six times a year from 5:00-8:00 pm on


Childcare is provided for those who need it.

A free meal is provided for adults and children.

Reservations can be made through the Sunday morning

guest cards, church web site or office.

Teachers: Pastor Rick Hale, 623-5438 x 11, [email protected];

Pastor Sean Lee, 623-5438 x 15, [email protected];

Coordinator: Brenda Pierce, 317-6321, [email protected]

Anniversary Celebration

Purpose: To celebrate model marriages by acknowledging Grace couples who have been

married 50, 55, and 60 plus years.


Each month, obtain lists of Grace couples who have anniversaries of 50, 55, and 60 plus


Send couples an anniversary card.

By request through the office, acknowledge couple during first and second service and in

the bulletin.

Contact: Marilyn Cozzens, 627-5871, [email protected]

Baking Ministry

Purpose: To reach out to our community with the love of Jesus

Christ and show Christian hospitality.


Obtain a list of first time guests.

Coordinate church members to prepare homemade baked


Coordinate delivery of baked goods to first time guests of


Contact: Gerald and Cynthia Thomas, 910-1778, [email protected]

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Baptism Ministry

Purpose: To coordinate and celebrate baptisms at Grace.


Contact those who have expressed a desire for baptism.

Schedule them for the Baptism Class and give instructions on

appropriate clothing and meeting place.

Coordinate the scheduling of baptisms with pastoral staff.

Assist participants before and after the baptism with towels, changing

rooms, etc.

Launder towels and return to Grace.

Arrange for the pictures and videos to be taken of the baptism and prepared

for distribution to participants.

Following CLASS 101, a baptism class, usually conducted on Thursday evenings at 6:30

pm, answers questions concerning baptism.

Contact: Michael McKee, 622-6811, [email protected];

Steve Smith, 623-8905, [email protected]

Business Directory

Purpose: To produce and update a membership and business directory for

distribution to Grace members and attenders.


Collect business cards from Grace members.

Scan the cards and layout according to categories.

Print a business directory (yellow pages) as needed for restocking on the

101 table.

Contact: Karen Davis, 914-0345, [email protected]

Café Grace

Purpose: To enhance fellowship at Grace through the ministry of hospitality.


Provide coffee, hot chocolate and cappuccino at church services and

special events.

Coordinate Grace members to serve in Café Grace on a rotating basis.

Make sure that supplies are available.

Make sure that Café Grace is kept clean and maintained.

Contact: Gail Henson, 840-7972; [email protected]

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Card Ministry

Purpose: To provide encouragement and comfort to

members of Grace.

Activity: Send birthday, sympathy, get well or thinking

of you cards as appropriate for the occasion.

Volunteers needed to send cards to individuals and


Contact: Joan Tye, 622-0139

Funeral Meal Ministry

Purpose: To provide a meal to the surviving family members and close

friends, either prior to or immediately following a funeral service.


Coordinate food preparation by volunteers.

Arrange for persons to serve the meal.

Clean up the facility following the meal.

Contact: Georgene Smyth, 623-5319, [email protected]

Greeter Ministry

Purpose: To assure that everyone is greeted and welcomed.


Volunteer to serve as a greeter.

o Twelve greeters are needed for each service every Sunday. Serve on a team of

greeters who volunteer for one month, twice a year.

First service: 8:30 to 10:30 am.

Second service: 10:15 am to 12:15 pm.

o Serve as a greeter for special services such as Easter, Christmas, New Years, etc.

o When it is raining, provide umbrellas for people.

o Assist members who may need a wheel chair or additional


o Provide each person with a bulletin.

Volunteer to serve as a Greeter Team Leader. Twelve team leaders

are needed to cover both services all year.

o Recruit and coordinate a team of greeters who serve for one

month, twice a year.

Volunteer to serve as the Greeter Ministry assistant coordinator.

Contact: Barbara Brandt, 623-4857, [email protected]

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Guest Information Table

Purpose: To ensure that guests and members are given current

information about activities, ministries, and services.


Each service two people serve at the Guest Information


Provide current information to guests and members

concerning services, ministries, special events and activities.

Contact: Ruth Garnett, 627-7747, [email protected];

Ruth Lawrence, 623-5640, [email protected]

Guest Follow-Up

Purpose: To intentionally follow-up with all guests of Grace.


Send follow-up letters to each guest from Pastor Rick.

Send requested information to each guest of Grace.

Telephone guests who requested a pastoral contact.

Provide salvation counseling through personal contacts and the New

Beginnings Ministry.

Contact: Pastor Sean Lee, 623-5438 x 15, [email protected]

New Beginnings Ministry Purpose: To share the gospel of Jesus Christ with seekers who desire to find assurance of



Provide decision counseling after Sunday morning worship.

Present a clear gospel presentation.

Answer questions people have about eternal life.

Promote Class 101 and baptism.

Contact: Abel Ramos, (575) 365-7887, [email protected]

New Member’s Luncheon

Purpose: To welcome new members to the church family and introduce

them to the pastoral staff and deaconate leadership.


Usually scheduled at noon the Sunday following Class 101.

Food is prepared and delivered by volunteers.

Setup for the meal is conducted during the second service.

Help is needed to cook, setup, tear down, and serve.

Contact: Rod Tricarico, 636-7445, [email protected]

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Transportation Ministry

Purpose: To provide transportation to and from Sunday morning worship services at Grace

Community Church.


Pick up students at ENMU-R at 9:50 am.

Pick up students at Job-Corp at 10:00 am.

Pick up students at NMMI at 10:30 am.

Return students to campuses following worship.

Help coordinate transportation to doctors and church on an individual


Contact: Jim Hall, 624-1113

Usher Ministry

Purpose: To assist members and guests in finding seating.


Volunteer to serve as an usher.

o Serve on a team of ushers who volunteer for one month, twice a year.

o Serve as an usher for special services such as Easter, Christmas, New Years, etc.

o Escort guests to nursery and children’s classes as needed.

o Assist members and guests in finding a seat.

o Collect the offering for worship services.

o Collect guest cards at the end of each service.

Volunteer to serve as an Usher Team Leader.

o Recruit and coordinate a team of ushers who serve for one

month, twice a year.

Contact: Jack Studdard, 623-7195 [email protected]

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Maturity - 16

2 – MATURITY John Drusedum, Pastor of Maturity

Maturity Covenant As a member of Grace Community Church, I want to grow into a spiritually mature Christian. In order to do this, I commit myself to the following habits:

1. A consistent time in God’s Word and prayer (“Spend at least 15 minutes a day in study and prayer”)

2. A consistent tithe to God (“Give at least 10% of my income to God”)

3. A consistent time with God’s people (“Through the Sunday celebration and a small group”)

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Class 201 – Discovering Maturity

Purpose: This class is the second of five basic Discovery Classes at Grace. The

purpose of this class is to introduce members to the four basic habits every

Christian needs to develop in order to grow into a spiritually mature person.

Since these classes build on each other, members must first attend Class 101

before taking this class.


Class 201 is offered four times a year from 5:00-8:00 pm on Sundays.

Childcare is provided for those who need it.

A free meal is provided for adults and children.

Reservations can be made through the Sunday morning guest cards, church web

site or office.

Volunteers are needed to send invitations, call participants, prepare workbooks,

setup, create name tags, laminate Maturity Covenant cards, register, serve food,

etc. Contact the coordinators for more information.

Teacher: Pastor John Drusedum, 623-5438 x 20, [email protected]

Coordinator: Sharon Drusedum, 840-4787, [email protected]

Curriculum Development Team Purpose: To help in the development of Small Group study curriculum.


Meet with team to develop curriculum.

Coordinate studies with overall mission of 201 ministries.

Volunteers are needed with skills in Bible study, writing, manuscript

editing, video editing, lay-out, and design.

Contact: Pastor John Drusedum, 623-5438 x 20, [email protected]

Financial Peace University (FPU)

Purpose: To offer opportunity for people to become better

money managers and stewards of their resources.


Quarterly seminar on financial management.

Financial Counseling/Coaching offered to individuals seeking


Contact: EJ Fouratt, 627-7277, [email protected] or

Mike Montgomery, 625-1863, [email protected],

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Maturity - 18

Grace Resources

Purpose: To provide Grace members with literature to encourage their spiritual growth and

“Grace Wear” to promote the church.


Maintain the inventory of resources:

o Bibles imprinted with Grace Community Church

o Book of poems written by Grace members

o Cookbooks compiled by Grace members

o License plates with Grace logo

o Coffee Cups

o Shirts and jackets

Work the resource table on Sunday mornings, located in Grace Resources in the east

hallway, and handle sale of items.

Contact: Stephen Smith, 624-2557, [email protected]

Lending Library

Purpose: To provide Grace members with books to encourage their spiritual growth.


Monthly review of library books and arrange in alphabetical order.

Check each donated book for subject matter.

Label fiction or non-fiction.

Add new books to library collection.

Unacceptable books are donated to local thrift stores.

Contact: Sharon Rhodes, 622-0628, [email protected]

LifeChanger University

Purpose: To provide opportunity for Grace members and

friends to grow spiritually through the study of God’s word.

Teaching the spiritual dimension is our priority; a focus on

Jesus Christ is our goal!


Classes are offered three times a year, beginning in

August, January, and May.

Each class lasts 8-13 weeks.

Classes cover a variety of topics.

Volunteers are needed to serve as

LifeChanger coordinators, teachers, track

developers, and resource managers.

Contact: Pastor John Drusedum, 623-5438 x 20, [email protected]


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Small Group Ministry

Purpose: To help spiritual seekers become transformed Christ-followers who model the Purpose

Driven Life and motivate others to do the same by helping every person, from the core of our

church to the ever-widening community, connect in a healthy small group in which we do life



Small Groups meet for 4 six-week sessions per year:

Fall 1: August to September

Fall 2: October to November

Winter: January to February

Spring 1: March to April

Small Group Hosts and Leaders are needed.

Team members needed for Prayer and Support Teams.

Contact: Pastor John Drusedum, 623-5438 x 20, [email protected]

Thursday Noon Bible Study

Purpose: To encourage the spiritual development of Christians through

expositional teaching through the Bible.


The Bible study is hosted from 12:15 to 12:45 pm in Room 105.

The study is recorded each week in both a video and audio format.

Assistance is needed with filming and video editing, as well as

duplicating the audio files.

Contact: Pastor Rick Hale, 623-5438 x 11, [email protected]

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3 – MINISTRY Lendell Nolan, Pastor of Ministry

Ministry Covenant As a member of Grace Community

Church, I accept the challenge and

opportunity to serve as a minister of

Jesus Christ in this local church. By the

grace of God I will faithfully use my gifts,

talents and skills to serve in this Body. I

will humbly accept the training and

encouragement of my pastors as they

equip me for ministry. I joyfully accept

this responsibility and will serve out of

gratitude for what God has done for me.

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Class 301 – Discovering Ministry

Purpose: This class is the third of five basic Discovery Classes at Grace. The

purpose of this class is to help members discover their unique place of ministry in

Grace Community Church. Since these classes build on each other, members must

first attend Class 101 and 201 before taking this class.


Class 301 is offered four times a year from 5:00-8:00 pm on Sundays.

Childcare is provided for those who need it.

A free meal is provided for adults and children.

Reservations can be made through the Sunday morning guest cards,

church web site or office.

Volunteers are needed to prepare workbooks, send invitations, call

participants, setup, create name tags, register, serve food, prepare

ordination certificates, etc. Contact the coordinators for more information.

Teacher: Pastor Lendell Nolan, 623-5438 x 14, [email protected]

Coordinator: Denise Allison, 622-3457, [email protected]

FocusUnleashed™ Weekend Purpose: Spiritual discovery processes that will help you gain greater focus for your life and

personal ministry.

Activities: As a result of this weekend event you will—

Recognize God’s unique shaping in your life, including life-shaping lessons and values.

Increase your capacity to understand and process difficult times.

Discover greater awareness of your personal giftedness and roles.

Learn to help others understand their development.

Gain greater focus to your life, personal ministry, and personal

growth through the development of a Personal Calling Statement.

Discover the possibilities for mentoring and being mentored that can

help accelerate your spiritual growth and kingdom impact.

Contact: Mike Montgomery, 626-3030, [email protected]

God’s Garage Purpose: Provide automobile maintenance to single moms and widowed

members on a quarterly basis.


Quarterly oil changes, vehicle inspection and repair

Brake jobs and tune ups

House calls and stranded calls

Physical inspection of hoses, belts, air pressure

Contact: Martin Testorff, 623-9657, [email protected]

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Purpose: To utilize their God-given assets of influence and affluence to be

used strategically for Kingdom Initiatives within the local church and

missions around the world, while serving as models, motivators and mentors

for others to do the same.


Develop a Leadership Team to form a business plan

for each Kingdom Initiative presented.

Present a developed strategy for each Kingdom

Initiative to the complete ministry team.

Fund Kingdom Initiatives and challenge others to do

the same, using their assets of influence and affluence.

Contact: Kendall Hellmers, 637-4082, [email protected]

Grace Care Ministries


Purpose: To assist members with meals during times of crisis, recovery, or need.


To provide up to seven meals for people in one of three ways:

o Every night for seven days

o Every other night for fourteen days

o Every three nights for twenty one days

(Meals can be fresh or frozen)

How You Can Help:

o Volunteer to prepare a fresh meal for delivery or a frozen meal for


o Volunteer to deliver meals to those in need.

o Donate money to help purchase ingredients and containers.

Contact: Nelda Massey, 623-5438 X17, [email protected]


Flower Ministry

Purpose: To prepare flower arrangements to be delivered to Grace members for encouragement

during difficult times.


Prepare a variety of flower arrangements to be delivered weekly to Grace members.

Donate containers to be used by the Flower Ministry.

Contribute financially to help underwrite the Flower Ministry.

Contact: Carol Landfair, 623-5438 X10, [email protected]


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Grace Visitation Team

Purpose: To visit church members and their families in times of sickness, grief,

distress, or rehabilitation offering encouragement, fellowship, and love.


Grow our visitation team spiritually, empowering them to help members call out

to God during trying times. (Discipleship)

Reach the lost by training our visitation team to share their faith with those who

do not know our Lord and Savior. (Evangelism)

Adore God as a team by obeying His command to visit the sick, understanding

that often our mere presence helps communicate the presence of God with them. (Worship)

Connect members to the Body of Christ by expressing Christian love and friendship to those

who may be afraid, discouraged, or lonely. (Fellowship)

Equip visitation team and Grace members to offer biblical encouragement, prayer, and

practical ministry to those in need. (Ministry)

Contact: Richard Lapierre, (575) 578-0656, [email protected]

Grace Internship Ministry

Purpose: To prepare Grace members for full-

time Christian vocations through a combination

of online education and on-the-job training.


Fully online, Purpose-Driven education

through Rockbridge Seminary.

Masters of Ministry Leadership or

Masters of Divinity degrees available.

Bachelor’s degree required.

Two 80 hour projects are required each year.

Application available through the Ministry Team office.

Contact: Lendell Nolan, Ph.D., 623-5438 x 14, [email protected];

Grace Motorcycle Ministry

Purpose: To reach the lost and unchurched motorcyclists and to be “the”

church that welcomes bikers.


Provide Christian fellowship rides.

Coordinate rides for charities such as Harvest Ministries.

Support Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA) and events.

Contact: Danny Rochelle, 317-1794, [email protected]

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Kitchen Ministry Purpose: To keep the Grace kitchen stocked with supplies.


Keep track of the inventory of kitchen supplies.

Purchase kitchen supplies as needed and restock.

Contact: Jo-An Newman, 420-9638, [email protected]

Marriage Mentoring Ministry

Purpose: To provide premarital and newlywed mentoring for couples of Grace.


Participate in extensive training for marriage mentoring.

Provide six weeks of premarital counseling using the PREPARE

materials and surveys.

Meet with the newlywed couple once every two months for mentoring

and follow-up.

Encourage the newlywed couple to attend the Nearly & Newlywed


Conduct a one year evaluation using the ENRICH survey.

Contact: Steve and Kandi Moran, 622-2929, [email protected]

Men’s Ministry

Purpose: To help men discover and grow in the grace of God. We accomplish this goal by

connecting men through church membership, growing men in spiritual maturity, equipping men

for a ministry in the church, reaching men through a mission in the world, and leading all men to

adore and magnify God with their entire lives.


Monthly Men’s Breakfast on the second Saturday of each month.

Annual Men’s Retreats

Specialized Discipleship Classes & Accountability Groups

Ministry Projects

Volunteers are needed to help plan, promote, and participate in a variety of men’s ministry


Contact: Lendell Nolan, 623-5438 x 14, [email protected]


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Prayer Ministries

Intercessory Prayer

Purpose: To provide intercessory prayer for Grace.


Pray for pastors, staff, members, church leaders, guests, friends and family.

Pray for President, troops and federal, state and city employees.

Pray for community issues.

Pray for our children and students.

Contact: Dottie Lee, 622-8375, [email protected]

Sunday Prayer Team

Purpose: To provide prayer support and encouragement for those seeking

prayer during worship services.

Activities: Be available during communion at designated locations to

pray with people.

Contact: Dottie Lee, 622-8375, [email protected]

Public Relations/Advertising Ministry

Purpose: To advertise church events in the community.

Activities: Notify all PSA outlets in the community regarding upcoming church events.

Contact: Shannon Batson, 623-5438 x 12, [email protected]

Safety Ministry

Purpose: To provide a presence of trained individuals to increase safety for the people and

property of Grace Community Church.


Station trained security personnel around campus to serve and protect the people and

property of Grace Community Church.

Position trained EMT personnel equipped to respond to health-related emergencies.

Members of this ministry team are carefully selected through an application process.

Contact: Barry Dixon, 626-8913, [email protected]

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Senior Adult Couples Ministry

Purpose: To involve every senior couple at Grace who enjoys fellowship with other senior



Senior couples must be married to each other with one spouse at least 60 years old.

Meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month for game night.

Meet the 4th Wednesday of each month to eat at a local


Contact: Meals: Bill & Betty Schwartz, 623-9761,

[email protected];

Games: Earl & Lucy Allison, 623-3197,

[email protected]

SHAPE Coaches

Purpose: To allow the Holy Spirit to use your SHAPE to help Grace members seize, share, and

strengthen their SHAPE in service to God.


Meet with the Pastor of Ministry before each Class 301 for coach training

and member tracking.

Co-facilitate Class 301 by sharing testimonies and serving the participants.

Meet with Grace members in a one-to-one interview to review the

members’ SHAPE for ministry and assist them in finding their sweet spot

of ministry at Grace.

Contact ministry leaders with referrals that come from the SHAPE


Follow-up with members and ministry leaders in order to track ministry


Contact: Nelda Massey, 623-5438 x 17, [email protected]

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Single’s Ministry

Purpose: Creation and development of singles’ groups, ministries of Grace.


Single Adult small group Bible studies.

Lunch fellowship each Sunday after church.

Single women’s lunch on the first Wednesday of each month.

Seasonal activities, concerts, and trips.

Contact: Eddie Burns, 317-7630, [email protected]

Support Group Ministries

Cancer with Grace

Purpose: To support, aid and nurture all members of Grace who have cancer.


Maintain contact with cancer survivors through visitation, calls and cards.

Provide relief and encouragement for caregivers, through meals and

transportation assistance.

Maintain resource information.

Contact: Sharon Drusedum, 840-4787, [email protected]


Purpose: To provide care to people who are experiencing separation or divorce.


This video-based support group meets weekly in the Fall and Spring at

Grace Community Church.

Contact: Pat Pruitt, 637-6652, [email protected]

DivorceCare for Kids

Purpose: To assist children, ages 5 to12, who are

experiencing the pain of separation or divorce.


This interactive support group meets weekly in the

Fall and Spring at Grace Community Church.

Contact: Lawrence Anderson, 317-1672,

[email protected]

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Grief Share

Purpose: To reach out to individuals who have experienced a loss of a loved one

in their life.

Activities: This video-based support group meets in the Fall and Spring at

Grace Community Church.

Contact: Mary DeGray, 420-8257.

Reflecting Christ

Purpose: To minister to those struggling with hurts, habits, and hang-ups

including, but not limited to, depression, anger, anxiety, stress, fear, grief,

alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography, or superficial friendships.


This ministry meets at Christ’s Church (2200 N. Sycamore Ave) on Tuesdays

evenings from 6-8 pm with a meal at 5:15 pm.

Dinner is held in the lobby. The main session takes place in Room

7, followed by several small groups for men and women.

Childcare and Transportation are both available.

Contact: Daniel Robey, 317-7677; [email protected]

Volunteer Central Purpose: To mobilize Grace members to serve God through the church office throughout the



Volunteer to assist with weekly tasks completed through the church

office, i.e. printing, mail outs, data entry, receptionists, etc.

Volunteer to assist with special projects accomplished seasonally

through the church office.

Volunteer to assist with projects completed at home (Ministry-in-a-Box)

or on a home computer (Virtual Volunteer)

Contact: Sue Hobbs, 622-7459, [email protected]

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Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry Leadership Team

Purpose: Join us, the Grace Girlfriends, to:

Grow women in Christ through discipleship

Reach women for Christ through evangelism

Adore God through worship

Connect with other women through fellowship

Equip women to serve through ministry


Annual Women’s Conference or Retreat

Specialized Discipleship Classes & Accountability Groups

Ministry Projects

Volunteers are needed to help plan, promote, and participate in a variety of women’s ministry


Contact: Teresa McKee, 622-6811, [email protected]

Grace MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)

Purpose: to connect with moms in the same season of life and to know that you are not alone in

this great venture called "MOTHERHOOD!" Activities:

Meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 am in the Children’s


Our theme this year is “Plunge: Love as if Your Life Depended On It”

Contact: Nelda Massey, 623-5438, X17, [email protected]

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4 – MISSIONS Mark Andrews, Pastor of Missions

Missions Covenant Lord, you have made it clear in Your

Word that my ultimate purpose in this

world is to be an ambassador for Jesus

Christ. Today, I commit the rest of my

life to being a messenger of the Good

News of Jesus Christ, and I willingly

surrender the use of my time, talents,

and treasures for the spread of the

Gospel of Jesus Christ, regardless of

where it leads or what it costs.

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Class 401 – Discovering Missions Purpose: This class is the fourth of five basic Discovery Classes at Grace Community Church.

The purpose of this class is to help members discover their God-given mission and purpose in

life so they can make a lasting impact for the cause of Christ. Since these classes build on each

other, members must first attend Class 101, 201, and 301 before taking this class.


Class 401 is offered four times a year from 5:00-8:00 pm on Sundays.

Childcare is provided for those who need it.

A free meal is provided for adults and children.

Reservations can be made through the Sunday morning guest cards,

church web site or office.

Volunteers are needed to send invitations, prepare workbooks, call

participants, setup, create name tags, register, serve food, etc.

Contact the coordinators for more information.

Teacher: Pastor Mark Andrews, 623-5438 x 38, [email protected];

Coordinators: Denise VanderMeulen, 624-0122, [email protected]

Local Missions

Bless Your Heart Quilt Ministry

Purpose: To restore hope, exalt God’s love and comfort to His children.


Meet weekly to work on quilting projects.

Raise funds for quilting materials through an annual Country Fair.

Contact: Karen Stangebye, 622-3619, [email protected]

Community Kitchen

Purpose: To provide meals without charge or qualification to anyone who comes to the table.


On the fourth Monday of each month, volunteers assist the kitchen staff to prepare and

serve a hot meal (from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm) to anyone who comes to the kitchen

(Monday through Friday).

Three or four weekends a year, Grace volunteers pass out sack lunches

from 12:30 to 1:00 pm.

Contact: Shirley Burba, 623-4427, [email protected]

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Harvest Ministries

Purpose: An evangelistic, faith based, non-profit Christian

organization dedicated to the cause of Christ. Harvest’s vision is

to spread the true Gospel, make disciples, and impact Roswell and

the world for God’s glory.


Provide Bibles, blankets, food, clothing, and Biblical and job counseling to people in


Evangelism-to share the gospel message with unbelievers so they can come to a saving

faith in Jesus Christ.

Discipleship-to follow up on new converts by placing them in a church of their choice,

where they will grow in their faith in Christ.

Ministry-to serve and help the community using God given abilities, to do good works

through the body of Christ.

Worship-to bring pleasure to God by focusing on a spiritual service to reflect God’s love,

mercy, caring, and compassion so people may find a godly purpose for their lives.

Food distribution to agencies and ministries in Southeastern New Mexico.

Contact: Contact needed

Director: Pastor Rubie Rubinstein, 624-2415, [email protected]

Jail Outreach Ministry

Purpose: To share the gospel with inmates.


Provide Bibles to inmates.

Visit with inmates to share the gospel.

Lead a movie night for inmates.

Lead a small group.

Ladies: Teach Aerobics

Contact: Ron Biggers, 317-3766, [email protected]

Juvenile Detention Center Ministry

Purpose: To minister to inmates and share the gospel.


Lead a Bible study.

Talk with kids one-on-one.

Be a spiritual mentor.

Contact: Mark Andrews, 623-5438 x 38, [email protected]

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Newcomer Ministry

Purpose: To welcome new residents to Roswell and introduce Grace Church.


Compile a package with The Invitation CD that includes information

regarding Grace Community and coupons to local restaurants.

Obtain address information of new residents of Roswell.

Divide address information into areas of Roswell.

Distribute address information to Grace members who deliver package to

new residents.

Contact: Lillian Nyhoff, 623-5438, [email protected]

Global Missions

Hands for Christ Purpose: To collect and distribute used or new Christian literature, videos,

cassettes, CDs, or DVDs to third world Christians to promote and further their

spiritual growth.


Collect, sort, box and mail Bibles (any and all translations/versions),

Christian devotionals, books, commentaries, preaching/teaching cassettes,

videos, and DVDs.

U.S. address and distribution center: Hands for Christ International, 5720 Williamson

Road, NW Suite 111, Roanoke, Virginia 24012

Contact: Kendra Beagles, 626-7772, [email protected]

Lahash International

Purpose: Lahash International was created to encourage grassroots movements

of compassion providing relief for those in desperate situations in East Africa.

Our goal is to enable multiple bridges between communities in the United States

with communities in East Africa. These bridges will be built by letters, emails,

pictures, phone conversations, and video. We serve those in need — regardless of

a person's religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.


We focus on the orphans, widows, and families that have been devastated

by war and the AIDS pandemic.

We aim to provide basic care for each person in a relational loving manner - with the goal

of encouraging practical methods for overcoming the poverty and despair that many find

themselves in.

We partner exclusively with East African self-help organizations. This enables very

direct, practical, and caring distribution of assistance.

Contact: Eric Chapman, (575) 208-0833, [email protected];

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Mission of Mercy

Purpose: A Christ based child sponsorship program for needy children in

developing nations, which provides education, medical care, nutritious food

and an opportunity for children to develop a personal relationship with

Christ as Lord and Savior.


Mission of Mercy sponsorship is $30 per month.

Sponsors are encouraged to pray for their child and to develop a relationship through


Contact: Marion Hobbs, 627-5852, 317-5227, [email protected];

New Vision Ministries

Purpose: To plant Purpose Driven churches and cell groups

throughout Latin America


Lead short term mission teams to Latin America.

Develop turn-key, DVD based small group material.

Equip North American Churches in their mission efforts to

Latin America.

Coordinate Purpose-Driven Church leadership training by our team in Venezuela.

Financial support of our Venezuelan leadership.

Contact: Mark & Karen Andrews, 623-5438 x 38, [email protected]

Toys for Missions Purpose: To promote the love of Christ by distributing ‘happy meal’ toys (new

– still in the original wrapper) to third world children who don’t have and can’t

afford toys of their own.


Collect and sort the toys given and store them in boxes until they are

ready to be sent overseas. Locate names of people/churches/mission teams/missionaries

traveling to foreign countries that are willing to take the toys and distribute them to the

children as they witness of Christ’s love. Get these toys to the appropriate people in

charge of overseas trips before their departure.

Contact: Mike Beagles, 840-6959, [email protected]

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5 – MAGNIFY Mary Hale, Director of Magnification

Magnify Covenant

Lord, I stand in awe of Your greatness

and majesty. I magnify Your name. You

alone are worthy of my worship. You

alone deserve my praise. Lord, I want to

worship you in spirit and in truth, not just

on Sundays, but every day. I want to

worship you with integrity and with an

undivided heart. Today, I commit myself

to be a true worshiper for the rest of my

life. Come live with me, wherever I go

and whatever I do. Make me aware of

your continual presence and constant

involvement in all the affairs of my daily

life. Let’s walk together every day for the

rest of my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Class 501 – Discovering Magnification Purpose: This class is the final basic Discovery Class at Grace. The purpose of this

class is to help members discover how to live out their life’s purpose as worshippers

of God. Since these classes build on each other, members must first attend Class

101, 201, 301, and 401 before taking this class.


Class 501 is offered four times a year from 5:00-8:00 pm on Sundays.

Childcare is provided for those who need it.

A free meal is provided for adults and children.

Reservations can be made through the Sunday morning guest cards, church web site or


Volunteers are needed to send invitations, prepare workbooks, call participants, setup,

create name tags, register, serve food, etc. Contact the coordinators for more


Teacher: Pastor Rick Hale, 624-5438 x 11, [email protected]

Coordinator: Gaby Nasrallah, 420-3194, [email protected]

Communion Preparation

Purpose: To prepare communion for first and second service each Sunday or

special occasions.

Activities: Coordinate communion preparations for first and second service each

Sunday or for special occasions. This is on a rotating basis.

Contact: Randy Lyons, 622-0126

Communion Servers

Purpose: To enhance worship by serving communion during regular and

special worship services.


Volunteer to serve as a communion server on a team of servers who

volunteer for one month.

Serve communion for special services such as Easter and Christmas.

Contact: Joan Tye, 622-0139

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Decoration Ministry

Purpose: To enhance worship through the decoration of the buildings for

seasonal and special events.


Decorate for seasonal emphases.

Decorate for special events.

Enhance the permanent decorations of the church.

Contact: Denise Allison, 622-3457, [email protected]

Duplication Ministry

Purpose: To duplicate services so “that all may hear.”


Copy tapes, CDs, and DVDs of sermons, Bible studies, special meetings,


Label each tape, CD, or DVD.

Maintain a library of master tapes, CDs, and DVDs.

Contact: Weldon Steen, 622-7398, [email protected]

Fine Arts Camp

Purpose: To offer children in grades one through seven an exciting one week session (8:30 am –

12 noon) where they are encouraged to unlock their musical and artistic potential. Every class is

led by skilled and loving mentors uniting in an effort to unleash a child’s

creative side. We come together for a spectacular “Friday Finale” in which

campers showcase the results of their week’s work.

Activities included, but not limited to:

Painting Classes

Drum choir

Guitar choir

Clay/Art Projects

Creative Arts Projects

Camera work

Dance Classes


Contact: Lillian Nyhoff, 623-5438 x 41, [email protected]; Debbi Kelley,

624-1607, [email protected]; or Mary Hale, 637-0524,

[email protected]

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Music Ministry

Purpose: To utilize our God-given musical talents to promote the Word of

God in a unique, creative and inspiring manner.


Adult Worship Choir

Worship Team


Classic Grace

Fabulous February Follies

Contact: Mary Hale, 623-5438 x 13, [email protected] or

Lillian Nyhoff, 623-5438 x 41, [email protected]

Media Ministry

Purpose: To help people connect to God by enhancing the worship services at Grace.


Operate the sound and video for Sunday mornings and special events.

Operate the sound and video for weddings, funerals, concerts, or special events.

A full training program is in place for all members of this ministry.

Operate cameras during Sunday morning services and special events.

Assist in the filming and editing of videos.

Operate video switcher during Sunday morning services and special


Rehearse with the Praise Band and Adult Worship Choir.

Prepare the power point presentations for each service.

Requires commitment to full Sunday mornings.

Contact: Jason Prince, 623-5438 x 36, [email protected]

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6 – CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Alan Gedde, Children’s Pastor

Grace Babies

Purpose: “Helping babies find and fulfill God’s purpose in their lives.”


Infants and toddlers curriculum provides the children with activities that proclaim God’s

love in story, music and play with other children and caring adults.

This ministry seeks out dedicated volunteers and paid helpers who are willing to serve in

the following areas:

o Holding and feeding children.

o Sharing Bible stories, Little K, and other curriculum with children.

o Making and helping children with craft projects.

o Snacks preparation.

o Changing diapers.

o Supervising play, games and activities.

o Parent greeter and attendance registrar.

o Room set up and cleanup.

o Room and toy sanitizer person.

Contact: Maria Wiggins, 623-5438 x 35, [email protected]

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Grace Kids

Purpose: “Helping kids find and fulfill God’s purpose in their lives.”


Superstars Sunday morning children’s 1st-5th grade worship service.

Little K Sunday morning toddler through kindergarten worship service.

“Kids Quest” and “Breakout” Sunday evening children’s discipleship program.

“Summer Spectacular” Vacation Bible School.

“First Step” children’s baptism class.

“Fort Lone Tree” children’s summer camp.

“Grace Fine Arts Camp” children’s summer camp.

This ministry seeks dedicated volunteers who are willing to serve two hours per week or

less in the following areas:

o Personal and spiritual mentor to a child or a small group of children.

o Snack preparation.

o Game room supervisor.

o Set up and clean up.

o Attendance clerk.

o Sound and Video technician.

o Computer software technician.

o Emcee for Superstars children’s church.

o Children’s security and safety coach.

o “First Step” children’s baptism class


o Children’s Ministry Intern (300 hour

paid position).

Contact: Pastor Alan Gedde, 623-5438 x 16, 410-1478

(cell), [email protected]

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7 – GRACE STUDENT MINISTRY Kirk Wood, Student Pastor

The frontline consists of the best soldiers an army can commit to battle. The challenges facing

these warriors require elite soldiers who contend with skill and determination. God calls

Christians to stand firm in their faith (1 Cor. 16:13) and He promises to be their shield (Psalm

28:7). Every day, students are on the frontline of the culture wars. Our mission is to equip them

to honor God and earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 3).

When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.” Judges 6:12

First Serve: First Serve is designed to offer you the chance to come and check out an area of student

ministry that might interest you. Check it out once, no strings attached! Come back if you

like it. Look under the “How you can help” section in each area below for details.


MS LIVE Mid-High (7th-8th Grade)

Sunday Morning in the Student Building 8:45-10:15am

MS Live is a Sunday morning worship environment, specially tailored to help

them sort it all out. With a dynamic worship experience-complete with music worship, inspirational teaching, authentic small group discussions and fun

games, students explore their relationship with Jesus and learn how their faith can influence every decision they make!

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HSM High School (9th-12th Grade)

Wednesday Evening in the Student Building Games and social time at 6pm, worship, lesson, hang out from 7-9pm

Our mission is to help lead high school students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by creating environments where students prioritize and grow their relationship with Him, influence their friends, and experience healthy Christian

community. This is the place for great worship, in-depth Bible teaching, and meaningful connection to other to other teenagers who are seeking Jesus in

their lives.

How you can help in MS Live or HSM:

Hanging out with students before, during, or after weekly worship services.

Prayer and support team.

Support for camp trips and other events.

College (18-25 year olds)

NAVS ENMU-R Navigators

Weekly Meetings:

Meets Thursdays on the ENMU-R campus, from 7-9PM Location: CUB Room 110

(During the summer, meetings take place in private homes.)

How you can help:

Hanging out with students before, during, or after weekly meetings.

Prayer and support team.

Cooking/food prep/ for weekly meetings.

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Small group is where relationships deepen and care happens. It is where students and adults get

to know each other more personally and begin to build relationship. Godly and committed adults

encourage students to engage in in-depth Bible study, growing them in their faith and helping

them know why they believe what they believe. Student groups are divided by age and gender

and meet in the homes of Grace families.

For a list of times and places that various groups meet, call the church office.

How you can help:

Host a student small group in your home

Lead/assist in leading a student small group Bible study

Provide meals/snacks/drinks

The Student Ministry staff wants to be sure that all of our activities are a safe place for students.

All workers who are involved with students are background checked and carefully screened.

Contact Donna, Michelle, or Kirk at the church office for more information.

The Student Staff:

Kirk Wood

Student Ministries Pastor

[email protected]

Michelle Hartman

Student Ministry Associate

[email protected]

Donna McWhorter

Student Pastor’s Assistant

[email protected]

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Grace Community Church.............................................................................................. 623-5438

Rick Hale, Senior Pastor ......................................................................................................... ext. 11

Sean Lee, Pastor of Membership (101)................................................................................... ext. 15

John Drusedum, Pastor of Maturity (201) .............................................................................. ext. 20

Lendell Nolan, Pastor of Ministry (301) ................................................................................. ext. 14

Mark Andrews, Pastor of Missions (401) ............................................................................... ext. 38

Mary Hale, Director of Magnification (501) .......................................................................... ext. 13

Kirk Wood, Student Ministry Pastor ...................................................................................... ext. 40

Alan Gedde, Children’s Pastor ............................................................................................... ext. 16

Carol Landfair, Senior Pastor Assistant & Office Manager ................................................... ext. 10

Brenda Lee, Membership Assistant ........................................................................................ ext. 39

Shannon Batson, Receptionist & Maturity/Missions Assistant .............................................. ext. 12

Nelda Massey, Director of Ministry ....................................................................................... ext. 17

Lillian Nyhoff, Magnification Assistant ................................................................................. ext. 41

Janice Steen, Children’s Assistant .......................................................................................... ext. 18

Donna McWhorter, Student Ministry Assistant...................................................................... ext. 34

Michelle Hartman, Student Ministry Intern ............................................................................ ext. 19

Maria Wiggins, Nursery Coordinator ..................................................................................... ext. 35

Tracy Pruitt, Children & Student Ministry Event Coordinator ............................................... ext. 37

Jason Prince, Director of Media .............................................................................................. ext. 36

Detra Reese, Financial Supervisor .......................................................................................... ext. 39

Email Addresses = (first initial)(last name) (i.e. [email protected])


The Deaconate provides spiritual leadership and guidance to the administration of Grace. They

meet monthly with the Senior Pastor to discuss administrative and financial issues. They also

assist the Senior Pastor with church staffing. The Deaconate are elected by the church

membership annually in October to serve for two year terms.

David Jimenez .................................................. 622-9328 (H) 637-2284 (C), [email protected]

Lawrence Lovato ..................................................................... 622-8826 (H), [email protected]

Michael McKee ........................................... 622-1668 (W) 626-5449 (C), [email protected]

Pinson McWhorter ............................................................... 622-3838 (H), [email protected]

Alan Stevenson ...................................................... 910-5017 (C), [email protected]

David Sweeney………… .....................................……420-1108 (C), [email protected]


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Ministry Index 1 – MEMBERSHIP, 10

2 – MATURITY, 16

3 – MINISTRY, 20

4 – MISSIONS, 30

5 – MAGNIFY, 35

Anniversary Celebration, 11

Baking Ministry, 11

Baptism Ministry, 12

Bless Your Heart Quilt Ministry, 31

Business Directory, 12

Café Grace, 12

Cancer with Grace, 27

Card Ministry, 13



Class 101 – Discovering Membership, 11

Class 201 – Discovering Maturity, 17

Class 301 – Discovering Ministry, 21

Class 401 – Discovering Missions, 31

Class 501 – Discovering Magnification, 36

Communion Preparation, 36

Communion Servers, 36

Community Kitchen, 31

Curriculum Development Team, 17


Decoration Ministry, 37

Dine-1-1, 22

DivorceCare, 27

DivorceCare for Kids, 27

Duplication Ministry, 37

Financial Peace University (FPU), 17

Fine Arts Camp, 37

Flower Ministry, 22

Focus Unleashed Weekend, 21

Funeral Meal Ministry, 13

Global Missions, 33

God’s Garage, 21

Grace Babies, 39

Grace Care Ministries, 22

Grace Grace MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), 29

Grace Internship Ministry, 23

Grace Kids, 40

Grace Motorcycle Ministry, 23

Grace Resources, 18


Grace Visitation Team, 23

GraceBuilders, 22

Greeter Ministry, 13

Grief Share, 28

Guest Follow-Up, 14

Guest Information Table, 14

Hands for Christ, 33

Harvest Ministries, 32

Intercessory Prayer, 25

Jail Outreach Ministry, 32

Juvenile Detention Center Ministry, 32

Kitchen Ministry, 24

Lahash International, 33

Lending Library, 18

LifeChanger University, 18

Local Missions, 31

Magnify Covenant, 35

Marriage Mentoring Ministry, 24

Maturity Covenant, 16

Media Ministry, 38

Membership Covenant, 10

Men’s Ministry, 24

Ministry Covenant, 20

Mission of Mercy, 34

Missions Covenant, 30

Music Ministry, 38

New Beginnings Ministry, 14

New Member’s Luncheon, 14

New Vision Ministries, 34

Newcomer Ministry, 33

Philosophy of Ministry, 8

Prayer Ministries, 25

Public Service Announcements, 25

Reflecting Christ, 28

Safety Ministry, 25

Senior Adult Couples, 26

SHAPE Coaches, 26

Single’s Ministry, 27

Small Group Ministry, 19

Sunday Prayer Team, 25

Support Group Ministries, 27

Thursday Noon Bible Study, 19

Toys for Missions, 34

Transportation Ministry, 15

Usher Ministry, 15

Volunteer Central, 28

Women’s Ministry, 29

Women’s Ministry Leadership Team, 29

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