
Established 1914

Volume XIX, Number 106 6th Waxing of Wagaung 1373 ME Friday, 5 August, 2011

NAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug—The mem-bers of ASEAN Forum on Coal Councilare different in steps of production anduse generally due to unequal balance ofcoal resources and industrial develop-ment, said Union Minister for Mines UThein Htaik at the 9th ASEAN Forum onCoal Council Meeting, here, this morn-ing.

The Union Minister said thatAFOC obviously adopted long-termplans and projects on promotion of coaltrade, advancement of new technology,carbon control and coal gasifier. Newtechnology on carbon control, coalgasifier, declining of greenhouse gasomission will be discussed at the forumfor the ASEAN Petroleum SecurityAgreement and similar production secu-rity. He added that ASEAN energy coop-eration has been included in the APAEC2010-2015. It is necessary to seek financeand technology with the assistance ofdeveloped nations and he expressedthanks for valuable helps of JCOAL.

(See page 8)

* Stability of the State, community peace and tran-quillity, prevalence of law and order

* Strengthening of national solidarity* Building and strengthening of discipline-flourish-

ing democracy system* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the Constitution

Four political objectives* Building of modern industrialized nation through the agricultural devel-

opment, and all-round development of other sectors of the economy* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical

know-how and investment from sources inside the country and abroad* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of

the State and the national peoples

Four economic objectives* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation* Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation

and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national char-acter

* Flourishing of Union Spirit, the true patriotism* Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the

entire nation

Four social objectives

Ministry of Mines mobilizes private coal minecompanies to set up organization to createopportunities for exploration of coal mines

9th ASEAN Forum on Coal Council Meeting kicks off

Asia-Pacific region is the most populous and becomes one ofthe most energy use regions due to economic development. Coalmining entrepreneurs association will play a key role in private coalcooperation sector of Myanmar.

YANGON, 4 Aug—As a token of dis-seminating knowledge movement, formingseven groups, All Private Bus Line ControlCommittee (Yangon West District) gaveeducative talks on traffic rules to more than

Traffic rules talks given

Minister for Mines

U Thein Htaik delivers

an address at 9th

ASEAN Forum on Coal

Council Meeting.


6.0-magnitude quake hits6.0-magnitude quake hitsSumatra, Indonesia

JAKARTA, 4 Aug—An undersea earthquake measuring 6.0on the Richter scale struck off Sumatra Island earlier Thursday,but no tsunami threat was reported, the Meteorology andGeophysics Agency reported here. The quake jolted at 07:16am Jakarta Time (0016 GMT) with the epicentre at 37 kmsouthwest Mukomuko of Bengkulu Province of Sumatra andwith a depth at 28 km under sea bed, an official of the agencytold Xinhua by phone.

The intensity of the quake was felt by 4 to 4 MMI (ModifiedMercally Intensity) in Mukomuko, 3 MMI in Bengkulu City,the capital of Bengkulu Province and Padang Pariaman of WestSumatra Province and Jambi Province, he said. The USGSreported earlier on its website that the quake was measured at5.8 magnitude. Indonesia is prone to earthquakes as it lies ona vulnerable quake-hit zone so called “the Pacific Ring of Fire.”


7000 students and parents at 21 basic educa-tion primary schools, 11 basic educationmiddle schools and 3 basic education highschools from 25 till 29 July.


Union Construction Ministerreceives Indian Ambassador


Cosmonauts launch Gagarinsatellite on second try


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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireFriday, 5 August, 2011

Increase production of highyield seeds of crops

Myanmar was a top paddy export countrythroughout the world in the past. About 70 percent of population of the nation are now livingin rural areas, and most of them are engaged inagriculture, meat and fish production. Boostingproduction of rural region and economic growthplays a crucial role in economic developmentof the nation.

Due to climate change across the world,many countries need food security more.Meanwhile, Myanmar, being an agro-basednation, must give priority to development ofagriculture sector in rural areas, increasingincomes of rural people and alleviation ofpoverty.

Myanmar must try its best not to lagbehind other countries in paddy productionsector. Utmost efforts are to be made forproduction of quality hybrid paddy strains withdouble to trouble yield of per acre. Farmersare to apply modern cultivation methodsskillfully.

Agriculturists are to participate inrespective sectors as agriculture sector playsa pivotal role in development of socio-economiclife of the rural people and poverty alleviation.Researches are to be conducted for moredistribution of hybrid paddy seeds that actuallybenefits the increased income of farmers.

It is necessary to produce high yieldseeds of paddy and other crops and providetraining courses and hand down moderncultivation methods from research works tofarmers. The experts are to steadfastly carryout their tasks for enabling the nation to standtall as successfully agricultural country amongother nations.

Departments concerned and experts areto work in concert for distribution of qualityhybrid seeds of crops, observation atplantations being cultivated through goodagricultural methods and seeking market andgood prices in sales of agricultural produce inthe market so as to revitalize the agriculturesector of Myanmar.

MYANMAR GAZETTENAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug—The President of the Republic

of the Union of Myanmar has confirmed the appointmentsof the following heads of service organizations on expiry ofthe one-year probationary period.

Name Appointment

(a) Daw Myat Myat Soe Director-GeneralForeign Economic RelationsDepartmentMinistry of NationalPlanning and EconomicDevelopment

(b) U Kyaw Win Director-GeneralNational AchievesDepartmentMinistry of NationalPlanning and EconomicDevelopment

(c) U Tin Moe Director-GeneralFire Services DepartmentMinistry of Social Welfare,Relief and Resettlement

The President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmarhas appointed the following persons as heads of serviceorganizations shown each on probation from the date theyassume charge of their duties.

Name Appointment

(a) Daw Thein Nyunt Director-GeneralDeputy Director-General Civil Service AffairsCivil Service Selection and DepartmentTraining Department Union Civil ServiceUnion Civil Service Board Board

(b) U Cho Than Maung Managing DirectorGeneral Manager Myanma PortMyanma Port Authority AuthorityMinistry of Transport Ministry of Transport

(c) U Eikdi Hla Managing DirectorGeneral Manager Myanma Posts andMyanma Posts and TelecommunicationsTelecommunications Ministry of Ministry ofCommunications, Communications,Posts and Telegraphs Posts and Telegraphs

YANGON, 4 Aug—Myanma Tourism Servicesorganized the ecotourism workshop at the TradersHotel here this morning.

Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism UHtay Aung and Myanma Tourism Board ChairmanDr Khin Shwe made opening speeches.

A total of 17 papers will be read out at theworkshop that will be held till tomorrow.


Ecotourism workshop held

Union Construction Minister receivesIndian Ambassador

Dr Villur SundararajanSeshadri at the ministry,here, yesterday morning.

They focused onongoing construction tasksbetween the ConstructionMinistry and India.

Also present at the callwere Deputy Ministers USoe Tint and U KyawLwin, Officer on SpecialDuty Thura U SeinThaung, ManagingDirector U Kyaw Lin ofPublic Works, Director-General U Aung Win ofDepartment of HumanSettlement and HousingDevelopment, deputymanaging directors anddepartmental officials.


NAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug—Union Minister forConstruction U KhinMaung Myint receivedIndian Ambassador

Union Minister for ConstructionU Khin Maung Myint receives IndianAmbassador Dr Villur Sundararajan


NAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug—The opening ceremonyof Computer Accounting Course No. 2 was held atUnion Auditor-General Office here today, attendedby Union Auditor-General U Lun Maung.

Computer AccountingCourse No. 2 opens

The ceremony was also attended by DeputyAuditor-General U Myo Myint, the director-generalof Union Auditor-General Office, directors, andofficials concerned.—MNA

Union Auditor-General U Lun Maung speaksat opening of Computer Accounting

Course No. 2.—MNA

PDP submits application forregistration to UEC

NAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug — People DemocracyParty which has been permitted to form as apolitical party submitted its application forregistration as a political party to the UnionElection Commission on 3 August.— MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011 3

BANGKOK, 4 Aug—Seven people have diedin flooding acrossnorthern Thailand causedby the tail end of tropicalstorm Nock-ten, whichleft more than 60 peopledead in the Philippines,officials said Thursday.

Thai childrenstand in floodwater during atropical storm.Seven peoplehave died in

floodingcaused by the

tail end oftropical storm


Storm abates after killingseven in Thailand

Rising watersaffected the livelihoodsof almost half a millionpeople, with 16provinces inundatedsince last week, Thai-land’s Disaster Pre-vention and MitigationDepart-ment said.

Twelve people wereinjured and four remainmissing in floods andmudslides caused byunusually heavy rainacross north andnortheastern parts ofThailand due to Nock-ten, which has beendowngraded to a depre-

ssion, the departmentadded. Nock-ten, namedafter a Laotian bird, leftat least 66 people deadand 17 others missing inthe Philippines when itstruck the country lastmonth.

Most of those killedin the Philippines weresaid to be drowned orburied in landslides,while most of the missingwere fishermen whovanished at sea when thestorm hit. Nock-ten alsoclaimed one life inVietnam when it arrivedlate Saturday.—Internet

WHITNEY POINT, 4 Aug—A tour bus carryingmore than 30 passengers flipped over on an upstatehighway Wednesday night and landed upside-down in a ditch, injuring several people and trappingat least one woman underneath it.

Four people were seriously injured and 36others suffered minor injuries, a dispatcher for theBroome County Sheriff’s Office said.

The accident, the latest in a string of bus crashesin the Northeast this year, occurred on Interstate 81in a southbound lane near Whitney Point, a scenicvillage of about 1,000 residents. The bus, whichappeared to have no markings on its sides, sat in theditch on its roof with its wheels in the air.

First responders worked frantically to free awoman who was trapped under the bus, WhitneyPoint Fire Department Chief Nicholas Sculley said.

In this photo taken from the WBNG website, firstresponders work at the scene of an overturnedtour bus on Interstate 81 in Whitney Point, NY,on 3 Aug, 2011. WBNG.COM reports that theaccident happened just after 7 pm.—INTERNET

Tour bus full of ridersoverturns on NY roadway

KABUL, 4 Aug—A man in Afghan National Policeuniform opened fire and killed a NATO soldier ineastern Afghanistan Region on Thursday, NATO-ledInternational Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said.

“An International Security Assistance Force servicemember was killed today when an individual wearingan Afghan National Police uniform turned his weaponagainst the service member in eastern Afghanistan.”said a statement issued by ISAF here.—Xinhua

Man in Afghan policeuniform kills NATO soldier

Local intelligence officialkilled in Afghan Kunduz blast

KUNDUZ, 4 Aug—A provincial intelligenceofficial was killed on Thursday and two peoplewere injured when a roadside bomb went off inKunduz City, provincial capital of Kunduz Province250 km north of capital Kabul, police said.

“A bomb placed along a road in Bandar -e-Khanabad area of Kunduz City was detonated ataround 06:00 am local time Thursday when the carof a security official with the intelligence servicewas passing by,” police spokesman in the province,Sayed Sarawar Housainni told Xinhua.

No group has claimed responsibility for theattack so far but Taleban militants have been behindmost suicide and roadside bomb attacks across thewar-ravaged country. The Taleban-led militancyhas been rampant since the militant groupannounced to launch a spring offensive from 1May against Afghan and NATO-led troops stationedin Afghanistan. The militant group warned peopleagainst supporting government and foreign troops.


People look at the burning NATO oil tankersnear southwest Pakistan’s Mastung on 3 Aug,


The woman, who was conscious and alert, hadbeen partially ejected through the bus roof escapehatch, which had come open. She was lying on herback with her head under the bus, in a gap betweenthe ground and the bus. She was rescued with noobvious external injuries other than a couple of cutsto her face, Sculley said.

“A centimetre either way,” he said, “and itwould have been a different outcome.”

State Police Sgt Todd Burdick told theBinghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin that the bus wascoming from Niagara Falls and heading to Trenton,NJ He said weather and speed too fast for conditionscaused the accident.—Internet

Chopper crash kills 10 in IndonesiaA rescue teamevacuates a survivor of

a helicopter crash atDua Sudara mountain

in Bitung, NorthSulawesi. 10 people,including at least twoAustralians employedby Melbourne-based

Newcrest Mining, werekilled in the crash

officials saidThursday.—INTERNET

BAGHDAD, 4 Aug—Two bombs targeting policeexploded in the western Iraqi City of Ramadi onWednesday, killing nine people and wounding 13,Iraqi officials said.

The bombs exploded in central Ramadi, withthe second one going off just steps away from thefirst after police and other people gathered on thescene. Staggering the blasts is a common tactic bymilitants who hope to lure in rescuers and onlookerswith the first blast to maximize the carnage with thesecond explosion.

Jasim al-Halbusi, head of the Anbar provincialcouncil, said the blasts went off about 6 pm. He saidone of the dead was a policeman and three of theinjured were police officers.

The deputy governor of Anbar Province, HikmatJasim Zaidan, said nine people were killed.

“A bomb exploded first and when the policeand people gathered, a sticky bomb attached to atractor exploded near the scene,” he said. “Theenemies of Iraq, al-Qaeda and others armed groups,are behind these explosions.”—Internet

JAKARTA, 4 Aug—Ahelicopter crash in centralIndonesia killed 10 peopleincluding at least twoAustralians employed byM e l b o u r n e - b a s e dNewcrest Mining, officialssaid Thursday.

The company said twoSouth Africans were alsokilled but Indonesianofficials insisted all four

Back-to-back bombs killnine people in western Iraq foreigners who perished

in the accident wereAustralians, citing thepassenger list.

Six Indonesians alsodied when the chopperwent down in heavy rainWednesday afternoonshortly after taking offfrom Manado on Sulawesiisland, local officials said.

“The helicoptercrashed in a mountainousarea and it was rainingwhen the accident happ-ened,” transport ministryspokesman BambangErvan told AFP.

An Indonesian manwho was found alive atthe crash scene on Thurs-day morning later died ofhis injuries, raising the toll

to 10, officials said.Search and rescue

workers discovered thebadly damaged wreckagein dense forest about 10kilometres (six miles) fromManado, North SulawesiProvince. The Bell 412aircraft was flying toNewcrest’s Gosowongmine on the island ofHalmahera, some 2,400kilometres northeast of thecapital Jakarta, Australia’slargest gold producer said.

The helicopter waschartered by PT NusaHalmahera Minerals, ajoint venture betweenNewc-rest Mining Ltd andIndonesian company PTAneka Tambang.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011

MOSCOW, 4 Aug—Two Russian cosmon-auts completed atortuous six-hour space-walk in which theylaunched a tiny satellitehonouring firstspaceman Yuri Gagarinafter initially aborting thesensitive task. TheRussian Space Agencyon Thursday announcedin a statement that thesix hour 22 minutemission off the

Cosmonauts launch Gagarin satelliteon second try

International Space Station is seen here whilebeing stationed over the North Caspian Sea and

Kazakhstan. Two Russian cosmonauts onThursday completed a tortuous six-hour

spacewalk in which they launched a tiny satellitehonouring first spaceman Yuri Gagarin afterinitially aborting the sensitive task.—INTERNET

International SpaceStation (ISS) was“successfully com-pleted” and that theGagarin satellite wasnow spinning in space.The spacewalk was the35th completed byRussian cosmonautssince construction of theinternational orbiterbegan in 1998.

The 50th anniversaryof Gagarin’s 12 April,1961 space shot was to

have been marked bythe cosmonauts’ launchof a student-made mini-satellite called Kedr(Ceder) — the callsigned used during thehistoric mission. Buttelevision pictures fromspace showed Volkovand Samokutyaev —wearing Russian Orlan-K space suits thatresembled largerefrigerators — open thehatch 20 minutes behindschedule at 1450 GMT.

The two men thenspent about 30 minutestethering themselves intoplace before taking theirfirst tentative steps intospace with the micro-satellite in hand.

The craft wasdesigned by Russianengineers and wassupposed to carry outstudent experiments andemit greetings in 17languages.


Scientists seek multiple universesLONDON, 4 Aug—British physicists

say the theory that our universe iscontained inside a bubble, just one ofmultiple bubble universes in a“multiverse,” can now be tested.

Scientists at University CollegeLondon, Imperial College London andthe Perimetre Institute for TheoreticalPhysics say the search is on for disk-like patterns in the cosmic microwavebackground radiation left over from theBig Bang that could Provide evidenceof collisions between other universesand our own.

Efforts to identify an efficient wayto search for signs of such collisionshave been hampered by the possibilitythe disc-like patterns in the radiationcould be located anywhere in the skyand could be difficult to separate out

from random patterns in the noisybackground radiation data.

“It’s a very hard statistical andcomputational problem to search for allpossible radii of the collision imprints atany possible place in the sky,” researcherHiranya Peiris said Wednesday in aUCL release.

A new computer algorithm willallow the researchers to analyze hugeamounts of background radiation datafrom a NASA probe, the WilkinsonMicrowave Anisotropy Probe.

“The work represents an opportunityto test a theory that is truly mind-blowing:that we exist within a vast multiverse,where other universes are constantlypopping into existence,” StephenFeeney, who created the powerfulalgorithm, said.—Internet

The African crested rat is the only

mammal known that acquires its

poison from a plant. The rodent

masticates the poisonous bark of

the Acokanthera tree and applies

the mixture to its flank hairs,

which absorb the poison like

candle wicks.


Microsoft announces $250,000‘BlueHat Prize’ contest for security

innovation WASHINGTON, 4

A u g — M i c r o s o f tannounced a new contestcalled the BlueHat Prize,designed to spurinnovation in computersecurity protectiontechnology. The com-pany has put up a prizepot worth over $250,000for the top 3 contestantsto split at next year’sBlack Hat USAconvention.

Microsoft is easilypaying out more in thiscontest than the bug huntbounty offered byGoogle, and definitelymore than the newlylaunched bounty pro-gramme by Facebook.The large pot is necessaryas Microsoft believesthat the rampant andincreasing attacks againstcorporation and

government computersystems calls for securityresearchers to look at abigger picture rather thanfocusing on one bug at atime.

“Microsoft re-cognizes the need tostimulate research in thearea of defensivecomputer securitytechnology,” said MattThomlinson, Microsoft’sTrustworthy ComputingGroup GM. “Our interestis to promote a focus ondeveloping innovativesolutions rather thandiscovering individualissues. We believe theBlueHat Prize cancatalyze defensive effortsto help mitigate entireclasses of attacks.”

The first-placewinner will receive thelion’s share of $200,000.

Second-place winnerwill receive $50,000 andthe third place winnerget’s a subscription Mi-crosoft’s security de-velopers network.Contestants will beallowed to retain therights their intellectualproperty but they arerequired to irrevocablylicense the IP toMicrosoft royalty-freeand forever.

Senior director ofAdobe product securityBrad Arkin said, “thisresearch has the potentialto lower costs for third-party developers andincrease the level ofsecurity assurance forend users. I am lookingforward to seeing whatthe creativity of thecommunity can deliver.”


Software set to track ‘net neutrality’

Computer security star DanKaminsky (pictured in 2008) has

revealed plans to release softwarethat will track whether Internetservice Providers are favoringsome websites or content over

others. Kaminsky crafted his free“N00ter” software to expose

whether Internet service providers(ISPs) are being honest with

customers when it comes to the hottopic of “net neutrality.”—INTERNET

NEW YORK, 4 Aug— Computer security star Dan Kaminsky has revealedplans to release software that will track whether Internet service providers arefavouring some websites or content over others.

Kaminsky crafted his free “N00ter” software to expose whether Internetservice providers (ISPs) are being honest with customers when it comes to thehot topic of “net neutrality.” “You don’t need to flat black-out a site to causepain to it,” Kaminsky said during a briefing at a prestigious Black Hatcomputer security conference in Las Vegas.

“You can just make the website unreliable and then make people pay alittle more to make the problem go away,” he continued. “Markets should notwork on a model of pay-up or things are bad things are going to happen.”Kaminsky sidestepped whether he was championing “net neutrality,”contending instead that he designed the software to keep Internet serviceProviders honest by checking whether all online traffic was treated equally.

He planned to make N00ter software available in the coming weeks. Theprogramme can sit between computers and home or office networks, essentiallysplitting online traffic into two lanes in a way that compares how fast an ISPmoves data to a standardized path.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011 5

More US kids in hospital for mental illnessNEW YORK, 4 Aug—

American kids areincreasingly likely to beadmitted to the hospitalfor mental problems,although rates of non-psychiatric hospitaliza-tions have remained flat,a new study shows.

From 1996 to 2007,the rate of psychiatrichospital discharges roseby more than 80 percentfor 5-13-year-olds and by42 percent for olderteens.

“This occurs despitenumerous efforts to makeoutpatient services for the

Stomach cancer tumours have genetic differencesSINGAPORE, 4 aug—Stomach cancer

tumours have genetic differences,which determine how they respond totreatment, researchers have found.

In identifying two distinct versionsof the disease, scientists found that acertain regimen of chemotherapy ismore effective on one tumour type,while another drug works best on theother. The study authors said theirfindings would help doctors moreeffectively treat gastric cancer patients.

“Our study is the first to show thata proposed molecular classification ofgastric cancer can identify genomicsubtypes that respond differently totherapies, which is crucial in efforts tocustomize treatments for patients,”study senior author Dr Patrick Tan,associate professor in the Cancer andStem Cell Biology Programme at the

Duke-National University of Singapore(NUS) Graduate Medical School, saidin a university news release. Amicroscopic pathology test developedin the 1960s, known as the Laurenclassification, is a general description(either intestinal or diffuse) of howwell the tumour cells clump together.

The Singapore-based team at theDuke-NUS Graduate Medical School,however, was able to distinguish gastriccancer tumours where the Lauren testcould not. “There is a generalassumption in the field that intestinaland diffuse gastric cancers [as classifiedby Lauren] represent two very differentversions of gastric cancer, and nowgenomic data confirms this bydemonstrating that the two genomicsubtypes have very different molecularpatterns,” said Tan.—Internet

mental illness rose from156 to 283 per 100,000children per year overthe ten-year study period,based on data from theNational HospitalDischarge Survey.

For adolescents, therate increased from 683to 969 per 100,000, whileit went up from 921 to996 for adults anddropped from 978 to 808for people 65 and older.

The change for theelderly was expected,Blader said, because ofcuts in Medicare reimbur-sement for inpatienthospitalizations. For you-ngsters, bipolar disordershowed the steepestincrease, while anxietydiagnoses dropped.

Although there havebeen concerns aboutoverdiagnosis of bipolardisorder and other mentalproblems among chil-dren, Blader said that wasunlikely to be hiking therates.—Internet

Oil below $92 on grimUS, Europe economic

outlookSINGAPORE, 4 Aug—Oil prices extended

losses below $92 a barrel Thursday inAsia amid investor concern economicgrowth in developed countries may begrounding to a halt.

Benchmark oil for September deliverywas down 28 cents to $91.65 a barrel atmidday Singapore time in electronictrading on the New York MercantileExchange. Crude dropped $1.86 to settleat $91.93 on Wednesday. In London,Brent crude was up 16 cents at $113.39per barrel on the ICE Futures exchange.

Crude has dropped from near $100 abarrel two weeks ago amid a slew ofdisappointing US economic news. OnWednesday, the Institute of SupplyManagement said its index measuring theservice sector of the US economy grew inJuly at the weakest pace in 17 months.

Investors will be closely watchingFriday’s jobs report for July. Economistsexpect that 90,000 jobs were created inthe US last month, and that theunemployment rate was unchanged at 9.2percent.

Traders are also concerned aboutEurope’s sovereign debt crisis and itspossible negative impact on economicgrowth and crude demand.—Internet

D Telekom hit by staff costs, keeps outlookBONN (Germany), 4 Aug—

Deutsche Telekom said it was on trackto meet its targets after the group’ssecond quarter profit was hit byrestructuring charges mainly for staffin Germany. Domestic operations inGermany — soon to account for 54percent of Deutsche Telekom’sbusiness — have gained in importancesince the company decided to sell itsUS business to AT&T in March.

The Bonn-based group said netprofit dropped 26.7 percent to 348million euros ($495.9 million) mainlydue to 600 million euros in one-timeexpenses for an extended earlyretirement plan for staff.

Apart from Germany, DeutscheTelekom is also active in SoutheasternEurope and owns a 40 percent stake inGreek telecom group OTE.

Employees monitor foreign exchangerates at a foreign exchange office in

Tokyo on 4 Aug, 2011. Japanintervened in the foreign currency

market Thursday to stem the yen’s riseagainst the dollar.


The sign of Deutsche Telekomheadquarters is pictured in Bonn25 February, 2010.—INTERNET

It said business at its Europeanoperations was improving although theeconomic situation in Greece andRomania remained difficult. “We arenow also seeing light at the end of thetunnel in Southeastern Europe,” ChiefExecutive Rene Obermann said in astatement. Second quarter earningsbefore interest, tax, depreciation andamortization (EBITDA) dropped 6.5percent to 4.687 billion euros ($6.68billion), the company said.

Group sales were down 6.8 percentat 14.475 billion euros.—Reuters

AXA earnings quadruple on asset sale gainsPARIS, 4 Aug—AXA , Europe’s second-biggest insurer, said on Thursday that

firsthalf net income quadrupled, beating forecasts, helped by 1.44 billion euros ($2.05billion) in one-off gains related to asset sales.

AXA said its net income for the six-month period rose to 3.999 billion euros from944 million in a year-ago period that was depressed by a 1.478 billion exceptional loss.

The net result, boosted by gains from the sale of AXA’s stake in Chinese insurerTaikang Life and of its Australia and New Zealand operations, beat the averageestimate of 3.588 billion euros in a Reuters poll of nine analysts.

Underlying profit rose 11 percent to 2.22 billion euros, bolstered by improvedproperty and casualty results, compared with the poll average of 2.187 billion.

AXA said it was taking a 92 million euro impairment for losses stemming fromthe Greek sovereign debt bailout.

The insurer did not provide any forecasts for the rest of the year, but AXA ChiefExecutive Henri de Castries said in a statement that the results showed it was “off toa good start in meeting our objectives.”

In May, the insurer said it was confident it would raise profits this year in spite ofa drop in first-quarter sales.—Reuters

A sign reading ‘100% Free ofSmoke’ is seen on the floor of ashopping mall in the Venezuelan

capital Caracas, on 31 May, 2011on the World No Tobacco Day — an

iniciative of the World HealthOrganization (WHO) to encourage aone-day abstinence from all kinds oftobacco as a way to bring attention

against the use and problems causedby tobacco on human life.—INTERNET

more vulnerable kidsmore widely available,”said Joseph C Blader ofStony Brook StateUniversity of New York,whose findings appearin the Archives ofGeneral Psychiatry.

He said hospitaliza-tion is the last resort,because it’s so disruptivefor normal life. “It’s apretty traumatic thing fora family when your childis admitted to a psychunit,” he told ReutersHealth.

Overall, short-termhospital admissions for

In this 30 March,2011 photo, Dr

Peter Scriba,chairman of theGerman Medical

Association’sadvisory boardholds the book‘Placebo in the

Medicine’ poses inMunich, southern


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011

Building collapse in Darfur kills 20 soldiers

DARFUR, 4 Aug—A heavy rainstorm in West Darfur caused twobuildings housing Sudanese soldiersto collapse, killing 20 and injuringanother 30, the UN peacekeepingmission said on Wednesday.

“Twenty Sudanese armed forcessoldiers died and another 30 wereinjured yesterday in El-Geneina,West Darfur, when two buildingswhere they were staying in collapsedas a result of heavy rain storms,” thehybrid UN-African Union mission(UNAMID) in Darfur said in astatement.

The accident happened onTuesday and the mission immediatelysent all the help it could, a UN sourcesaid, including heavy liftingequipment to clear the debris.

Sudan’s military forces sufferfrom limited and outdated equipmentand facilities, with the cash-strapped

A picture made available by AlbanyAssociates shows a Nigeriansoldier of the United Nations-

African Union Mission in Darfur(UNAMID) standing guard at a

checkpoint in el-Geneina in 2008.INTERNET

government in Khartoum strugglingto support an army that officiallynumbers 188,000 officers andsoldiers.


Tropical Storm Emilynears disaster-hit HaitiPORT-AU-PRINCE, 4 Aug—Tropical Storm Emily

spun slowly to the south of the Dominican Republicand Haiti Wednesday night, its strong winds alreadyshaking palm trees and threatening tens ofthousands of people in flimsy shelters and tents.

The storm was forecast to make landfall onHaiti’s southern peninsula early Thursday and dumptorrential rains across an impoverished country inwhich more than 600,000 people still live withoutshelter after last year’s earthquake.

“If any storm comes, we meet our demise,” saidRenel Joseph, a 57-year-old resident of Cite Soleil,a seaside shantytown of Haiti’s capital.

David Preux, head of mission for theInternational Organization for Migration in thesouthern City of Jacmel, said that wind, rain andlightning had begun Wednesday night. “It’ll getworse overnight.”

“The problem is when people wait until the lastminute to evacuate,” Preux said.

The storm had stalled off the coast of theDominican Republic but appeared set to skirt thatcountry’s southern tip. It had maximum sustainedwinds of 50 mph (85 kph).


A motorcyclist rides along the Santo Domingowaterfront as Tropical Storm Emily approaches

the shores of the Dominican Republic,on 3 Aug, 2010.


Many buried as building collapses inKarachi

Brazil babysaved from

being buriedalive diesSAO PAULO, 4 Aug—

A newborn girl was savedfrom being buried alivewhen she started cryingat a funeral home, but shedied Wednesday afterbeing rushed back to ahospital, medical officialssaid.

A 14-year-old motherwho was seven monthspregnant gave birth to thegirl Tuesday at the SantaCasa de Misericordiahospital in the nearby cityof Araxa, according to apolice statement. It saidthe hospital reported thatthe baby died momentsafter being born and herbody was sent to a funeralhome. As the undertakerwas preparing it for burial,the girl started crying.

The baby was rushedback to the hospital andwas then transferred to aneonatal intensive careunit at the Hospital dasClinicas in the city ofUberaba.

“She died of multipleorgan failure caused by alack of oxygen in theblood,” said Joao PauloVicente, a spokesman forthe Hospital das Clinicas,speaking by telephone.

Neither police nor thehospitals released thenames of the mother orchild.—Internet

UN declares three new regions inSomalia famine zones

NAIROBI, 4 Aug— The UN declaredthree new regions in Somalia faminezones on Wednesday, expanding thearea where the highest rates ofmalnutrition and mortality are takingplace, including the refugee camps inthe capital of Mogadishu.

The UN’s food arm said thatfamine is likely to spread across allregions of Somalia’s south in the nextfour to six weeks. Famine conditionsare likely to persist until December,the Food and Agriculture Organizationsaid.

Across Somalia, 3.7 millionpeople are in crisis, the UN says, outof a population of 7.5 million. The

Somalis fromthe south of thecountry carry

theirbelongings asthey arrive inMogadishu,

Somalia, on 3Aug, 2011.


ISLAMABAD, 4 Aug—A five-storied residentialbuilding in a denselypopulated area of thesouthern Pakistani portCity of Karachicollapsed down, localmedia reported onThursday.

According to initial

UN says 3.2 million are in need ofimmediate, lifesaving assistance.

About 450,000 people live inSomalia’s famine zones, said GrainneMoloney, chief technical adviser forthe UN’s Food Security and NutritionAnalysis Unit at FAO-Somalia.

The UN said the prevalence ofacute malnutrition and rates of crudemortality surpassed the faminethresholds in areas of Middle Shabelle,the Afgoye corridor refugee settlementand internally displaced communitiesin Mogadishu. The UN last monthsaid two other regions in Somalia weresuffering from famine.


reports by Geo TV, manypeople are buried underthe debris of the buildingwhich collapsed in Lyariarea of Karachi. Thebuilding houses over tenfamilies.

Rescue teams aretrying to comb the sitestrewn with rubble to

recover the injured anddead.

Exact reason of thecollapse is yet to bedetermined by rescueteams at this moment butshabby and poorcondition of the buildingis considered as a culpritinitially.—Xinhua

This file photo taken on 20January, 2010 shows a Japan

Airlines jetliner taking off from theHaneda International airport inTokyo. Japan Airlines said on 3

August, 2011 it posted a net profitof $165 million in the three months

to June, thanks largely toaggressive downsizing and cost

cutting during its bankruptcyproceedings.—INTERNET

Bangladesh’s Railway inks trainprocurement contract with Chinese company

DHAKA, 4 Aug—Bangladesh’sRailway signed a 58.31 million USdollars contract on Thursday withTangshan Railway Vehicle Co Ltd ofChina for procurement of 20 setscommuter trains.

Abu Taher, Director General ofBangladesh’s Railway, and ZhenDawei, Deputy General Manager ofTangshan Railway Vehicle, signed thecontract on behalf of their respectivesides here.

According to the contract,Bangladesh’s Railway will purchase20 sets Meter Gauge Diesel ElectricMultiple Units (DEMU). The contractvalue will be 58.31 million US dollarsincluding spare parts, tools andequipment, training and services.

Syed Abul Hossain, Bangladesh’sCommunications Minister, ZhangXianyi, Chinese Ambassador in Dhaka,among others, were present at thecontract signing ceremony.—Xinhua

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011 7

It has been a long time since I was inspired towrite this article. Now, I have happened to write it asit is opportune to do so. What I will present are just mypersonal opinions, so there may be some persons whodo not accept them.

In general, people can be divided into twogroups to support the title of the article: those who arenot citizens of any country, and those who are citizensof the countries concerned.

Many stories featured in today’s newspapersreveal that some peoples are trying to put their landson the world map, and some peoples are strugglingnot to have their countries removed from the worldmap. But, not many readers notice that point. Forinstance, Palestinians have been trying for many yearsto put their country on the world map. However, theyhave not achieved their goal yet.

Israel has been already on the world map anda member of the United Nations. Israelis with nationaloutlook and nationalistic fervour keep a watchful eyeon what their enemies surrounding them are attempt-ing to devastate them, in order that their land will notbe got rid of the map of the world.

I would rather not make comments on thehistorical backgrounds of those countries and peoplesand what they want to be as that is none of mybusiness.

I am a citizen of Myanmar who love andvalue his motherland, races, religion and culturalheritage. I would like to present some facts about somepeople who have abandoned their countries and thoseMyanmar citizens who have absconded their mothercountry.

So, what we have to consider is the country,not the government. The 4th of January 1948 isrecognized as the day on which Myanmar regainedindependence, and the Myanmar Flag was beinghoisted atop the mast while the British’s Union Jackwas falling down the mast. That is a gazetted holiday.In other words, the Flag of a powerful country wasremoved from the mast and the Flag of Myanmar washoisted atop the mast officially.

It was at 4.20 am on 4 January 1948 on whichsovereignty and independence the entire Myanmarpeople had been waiting for a very long time withgreat aspiration were declared at the hluttaw. Speakerof Constituent Hluttaw Nyaungshwe Chieftain waselected the interim President of the country.

At the assembly hall of the hluttaw on themorning of 4 January 1948, Prime Minister Thakin Nuannounced the Independence Declaration that says

Leaving mother country with reckless abandonMaung Tin Aye (Thayet)

our declaration is made known to everyone all over theworld. Then, a stake was driven for building an inde-pendence monument in Bandoola Park.

All the citizens should bear in mind howMyanmar regained independence. That is prescribed inschool syllabuses, so we have learnt that since we wereat school.

It was in 1885 in which British colonialists tookKing Thibaw and the Queen by a bullock cart fromYadanabon Palace onto their ship moored in GawwainPort. Any Myanmar people who witnessed that scenefelt inconsolably heartrending. If the year of 1825 iscounted in which British colonialists annexed the lowerMyanmar, Myanmar fell under the alien subjugationfor 123 years. During the period, Myanmar peoplewere going through untold miseries and the hell of theyoke of colonialism.

It took 123 years for Myanmar people to throw offthe yoke of the colonial rule, but it claimed contributionmade by the Thirty Comrades, and very large numbers oflives of the people and monks in the anti-British colonialistsstruggles and Anti-Fascist Resistance.

The regaining of independence was followedby mass exodus of people to foreign countries. Indeed,they did abandon the motherland. Those servicepersonnel who are abroad for further studies in thenational interest and those who are earning foreignexchanges for national economic growth are worthy ofpraise. But, some service personnel while drawing salariesfrom the State are accepting dollars provided secretly bythe foreign countries they are posted to. And they soughtpolitical asylum to become the citizens of those countries,thus abandoning the homeland in their own interest.Therefore, they are to be denounced as national traitorsdisregarding our forefathers and servicemen who sacrificedtheir lives to pull the country out of the hands of Britishcolonialists and Fascists, and as those who push youngergenerations onto the wrong path.

They make varieties of lame excuses for theirbeing abroad. The educated of them compare domesticsalary rates and the salary rates in foreign countries, andthe uneducated of them claim that there is high employ-ment rate in the nation and put all the blame on thegovernment.

The educated with right views who preservethe dignity of own race keep guarding the countryagainst dangers with the concept that they have towork hard in the national interest with what they havelearnt. One of them is Dr Myo Thant Tin. While in theUS on education, I read a number of his articles. Now,he is participating in interviews conducted by the

Myanma TV. So, I feel encouraged that he is notamong those who have abandoned the mother coun-try.

Should a citizen leave the country only dueto poor salary rates and great gap of living conditionsbetween the country and foreign countries? I wouldsay that they should bear in mind our ancestors whosacrificed their lives in the national interest. Andshould they abandon the mother country with theexcuse that they are not in support of the rulinggovernment? They point out the weak points of thepresent government, but have they ever sent a letterof advice to the government, and pointed out thegovernment’s mismanagement with positiveattitude. Citizens should shoulder their duties, givingadvice and making suggestions with optimism andgenuine goodwill based on the knowledge they havelearnt from their experiences. Those citizens whoare not willing to and have never shared nationalduties are good for nothing for the nation.

What type of attitude the countries andtheir peoples who accept those who have aban-doned the mother country and gone to foreigncountries for good? And how do they treat theabsconders. I would like to ask if they have everremembered in mind that point. Is the amount ofdollars they get for working what they are asked bythose countries enough for leading a comfortablelife forever? Myanmar people follow the Teachingsof the Buddha. Nothing except the Teachings of theBuddha can make Myanmar people have a peacefullife. So, they should ponder whether they are rightto abandon the country for dollars.

Do they have their future in the foreigncountries they are living in? There are so manyexamples I can present in that regard. PrinceNyaungyan and Prince Myinkun born of a Myanmarmonarch died in the foreign country. So, they didnot establish a good reputation in the Myanmarhistory. The people of us cannot know where theirposterity are now.

Therefore, every citizen who is anxious toleave the mother country should take account of allthe points they ought to ponder. What I would liketo highlight is that today’s Myanmar is the countryof the year of 2011. The country has seen manypolitical reforms and administrative patterns. All inall, I would say that Myanmar will be prosperous ifthe people of us carry out duties with a sense of dutylike our forefathers.

Translation: MS

NAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug—Chief Ministerof Ayeyawady Region U Thein Aungattended the ceremony to open theNutrition Week Movement-2011 heldat Myanmar Medical Association inPathein yesterday.

Head of Region Health DepartmentDr Aye Ko Ko explained the nutritionactivities. MMA (Pathein) Chairman DrKyi Pe presented K 0.5 million for flood

Nutrition Week Movement-2011 observed inAyeyawady Region

Chief Minister U Thein Aung addresses opening of Nutrition WeekMovement-2011.—MNA

victims in Phatsalat Village, ThatkepyinVillage-tract of NgathaingchaungTownship to Region Agriculture andLivestock Breeding Minister U Tin Soe.

The Chief Minister and party viewedadministration of drugs to expectantmothers and breastfeeding mothers, andquality control of iodized salt displayedby the Ministry of Mines.


5-8-2011 NL.pmd 8/5/2011, 5:17 AM7

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011

9th ASEAN Forum on Coal Council Meeting in progress.MNA

(from page 1)The Union Minister pointed out that Asia-

Pacific region is the most populous and becomes oneof the most energy use regions due to economicdevelopment. He said that the use of energy willdouble in 2030. If it does not take care of higherenergy demand and increased population, the povertywill rise. The Ministry of Mines mobilized privatecoal mine companies to set up an organization tocreate the opportunities for exploration of coal mines,he said. The coal mining entrepreneurs associationwill play a key role in private coal cooperation sectorof Myanmar, he added. The Union Minister expressedhis hope for development of coal sector the sameways as that of APAEC 2010-2015.

The Union Minister cordially greeted thedelegates.

Chairman of the ASEAN Coal Council Dr MLobo Balia and Acting Executive Director MrChristopher G Zamora of ASEAN Energy Centredelivered addresses at the meeting of the council.Director-General U Win Htein of Mining Departmentwas elected as the alternate chairman of the ASEANCoal Council.

The delegates from Indonesia discussed coalresources of ASEAN countries and remnants, up-grading coals, CCT technology, index of coal price,upgrading of capabilities of coal fired power plant;those of Malaysia, quality control of coal in ASEANregion, use of coal and trade in ASEAN region; those

Ministry of Minesmobilizes private coal mine

of Vietnam, most successful CCT sample; those ofThailand, prevention against environmentaldegradation, strong point of coal, CCT in Asia, andhuman resource development; those of thePhilippines, equilibrium of coal-fired machineryand conferring of medals for coal; those of Cambodia,publishing of ASEAN coal newspaper; those ofMyanmar, upgrading of coal in private sector and

prospect of coal in Myanmar; and those of Japan,future coal trade between Japan and ASEAN.

In the evening, the Mines Ministry hosted adinner to the delegates.

The ninth meeting was attended by chairmanand members of ASEAN Energy Centre and ASEANCoal Council, departmental heads and delegates ofASEAN countries and Japan.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug —Governor of the Central Bank ofMyanmar U Than Nyein andMr. Jeremy Andrew Hodges,Deputy Head of Mission of theembassy of the Britain, held talksover economy and financialmatters of Myanmar today.

Also present at the callat the office of the governor here

CBM Governor, Dy Head ofBritish embassy hold talks

were heads of department of Min-istry of Finance and Revenue.


Governor of the CentralBank of Myanmar U ThanNyein receives Deputy Headof Mission of the embassy of

the Britain Mr. JeremyAndrew Hodges and party.


Shan StateChief

MinisterU Sao

Aung Myatpresentsprizes to

winners inBody

Beautyand Physi-cal Culture

Contest-2011. MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 4Aug—Taunggyi Univer-sity in Shan State held BodyBeauty and PhysicalCulture Contest and Pag-eant at its multipurpose hallon 2 August.

Shan State ChiefMinister U Sao Aung Myatenjoyed the second legs ofthe contests.

Shan State minis-ters presented the consola-tion prize for Body Beautyand Physical CultureContest to Maung Min HtetNaing (Chemistry), thirdprize, to Maung Hsaw Yai(Law), second prize toMaung Maung Tun(History), and the chiefminister, first prize toMaung Win Myint Aung

Taunggyi University holds Body Beauty and Physical Culture, beauty contests(Geology).

The wife of theShan State auditor-generalpresented consolationprizes to Ma Su Mon Htwe(Maths) and Ma MyoTheint Theint Han (Pali);

the wife of the Shan Stateadvocate-general, fifthprize to Ma Mya SansarAung (Law) and fourthprize, to Nan Wah WahTun (Statistics); and thewife of the Shan State chief

justice, third prize to MaNu Nu Htwe (Myanmar),second prize to Ma AyeSandar Oo (Philosophy),and first prize to Ma MyoThandar Htwe (Chemis-try).—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug—Chief Minister ofMagway Region U Phone Maw Shwe attended theceremony to open Yogyi Creek Bridge constructedby Irrigation Department near Taungman Village,Minbu (Saku) Township yesterday.

He later attended the ceremony to hand overaffiliated basic education middle school in TaungmanVillage along with national scrutiny cards issuingceremony. The Chief Minister presented schooluniforms for teachers and sports gear for students tothe headmaster. Region Security and Border AffairsMinister Col Ant Zaw presented national scrutinycards to local people.

Next, the Chief Minister was present at theopening ceremony of Inter-University/College Men’sVolleyball Tournament for Magway Zone for 2010-2011 academic year held at the region gymnasium,and enjoyed the match between Magway Universityteam and Pakokku University team.—MNA

Magway Region ChiefMinister partakes in

regional activities

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011 9

KIA opens fire at a vehicle on its return from Tarpeinto Momauk, leaving seven dead, one injured

KIA intentionally opens fire at vehicle with smallarms, not blast of mine planted by KIA

NAY PYI TAW, 4Aug— KIA opened fireat a vehicle on its returnfrom Tarpein (1)Hydropower Plant toMomauk between mileposts No. 19 and 21,leaving seven dead andone injured.

On 2 August

evening, threemechanics, one Chineseinterpreter, two policemembers and twodrivers, totaling 8 leftTarpein by car afterrepairing air-conditioners at thecommunication room ofTarpein (1) Hydropower

Plant. Between mile postsNo. 19 and 21 beforeGwekahtaung Village,the KIA opened fire atthe car with the use ofsmall arms. In theincident, SIP Aung KyiTun, drivers U NanShaung, (father) ULahsan Tu Lun and U

Than Htay Aung, (father)U Aye Pe, air-conditionertechnicians U Nay MyoThein, (father) TheinHtay and U Zaw Htwe,(father) U Ohn Swe,interpreter Maung KhantMin Htet, (father) U AikHlaing, totaling 6onboard the vehicle werekilled on the spot due togun fires. The remaininga i r - c o n d i t i o n e rtechnician Maung Thaw

Lin Tun, (father) U MarNaw was injured at belly(serious) and constableMyo Thant Naing Hsan,(father) U Aung Hsan, atleft arm and right leg(unserious). The twoinjured reported theirincident to the frontlinemilitary camp. Themilitary column clearedthe place of incident andfound five dead personsin the car and one besidethe car. Maung Thaw LinTun, one of two injuredpersons who reported tothe military column diedthe next morning due tohis wounds.

KIA made a falseclaim through BBC

saying the car hit itslandmine; that dead andinjuries were due to themine blast, putting theblance on the car fortravelling in itsprohibited area beforeceasefire has reached.

In reality, KIAintentionally opened fireat the vehicle small armson its return from Tarpein,leaving seven personsdead and one injured outof eight, not by the blastof mine planted by KIA.Bullet wounds werefound on the dead bodies,the injured person. Bulletholes were also foundon the vehicle.


Myanmar badminton, Judo players to participatein Asian Junior Sports Exchange Games

YANGON, 4 Aug—The Selected MyanmarBadminton Team andJudo Team will take partin the Asian JuniorSports Exchange Games2011 to be held in Tokyoof Japan from 22 to 29August 2011.

The selectedbadminton teamcomprises men players

Lin Htet Kyu, ShweMaung and Phone PyaeNaing and womenplayer Ei Ei Chaw, ThetHtar Thuza and Nan MoHwam under control ofmanager Vice-Presidentof Myanmar BadmintonFederation U Ba Hlaing,coaches U Kyaw KyawLwin and Daw Win PaPa Tun.

The selected Judoteam comprises AungNaing Oo, Chit Min Thuand Benny Lyan Oak,Thein Thein Pyae, HninAkayri and Yu Yu Mon,Manager U Aung NaingSwe, Coaches U KyiNaing and Daw Khin NuNu together withinterpreter U MinThein.—MNA

Union Minister U Myint Hlaing receives Mr. John Patrick James Prideaux-Brune, CountryDirector of Oxfam Great Britain (Oxfam).— MNA

Photo shows the vehicle which come under fire by KIA and bodies.— MNA

Photo shows the vehicle which come under fire by KIA.— MNA

Photo shows bodies of the victims killed by KIA.— MNA

Union A&I Minister receivesCountry Director of Oxfam

Great BritainNAY PYI TAW, 4

Aug—Union Ministerfor Agriculture andIrrigation U MyintHlaing received CountryDirector Mr John PatrickJames Prideaux-Bruneand party of OxfamGreat Britain (Oxfam) atthe ministry, here, thismorning.

They discussed

ongoing tasks inMyanmar, projects to beimplemented in centralMyanmar and deltaregion, vocational matterand food sufficiency.

Also present at thecall were directors-general and managingdirectors of departmentsand enterprises under theministry.—MNA

5-8-2011 NL.pmd 8/5/2011, 5:17 AM9

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011

JUNO BEACH, 4 Aug—A plucky sea turtle wasreleased back into thewild off Florida’s coaston Wednesday aftermonths of intensivemedical care to reversedamage caused by the

NEW DELHI, 4 Aug—An Indian official saysthat navy and coastguard helicopters andships have rescued 30crew members from asinking merchant shipoff Mumbai’s coasthours after it sent adistress signal. Indiannavy spokesman CaptManohar Nambiar toldThe Associated Press thatthe MV Rak sent out adistress signal earlyThursday morning. Thenavy and coast guardimmediately began

WASHINGTON, 4 Aug— Wild horses on the vastrangelands of Wyoming can continue to roam free,for now, after the US government’s Bureau of LandManagement postponed a planned roundup, horseadvocates said on Tuesday.

The roundup was due to start on 16 August toreduce horse overpopulation on more than 700,000acres of public land in Wyoming, but the federalagency agreed to put it off until at least Septemberafter facing a lawsuit.

The bureau had planned to remove 700 wildmustangs in southwestern Wyoming and return177 geldings or castrated stallions to the land,according to the lawsuit filed 25 July.

The plaintiffs — the American Wild HorsePreservation Campaign, the Western WatershedsProject, a Wyoming couple and wildlifephotographer Carol Walker — accused the BLM ofintending to “manage the wild horses to extinction.”


BEIJING, 4 Aug— TheJapanese governmentwill work to establish anew nuclear safetyagency following lastMarch’s nucleardisaster. The ChiefCabinet Secretary YukioEdano says theestablishment of a new

Andre, an 85kg seaturtle, is picturedduring its releaseinto the Atlantic

Ocean at theLoggerhead MarineLife Centre, in JunoBeach, Florida, on

3 Aug, 2011.INTERNET

CHARLESTON, 4 Aug—A man allegedly tryingto steal copper from aSouth Carolina powersubstation was shockedby 7,200 volts ofelectricity, burning himand cutting power tomore than 3,000 homes,police said onWednesday.

Phillip DavidTinskey, 25, was beingtreated in an Augusta,Georgia burn centre forthe second and third-degree burns he sufferedduring the incident onTuesday.

Sheriff’s deputiesresponded to thesubstation on Tuesdayafter reports of poweroutages in Ladson, about15 miles from coastalCharleston. They found

HARARE (Zimbabwe), 4 Aug—At least 14 peoplewere killed after a minibus crashed in Zimbabwe, thesecond deadly accident involving an overcrowdedbus in the southern African country in recent days,state radio reported Wednesday.

Police spokesman Oliver Mandipaka said theminibus carried nine more passengers than its licensedcapacity. State radio said the bus burst a rear tire onTuesday and overturned twice about 120 miles (195kilometres) east of the capital, Harare.

Tuesday’s crash brings to 33 the number ofpassengers killed in bus wrecks in the country inthree days. On Saturday, 19 people died when a rearwheel of their 16-seater bus broke off. Police reported29 people had crammed into that vehicle.—Internet

This undated photoshows navy officialsand sailors are onboard the imported

aircraft carrier,known as the Varyag.The carrier Varyag,which was previouslyowned by the formerSoviet Union, is beingrefitted by China afterbeing purchased from

Ukraine. —XINHUA

Japan to establish new nuclearsafety agency

Iconic turtle, on the mend, back at sea off Florida

propellers of a waywardmotorboat.

The release of Andre,a green turtle named afterUS wrestling star Andrethe Giant, marked a raresuccess story for thestate’s endangered seaturtles.

Hundreds of dead,sick or injured turtlesare found on Florida’sbeaches every yearbecause of run-ins withspeedboats, entangle-ment in fishing linesand sudden changes inwater temperature.

Andre was amongthose lucky enough notto be given up for dead.

Marked with adistinctive bar codebefore his release, hissupporters see him as aposter-child for the airbreathing reptilesfighting to survivechallenges, includingclimate change, intropical and subtropicalwaters everywhere.

Some 500 peopleshowed up to cheer asAndre made histriumphant return to theAtlantic Ocean from thecare of the LoggerheadMarine Life Centre, inJuno Beach, Florida.


A “spiderman” (window cleaner) cleanswindows outside a highrise building in TaiyuanCity, capital of north China’s Shanxi Province,

on 3 Aug, 2011.—XINHUA

Man trying to steal coppergets major shock, police say

Wild mustangs sparedroundup in Wyoming for now

India navy, coast guard rescue30 off sinking ship

14 die in another Zimbabwebus crash

body is desirable, and thatthe new institute will beunder the authority of theMinistry of theEnvironment.

The new agency willbe charged withadministering the removalof radioactive substancesfrom contaminated soilaround the crippledFukushima No 1 nuclearpower plant, and otherhealth services toresidents living in the

vicinity of nuclear powerstations. The stateminister in charge of thenuclear crisis will releasea draft initiative to outlinethe new institute.Officials say the newagency could belaunched as early as nextApril.

Public trust inJapan’s NISA has fallenfollowing several highlypublicized scandals.


A helicopter is used by the Bureau of LandManagement (BLM) to gather wild horses in theConger Mountains near Border in Utah in this

7 Sept, 2010 file photo.—INTERNET

a cut ground wire, ascorch mark on atransformer and a greenduffel bag containingbolt cutters and copperwire. A South Carolinaidentification card foundnear the duffel bag hadTinskey’s name andaddress on it. Police wentto his house and foundhim “very seriouslyinjured,” said sheriff’sspokesman Dan Moon.

“People have donethis before, but it isextremely dangerous,”Moon said.

No charges havebeen filed. “If he makesit, there will be chargesdown the road,” Moonsaid. “He was in prettyserious shape, so we’rejust waiting to see howhe does.”—Reuters

rescue operations. Theentire crew was rescued.The sailors fromIndonesia, Jordan andRomania were taken tothe naval base in Mumbai.

The vessel wascarrying a cargo of coaland was travelling fromIndonesia to the westernIndian state of Gujarat.Nambiar said the ship wasbeing monitored by thecoast guard to estimatethe rate at which it wassinking and to check fora possible oil spill.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011 11

SEATTLE, 4 Aug—A healthy diet is expensiveand could make it difficult for Americans to meetnew US nutritional guidelines, according to a studypublished Thursday that says the government shoulddo more to help consumers eat healthier.

A update of what used to be known as a foodpyramid in 2010 had called on Americans to eatmore foods containing potassium, dietary fiber,vitamin D and calcium. But if they did that, thejournal Health Affairs said, they would addhundreds more dollars to their annual grocery bill.Inexpensive ways to add these nutrients to a person’sdiet include potatoes and beans for potassium anddietary fiber. But the study found introducing morepotassium in a diet is likely to add $380 per year tothe average consumer’s food costs, said leadresearcher Pablo Monsivais, an assistant professorin the Department of Epidemiology and the Schoolof Public Health at the University of Washington.

“We know more than ever about the science ofnutrition, and yet we have not yet been able tomove the needle on healthful eating,” he said.


AMSTERDAM, 4 Aug—A Dutch court onWednesday blocked theexport of a young orcawhale that had beenrescued sick and emaciateda year ago off theNetherlands’ northerncoast.

The AmsterdamDistrict Court ruled thatMorgan, a killer whale 3 or4 years old who was due tobe shipped to a Spanishamusement park, wouldremain in the Harderwijk

Hitachi andMitsubishi ‘to open

merger talks’TOKYO, 4 Aug—Japanese

manufacturing giants Hitachi andMitsubishi Heavy Industries are tostart merger talks, reports saidThursday, as they look for growthbeyond a shrinking domestic marketand battle a strong yen.

The two companies havecombined annual sales of more than12 trillion yen ($155 billion) and themove would create a Japaneseindustrial behemoth and one of theworld’s biggest infrastructure firms.

Hitachi’s president was reportedas saying his company and MitsubishiHeavy Industries had agreed to startmerger talks.

“We will negotiate a merger fromnow,” Hitachi president HiroakiNakanishi told reporters inYokohama, near Tokyo, according toKyodo news agency.

Kyodo and other media quotedsources saying the two firms aimed tointegrate infrastructure businesses

such as railways and power stations,in early 2013. The news boosted sharesof the two companies. Hitachi was up3.23 percent at 478 yen in late morningtrade and Mitsubishi Heavy Industrieswas up 4.58 percent at 365 yen.

“With opportunities for the socialinfrastructure business expected toexpand especially in emergingcountries like China and India, thetwo Japanese companies on their owndo not have sufficient managementresources to compete globally,” saidYukihiko Shimada, an analyst atSMBC Nikko Securities.—Internet

File photo of a Dubai Metro train,built under contract by a

consortium lead by MitsubishiHeavy Industries.—INTERNET

Cargill recalling 36 m pounds of groundturkey

WASHINGTON, 4 Aug—Meat giantCargill is recalling 36 million pounds ofground turkey linked to a nationwidesalmonella outbreak that has killed oneperson in California and sickened atleast 76 others.

Illnesses in the outbreak date backto March and have been reported in 26states coast to coast.

Cargill said Wednesday that it isrecalling fresh and frozen ground turkeyproducts produced at the company’sSpringdale, Ark, plant from 20 Febthrough 2 Aug due to possiblecontamination from the strain ofsalmonella linked to the illnesses.

Company officials said that allground turkey production has beensuspended at the plant until thecompany is able to determine the sourceof the outbreak.

“Given our concern for what hashappened, and our desire to do what isright for our consumers and customers,we are voluntarily removing our groundturkey products from the marketplace,”said Steve Willardsen, president of

Cargill’s turkey processing business.The Minnesota-based company said

it was initiating the recall after its owninternal investigation, an AgricultureDepartment investigation andinformation about the illnesses releasedby the CDC this week.

All of the packages recalled includethe code “Est P-963” on the label,according to Cargill.—Internet

Products subject to meat giantCargill’s recall of 36 million

pounds of ground turkey linked to anationwide salmonella outbreak isseen on display at a grocery store

in Redwood City, Calif, on 3 Aug, 2011.—INTERNET

Court blocks export of rescued whale

In this 27 Feb, 2010 file photo, a killer whaleraises its head out of the water at the SeaWorld

theme park in Orlando, Fla.INTERNET

Dolphinarium for now, butwould be moved from hersmall cement tank to alarger enclosure with otheranimals.

The court ruled thatmore research beconducted to find a solutionfor Morgan, and orderedthe dolphinarium, thegovernment and the animalrights activists who filedthe case to work together.

The activists, who hadfiled the suit to block agovernment-issued export

permit, hailed the ruling asan unprecedented victory,even though they failed towin immediate approval fortheir plan to graduallyreintroduce Morgan backinto the ocean.

A Free Morgan Group,reminiscent of the popular1993 film “Free Willy,”began gathering aninternational followingsoon after the black-and-white whale was caught inthe Wadden Sea in June2010.—Internet

Healthy eating is privilegeof the rich

LONDON, 4 Aug—Small British touroperator Holidays 4 UK Limited hascollapsed with 12,000 travellers abroad,after running into financial difficulties dueto dwindling demand, administratorsannounced on Wednesday.

PricewaterhouseCoopers said in astatement that the company had applied togo into administration — the processwhereby a troubled firm calls uponindependent financial help to restructurethe business and remain operational.

Brighton-based Holidays 4 UK Limitedspecialises in package holidays and flightsto Turkey. The travel firm employs just 18people and trades under the names Holidays4 U and Aegean Flights. Its annual turnoveris about ÂŁ35 million.

“The company has suffered because ofthe difficulties faced by the travel industryduring 2010 and 2011, as a result of theeconomic downturn,” added Ian Oakley-

Holidays 4 UKLimited collapses

A tourist walks in downtownIstanbul in 2009.—INTERNET

Smith, joint administrator and director atPwC, in the statement.

“The director has determined that thebusiness is no longer able to trade andplaced the company into administration.

“The company will cease operatingwith immediate effect. Regrettably moststaff have been made redundant.”

In a separate statement, thegovernment’s Foreign andCommonwealth Office said that the CivilAviation Authority (CAA) would arrangerepatriation for all 12,000 Holidays 4 UKcustomers that are currently strandedabroad.—Internet

SYDNEY, 4 Aug—Anglo-Australian mininggiant Rio Tinto on Thurs-day reported record first-half earnings of 7.6 billionUS dollars, up 30 percentof the company’s first-halffigure in 2010.

Its underlying profitfor the first half of 2011was up 35 percent to 7.8billion US dollars com-pared to the same periodlast year.

The result is slightlybelow analysts’ consensusexpectations of an under-lying profit of about 8.03billion US dollars.

The company said itwould pay an interimdividend in line withexpectations of 54 UScents a share, up 20percent. “Market condi-tions have remainedfavourable over the pastsix months due to strongAsian demand, althoughthe volatile economic en-vironment that we high-lighted eighteen monthsago continues to exist,driven by significantmacro economic imba-lances,” Rio Tinto chair-man Jan du Plessis said ina statement.—Xinhua

Rio Tintoannouncesrecord H1earnings

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011


Consignees of cargo carried on MV ORIENTALELF VOY NO (011) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 4.8.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of M.I.T.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subjectto the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final dischargeof cargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256924/256914

European wind power outputtipped to treble by 2020

In Pierrelatte, southern France, a wind turbineoperates near a uranium enrichment plant in

May 2011. —INTERNET

A Nissan employee demonstrates how to use thecompany’s electric vehicle “Leaf” to power a

smart home near their headquarters inYokohama, suburban Tokyo.—INTERNET

Nissan says electric car can power family home

This undated photocourtesy of Tucson

Audubon Society/Jimand Deva Burns shows

a red-faced warbler.INTERNET

Bird-watching is big businessin Arizona

This image courtesy theNational Folk Festival

shows the Sounds ofKorea performing at

the 2009 National FolkFestival in Richmond,

Va. This year, theNational Folk Festival

will be in Nashville,Tenn.— INTERNET

TOKYO, 4 Aug—Nissan’s Leaf electric carcan feed power from itsbattery back into a familyhome and run appliancesfor up to two days under anew project the Japanesecar-maker unveiled on

Tuesday. Using the “Leafto Home” system, thelithium-ion batteries of thezero tailpipe emissionLeaf can be used as anemergency power backupfor the home during anatural disaster or a power

blackout, Nissan said.Nissan, 44 percent

owned by Renault ofFrance, said it aims tocommercialize the tech-nology in Japan by March2012. The system worksby linking the car via aquick charging port to thehouse’s electricity distri-bution panel. —Internet

PARIS, 4 Aug—Energyproducers expect Euro-pean wind power genera-tion to triple by 2020, withtens of thousands of new,ever-bigger wind turbinesspringing up, an industrybody said on Tuesday.

The European WindEnergy Association(EWEA), which groupsenergy giants with windinterests and also manyinvolved in nuclear or gas-fired electricity genera-tion, released its figures ina new report aiming toinfluence EU energypolicy after 2020.

By the end of last year,the ‘Pure Power’ reportsaid, wind power pro-duced about 5.3 percentof demand across theEU’s 27 states, some 182Terawatt hours (TWh). Itsshare is tipped to reach

15.7 percent by 2020, or581 TWh.

By the end of 2010,there were more than70,000 turbines in opera-tion, and the EWEA says60,000 more of the samesize would be needed tomeet 2020 targets, al-though installing biggermachines could reduce thenumber to half or less de-pending on technologydevelopments.—Internet

PHOENIX, 4 Aug—From the sandhill craneto the red-faced warbler,rock stars of the birdingworld have spawned atourism industry in Ari-zona that draws bird-watchers from aroundthe world.

“It’s one of the twoor three best places inthe United States to lookfor birds,” said DavidPashley of the AmericanBird Conservancy.“Arizona makes a lot ofmoney off of bird-watchers going down tothe southeast corner ofthe state.”

More than 140 birdspecies are found insouthern Arizona, andbirding festivals takeplace year-roundthroughout the state, in-cluding Yuma and innorthern Arizona’sVerde Valley.


LUSAKA, 4 Aug—The European Investment Bank (EIB) has agreed to givea Zambian firm funds to set up a lime manufacturing plant, which will becomeZambia’s second lime producer, the Zambia Daily Mail reported on Thursday.

Astrea Investment Zambia Limited has since completed a bankablefeasibility study to construct the 20 million US dollars quick lime plant to besituated in Ndola City on the Copperbelt Province.—Internet

European bank gives Zambian firm 20 mlnUSD for lime plant

5-8-2011 NL.pmd 8/5/2011, 5:17 AM12

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011 13

An Indian airline has been asked to pay the NewDelhi owner of two pugs 144,000 rupees ($3,260) inthe death of the dogs on one of its flights.

A New Delhi consumer forum said the deaths offour-year-old Jimmy and three-year-old Bantu hadcaused an “emotional setback” to their owner,Rajendra Tandon, The Times of India reportedWednesday.

The dogs, who had been on a Jet Airways flightfrom Mumbai to New Delhi in May 2009, werefound dead upon arrival, the report said. Tandonwas aboard the same flight. The consumer forumblamed the pilot for the deaths of the pets, saying hehad failed to turn on the air circulation system in thelive animal section of the cargo hold, the report said.

The compensation ordered by the forum includes9 percent interest dating back to May 2009 andlitigation charges, the report said.

The report did not say if the airline had made anycomment. Tandon plans to give the money, whenreceived, to charity, the report said.

Oklahoma City policesaid a stolen helicopterwas found in the drivewayof an abandoned propertythe day after it was taken.

Bruce Akbaran, 48,who said he purchasedthe “toy” about fivemonths ago at anOklahoma City PublicSchools auction and hasnot yet attempted to fly it,said the vehicle was takenfrom his business, Stoneand Stucco, betweenwhen he left at 9:30 pmMonday and when hearrived for work at 5 amTuesday, The Oklaho-man, Oklahoma City,reported Wednesday.

Police Sgt JenniferWardlow said the chop-per was found at 5 pmTuesday in the drivewayof an abandoned propertyon Wilshire Boulevard.

A cafeteria workerfor the Pittsburgh Steelerssaid former secondarycoach Ray Horton soldhim his Mercedesconvertible for only $20.

Maurice “Mo”Matthews said Hortonvisited the cafeteria onhis last day before leavingto serve as defencivecoordinator for theArizona Cardinals andasked him how much

Ray Horton sells Mercedes for $20money he had in hispocket, the PittsburghPost -Gazette reportedWednesday.

“I got $20,” Matth-ews responded.

He said Horton thenannounced, “Sold for$20!” and handed himthe keys to his red 1999Mercedes Benz SL500convertible roadster.

“I’m like, ‘Stopplaying with me Ray;

don’t play with me,’”Matthews said. “The other(workers) were lookingat me, their jaws dropped.

“Ray said, ‘Hey, youalways liked the car,you’re a good dude, Iknow you’ll take care ofit. It’s yours,’” he said.

Matthews said Hortonhanded over the title andother paperwork when hegave him a ride to theairport the next day.

India airline told to pay indeath of pugs

News Album



NEW ZEALAND, 4 Aug—One of the earliest filmsmade by British masterdirector Alfred Hitchcockhas been found in NewZealand, resear-cherssaid.

The New ZealandFilm Archive on Wednes-day said the first three reelsof the six-reel feature “TheWhite Shadow” werefound in a cache of ageingnitrate prints given to thearchive in the 1990s.

It said the silent-erafilm, made in 1923, wasbelieved to be the oldestsurviving feature byHitchcock, who went onto conquer Hollywoodwith classic thrillers such

BEVERLY HILLS, 4 Aug—James EarlJones and Oprah Winfrey are to behonoured by Hollywood’s Board ofGovernors of the Academy of MotionPicture Arts and Sciences.

The group, which annuallypresents the movie industry’s Oscars,has announced it will presenthonourary awards to actor Jones and

LOS ANGELES, 4 Aug—A duet between jazz greatTony Bennett and the late singer Amy Winehouseis being released as a single to benefit a charityestablished by her father, Bennett’s spokeswomansaid on Wednesday.

The classic pop standard “Body and Soul” thatWinehouse recorded with Bennett in March is oneof her last works. She died unexpectedly at age 27on 23 July, after a long battle with alcohol anddrugs. An official cause of death for Winehousehas not been determined. Her father, Mitch, iscreating a foundation in her name to help drugaddicts. Proceeds from Bennett and Winehouse’s“Body and Soul” recording, which is being releasedas a single, will go to the foundation, said LizRosenberg, a spokeswoman for Bennett.—Reuters

Jones, Winfrey to get honourary Oscarsmakeup artist Dick Smith, and its JeanHersholt Humanitarian Award toWinfrey.

The awards are to be handed out atthe academy’s 3rd annual GovernorsAwards dinner 12 Nov at the GrandBallroom at Hollywood & HighlandCentre in Los Angeles, the academysaid Tuesday.—Internet

Oprah Winfrey, whoalong with James Earl

Jones, will bereceiving an honorary


“J Edgar” slips into theaters9 November with limited bow

LOS ANGELES, 4 Aug—“J Edgar,” the J EdgarHoover biopic starringLeonardo DiCaprio anddirected by Clint East-wood, will get a limitedrelease on 9 Novemberand a wide release twodays later, Warner Brossaid Wednesday.

Dustin Lance Blackwrote the script. Themovie also stars ArmieHammer, Naomi Watts,

Josh Lucas, LeaThompson and JudiDench.

The studioannounced several otherreleases, as well:

“Extremely Loud &Incredibly Close,” adrama starring TomHanks and SandraBullock, gets a limitedrelease on Chri-stmas Dayand a wide release on 20January, 2012.—Internet

Cast memberLeonardo DiCaprio

attends a newsconference to promotethe movie “Inception”

in Tokyo 21 July,2010.—INTERNET

British singer AmyWinehouse performs atthe Brit Awards at EarlsCourt in London in this20 February, 2008 file


Amy Winehouse duet withTony Bennett going to charity

‘Lost’ Hitchcock filmfound in New Zealand

This handoutimage receivedfrom the NewZealand Film

Archive shows astill from what isthought to be a

lost film made in1923 by Britishdirector Alfred


as “Psycho”, “Vertigo”and “North by North-west”.

The archive describ-ed the film as “a wildatmospheric melo-drama”about two sis-ters, oneangelic and the otherwithout a soul. No othercopies are believed toexist.

“This is one of themost significant deve-lopments in memory forscholars, critics, andadmirers of Hitchcock’sextraordinary body ofwork,” David Sterritt,chairman of the USNational Society of FilmCritics, said.


An Australianwoman said Thursdayshe was horrified afterfinding a live rat nestledinside a loaf of bread shebought at a supermarket.

The woman, whohad been shopping inAitkenvale, inQueensland’s tropicalnorth, noticed there wereholes in the sliced breadas she was packing herbags into the car.

“I said to my friend,‘this bread’s got a holein it, it looks like a rat’seaten into it’,” thewoman, who asked not

Live rat found in Aussie loaf

Photo illustrationshows a rat inside asewer. An Australian

woman said Thursdayshe was horrified after

finding a live ratnestled inside a loaf ofbread she bought at a


to be identified, told theAustralian AssociatedPress.

When she lifted thebag out she found a liverodent had chewedthrough the packagingand was lurking inside.

“The thought of alive rat in my loaf of breadand so close to me waspretty gruesome,” shesaid.

“I didn’t want tovomit, I just wanted tothrow it away, I got allsqueamish.”

Pictures in theTownsville Bulletinnewspaper showed therat inside the loaf’s plasticpackaging.

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011


Liverpool’s Dalglish says Gerrard won’t be rushed

Van der Sar bids farewell atstar-studded Ajax finale

Ribery, Robben, hope to be fitfor season start

Spain beats Ecuador 2-0, advances at U20 World Cup

Rangers’ McCoist prouddespite costly defeat

McIlroy leaning toward joining PGA Tour

Bayern Munich starduo Franck Ribery

Federer trusts himself to thrivepast age 30

Switzerland’s RogerFederer hits a return toPortugal’s Rui Machadoduring their men’s sin-gles Davis Cup tennismatch in Bern on 8 July,


Video game braces NBA lockout with‘Greatest’ mode

In this undated video gen-erated image released byTake-Two InteractiveSoftware Inc./2K Sports,the likeness of JuliusErving (6) is shown in avideo game “NBA 2K12.”


Rangers managerAlly McCoist Manchester United’s

former Dutch goalkeeperEdwin van der Sar

Liverpool midfielderSteven Gerrard (L)

MADRID, 4 Aug—Rangers manager AllyMcCoist says he is proudof his players despite hisside crashing out of theChampions League fol-lowing a 1-1 draw awayto Malmo.

The Scottish champi-ons, trailing 1-0 from thefirst leg at Ibrox last week,levelled the aggregatescore in the 24th minute

through Nikica Jelavicdespite being reduced toten men six minutes ear-lier when StevenWhittaker was sent off forthrowing the ball at JimmyDurmaz.

Fellow Rangers de-fender Madjid Bougherra,in what could be his lastgame for the club if hisproposed transfer to Qatariside Lekhwiya goesthrough, saw red in thesecond-half.Malmo’sRicardinho joined him upthe tunnel for a secondbookable offence for el-bowing Dardan Rexhepiin the head.—Internet

BARRANQUILLA, 4 Aug—Real Madridplaymaker Sergio Canales sparked Spainto a 2-0 win over Ecuador on Wednes-day, and put his team into the secondround of the Under-20 World Cup.

Surprising Saudi Arabia also ad-vanced after routing Guatemala 6-0.Nigeria did the same by beating Croatia5-2, while Costa Rica kept alive its hopesof reaching the second round with a 3-2victory over Australia.

Spain struggled early against Ecua-dor in Manizales but picked up the paceafter Canales came off the bench in the56th minute, playing for the first timeafter a lingering muscle injury.Canalesscored from close range in the 67th and

set up Alvaro Vazquez’s goal in the85th.—Internet

Spain’s Marc Bartra, front right, kissesteammate Sergio Canales after scoringduring a U-20 World Cup group C soc-cer match against Ecuador in Manizales,

Colombia, on 3 Aug. —INTERNET

ATLANTA, 4 Aug—Video game makers arebracing for an extendedNBA lockout by focusingon former players whomade the league popularin hopes of taking the at-

tention away from theimpact labor strife willhave on their product.

In the upcoming“NBA 2K12,” whichgoes on sale Oct. 4 despitethe lockout, 2K Sportsplans to introduce a newmode called, NBA’sGreatest, that will featurethe league’s top 15 playersof all-time and some ofthe most famous rivalries.

Hall of Famers such asMichael Jordan, MagicJohnson, Larry Bird,Kareem Abdul-Jabbarand Julius Erving will befeatured on the latestinstallment of the best-sell-ing basketball video gamefranchise. Jordan,Johnson and Bird will ap-pear on three separatecovers on the front of thegame.—Internet

LONDON, 4 Aug—Man-chester United’s formerDutch goalkeeper Edwinvan der Sar bid farewell tohis adoring public onWednesday in thecompany of several starinternationals in front of53,000 Ajax fans.

“I want to thank eve-ryone in the stadium ...thanks for your supportdown through the years,”van der Sar told the crowdat the Ajax Arena wherehe started his career in1990. The towering 1.97mgoalie selected a “DreamTeam” made up notablyof Wayne Rooney, RyanGiggs, Dirk Kuyt, EdgarDavids, Rio Ferdinand

and Dennis Bergkamp,who played for an houragainst Dutch giants Ajax.

To a standing ovationfrom the crowd, Van derSar left the pitch severalminutes before the end ofthe game which was won2-1 by the “Dream Team”thanks to goals from LouisSaha and Bergkamp.


MUNICH, 4 Aug—Bayern Munich revealedon Wednesday that starduo Franck Ribery andArjen Robben hope tobe fit for Sunday’sBundesliga season-opener against BorussiaMoenchengladbach.

Ribery had spent fivedays in plaster after suf-fering an ankle injury intraining but, on what wasa day off for the majorityof the Bayern squad, the28-year-old French inter-national was to be foundhard at work at the club’sSaebener Strasse trainingground.

“I’m totallyknackered, but I’m feelinggood and there’s no pain,”he told the club’s officialwebsite.Robben was alsoon the training ground,and said he hopes to “beback training with the teamon Thursday.”

“I’m relieved actually,because it could all havebeen a lot worse,” Robben,27, continued, before add-ing that he was “optimis-tic” as to his chances offeaturing againstGladbach.The formerChelsea and Real Madridman was forced off in lastmonth’s friendly meetingwith AC Milan after injur-ing his ankle in a chal-lenge with Taye Taiwo.


NEW YORK, 4 Aug—Roger Federer will turn 30next week, but the Swisswinner of a record 16 grandslam singles titles said onWednesday he will notpause for reflection sincehe is too busy plotting formore tennis success.

Federer will spend his

birthday on Monday inMontreal at the Rogers Cuptournament, where ador-ing fans have serenadedhim in the past to mark theoccasion.

“I’m looking forwardto turning 30, excited tosee how the Canadians aregoing to celebrate my birth-day this time around, be-cause sometimes they startsinging ‘Happy Birthday’during my match,” Federertold reporters during a con-ference call. Federer saidthe milestone birthdaywould not move him totake stock of his careerand his future.— Internet

LONDON, 4 Aug—Liv-erpool captain StevenGerrard may be recover-ing quicker than antici-pated from a groin infec-tion but Reds managerKenny Dalglish still ex-pects to be without his

skipper until next month.The England

midfielder was troubledby a groin problem lastseason and Liverpool an-nounced last week hewould miss the start ofthe upcoming campaignbecause of an infectionthat required hospitaltreatment.

“Steven won’t be toofar away,” Liverpoolgreat Dalglish said

Wednesday.”All the teststhat have come back arefar better than what wasanticipated so we’re de-lighted with that for him.

“He’s had some reallypositive news and we’lljust wait for the progressto continue,” the formerScotland internationaladded. “But the date thathas been mentionedhasn’t been changed.”


Rory McIlro signsautographs for fans onhis way to the third teeduring practice for the

Bridgestone Invitationalgolf tournament at

Firestone Country Clubon 3 Aug, 2011.


AKRON, 4 Aug—US Open championRory McIlroy loves playing in Americaso much that wants to join the PGA Touragain.

McIlroy spoke to PGA Tour officialsWednesday morning and said he wasleaning toward taking up his tour cardnext season, meaning he would play atleast 15 events on the PGA Tour in 2012.

The 22-year-old from Northern Ire-land said he would start looking for aplace to live in Florida — either Orlandoor the West Palm Beach area — after thePGA Championship next week.

“I feel I play my best golf over here,”McIlroy said. “I’m very comfortable inthis country. Yeah, I’m definitely look-ing toward coming back and playing afull schedule.—Internet

5-8-2011 NL.pmd 8/5/2011, 5:18 AM14

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 5 August, 2011 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

Local Transmission* Opening* News* Seeking Beauty In Yoga* News

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MST

Overseas Transmission - (5-8-11 09:30 am ~ 6-8-11 09:30 am) MST


Programme Schedule(5-8-2011) (Friday)

* Ever Blooming Flower* News* The Beauty of Myanmar Pearl In Nay Pyi Taw

Gems Emporium* News* Music Gallery* Icons of Myanmar

Overseas Transmission* Opening* News* Seeking Beauty In Yoga* News* Ever Blooming Flower* News

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

* The Beauty of Myanmar Pearl In Nay Pyi TawGems Emporium

* News* Music Gallery* Icons of Myanmar* News* Youth of The Future (Episode-9) (Archery)* News* Record Album* News* Myanmar Custom & Naming System* Industrial Advancement for The National Interest* News* Smogless Sky, Enchanting Smiles (Bagan)* Myanmar Movies “Who Really Won”

Friday,5 August

View on today12345678901

7:00 am 1. Paritta By Hilly


7:20 am 2. FIFA U-20

WORLDCUP 2011 (Live)(Brazil VsPanama)

3:30 pm 1. Myanmar

NationalLeague MNLGrandRoyal Cup 2011(Delay) (MagwayVs AyeyawadyUnited)

5:00 pm 2. Songs of Yester


5:10 pm

3. University of

Distance Education

(TV Lectures)

-Second Year


5:25 pm

4. Songs for


National Spirit

5:30 pm

5. Yoetha Phyu Sin


6:00 pm

6. Evening News

6:15 pm

7. Weather Report

Weather forecast for 5th August, 2011

6:20 pm

8. Internet Garden

7:00 pm

9. TV Drama


8:00 pm

10. News

11. International


12. Weather Report

13. Just For Laughs

(Gags Asia)

14. TV Drama


15. Song Lover

Two young campers attacked by black bear in New JerseyState Forest in the lake-filled northwestern part of thestate at a campsite being used by the Trail BlazersCamp of Montague, New Jersey, said LarryRagonese, a spokesman for the New JerseyDepartment of Environmental Protection.

An 11-year-old boy from Brooklyn, New York,and a 12-year-old from Jersey City, New Jersey,escaped death or serious injury, which has markedother attacks in Arizona and Alaska as well as inYellowstone National Park.

“Our best assumption is that the bear smelledfood and went into the tent following the scent andencountered people and was a bit more aggressivethan you would normally expect,” Ragonese said.

“More and more, bears are looking for food andthey’ll break through sliding doors or windows,” hesaid.

The boys, whose names were not released, weretreated for minor injuries at a local hospital. Byafternoon, they rejoined the seven other youngstersat the campsite, said Riel Peerbooms, executivedirector of Trail Blazers Camp.

Last month, a woman was killed in Arizona by amale black bear digging through a dumpster at acountry club, and at Yellowstone National Park ahiker was killed by an adult female grizzly bear withtwo cubs.

The same month, seven teens were attacked bya grizzly bear in Alaska, though none were killed.

Wednesday’s run-in with a black bear in NewJersey was the state’s first reported bear attack sincea man sustained minor scrapes last summer when hewas attacked while walking his dog in West Milford.


Sergio Orteman (R) of Olimpiafrom Paraguay, fights for the ball

with Nelvin Soliz (L) of The Strongestfrom Bolivia, during the match of the

first phase of the South AmericanCup, in Asuncion, capital ofParaguay, on 3 Aug, 2011.


NEW YORK, 4 Aug—Two young camperswere attacked by a yearling black bear thatentered their tent in New Jersey onWednesday in the nation’s latest bearmauling this summer, state officials said.

The predawn attack occurred in Stokes


No. Regions/States

Temperature (°C/F) For Tomorrow

Maximum Minimum Forecast Percent

1 Kachin 31/88 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershower (IH) 100%

2 Kayah 24/75 20/68 Widespread rain or thundershower 100%

3 Kayin 26/79 23/73 Widespread rain or thundershower 100%

4 Chin 20/68 14/57 Widespread rain or thundershower 100%

5 Upper Sagaing 29/84 23/73 Widespread rain or thundershower (IH) 100%

6 Lower Sagaing 33/91 26/79 Scattered rain or thundershower 100%

7 Taninthayi 30/86 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershower 100%

8 Bago 27/81 22/72 Widespread rain or thundershower 100%

9 Magway 31/88 26/79 Scattered rain or thundershower 100%

10 Mandalay 35/95 26/79 Scattered rain or thundershower 100%

11 Mon 30/86 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershower (IH) 100%

12 Yangon 29/84 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershower 100%

13 Rakhine 27/81 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershower (IH) 100%

14 Southern Shan 22/72 18/64 Fairly widespread rain or thundershower 100%

15 Northern Shan 30/86 22/72 Fairly widespread rain or thundershower 100%

16 Eastern Shan 27/81 23/73 Fairly widespread rain or thundershower 100%

17 Ayeyawady 27/81 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershower 100%

18 Neighbouring Nay Pyi Taw 32/90 24/75 One or two rain or thundershower 100%

19 Neighbouring Yangon 29/84 24/75 Some rain or thundershower 100%

20 Neighbouring Mandalay 35/95 26/79 One or two rain or thundershower 80%

Summary of observations at 09:30 hr MST on today

During the past (24) hours, rain or thundershower have been isolated in Lower Sagaing Region, scattered in Mandalay and Magway Regions, fairly widespread in Yangon and Taninthayi Regions, Shan State and widespread in the remaining Regions and States with regionally heavy falls in Rakhine State and isolated heavy falls in Kayin and Mon States. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Thandwe (7.24) inches, Taungup (4.57) inches, Hpa-an (3.66) inches, Thaton (3.39) inches, Myaungmya (2.95) inches, Naunglebin and Kawkaraik (2.76) inches each.

Bay Inference Monsoon is strong to vigorous in the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

State of the Sea Occassional squalls with rough seas will be experienced off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (40) mph.

Outlook for subsequent two days

Likelihood of increase of rains in the Northern Myanmar Areas.

5-8-2011 NL.pmd 8/5/2011, 5:18 AM15

Only with stability and peace will the nation developOnly with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracyRiots beget riots, not democracyDemocracy can be introduced only through constitution

VOA, BBC-sowing hatredamong the peopleRFA, DVB-generating publicoutrageDo not allow ourselves to beswayed by killer broadcastsdesigned to cause troubles

People’s DesireWe favour peace and stabilityWe favour developmentWe oppose unrest and violenceWipe out those inciting unrestand violence

6th Waxing of Wagaung 1373 ME Friday, 5 August, 2011S

NAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug—Union Minister for ElectricPower No. 2 U Khin MaungSoe on 2 August heard reportson progress of implementingthe projects, site for 66KVKyaw power station, surveyof alignment for 66 KVKyaw-Gangaw-Haka powerline, construction ofMyaukpyin power station andswitch yard, installation oftwo KV100 MVAtransformers presented by theproject manager of PowerSupply Project Department(North) at PatheingyiTownship 230KV

Functions of power stations inFunctions of power stations inMandalay District inspectedMandalay District inspected

Myaukpyin power station.The Union Minister

inspected installation of twotransformers, construction ofswitch yard and arrival ofconstruction materials.

Yesterday, the UnionMinister looked into functionsof 230 KV Shwesayan powerstation, supply of electricityto Shwehlanbo river waterpumping project, Patheingyi,Aungmyaythazan andChanmyathazi townshipsthrough four 33 KV powerlines and arrival of Shantreactor.


NAY PYI TAW, 4 Aug— Meteorology and HydrologyDepartment announced that according to the 13:30 hrM.S.T observation today, the water level of ShwegyinRiver in Shwegyin is (675) cm. It may reach its dangerlevel (700) cm during the next (48) hours commencing thisnoon.—MNA

Noteworthy amountsof rainfall


Flood warning

Union Minister U Khin Maung Soe

looks into functions of 230 KV

Shwesayan power station.


Thandwe (7.24) inchesTaungup (4.57) inchesHpa-an (3.66) inchesThaton (3.39) inchesMyaungmya (2.95) inchesNaunglebin (2.76) inchesKawkaraik (2.76) inches

5-8-2011 NL.pmd 8/5/2011, 5:18 AM16
