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Mine Accidents -Causes, Investigation, Prevention and Control

R Biswas

Deputy Manager (Mining)

Kiriburu Iron Ore Mine


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Accidents & Safety

• Accidents : Unplanned & Unexpectedoccurrence that interrupts the workactivities, and they may or may not resultin injury or loss of injury or loss of assets.

• Safety : State of Mind for awareness ofInjury

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Mine Safety Employee Safety

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PlanningEquippingDevising Technology

Selection of PersonsProper TrainingExhortation (action)

Factors Controlling Safety

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Type of Mine Accidents

• Fatal Accidents cause loss of life

• Serious Bodily Injuries – Permanent loss of anypart of the body, permanent loss of sight orhearing, fracture of any bones or joints

• Reportable Injuries – Other than serious bodily• Reportable Injuries – Other than serious bodilyinjury, enforced absence of the injured fromwork for a period of 72 hrs. or more

• Minor Injuries : Not serious bodily injury norreportable injury, enforced absence from workfor a period exceeding 24 hrs

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Accident Ratio
















(1 TO 3 DAYS MC)(1 TO 3 DAYS MC)





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Accident Ratio

• Accidents do occur but are caused- 85% ofAccidents are caused due to Human-error

• In Opencast Mines majority of accidents arecaused by HEMM

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Accident Statistics in Indian Mines

Trend in Death Rate per 1000 persons employed

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Accident Statistics in Indian Mines







Fatal Serious

Number of Accidents in Non-Coal Mines

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34 35


3537 36


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

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Accident Statistics in Indian Mines

Accidents and Casualties in 2015 by Major MineralsMineral Number of Accidents Number of Persons

Fatal Serious Killed Seriously


Coal 68 268 69 281

Oil 4 13 5 25

Copper 1 2 1 2

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Copper 1 2 1 2

Galena & Sphalerite 2 4 2 4

Gold 1 4 1 4

Iron Ore 12 7 12 8

Lime Stone 2 1 2 1

Manganese 1 1 1 1

Stone 4 0 4 0

Others 17 3 18 5

Total Metalliferous 40 22 41 25

All Minerals 112 303 115 331

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Accident Statistics in Indian Mines

Cause-wise distribution of fatal accidents in non-coal mines during 2015

28-Dec-16 MVT- RTC, Kiriburu 10Cause-wise distribution of serious accidents in non-coal mines during 2015

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Mine accident Causes

• Age Group :– <40 yrs.– Energetic but not consistent

– >50 yrs.– Lethargic due to age

• Timing Group :– Change of Shift/End of Shift—Quick Escape

– Night Shift—Sleeping tendency or poor light

– OT Hrs/Long hrs. without rest—Fatigues

• Change of Occupation :– Unauthorized Work

– Unauthorized deployment

– Lack of knowledge/skill

– Lack of Confidence

– Lack of Conception of Work

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Mine accident Causes…..

• Unsafe Act (Violation of

commonly accepted

procedures)- Exposed to

High Risk Man made &

Undesirable Causing

• Unsafe Condition-Exposure to Man made high risk Cause accidents– Condition left uncorrected– Unsupported work place– Unexamined MachineUndesirable Causing

Accidents– Act itself is risky– No Correction– No safe work place design– No safety guidance– No safety law observance

– Unexamined Machine– Unobserved safety


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Mine accident Causes…..

• Stress/Strain/Mental Imbalance - Exposure to high risk

Man made uncontrolled phenomenon to compel persons

to live in high stress level

– Work Stress

– Production Stress– Production Stress

– Behavioural Stress

– Boss knows the best syndrome

– Overwork

– Exhaustion

– Influence of drug/drink

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Cost of Accident

• Cost to the Injured – Pain & Suffering to the injured and his family, can not be estimated in terms of money

– Loss of Wages

– Loss of Earning Capacity

– Loss on account of permanent disablement

• Cost to the Management– Direct Cost—Compensation & Medical Expenses

– Indirect Cost—Damages to m/c & property, loss of production, lost time of the injured, co-– Indirect Cost—Damages to m/c & property, loss of production, lost time of the injured, co-workers & officials, lost time for inspection & preventive action

• Cost to the Society– Cost of providing Hospital and rehabilitation facilities

– Maintenance of dependence of the injured/killed

– Payment of increased cost of production

• Hidden cost: Estimated 4-5 times of direct cost– Damage to plant & machinery

– Loss of material

– Loss of production due to stoppage of M/C

– Loss of production by aftermath of accidents

– Loss of business as failure to meet the requirement of consumers due to loss of production

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Impact of Accidents

• One Major Accident→ One Shift Disturbed

• One Serious Accident→ One Day Disturbed

• One Fatal Accident→ One Weak Disturbed

• One Disaster→ One Year Disturbed• One Disaster→ One Year Disturbed

• One Major Disaster→ 10 years Or More


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Accident Causation



The causes of any accident can be grouped to five categories-

Task, Material, Environment, Personnel & Management.




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Possible causes are investigated with simple questions.

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Accident Causation…..

• TASK– Was a safe work procedure adopted?

– Had the Condition Changed to make the normal

procedure unsafe?

– Were the appropriate tools & materials available?

– Were they used?

– Were safety devices working properly?

For most of these questions, an importantfollow-up question is “if not, why not?”

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Accident Causation…..

• Material– Was there an equipment failure?

– What caused to fail?

– Was the machinery poorly designed?

– Were hazardous substances involved?– Were hazardous substances involved?

– Were they clearly identified?

– Was a less hazardous alternative substances possible and available?

– Was the raw material substandard in some way?

– Should PPE have been used?

Again the answer reveals an unsafe condition-the investigator

must ask WHY this situation was allowed to exist? 28-Dec-16 MVT- RTC, Kiriburu 18

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Accident Causation…..

• Environment– What were the weather conditions?

– Was poor house keeping a problem?

– Was it too hot or too cold?

– Was noise a problem?– Was noise a problem?

– Was there adequate light?

– Was toxic or hazardous gases, dusts or fumes present

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Accident Causation…..

• Personnel– Were workers experienced in the work being done?

– Had they been adequately trained?

– Can they physically do the work?

– What was the status of their health?

– Were they tired?– Were they tired?

– Were they under stress?

The purpose of investigation is not to establish blameagainst someone but the enquiry will not be completeunless personal characteristics are considered.

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Accident Causation…..

• Management– Was safety rules communicated to and understood by all

employees?– Were written procedures available?– Were they being enforced?– Was there adequate supervision?– Was there adequate supervision?– Were workers trained to do the work?– Had hazards been previously identified?– Had procedures been developed to overcome?– Were unsafe conditions corrected?– Was regular maintenance of equipment carried out?– Were regular safety inspections carried out?

The model of accident investigations provides a guide for uncovering allpossible causes and reduces the likelihood of looking at facts inisolation.

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Preventive Action on Safety

• Desire to prevent all major injuries ensuressafety

• Effective discipline promotes safety

• Injuries should be prevented for which mind-setis requiredis required

• Line supervisors are the back-bone to observesafety

• Every employee has to be made conscious

• Protective equipment help safety

• Equipment, fit for the purpose, help safety

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Corrective Action on safety

• Engineering Revision -Guards, Fences, Interlocking at Proper Places

• Instructions, Persuasion, Appeals, Training• Instructions, Persuasion, Appeals, Training- Both Theoretical & Practical

• Personal Adjustments- Job according to Aptitude- Both Physical & Mental

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Accident Prevention

• A self regulatory & goal setting system

• Fit for purpose equipment

• Suitable work method

• Controlled work environment

• Locate and control hazards

• Risk assessment & risk control

• Work culture, unsafe act, unsafe condition etc• Work culture, unsafe act, unsafe condition etc

• Communication of working policy

• Review of SoP, Do’s & Don’ts

• Inspection system, machines, mines, Reports to be analysed for corrective action

• Interactive Control System

• Two way Communication

• Co-ordination meeting at different levels, recording minutes, fixing up responsibilities

• Active participation of Workmen’s Inspector and Safety Committee Members

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Accident Control

• Routine Inspection & Remedial Measures

• High Standard of Discipline

• Reliability of M/C & Simplicity of Operation

• Maintaining various Safety devices• Maintaining various Safety devices

• Safety at Shop Level

• Identification of Black Spots

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Treatment Control & Action Plan

• Elimination : Remove step to eliminate the hazard completely (100%)

• Substitution : Replace with less hazardous material, substance or process ( 75%)

• Separation : Isolate hazard from person by guarding, space or time separation ( 50%)guarding, space or time separation ( 50%)

• Administration : Adjusting the time or conditions of risk exposure ( 30%)

• Training : Improving skills making tasks less hazardous to persons involved (20%)

• PPE : Used as the last resort, appropriately designed where other controls are not practicable (5%)

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Thank YouThank You

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