Page 2: MindMAP MAPPED 2016 NEW (A) · And !MindMAP Mastery was born! Which brings us to this document that's right here in your hands: !MindMAP Mapped I wanted to find a way to deliver

Page 3: MindMAP MAPPED 2016 NEW (A) · And !MindMAP Mastery was born! Which brings us to this document that's right here in your hands: !MindMAP Mapped I wanted to find a way to deliver

Hey There, welcome to MindMAP Mapped! I'm so glad you made it! Now, although I don’t know you personally, I’m going to take a guess that I know EXACTLY why you’ve downloaded this report about the exciting new approach to the neuroscience of long term transformation that is MindMAP.I'm assuming that you're here because you're an amazing trainer, coach, or change-maker but that lately (or even for a while now) something doesn't quite feel right about the experiences you’re having as a coach. !Like something feels off. Or incomplete. Or… wrong. !You see, I have no doubt that when it comes to your craft, you are bloody BRILLIANT at what you do. In fact you most likely take HUGE pride in your education, qualifications, and staying cutting-edge when it comes to your field of work (as you should). !But when it comes to transferring your expertise, knowledge, and impact on to the lives of others, that's where things feel a bit (like I said) incomplete. !You know for damn sure that you can help yourself and those you serve create change in the short-term. Give you a period of 30 days, 6 weeks, or even 12 weeks, and your skills REALLY shine as your clients seem to change their lives and their bodies before your very eyes. !But then as time creeps on past that first flush of success, things start to get a little unpredictable. !Some of your clients do just fine with just a bit of tweaking from you, but they’re in the minority. For most of the people you work with, they seem to be stuck in the success-regress 2-step cycle where they do GREAT under your guidance for a while then lose it all and look to YOU to fix it. !And you DESPERATELY want to! But you're up against some MAJOR challenges. !Things like: !Lack of motivation Willpower wearing thin Old habits resurfacing And (gulp!) self-sabotage !This is when things really start to feel 'off' for you. !

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Either that stress and frustration starts to kick in that has you saying “I’m doing my best! What more can I do??" !OR !You don't even get that chance because they stop coming to see you, stop answering your calls, texts, or emails...or seemingly fall off the face of the earth. !Then (understandably so) that cycle of doubt creeps in even further. !Trust me I know what that's like! !Because the same thing was happening to ME! !You see long before I was doing what I do now, I was a personal trainer and studio owner. And I ran into the same kind of 'wall' that I'm assuming you keep running into: !My clients weren't KEEPING their results.Oh sure, I'd help them to get some AMAZING changes that they felt awesome about and enjoyed all the thank you's and celebrations while they lasted but then, like most trainers, I'd start to see them back-slide and gradually lose first some then later most and (sometimes) ALL of the results they'd gotten with me. !Of course, like anyone in the same boat I'd take their 'failures' personally and do my best to hold them accountable and keep them on track yet hated that my role as their coach had trained to something I hadn't signed on for. !Instead of doing what they hired me to do, instead I became their motivational 'fix', their source of "pump-me-ups" , and I realised I was merely helping them put out fires. !You see, I realised that we were never really getting to CAUSE of their struggles, and in turn the heart of transformation. !I knew there had to be a better way. !I’d ALREADY spent my entire career becoming an expert in psychology, physiology, and behavioural change...but it wasn't enough. !So I went back to the drawing board, and after nearly a decade of immersing myself in neuroscience, the science of brain change, and the SCIENCE of permanent transformation, I created MindMAP. !At first I was only using it on myself, my own clients, and my team of coaches at my London-based transformation centre.

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But quickly my methods started spreading and trainers and coaches alike were begging me to teach them my systems. !After 3 years traveling the world teaching it to various groups of impact-makers, coaches, and world leaders, I finally realised that I needed to make it more accessible and digestible for more people. !And MindMAP Mastery was born! !Which brings us to this document that's right here in your hands: MindMAP Mapped !I wanted to find a way to deliver to you the fundamental, foundational principles of what MindMAP coaching REALLY means, REALLY entails and REALLY delivers to those who are committed to overcoming their struggles and accomplishing their goals, desires and dreams, and I've put it all in here for you to read and digest. !This is specifically for you if you know that you: !- Lack the EXACT Knowledge, Skills And Abilities That Could Cut Straight To The Heart

Of The SCIENCE Of Long Term Transformation (Rather Than Short Term Change) !- You feel like you're living the "definition of insanity'-- staying stuck on that Hamster

wheel with your clients, addressing SYMPTOMS, not the CAUSE !- Your clients are stuck in cycles of struggle, stress and 'self-sabotage' !- You know you are creating CHANGE in your clients lives, rather than helping them to

create true, genuine and long-term TRANSFORMATION !- Your clients don't see the value of coaching or truly engage in the process...and in

turn you can't help them in the ways you know you can !- You feel stuck working with clients that burden you with their baggage and expect

you to 'heal' them !- You would love to have access to a simple and straightforward solution-strategy

based in BRAIN SCIENCE rather than relying on the common and less impactful 'motivational' approaches you are currently using !!

So if that sounds like you, then you are in for a treat! Because here's the truth (the whole truth, and nothing but the truth) !

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There's a reason why you and your clients THINK you are struggling... !There's certain things you and your clients are currently saying off the back of those thoughts… !And then there's what you and your clients are doing and not doing off the back of THAT. !But I'll tell you this: !You Don't Know What You Don't Know! !And I have a feeling that once you hear my explanation for why you and your clients ‘know what to do’ but for the life of you can't get yourselves to do it… !Once you hear a simple explanation that's backed by simple NEUROSCIENCE, rather than he-said-she-said or motivation rah-rah!.. !Once you hear the REAL reasons you and your clients are currently struggling… (and HINT: It has NOTHING to do with being lazy, unmotivated, weak-willed, or a self-sabotager) !Change is going to STICK. !Transformation is going to be EASY. !And the solutions are going to become crystal CLEAR. !You'll feel empowered. You'll feel impactful. You'll feel like you're making the difference that you KNOW you can and are dying to make (but have struggled to create up until now). !SO… are you ready? !Let's dive in then! Once again… !

Welcome to MindMAP Mapped! !

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MindMAP Mapped! !

MindMAP Coaching isn’t complex or difficult or hard to implement, though granted, at times, it can seem that way, particularly if a neuroscience approach to transformation is new to you or if you’re used to putting your emphasis on giving advice or instructions about what your clients ‘should’ be doing rather than truly seeking to understand what’s in the way and keeping them from simply DOING it. !People often ask what IS MindMAP Coaching? !

“Is it like life coaching?” !“Is it like therapy??” “I don’t need a shrink!!” !

These and more may all be common questions and reactions to hearing that you’re about to go ‘into your clients’ minds’ to help them accomplish whatever it is they’ve asked you to help them with. !And if you yourself haven’t created clear definitions and distinctions to answer them, the likelihood is that you’ll either promote MindMAP coaching too aggressively, too weakly or even stop using it altogether because you’re fed up of trying to persuade people of its power in overcoming their struggles. !So in this short document I’m giving you the fundamental, foundational principles of what MindMAP coaching REALLY means, REALLY entails and REALLY delivers to those who are committed to overcoming their struggles and accomplishing their goals, desires and dreams. !If you weren’t asleep during the course none of this will be completely new to you but perhaps you’ll find the information I’m presenting here simpler and more ‘user friendly’ than the language you’ve been using to talk about MindMAP to your clients and prospects. !Just read the following pages, learn, re-learn and memorise the definitions and practice talking about MindMAP in the way presented here every day, with every client for just 30 days and I promise you’ll never have a problem explaining the value of MindMAP coaching to anyone, ever again.


Page 8: MindMAP MAPPED 2016 NEW (A) · And !MindMAP Mastery was born! Which brings us to this document that's right here in your hands: !MindMAP Mapped I wanted to find a way to deliver

“What Is MindMAP Coaching?” !!

MindMAP coaching is the science and application of permanent TRANSFORMATION (as opposed to change which we regard as a transient state). !MindMAP takes the guesswork out of why people think, speak and act the way they do by viewing change (or lack of it) as a series of simple and predictable patterns of behaviour created brain in response to what is happening in our environment at any given moment. !Clients may be puzzled by what they see as irrational behaviour around food, for example. “Why did I eat that cheesecake when I KNOW I’m on a diet?”. !A MindMAP coach knows that this is the brain reacting to its environment in a totally predictable way and that something ‘higher up’ is doing its job EXACTLY as it was ‘designed’ to. !The client may wonder why they’re struggling to take action on the thing that feels so important to them and exasperatedly say “I KNOW this will change my life for the better, why the F@#k don’t I just do it??” !A MindMAP coach knows that the change has triggered a threat response in the brain centres whose job it is to actively AVOID change until certain requirements for safety have been met. !The client may struggle with judgement from both themselves and others who say “If you wanted it bad enough you’d just do it” and “It’s just a matter of willpower” or “This is all just self-sabotage”. !A MindMAP coach knows that these statements run contra to everything that modern advances in neuroscience tell us about how the brain REALLY works and that any conversations based on these statements are about mindset but that the problem doesn’t lie in the mind, it lies in the brain.


To put it at its simplest, you can’t out-mindset a brain under threat !!A MindMAP coach doesn’t get caught up in trying to affect someone’s mindset until they affect their ‘brain-set’; the neurological needs that MUST be met in order for change to occur simply, easily and quickly. !

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“How Do I Explain MindMAP Coaching To My Clients?” !!

Simple!Start with a question. !“You know how sometimes it feels like you know EXACTLY what you need to do, why you need to do it, you’re certain it will help you and certain that you don’t want life to be the way it is anymore yet you STILL keep on doing things that take you away from what you want?” !They’ll answer “Yes!”. !They always do because it’s been their EXACT experience up til now and it puzzles them, frustrates them, annoys them, pisses them off and prevents them from enjoying their lives. !Your answer… !“Well, MindMAP coaching explains EXACTLY why that’s happening in your life, why it’s creating the struggles that are keeping you from your goals, what needs to be done to stop it from happening and how to do it in the easiest, simplest, fastest and most enjoyable way possible. !How does THAT sound to you?” !Here’s how it will sound. !

Amazing! !!

After all, EVERY client wants their results to come easier, simpler, faster and more enjoyably, don’t they? !And the best part is that MindMAP coaching actually delivers on ALL of these promises because it’s the only coaching process that has its basis in neuroscience rather than the more typical psychological approach used in life-coaching. !Which, I guess, part- answers the next common question… !

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“How Is MindMAP Coaching Different To Life Coaching?” !!At first glance, life-coaching and MindMAP coaching may seem similar as they’re BOTH aimed at helping a client overcome their struggles and achieve their most desired solution. !They BOTH use questions and exploration to create an understanding of what lies behind the struggle and what the best course of action may be to create the strategy that will deliver clients to the solutions they seek. !

But that’s where the similarity ends. !

Life coaching is primarily a psychological approach that is based on the assumption that simply desiring change and gaining clarity and strategy is enough to bring about change. !Sadly, change isn’t that simple for everyone… as you already know. !This is where MindMAP comes in. !MindMAP coaching recognises that a brain under threat behaves very differently to a brain that feels safe, which means that the rational, attentive, cognitive brain that psychologists and life-coaches are trained to speak with isn’t always ‘online’ to hear the questions, process them and give them the meaning and strategy necessary to create change. !A life-coach is only trained to speak with one area of the brain, the pre-frontal cortex or what is commonly referred to as ‘The Human Brain’. !But the human brain is the LAST part of the brain that our conversations and attempts at change actually get to address. !Before we speak to the human parts of the brain there are conversations that MUST occur with both the mammalian and reptilian brains or else nothing changes. !MindMAP coaches are trained in speaking all 3 of the brain’s languages so that the needs of the brain are met BEFORE change is attempted. !When you take this approach it’s like releasing the brakes that have been holding your clients back so that with less effort than ever before change… happens. !

There Is No Change Until You Learn To ‘Speak Brain’!

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“Sounds Great! But What Does ‘Speak Brain’ Mean In Practical Terms?”

!When it comes right down to it, the brain has a very simple language in operational terms. !It’s about safety at one end and threat at the other. !The brain is ALWAYS asking… !

“Am I Safe?” !!

When I say ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS! !And not just always but first and foremost before anything else that it could possibly think of. !That means that all of those objectives, goals and dreams that you and your clients have aren’t even entertained, not even looked at until the brain can receive a loud and clear “YES!” to that question. !This means that a client can SAY one thing (and MEAN it!) yet act in complete opposition to what they said was important to them without ever understanding why it’s happening. !They (and maybe even you!) may think they’re weak-willed, self sabotaging or simply not motivated enough but the reality is very different. !VERY different!

!One Of Their Brains Spotted A Threat And Said “Hell No, I Won’t Go!”

!And another goal bites the dust! !Along with their self image, self esteem and belief in what’s possible for them. !These people move forward through life feeling like failures and losers without ever getting to know the simple truth; their brain is actually protecting them from further threat. It’s looking out for them NOT punishing them!


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“You’re Talking About Threat, But What Do You Really Mean?” !

All MindMAP coaches learn to speak brain by learning to speak to the brain’s primary concerns which are, ultimately, about survival at different levels from the physiological (food, air, water, warmth, freedom from physical pain) to the social (connection, attention, hierarchy) to growth and self actualisation (creativity, exploration, self-definition, dreams and goals). !This is a hierarchy that runs from survival at one end to thriving at the other with social striving in the middle with different areas of the brain being responsible for each role and each brain section like the runners in a relay race waiting for the the ‘baton’ to get handed over before it can start it’s ‘run’.

!This means that survival threats must be addressed before the strive goals of connection and socialisation are addressed and that social threats must be addressed before self-growth and future-based dreams are addressed. !Most coaching ignores the survive and strive threats altogether and ask people to ‘just do it’ to ‘take action’ to ‘dream big’ without ever truly understanding that what they are asking goes completely against how the brain is wired and that the very act of starting without addressing the brain threats is EXACTLY what pushes their clients deeper into the cycle of threat and failure that they are ALREADY threatened by!


Threat and Safety Made Simple… In Plain English! !Threat is… The inability to predict the future and inability to create the appropriate responses to what's happening in our environment. !When prediction is poor (because we lack the information we need to see the probable outcome) or response is poor (because our current strategy doesn't bring about the appropriate action to what's going on around us, the brain reverts back to old, pre-programmed, reactive behaviours that are often impulsive, aggressive, defensive, needy and, ultimately, unlikely to bring about anything other than even more threat in those we're trying to communicate with.

Survive ThriveStrive

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Safety is… The ability to create prediction about the environment AND the appropriate response to it.. !To look at an environment we wish to operate in and decide IN ADVANCE who and how we need to be and what we need to do in order to gain the outcomes we most desire without creating (or minimally, at least) a level of risk that compromises the needs of any brain area. !When we plan our way through the environment in advance, the reactive elements of the brain are quieted and the responsive elements come to the fore and we become better communicators and connectors as we also help reduce threat in other people. ! !!This Ability To Understand The Specific Requirements For Safety , The

Language AND The Strategy For Reducing and Removing Threat Is What Makes The MindMAP Approach So Different (And So Much More

Powerful) Than the More Mainstream Approaches To Coaching !!

Not only is a MindMAP coach armed with the ability to understand and interpret the thoughts, words and actions that indicate that a threat reaction is occurring within their clients’ brains, they also learn to understand which part of the brain is under threat, why it’s feeling threatened and, perhaps most importantly, what action needs to be taken in order to remove the threat so that the ‘higher’ brain functions related to the achievement of their goals and dreams come back online and a more cognitive, rational and responsive pattern of behaviour can return. !It’s this skill set more than any which makes a MindMAP coach immeasurably valuable in the lives of their clients as those things that were once unclear, frustrating and upsetting to clients (as well as often being a source of guilt, blame and shame) now become obvious to them as threats that need to be addressed rather than personal failings that lead them to doubting themselves and their commitments to achieving their goals and living their dreams. !Imagine if all of your clients stopped calling themselves names and feeling ashamed and simply came to understood that the strategies they’d been using up to now were leading them into a threat that their brain had NO CHOICE but to protect them from. !Do you think that would change things… for them AND for you? !!

“This All Sounds Great!

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But, How Do I Know If My Clients Are In Threat?” !!

There are many faces of threat though all can fit into the simple categories of Fight, Flight, Freeze and excessive emotional triggering that you’ve probably already heard of but paid little attention to. !Don’t worry, that’s true of most coaches as most of us have never been taught to attribute these signs to any particular strategy or course of action that’s useful to our clients so they become ‘just words’ to us instead of tools. !Let’s change that here and now by looking at what they mean and how they show up in real life encounters with our clients. !Fight is… Aggressive (can be passive-aggressive too), challenging behaviour that is usually characterised by the language of “No!”, “Won’t!”, “Can’t!”, “It’ll never work!” and by the client ‘standing their ground’ over defending things that are not in alignment with their goals. !For example, claiming that certain dietary changes are ‘ridiculous’ (an attack) because their work requires that they socialise. This may be true, but an active social life doesn’t HAVE TO mean following a dietary practice that doesn’t serve them. !This is a construct based in a threat that is most likely triggered in the anterior cingulate cortex with concerns about being judged by others, losing a place in a social hierarchy or being excluded in some way. !Traditionally, coaching works at teaching the client to use willpower to overcome the desires they feel in these situations and to ‘forget what others want’ yet the brain isn’t wired that way. If you’ve made the opinions of others important in your life (and we ALL have in some way shape or form) then this is a threat that MUST be addressed as eventually willpower will run out, threat will resurface and the old, non-serving behaviours will resurface. !Most coaches would see this kind of client as being ‘difficult’ or ‘not being serious’ about their results. !A MindMAP coach sees this for what it really is. !Someone in threat! !!

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Flight is… Evasive and characterised by changing the subject, avoiding answers, avoiding participation, using “I’m not sure” and “I don’t know” as responses to questions where there is a clear answer… even if just an opinion. !Those in flight may become evasive at different paces and range from those who attend strategy sessions and exploratory calls and say “I’ll think about it” never to get in touch again (fast flight) to those who take a less noticeable approach to ‘running away’ by cancelling appointments at short notice to arriving later and later for coaching sessions and giving reasons why they need to leave early. !The reality may be that what you’re working toward may be in conflict with another area of their life. !For example, the 3 evenings a week at the gym with their trainer may be making them feel like a bad mother because they’re not home to help their kids with homework or put them to bed. !Unless this threat is addressed, the goals of getting into shape that you deem so important may NEVER become a priority for them… even though they hate their body and would LOVE to change. !Most coaches would see this person simply as a client who ‘doesn’t want it bad enough’ or again, simply not serious enough to ‘waste time on. !A MindMAP coach, once again sees the threat underlying the behaviour… and addresses it! !!Freeze is… Adhesive. !As in, stuck in a cycle. !The client in freeze is less obvious to spot than those in fight and flight. They may seem VERY amenable to their change, nod in all the right places when you share advice, say all the right things (the things you want to hear) about their willingness and readiness to change yet they always seem to have some ‘drama’ that stops them from taking action. !They’re often the ‘I’ll start again on Monday’ kind of person who, to be fair, DOES start again on Monday yet by Tuesday (or Wednesday at the latest) are spinning their wheels all over again. !What’s going on here? Well, their threat is, in many ways, worse than those of the fight and flight people.

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They’re too threatened to put up a fight, too threatened to engage in running away and too threatened to make the change they so desperately want for themselves. !So they’re stuck. !Putting in time, effort and money into something that they can’t possibly achieve with their current strategy (which creates another threat!) but too scared to drop it because it feels like their only ‘lifeline’ to their goals and dreams. !Most coaches start out impressed with this persons commitment yet end up frustrated by them as they demonstrate a pretty poor testimonial for them and their services and considers letting them go. !A MindMAP coach, knows that this person above all requires help to assess and address their threat. !!

“Can All This Be True? I Know PLENTY Of People Who’ve Just Decided To Change

Just Got On With It” !

Of course, for those people, the scenarios above may have been easier because they didn’t represent specific threats to THEM. !This doesn’t make them ‘better’ or ‘stronger’ than those who are challenged by this situation in their lives, it simply makes them less threatened. !But rest assured, EVERYONE has an area (or areas) that trigger threat in them that MUST be addressed before attempting to move to toward their goals and dreams. !It may be their health, their wealth, their relationships, their appearance, their self esteem, the recognition of others, their feelings of freedom or pretty much ANYTHING that is personally meaningful to them and powerfully comforting or threatening. !As long as they have what they need, they are threat free and get to move through the survive ==> Strive ==> Thrive easily and without struggles but as soon as what they feel they need in any area is threatened… POW! !They’re in their survival brain once more, giving all their attention to their threats and forgetting all about the dreams that not so long ago seemed so important. !You know this already. You’ve seen it a thousand times, right? !

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“Why Should I Adopt A MindMAP Approach In MY Business?” !

There’s no should and no shouldn’t here. !There’s just a simple question that only you can answer. !

“Is the approach I’m using making the journey my clients are taking toward their goals the easiest, best and most enjoyable one they could possibly have?” !

By easiest, best and most enjoyable I mean with the least struggle and suffering. !ANY coach can lay on challenges to their clients and some even seem to relish the fact that they give the hardest workouts, the strictest diets, the most demanding lifestyle changes or have their clients pursue their biggest and scariest goals. !This is all great for those who make it work but the reality for most coaches is that their ‘superstars’, you know, the ones that are in all of their testimonials that demonstrate how much people achieved in 30 or 60 days, are rarely the people who are still their superstars 90, 180 or 365 days later because they’ve been unable to sustain their approaches to getting results. !I don’t know if that’s been your experience as a coach (I sincerely hope not!) but the simple fact of the matter is that the sign of a master coach is not just the ability to help their clients to GET a result but to KEEP it long term, build upon it and get better and better results the longer they are with you. !But that’s impossible once the brain detects a threat. !Once that happens, all of the brain’s resources are directed toward dealing with the threat, to surviving, NOT to growth, NOT to accomplishing new goals, NOT to chasing new dreams or even keeping the results they’ve already gained. !Move into threat and everything that your rational, cognitive and forward-thinking brain decided it wants is no longer even on the radar and regression is a forgone conclusion. !So when I speak of ‘easy’, I don’t mean working toward a goal or dream without any effort or overcoming any challenges (there’ll be effort and challenges a-plenty even with MindMAP) but of creating a journey that’s struggle-free and suffering-free because it’s threat-free, or at least, a low enough threat that it doesn’t lead to regression. !If your clients ALREADY experience consistent progress that’s struggle and suffering free and they enjoy and appreciate the journey toward their goals then you may not need to use the MindMAP approach. !

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“HOW Should I Adopt A MindMAP Approach In MY Business?” !

Gently. !If you already have an existing coaching business then MindMAP is going to be an AMAZING tool for transformation and change among your clients but it’s important to remember that they already have a certain amount of prediction, response and expectation around how they are used to working with you. !So let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater and overwhelm your clients with changes that are SO dramatic that YOU and your coaching become the threat. !The simplest way to incorporate a MindMAP approach into your coaching is for you to discuss the things in their lives that are causing them ‘stress’ (stress is a code-word for threat) or ‘concern’ (another codeword) or ‘frustration’ (yet another!) and work with them toward building prediction and response strategies around these areas so that the threats reduce. !Another way is to observe for the obvious signs of fight, flight and freeze in your clients and ask them skilfully (another thing we teach during the MindMAP certification) why they are doing what they are doing, not doing what they’re not doing and avoiding what they’re avoiding. !The simplest, easiest and ‘cleanest’ way to broach delicate topics around their threat reactions is to use the skilful application of the coaching continuum as taught in the MindMAP program.

!!Used correctly and with the skill set taught during the MindMAP certification program, this coaching pathway provides a POWERFUL tool for creating rapid yet lasting change in even the most stuck, unclear, frustrated, overwhelmed or threat-frozen clients. !Even better, it can be used at the consultation/exploration level to determine whether clients are a good fit for your coaching program or if they would be better served by taking a different approach, saving you and them the headaches, stress, frustration and disappointment of attempting a coaching relationship where your values and approaches are out of alignment. !Yes… MindMAP is a ‘sales tool’ that will get you more of the EXACT clients you MOST want to work with WITHOUT having to resort to sleazy or forceful closing techniques.


Explore ChallengeGuide Confront

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“And If I Have A New Coaching Business or Service?” !

Then you’re in an even better position! !You can use the MindMAP approach to market for, attract, qualify and select the DREAM clients that you got into coaching to help right from the start without having to worry about their previous experiences of working with you. !This means that you’ll have clients who are more ready, more willing, more able and more committed to your coaching than most coaches could ever hope for. !They’ll be more responsive, less reactive and much more focused on helping you to help them than you’ve become used to experiencing from those you’ve worked with in the past. !Not only that, you’ll also find that your clients will be willing to pay more (MUCH more!) and stay longer (MUCH longer!) too, so that not only are your clients’ lives getting better as a result of your MindMAP skills, but yours is too because you’ll be able to work less total hours, earn more money AND spend your days working with clients you love and who value and respect you. !By using MindMAP as the foundation of your marketing and selling processes as well as the underpinning basis for helping your clients to achieve their dreams and desires (no matter WHAT they may be), your coaching business FINALLY deliver the fun, freedom and financial success you’ve always hoped it would but never fully believed was possible. !Just think how much less stress and frustration you’d feel if, instead of thinking of your marketing and the delivery of your coaching as separate entities you came to see them as exactly the same thing. !Simply another opportunity to identify and address threat through exploration, guidance, challenge and, where necessary, confrontation. !In other words, instead of feeling frustrated by ‘having to do’ the part of the job you hate (marketing for new clients) you were EXCITED to do it because it was simply another way to do the job you love (coaching clients to their dreams) but in a different format. !A bit different to what you’re experiencing now, right? !Simply put, whether you’re a brand new coach, someone who’s just setting up their own coaching business or an established coach who’s adding new services, the MindMAP approach will deliver the goods to both clients and coaches alike… EVERY time! !

Page 20: MindMAP MAPPED 2016 NEW (A) · And !MindMAP Mastery was born! Which brings us to this document that's right here in your hands: !MindMAP Mapped I wanted to find a way to deliver

“How Do I Sell MindMAP Coaching To My Prospects?” !

You don’t! !No-one WANTS a coach. !Not even a MindMAP coach. !What they want is the clarity, focus, direction, strategy and support that they’ve been lacking and that’s been keeping them unable to achieve the goals and dreams they want so badly. !Even more than this, they want to achieve their goals and dreams so that they can achieve the FEELINGS they most want to feel in life like happiness, freedom and being valued rather than the one they’re experiencing right now which are more likely to be frustration, overwhelm, lost, angry or sad. !The GREAT thing about MindMAP coaching is that we understand that the ONLY things keeping the negative feelings our clients don’t want in place and blocking out the positive ones they DO want is… you got it, threat! !So we don’t need to SELL coaching at all! !All we need to do is DEMONSTRATE it by helping them gain clarity, focus, direction, strategy and support and offer them the opportunity to STAY clear, focused, moving in the right direction and believing in the possibility and probability of their goals and dreams coming true by having us as their coach. !No persuasion necessary. !No slick sales or closing techniques that make you feel sleazy and queasy, just a simple demonstration of your ability to make their lives feel better INSTANTLY. !Not a year from now, not 6 months from now, not weeks or days from now but LITERALLY right now. !You only need to work hard at selling something that your client has never experienced or doubts the value of, but if you’ve changed their state, changed how they feel about life in a single coaching session then there’s no need to sell at all. !They’ll be DEMANDING to work with you. !That’s the power of MindMAP! !

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“I’m Worried That MindMAP Coaching May Be A Little TOO Good What If My Clients Don’t Need Me Any More?”

!!It’s true, MindMAP coaching is super-powerful and creates advances in both getting and keeping results that will astound both coach and client alike, but the reality is that as long as we’re alive there’s ALWAYS some new threat to be addressed, always some new challenge to be overcome, always some new goal to aspire to or dream that calls to us. !That being the case, there will ALWAYS be something to coach around… and who better to do that coaching than the person who’s PROVEN they can help you over and over again? !See, another thing that MindMAP coaches learn is that lives move through a predictable cycle with each and every step requiring new clarity, focus, direction, belief and accountability to move forward and onto the next. !No matter whether it’s financial security, relationships, health or anything else, our journeys in and out of struggle run like this: !

Carefree to Ease Ease to Confidence

Confidence to Arrogance Arrogance to Carelessness Carelessness to Difficulty

Difficulty to Struggle Struggle to Crisis

Crisis to Breakdown Breakdown to Simplicity

Simplicity to Carefree !None of these stages are good or bad, they're simply the natural sequence of growth and development we all go through over and over again during the course of our lives, though each comes with its own set of challenges. !Challenges a MindMAP coach is uniquely positioned to explore, guide and strategise around so that the transitions are faster and easier and create less struggle and suffering than they would be otherwise, making them a clients’ most valuable investment that they want to keep making rather than an expense that they want to get rid of. !

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So, There You Go… MindMAP Mapped In One Simple, Straightforward And Easy To Understand Document

!Let’s sum it all up in one place shall we? !1. Clients are NOT weak-willed, lazy, self-sabotaging or not wanting their goals and

dreams bad enough. They want them bad, REALLY bad, but they are unable to take the action necessary to achieve them because their brains perceive a threat. !

2. This is not a ‘mindset’ problem but one based in the natural reaction of various brain regions making it a neuroscience response that we refer to as ‘brain-set’. !

3. From a brain-set perspective, the ‘irrational’ behaviours of our clients become obvious patterns that are predictable, observable and manageable. !

4. Each different brain zone is responsible for monitoring specific threats to physiological survival, to social connection, to social hierarchy and to self actualisation and growth. !

5. Threats can be summarised as those things in the environment (either internal or external) that we a) Lack prediction for and b) Lack the appropriate response for. !

6. When we lack prediction and/or response, we REACT! !7. Reaction is observable as fight, flight or freeze and has specific thoughts, words and

actions associated with it so that MindMAP coaches are ALWAYS aware of their clients’ brain-threat levels. !

8. Any time you observe a client behaving impulsively, irrationally, reactively, automatically or in ways that are in opposition to what they claim to be important to them, they are exhibiting the signs of threat reaction triggered by threat to one or more brain areas. !

9. You can’t out-mindset a brain under threat… or at least, not for long. !10. By having a thorough understanding of what threat looks like, what triggers it, which

brain area it relates to and what the brain requires in order to feel safe, MindMAP coaches can simply, easily and quickly help their clients to take the consistent and log-term action required in order to reach their goals and dreams. !

11. In order to create safety, MindMAP coaches use exploration, guidance, challenge and confrontation strategically so that positive change is not just possible but inevitable.


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If You’re ALREADY A MindMAP Coach… !

Then you already know all of this and you’re already getting great results with your clients so keep on practicing the skills of exploring, guiding, challenging and, where appropriate, confronting them around their threats so that they can use the brain zone most appropriate to their goals. !In order to be TRULY successful as a MindMAP coach, remember that YOU need to remain threat-free too, so be sure to select and qualify clients to work with you by demonstrating the power of COACHING rather than attempting to sell. !MindMAP coaching is characterised by its focus on using INFLUENCE to create change… NEVER persuasion. !So persuade no-one of anything EVER. !Simply see EVERY coaching session as an opportunity to change lives and you’ll have all the clients you need, paying you what you want and helping YOU to create the life you desire just as you help them. !!

If You’re Another Kind Of Coach… !

Congratulations on your commitment to helping people move toward their dreams, I’m certain you already do an AMAZING job! !!But if you often find yourself scratching your head in wonder or, let’s be honest, getting outright frustrated at the what appears to be the erratic, unpredictable and downright destructive behaviour of some of your clients then hopefully you now realise that this is not a psychological ‘weakness’ or mindset problem, but rather, a brain-set reaction to help the client regain prediction and response of some kind. !It may not always make sense to you but it certainly does to the brain! !If you’d LIKE to make more sense of it and take your coaching skill set to a completely new level, help more clients AND make more money then I invite you to find out when and where the next MindMAP training is taking place and seriously consider enrolling. !Just pop on over to or and find out how you can start the journey toward truly mastering change-science.


Page 24: MindMAP MAPPED 2016 NEW (A) · And !MindMAP Mastery was born! Which brings us to this document that's right here in your hands: !MindMAP Mapped I wanted to find a way to deliver

If You’ve Not Started Your Coaching Career Yet… !

PERFECT ! !You have an opportunity to START your career the right way by learning how to select, qualify and coach your dream clients to their goals and dreams without making the mistakes, taking the detours and feeling the fears, frustrations and threats that most new coaches feel when they first get into coaching. !You’ll get to work fewer hours, make more money and DRAMATICALLY more impact in the lives of your clients because you won’t be focused on trying to motivate them or develop their willpower, enhance their mindset and all of that other ‘psychology stuff’ and instead you’ll be working on using a brain-science approach that’s predictable and reproducible time and time again. !If you’re serious about creating an AMAZING career from coaching and coming out of the gate as strong as you possibly can then simply pop on over to and find out how you can start the journey toward truly mastering change-science. !!

Finally… !

I truly believe that transformation is simple. !That doesn’t mean it’s always easy, but it IS simple. !That’s because transformation is a science based on timeless, predictable, reproducible, identifiable, understandable and communicable factors that can be applied to anyone and everyone regardless of their goals, dreams and life-circumstances. !I don’t know why it’s taken coaching so long to move beyond the psychological and motivational approach but whatever the reason, it’s now time for coaching to grow up. !I believe that MindMAP coaching IS that growth and will change the profession in immeasurable ways in the next few years, yielding enormous benefit for coaches and clients alike and making the kind of impact that few coaches would believe possible right now. !As professional coaches our business is a strange one; we sell hopes and dreams. !MindMAP coaching enables us to sell them with pride and with our heads held high because we have the belief and CERTAINTY that they’ll come true…

Page 25: MindMAP MAPPED 2016 NEW (A) · And !MindMAP Mastery was born! Which brings us to this document that's right here in your hands: !MindMAP Mapped I wanted to find a way to deliver

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