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Mind Makeover

La’Shae Fox

Copyright 2014 La’Shae Fox

Published By LQ Productions Publishing at Smashwords

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La’Shae Fox is an Author, Spiritual Life Coach, Investor, and Entrepreneur. La’Shae Fox has been studying the mind and brain for 4 years as she developed knowledge and creativity on how the mind and brain works.

For the past 4 years she has created strategies and life principles that will not only change your thoughts, but change your world.

She always had a passion to change the lives of others. She believes that no one should be in mental chains; that everyone deserves a life of freedom, prosperity, and abundance.

She believes her strategies will improve the lives of those who desire to take action. She is a firm believer that we are the authors of our own book and it is up to us whether we want to burn our pages or publish them.

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“A Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains” –Jean Jacques

Aren’t you tired of being depressed, aren’t you tired of being limited to live life, tired of being broke, or not being loved how you deserve? Even if you have all the money in the world or the best relationship, you still feel like there is something missing. Why is that?

Why is it that we look for others to love and make us happy? Why is it that you go to church and try to live a godly life but you are still broke, depressed, and unhappy? Why is it that it seems like your finances are not increasing? Why do you hate your job, your relationship? Why do you want to get out of your marriage? Why do you feel broken? Why can’t you find your mind? Why, why, why?

In this book you will discover destructive thinking patterns and acknowledge that it is time for a change. You will discover how the mind works and how you can change your thinking process to change your life. Society has done a great job in shaping the minds of others. The majority of the world does not know who they are! If you are tired of being a mental slave and having no control over your life then you are ready to receive a “Mind Makeover.”

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“I really don’t feel like going to work today.” We’ve all had those thoughts and agony of going to work. Everything there just annoys you and if one person says the wrong thing you snap! The more you have thoughts of hating your job; the more you are going to hate your job! The universe aligns to our thoughts; therefore it gives us whatever we are thinking whether it be positive or negative. We are the architects of our own reality. The secret of the mind and reality is that whatever you think you become. Why should you have to struggle just to survive? Life is supposed to be filled with happiness and abundance; can you honestly say that you are in a great place in your life right now? I don’t know your situation but I do know that you’re reading this book for a change. So you get up in the morning, get dress, go to work, come home, and wake up and do the same thing all over again. Well, that’s boring; you are living in a life of mediocrity. You are not happy with yourself, your job, your relationship, your finances and just life period. You cannot help but to think negative. The human brain has 70,000 thoughts per day; the average person will say most of those thoughts are negative. You pray day and night or join a religion and still nothing seems to be changing. You’re still struggling, you still hate your job, you’re still unhappy in your relationship, you’re unhappy single, every thought about yourself and your situation is negative, and every thought about someone else is negative. You just feel like you’re about to have a nervous breakdown! The more you think about how much you hate what is going wrong in your life, it just seems like the worse things get and every time someone have success you’re jealous because that should be you! Today, Make up in your mind that you’re no longer going to be a victim of mind control, instead a Champion to control your mind. Now not everyone reading this book is going to have a Mind Make Over. Why, because some people are just not serious about change, some people love pain subconsciously! You have to be fed up, tired, drained, and had it up to HERE with life! You may be thinking, I cannot help but to think negative there is so much going wrong in my life. That is the same kind of thinking that got you there in the first place! YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND I AM GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW!

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In order to change the way we think, we have to change our thinking process. No, this is not one of those books that constantly tell you to think positive and still nothing changes. I am not here to do that. I am here to help you create more happiness, love, and wisdom inside of your brain to create happiness, love, and wisdom in your mind.

You may be thinking “My brain? Isn’t my mind my brain?” Yes your brain! And no your mind and brain aren’t the same, in fact your mind depends on the brain-the mind uses the brain to make the mind! I could go on and on about how the brain includes signals that regulates stress response, or how the whole system of the brain regulates attention and emotion, or how our brain already has a negative and a positive function. But to put things into perspective your brain interacts with your entire body, our thoughts are informational high ways that sends messages to and from the body. This shapes how we interact with each other in the world and how it shapes the mind as well. Therefore, change your brain, change your mind, and change your world.

It can be extremely difficult to focus on the good things in your life when everything just seems to be going wrong. However, I am a living proof that you can train your mind to focus on the good things in life rather than the bad. This can be practice in everyday life.

When I was on my journey of training my mind it was difficult at first because the more I thought about the good, right behind it was the bad. One day in the summer I was sitting in traffic for about 45 minutes; if I had known nothing about the brain and thought process I probably would have been cursing up a storm, and stressed that I was late to my presentation. Instead of responding negatively to being stuck in traffic I begin to focus on what I was grateful for while I was in traffic. Like the fact that I have a car because some people don’t, how I am able to use my body parts to drive because some people can’t, and being grateful that my audience were patient enough to wait for me. The more I begin to allow my mind to think about the positive in negative situations the less of the negative I thought.

Now let’s take a look at the brain’s perspective, every time you have positive feelings and views you build neural structure. Neural structure is a part of the nervous system that is responsible for receiving and transmitting information. Furthermore, over time these neural structures- positive material will literally change your brain. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to learn and change itself. Although the alterations in the neural structure are tiny during the process of changing the brain, it adds up as the years go by-thus changing the brain.

Precisely, our brain keeps changing from the moment we are born until the day we die. If the brain is ruin then so is the mind-thus being a victim of mind control. If our brain is constantly changing and shifting for the better then so is our mind-thereof being a champion to control the mind. Our thoughts are so powerful that it controls the world around us so if someone can control your thoughts they control your world. In order to accomplish the reshaping of your thought process you have to realize that every thought

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you have is a catalyst for every action. Once you become conscious of this you begin to put in the effort of changing your brain. Do not expect to see change in one week, then quit and go about your old thinking process. One has to be committed; changing your brain is a continuous journey. I know you want to live better, I know you want to be free, and you can! Visualize yourself already living better, already being free; you have the power to heal yourself. Tap into the power within, you are what you seek. Once your brain changes your mind changes- bringing forth love, happiness, and joy within thyself.

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Now, of course everyone has to acknowledge that they have a problem in order for the problem to be solved right? Right! The same with thinking, in order to change your thought process you have to identify the destructive thinking, then introduce a new thinking pattern, and keep working. If you want to really change you must believe that there is a need to change. You must come into realization that your thoughts hold power. You live in the world you are thinking of, whatever you are thinking you are creating. In other words, if you’re thinking about how much you hate being in debt, being broke, or being in a broken relationship you’re creating more of it! You see how this works? Change usually begins with your perception of life, when you feel like you can get more out of life. Let us take a look at some destructive thinking patterns, you will identify your pattern of thinking, then begin on the road of recovery to change it.

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This person goes about life as if they do nothing wrong. They are always right and if someone tries to tell them they are wrong immediately they are defensive. They put in tons of energy to prove that they are right. This person believes that everyone is wrong but them. This is usually predominant in relationships. For example, Jessica and Carl have been together for 3 years now. Jessica feels like she is always being blamed and criticized for any issue that arises in their relationship. Carl constantly points out Jessica flaws making her feel she does nothing right. “I don’t feel like you love me and you don’t do anything around here with love. If we were to ever break up it will be because of you not loving me the way I am supposed to be loved.” Jessica is hurt because she feels like everything she does for Carl is with her love. Jessica responds,”Well Carl what am I doing wrong? How come you are always pointing out my flaws but never acknowledge yours so that we can work out our differences together?” Carl responds, “You will never grow as a woman because you do not listen to what your man is telling you.” What is going wrong here? Carl is consistently pointing out Jessica’s flaws, and not realizing his own. When Jessica brings it to his attention he immediately gets defensive which turns into verbal abuse. In reality Carl is only pointing out Jessica’s flaws to take the focus off of what he is doing wrong. In essence, Carl is filled with many insecurities and pain that is inevitable to change because of his denial. So instead he verbal abuses Jessica shrinking her down as a woman to make his self feel more like a Man. Some women do this as well. This kind of person will never grow because they are in constant denial. In order to grow, you have to recognize there’s a problem then work to fix it. Now you are conscious.

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This person is very common as well as destructive. With this thinking pattern they draw in a lot of conclusions without analyzing or knowing the full story. They jump to conclusions and react without thinking. These people are mainly triggered from past experiences and lack of trust. This thinking pattern has ruined a lot of friendships, relationships, and families. For example, let’s say you are in a relationship and you are calling your spouse’s phone and he or she doesn’t answer. Your first thought is, “Oh he or she is up to something.” You automatically made a conclusion that your spouse is cheating without knowing the real reason why he or she did not answer their phone. So when you call you are already in defense mechanism. “Why didn’t you answer your phone?” “Who are you with?” “You’re always up to no good.” You don’t acknowledge the fact that you’ve jumped to conclusions, now you started an argument with your spouse that could have been prevented. Let us try other approaches-“Oh she must be bald headed because she wears a lot of weave.” “He is being too nice he must be up to something.” “He always wears his clothes tight, he must be gay.” “She is friends with the girl I do not like; I know they talk about me together.” “He drives a Mercedes, he got money!” I could go on and on and on of how we draw in conclusions about people without knowing the entire story! Once you realize you have this kind of thinking take caution. You are now conscious of this.

*If this is you highlight or write it down.

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This person has no self worth. They think nothing good is ever going to happen to them. This kind of thinking ruins dreams and goals as you limit yourself to what you can do. When you consistently think you are not worthy, you will not be worthy. “I am always broke.” “Some people are just lucky to be rich or to hit the lottery.” This kind of thinking allows you to condition your brain’s neural structures to transmit these messages allowing your mind to conceive that you’re not worthy-thus having your spirit believe. If you do not recognize your worth you can never grow as a person, period.

Ana, a middle class woman worked day and night at her corporate job. She wanted to please her boss as much as possible so that she can get the supervisor position. She worked over time and even filled in for other employees. Although she showed that her work exceeded her boss’ expectations, Ana still had it in the back of her mind that she was not worthy of the supervisor position even though she was putting in the extra hours to prove it. Every time she was called into her boss’ office Ana couldn’t help but to think what she had done wrong. All the while she was being called into the office to receive credibility for all her hard work, her boss even offered her to train a new employee; Jane. This was something that Ana had never done before so she was honored her boss trusted her. Ana taught Jane everything she knew, Ana was amazed how fast she caught on. A month later, Ana and Jane were both called back into the office. The boss asked Ana about Jane’s performance. “She is outstanding boss! She learned so fast it is like she has been here as long as me!” The boss responds, “Great, Jane you have the new supervisor position.” Ana felt her entire world grow dark as Jane screamed in excitement. What did Ana do wrong here? Ana did not give herself enough value, however was so quick to praise Jane. Although Ana put in those long hours and did a good job in training she still did not show that she was worthy of the supervisor position. Why? Because she did not believe in herself, therefore, she had already defeated herself. Many of us are like this. We are so quick to compliment someone else’s excellence as if it will cloud our true feelings; jealousy and anger. Jealous because you wish you had the confidence and the self worth that he or she has and anger because it is them and not you. You walk around life feeling sorry for yourself and take your anger out on everyone around you. You’re a walking time bomb, waiting for someone to say something you do not like so that you can explode. You are now conscious of this.

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This person is very much self conscious. They assume that everyone is talking about them and that everyone has something negative to say. This thinking pattern is self destructive as it diminishes self esteem and confidence. This kind of thinking pattern comes from the outside in as you allow people to validate you and dictate who you are. This thinking pattern allows you not to think for yourself, but allow others to think for you. Stop caring about what other people think of you whether it be friends, family, or spouse. When self love is absent, you will always worry about what other people think. We have to remind ourselves we are not in this world to live up to other people expectations, we are in this world to be ourselves and tune into our authenticity 100%. I will explain this later.

Adelle was at the mall with her best friend Zoe’. As Adelle was walking she noticed a group of women staring at her. She immediately caught an attitude and said to her best friend, “Why are they staring so hard?” Adelle rushed inside the store. “They must think I looked too fat in my outfit or something, I knew I should have avoided wearing this.” So now the rest of the day Adelle is upset, all because of her negative psychic thinking. What did Adelle do wrong here? Not only did she criticize herself but she spent too much of her energy worrying about what those girls thought of her. If you continue to have this kind of thinking pattern it will decalcify you. It makes having self love nonexistent and living up to people’s expectations a priority in your life. If this is not acknowledged, this type of person will never be happy and will never live a life of love, happiness, and wisdom. How many times has some one ruined your day because you were so worried about what they thought about you? You are now conscious of this.

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This type of person with this thinking pattern is very common in today’s society. We get so washed up in the media and with life that it makes us procrastinate or feel sloth. This type of person will go throughout life dreaming a dream but never put their dream into action. Praying a dream but never put it into action. This is the type of person that makes up so many excuses as to why they cannot do what they know they need to do. They know that they need to change, but because they do not have the motivation to they walk around life as the victim. Ray who works at an auto body shop always wanted to be an actor. He always dreamed of living in Hollywood and getting an Oscar for being the best Actor of the year. He spoke about it with friends and family; however no one seemed to encourage him the way he expected. So Ray went on with his daily life working over 40 hours a week. Ray goes home to his family in a bad mood every night. Anything his wife does is never good enough and if the children are too loud he feels like he wants to explode. Ray thinks about being an entrepreneur everyday but because he has a family to take care of he feels he is not able to. They live pay check to pay check and they are still behind on their bills. Every other day it is something new and more money he has to spend. “I should have moved to Hollywood at 18 like I started to do.” I should have never got married and had so many kids; I would be a millionaire by now.” “I would have gone to that talent search in Atlanta if I didn’t work so many hours.” I would have had tons of Oscar by now for my talent” Ray gets more upset at his thoughts and tries to block them out every day. Today Ray is 60, still working at the auto body shop, living pay check to pay check, and still thinking about what could have been if he moved to Holly wood. Do not be a Ray; you’ll grow old, miserable, and mad at the world because you did not fulfill your purpose here on earth. You need to realize that no one is stopping you from your dreams but you. No one is to blame as to why you did not make it far in life but you. It doesn’t matter how many children you have, whether you’re married or single, broke or rich as long as you are on this earth you have an opportunity. When you are disconnected from the earth you do not know your true purpose. Once you can let go of distractions and society’s expectations you will be able to hear yourself. Many of us are living for other people and because of that most people do not know their true self or definite purpose. No longer should you be a victim to this thinking pattern. You are now conscious.

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Emotions are energy in motion. We are all a force of energy; therefore we are carved with emotions. Emotions are neither a good or bad thing, it is neutral, in essence part of us. It is when you allow your emotions to control you; that is when it is bad. You are hot one day and cold the next; you based your actions on emotions. Remember, we are responsible for our thought pattern, in essence that is what emotions are; THOUGHT PATTERNS. Think of thoughts as giving birth to a child, every thought you have whether it is positive or negative you are giving birth to it, which is being conceived through your emotions.

Jackie has so much anger built up inside of her it seems like she can never be happy. From her childhood up until now she has always been depressed. Every time someone sees Jackie she is never smiling as if she is mad at the world. One day a male that she did not know tried to have conversation with her. He thought she was too beautiful not to be smiling. “Hey pretty lady.” The male approached Jackie. “Please don’t try me today; I am not in a good mood.” Jackie fired back hastily. The guy was thrown off by the aggression and attitude in her voice that he apologized for even speaking to her. What is wrong in this scenario? So many of us get stuck in our emotions, which is why we cannot elevate to the next level. Why are you so mad? Why are you so negative? This is where you dig into the root of the problem because the problem is not everyone outside of you. No one makes you upset, no one frustrates you, no one makes you get that attitude. You are the source, everything is happening right now because of you. Come on keep reading and receive your break through. Whenever you think about something that caused you a lot of pain you are creating blood chemistry within your body to be custom to that pain. Furthermore the more you do this your brain, mind, and body will look at that pain as part of its second nature. This is why it is so difficult for so many of us to let go. Remember emotions are self created so no longer will you blame a person outside of you on how you react. It is time for elevation, it is time for change. You are now conscious.

*If this is you highlight or write it down.

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These thought processes are from real life experiences, what I noticed from observing others and what I have experienced myself. Once I realized my life was not going the way I wanted I begin to search inside of myself. I realized that no one could help me but ME. Once I begin to take charge of my life I stumbled over remarkable blessings! I left my job and begin living my dream, I watched my finances increased abundantly, myself self love increased, my happiness increased, and my wisdom! I am so full so that is why I am pouring out to the world! You have to realize this as well. You have to make the effort to step into a new life. Let go of the denial, I was there too. Let go of what other people think, I was there too. Let go of fear, I was there too! I want to help people who are serious about having a Mind Make Over because if you’re not serious your just wasting energy. Make room for the people who are.

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Once my thoughts changed my attitude changed, once my vision changed my life changed, my bank account changed, myself level of self love changed, my happiness increased, my interactions with others changed and much more! It was really a big deal, and still is!

What you are reading here today is just a taste of what I have in store for you. I believe you are motivated enough to take the necessary steps and techniques that I want to show you.

I have witnessed so many people just existing in life and not living. They do not know whether they are coming or going. It is like they are a walking zombie waiting for a new life to drop out of the sky. There are so many people who have become a victim of their mind; no longer will this be you if you act today.

Look around you there are so many homeless people, so many women who are in broken relationships, So many men who do not know how to be men, so many broken families, so many people in poverty, so many people who are feeling like they are about to go crazy, so many people depressed about life, and so many people who just exist! What would have happened if only had they change their thought process?

The reality is you are your mind and MIND MAKE OVER is about taking your life back. That is why I created A 30 Day challenge.

Inside this challenge you will begin to master your mind and take over your life! You will discover ways to overcome your destructive thinking patterns, train your mind, improve in self love, improve in relationships, your finances, learn to fulfill your dreams, improve in your business, improve in your life and come into the knowledge of self.

If you feel like you do not need a MIND MAKE OVER and feel like you are just fine then this has nothing to do with you. If you have it all figured out and you’re content with your mind and life congratulations and I wish you much more success.

However, I want those who are hungry. I want those people who are just fed up with life and the continuous hardships that come their way. I want those who are tired of taking baby steps and getting nowhere fast! I want those who are tired of feeling like they are about to lose their minds. I want those people who feel trapped, lost, in pain, depressed, and unworthy. Those are the people I want because these are the people who will rise up from this 30 Day Challenge.

This is not like any other challenge or any other books you have read. I will not tell you a guru story of how things will turn around in 30 Days if you do this challenge. What I am saying is that in 30 days you will develop a life changing habit to control your mind until it becomes second nature to you. Research shows that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. Your neural patterns in these 21 days will have formed already and you will most

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likely continue your new habit. You will see benefits along the way and your subconscious mind will want to continue. Continue until you see a massive life change and keep going after that! Guess what, I am giving you 30 DAYS and that is more than enough days to develop a habit of mind control; picture that! You have to put in work, this takes effort, and it takes authority to become a master of the mind.

So, how BAD do you want it? How bad do you want to change your mind? How bad do you want to change your life? You are never too old or too young to live the life of happiness, love, prosperity, and wisdom. If you are ready for a full make over you will need to act today because this is a limited download eBook edition and it will go fast. If you are ready to receive the limited edition of the 30 DAY TAKE OVER CHALLENGE visit

I am giving you all the secrets to the life you deserve. If this book has made you feel rejuvenated and motivated for change then the 30-DAY CHALLENGE is for you! If you know in your heart that you are ready for a massive life change and you are ready to let me help, receive your edition today. I’ll see you on the other side as we rise together.